PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTPARIO IThe Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Mrs. J. Earl, and Mr. and Mrs Russell Earl and family sper Sunday with Mrs. Norman Allii and Marion A group of ten Newcastle ladieE matrons and maids, attended thi Red Cross blood donors' clinica Oshawa on Wednesday evening March 17th, and donated blood They were warmly received an( given the most friendly attention The group included: Mesdameý Walter Deline, J. Thos. Brown Gordon Watson, Michael Gogerty W. J. Hockin, Jr., Douglas Wright Misses Leona Tebble, Kathlee: Toms, M. Bernice Smith anc Pauline Deline. Mr. H. C. Bona. than, Mr. P. F. Hare and Mis. Leona Tebble drove cars. The coming of spring has spelli ed finis tp the Trail Rangers' ici rink on the bowling green for thi, season, but the boys would likE to assure ail those who so kindly made donations toward the rink that their money, as yet not ex- pended, will be held as a sacrec trust, to be put into use at ar early time next winter The boys were at work last week-end clear- ing away the lumber. Mrs. Sam Simpson, Kitchener, and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Garnel Caswell. Toronto, are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. John Caswell. Walter Blackburn, of the R.C. A.F., Toronto, spent Sunday with his aunts, Mrs. O. Cole and Miss E. M. Blackburn. Isobel Clemence, of the C.W A.C., looking very smart and at- tractive in her uniform, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clemence, and attended Sunday morning service at the United Church. We believe she is the first young lady of this section to don a uniform of one of the war services. Miss Jean Bonathan, Shaw's Business College, Toronto, was home over the week-end. Mr. H. M. Buxton and Miss ROYAL THEATE ___ BOWMANVI LLE Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. MARCH 25-26-27 Double Feature HELIZAPOPPIN' with OLSEN and JOHNSON -ON THE SAME BILL- CALLING ODR. GILLESPIE featuring LIOLMPT ARRVMflU1an PHILLIP DORN M on.-Tues.-Wed. MARCH 29-30-31 THEY FLEW ALONE id with ANNE NEAGLE and ROBERT NEWTON NEWS-SHORT 'i n as .6 al ýd IC m, ,n it, cn id ss is ,e -Helen Rickard, Toronto, were tSunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1W. J S. Rickard. Miss Kathleen Toms and Mrs. W. J. Hockin visited Mr. and Mrs. t E. H. Joli, Ajax, on Sunday. Bandsman Brenton Rickard is ihome from military camp at Corn- *wall on a two weeks' furlough. 3 Mrs. J. Scott Howard is heiping put the sugar shortage in a patriot- ile way, as are many in the country. She has eight maple troos tapped in and around her village property. 1 The home nursing classes held in the Community Hall every Tuesday afternoon and evenmng are proving very popular and are well attended. Miss Ruth Han- cock, Reg. Nurse, is the regular instructor Classes are held under auspices of Newcastle Red Cross. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rickard and David are now occupying their new home, recently completed. Miss Tena Ferguson, accompan- ied by Miss Almeda Couch, R.N., visited the Medical Arts Building, Toronto, last week for an exami- nation and consultation. She ex- pects to go up again in two weeks' time for an operation. Rov. R. E. Morton bas been holding cottage prayer meetings at different homes throughout the winter and last week the meeting was held at the home of Mr. Thos. Couch. On Wednesday of this week, for the second time, the i meeting was held at Mr and Mrs. John Caswel's.1 Obituary W. H. LAW Newcastle relatives received 3word early last week that William Henry Law, widely known rosi- ;dent of Otterville, Oxford County, bad died suddenly at his home March iSth. He bad not been in good bealth for the past couple of weeks, but bis death was quite unexpected. wHe retired from the1 teaching profession in 1937, after teaching for 