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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Feb 1943, p. 7

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARy 25, 1943 THE CANAPIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN Social and Personal~ Phone 40rl6 Plans have been campleted by the Orano Scouts ta have a Father and Son Banquet. A meeting of Agriculture lady ~directors was called for yesterday ,MP( Wed.) at Mrs. O. W. Ralph's. Roads and sidewalks were real icy in spots Saturday. The ration book distribution started Satorday; clerks being real bosy. John McNabb is back on duty at the bank. Gardon Burton, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. Girl Guides collected grease and fats Saturday. Wednesday of last week the Hydro men put a new pale up in place of the one they fixed last week. There has been no light there since up ta Saturday. O.C.S. won the hockey game over the Banecrushers Tuesday of last week by anly two goals. The latter team seems ta be improv- ing. Thursday BaWmanville and Port Hope played hockey here, the latter being the winner. It is re- ported ta be the best and best attended game. Friends here were interested ta see in Tuesday's Star of last week a picture of Pte. and Mrs. Wil- liam Reynolds, nee Annabel Mc- Kay, formerly of Orono.. Mrs. Ballantyne Was guest of Mrs. O. W. Ralph Friday. MASONS HOLD PAST MASTERS' NIGHT Thursday was Past Masters' Night at Orono Masonie Lodge, about 30 being present from New- castle Durham Lodge. W. Bro. Branton of Newcastle .and his team officiated for the degree work on twa candidates (W. Glan- ville and A. White), at the ladge room and these present then went over ta the Orange Hall where the ladies had prepared a lovely banquet. The program here consisted of: Toast ta the Grand Lodge, pro- HOW TO COMBAT Rheumatic Pains Rheumatic pains are off en causi yui acid in the bloil. This Mblehnurity should be uxtracteil by the kiilneys. àf kid! neya fkii, and excessa anc adI reniains, ih iitates the muscles andl Joints caumg excruciating pains. Treat rheumatic pains ~ pI your kidneya igood condition, " Uew reglarly Doddi'. Kidney Pill-for hk1 a century the favorite kiàley remedy. 109 Dodds KidneyPils posed by Bro. J. J. Mellor and e- sponded ta by R.W. Bro. O. W. Rolph; toast ta the past masters, pmaposed by W. Bro. R. C. Ras- Iborough and re9ponded ta by V.W. Bro. P. Hame, and W. Bro. Branton of Newcastle; toast ta the vis itars, proposed by W. Bro. C. Billings and responded ta by W. Bru. F. Graham, and W. Bro. Don Gibson, bath of Newcastle; toast ta the candidates, proposed by W. Bro. R. E. Logan and esponded ta by Brs. Bill Glanville and A. White; and musical selections by Don Hamm and Art White. The evening was mast enjayable and ahl the Masons were delighted with the fine feed, fine fellowship and fine finale ta the regular meeting. ORONO W.I. MEETING Mrs. Ballantyne, of Robin Hood Flour Company, was guest speak- er at the Orono Women's Insti- tute regular meeting, Friday af- temnoon, and gave a mast inter- esting talk on "New Recipes" as well as giving recipes ta the large number of women present. All the recipes included Robin Hoad Rolled Oats and ran ahl the way from soup ta pudding. At the close of the talk Mrs. Ballantyne, (who daes editorial womk, writes poetry, has three sons-two of which are in the armed services and also has a very important position with the company) gave away three lots of. rolled oats; one ta Miss Elizabeth Burgess who remembered the cor- rect answer ta a question, one ta Mrs. M. H. Staples who was able ta give her a new recipe, and one ta Mrs. Maria Smith who was the oldest consistent user af aatmeal present.'1 The pragram cansisted of: Piano duet by Mrs. R. H. Brown and Mrs. M. H. Staples, a lovely vocal solo by Mrs. Everett Brown. Rail caîl was "A Wartime Recipe"'. During the business peiod: 14 Christmas parcels and six cards were reported sent; Mrs. RolpI reported on the Bawmanville Hospital meeting; it was arranged ta send woolens again soon; $2 was given to the Federation of Agriculture; it was arranged ta have a shower for