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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Feb 1943, p. 8

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t j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Linton, Whit- by, visited their cousins, Mr. and Mms. Fred Couch, Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Allh!\ ffractured hem hip last week when she felf on the icy yard adjoining the house. She and her sister, Miss Ada Allin, were expecting a load off coal ffrom Fred Graham and Miss Lizzie had gone out to open the gate to make things casier for the delivemy man. She managed to crawl back to the house. Mr. J. H. Smith, manager off the Bank off Commerce, Newcastle, e- ceivcd word of the death off his brother, Harry Lyle Smith, D.D.S., Fcb. 2lst, in the Private Patients' Pavilion, Toronto General Hos-« pital. Mm. and Mms. J. H. Smith went to Toronto Tuesday to attend1 the 4uneral service in A. W. Miles'c chapel at 7 o'clock that evening. The remains lef t by train Wednes- day momning for interment in the Stewart ccmntery, Merlin,c Ont. Mrs. Clîfford Flintofff, Oshawa,s was a week-end visitor with hem parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Powell.h The funcral off the late Louisab Bonathan. who lived for manya yeams in Bowmanville, was heldp at the home of her sistcr-in-law,7 Mms. S. R. Bonathan. Saturdayo affternoon, Feb. 20th, with Rev.h D. R. Dewdney offficiating. In- t temment was in Bowmanville cem- g etemy. Two off hem bothems, Wil- i liam and Samuel R., plumbers t( and tinsmiths, spent the greater if part off their liffe in Ncwcastle. X Two other brothers, Alffred and g John. also spent some years heme. s Miss Lou Bonathan had manyH friends and acquaintances in New- tr castle..H Another likeable character and familiar figure on the strets off Newcastle has passed on in the person of Jon. - Smith who died in Oshawa hosital where he bad been for the past few weeks. He had made his home with Mrs. Gibson and the late Frank Gib- son and was always industriously employed when health permitted. He was 81 yeams off age. The fun- emal service was held at Mrs. Gib- son's Tuesday afternoon, with Rev. D. R. Dewdney offficiating. Interment was in St. Geomge's cemetery. Several more Newcastle boys, still in their minomity, are plan- ning to join some branch off the ammed services. Ross Embly off the R.C.N. bas reached England on his first trip accomding to a cablegram received by his mother and his grandffather, Mr. Tracey Manes. Mr. William Moffattbas been quite ill. The Sm. C.G.I.T. held a basket social in the U.C.S.S. hall on Mon- day evening, with all the girls' baskets, including those off the leaders, Mesdames Thos. Wilson and Wm. J. Hockin, going at good prices. The boys were mostly Trail Rangers, with the exception off Wilson and Sidney Brown, the hustling auctioneer. The outside temperature was at least 60 de- grees above what il was the prev- ous week. Mesdames R. E. Mor- ton and H. R. Pearce offficiated int the kitchen making the cofffee. \frs. Wilson conducted somei group games and there was a short musicale program. Gwen HIooper and Margaret Ash con- tributed, vocal duets with Mrs. Hockin accompanying; Arvilla VICTORY DARDEI SPECI-AL OFFER i. Phone 577 DRI.NK a a a a HOT MILK Rere's a way to ni» colds ini the bud before they can get a hold on you. Drink hot milk regularly! Rot milk acta as an effective agent ini drlving the chili from your body, and bullds Up your resistance, so im- portant icombatting colds. Play saf e-drink bot mllk regularly durlng the dangerous cold-catch- lng season. Deliverd Daily Bowmanville .0 . 