40 years. Aftèr grad- uating from Newcastle High scbool under the principalship of the late 1Hugh Davidson he attended Nor- mal Scbool, obtaining bis teach- er's certificate. In 1908-9 he was teaching No. 9 school at a salary 0f $500. He also taught the Lake Shore school for a while. Later he went west and taught for 15 years at Wapella, Sask. Twenty- seven years ago he married Miss May Taylor, Vittoria, and after several years in the West he came to Otterville, where they lived for the past 17 years. Deceased taught in the Otterville Public School, of which ho was the principal, for nine years. He was an active mnember of St. John's Anglican Church, Otter- ville, being treasurer at the time 0f bis death. Soon after the war started he devoted his spare time to knîtting, and had knitted scores of pairs 0f socks for members of the armed forces. The Friday before his death he had started a pair for his own son who had lately joined the army He was a member of St. John's Lodge, A.F. and A.M., Norwich, and was a past master of the lodge in Sas- katchewan. He leaves to mourn his passing, bis widow and their one son, Pte. Herbert Law, Hamilton, formerly a bank clerk. One of a family of ton, ho is also survived by three brothers, Frank Law, Toronto, f or- merly general morchant at Now- tonville; George Law, Brown's S.S., and Counillor Chris Law, i Newcastle, and three sistors, Mrs. Horatio Wetherall, Mrs. Robort Gray and Mrs. Frank Gibson, ahl of Newcastle. A younger brother, David G. Law, fought and died in the Great War of 1914-18, having been killed at Hill 70. Rov J. C. Cayley conductod the improssive funeral service and de- livered an inspiring address at St. John's Anglican Cburch, Otter- ville, March i8th, in the presence of a largo number of friends and citizons. Interment was in Wood- bouse cemetory, north of the town of Simcoe. Mrs. Robt. Gray and Mrs. Frank Gibson, Newcastle, attended the funeral rites, accompanied by their niece, Miss Bessie Law, Reg. N., Hamilton. Auction Sales TIC- a Rexal product -kills WED., MARCH 3lst gorms safely and qui ky educe feuenyt of Kenneth Jack, 1/ mile Nortb colds qd 2,eecos ebreath.Poect of the Village of Ha1 owi ousf ith MI-3 I Antiseptic. Let seIl by public auction nîl his su ealDrug sign be your guide housebold effects including chest- so Safety, Econooey and Satisfaction. erfield, bedroom. kitchen and din-, ANTIS4P.I0 JURY &LOVEL Mhen we test eyes It is done properly. C.N.R. Ticket AgencY. Phono 778 Bowmanviile ing moont furniture, stoves, floor coverings, electric lamps, electric wasbing machine, kitchen utensils and many other articles. Above furniture was bought within the last three years. Terms, cash. Sale at 1 o'clock. Elmer Wiibur, auctioneer. 11-2 SAT, MARC H 27th Mm. Herb. Flîntoff, Lot 29, Con. 4, Darlington, (2 miles North of Courtîce) wîll soîl by public auc- tion ah bhis farm stock, imple- monts, hay, grain, moots, poultry and a quantity of furniture. Sale at I o'clock. Terms, cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 11-2 NOTICE Applications wîlI be received by the under-signed up to 12 o'clock noon, April 3rd, 1943, for the of- fice of Assessor for the Town- ship of Damlington for the yeam 1944. Applicants to appear in per- son at the regular Council meet- ing, Saturday, April 3rd, at tbe boum of 3 o'ciock. J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk. Dated at Hampton, March 16th, 1943. 11-3 WIGHT - At Bowmanville Hos- pital, March 24, 19-13, to Mm. and Mrs. Gordon Wight, a son, "James Elgin". 12-i* ROBINS ON - To Cecil and Marg- aret Robinson (nee Gay), 13 Windsor Ave., Ajax, on March 18, 1943, the gift of a son. Mother and baby both doing well. 12-1* DAVIS-Mr and Mrs. Ralpb Davis (nee Isobel Yllowlees), Solina, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Patricia Jane, at Bowmanville Hospital, on March 17, 1943. 