unifarmed girls at the next meeting; Barbara Ann Rolph told of another letter she had received fromn England; $10 was given ta the Chinese relief fond; $10 was gîven as a little gift ta an Orono sick lady ta boy treats; Mrs. H. Hooey gave the treasurem's report; and Mrs. RlpI 1 TC H *or.oJ Boc M.nD. DacG Me tid 0 T«i4rmon ack. Aak >lgltistod"YfaD ..PRESGRPfN ATTER a fire, you rnay find the amount of insurance you carry is flot nearly enougli to caver the loss to your household goods. Before it is too late, corne in and check Up the arnount of your insurance with this agency. J. J. MASON & SONI INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 - Bowmanville Lv,ý NEWS gave the numerous visitors an idea of Institute womk. The osual correspondance and bll were also dealt with, the former including several letters of thanks for del- icacies sent ta sick and shut-ins. Lunch and social hlf-lour con- cluded a very interesting and profitable afternoon. GOODWILL BIBLE CLASS HOLDS VALENTINE PARTY The Goodwill Bible Class en- tertained friands at a Valentine party Thursday evening in the Sonday School raom, which was apprapriately decorated for the occasion. Nearly 50 attended, each receiving a leart on which their first name was printad. The eve- ning started with a short worship period conducted by the teacher, Mrs. J. J. Mellor, the theme ha- ing "Friands and Friendship". Mrs. J. Gibson, president af the class, presided over the business period and program, which con- sisted of: Singing led by Mrs. Drummond, with Mrs. M. H. Staples at the piano; piano solo, "Romance" by Mrs. W. C. Lynch; reading "The Legend of St. Val- entine" by Mrs. M. H. Staples; piano duet by Mrs. R. C. Ras- borough and Miss Edith Truil; famous people contest, conducted by Mrs. Gibson and won by Mrs. J. J. Mellor and Mrs. Dora Hooey; musical contest conducted by Mrs. J. J. Mellor with nineteen getting ahl correct and the tie being brok- an, the prize going ta Mrs. W. C. Lynch; games led by Miss M. Mc- Dowell; groop cantest conducted by Mrs. Staples and won by Miss McDowell's graup; and a race- track contest won by Mrs. H. Cobbledick. During the business periad Elsie' Rowe, secretamy, presented the teacher with-no, not an apple- but a box of chocolates on behaif af the class, for which Mrs. Mellor graciously thanked the members. This gesture was just like the little things Valentine himself did and daes not in any way show ana atom aof the appreciation the members feel for Mrs. Mallor's womk. Thus a happy evening was spent, terminating with a lunch af sandwiches, cookies and tea, and friend cammuning with friend in social chat until il o'clock. DEM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS From The Orono News of Feb. 23, 1928 The Junior Dept. of the Public School which. has been closed ow- ing to the illness of the teacher, Miss M. Adams, re-opcned Mon- day with Miss Mable Dowson sup- plying. The Women's Institute meeting was well attended on Friday, Feb. 17th. A very excellent paper was prepared by Mrs. O. W. Rolph an "The Efficient Homemaker". Mus- ical numbers were given by Miss Rasaline Gamsby and Miss Marion Green. At the close of the pro- gram a dainty lunch was semved y the committea, and everyane enjoyed the afternaon. Members of WolverhUnpton Ladge, S.O.E. spent an enjayable "At Home" witl their wives and sweethearts in the basement of the Town Hall on the evaning ai Wed., Feb. lSth. The first part of the evening was devoted to Euchre, Mrs. George Mitchell be- ing the winner of the prize. An oyster supper and pmogmamn fol- lowed the games. The lodge is much indebted toa ah who assisted with the program, pamticulamly Miss Buchanan whose remarkable ability as a singer is equalled by hem graciaus willingness ta halp at ail times. A similar fonction wiil prabably be hld some- tima in the near future. The social evening in the Town Hall, Tuesday, under the auspices of the Memarial Park manage- ment was, as usuai, a gratifying success. In the progressive games, Euchre and "500", ahl the tables wera filled and the games keenly contestad. In Euchre the follow- A. Henry, Miss