10 .10 .05 .10 .10 .05 .05 .10 .05 i I I I I p NEWCASTLE MEMORIAL LIBRARY HAS 10,085 BOOKS TAKEN OUT IN 1942 Newcastle P ublîiec Memomial Libmamy, instituted in 1923, is now in its 20th yeam. Two members of the original Board are stiil serv- ing now, they are J. W. Bradley, temporarily in Toronto, and Miss Ethel Lockhart, both appointees of the Board off Education. Other present Board members are: Miss Naomi H. Horrocks, se'y-treas.; J. E. Rincb and Miss H. A. Mason, appoîntees off the Municipal Coun- cil; Mms. H. E. Hancock, appointed by the Board off Education, and Reeve C. R. Carveth, chairman of the Library Board. Miss Coma E. Butler, with two years' univers- ity training, bas been the efficient, courteous and alway's helpfful Librarian ever since the libramy was founded. An examination off the 1942 an- nual report, submitted to the Board at its Febmuary meeting by Miss Horrocks, shows that there are 5217. books in the cimulating libramy, classiffied thus: Aduît Classed books, 1100; Aduit Fiction, 2625; Juvenile, 1492. The nuni- ber off borrowers in 1942 was 259 and they took out 10,085 books or an average off 38.93 each. The figures for classes in circulation show Aduit Classed books, 1697; Fiction, 6584, Juvenile, 1804. None off these figures include any off the reference books and periodicals on the well-stocked shelves and racks off the reading room and it may be worth noting here that the Public and Hîgh School Inspectors visiting our schools frequently make efference in their reports off the value to the schools off Newcastle's Public Lib- ary and off the splendid facilities it offers to the teachers and stud- ents. Membemship to citizens off the village is fmee except for a nominal charge off 5c a year. Hlow- ever the Library is favoured with the membership off several read- ers outside the village and these pay a modest fee. Finances are in a healthy con- dition as this statement indicates: Receipts Bal. fmom 1941 - ------ $ 280.53 Municipal Grant ------- 350.00 Legisiative Grant---_-- 147.72 Membership Fees ------ 18.60 Fines, lost books, etc. --- 25.68 Bond Intemest ----------- 34.75 Montague Trust Fund --- 300.00 D onation ---i---------l--- 10 TOTAL Expenditures New Books -- -------- Feriodicals and Newspapers ------- - Administration Ex.---- New Equipment -------- Rent, Com. Hall Man- agement Board ----- LiJbrarian's Salary -- --- Ont. Lib. Ass'n Fees---- Bal on hand, Dec. 31, 1942 - ----- TC TAL . $1,158.28 .$ 257.52 79.90 --- 12.75 -- 9.75 -- 300.00 -- 180.00 -- 2.15 -- 316.21 -$1,158.28 THE STATESMAN NOW SOLD AT THESE STORES Newcastle: Andemson's Drug. Hampton: G. A. Barron & Son. Enniskillen: T. M. Slemon & Son Burkeîon: Harold Gill. Blackstock: Alex Gilbert. Nesîlelon: J. G. Thompson. Pontypool: W. H. Hooper. Orono: Tyrrell's Drug Store. Newtonville: W. C. Lane & CO. Tyrone: F. L. Byam. Bowmanville: W. J. Berry, J. W. Jewell, J. H-. Johnston, Jury & LovelI, W. J. Bagnell. BIRTHS HOCKADAY - In Bowmanville Hospital on Tuesday, February 23, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hockaday, Solina, the gif t of a son. 8-l* RUNDLE-At Bowmanville Hos- pital, Feb. llth, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rundie, (nee Helene Hynds), the gift of a daughter, Lynda Dianne. 8-l* VIRTUE - Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue (nee Ina Carr) Tyrone, are happy to announce the safe arrivai of a son, John LeRoy, on February lSth, 1943, at Bow- manville Hospital. 8-1 DEATH-S BONATHAN-At rest in Cobourg, February 18, 1943, Louisa Bon- athan, in her 79th year. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. SMITH-In Oshawa, February 21, 1943, John Henry Smith, in his 8lst year. Interment St. George's Cemetery, Newcastle. RICE-In Bowmanville, 'ebruary 18th, 1943, Harry Rice, aged 74 years. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. Funeral under au- spices I.O.O.F. ...unT avourc.