12-1 DEATHS WILSON-In Burketon, on March 18, 1943, Sarah Ann Hubbard, widow of O. A. Wilson, in her 82nd year. Interment Pine Grove Cemnetery, Prince Albert. C A V E R L Y - In Bowmanville, March l7th, 1943, Aima M. Hinchcliffe, beloved wife of Wil- liam C. Caverly. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. WILCOX-In Hampton, March 24, 1943,' Henry Wilcox, in his 86th year. Resting at Northcutt & Smith's Funeral Chapel for ser- vice March 26, at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Hampton Cemetery. Fun- eral private. ORCHARD 3L-- In Enniskiilen, on March 24, 1943, Frank C. Orch- ard, beloved husband of the late Clara L. Orchard, in his 76th year. The funeral will take place from the residence of his son-in-law, Milton J. Stainton, Enniskillen, on Sat., March 27. Service at 2.30 p.m. Interment Eldad Cemetery. Flowers grate- fully declined. IN MEMORIAM GIBBS - In loving memory of Frederick Gibbs who i4ssed away March 30, 1942. While he lies in peaceful sleep, His memory we shall always keep. -Sadly missed and fondly re- membered by wife and family. 12-1* REYNOLDS - In ever loving memory of our mother, Eliza- beth Jane Reynolds, beloved wife of the late Arthur Rey- nolds, Solina, who died March 26, 1927; also sister Edna who died February 14, 1936. -Ellis and May. 12-l* COLWILL-In loving memory of our dear parents who passed away; Mother, March 20th, 1933; Dad, March 3Oth, 1941. 'Tis a tribute of love and remembrance To our parents, two of the best, The joys that they missed on life's highways May they find iri God's Garden of Rest. - The Family. 12-1 RHINES - In loving memory of a dear daughter and sister, Agnes Marie Rhines, who passed away March 27th, 1942. One year has passed since that sad day When one we loved was called away, God took her home-it was His will Within our hearts she liveth still. -Ever remembered by Mother, Dad, Bertha and Arletta. 12-i* COMING EVENTS A high class Musicale in the United Church auditorium, New- castle, on Wednesday evening, April 14, under auspices of the Parsonage Committee. Oshawa, Bowmanville, Orono and New- castle talent. Please reserve the date. 12-1 Dance in Newtonville Commun- ity Hall on Monday, March 29, under auspices of Newtonvîlle Men's Club, Barclay's orchestra. Admission 35 cents. Refresh- ments sold. 12-1* On Thursday, April 8th, at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. C. T. Ross is donating to the Red Cross, the picture 'Dancing on a Dime". This pic- ture features Robert Page, Grace MacDonald, William F r a w 1 e y. Also shorts. Admission 25c. Ahl proceeds in aid of Red Cross. 11-2 Vacuum Cleaners Repaired GUARANTEED FACTORY RE- pairs, adjustments, lubrication, etc., to Premier, Royal, Geblin, Eurica, Apec, Hoover and all other makes. Accessories and rebult vacuums. Telephone our C.U.C. Service Depot, Bow- manville, 774, at McGregor Hardware. 9-18* NO0TICE To Farmers and Munitions Workers: To obtain NEW or RETREADED tires you must make application to the War- time Prices and Trade Board. Let us make out your appli- cations. -Why drive to Oshawa. We are able to handie it bore. P. . JAMIESON TIRE SHOP 1 Block West of Post Office COMING EVENT The Evening Auxihiary of St. Paul's Church is holding a sale of home cooking in the Lecture Room, Saturday afternoon, March 27th. Afternoon tea 15c. 12-1 Carda of Thanka Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Walton wish to thank ail their friends and neighbours and the Newcastle Fire Brigade for their valued services on the occasion of the fire at their home on Monday afternoon, March 22nd. 12-1 The family of the late Mrs. W. H. Montgomery wishes to express appreciation for the many acts of kindness and expressions of sym- pathy and condolence extended by friends and neighbours during their recent bereavement. 