T. Colville, Mrs. J. R. Cooper; gentlemen, H. G. McDonaid, Harold Aluin, H. Hoop- er, S. E. Aluin. In the piay-affs Mrs. A. Hanry and H. G. MeDan- aid were the winners. In "500" thc winnems were Mrs. J. J. Gil- fillian and Mm. W. E. Davey. A. rapeat under the same auspices wili ha givan on Tuesday next, Feb. 28th, whan the luncheon will ha pies the ladies being requested ta bming all .vamieties and pienty af them. A black market is something that shouldn't be whitewashad. THE CHIEF SCOUT The Earl of Athlone His Excellency the Governor- General, the Earl of Athlone, is the Chief Scout for Canada. His Excellency is peculiarly suited ta the highest Scout office in the Dominion. As a young lieutenant in South Africa at the turn of the century his commanding officer was the then Col. Robert Baden- Powell, later founder of the Scout movement. The Chief Scout tells the story that Baden-Powell often discussed with him his ideas about Scouts, many years before the or- ganization was launched. The Governor-General v;as also Chief Scout of South Africa when he filled the vice-regal office in that Dominion. Since caming ta Can- ada he has continued his keen in- terest in Scouting, attending meet- ings of the Dominion Executive Committee, and frequently ap- pearing at Scout rallies. He is an enthusiast for the Scout uniform and has appealed ta Boy Scouts across Canada ta wear the full standard uniform aon alI suitable occasions, and ta wear it credit- ably. STATEMENT 0F RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES DURHAM CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY RECEIPTS Balance ------------------- $ 440.80 Rent, pasture ---------- 15.00 Sale Concessions ------- 101.59 Rent Faim Building----- 100.00 Gate Receipts...........-----657.45 Grand Stand ----------- 93.80 Sale Hags ---------873.21 Grants Town Bowmanville --------- 25.00 Village Newcastle ---. -- 15.00 Township Darlington ---- 75.00 Township Clarke ------- 200.00 Unitedi Counties ---------339.71 Province Ont. (Reg.) ---- 426.00 Province Ont, ta Black & White Day --------- 80.20 Hoîstein-Friesian Asso. -_ 138.00 Field Crop Prov. grant -- 50.00 Foal Club .Prov. grant --- 25.50 IDom. Gav't Foal Club .- 25.50 Donations T. Eaton Ca. Ltd., Bacon Hog Special --- 30.00 R. M. Cale, Fruit Special 5.00 Orono W .I - ------------- 10.00 Unspecified donations -- 35.00 Advertising revenue --- 172.50 Entry fees, membership 236.05 Entertainment revenue 366.21 Miscellaneous.........------ 36.00 Membership retained for follow ing: year ----- 86.00 $4,638.52 EXPENDITURES Prizes Pald Heavy Horses -------------$ Light Horsas ----------- Beef Cattla...........------- Holstein Cattle --.----- Other Dairy Cattia------ Sheep ------------------ Swine Poultry, children's pets - Poultry praducts ------- Grain and seads -------- Vegetabies ------------- F ruit ------ -- --- Flowers and plants-,--- Domestic manufacture Ladies' work F ine art --,---------- --- Domestic science ------- Schooi exhibits--------- Foal Club - ----------- Field crap competition -- Stock judging ------ ---- 165.00 253.00 159.00 471.50 34.00 119.50 90.00 96.46 10.75 18.00 27.25 58.75 49.25 39.00 47.75 37.00 42.50 47.501 76.50 75.00 12.00 $1,929.71 Delegates' expenses ----- 5.80 Allifiation feas ------------- 4.00 Judges' fees, expenses --- 42.50 $1,982.01 General Expenditures Sattiamant for logs ------ $ 873.21 R aces -------------------- 244.75 Entertainment at Hall & Grand Stand........----135.00 Band services...........-----30.00 Grounds, buildings, Ins --- 98.10 Intam est ------------------ 12.50 Secretary-Treasurer -. -- 100.00 H yrdo ------- --------------- 23.88 Labor and services -------- 92.85 Printing, advertising ---- 320.59 Postage, excise, exehanga 23.32 Gen. supplies, trophies 39.-58 Payment on note ---------- 400.00 Miscellaneous -------------- 12.10 Balane onland....$2,405.88 Balace o han., ----- 270.63 $4,658.52 * Cash bal. on land ------ 270.63 Land and buildings ------ 6,500.00 MRS. F. WILLIAMSON leels like a gil LIABILITIES$6703 again. A ack iiver made. ber always tired, nervous and rreular. Fruit.a.th'e brought Retainad mamnbamships . 