PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 194~ Hampton The February meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. A. Blanchard, with the pres- ident, Mrs. S. G. Niddery in the chair. The devotional part of the meeting was taken by Mrs H. nom He Fights For Heath ... For You You, too, can be Healthy and strong, If with the milkman You'l string along. He fights for you, Co-aperate with him, Drink milk each day For Vigor and Vim. They both begin With the letter V And help us stand Firm for Vcitary. Ordor It Today From- Bowm anvîiIe Dairy PHONE 446a Salter, Mrs. K. Caverly, contrib- uting two solos, and prayers were taken by Mrs. Arthur Allun and Mrs. Rackham. Mrs. A. E. Billett gave a very helpful paper on "Wholesome Recreation". Mrs. A. Blanchard a reading on Japar. Mrs. Theodore Salter gretefuill acknowledged a Life Membership certif icate presented to her b: Miss Lulq,,Reynolds. A hymn and prayer clôsed a very interesting meeting. Visitors: 'Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson and son, Douglas, To- ronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn. . . Mr. anc Mrs. L. H. Caverly, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Fennel, son Donald, and daughter, Barbara, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly Sunday. .. Privates Cecile Petit and Gladys Chapmen, Kitch- ener, at W. Chapman's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Cryderman and daughtcr, Joan, Mrs. C. Hastings, Oshawa, Miss Doris Cryderman, Courtice, et L. Cryderman's... Miss Beatrice Leach, Oshawa, spent the week-end with lier sis- ter, Wilma. . AC Lewis Truli, Menning Depot, Toronto, spent the week-end at home... Mr. and Mrs. Jack Niddery and baby, TBowmanville, visiteri Mrs. G. Niddery and Mr. and Mrs. R. Widdicomb. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn visited Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Horn, Port Hope. . . Mr. C. H. Burrows, Oshawa, at Mrs. M. Goodman's. . . Miss Ruby Clat- worthy, R.N, Bowmanville, at H. Salter's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Milîs and son, Clifford, Ajax, at S. Kersey's. . . Mr. and Mrs. F. Garfield and Mr. and Mrs. E. Rob- inson. Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farn- comb. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Young and children, Miss Edna Maenning and Mrs. Wilbert Mc- Millan, Peterboro, AC2 Lewis rrull, Manning Depot, Toronto, at H. Salter's. Mr. G. Berron has been under FARMVERS ! Buy Fertilizers Early B3ecause of the scarcity of materials The Dept. of Agri- culture advises ail farmers to take deiivery of their require- monts eariy. Prompt delivery of later orders cannot be guaranteed by the manufacturer under present conditions. We will bc pieased to, have your orders now for prompt attention. Authorized Dealer for Courtice Area DOUGLAS J. COURTICE OSHAWA - 289 i2 ATTENTION Just Arrlv ed 1 Car British Columbia Shingles 1 Car Asphait Shingles i Car Insulating WooI BUY NOW, THEY ARE NOT PLENTIFUL We can now get prompt dellvery on STORM SASH. Order now and have more comfort, and at the same time save fuel. GET YOUR BROODER GOAL NOW The Sheppard & GiII Lumber Co. Ltd. HALE.. HEARTY.. HEALTHY.. Americen menhood and womaniood arcea liealtiy lot t o d a y. Tiere is no reeson wliy ticy should be otherwisc. Ticy un- derstand tic import- ance o! cating correct foods and they know about tic beneficial qualities o! bread. Eat Carter's Bread, MADE UN BOWMANVILLE -FRESH FROM OVEN TO YOU- 't ýn I. ýy d ýg rt d the doctor's care but is somewhat improved. Centre War Workers' Group met et the home of Mrs. J. W. Balson on Wednesday of last week, when several quilts were completed. SCHOOL NEWS By Marjorie Rundie, Grade VIII On Friday, (February l2th), we celebrated St. Valentine's Day with a crokinole party. The Jun- ior Room's winners were: lst prize, Teresa Budicky; 2nd prize, Mary Pickard; Senior Room - (boys) Ist prize, Lewis Rundle; "Booby" prize, Herbie Craig; (girls) lst prize. Marjorie Rundle; "Booby" prize, Joan Craig. A collection was taken. We are very proud to say we sent $10.08 to the Russian Relief Fund. Haydon *In the past year our war work- ers have donated to the Red Cross 5 large quilts, 7 small quilts, 2 jthrows, and 51 lbs. o! waollen rags for blankets. To the Sel- vation Army, 14 large quilts, 9 small quilts, a quantity of cloth- ing and 3 prs. sacks. Rainbow Girls Class met at Miss Jean Crossman's Saturday. The worship period was canduct- cd by Mrs. H. Ashton. An instru- mental was played by Shirley Garrard. Rcadings wcre given by Marie Ashton and Mrs. B. Ashton. The remainder of thc cvening was spent in a social time. Visitars: Spr. Jack Potts visited his parents in Collingwood... Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Beech and family at Mr. Gordon Beech's, Enniskillen... .Ross Smith, Osh- awa, at Mr. A. Beech's. . . Jean Houston, R.C.A.F. 4W.D.), Rock- cliffe, at Mr. W. Trewin's. .. Mrs. Don Cemeron, Bowmanville, et Mr. T. Mountjoy's. . . Mr. Don Carr, Miss Blanche Beech, at Mrs. Elle Smith's, Enniskillcn . . . Mr. and Mrs. A. Randle and family, Mrs. Fred Adams, Hampton, et Mr. L. Stephenson's. Newtonville Mr. Jim Gardon was in Port Hope Hospital a couple days lest week, receiving spinal treetment. Mrs. Caroline Rutherford pess- cd away vcry suddenly in Port Hope Hospital lest week. She seemed to be progressing satis- factorily and her death came as a greet shock ta lier many friends. Rev. J. McLachlan and Mrs. F. A. McMullen arc issuing the ncw ration books et the school. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, Orono, Mr. Chas. Birci and sister, Mrs. Gilliland, Carie- vale, Sask., et Mr. Wm. Staple- ton's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell and Dawn, Bowmanville, et Mr. George Stapleton's. . . Pte. Roland Caldwell, R.C.O.C., Cal- gary, Alta., and Mrs. Caldwell, with their cousins, Mr. Lanson Milîson and Mr. George Staple-1 ton. . . Miss Marion Bruce with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGee, Toronto, and et- tended one of Charlie Hannigen's dances... Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce and grandson, Bruce Wat- ters, with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. W. Stringer, Crooked Creek. Congratulations ta, Eric Burley of the armed forces in England, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burley, Port Hope, and formerly of New- tonville, who has taken unto hlm- self an English bride. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hutchison re- ceived a cable that their son, Ptc. Garfield Hutchison, of the Prince of Wales Rangers, has arrived safely in England. Thc W.M.S. of the United Church met in the churcli base- ment. In the absence of the new president, Mrs. McLachlan, Mrs. C. Burley took cierge. Rev. Mc- Lachlan led in prayer. A letter wes read from the Supply Scc'y, asking for a bale fromn our branch, not over 15 lbs. Mrs. T. Joncs pre- sented e quilt top and Mrs. G. Walkey offered ta make a top. These are to be made and sold. The following reports were made: Mrs. J. A. Barrie, Com- munity Friendship Sec'y, made 39 visits; Mrs. C. Morris, Baby Band Sec'y, made 45 visits ta, babies and $3.00 was realized from boxes; Mrs. C. Robinson, Sec'y, reported 9 meetings lest year. Tirce quilts were made and a $5.00 War Savings Certificate was bought; Mrs. S. Lancaster, Treas., reported receipts o! $227.72, ex- penses, $53.49, for tic year. Mrs. C. Morris then took the chair for the program: Scripture lesson, Mrs. Morris; prayer, Mrs. C. Bur- ley; paper, a tribute ta a pioncer missionary, Dr. Kilbourne, of China, Mrs. J. A. Barrie; Rev. Mc- Lachlan closcd the meeting with prayer. MARCH SALE of WALLPAPER SEE OUR BOOKS for Spring Decorating ODD LOTS AT VERY LOW PRUCES JOHNSTON'S NOMMTOE King St. Phono 651 WE CLOSE AT 8 O'CLOCK -1 i Cowanville Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rutherford and Dickie visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoilingsworti Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Lowery's baby is ill in thc Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto. We wisi it a speedy recavery. Miss Leta Prause, Mr. Delbert Fishîcigli visited et Mrs. B. Mill- son's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Yeo of Oshawa, visited et Mr. Wm. Lay- ton's Sunday. Orono News Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunter and son of Lekefield and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner and daugliter, Helen, of No. 9, were guesta of Mrs. W. J. Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Hay and son of Taronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan. Union Mondey evening was in charge of Glen Hencock, Muriel Tennant read thc scripture and Carol Steples read the story in the worsiip period, which. opened the program. Glen Hancock read three items from the Quinte Braadcast wiich were very interesting. A letter of thanks has been received from Jack Wede for the Christ- mas card sent him. Glen Han- cock, Donald Steples and Rev. S. Littlewood put on a very amus- ing skit which wes highly enjoyed. During tic business period men- tion was made o! tic Drame Fes- tival but nothing was decided. Excitement was caused in the corner store Seturday wien two dogs decided ta have a set-to. However, the riot was soon qucîl- cd. Mr. and Mrs. J. Corycîl visited their parents in Leskard and Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell visited relatives here. Mr. Neil Wood was home from Toronto this week-end. Mrs. Ruddock wes buried here lest week. Messrs. J. J. Mellor and T. A. Reid were in Toronto Tuesdey et a convention. Tic Hydro and Police meetings Monday evening were o! e routine nature, chiefly for tic passing of bills. Mr. Art Beemish was in town tuis week-end. Messrs. H. Devey, C. Taylor, R. H. Brown and W. J. Riddfll et- tended an I.O.O.F. meeting at Lindsay, Monday evening, when degree work was performed on 23. Mr. Riddell wes guest speaker for tic occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Allison Cowan and children, Toronto, visited et T. Cowan's. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cowan en- tertained e few friends et cards Thursday. Mrs. Gibbs got her elbow hurt with her wasiing machine. For Andy Clarke - Two Or- onoites have tuliPs upS outside. EIGHT PRIZES GIVEN AT MISSION BAND Eight prizes were given by tic W.C.T.U. ta members of tic Mis- sion Band et their meeting Mon- day afternoon for reciting Temp- erance selections. Tic judges were Mrs. H. Walsh and Mrs. W. H. Rowe for tic Juniors and Mrs. H. Walsh and Mrs. Wm. Arm- strong for tic Seniors. Winners in the Seniors were: Lamea Clarke, Jean Wilson, Donald White and Denny Lynchi. Tic other con- Lake Shoe, Clar e stant in this group wes Shirley Lake S ore, C arke lintaff, who also i well. Win- ners in tic Juniors were: Car- Home and Sciool Club met oline Joncs, Marjorie White, Kcith Feb. 17 in thc sciool with Gardon Gibbs and Jimmy Gamsby. Otier Martin prcsiding. Tiere was a contestants in this group were: pleasent pragram, a sing-song and Garry Hancock and Bill Arm- contests under thecocnvenarship strong. o! Mrs. W. Holmes. Lunch wes Interspersing the recitetions served. were musical selectians by tic A number from here attended members of the Mission Band as the dance et Newtonville Mon- follows: Chorus by the Juniors, day night. "The Liglit of the World"; sang Visitors: Miss E. Holmes, Osh- by seven girls (Elenar Hancock, awa, et Mr. H. Rowlend's. .. Mr. Lorne Clarke, Kee McKenna, and Mrs. E. Wicks and M. Powell, Shirley Flintaf!, Lois Dean, Jean Toronto, et Mr. S. Powell's. .. Wilson, Patsy Mofftt); sang by Mrs. C. J. Mitchell, et Mr. Jno. Helen Clarke, Jean Wilson, Jean Mitchell's, Port Hope... Mr. and Turner, Joyce Cornish, Wilda Mrs. A. Bedwin et Mr. C. Bcd- Hooey and Kathleen Gemsby; win's, Browns. .. Mrs. G. Martin chorus by all. Other items on the witi Mr. T. McNeil, Orono.. . progxem were tic repeating o! the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson and Temperance Pledge, a story by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, Osh- Mrs. H. Walsh about Frances Wil- awa, et Mr. W. Beskerville's. l .ard, a contest conducted by Miss Miss Edith Hendry, Peterboro, ai M. McDawell, and thc announce- home..