12-1 Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Chambers take this opportunity of sincerely thanking the many friends, neigh- bours, also Order of the Eastern Star, for the many lovely flowers, cards, books and games sent to their daughter, Gayle Elizabeth during her recrent long illness. Also Dr. H. Ferguson and Dr. W. H. Birks for their kind attention while she was at the hospital and at home. 12-11J Articles For Sale FOR SALE - MAN'S BICYCLE in good condition. Appiy Alex McRobbie, Elgin Street, phone 2356, Bowmanville. 12-1 FOR SALE - A QUANTITY 0F dressed lumber, good quality, suitable for indoor work. Also six tables, at the store, Johns- ton's Bookstore, Main St., Bow- manville. 12-i LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actua.lly in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE - 2 CIPHER INCU- bators, 240 eggs each. Also Chatham incubator, 128 egg size. Apply Mrs. J. R. Ruddell, Leskard, phone Orono 54-15. 12-1 FOR SALE - ELECTRIC RADIO, motor and electric iron. Also dining roomn table and cook stove. Apply N. A. Langelaan, R. R. 5, Bowmanville, phone OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern, chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. BeddiCgnd floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcae St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE-BASSINET, nearly new. Write Box 170, Statesman Office. Bowmanville. 12-1 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT - 3 OR 4 roomed apartment, possession April lst. Write box 172 dlo Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 12-1* WANTED TO RENT -OF-1 ficer's wife desires to rent house in Bowmanville for Summer ndonths or longer. Furnished optional. Write Box 171, The Canadian Statesman, Bowman- WANTED TO RENT - ABOUT fifty acres of pasture with good fences and running water. Ap- ply Cyril Avery, R.R. 3, Bow- îùanville, phone 2582. 12-1* HOUSES OR APARTMENTS wanted - Have you a house or apartment or living quarters that you could arrange for in- dustrial workers, or can you suggest some place that would make suitable living accommo- dation. Please 'phone Good-i year, Bowmanville, 343, and ask for Mr. Nanson. 11-tf BO WMAN VILLE For Rent FOR RENT-WOULD RENT UP- stairs to reliable couple. Has bath, hot and cold running water and other conveniences. Write box 174 Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 12-1 FOR RENT- 6 -ROOMED apartment, water and lights. Mayrage.adpy T. ymeaPnt Gaae a rdIt ppyT yen. Vacan Box 51, phone 379. 12-l* FOR RENT- TWELVE ACRES, small cottage, large hen house, on Orono highway, about a mile from Newcastle, twelve month- ly. Apply Mrs. E. Mathews, 28 Milbourne Ave., Toronto. 12-3* Seed Grain For Sale 4 SEEDS FOR SALE - RE G IS- tered E r b a n Oats. Limited quantity at $1.20 per bus. These oats won prizes at both Orono and Quinte Seed Fairs. Phone Fergus E. Morrill, -2456, Bow- manville. 12-1 Registered No. 1, Commercial No. 1 - Cartier, Erban, Dasix, Vic- tory and Vanguard Oats. No-barb and two-rowed Barley. Corona- tion Wheat. Control certificates and germination tests on all var- ieties. Ail grain cleaned and grad- ed by our power cleaning plant. Garnet Rickard, Bowmanviile, phone 2218. il-tf Notice to Creditors ALL PERSONS having any dlaim against the Estate of the late LILY HARRIS, who died on or about the 4th day of March, 1943,1i at the Town of Bowmanville, are required to file the same with proof thereof with the under- signed Executrix, or her Solicitor, not later than April 22nd, 1943, after which date the Estate wiil be distributed and al daims of which the Executrix has not re- ceived notice will be barred as against her. DATED .at Bowmanville this 2Oth day of March 1943. FANNY JOHNSTON, Burketon, Ont., R.R., Executrix, by M.G.V. GOULD, Bowmanville, Ont., Her Solicitor. 