>it inct l. jILu eL.b and ail the girls joined in sing- ing somne off their C.G.I.T. songs, with the boys helping in a special. was ood for them anhow t e wscosmenr eidntyanew wat it in the cheapest fform. The Feb- ruary number or the Canadian School Journal is a special health number as usual, and this is what it has to say about Vitamin B, of which we hear so much: "Govern- ment research discloses the fact that ordinary oatmeal is one of the richest and cheapest common sources off Vitamin B-i or thia- min. At prevailing prices last faîl oatmeal supplied 149 Inter- national Units off B-i per penny, as against 82' Units for potatoes, 66 ffrom dried navy beans and 59 from whole wheat bread", which according to writers in the School Journal is still superior to the Canada Approved Vitamin B loaf. Among those assisting Clerk H. C. Bonathan in the issuing of the new ration books, in the council chamber, Friday, were Rev. D. R. Dewdney, Reeve C. R. Carveth, Mms. Fred Adair, Mrs. Errol Brown and Miss Helen McEvoy and on Saturday Rev. F.. E. Mor- ton, Miss Ethel Lockhar. and Mrs. R. W. Gibson, in addition to the other ladies. Ail gave their serv- ices voluntarily. Oveî- 800 of the new books were passed out these two days. Mr. and Mrs. Quigg are moving into the Breen house, "Piemview", at the lake front. Mr. Ted Butson and Miss Helen Rickard, Toronto, were Sunday guests at Mr. W. J. S. Rickard's. Mrs. Lethangue, Bowmanville, spent a few days with bier cousin, M4rs. David Gray. Mrs. Robt. Gray and sons have purchased a car.- From last Friday to this Tues- :lay, inclusive, was good sap weather. Sap was running every day and most of the snow went from along the lake front. -BETTLES-In loving memory off a dear husband and father, Wil- 1 liam H. Bettles, who passed i away, Februamy 18, 1936. Some day we'il understand. *-Ever remembered by wife and daughter. 8-1 BOUSTEAD-In memory off our baby son and brother, Larry George Boustead. O blessed litIle sunbeam O child off love and prayer, We .give thee to the keeping Off the tender Shepherd's came. -Lovingly remembered by mother, father, sister and brother. 8-1* SMITH - In loving memomy off Margaret Smith who passed away Febmuary 27th, 1942. Sweet memories will linger foever Time cannot change Ihem it's Irue, Yeams thal May come cannot sever Our loving remembrance off you. The family and grandchildren. ENGAGEMENT Mm. and Mms. James Curson, Newcastle, announce the engage- ment off their daughîer, Irene Alice, to Mm. Arnold Martin Mc- Murray, son off Mm. and Mrs. Wm. McMuray, Newtonville. T h e mamiage will take place in March. COMING EVENTS8- Special services will be conduct-~ ed aI the Salvation Army, Sun- day, February 21, at Il a.m. and 7 p.m. Conducted by Cadets ffrom the S.A. Training College, To- ronto. 8-1 Old Tyme Dance, Newtonville Community Hall, Monday, March 151. Port Hope orchestra. Ad- mission 35c. Refmeshments sold. Pmoceeds in aid off Russian War Relief. 8-1 Help send smokes to our boys overseas by coming to the card party in the Community Hall, Newcastle, Wednesday, March 3, 8 p.m. Bridge, Euchme and Five Hundred. Under the auspices off "The Bomber Club". Admission 25c. Lunch. 8-l* A Standard Community Train- ing School for Sunday School Teachers and leaders off groups in boys' and girls' work will be con- ducted from March 17-24 inclus- ive, in Tinity Sunday School, Bowmanville. Furthem particu- lars in next issue. 8-1 BWANVELLE FIRE ALARMS 1-ir Hl, Church St. 2-Corner King and Division Sts. 3-Corner King and Ontario Sîs. 4-Corner Ontario & Durham Sts. 5-Corner King and Liberty Ste. 6-Corner Centre and Lowe Sts. 7-Corner King and Silver Sts. 1 8-Corner Prospect and Odell SIc. Articles For Sale FOR SALE - WALNUT DRESS- er, strong kitchen table, fold- ing camp bed and mattress, oak den. table, round centre table, sewing rniachine, bedroom com- mode. Apply F. Shortt, Well- ington St. 8-1* FOR SALE - PIANOS, TERMS in accordance with Wartime Prices and Trade regulations. Telephone 492, Bowmanville, Fred J. Mitchell. d 8-tf LINOLEUM AND C09.GOLEUM Rugs. Select yours fromn over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invîted to view these, at BRADLEY'S New Fumniture Store, 156: Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE - USED VACUUM cleaner in excellent condition. Write Box 164, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 8-l* FOR SALE-KITCHEN «CABIN-' et in good condition, reasonable. Apply Mrs. W. R. Harrison, Church St., phone 464. 