PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 25th, 1943 I ON 5YEAR GUARANTEED 3 2% RUST CERTIFICATES An icleal autliori..d invoetment for individuals companles, comete boards, executors aujâ THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION M7 RAY STREET Clarke Union Tic Hoifie and Sciool met on TIhursday cvening last. Tic meet- ing took tic form of a social evcning, and a collection waa taken for tic Red Cross. Refresi- ments were servcd. We extend congratulations ta Mr. Fred Hill on cleirating ils 79ta birthday. Mr. ani Mrs. Gea. Cain have returned home aftcr spending a TORONTO couple of weeks witi ticir daugh- ter, Mrs. Reesor, at Markiam. Miss Eileen Souci spent tic week-end in Toronto. Mrs Gea. Fogg has returncd home after spending a few' weeks in Bowmanville. Mr. Neil Rainey ta in Cobourg thia week on jury. Do not anticipate tic happincs1 of tomorrow, but discover it inv today.-Elia Wheeler Wilcox. RATION NEWS Butter Coupons Butter coupons Nos. 1 and 2 in your new Ration Book are al- ready valid. Butter coupon No. 3 becomes good on March 27ti. Expiry date ai aliltirce coupons is April 3ti. Each of these cou- pons ia goad for 8 oza. of butter. No. 1 Ration Book Consumera are remindcd tiat Sugar, Tea ar Coffee coupons in No. i Ration Book will not be ionored after Marci 3lst, 1943. If you have some of these coupons Icit, and need tiese cam- niodities, use tiem before April 1lst. Ration Book No. 1 ahouid also contain Spare "C" coupons 10 ta, 26, as well as Spare "B" and Spare "D" coupona. These were put in when books were iaaued in juiy, 1942,-in case an cimer- gency aiould arise-but will not be required. Armed Forces on Leave Ration Carda may be obtained by membcrs ai tic Armed Farces on leave of 5 days, or longer, providing non-commissioncd af- ficers or men produce a leave pass, and officers a letter f rom their Officer Comnmanding. When Leaving Canada Tic Rationing Orders require that wPien a consumer ceases ta reside in Canada he shahl send his ration book or card ta tic nearcat Ration Office. Get a Canning Guide If you are going ta do canning this seasun be sure ta get a -Canning Guide froni tic Post Office or Ration Administration. Atter-a tiorougi study ai the Guide fi11 out the "Application for Canning Sugar" in No. 2 Ration Book and send ta your Local Ration Board (not ta Regionai Offices) not later tian April it. F111 in your application as a bouse- wife for ail members of your bouschold (on yaur awn card) sating tic nuniber of persans far wham yau are applying, but nat indluding yaurself i this num- ber. Tic blank carda of each niember af your housebold, bear- ing only thc serial numbers, shauld tien be attached ta your card and farwardcd toyaur Local Ration Board before April l5tb. Children Under 12 Years Any child wio has not rcacicd tic fuil age af 12 years on March lst, 1943, is not entitlcd ta Tea and Coffee coupons. Final Checkup Before discarding your old Ra- tion Book compare tic preix and number witi that writtcn on your new Ration Book. If tiey do not correspond as ta iettcrs and figures scnd bath books ta tic nearest Ration Office for correction. As a precautionary measure, wc rccommend tiat you save the caver of your aId bookc siowing prefix and numier wiici wîll be yours for tic duration. This column will appear in this newspaper every week to keep you up-to-date on Ration News. Clip and keep for reference. RATION ADMINISTRATION 2 Nestieton The Nestieton W.A. met at the home of Mrs. C. H. Porteous. Meeting in charge of Mrs. George Bower's group; ladies quiited a quilt for the Red Cross. Rail cai answed iy Irish jokes. Evergreen contest put on by Mrs. L. Jablin. Tiers were 12 ladies present and a number of children. Mrs. Par- teous and group were given a hearty vote of tianka for a pleas- ant and profitable afternaan. Next meeting in charge af Mrs. M. Em- erson's graup. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nesbitt, Garry and Rosa, Bowman- ville, visited Mr. C. H. Porteous.. Mrs. Robt. Ewers and Ann have returned from their visit in Osh- awa. . . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheeler visited Mr. George Jahns ..Miss Hilda Joins and Master Richard Bowles spent the week- end with their parents. . . Miss Jean Black visited her grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dickey... Miss Marguarette Adams and Mr. Allan Beacock visited friends at Nestieton. . . Messrs. Harvey and Ralpi Malcolm visited their par- ents at Yelvertan. .. