PAGE TEN TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 22nd, 1943 The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Bandsman Wm. Allun is home from Nanaimo, B.C., on furlough. Bandsman Brenton Rickard, Cornwall, was home for the week- end. Pte. Sidney Ferguson was home fnom Camp Borden over the week-end. Corp. Eric D. Gray has returned to Kingston after bis furlough ai home. He was bere to attend the wedding o! bis niece, Miss Mabel L. Gray, and Mn. W. Ross Cobble- dick, April l6th. Pte. W. J. Hockin, on active service in B.C., returned Wednes- day, foliowing bis two weeks' fur- lough. Pte. Carl Fisher, who bas been home on furlough, returned to Kingston last week-end. Passion Week services are be- ing beld from Monday to Friday inclusive by the Rector, Rev. D. R. Dewdney, at St. George's Church this week. Services morn- ing and evening. Special Passion Week services are being conducted by, the Pastor, Rev. R. E. Morton, on Monday and Wednesday evenings o! this week in the S.S. Hall. On Good Friday, April 23rd. a morning service is being beld in the church auditor- ium and Rev. Jno. McLacblan, Newtonville, will deliver the ad- dress. St. George's Day and Good Friday fali on the same day this year, Apnil 23rd. Newcastle's veteran showman, baili!!. doorman and gateman, T. W. Jackson, celebrated bis 84tb birtbday April l4tb. at bis home on Beaver St. There was a candle decorated cake to mark the oc- casion on which representatives o! the four generations were present, T. W. Jackson bimsel!, daughter, Mrs. Percy Brown, granddaugb- ter, Mrs. Audrey Gogerty, and great granddaughter, Miss Mary Sheila Gogerty. Among the relatives attending the funeral o! Mrs. Jno. Douglas, Saturday were ber sons, Walter R. Douglas, New York; Roy H. Douglas, Haileybury, Ont.; ber daugbter. Mrs. H. J. Ragen. To- ronto; Clifford O. Douglas, Kitch- ener; A. Howard Douglas, F.L., R.C.A.F.. Ottawa: sons o! Thos.B. Douglas, Indian Head, Sask.-, Mrs. IATTENTION FRUIT FARMERS Increase renting1 your production by becs during fr ui t bloom. Ip )i F o r R a te s Orono Phone 42r2 FPARTMERS for your family's wel lare iYour doctor and your Rexali Druggist have a mutuai interest and responsibility in your famiiy's welfare. It pays you to heed their advice. You can take your doctor's prescription to your Rexail Drug Store with thse knowledge that it will be accurateiy filled with the finest.quaiity, fresis, pure ingre- dients. Make this dependable partnership a regular part ofyour healtis programme. When a Cold Threatens Gargie and spray with MI-31 Antiseptic. It kils harmfui germa in a flash. We guarantee its purity. Compare MI-31 with any other antiseptic for economy and effec- tiveness. It kiils germs when diiuted one hafwith water ... is safe at ful streagth. It is another exampie of Rexal's safety and economy with ful satisfaction JURY & LOVEL .1,DFK, STORE~i When we test syca It fa done properiy. C.N.R. Ticket AgeflCY. Phone 778 BowmaavilI E. A. Wilkinson and sister, Miss Audrey Ragen, and Mn. Wilkin- son, Toronto; and these nephews and nicces: Mns. George Findlay, Mn. and Mrs. Irwin Goudie, Mn. and Mrs. Ross Goudie, Mrs. Chas. Bittain, Miss Mabel Brown, Mns. T. T. Bnoley, Eric Tuer. ah o! To- ronto; Mrs. Alex McNeil, Haydon, and Mn. and Mrs. H. Stainton and tdaugbten. Hampton, also Mns. Thos. Browni. sistcr-in-law, Orono. Principal Hughi M, McColl, Mrs. McColl and son, are spcnding Easter holidays with bier parents, Mn. and Mrs. Conn, Clarkson. Miss M. Bernice Smith o! the public school teaching staff is spending Easter holidays witb bier parents at Millbnook. Pte. W. J. and Mrs. Hockin spent the w'eek-end in Toronto and at the Ford Hotel, werc