BO-WL By ANNE ALLA N - Hydro Home Ecoiomist dusting attachment of the electric vacuum ta go over the fixtures. Wipe bulbs with damp cloth, be- ing careful flot ta get the metal section wet. Dry thoroughly. if bulbs are extremely dirty, hold by metal end and dip in soapsuds. Dry carefully. If bulbs look very dark af ter they have been cieaned, replace with new ones. Painted metal bases are wiped off with a soft cloth dampened with 1 part turpentine and 10 parts minerai ail; inarble bases are cleaned with raw iinseed ail; crystal bases with a cloth dipped in water and bouse- hoid ammania, and dried thar- oughiy. Hand-paiflted silk shades must be dry cleaned. Pasted or glued shades cannot ho washed or dry cleaned. Linen or homespun cannat bo washed but may be dry cleaned. Imitation parchment should have the pastod edges pro- tected, thon dean with turpentine. Genuine parchment is wiped witb a cloth sprinkled with a mixture or 1 part turpentine and 10 parts mineral ail. * Anne Allan invites you ta write ta ber c!a The Canadian States- man. Send in yaur questions on bamemakiflg prabiems and watclh this column for replies. SPRING FEVER - FOR enod with carbon tetrachiaride; HOUSECLEANING! blot and- repeat. Do not rab. Hello Homemakersl As Spring Smudge - use a daugh type of draws near, we are eager ta walipaper cleaner or art gumn orasor. Ink - blot immediateiy. tackie aur housecleaning - ta ho Thon apply a paste of fuller's "1up and at it". This year the oarth. Ink bleaches are apt ta bouse cannot ho ripped apart but remove colour - apply cau- tha>. needn't worry us for it was tiously. Grosse - hold a dlean fleter roally necossary. Thon, too white hitter over the spot and you know that certain renavations appiy a warm iran; or apply a are out until "Jobnny cames pasteofa fulier's earth and wben marcbing home", dry, dlean off with a cioth Porbaps you have a scbome ai dampened with carbon tetra- your own? There's the bit-by-bit chioride. Leave on overnight. metbod, with your housecleaning Tears - tear a pieceofa wali- systematicaiiy spread ov or a paper ta match; appiy paste couple montbs. Waiis, flobrs, caroiuily; then press pioco into furniture and accessaries are deait place with a dlean hiotting with piece by piece, or rom h y paper. ronm, etc. This does notst WOODWORK the wboie bouse. Painted woodwark should ho In pioncer days thero was just cleaned with a ciotb wrang tight one type of iloor and ono metbad out of clear, saftened water; thon of leaning it-with sand (or dried off thoroaghiy. If beavy soul strang soap) and water, plus bas coiiected, use a paint cleaner plenty of elbow greaso. Ta-day made of: 1/2 cup soap f lakes dis- there are many types ai floors and saived in 1 quart bot water. Cool finishes. each requiring spocial until jeliied and stir in 1½ cap care. This is true, taa, ai al aur whiting. Appiy cloaner with a homo farnishings. damp ciotb, thon paiish with lem- Below, we answer same ai the on ail. Aiways appiy a thin film questions mast aiten asked about of ail. Lot romain for 15 minutes, cloaning, since it is impossible ta thon take up excess with soit deal with aIl ai tbem. But do write cloth. Black marks may be ruhbed us about your awn special bouse- with fine pumice. Do nat rub ceaning prnhloms and we promise around spot. ta answer îmmediately. WASHABLE SHADES CEILINGS AND WALLS Take them down one at a timo; Care deponds on the finish. dust tboroughiy and place on fiat Clean them a iittle at a time. Cal- surface. Scrub shade with a sait cimated and papored surfaces are hrush or sponge with thick suds. dusted. Painted and woad-panei- Use wator sparingly. Rinse off led surfaces may ho carefaiiy wîth cioth wrung out ai clear