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcalm visited her bro- ther, Mr. Fred Taylor, who is in Port Perry Hospital. . . Mr. and hrs. Kenneth Lamb, Port Credit, ...Mrs. Wiifred Jackson visited her siater, Mrs. K. Burton. Mr. Wm. Lamb is improvîng slawly and able ta be up again. The Nestieton W.A. hcid quite a succesaful crokinole and Chinese checkcrs party Friday evening. M'iss Marian Thompson won tac prize for crakinole and Arthur M,'airo for Chinese checkcrs. Rev. Stinson and Miss Gladys Emerson got consolation prizes. Boxes werc sold after and lunch provided for the others. Procceds about $15. ]Burketon Visitors: Ptc. Harold Gatcheil. Orillia, at home. . . Mr. Orland Bailey, Oshawa, at home. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Cochrane, Jean and HIarold, Bowmanvillc, Mrs. W. H. Rahm, wita Mr. A. N. Hudson... M1r. and Mrs. S. Moffatt and Betty, Oshawa, witi Mrs. T. Brcck... M,'rs. L. J. Gatcheil wita Mrs. A. Dean, Oshawa. . . Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Richards; Mr. Reg. Harding, 3owmanviiic, witi tic Gis. Sympatay of tic community is extendcd ta tac relatives of the late Mrs. Sarah Wilsan in their bereavement. War changes tiings. A sea inanster hasn't been rcported as ceing seen in several years. 440! +M- TIRE EASILYJ' 0 Wake up, mnan l Gin PUIs will mouse thase sluggish kidneys and give you a ncw lease on life. Money back if flot satisfied. Rarse, 40 pilIs: egLar si., 40 P1118 In the U.S. toklo, AMP HELP $MACH THIXMg! Te nazi time'you are frying or roasting smethincx tuai imagine the satiaation -. , .II fl i 1 it wouid give yau ta pour tiat hot fat riglit down the back af Adolph, Tala or Benita. You can even do better tisan that. Fats make glycerine, and gycerine mnakes higli explosives ta slnk their submarines, destroy their aeroplanes and tanks. Banes produce fat, misa glue for war industry. Zvezy spoanful af drippl4 every ounce of scrap fat, and every bone, oajced, uncooked or dry must be saved. Strain ail drippingu tirough an ardinary <strainer inta a clean wide-moutimed can. When yau have callected a pound or more of fat drippings take it ta your aseal dealer who Winl pay yau the etablished picefrte itping ana the srap at. Or yoea aupeee of thm erugh &army dncipal or lalvare Comuittee collection sys- tomsu NEFI'ECT in yens cenm- suwnty. Yeu eau he a munlien makes slgt Ls yns wmidtchen. Sa- eeydy taes ay, kee p working for ictory ýhy savt:Ynevery drapoflfa t dripping, every piece of scrap fat, and every bones. This cainpaign is for the duration. T 0F NATIONAL WAR SERVICES NATIONAL SALVAGE DIVISION sw"aa ACOUNTRY EDITOR,) WRITTEN SPECIALLY FOR THE WEENLY NEWSPAPERS 0F CAN ADA 1,I Ci RIENSLAT, EdIter ot the SUN SWIFT CURRENT SASKATCHE4WAN ENFORCEMENT-FOOD food adr mines w How do thcy get away with much af this, with that? Even your own may be friends say, "'They can't do this arfrice o ta me, I wasn't ioarding." You've Yau sE heard plenty af tiat stuff. And divides Fred A. McGregar, grey iaired, food of soft spaken Enforcement Admîn- ports. V istrator af the Wartime Prices threaten( and Trade Board, at Ottawa, tries price cal ta help find the answcrs. Thcre's ing, eithE nothing he fears more than ta have The arti is personnel labeiled Gestapo the ccilir and such things. a numbei He realizes, af course, tiat an tables. i nvestigator la creased~ \vested with new and unaccustam- rqme cd power, mighttansp tarow his weight wer d around a littie You rE and, by gosh, was donE taat's hard to of miik, d stomach. But ber of c. .suppiy of mcn, matoca. capable, is thin, Action ý.says Mr. Mc- ance of ~Gregor. T he y mainly ir kcep checking on co-operal F. A. MeGregortie c h e c k ers, of Agrici Seven; sametimes essential it takes time ta find out. cd out, tI "Wc can't decide local cases in is appiie an ivory tawer in Ottawa," he the price said. Whether it's an rentais, ar ta hif t hoarding or anything cisc they try ened prc ta get an honest statement af fact nutaheil, fromn the enforcement counsel in nel in it. caci regional division, and they And ie do insist an getting "local colaur" that thei wita it. Personai circumstances importa are taken intb consideration. Ai modity F tac admainistration docs, he says, is poration