pleased to meet as fellow guests, the bride and groom, Mn. and Mrs. Ross Cobbledick. Miss Helen MeEvoy, daughtcr o! Mrs. A. N. McEvoy and the late Rev. A. N. McEvoy, and Capt. Selby Spencer, son o! Canon and Mrs. C. R. Spencer, Bowmanville, are being married in St. George's Anglican Churcb, Newcastle, this Thursday afternoon, April 22nd. The ceremony is being followed by a reception at Ebon House, borne of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mn. and Mrs. R. B. LeGres- ley. The bride is a granddaugh- ter o! the late Dr. and Mrs. Ai- fred Farncomb. Newcastle. A sizeable contingent o! young men o! Newcastle and vicinity visited the blood donor clinic at Oshawa Monday evcning and made blood donations. There were 30 in the group including Druggist A. E. Meliow wbo was making bis second donation. Transportation arrangements for the little arnoy were made by Councilior E. A. Walton by ne- qucst o! the Newcastle Red Cross. On April l4th, seven more New- castle ladies attended the blood donor clinic in Oshawa and seven more at least were on the list for this week. Druggist A. E. Mellow bas been active in keeping the need for blood donations to the fore and looks a!ter the enroiment o! volunteers. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Cobbledick have returned from their boney- moon and are now living in the bouse on Pioncer Farm, formenly occupied for some years by Mn. and Mrs. Disley. Laurence Morton is one o! the many bigh school boys who bave finisbed school for this terni to engage in farm work. Laurence bas taken a position with J. H. Jose and Sons. A misceilaneous shower was held Monday evening, for Miss Dora Martin, bride o! this Satur- day, at the home o! Mrs. Douglas Wright, King St. West. The bride received the best wishes o! a bost o! bier young !icnds and a lovely assortment o! gi!ts. A representative o! the Heintz- man Co., Toronto, was in town Monday with an offer to replace, at a price. the two pianos dam- aged by the communîty hall stage fine. The Municipal Council and the Hall Management Committe h ave appointed Reeve C. R. Car- veth and Councillor E. A. Walton, member o! the committee, a spec- ial committee to carry on nego- tiations and make arrangements for ail repair wonk and replace- ments. Miss Tena Fenguson. accomp- 1 anied by Miss Almeda Couch. R.N., returned from hospital in IToronto Sunday, and is convales- *cing nicely. *Mrs. Herbent Brereton receivcd mucb benefit from lier stay in bos- pital in Toronto and is steadily improving since bier returnnborne. iMrs. J. E. Rinch continues in poon bealth. She bas not been 1 well for many weeks past. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Graham ne- ceived a letter Monday from Sydney NS. Wales, Australia, from bier son. George, o! the Amenican Merchant Marine. MORE MAPLE SYRUP Not mentioned before in our pnevious mapie syrup observa- tions is the work o! Ai!. Garrod, Beaver St. North. Ah!. bas the maples on both sides o! Beaven St. from King to George tapped and bas been making a consider- able amnount o! syrup. Tbey wcre running well Saturday a!tcr be- ing stopped by the wintny wcatb- er o! the few days prcvious. We have noticed many trees that were tapped early and that stepped running ahl too soon. Ahl that was needed to keep them A small town is the one where a business man always knows thse cheque o! a native not te cash. I BIRTIIS SCOTT-Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, (nee Wilma Cann) Newcastle, are happy to announce the birth of their son, James Edward, at Bowmanvilie Hospital, on Fni- 3 day, April 9, 1943. l 6-l* -COX - To Spr. and Mrs. John Cox (nee Gladys Martin) the gift of a daughter, Lynda Louise, at Bowmanville Hos- pital, April 20, 1943. 