12-2 ALL PERSONS having any dlaim against the Estate 0f the late DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE, who died on or about the 27th day of February, 1943, at the Town of Bowmanvile, are re- quired to file the same with proof thereof with the undersigned Ex- ecutrix, or her Solicitor, not later than April lSth, 1943, after which date the Estate wiil be distributed and all claiins of which the Ex- ecutrix has not received notice will be barred as against her. DATED at Bowmanville this 1Sth day of March, 1943. GERTRUDE BONNYCASTLFM, Bowmanvile, Ont., Executrix, by M. G. V. GOULD, Bpwmanviile, Ont., her Solicitor. 11-2 Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE - 75 ACRES good land, buildings, orchard and water. One mile North of Solina. Apply Mrs. J. H. Hazel- den, Scugog St., Bowmanville, Ont. 12-2* RpnuIv PgwI1wwp~ HAIRDRESSING - MRS. BOB Cale, over Naylor's Store. 12-1* ENGAGEM ENTS Mr. and Mra. Edwin Ormiston, Maple Grove, wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Greta Elaine, to Thomas Colin Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Solina. The mar- niage to take place quietly early in Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gray, New- castle, wish to announce the en- gagement of their fourth daughter, Mabel, to Ross Cobbledick, soli of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cobble- dick, Newcastle. The marriage to be held quietly in St. George's Anglican Church, Newcastle, on April l6th, at 2.30 o'clock. 12-l* PHONE 2456 Kielp Wanted HELP WANTED - MIDDLE aged woman for light house- work and care of sick woman., Apply Thos. Brown, Liberty St., Bowmanville, phone 548. 12-l* HELP WANTED-AN ELDERLY lady to keep house for one man or might consider elderly rnar- ried couple. Phone A. E. Rundie, 2134. 12-1 HELP WANTED - GIRL, 16 OR over, to assist in Creamery of- fice and wrapping butter. Ex- perience unnecessary. Apply nearest Employment and Sel- ective Service Office. Refer File No. 1480. 12-1 Notice to Debtors Take notice that ail accounts owing to J. T. Pearce, Newton- ville, who operated a grocery bus- iness known as the Superior Store, must be paid by April 15 to Mrs. H. E. Walkey, Newtonville. AU accounts remaining unpaid after that date will be placed in a lawyer's hands for collection. 11-3* Seed Cleaning Maximum production requires the best seed. Have your seed cleaned and graded ready for sow- ing by our Government approved cleaning plant. Please co-operate by contacting us before bringing any large quantities of seed and removing it as soon as possible after being cleaned. Garnet Rick- ard, Bowmanville, phone 2218. il-tf Livestoek and Articles FOR SALE - 5 YOUNG PERCH- eron horses. Apply H. C. Ped- well, Newcastle, phone 38-23, Clarke. 12-2* FOR SALE - GENERAL PUR- pose Percheron geiding rising 5 years, well broken, work double., drive single, quiet. Ap- ply Norman Samelîs, R.R. 2, Nestleton, phone Port Perry FOR SALE- FOR QUALITY Fertilizer- order early for sure d eli v e ry. Carl Todd, Clarke, agent for Agricultural Chemicals Limited, Port Hope, also farm implements, large stock of new and used machin- ery, spreaders, wagons, dise plows, binders, etc. 11-3* FOR SALE - QUANTITY 0F' mixed hay, tîmothy and alfaif a, weil cured. Apply M. Sleemon, phone 2131. 12-1 FOR SALE - TWO GELDINGS, one aged, the other a young horse weighing 1700 pounds, quiet and free worker. No rea- sonable offer refused. Apply Jos. W. Hall, Orono. 12-2* FOR SALE - QUANTITY 0F hay, alfalfa and timothy. Ap- ply Lillian Mountjoy, Welling- ton St., Bowmanville, phone 2376. 12-1 FOR SALE - 9 YORKSHIRE pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply Cyrîl Rundle, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, phone 2135. 12-i Livestock and Art icles TURKEYS FOR SAL-A NUM- ber of bronze hens and toms suitable for breeding stock. Phone Oshawa 491w3. 