-. Miss K. Simpson, Peter- ment o! winners and presenta- bora, et Mr. Robt. Hendry's. tion of prizes by Mrs. H. Walsh. Fruit juice and cookies were served et tic conclusion o! the in- Wolf Cubs o! the 2nd Richmond teresting program, after whici the Peck, Brighause, B.C., composed leader, Miss McDowcll, tiankeci o! only 15 boys, collects an aver- the members o! the W.C.T.U. fori age o! 300 magazines evcry meet- ticir interest and thc prizes, and1 ing nigit for the ermed forces. In dismissed the children, who were tirce montis they collected over also given blotters with temper-i 5,000. ence messages on thcm. Zion Visîtors: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vivian, Mr. and Mrs. T. Chant and family, et Reford Cameron's... Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mitchell, Rus- sell and Alan, Toronto, et Rus. sell Perkin's . .. Mrs. Ray Cam- eron and deugiter, Jeneen, et Ed, Courtney's, Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wcs Cameron et Deiberi Flintoff's, Kedron. .. Mrs. Harvey Balson and baby, Glen, Oshawa, et Robt. Killen's. .. Mrs. Harvey Webster and baby son have re- turned home to Alan Fisher's fron Bowmenville Hospital. .. Mrs. J. W. McMaster lied a W.A. quilting Tiursday. .. Miss Eileen Stainton entertained Mrs. Ray Scott, Mrs. Lloyd Metcalfe, Miss Norma GlaspelI, Oshawa, Miss Bernice Cliepman, Toronta, Friday night ..Mr. J. E. McMaster, Churcli- hill, et Mrs. J. W. McMester's.. Mrs. Ed Parker, Miss Shirley Martin, Oshawa, et Thos. Mer- tin's... Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Stain- tan attcnded tic Ontario Milk Producers' Banquet et tic King Edwerd, Toronto. .. Mr. Alex Mc- Master, Mrs. J. W. McMastcr, et- tcndcd tic funeral o!flier uncle, J. J. Murphy, et Orangeville, Set- urdey. . . Mrs. Adam Hewley, Peterboro, Miss Bernice Chap- man, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Diane and Brian, Kedron, et A. T. Staintons. .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cemeran and Helen, et Les- lie Warren's, Tliornton's Corners ..Mrs.*Fred Camneron attended tic funcrel o!flier uncle, Wm. Sonley, Whitby, Tuesdey. . . Mr. and Mrs. Mcl Morgan, Joan and tGlenna, et Toranto and Islingtan ..Mr. and Mrs. Raîpli Glespel, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Gcrry Glaspel, Whitby, Miss Bernice Ciapman, Toronto, et F. B. Glas- Rel's. .. Mr. Elmer Wilbur, Hamp- ton, et Frank Pascoc's. Some o! tic men gethered and scrcnaded Alan Wilbur and bride on Fridey nigit. Tic men lied e wood bec Tues- day, ta cut wood for the churci. Courtice Tic reguler montily meeting o! tic W. A. and e quilting were hcld et tic home o! Mms. Gea. Lowe, Thursday, Feb. 19, with president Mrs. Cecil Adams in tic chair. After the scripture reading and prayer Mrs. Rcv, Lin- stcad gave a vcry interesting telk on Pcrsonality. Routine business was attended to and refresiments wcre scrved by Mrs. Lowe and Mrs. Cecil Adams. Tic meeting closed with tic iymn, "Wliet a Fricnd We Have in Jesus", and the Mizpali benedic- tion. Maple Grove Congratulations ta Mm. and Mrs. Gardon Jarvie (nec Dorothy Wig- gens) on ticir recent marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, To- ronto, rccently visited lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snowden. M on dey ycvening about 70 friends gethcrcd et tic home a! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jervie ta honor ticir son, Gardon, and lis bride. Tic meeting wes cellcd ta order by Mr. Harry Freemen wlio explaincd ta tic surpriscd couple tic reeson for tic geticring and cellcd on Lloyd Mctcalf ta reed an eddrcss. Mildred Snowden and Jean Stevens made tic presente- tion o! an end and smoker table cambined. Tic rcst of tic eve- ning was spent in social visit, wfti music rcndcred by Lenore Colle- cutt, Loryne White and Wallace Bothwell on tic piano and Mr. Dave Bothwell, Sm., on tic accord- ian. Lunch wes servcd by tic yaung people aftcr whicl tic( crowd disperscd wisiing Gardon I and his bride mucihehppiness. On eccaunt a! Rcv. W. C. Smitli's illncss Braticriood lias lias been callcd off for tuis Tiursday cvcning. SCHOOL NEWS (By Bert and Hemry Snowden) Tic Mortars trimmcd tic Spit- fires in great fashion 17-8. Don Smithi slowed lis usuel style and clicked on seven goals. Morley Staîker was best for tic losers. Tic sciool has appointed