16-1 DEATH-S DOUGLAS-At Newcastle, April lSth, 1943, Georgina Brown Douglas, widow of John Doug- las, aged 85 years. Interment Bowmanville cemetery. WILBUR - In Darlington, April 18, 1943, Clark T. Wilbur, be- loved husband of the late Mabel Bryant, in his 77th year. In- terment Union Cemetery, Osh- awa. FAIRBAIRN--Suddenly on Sat- urday, April 17, 1943, at his home, 2040 Midlothian Drive, Altadena, California, T. M. Fair- bairn, son of the late J. B. Fair- bairn. 16-1 GRIFFIN - In Cartwright Town- ship, on April l6th, 1943, Myrtle L. Henry, beloved wife of Mel- î ville Griffin, in her 39th year. Interment U n i o n Cemetery, Cadmus. MR. AND MRS. SAM POWELL HONOURED ON 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Relatives and friends from To- ronto, Pickering, Oshawa, Bow- manville, Port Hope, Newcastle and the sections about the Lake Shore gatbered at the Lake Shore school on Saturday evening to honour Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Powell on the 25th anniversary of their marriage. The school room was filled to capacity and at the appointed time Rev. R. E. Morton of the Newcastle United Churcb took the chair and pro- ceeded with the program. Mrs. Norman Gartsbone, sister of the silver jubilee bride. struck up the straîns of the wedding march on the piano and to the accompani- ment of the music Mr. and Mrs. Powell, on invitation of the chair- man. took seats of honour and presented to them an address of goodwill and best wishes and ex- pressing the community's appre- ciation of their and their family's help in ail the affairs of the Lake Shore community. The address was signed by Mrs. Wallace Holmes and Mrs. Beverly Jaynes, representing the western and eastern extremities of the Lake Shore S.S., Mrs. Eric Wicks, To- ronto, sister of Mrs. Powell, and Mrs. E. Tonkin, Oshawa, sister of Mr. Powell. The address made special mention of Mr. and Mrs. Powell's fine family of eigbt childnen. Floyd, an upstanding and ambitious young farmer, is at home on the agricultural front. Miss Maurice, a graduate of New- castle High School, is a war-work- er in the Magazine Dep't of the Bren gun at the John Inglis Plant in Toronto. Gnr. Donald is in the a n t i - aircraft division of the R.C.A., Sidney, N.S. Miss Hazel is a graduate and winner of many prizes and a $125.00 scbolarship, at Newcastle High School, and bas no'w completed her Upper Scbool course at Bowmanville H i g h Scbool. She is stili under Normal Scbool age. Ronald, Doreen and Russeli are attending the Lake Shore scbool, and last, but not least, there is happy little Elaine, the baby o! the family. At the conclusion of the address Mrs. Gartshore undraped a cov- ered table and displayed before the honoured couple's astonisbed gaze the silver wedding gifts: a silver tray, a pair of heavy silver saît and pepper shakers, a pyrex pie disb in a silver setting, a man- tel dlock, a fine linen table cloth and a complete "Marigold" pat- tern dinner set (samples only shown for the want of space). A pnogram o! speeches and music followed. Newton and Doreen Selby, nephew and niece of the bride, led off with a piano duet. Congratulatory speeches, seasoned with jokes, anecdotes and pleasant reminiscenses, were made by W. F. Rickard, M.P., F. W. Bowen, J. H. Jose, H. R. Pearce and Howell Rowland who demon- strated the proper technique of saluting the bride. Laurence Morton interspersed with a piano It's going to turn out that the soft, decadent democracies weren't neanly as soft as Hitien's head. Thcy bave taken the nickel out o! the nickel, but they baven't taken the nickel out o! the collec- tion plate. A western woman