8-1 OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern, chesterfield, bedroom, dining1 suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at comn- petitive prices. Before buyingi visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- Livestock and Articles FOR SALE - QUANTITY 0F hay. Phone 2105. 8-2* FOR SALE-GOOD, BIG, QUIET and willing Clyde mare, nine years old, offered cheap or trade for young dairy heifers. Apply Leonard Goldsmith, 1 concession north of Union Cem- etery, Oshawa. 8-1 FOR SALE - YOUNG WORK horse, good worker. Also apple spraying outfit (Bean). Apply 8-1 * FOR SALE-BULL CALF, Jersey, 2 weeks old. R. Steng- er, Enniskillen, phone 2824. 1 8-1* FOR SALE - GENERAL PUR- pose horse, aged 7 years. Ap- ply E. Bickell, C.N.R. Express. 8-1 * FOR SALE - COLLIE.PUPS, 8 weeks'old, from bred heelers. Apply W. Johnston, Lot 16, Con. 7, Darlington. 8-1 FOR SALE-YORKSHIRE SOWS to farrow in Spring. A. L. Blanchard, Hampton, phone 2231 or 2544. 8-1 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - TWO sows, bred, due April and May; also two Clyde colts, rising 4 and 5. Baden Powell, R.R. 3, Newcastle. 8-1* Tenders for Gravel Crushing Tenders will be received by the undersigned until One o'clock, February 27th, 1943, for the crush- ing off from 6000 to 8000 cubic yards of gravel to 3/ inch size, and laid on the Township roads, will have to set in 4 or 5 different pits in the said township. Contmact to be completed not later than Oct. 3th, 1943. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. T. H. RICHARDS, Road Supt., Bowmanville. R.R. 5 J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk, Hampton, Ont 8-1 ROYAÀ-Li BOWMANVI LLE Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. FEBRUARY 25-26-27 Double Feature' Tarzan's New York Adventure with JOHNNY WEISMULLER and MAUREEN OISULLIVAN -ON SAME BIL- DON'T GET PERSONAL wlth HUGH HERBERT, MISCHA AUER and JANE Cartoon - Short M on.-Tues.-Wed. MARCH 1-2-3 They Died With Their Boots On featuring ERROL FLYNN and OLIVA de HAVILAND NEWS - SHORTS For Rent FOR RENT - APARTMENT IN Victor Manor Apts., Bowman- ville. Possession February lst. Phone Oshawa, day 1062, night 1441J. 1-tf FOR RENT - APARTMENT, 4' rooms, heated, wired for el- ectric stove. Apply W. C. Rowe, Cor. Centre and Con- cession Streets. 8-1* FOR RENT - PASTURE FOR rent, 63 acres, plenty of water and shade. Apply A. H. Clem- ens, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, phone 2433. 8-tf FOR RENT-8-ROOMED HOUSE furnished, newly decorated, modern conveniences, vegetable garden and garage. Apply R. H. Allen, Church St., Orono, phone 2 r19. 8-tf Chick Buyers In answer to several enquiries regarding coal for brooder stoves. Coal for brooding is supposed to hold a preference over coal for domestic use. Our advice is to get your coal as soon as possible, re- gardless of when you expect to, take delivery of your chicks. If you have difficulty getting coal for chick brooding and will get in touch with us, we believe we can arrange to, have a car of coal laid down in Bowmanville especially for chick brooding. Yours truly, H. J. BROOKS, Phone 2636 D. E. GIBSON, Phone Clarke 3811 STEWART'S SEED STORE, 577 7-2 Wanted To Buy WANTED - SMALL GAbOLINE engine, 11/- or 2-horse power. Apply Wes Fice, Queen Street, Bowmanville. 7-2 WANTED TO BUY - A GOOD colony house. Apply Mr. Earl Bradburn, Burketon, p h o n e 1654, Port.Perry. 