four rink wardens wio have made ten laws. Tic sciool would like ta thank Mr. Chas. Snowdcn for kindly permitting us ta skate and play hockey on e swell rink in uis field. Tic "Fl" lies been going around aur communîty. Tic me- jarity a! our pupils et scliool have ied it. Wc have iad an interest- iearly every family on tic Third Linc. Our teecier is ill too, and sciaol has to be closcd. Wc are glad ta sec Harold Gib- son out agein after uis recent ili- ness. Tic Home and Sciool Club met at, tic home o! Mr. and Mrs. Man- son Patten, Feb. 17, with tic pres- ident in the chair. Report of dance was received with a net profit of about $67.00. It was de- cided to serve a lunch for Masan- IF îc "At Home", March 26th. At next meeting wc are ta have a discussion on mce problem of "Wider School Area" and an in- vitation is ta be sent ta two or three other school boards toaet- tend. t After the business had been jcancluded a short program foilow- ed, i.e., piano solos by Shirley 7 end Arvilla Brunt, by Wanda - Malley and by Helen Turner and ia reading by Charles Glenney. The president then called on y Russell Osborne who explained a ur real reeson for holding aur .meeting in Mr. Pallen's home; ta imeet and welcome his bride, the former Muriel Shaw, ta aur sec- Ltion. Mrs. Austin Turner and Mrs. Chas. Glenney then present- ed the bride and groom with an end table. Apprapriate speeches were made. Lunch was servcd and a pleasant hour spent. Township Council CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Members were ail present with Rceve Devitt presiding. Com- munications from Ontaria Associ- ation of Rural Municipalities and Sick Children's Hospital received and filed; from E. A. Summers, Agriculturel Representative re- qupsting appaintment of a repre- sentative ta act in ca-aperation with the department in assisting farmers ta increase production in 1943, on motion of Reeve Creight- on Devitt approved; invitation from Red Cross Society request- ing Council ta attend the annual meeting. Herman Hooey tender- cd resignation as Street Commis- sioner and Sheep Valuator, same accepted. Wesley Bredburn was appointed Street Cammissioner and Stock Valuator and Weed In- spector. By-Law duly passed estimat- ing expenditures on roads for 1943 at $7,500.00. Reeve and cauncil- lor Hoskin committee ta investi- gate re «H. Bailcy's condition. Orders as follows: H. Philp, Sec'y-Treas, S.S. No. 6, $200.00; Clerk, registratian, B.M. and dcaths, 6.25; Exchange on cheques, 3.15; Premium an insur- ance, 42.25; Road voucher No. 2, 60.70.t On motian adjourned ta meet1 MardhIlst, 1.30 p.m.c Ecuador straddles the Equator,t as thc name implies.1 When We Test Your Eyes You are assured perfect satisfaction in fit and in price. SPECIALS 25e Noxzema Croam 19e 50e Pinex -----------32e 1.75 Lactogen------ 1.59 Giant Kruschen ----69e Ilron and Yeast Tabs. 69c 10 Cakes Castile Soap 25c 1-lb. Bar Castile---1i9c VASELINE HAIR TONIC-50c-85c KREML HAIR 1.47___ TONIC-59c-98c Ovaltine ------ 38c-58c-98c FELLOWS SAL Horllck's Malted SRP HPIC Milk------------ 48c-97c SRF H ATC Bovril --- 43c-79c-1.29 1.39-89e j30c-59c-1.15 PREVENT COLDS VI TA VAX Cold vaccine and vitamins A, Bi, C, D J *à Nestie Colour Rinse --- 35e aLovalon Rinse ------35c . , Fitch Shampoo 35c-69c-98c Vitais ----------- 15c-54c-99c * ** Brylcreem ---------------49e * Russian Bear 011 -----30e Wildroot Hair Tonic ---59c Pacquin's HAND CREAM .... l5c-29c-54c Barrington HAND CREAM ...... 15c-29c Phonoe fW L<' lI S O E We fit 695 COW1LIIIUU DUUU R Trusses Did you know there were 760. Farmers raising short staple types of tubes made for radios? cotton are advised by the U. S. The government has placed a ban Dprmn fArcluet on over 300 of them. RadiosDeateto Agiuuetc should be repaired now while the switch. ta long-staple; or ta say- tubes and other materials can beans, peanuts or feed crops, for be obtained. which the war need is greater. EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR Tir TOP TAILORS THE ARCA D .E WNVL 't-- L I t; >111 t, 'i r ~ TRIS SPRING Have Your SUIT Made To Mçasure - I _ ~{ 1 THE FAMIL'y PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1943