washed. Rinse a smail portion, water. Dry. Hang, but do nat thon dry it thoroughly. Many rail up until thorougbly dry. women apply soif-polisbing wax PICTURES ta dlean dry-painted walls ta pro- This year you'Ii want ta change vent fingerprints and soul. tbemn around ta make your raoms SPOTS: Crayon - sponee lightly different. Froquent dusting ho- with a cloan soit cioth damp- hind pictures provents ominaus _________________________black linos. A paste of fuller's earth loi t on ta dry may remove a stubharn lino. Picture framos Sfor STRAINS, neod waxing and palishingoc casionaily. Waoden frames re- SPRAINS and quire a littie lemon ail, appîîed SORE MUSCLES gntly -never rub. PEfl EDust an light buibs and globes roducos the amaunt of light, sa IL keep bulhs and lights dlean ta get the amount ai light you pay for. ~ LIHHENTBefare cleaning fixtures tamn off THE ANT.uE.m.uW IE the electric carrent and remnove àshades, hulbs, etc. Thon use the ,mrvi-AaniAm ;,ATF-SMRAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTA.RIO ÂIIU±SDAY, APRIL 22nd, 1943 THE C-.. -A THE P. Corbett ----------------$ M rs. I. Fice -------- ----- H . R. M aos ----------- ---- W . H all ----------------- W. Mitchell.............------- R. Kennett..............-------- J. M orden ----------------- E. G. M itchell ----------- G. Osmond -------------- J. Thicksan ------------- R. W oodward -------------- A. Trim ble -------------- W . M ilîs ---------------- E. W . Berrill ------------ L. B artan ----------- ---- F. L. Tuerk ------ ------ Ira Purdy --------------- W . Shotter -------------- G. R. H eath ----- -------- L. N ichoils ------------- F. M. W illiams ---------- A. W. Pickard ---------- W . G. Hately ------------ W. R. Harrison - -------- G. W ebster .-------------- E. C larke --------------- C. Greenham ------------ C. W. Hackney ---------- Jas. G rant -------------- E. F. Pool ----------- ---- E. W ight ---------------- H. Honning -------------- C. L. M ooreo ------------------ S. M cAllister ------------- E . Joint ---------------- G . E. Doey -------------- W. E. Bridgett........------- W . Patter --------------- R. Nable..............--------- C. E. Hane .-------------- T. G ould ---------------- C. W. Yea........------------ L . K err ----------------- A . B ell ----------------- R. Wilkins............--------- A. Kiipatrick..........------- G . Perfect -------------- O. R. Edgertan --------- H. M urphy -------------- W . Hamilton -------------- F., L. Calver ------------ T. A. Donoghue........------ Wm. Blakely.......--.-------- F. Piper.............----------. H . K elly ---------------- G. Callan.............--------- F. Williams............--------- N. R. W hite .-- - .-- ------- A. E. Dudley .---- ----- R. McDonald.......---- ----. J. E. H ayes --- ---------- . - H. Dadson .------ ---------- H. Burgess .- -.-- --- ----- E. Maoss.............---------- H. Wright.............-------- N . V aida ---------------- S. Young.............--------- N. Tkatch.............-------- J. Goodal.......------------.- R. Brock..............--------- F. Mutton............---------- F. Nickersan..........------- L. Roach.........------------ G. Clark..............---------- H . P ye ----------------- R. M cLean -------------- T . H ayes ----------------- N. Braoking ------------- W. R. Williams........------- L. J. Nichais ------------ E. Brum m ell ---------------- L. K irkton --------------- A. Moffatt............---------- J. H. Dunn........----------- A . F alls ---------------- L. Sauch..............