pass on a case to decide whcther bcst posa it shauld go to, the courts or not. into the Then tic law doca the rest. ever pric Kicks--Well-Founded and tain ceiii Tic dE Unfounded ments an( "Wc have ta, watci aur step, tribution too, fromn those whose tocs have ity of th, been stepped on; wia make spite They cor charges against persans tiey may suppies have a grudge against, populatioe many of which have teen investi- governmE gated and discovercd ta be un- requisitio founded." And in the converse, he fond for t showcd me the file and memo, and othei wierc he iad just that day per- of partici sonally teiephoncd an aId farcsgn- are in sh( born waman in Mantreal ta apalo- Mr. Ta gize for the actions of an investi- humndrunr gator who was too smart alto- for dinn( gether. secret.c "We couldn't handlc tic job of outs, and cnforcemcnt if tic public didn't benefit fr ca-operate," he pointed out, "but paid if tl tiank hcavcn 95 per cent of thc sccuring people arc doing a real enforce- article wi ment job with us." A smail per- ing price, centage, of course, are defiant and essential won't play ball. Some of it, he ncxt wcc dlaims, is pure carelcssncss of reg- series. ulatians ta be obscrved in busi- This is1 ness. *Artieli "What of tic future?" I aakcd. He iitched dloser to me ta cm- piasize tac point as he warncd An un that marc difficult timnesacotnb ahead, wita dangers f"black its crysta' market," etc. -Tell tic people X-ray dil they are aniy helping themacives and thcy can be of tremendous Tic b: icip ta us as tac mare criticai thc ceran times approaci. We wauid ratier for glazei have compliance than enforcement glass. any time." From Dec. 1, 1941, ta Dec. 31, 1942, tacy had 1,552 prosecutions for tic wholc af Canada, and 1,438 convictions. Yau and I who know what's going on can.reason it out far ourselves whethcr tiey are a Gestapo gang or an admin- istration ta check with firmncss. Britnell Vicws Foods Situation I hate ta iurry on wita 50 muci matcrial of intereat avaîlable, but tic acries is just about finishcd. I migit give you a few thougits from Dr. G. E. Britncll, economic adviser of tic Fooda Administra- JACIE tion, tousicd hcaded, earnest fel- low whase office waiis are covcred Wllfred witi colourcd charts. Butter ra- F.L tioning? Ai part of tic over-aillF picture we had, he cxplaincd. Fig- A. W.i ure it out: more lunch pails, mare sandwiches; marc civilian wIork- crs, armcd forces; Red Cross ne -____ cesaities; Aiaskan Higiway; U.S.A. troapa in Canada; cammitments ta Wcst Indies and Newfoundland. Why, tic use of fluid milk in- crcascd by 10 per cent over tic previaus year. Our pcr capita consumptian of butter in Canada is 26 Ibs., wiile taat of cheese oniy 4 Iba., and it takes two of cheese ta make anc of butter. Beef? Yup, he admitted a tigit L position there, but remember tiat in gencral tiere is nathing in uts over-ali position in Canada wiici EE wauld dictate it if wc had no re- sponsibilîtica ta tic United Na-. FO tions. It is obviaus that wc can- nat maintain higier consumption levels of meats than atacra of tic United Nations, say the Unit__ States. It is unlikcly that wc will avoid rneat rationing in tic trend ofI Starkville. The sun is brigit, crows and other birds are around and the sawing machine is in the neigh- bourhood-afl thsse are signa of Spring. Visitors. Pte. Raymond Farrow, Niagara Camp, was home last week. . . Mr. Mike Shutka was home from Oshawa for the week- end... Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Far- row, Newcastle, visited at Mr. Victor Farrow's recently. . . Mr. Art McKay was in Oshawa recent- iy.. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simp- son and famiiy of Quay's Cross- ing, visited at Bert Trimm's re- cently. . . Mrs. L. Jamieson and son, Allun, Cambourne, visited at Jake Halloweil's Sunday. .. Miss Gwcn Gilmer, Bowmanville, was home Sunday. Quite a nice cangregation at SuihSunday. A presentation was heid in aur achool Thursday evening for Pte. Calvin Dunn, who was home for a few days. Giad ta report that Mrs. Wm. Savery is able ta be back fromn Oshawa and is at her daughter's, Mrs. Ewart Robinson. The Assessor has made his vis- ita in this sectian. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Lavekin of Newcastle, aiaa Mr. ànd Mrs. Austin Turner, Newcaatle, and Mrs. W. Cawan, Orona, attendcd the presentation for Calvin Dunn Tiursday evcning. Lake %Shore, Clarke (Intcnded far Last Week) Our dance in the Community Hall, .Newcastle, March llti, was a real succesa. We clearêd $115 and $50 on the Red Cross quiit. The last Red Cross meeting was heid at Mrs. Clint Brown's. Twa quilta were tied dawn and bound. Mr. Gea. Payne, who has been residing with Glaver Bras., has been taken to Port Hope Hospital. Visitars: Mr. T. McNeii, Orono, with Mrs. G. Martin. . . Mr. and Mrs. G. Martin and famiiy at Mr. C. Selby's, Newcastle. .. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mitchell in Port Hope... Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown and f am- fly, Oshawa, at Mr. C. Brown's... Misses Olive and Bernice Brown in Toront... Mr. and.Mrs. Robin Alldrcd and Lois, at Mr. W. Stringer'a, Crooked Creek. .. Mr. RENEWAL OrP UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS To ail Employers: -The 1942-43 Unemployment Insurance Bookes expire on March 3lst. New Insurance Books for tic fiscal year 1943-44 will be excianged by tic Local Employ- for expired Insurance Books. Do flot send in your Insuranoe Books without completing forms enclosed with circular letter 625. If you have flot received this circular letter, get in touch with your nearest Employment andi Selective Service Office. Where it is necessary to quote the Employee's Insurance 'Number, use the number with the prefix letter shown on the front cover of the book: example P-49247, E-22454. Do flot quote the book serial number printed on the inside pages of the book. Proteet the benefit rights of your em- ployees by following closely the procedure out- lined in the circular letter, and prevent delays by acting now. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION rninistration staff deter- what to do," he said, and fthe action which, follows Scarried out by regional of the Board, enforcement iing divisions. se, food suppiy naturally itself into twa groups, 1domestic origin or im- Vhen domestic supply is ied as a resuit of lower sablished under the ceil- ir of three things is done. ile can be removed from rig entirely, as done with er of fresh fruits and vege- The price could be in- as with beef, lamb and her products which have a 1price range and which 1higher prices to main- )ply, or, thirdly, subsidies Ied to the existing price. rmember how the latter se extensively in the case lairy products and a num- canned items, such as to- iwith respect to mainten- supplyý has been taken in conjunction with or in tion with the Department culture. In the case of imported foods, he point- te same general principle ý, to subsidize importa if eceiling threatens supply tceilings from the threat- oducts. There it is in a and I hope there's a ker- L added, did Mr. Taggart, most common practice of has been for the Com- Prices Stabilization Cor- to buik purchase at the ;siblc price and then seli domestic trade at what- ce is necessary to main- ngs. ltermination of require- .d the management of dis- has been the responsibil- he Foods Administration. nrtol prices and keep up of food for the civilian on, and, to assist other int bodies, it also acta to on or otherwise acquire the soldier boys and girls er priority needs in cases cular commodities which aort supply. iggart made it sound sa m that 1 lost my appetite er. And there's flot a Subsidies are flot hand- 1the trade gets no special [om them. They are only there is fia other way of a sufficient supply of an vithout exceeding the ceil- eand are limited anly to [consumer goods, and bk's article concludes the the Sixth of a Series of les by Mr. Greenblat iknown substance may idcntified by a study of alIme nature by means of iffraction. iggest user of borax is mics industry, particularly es and enamels, and f or Saturday. gan and uscd largcly in the sauta. You can tel tac parents with good business judgment. They' name tac child after a rich rela- tive. Ciicary, uscd almoat exclusive- ly in tac blcnding of coffcc, la produccd principaily in Michi- HOW TO FILL OUT YOUR APPLICATION FOR CANNING SUGAR This year houscwives must estimate in advance the amdoint of sugar required for canning and jam-making, so that arrangements may be made to provide and distribute the necessary supplies. Applications must be sent in to your Local Ration Board by April I5th. Use the application in your new Ration Book for 