shot ber bus- band because be wouldn't stay at home at nigbt. At least she can always locate him now. IN MEMORIAM SCOTT-In remembrance of our dear father and mother, James Scott and Elizabeth Orr Scott, who left us at the Eastertide of .1919 and 1922, April 2lst and April l8th. 16-1 BRUCE - In loving memory o! Robert James Bruce, who passed away April l9th, 1938. His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away. Lovingly remembered by wif e and daughters, Mae and Erma. 16-1* MOUNTJOY-In loving memory of a kind Father and Mother, Samuel T. Mountjoy wbo passed away April 23, 1941 and Mary Jane Mountjoy, Apnil 25, 1942. "O for the touch of a vanished hand And the sound o! a voice that is still." -Sadly missed by their son, Theron. 16-1 GIBSON-In ioving memory of a dean father, George A. Gibson, who passed away April 26, 1942. His weary hours and days of pain, His troubled nights are past, And in our aching beants we know He bas found sweet rest at last. -Lovingly rememnbered by bis daughter Verabelle, son-in-law Floyd and grandcbildren. 16-1* GIBSON-In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, George A. Gibson, who passed away April 26tb, 1942. Loving and kind in al bis ways, Upright and just to the end of bis days, Sincere and krnd in heart and mind, What a beautiful memory. he lef t behind. -Ever remembered by Reta and Morely and family. 16-1 Cards of Thanks The family of the late Mrs. E. R. Bounsaîl wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their many relatives, friends and neighbours for their kind ex- pressions of sympathy and beauti- fui floral tributes extended dur- ing their recent sad loss. 16-l* Mr., and Mrs. A. J. Soucb and family wisb to thank the kind friends, neighbours, pallibearers and those who so kindiy provided cars, for their many acts of kind- ness, expressions of sympatby and condolence and for their beautiful floral remembrances at the time of their recent bereavement. 16-1* J. H. McEwen and family wisb to thank their friends and neigb- bours for expressions of sympathy and condolence and beautiful floral tributes extended to themn in the loss of a dear wife and mother. Also the Women's Association and Aduit Bible Class of Zion, the Solina Women's Institute and teacher and pupils of Solina School. 16-1 Mrs. T. E. Prout and family wish to extend sinc'pre thanks and appreciation for the many kind- nesses, messages of love and u n derstanding and beautiful floral offerings and their many relatives, friends, neighbours and fellow workmen. Special thanks to Dr. Birks, Supenintendent and nurses of Bowmanville Hospital and Rev. J. E. Griffith for kind- ness tendered during the illness and death of a loving busband and father. 16-1* Lawyers are smart. They write m.ost of the legislation s0 you will have to bhire another lawyer to explain it to. you. The depression was that period wben a conductor on a train would flot think of speakîng sharply to a paying passenger. !ROYAL THEATRlE____ BOWMANVILLE M on.-Tues.-Wed. APRIL 26, 27, 28 IN THIS DUR LIFE With BETTE DAVIS, GEORGE BRENT NEWS - SHORTS ANNOUNCEMENT Mn. and Mns. R. O. Joncs wish to announce the mariage o! their daugbter, Mary Madeline, to Corporal Jack Beattie, R.C.A.F., son o! Mn. and Mns. Chas. L. Beattie, Toronto, in Trinity Unit- ed Cbunch, Toronto, Saturday, April 17. Rev. Arthur Ongan o!- ficiated. 16-i* ENGAGEM ENTS Mn. and Mrs. Frod Ferguson announce the engagement o! their eider daughtcr, Iva Marion, to Percival Avery Westlake, son o! Mn. and Mns. Frank Westlake, Solina. The marriage to take place on Thursday, May 13, 1943. 