--------- 2.00 2.00 .00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 .00 1.00 1.10 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 .00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 'Ii -i i ' I'VE GOT MY EYE ON 4owmanville's DEST DRINK Smart fellow! He knows the rieh quality of Glen Rae Milk. He knows that taste! That's why he wil always want the refresh- ing goodness-the extra- . .. .. ........... .quality-of the milk with a reputation. BUY VICtORY BONDS rOMEN!! JOIN THENO tOrGovernment realizes the importance of nutrition "N OR "-DIV for health, as an aid ta Victory. Government surveys show chat the diet of niany Canadians is deficient. This is flot necessarily because People est too little food, but rather because they est the wrong kiid of food. That's why it is every Canadian wamen's duty ta know and apply the basic ruies of Nutrition. And that's why we offer you an easy way to plan meals that will feed your family well ... in a useful i1new bookiet, "Est-to-WaEk-ta-Win". LEARN FREE HOW TO IMPROVE HEALTH THROUGH BETTER NUTRITION. . HERE'S HOW! Send for your copy ioda y I 3.00 E. Stainton -------------- 1.00 E. Passant -------------- F. Armstrong ------------ 2.00 S. Luxtan ------------ 2.00 S. M cMurter ------------ 3.00 S. R. Cordon........--------- 2.00 W . H eard . --------------- 1.00 H. W estnutt----------- 2.00 H. W . Cowie ------------ 1.00 T. Hircack ---------------- 1.00 F. E. Cook ----------- 1.0 W . Barrott --------- 1.00 C. A. Prescott ----------- 1.00 J. B ird ----------------- 2.00 H. C. Ransberry -------- 2.00 J. Reynolds -------- 1.00 N. A. Wilkins -- --- 2.00 W. G. Corden ----------- 2.00 L. A. Ransberry -------- 1.00 V . Bow ins ---- ---------- 2.00 F. A. Tbompson -------- 2.00 S. H. Trewin ------------ 3.00 S. W oods - -------------- 2.00 J. C oole - -------------- 2.00 G . V ine - --------------- 3.00 T. W ilcox --- ---------- 3.00 G. Abernethy ---- ------- 1.00 R . Cole - -------------- 1.00 N. S. Connagban --------- 5.00 E. Bagnell -------------- 1.00 H. Caliocutt ------------ 2.00 C. E. Huriey ------------ 1.00 R. Calian --------------- 1.00 K . B illot ---------------- 1.00 M . Crook ---------------- 5.00 A. Quinney............--------- 5.00 R. Tonnant ------------- 1.00 L. Fowior ------------ 1100 C. Winterbottom,-------- 2.00 G . C ilds --------------- 1.00 R. Evans --------------- 1.00 J. E. Buttonshaw --------- 1.00 R. M arris -------------- 1.00 T. Buttery -------------- 3.00 R. McDonaid ----------- 1.00 R. S. H alli --------------- 1.00 J. Levett ---------- ------ W.0 ý m., H. Nchols ------- Goodyear Factory Employees Contribute To Red Cross Fund Beebive Rebekah Lodge, Baw- C. G. Churchilli --------- E. liennIng.............------- G. Farsey..............-------- I. M. Hohhs.............-------- F. Wood................--------- S. Loggatt..............--------- L. Lonshorry...........------ G . B ahl ------------------ Rase Bate...............-------- C. Freoman --- -------- M arg. King .--- -------------- Iva Fergusan .- -.---------- Anonymous.............------- M rs. E. Cain ---.. -------. --- M. Calver .----- -- ----- Cocilia Huttan .--- -.------- R. Fowler .----- -- ----- E. Geddes...........----.-- --- M. J. Wallace.----- -- M. King...........----- - -----. R. Larkin .----- ---- D. F. Brooks............------- N. R. Luxton............------- R. G. Harding........--------- R. W . Johnson -----------. -- R. S. Aidor.........----- - -- E. J. Gibhs..............-------- W. Ruiter...............-------- N . A llison --------------- H. R. Balson E. Little..........------- -- -- O. R. Richmond.........- ---- IG. Metcalf..............-------- U. Stephens ------------- E. W ood ---------------- W . Faw ler --------------- J. R. Hendorson........------ S. G able ---..-------. ---. --- R. E. Henning...........------- A. M cRabbio ------------ J. A. Tait........