'this purpose. Canning sugar will be allowed for aIl fresh fruits, including citron and wild fruits. Marrow, tomatoes and pumpkins are considered as vegetables and no canning sugar will be allowed for them. HOWTO IGU E OU*T E Ae N O - aRNED a CA NNIN G Allow V2lb. of sugszr for each quart sealer. Estimnate tic TOTAL numier ai quart sealers you plan ta put up -tien use tic quick, practica.l mctiod afialiowing 1/2 lb. ai sugar for caci quart sealer. Don't try and decide exacti]y tic num- ber af caci knd aifruit you plan ta put up. Some fruits may be more plentiful tian otiers. B3ase your catimates an tic number ai scalers you have on hand, wiat you put up iast year, or what ypu think your needs wiil be this year. lour eompleted ap. plication mus be sent ta your Local Ration Board by JAM or JELLY MAKING 4llow 11/2iba. of sugar for each quart of jam or jelly. Most people use jars of variaus shapes and sizes. Take a nuns- ber ai tic jars yau usually use and sec iow niany cupfls ai water ticy iold. Four (4) cupa mnake a quart. In. tha way you wiii be aile to estimate tic number of quarts ai jani or jclly your jars will iold. Then allow 11/2 Iba. of sugar per quart for your requirements. For exampie, for 8 quarta ai jam or jeliy, yau wiii require 12 Ibs. of augar. **0"~ #t. Mrs. Jones has dccided that her canning programme wil be 40 quarts ai fruit ai différent kinds. She allows anc-hall pound ai sugar for eacH quart, and therefare will necd 20 pounds of sugar for canning. She decides that she will put up 6 quarts ai jam and jelly. She allows 1% pounds af sugar for ecd quart of jam, and 'therefore wil need 9 pounds of sugar for jam and jelly making. She adds the two amounitsaio sugar together (20 + 9) and writes the total (29 pounds) an her application, together with the numbcr af persoa she intends ta fccd in her own household. Ta her own iully completcd application farm she attaches the application forma oi the athcr personasinhiler household shc i. planning to feed. Only the in- dividual serial numbers necd be givcn on these aecompanying application forma. IMPORTANT NOTE Tic Dominion Department of Agriculture recommends canning fruit in preference ta making jamn or jelly because: Mare fruit can be put up witi leas sugar and at less cost. Canncd fruit retains more ai tic vitamin value ai tic iresh fruit. WHEN AND HOW CANNING SUGAR WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE Wien yaur Local Ration Board has re- viewcd your application you will -bc pro- vided, sometîme before Junc lat, with special canning sugar coupons. Tiese cou- pans wiil entitle yau ta buy sugar, at any grocry store, at specified intervals. You do not have ta buy aIl your sugar at once. COMPLETE AND SEND IN YOUR APPLICATION BEFORE APRIL 15 Complete your application form as uhown in tise illustration and mail it to your Local Ration Board net later than April lSth. Attach tise application forma frons tie ration books of the ailier persoa you will be feeding in your isousehold. Do not write any. tising but the serial numbers of tise owners on diese ailier forma. Simply eopy tihe serial numbers from thse front of tiseir ration books on to tiseir application forms and pin them ta Ini estimating your canning and jam-making a cool, dry, dark place. Don't use canned requirenients, storage space should be carcfully fruits on your table when frcsh fruits are cansidcrcd. Poor starage may cause. spoilage available. Plan ta use yaur home-canned fruits and wastc. Canned fruit should be kept in in thc winter months only. Remember-Falae Statements are Subjecito the Pull Penalty of the Las.. RATION ADMINISTRATION as s.£ *Me Q L~ ~> t I ~b. M. Estimates based an these methoda are withln the canninF sugar ration, and the amounts arc satisfactory for wartimc canning and jain and jclly making, as proven by test in the Dürninion Departmcnt of Agriculture experimental kitchens. and Mrs. A. Bcdwin, Marlene, and A. Taylor at Mr. H. Taylar's, Courtice. . . Mi. and Mrs. M. Brown, Oshawa, at homne. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bakerville and baby in Oshawa, Mrs. F. Wilson return- cd with taem. The Hendrys and lRowlands at- tendcd tic Seed Fair at Orono, X HUDSON, Orono; 1Richardson, Pontypool; * BYAM, Tyrone; or GLENNEY, Newcastle ILI ;&ie]1 -0 v - 1 PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 25th, 1943 '