16-i* Mrs. Nyle Stevenson, Toronto, wishes to announce the engage- ment o! ber youngest daughtcr, Evelyn, to Mn. H. Evcnett Aulin, only son o! Mn. and Mrs. Harold Aluin, Hampton. The marniage to take place at St. John's Anglican Chuncb, Bowmanvilie. 16-11 Mn. and Mns. John H. Glanville, Bowmanvilic, announce the en- gagement o! their younger daugh- ter, Helen Eiieen, to Harny L. De- pew, son o! Mn. and Mns. Charles Depew, Bowmanville. The mar- niage to take place Saturday, May lSth, at 4 o'clock. 16-1* Mrs. MelvinJ. Hutchinson an- nounces the engagement o! ber eldest daughter, Margaret Aline, o! Oribi Military Hospital, Pieter- maritzburg, South Africa, to Mn. Angus Cameron, o! Johannesburg. The marriage will take place on Satunday, April 24th, in the Wesieyan Chuncb, Johannesburg, South Africa. 16-1* COMINO EVENTS Dance at Bradley's School, Sat- urday, Apnil 24, under auspices o! the Home & School Club. Cuth Burt's orchestra. 16-1 Salvation Army special Easter services will be conducted on Sun- day at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. by Major and Mrs. Jobnston, Toronto. 16-1 Canadian Order o! Foresters are holding a cuchre in the Odd- feiiows Hall, Apnil 30, at 8.30 p.m. Good pnizes and everyone wel- corne. 16-2 St. Paul's W.A. Group No. 1, on Tuesday afternoon, April 27th, will hold a sale o! cooking, also a variety table. Salad plate lunch- con served 25c. 16-1* .ld tyme dance in Newtonville Community Hall, on Monday, April 26. Barclay's Orchestra. Admission 35c. Re!resbments sold. 16-1 Special Easter Services will be beld in Clarke Church on Sunday, April 25th. Rev. Morton will con- duct a Communion and Baptismal service at 2.301 p.m. and Mn., J. J. Melior will conduct the service in the evening at 8 p.m., with the mixed quartette o! Orono suppiy- ing speciai music. 16-1 The Canadian Legion is spon- soring a Dance to be beld in the Bowmanville Armouries, Friday evening, April 23rd. Modern and old tyme dancing. The Col- umbians, 7-piece orchestra, o! Oshawa, will furnisb the music. Admission 50 cents per person. Proceeds to be used for Service Men's Club. Corne and have a good time. 15-2 Vacuum Cleaners Repaired GUARANTEED FACTORY RE- pairs, adjustments. lubnication, etc., to Premier, Royal, Geblin, Eurica, Apec, Hoover and ahl other makes. Accessories and rebuiit vacuums. Telephone our C.U.C. Service Depot, Bow- manville, 774, at McGregor Hardware. 9-18* Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F ELEAN- OR NODEN late o! the Village o! Newcastle, in the County o! Dur- ham, Widow, deceased: Ah pensons baving cdaims against the Estate o! the said Eleanon Noden who died on or about the 29th day o! January, 1943, are heneby notified to send to tIhe Executor or the undersigned Solicitor on or before the 24tb day o! Apnil, 1943, thein names and addresses and full particulars o! their dlaims and the nature o! the secunities (if any) held by them duly verified by statutory declar- ation. Immediately a! ten the 24th day o! Apnil, 1943, the assets o! the said deceased wifl be distributed among the parties entitled theneto baving regard only to the dlaims of whicb. the Executor or the un- densigned Solicitor shahl then bave notice. DATED at Orono this 3lst day o! March. 1943. FREDERICK GRAHAM, New- castle, Ont., Executor. R. R. WADDELL, Orono, Ont., bis Solicitor. 13-14-16 Custom Ploughing CUSTOM PLOUGHING - DISC- ing, and cuitivating d on e. Charges reasonabie acconding te acreage and land conditions. Phone 2186, Bowmanville. 