86.00 relief prompty. Buck up your iver with Nota outstanding..........---250.00 Fruit-a mes, Canda s Lared at eingLh«e Tablets. $ 336.00 ORONO Statesman Office Bowmanville INFLUENTIAL CITIZENS SERVE AS MEMBERS 0F BOY SCOUT COUNCIL Bernard K. Sandwell, distin- guished editor of "Saturday Night," was sa impressed with a Scout banquet in Toronto that hie was led ta express his thoughts in an editorial. What had im- pressed Mr. Sandwell particularly was the number of influential businessmen present. The banquet referred ta told anly a part of the stary. Closely identified with the Do- minion Executive Committee are men like Sir Edward Beatty, for- mer C.P.R. president. who is the president of the Association; J. F. M. Stewart of Toronto, head of the Employee Savings division of the War Finance Committee; Jack- son Dodds, recently retired as General Manager of the Bank of Montreal; Gen. C. H. Maclaren; Dr. F. H. Gisborne, K.C., I.S.O.:- Chancellor of the General SynocL of the Church of Englnad in Can- ada; W. J. Cairns, former vice- Prcsident of the Bell Telephone Company. The churches are represented by such distinguished men as Very Rev. Dr. John W. Woodside, United; Rt. Rev. Phillip Carring- ton, Anglican Bishop of Quebec; Commissioner Benjamin Orames, Salvation Army; Rev. Canon Raoul Drouin of the Roman Cath- olic Church. Diplomatic life is represented by Hon. Vincent Massey. High Conimissioner ta Great Britain, and Hon. Leighton McCarthy, Minister ta Washington, while Lord Bennett, the former Prime Mînister of Canada, also is a mnember. Every Lieutenant-Gov- ernor in Canada is a patron of his Provincial Scout Association, and His Excellency the Governor- General is the Chief Scout forI Canada. Among other well-known names which appear as members-of the Canadian General Counicil are Air Marshall W. A. Bishop; Hon. John Bracken; Col. the Hon. Dr. HA.« Bruce, M.P.; C. L. Burton, presi- dent of the Robt. Simpson Ca.; W. R. Campbell, president of the Ford Motor Company; Dr. G. I. Christie, president of the Ontarial Agricultural Collage; Hon. and Rev. Dr. H. J. Cody, president of Toronto University; Hon. Charles Dunning; Sir Robert Falconer; S. J. Hungerford, president of the C. N.R.; Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen; Rt. Hon. Sir William Muock; Col. R. S. McLaughlin, president ,of General Motors; Brig.-Gen. Victor Odlum, the new Canadian Minis- ter ta China, and many others. These men, in accepting mem- bership on the Canadian General Council of the Boy Scouts' Asso- ciation give evidence of the sob- stantial and practical value of Boy Scout training. Absenteeismn is a private strike. Eyesight Education Ný Efficieucy C. H. Tuck Optemetrist Spec:alist Disney BIdg. <opp. P.O.) Oshawa Phone 1516 245 Praper protective measumes are being mare generally enforced in the most up-ta-date industrial in- stitutions. If this weme not sa where would we be today with so many new inventions entailing close application of the eyes, in- creased strain and ever increasing danger. The work must be done, efficiency is essential, themefore eliminate hazard and pramote production by keeping the exper- ienced man properly protected. When we compare results of circumstances it is readily sean that the external eye injury far exceeds all other causes as a direct cause of blindness. We are thank- ful indeed ta know that the num- ber of eye diseases leading to blindness are, in Canada, at a very low percentage, as compared ta injury. If we areý thankiol for this, does it nat follaw that we should protect this treasure. Same of the direct causes of loss of vision may be faund in lack of or impraper protection ta the eye.s of those employad where heate.' mataI is used, or splashing of FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service. any haur, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equipment. Arn bulance and Invalid Car. Tele phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Licensed Auctioneers CLIFFORD PETHICK Auctioneer - Enniskillen Phone Bowmanville 2536 Specializing in Farm, Livestack. Implements and Furniture Sales. Consuit me for terras and dates. 