8l WANTED TO BUY - FARM wanted, must have good house and buildings and lots off water. Write Box 163, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 8-1* Repairs VACUUM CLEANERS REPAIR- ed - Guaranteed service on Premier, Electrolux, Hoover, Royal, Goblin, Eurca, and al other makes. Caîl our "C.U.C. Service Depot" at McGregor's Hardware, phone 774, Bow- jmanville, Box 97. 8-11* ANNOUNCEMENT The Doctors of Bowmanviile have agreed to uniform office hours as follows: Afternoons-2.00 to 4.00 except Wednesday. Evenings-7.00 to 9.00 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ONLY. Patients will be seen at other hours only by appointment. In case of an emergency, pa- tients may caîl the Bowmanviile Hospital to find out which doctor is on duty. These hours In eff'ect as from October lst. Baby Chicks CHICKS, CHICKS, CHICKS. IN- vest your rftoney in the best, we have any brecd you wish, early orders receive preference. Price list on request. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanville. 2-tf BABY CHICKS-S. C. LEG. HORNS and Barrcd Plymouth Rocks, mixed and sexed, chicks from Government bandéd and blood tested stock. Last year throughout the entire season we were booked three weeks in ad- vance and orders to date are heavier than last year. Order today to avoid disappointment. Two hatches a week, Tuesdays and Fridays. Write or phone for price list. H. J. Brooks, Orchland Farm, Bowmanville, Ont., R.R. No. 3. Phone 2636. 4-tf. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-5-ROOMED HOUSEl with alI conveniences, onej quarter acre land, on Caesareai highway. Possession April lst. Apply S. Hadley, Enniskillen, phone 2578. 7-2 FOR SALE - 135 ACRES, AD- joining town of Bowmanville, on lake front, close to canning factory, schools, churches and highway. Choice dlay land, stream, large new barn, hen house, drive shed. Spacious surroundings with brick house, 7 rooms, 2 halls. Attractive pos- sibilities for country estate. Price $12,000. Possession ar- ranged. Russell Osborne, New- castle. 8~l* 0 Lot Our' Prescription Depoetmot Worlc Wth Your Physician. Have your next prescription filled witb the right ingredients at the rigbe tiine. Our registered pbarmacists filail pre- scriptions carefully with fresli pure drugs, and we double check for accuracy. No delay-; - no waiting. Prices you con easily afford to pay. ALFALFA Western Grlmm No. 1i--- -- Bus.-22.00 Ont. Varlegated Special No. 1 - Bus.-21.90 ALSIKE Speclal No. 1 ----------- LADINO CLOVER .--------------- WRITE DUTCR CLOVER Bus.-17.40 Lb- 1.35 Lb.- 1.10 RED CLOVER Local Grown No. 1 ------------ Bus.-19.20 Speelal No. 1 -------------------------Bus.-20.20 No. 2 Purity No. 1 ------------Bus-9.00 Mammoth No. 1i------------- Bus.-20.80 ALFALFA & RED CLOVER 50% Aifalfa 50% Red Clover Bus.-20.90 60% Alfalfa 40% Red Clover Bus.-21.00 75% Alfalfa 25% Red Clover Bus.-21.10 SWEET CLOVER White Blossom No. 1i-- - White Blossom No. 2---- Yellow Blossom No. 1- Yeilow Blossom No. 2- -Bus.- 7.00 Bu.- 6.50 -Bus- 8.00 Bus.- 7.50 Phone 778 rnv*ll=n ,nltAHOC IfA LIUIt0LDAY, F£~I~U~I U U For Rent 'TO AVOID Gargie and spray with Mi-3lAnti- septic-.Rexall's double-strength, quick-acdang, aatiseptic mouth wash. It kilîs harmful cold germs quickly-helps banisb bad breath. Mi-3 1 is effective at haif strengtb, safe at full strengtb.We guarantee it for strength and purity. 87C<47c25C The Rexaîl Drug Store When we test eyes It is done properly C.N.R. Ticket Agency TIMOTHY Special No. 1i --- ------ ----Bus- 4.25 High Grade No. 2 Purlty 1i--- Bus.- 3.95 Choice No. 2 --------------- Bus.- 3.75 CLOVER, TIMOTHY MIXTURE 80% Timothy 20% Alsike ------ Cwt.-13.50 or Lb- .15 GRASSES Canadian Blue Grass No. 1------Lb.-.30 Kentucky Blue Grass No. 1 ------Lb.-.30 Red Top No. 1 ------ ------------------ Lb-.20 Orchard Grass No. 1 --- .e ------Lb-50 Meadow Fescue No. 1.........------Lb.-.35 Brome Grass No. 1 -_--------Lb.