---- ----.--- R . F ry ----------------- R. Hutchinson .-- -. ------ W . E. Fice .------- ---------. - H. Ingram ------- N. W ilcax -------------- R. McGrath.............------- L. Highfiold ----. -----. --- B. Dilling...........-----. -- J. Childs ---..----.- --- E. Hansen .-------- -- ------. E. Winacott..........------- -- M . Prout --------------- R. Churchilli ----------------- B . K ing ---------------- H. Armstrong .----------- E. Jones................-------- J. Cayie................---------- J. G. Fergusan.........----- J. Kimble...............-------- G. Dilling...............-------- A . H ellam ---------------- E. R. Bromel. ----------- J. G. M artin ------------ H. H. Richards .---------- 0 . J. Bae -------------- iG. Montgamery.--------- 3 F. Purdy --------------- s C. Woodward ----------- A. Richards ------------ G. Bagnel -------------- P . H ost .-------------- --- V . Jeifery --------------- C. Vanstane ------------- H . B artlett -------------- H. W akeiin ------------- R. S. Hooper ------------ S. B ond --------1---- --- A. W . A lin ------------- O. H oopor -------------- H. Vanslyke ------------ q . P ako ---------------- K . Luxton --------------- C. P. Gouid...........-------- W . Goade -------------- W. Jobnstan..........-------- A. Deweii.............-------- A. H. Milîsan............------- W. L. Reid.............-------- M . M oore --------------- J. H. Biackie............------- W. Donoghue.........------- J. R. Smith...........--------- A. J. Jones ------------ T. E. Connors........------- Alex Crombie ----------- H. W olfrain ------------ E. A. Calwell --------- D. Hannah...........--------- L. H. Patter ------------- G. F. Purdy ----------- F. Hooper ---------- W. G. Poilard -------- R . B ato -------------- K . F. Flint - ----------- Henry Staintan --------- E. Spry - -- --------- H. S. Luxtan ---- ------- C. M uttan ------------- J. Gaheen ----- W m. Axford ------------ Evelyn Woodward Mrs. T. Richards .-------- Jane Butson J. Buttonsbaw G . P iper --------- -- -- - L. W . Plain -------- J. E. Anderson ---- K. Hopkins ---------- T. W right ------ ------- 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 3.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 .50 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.09 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 5.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.0< 3.0< 2.0< 2.0( 5.0( 3.0( .5( 3.0( 5.0( 2.0' 2.0( 2.0( 2.5( 3.0( 2.0( 2.0( 3.0( 1.0' 2.0( 2.0' 2.0( 2.0( 1.0( 1 .0( 1.0( 1.0' 1.0( 2.5( 1.0( 2.0( 1.0( 1.0( 1.0( 5.0( 1.5( 1.01 1.01 1.0 2.01 1.01 2.01 1.01 2.01 2.01 4.01 2.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 i1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 i.C TILLSON'S QUICK COOKING Ràollod QUAKER XXXX BREAD FLOUR "ýOMINO BUL SOAF ( QATS 24-lb.59 1bag69 il Obituaries T110O1AS EVERSON PROUT Thomas Everson Prout passed awa:, suddenly April 13, in Bow- manville Hospital after a weeks ilîness following an operation on April 6th. H1e was the second son af the late Edmund Prout and Emma Laura Everson Skinner and was harn at Providence, February 6th, 1887, where he attended school and grew ta manhood. He started work in Bowmanviiie Foundry where ho worked for several years. January 2, 1911, be was united in marriage with Jessie Welsh ai Ebenezer, and they came ta Elgin Street wbere they made their home. Here their five chiidren were boem and raised. In 1916 he joincd the Goodyear Rubber Ca., wbere he warked as foreman in the miii room for a number af years. Hc was a faithfui member ai Trio îty United Church where ho attcnded reguiarly until iii beaith prevented him going a few weeks ago. His main hobbies were