50-tf Veterinary R. B. MURRAY, V.S.; B.V.Sc. 'Veterluarlan Church St. - Bowmanville Phone 843 29t1 FARMER ENLISTS (The Kîncardine News) Andrew Hamilton, son of Mrs. Cook Hamilton, concession 2, was called ta London ta report for military duty this week. While there he enlisted for active serv- ice. He is the only man on 200 acres of land and he did flot ask for exemption. However, if al the farmer lads follow in this manner, who will produce the food to feed the rest of the world? Mrs. Hamilton will ha obliged to, hold an auction sale in the near future as farmn help is difficuit to procure. The world was once free of in- sects, says an authority. What! No humbugs! The same man who doesn't catch another man's name at the introduction can always seem ta remember the name of a pretty. woman when he is introduced. Business Directory Legal M. G. V. GOULD, B.A. L.I.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Mantreal Money ta Loan - Phone 79,t Bowmanville, Ontario Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilec Bldg., Bawmanville. Office hours 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phone 790 - Hause phone 325 __-ay Equipment in Office Banish ail the cares and worries of winter driving by Ieaving your car in the garage. Be patriotic and economical -Travel by... GARTON'S MOTOIR COACHES When travelling betwee n Bowmanvllle, Oshawa, Whitby or Ajax, on account of uncertalnty of weather conditions, bad roads and ratlonlng of gas and tires, more people are aband- onlng their cars in favor of GARTONS MOTOR COACHES. Convenient Sehedules - Ask for Time Table Phone 2666, Bowmanville 1~l~ À. TrRCfto p To Carry On Tour War Work? E very Canadian citizen bas a part to do in winning this "survival"war against the international bandits who are trying to kili freedomn and ensiave man- kind. Your war work is your most important job., The Bank of Montreal encourages war-time saving, rather than borrowing, but there are cases .where a timely bank loan flot only saves money for the borrower but helps him to do a better j ob for VICTORY. If you find it necessary to borrow money in order to perform your highest duty as a Canadian citizen -whatever that duty may be--please feel free to discuss your financial needs in confidence with the manager of our nearest branch. Wel have hundreds of branches throughour Canada. ..J. ~I\ BAUX 0F MONTREAL "A BANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOMEII Modern, Experienced Banking Service....... the Outconie af 125 Years' Successfil Operatioo Buy WA\R SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Bowmanville Branch: F. O. McILVEEN, Manager Thin Girls Lecarn The way to better hecalfh Thin girls are learngthat IW th e anshrnei a pepetite .7ndprave ,diestionb y the ue of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food- the viiamin tonic. To bc sure of not missing the uual after-meal treatnient they boy the new, economy size bottie of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and keep it an the dining table along with the sait and pepper shakers. The increased supply of vitarnin B, and food minerais helps them ta, get relief from tired feelings nervous spells and irritability ana1 ta know again the jay of healthful living. Whether in war work or other occupations they find that they have the pep and energy which is essential for efficiency and success. Ask for the new, ecanomy size bottle of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. 1 , ge mi, I Why does his radiator snort and wheeze? j -He forgot his anti-freeze ! 11 DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new changes of collection and dellvery ln your district. This is made necessary by now goverument regulations which permit us to cover any one district two days a week, only, on alternate days. We wilI, therefore, be in Bowmanville WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LTMITED FOR ECONOMY Send your cleaning wlth your laundry PHONE - 419 190> Funeral Directors 1 - MmMmý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN

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