-17 Reed's Canary Grass No. 1 - Prîce Later Crested Wbeat Grass No. 1 ------ Lb.-.16 Fancy Lawn Seed No. 1........-----Lb,-45 5 Lbs. or over ------------------ Lb-40 Fancy Shady Nook Lawn Seed ---Lb:-:55' 5 Lbs. or over --------------- Lb.-.50 FOR LATER PLANTING Dwarf Essex Rape, Mangels, Tumnips, Soya Beans, Sudan Grass, Millets, Sorghum. Seed Corn - Hybrid and Open 'Pollinated. Cert. P.E.I. Seed Potatoes. Garden Fertilizers, etc. When you buy Stewart's Bulk Garden Seeds you get more and better seed for your money. STEWART'S SEED STORE Phono 577 Bowmanvil Il.e, Ont. 4 DThe Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 PAGE EIGHT 31.00Value For05 S1300 Only65 TRIS COLLECTION 1 Pkt.-BEANS-Goiden Wax, Stringless ..................... 1 Pkt.-CORN-Golden Bantam...... 1 Pkt. BEET-Detroit Dark Re...... 1 Pkt.-CABBAGE-Early ........... 1 Pkt.-CARROT-Chantenay ........ 1 Pkt.-LETTUCE-Grand Rapids .. 1 Pkt.-ONION-Yellow Globe....... 1 Pkt.-PARSNUP-HolIow Crown .. 1 Pkt.-PEAS-Thos. Laxton's...... .1 Pkt.-RADISH-Scarlet White Tip. 1 Pkt.-SPINACH-Bloomsdale ...... 1 Pkt.-TOMATO-Bonny Best...... 1 Pkt.-CUCUMBER-Long Green .. $1.00 .Here is a real bargain in Stewart's Gov't Tested Bulk Garden Seeds. Get your assortment at once - Offer good for month of March only. Stewart's Seed Store Jury (& Lovel WHEN COLDS THREATEN STE WART'S SEED STORE DEPENDABLE HEADQUARTERS FOR CLOVERS - TIMOTRY - GRASS SEEDS DULK GARDEN SEEDS Wçoffer heme oniy Purest and Best Recleaned Seeds, Govt. Graded for Purity and High Germination. Prices are EXTRA SPECIAL and subjeet to, change wlthout notice. A definite shortage is expected before seeding time on Alf alfa, Alsike and Clovers. We strongly advise that you purchase your requirements without d elay ln order to avoid disappolntment. ý -i mer ?- 71 t"iIREADaà4,,dUS ilie NTmADS, =<5Cýf 1 i 1 Housewives may soon be "dry- ing out" instead off canning fruits and vegetables in an inexpensive home dehydrator made off wood and heated with electriciîy. 1 -- ALLIN-Sgt. Obs. Rohert Elford Allin, beloved eldest son of Dr. and Mrs. Nornman Allin, Edmon- ton, Alta., killed on acti.ve serv- ice with the R.A.F., January 28, 1943, in North Africa. Age 21. 8-l* WHITE-In Miami, Fla., on Sun- day, Pebruary 21st, 1943, Lieut. Col. Edwy White (R) of Coral Gables, Florida, formerly off Bowmanville. Funeral service on Thursday, February 25th, from Atlanta. Georgia. Inter- ment The Salvation Army Cem- etery, Atlanta. BUNNER-Rev. Wm. Alfred Bun- ner pasged peacefully away at Bowmanville Hospital on. Wed- nesday,-Feb. 24. Dearly beloved husband of Elizabeth Leavens and beloved father of Mrs. A. V. Acosta (Gladys) Porto Rica; W. Kelvin Bunner, Lucan; Mrs. Muriel Symons and Miss Viv- ian Bunner, Bowmanville. Aged 81 years. Funeral service at Trinity United Churcb, Bow- manville, on Saturday, Feb. 27, at 2.30 o clock. Intemment Bowmanville Cemetery. 8-1 IN MEMORIAM-1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ,rwttipQn,&-,r rrnplTàl:?v gr 1GA-J 3 11 Brunt f, Found FOUND - PAIR 0F LADY'S rimless glasses. Found at the Armouries, Bowmanville. Own- er may have same by calling at the Armouries evenings and paying for this adv't. 8-1 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT-50 TO7 acres of good pasture land.4 . the vicinity of Newtonville 'Or Newcastle, apply R. J. Morton, Clarke P.O., phone Clarke 2820. 8-2* Wanted WANTED-AT ONCE, QUEBEC type cookstove with deep fire box, good oven and reservoir. Must be in A-1 condition. Ap- ply T. S. Mountjoy, R.R. 6, Bbwmanville, phone 2503. 8-1 WANjýD-WILL RENT OR BUY small house with few acres of land or small farm. K. Schade, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. 8-2 ]RE-TREADED 600x16 TIRES IN STOCK The largest stock of recondi- tioned tires east of Toronto. Ail sizes. Rubber footwear vul- canized. TIRE SHOP 1 Block West of Post Office

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