12-i* FOR SALE - 9 PERCHERONS, 1 matched team, 2 mares in foal, 2 rising i year, 2 rising 2 years, 1 heavy draft 4 years, a show horse. Apply E. Horn, Hamp- ton, phone 2144. 12-if FOR SALE - 6 YORKSHIRE pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply Green Bros., R.R. 3, Bowmanville, phone 2161. 12-1* FOR SALE - i JERSEY 00W, 6 years, due; i Holstein-Jersey cow, 7 years, due March 30th. Apply, phone 2469, W. B. Met- caîf. 12-1* FOR SALE - 1 CLYDE MARE, 10 years, also brown mare, Reg. il years, both good workers. Apply David Broome, R.R. 1, Hampton, phone 2369. 12-l* FOR SALE - REGISTERED Shorthorn bull, No. 254465, one year old, colour dark red. A real caîf. Apply A. W. Glenney, Newcastle, phone Clarke 33-12. 12- FOR SALE - 18 YORKSHIRE pigs 6 weeks old. Apply Blake Short, phono Bowmanville 2479. FOR SALE -. 3 REGISTERED Yorkshire boars, serviceable age. Also wanted to buy, man's bicycle. Bill Rowland, New- castle, phone Clarke 1902. 12-1* FOR SALE - NEW EQUIPMENT Available - One S.C. tractor, tractor plows, tractor manure spreaders, corn cultivators andi a used horse disc, 12 plates, cheap. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, phone 2610. 12-1* Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY - GOOD used stroller or doîl carniage. Write Box 175, d'o Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 12-1* WANTED-USED SEWING MA- chine-s, electric or treadle. Sing- er Sewing Center, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 9-tf WANTED TO BUY - FEW COL- onies of bees, subject to Gov- ernment inspection. Write Box 173, Statesman Office, Bowman- WANTED - WILL BUY ANY quantity of spys or any kind of apples. Write Beaver Fruit, 87 Front St., Toronto, phono Wav- erly 8844, reverse charges, or phone Bowmanville 835. 12.2* Doctor's Office Rours Afternoons-2.00 to 4.00 except Wednesday and Sunday. Evenings-7.00 to 9.00 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ONLY. Patients wiil be seen at other hours by appointment. In case of an emergency, if their own doctor is not avaîlabie, pa- tients may telephone the Bow- manville Hospital. 9-tf * ALFALFA Western Grimm No. 1--------- Bus.-22.00 Ont. Varlegatod Special No. 1 - Bus.-21.90 ALSIKE Spocial No. 1 ----------------- LADINO CLOVER------------- WHITE DUTCH CLOVER- - Bus.-17.40 Lb- 1.35 Lb.- 1.10 RED CLO VER Local Grown No. 1 ---------- ---Bus.-19.20 Special No. 1 -------------------------Bus.-20.20 Spocial No. 2 ---------------- Bus.-19.00 Mammoth No. 1 ------------- Bus.-20.80 ALFALFA & RED CLO VER 50% Alfalfa 50% Red Clovor Bus.-20.90 60% Alfalfa 40% Red Clover Bus.-21.00 75% Alfalfa 25% Red Clover Bus.-21.10 AUCTON SALE 100 HEAD CA1TLE Property of E. A. WERRY WiU bo sold by Pubic Auction on Lots 17 and 18, Con. 9, Darling- ton Township, One mlle North of Enniskiilen, Ona-half mile off paved road WED., MARCH 3lst Six head 3-yr. old Durhanm heifers heavy in calf; 6 head2 oldheifers in caîf; 5 head 3-yr. o ci% stèers, Durhams; 15 head 2-yr. old Herefords, this group the pride of the stable; 15 head 2-yr. old steers, Durham, a beautiful group; 5 head 2-yr. old steers and heifers, Poil Angus; 5 bond i 1k-yr. old steers and heifers, Poil Angus, these groups of PoIl Angus are tops; 6 head roan Herefords and Durhams, extra quality; là head mixed Durham and Herefords, 1 % yr. ods; 22 yearling Herefords; Sheep _45 young sheep, supposed to be in lamb. Rams were with the sheep last November. A choice lot; Horses-5 good work horses. I have been very fortunate this winter having "Dr." Everett Strutt as my stable man. The "Dr." bas fed and cared for these cattie on my farm for over three months, feeding tbem the choicest of chop, hay and ensilage. If you give tbem the same attention these cattle will make *you a profitable tumn out of your stable the first of June-or July, early grass cattle. Your attention will give you a golden opportunity of securing a top