15-tf War news cornes first. It takes a bumdinger murder stery to push the war out o! the front page position. The fellow who says he enjoys living in a 65-degree heated home must be wearing fur-lined under- wear. Classified Ad Rates One cent a word cash, each Insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra is made when advertisement is flot paid same week as Iser- tion. Extra charge of lOc when replies are dlrected to a Statesman box number. Blrths, deaths and marriages 50c each. ]ln Memoriamis, 50e for notice plus 10e per Une for verse. Classified adver- tisements accepted up until Work Wanted WORK WANTED - GIRLý wishes position on farm for out- side work. Can bandie borses, drive tractor and milk. Write stating wages to P.O. Box 270, Bowmanville. 16-1* Lost LOST - Will the man we loaned the good force cup to kindly re- turn it? During the year we lose a number of tools such as a section of an extension ladder, snips, wrencbes, andi screw drivers. As tbey are bard to obtain due to wartime restric- tions, we would appreciate it if our good friends wouid collect tools belonging to us and return them. Len Elliott, the Plumber. 16-1 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT - SMALL bouse or apartment, as central as possible, for young married couple with no children. Per-ý manent and reliable tenants. Cail Tbe Statesman, 663. WANTED TO RENT - SIX- ROOMED HOUSE or langer, witb m od e rn conveniences (water and hydro) in Bowman- ville or vicinity. Write Box 185, Statesman Office, Bowmanviile. 16-1* For Rent FOR RENT- 7 - ROOMÎED HOUSE with garden, on No. 2 Higbway, between Maple Grove and Courtice. Apply Misses Harnden, Maple Grove. 16-1* FOR RENT-3 HEATED ROOMSj with 3-piece bath, balcony, gar- den and car accommodation. Phone 538 or write P.O. Box 271, Bowmanville. 16-1 FOR RENT - 100 ACRES 0F PASTURE L A ND, running stream, plenty o! shade. Apply H. B. Foster, phone 745, Bow- manvilie. 16-3 FOR RENT - FIVE-ROOMED APARTMENT, central location, available after May 15, aduits oniy. Write Box 188, The States- man, Bowmanville. 16-1 llelp Wanted HELP WANTED - JANITOR for office and grounds o! Bell Tele- phone Co., Bowmanville. Apply Frank Williams, phone 801. 16-1 FARM HELP W AN T ED - SINGLE MAN, good worker, for farmn on bigbway. No milk- ing. Highest wages, good home. Write Box 187, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanviile. 16-i* HELP WANTED - OPPORTUN- ITY FOR GIRLS and women to help our war effort. Secure cm- ployment as waitresses, cafe- teria workers, dishwashers, c b a m bermaids; soutbwestern Ontario city. Help by serving those engaged in war work. Good living accommodation un- der proper supervision. Apply nearest Employmeint and Sel- ective Service Office. Refer to R.O. 721. 16-2 Baby Chicks FOR SALE - Higb quality baby chicks !rom government culled and blood tested white leghorn and barred rock breedens. Now booking orders for late May and June. Quantity is limiîted.« Onder now to avoid disappoint- ment. Phone 2636 on write Orchland Farm. H. J. Brooks,! R.R. 3, Bowmanvilie. 14-t! TW ED D LE CHICKS - BUY Tweddle Higb Quality Chicks now at Stewart's Seed Store and get your Caf eteria Cbick Starter at wholesaie, we have over thinty breeds to choose from and the demand is greater than ever this year for Tweddle Chicks, pnice list on request. STEWART'S SEED STORE Phone 577 9-tf AUCTION SALES The undersigned bas received instructions from Mn. John Gil- bank, Haydon (l mile east o! Enniskiilen) te sdil by public auc- tion on Saturday, Apnil 24, bis houseboid furniture and a ful line o! carpenter tools. Sale at i p.m. Terms cash. Clifford Pethick, auctioneer. 16-1 I have been authorized to seli by public auction for Cari Ferguson, Lot 21, Con. 8, Darlington (% mile west o! Enniskillen) on Tuesday, April 27, al bis fanm stock, im- plemeryts, barness, some grain, pigs and othen articles too num- erous to mention. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auc- tioneer. 