hunting and fishing and he always iooked farward ta bis holidays in the i al when ho went deer hunting in Tweed with several brothers-in- law. Famniliarly k n own a s "Tommy" ho was higbly respected for his sterling character, always thinking of the interests and wei- fare af bis fellow mon. His motta was "I tried ta iive a if e sa square and treat my feliowman sa fair that ail the world wil surely see the Golden Rule fuI- fiiled in me". H1e wiil be greatly missed in tbe factory but in bis home wbicb was bis iittie worid bis ioss wiii be much greater as ho and bis family iived in each athers love and care. Aithough-bis lufe was short on earth he had put so much of good into it bis memory wiii live on forever among bis rela- tives and friends. A short funerai service was beid at bis home for the famiiy, Aprii 15. The body was thon taken ta Trinity Churcb where 11ev. J. E. Griffith spoke comforting words ta the bereaved. Favaurite hymns w er e sung, "Unto the His Around Do I Liift Up My Long- ing Eyes" and "Breathe on Me Breatb of God". The palîbearers were A. M. Hardy, M. Tamblyn, C. Samis, H. Nanson, A. Moifat and E. W. Crawford. Feliow em- 0ployees were flower hearers. The many tokens ai heautiful 0 lowers showed the bigh estem nir 0which Everson was heid. Wreaths 0and sprays were from Gaodyear 0 Factory, Goodyear Factory Coun- cil, Recreation Club, Local 189, ohis dept., Maurico's dept., Ajax (,Plant, E. & R. Sboe Store, Sarnia, Large 1 3-lb. pkg. 5 98-lb. 2 4 bag 1 ý VALUES FEATURED FOR THURS DAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 22 AND 24* * STORE CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 23rd DOMINION QUALITY-WHITE, BROWN OR CRACKED WHEAT EASIER 24-az, TO lo aves rMILD FLAVOURED LOAF CHEESE IL.35c 1mIPS ZIbs. 19C CLARK'S SOLEX Ec KETCHUP 2 .3tt29c LA P 20-40-60 Watt E1h5c LEBUOY, LUX PALMOLIVE or ODEX DOMNOL BRAND - - 9 SOAF 0 a 4cakes25c MOTOR QJ1OOILt 9 CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS PURE ]RAISINS 2 îbs. 33c LARD - 'rin 17C LARGE SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 4FO 0 RED RIPE l TOMATOES POUND 31 CALIFORNIA NAVAL SZ 5 ORANGES--DOZ -3r We Reserve the Right to Limit Purchases According to Supplies Available :ý -,qq M- --- - f manville, Sunshine Rob e ka h Lodge, Oshawa, besides many from relatives and friends. Ho leaves ta mourn the loss af a loving husband, father, brother and uncle, bis sarrawing wife and five children, Maurice, Aura, Viv- ian, Tawn, Allan of Oshawa, and Audrey (Mrs. Gearge Hilsan) Sarnia, and three grandcbildren, Joyce, Donald and Sbirley; one brother Alex of Shaw's and four sisters, Mrs. Walter Manning, Oshawa, Mrs. T. G. Norton, La- cust Hill, Mrs. Rd. Pooly and Mrs. W. J. Richards, Town. One bro- ther and five sisters predeceased him sevoral years ago. Relatives and friends were pros- ont from Oshawa, Kingston, Tweed, Locust Hill, Toronto, Ca- bourg and Petawawa. "Somewbere back of the sunset Where ioveliness nover dies He lives in the land of glory With the blue and gold of the skies, And we wbo have known and lovod him, Wbose passing bas brought us tears Wili cherish bis momory always Ta brighton aur drifting years." MRS. E. R. BOUNSALL Mrs. E. R. Bounsaîl died in Bowmanvilie Hospital, April 14, aiter a week 's illness. Formerly Sarah L. Bounsaîl, daugbter of Andrew J. and Janet Bounsaîl, she was born in Lock- part, N.Y., June 29, 1864. A mem- ber of Trinity United, she took a keen interest in the cburch or- ganizations. She was a member of the O.E.S. and the W.I. The January 14, 1937, issue of The Statesman carried a stary of a presentation of a bandsome sîl- ver tray ta Mrs. Bounsaîl as an outstanding citizen. Said The Statesman: "Mrs. E. R. Baunsall, for mare than 40 years an un- ostentatiaus social warker and church worker in Bowmanviiie, was honored on Manday nigbt, when she was guest of hanar at a testimanial dinner tendered ber by Bawmanville Lions Club at the Balmoral Hotel. At thîs meeting the club was joîned by other prominent citizens in paying tribute ta her as an outstanding citizen. "President E. W. Crawford out- lined the purpose of the Lions 5Club in selecting each year an outstanding citizen whomn tribute would be paid for their commun- *ity work. Mrs. Bounsaîl, Mr. Crawford said, was a member af 1 the Hospital Auxiliary since its jfounding, President of the Wo- Smen's Welf are Cammittee, war- r time secretary of the Women's -P a t r iatic Committee, former treasurer of the Women's Can- adian Club, and Library Board, treasurer of the Eastern Star A COMPLETE COVERING FIRES resulting from windstorm, ex- plosion and ather perilE are nat covered by your fire insurance policy. Uiiless you have yaur fire policy extended ta caver such dangers - yau 'Il have ta stand such loss yourself. Ask this agency to add Extended Cover- age ta yaur fire insu.rance NOW. Je Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanville 4ý 1 bers af the Women's Institute, and a very active xvorker in Trinity United Churcb Women's Associa- tiun. Mrs. Bounsail had quietly carried on ber splendid work over many years without thought of reward, the president addcd.' She is survived by two sons, Gus and Chas. E. Bounsail; two brothers, George Bounsali, In- dianapolis, Walter Bounsali, Kaw- kawlin, Michigan; and two sis- ters, Mrs. Nettie Myers, Clermont, Indiana, and Mrs. Maud Noble, Indianapolis, Indiana. Her bus- band predeceased ber. The funerai was held fromn the residence of ber son, Gus. Baun- saîl, on April l6tb, witb Rev. J. E. Griffith officiating. Interment was in Bowmanville Cometery. Pallbearers were Wm. Found, F. Downey, Dave Morrison, T. H. Knigbt, Frank Williams and Gil- bert Doey. Among the many and beautiful floral tributes were flowers from the O.E.S., W.A. of Trinity United, WlI., and Jerusalem Lodge, A.F. & A.M. Friends from a distance includ- ed Mrs. Winifred Tbompson, Mrs. Lau Bounsall and son and daugh- ter, Mrs. R. I. Cox, Toronto; Ger- u 0 lo ýo Io o lo Io lo lo o lo o0 io )o )o )o )o )o )o o o O o o 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .(0 .00 .00 .00 .(0 .00 .(0 .00 100 .00 (00 00 .00 U0 [.00 !.00 L00 .750 [.00 Richmollo COFFEE FRESHLY GROUND 1/24bh. 18c 1-lb. 35c DOMINO BAIKING POWDER REAL VALUE! 16-oz. tin 1,5ç CANADIAN HAND-PICKED WHITE DEANS 5 lbs. 25c CALIFORNIA - CARROTs2BUNCHES FLORIDA SIZE 250 ORANGES 3C GREEN PASCAL inflo PAGE FIVE aid Stinson, Mr. and Mrs. F. Har- ris. Port Ferry; Mrs. J. W. Noble, Indianapolis: and Lt. Col. A. H. Bounsail and Mrs. Bounsail, Mill- brook. GEORGE SAUNDERS FINDLAY George Saunders Findlay pass- ed away April 2, at the home of his sons in Unionville. Be was born in Clarke Township and iived there for 58 years. He then moved to Markham Township. He was married to Elizabeth Pattin- son, who predeceased him il years ago. Since that time he made his home with two sons, Howard and Milton of Unionvifle. There survives f ive sons: Her- bort of Collingwood; Saunders and Talbert, Thornhill; Howard and Milton, and one daughter, "Pearl", Mrs. L. Rainey of Union- ville. One son, Dean, died in 1925. The funeral took place April 5 fromn the home of his son, Tai- bort Findlay. Thornhill. Rev. Mr. Owen, Unionville, and 11ev. Dr. Duncan, Thornhill, conducted the service. The palibearers wcre his 5 sons and son-in-law L. Rainey. The fellaw who graduates from the scboi of hard knocks doesn't bandie others witb kid gloves.