quality grade of cattle for the coming season. I always appreci- ate your attendance at my sales. Terms: Cash. Sale at 1.30 o'dlock. *. J. A. WERRY, Clerk TED JACKSON, ,Auctloneer Baby Chicks TWEDDLE CHICKS - BUY Tweddle High Quality . Chicks now at Stewart's Seed Store and get your Caf eteria Chîck Starter at wholesale, we have over thirty breeds to choose from and the demand is greater than ever this year for Tweddle Chicks, price list on request. STEWART'S SEED STORE Phone 577 9-tf Attentiont I wish to announce that I have been able to secure an 'addition of 5880 eggs to my Incubator cap- acity which is now in operation. Anyone whose order I have pre- viously been unable to f111 due to being sold out may find by gettmng in touch with me that I can now supply you with chîckens. If you want-your chicks in M'< I or June it wouid be advi~ie place your order as soon aspu- sible: H. J. BROOKS, Orchland Farm, Bowmanville, Ontario, ph o ne 2636. 11-tf For Sale or Exchange Fresh Guernsey cow 7 years old for sale or will exchange for young cattle. Phone 2197, Bow- manville. 12-1 TIMOTHY Special No. 1 ---------------- Bus.- 4.25 High Grade No. 2 Purlty 1 ----Bus.- 3.95 Choice No. 2 --------------- Bus.- 3.75 CLOVER, TIMOTHY MIXTURE 80% Timothy 20% Aisike ----- Cwt.-13.50 or Lb- .15 GRASSES (Janadian Blue Grass No. 1 ----Lb-.30 Kentucky Blue Grass No. 1 ----Lb-.30 Red Top No. 1 ---------------- ---- ---Lb.-20 Orchard Grass No. 1 ---- ------ Lb,-50 Meadow Fescue No. 1 -----------Lb.-35 Brome Grass No. 1 --e---------------- Lb.-.17 Reed's Canary Grass No. 1 - Price La ter Crested Wheat Grass No. 1 ----- Lb.-.16 Fancy Lawn Sood No. 1i----------Lb-.45 5 Lbs. or over ------------------Lb-40 Fancy Shady Nook Lawn Seed ---- Lb.-.55 5 Lbs. or over ---------------- Lb.-.50a FOR LATER PLANTING .vI SWEET CLOVER Dwarf Essex Rapo, Mangeis, Turnips, Soya White Blossom No. 1 ---, --e---- Bus- 7.00 Beans, Sudan Grass, Millets, Sorghum. White Blossom No. 2 ----------- Bus.- 6.50 Seed Corn - Hy brld and Open 'Poliinated. 'yeilow Blossom No. 1 -------- BUS.- 8. 00 çert. P.E.I. Seed Potatoos. Yollow Blossomn No. 2 ------- Bus- 7.50 Gardon Fertilizers, etc. We have on file for your inspectio n Gov't Certificates showing pur- lty and germination on ail above listed items and at present our stock ls large in ail Unes including Red Clover. When you huy Stewart's Bulk Garden Seeda you get more and better seed for your money. 1 Phone 577 Bowmanville, Ont. - -- *--*---------.--.--.-*-, ,.-4, ~ -. .--.----.... *--*--. .**--*.----*,*-.- - - -.--. .*' -*, *- -,*..--- - _____________________________ *~~1 I -, b-*~i*I '. * .* ---s---.. STE WART'S SEED STORE DEPENDABLE HEADQUARTERS FOR CLOVERS - TIMIOTRY - GRASS SEEDS DULK GARDEN SEEDS We offer here only Purest and Best Rocloaned Seeds, Govt. Graded for Purity and HIgh Germination. Pricos are EXTRA SPEÇIAL and subjeet to change without notice. A definite shortage is expected before seedmng tume on AIf alfa, Alsike and Clovers. We strongly advise that you purchase your roquirements without deiay ln order to avoid disappointment. AA Quality FERTILIZERS Cash prices per ton for 1943 are listed beiow. Ail prices subject to change wlthout notice and are strictly subject to the company havlng goods ini stock. 0-14-7...27.30 4-12-6...32.30 0-12-10.... 28.00 4-8-10, ..... 32.00 2-12-6...28.50 9-5-7 ...... 36.00 2-12-10 .. .. 31.50 (for orchards onXy) FERTILIZER MATERIALS PRICES ON APPLICATION To arrive at your deiivered cost ADD two dollars per ton to the above prices and DEDUCT the Dominion Subven- tion if oligibie. Prompt delivery of late orders cannot be guarantoed under present conditions. -Avoid disappointment--order now from- FERGUS E. MORRILL AGENT Agricultural Chemicals Ltd. THURSDAY, - i él.L -VI- 'quo- lit tif EADaOdUSEilie,,WANTADS 'rT-TTT1ýQnâ'V 'RKA70tti MP&U A.. r È! Id&" RVOID--- -11