16-1 Tuesday, Apnil 27th, 1943, Clan- ence J. Aluin, Lot 29, Con. 2, Clarke, 1-2 mile nortb o! New- castle, on Highway 35, wiii sel by public auction bis entire herd o! Accnedited Purebned Aynsbire cows and a few heifers. These cows are in the pink o! condition and are either in full milk flow on springing. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Terms cash. Sce sale bis. W. J. Hancock, auctioneer. 15-2* NOTICE You are invited to join St. John Ambulance. We are arranging to hold Finst Aid Classes with a fee of $1. Any citizen, maIe or fe- maie, interested in promoting this valuable service sbould communi- cate witb Dr. H. B. Rundle, phone 488; George Young, phone 532 on Harry Bartlett, Chunch St., Bow- manville. 16-1* Wanted To Buy WANTED-GOOD COLLIE DOG, beeler, between ages of 6 to 24 months. Only for farm use. Pbone 2523, Mn. Freund. 16-1* WANTED-USED SEWING MA- chinps, electnic or treadie. Sing- er Sewing Center, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 9-tf WANTED TO BUY-WATERING TROUGH, galvanized or plank, wanted to buy or will exchange for stove wood. Appiy Mrs. Elias Strutt, Enniskillen. 16-1 Articles For Siale FOR SALE - QUANTITY 0F PARSNIPS. Ap pl1y C. W. Downey, phone 2590. 16-1 EFOR SALE - WALNUT BED, t mattress and new Way-Sagless 1 spnings. Rug 6'x9', rocker. Write Box 186, Statesman Office, 1 Bowmanville. 16-1* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 7 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- FOR SALE - COOK STOVE, Beach Companion, with water front, reservoir and warming closet, with coal and wood grates and deep fine box, in Ai condition, seli cash. Apply Jack Goheen, Scugog St. 16-1* OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor covenings a specialty. Quaiity merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simceje St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Livestock and Articles FOR SALE-2 VEAL CAL VES, (bull calves). Apply R. Stenger, phone 2824. 16-1* FOR SALE - COW with first cal!. Apply Mike Panas, R.R. 2, Bowmanviile. 16-1 FOR SALE - 18 YORKSHIRE PIGS, 6 weeks old. Apply Han- old Pascoe, phone 2187. 16-1 FOR SALE - 7 YORKSHIRE PIGS, 6 weeks old. Appiy W. V. Johnson, Lot 16, Con. 7, Dan- lington. 16-1 FOR SALE - GENERAL PUR- POSE HORSE, good in al barness. Apply Arthur Saund- ens, Orono, phone 5rlO. 16-1* FOR SALE - SEED DRILL, Massey-Harris, il hoe, in good condition. Apply L. D. Sykes, phone 2430. 16-1 FOR SALE - 2 HORSES, 5 years oid and 2 borses 9 years old. Apply H. C. Pedwell, phone Clarke 38-23. 15-2-1* FOR SALE-YOUNG HOLSTEIN COW due to renew April 24. Phone 2433,. Alvin Clemens, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. 16-1 FOR SALE-PUREBRED YORK- SHIRE BOAR, 7 months old, an excellent type, fit for service. Apply Harvey Partner, Tyrone, phone 2328, Bowmanville. 16-1 FOR SALE - 2 BLACK PERCH- ERONS, 3 yrs. oid and broken to work. Apply Albert Soucb, phone 16r20, Orono or apply at Lot 4, Con. 5, Clarke. 16-l* FOR SALE -5 DURHAM STOCKERS, 2 springer beifers, 2 fresb cows, Holstein, 3 young bulîs, 3 sows due in one month. Phone 2413. 16-1* FOR SALE - 8 YORKSHIRE PIGS, ready to wean. Man 0' War bull, 7 months old. Fréd R. Stevens, R.R. No.- 3, Bow- manville. 16-1* FOR CALE - COW, HOLSTEIN and. Durham, due to renew May Sth, herd accredited. W. Craig, R.R. No. 1, Hampton, phone 2365. 16-1 rFOR'SALE-LAND CULTIVAT- a OR, 17-tootb. Also some timo- thy and mixed pressed bay. Phone Wilbert Bnessett, Oshawa f 379w4. 16-1* FOR SALE - CAR*TRACTOR, in good nepair. Wiil scîll eason- able. Also Deering seed drill, 13 boc. Apply Burney Hooey, Bunketon, phone Port Penny FOR SALE-TWO SHORTHORN 1 buils by Klaymnor Centurion, t out o! well bred dams. These 1 bulîs are founteen months old, L botb weli grown and ready for service. Pnice, one hundred and fifty dollars eacb. C. H. Mum- fond, Hampton, phone Oshawa 491w2 15-2 Real Estate For Sale PASTURE FARM - 50 ACRES, more or less, Lot 13, Con. 5, running water across same, about 10 acres o! dlm and cedar b us b, wire fences. Priced reasonable. Apply T. S. Mount- joy, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, phone 2503. 15-2 Seed Grain For Sale DUTCH SETS3-We now bave our compiete stock o! Dutch Sets and Multiplier onions in. Get youns early to avoid disappoint- ment this yean. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577. 16-1 SEED AND SEED GRAIN We are offening ahl vanieties of Ciovens and grass seeds at es ially good prices; also seed b)ar1jý.'l seed oats, peias, Spring rye an wheat. Western feed grain, fertil-ý izer, potatoes, etc. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle, phone Clarke 33-12. 15-tf TENDERS FOR COAL & COKE Federal Buildings, Province of Ontario SEALED Tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Coal," will be ne- ceived until 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), Thursday, April 29, 1943, for the supply o! coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province o! Ontario. Forms o! tender with specifi- cations and conditions attached can be obtained from the Purchas- ing Agent, Department o! Public Works, Ottawa; and the Super- vising Architect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accoidance witb depant- mental specifications and condi- tions attached thereto. Coal deal- ers' license numbers must be giv- en wben tendering. The Department reserves the right to demand from any success- fui tenderer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the !orm o! a certi!ied cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, made payable to the order o! the Hon- ourable the Minister o! Public Works, equai to 10 per cent o! the amount o! the tender, or Bearer Bonds o! the Dominion o! Can- ada or o! the Canadian National Railway Comnpany and its con- stituent companies unconditional- ly guaranteed as to, principal and interest by the Dominion o! Can- ada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certi!ied cheque, if required to make up an odd amount. Such secunîty wili serve as a guarantee for the proper fui! il- ment o! the contract. By order, J. M. SOMERVILLE, Department o! Public Work Ottawa, Apnil 15, 1943. Doctor's Office Rours Afternoons-2.00 to 4.00 except Wednesday and Sunday. Evenings-7.00 to 9.00 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ONLY. Patients wiil be seen at other hours by appointment. In case o! an emergency, if tbein own doctor is not available, pa- tients may telephone the Bow- manville Hospital. 9-tf NOTICE To Farmers and Munitions Workers: To obtain NEW or RETREADED tires you must make application to the War- time Prices and Trade Board. Let us make out your appli- cations. . Why drive to Oshawa. We are able to handie it here. . F.JAMIESON TIRE SHOP 1 Block West of Post office LIVELY AS A - .CRICEETI Don't let sluggish kidneye slow you down. Take Gin Pill-tise'"relief or mnoney back" rcmedy--and sec how inucis better you'Ii feel. togular sze, 40 Plil Lorce ixe, 80Pll la the for "Gino PUIl"l STE WART'S SEED STORE DEPENDABLE HEADQUARTERS For Clovers, Timothy, Grass Seeds, etc. BULK GARbEN SEEDS - MORE AND BETTER SEED FOR YOUR MONEY - Dutch Sets, Multiplier Onions, 'Potatoes, Fertilizers now on hand. PHONE 577 BOWMANVILLE 1 - ý1- - 1 - 1 1 -- - 1 THURSDAY, APRIL 22nd, 1943 PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO