PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY APRIL 29th, 1943 -The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 - The tender of Sam Jackson, son, who have been staying with Oshawa, for epairing the damage hem sister, Mms. J. T. Brown since done ta the community hall by last faîl, have taken up their fime, has been approved by the residence in part of their former insumance companies and accepted home at Shaw's. Hem husband, by the counicil and Management who had been home on a two committee, eprsented by Reeve weeks' furlough. lef t ta rejoin bis C. R. Caveth and Counillor E. unit on April 20. A. Walton. Replacement of pianos Provincial Constable Ralph and other funiture and proper- Gibson and his mnother, Mms. John tics destmoyed are nat included in Gibson, Tilbury, called on Mm. this tender. A piano firm bas of_ and Mms. Matt Brown and Ms. fered ta suppîy two new pianos, Frank Gibson Sunday. They are an upight and a grand, for a holidaying in Oshawa. sum of littia aver $1,400. Some A large cangregation attendcd architectural changes are to be mass, celebmated by Reir. Father made in the stage background ta Coffey, at St. John's R.C. Chumch eliminate the use of s0 many cur- Eastem Sunday. As usual many tains wbich have always consti- were prescrnt from long distances tuted a fire hazard. and there weme a number of visitors in the congregation. 1 Durham Lodge A. F. & A. M., Some womk stated on the land4 reccntly received an invitation ta in this locality last week and visit Sharon Lodge of which Wm. some seeding has been donc. Purdy, fammerly 'of Newcastle W. J. S. Rickamd, Shaw's, Reeve and now of Qucensirille, is wom- C. R. Caveth, Rev. R. E. Morton shipful master. Some 12 mem- and H. R. Pearce attended the bers of Durham Lodge made the 0. E. A. convention in Toronto trip ta Queensville. this wcek. J. A. Allen, Sexton of the Mm. J. P. Martin and family United Chumch, bad a seveme heamt have eceived word that bis attack April 21 and bas been younigest son, Sgt. Archie Martin, under the doctor's care. As a of the R.C.A.F., who bas seen lance-corpomal in tac war of 1914- much service in North Africa, is 18, and later a prisoner in Gem- no%,, back in England. many, his hcalth was undermined. Miss Reita Cooke is attcnding He is improving nicely. the O.E.A. convention in Torontot Mrs. Ralph Campbell and little as delegate for the Home and _______________________School Club fom S.S. No. 9, Clarke. She will also attend the afternoon tea given in the Club- room of the University Building eration of Teachers. Mm. and Mms. Harold Woodward, BACKTHE shawa, Miss Jean Woodward,s Bowmanvîllc, wcme Easter Sundayt gucsts at Mm. and Mms. L. Gaines'. Mm. and Mms. J. C. Gaines andc ATTACK! baby Linda, Toronto, Miss Alta TA C K BroksLindn, Ot.,Mm. Georgec * / P. Gaines, Barrie, wamc week-end V j uests of Mm. and Mrs. George Gaines.t *Eastem services wcmc wcll at-t tended at St. George's Church,t with many visitors. Rev. D. R.1 a,. Dewdney delivered Easter mes- sages and the choir led in the singing of esurrection hymns. In tha afternoon a childmen 's service gwas held. Eastem liies and te 'r owems adomned the altar and there were also flowems and plants on the steps ta, the chancel. Aftem the semvices the snap- dragons on the steps were given ~ ta Mrs. Matt Brown who took thcm to the lihramy andplcc tham on the memorial table in memomy of the late Constable John Garod. EASTER VISITORS a Harry Allun THE GROCER After gagling with MI-3 1 Antiseptic, your mouth tastes clean bacause it is clean. MI-31 kilis harmful gcrms quickly. It is economical ha- cause it is effective at haif strength ... it is nat injurious at full strangth. Like s0 maoy othar Rexail Products, it gives you more for your money. Shop at your Rexali Drug Store for Safety, Satisfaction and Economy. When shop- ping, look for the familier red end bMue Rexali oval Ticket Agenoy, Bowmaflvillc Sgt. and Mrs. Philip Williams, Miss Phyllis Williams, Mrs. Bur- datte, Misses Aresta and Lois Martin, Toronto, at Mr. J. P. Martin's; Miss Ethel Spencer, To- ronto, at Mr. Thos. Spencer's, Sr.; Mrs. Melbourne Hooper, Ajax,ý with Mms. E. C. Hoar and Miss Gwan Hooper; Miss Helen Hooper, Ajax, with Miss Evelyn Allin; Mm. and Mrs. E. H. Jo11, Ajax, at Mm. Gea. H. Jall's and Mms. Gea. P. Rickamd's; Miss Marilyn Pearce, M. Stanley Rickamd, Miss Helen Rickard and Mr. Ted Buxton, Toronto, and Miss Marion Rickamd, Cobourg, at Mm. W. J. S. Rickard's; Miss Jean Rickard. Toronto, at Mm. W. F. Rickatd's: M. and Mrs. Bruce Ross and son, Jimmie, Leaside, and Mm. and Mms. E. G. Clemanca. Oshawa, at Mr. T. H. Clemence's; M. Gea. Bonathan, Toronto, wt Mrs. S. R. Bonathan, and Mviss Jean Bonathan, Toronto, at Mm. H. C. Bonathan's; Mm. and Mms. Kanneth Pearce, Midland, and Miss M. E. Pearce, Toronto, at H. R. Pearce's and othar relatives;, Miss Mary Chaplin, Toronto, with Mrs. W. H. B. Chaplain; quite a few Toronto people at their sum- mer cottages at the lake front; Mm. and Mrs. Irvmn Allin, Misses Betty, Doris and Marie Allun, Master Jack Allin and Bandsman Wm. Allin, of the Rocky Moun- tain Rangers, at M. and Mms. ROYAL BOWMANVILLE IThurs., Fr1., Sat., APRIL 29, 30, MAY 1 Double Feature OMAHA TRAIL With JAMES CRAIG, DEAN JAGGER On same bill GIRL TROUBLE DON AMECHE, JOAN BENNETT Cartoon Mon., Tues., Wed., MAY 3, 4, 5 PANAMA HATTIE Featuring ANN SOTHERN, RED SKELTON NEWS .SH-ORTS bread for communion service. Hem chief intemests weme ber chumch, hem home and hem family; but she abounded in Christian charity and was in no wise limited ta these. She made a sanctuary of hem homo and brought up hem childmen in the way of truth and ---- - - - - - - 1 lý ENGAGEMENTS 1 1 Harry McBain's, Ida; Mrs. A. N. McEvoy wvith friands in Toronto; 1Mm. Clifford Philipps and Miss 1Pearl Abar, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Thackmay on Good Fiday; Sgt. Sam Cowan, of the R.C.A.F., and Mrs. Cowan, Montreal, and Mr. Norton Cowan, Toronto, at Mrs. Fred Cowan's; Mm. Hubert Anderson, Toronto, with Mm. W. H. Anderson.; Miss Muriel Bradley, Toronto, at hem Newcastle home; Mm. Chas. Cowan, home from Petembomugh, and Mrs. Cowan, home from To- monta: Mm. E. E. Patterson, home from Western Ontario; Miss Catherine Teeple, Bowmanville, with hiem grandparents. Mm. and Mrs. J. C. Hancock; Mms. Edgar Kenefick. and Miss Lucy Bmault, Toronto, at Mm. Wm. Kenefick's. EASTER AT THE UNITED CHURCH Combincd with thec Eastcr serv- ices at the United Churcb was a baptismal ceremony and also a me- ception and confirmation service. At il o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ross (nec Phyllis Clemence), Leaside, brought their little son, James Thomas, ta be baptizcd by Reir. R. E. Morton at the baptismal font placed in the churcb in mamomy of the little boy's great- gandparents, Mm. and Mrs. James G. Rickard. They were cscorted inta the sanctuary by J. E. W. Philp, clerk of session. Seven young people wcre re- ceived into the church at a serv- ice conducted by Reir. R. E. Mor- ton, assisted by Elders Fred Graham and Robert Martin, the latter being grandfathcr of thrcc of the class. The seven wcrc: Neil Britton, Tracy Embly, Archie Hendmy, Barbara Bonathan, Joyce Martin, Alex Martin and Lloyd Martin. The resurrection theme was continued at the evcning service, with Rcv. R. E. Morton in the pulpit and the choir rendeming appropriate music undar thc leadership of Mms. E. C. Fisher, organist. Some of the fiowems in the church weme ta thc memory of Mms. S. Mason and Mrs. J. W. Glcnncy. New gifts ta the church this Easter Day weme plate glass tops for the communion table and the flower pedestals, by Mrs. Floyd Butler and Mm. and Mms. C. A. Cowan. Obituary MRS. JOHN DOUGLAS Mrs. John Douglas, who died at hem home in Newcastle, April 15, was the last of nine children born ta George Brown and his wife, Ann Cross, who weme married in Yorkshire, Eng., in 1847. In 1849 they joined the great migration ta Canada, cmossîng the Atlantic in a sailing vessel with their infant daughtem, Margaret. Af ter 13 wceks on the ocean they landcd at Qucbec and made their way ta the Newcastle district. They set- tled at "Tmickey's Corners," just north of the present village site, and heme Mm. Brown carried on as a tailor, making suits for the set- tlers who paid for them mostly by the exchangc of food and other supplies. Later tbey moved in ta the newly-incorpomated Vil- lage of Newcastle and opencd up a merchant tailor shop on the site of the present community hall. To Mm. and Mms. George Brown, besîdes Margaret, who ba- came Mrs. Richard Waltems, Mca- ford, eight more children were born in Newcastle. They weýe: Rodemick, who moved ta Iowa;ý Lavina, who married Chas. Weston, and whose family live in Chicago; John, who carîd on bis father's business in Newcastle for some yeams and then moved to To- monta; Robert, who moved ta To- monta, and whose daughtem Mabel is a frequent visitor in Newcastle; Thomas, also a tailor, who car- riad on business in Toronto until ha mtired and lived on bis farm just outsidc the Village of New- castle until he died in 1938, and whose widow now lives in Orano; Annie, who married E. T. Brit- tain, Toronto, and who, after hem husband's death, made hem home in Newcastle with Mrs. Douglas; Jennie, who marmiad Wm. Creeper, Haydon, and whose two claughters still live in the neigh- borhood, and Georgina, who was bomn in Newcastle in 1858. In' 1878 she mammicd John Douglas who predeceased hem in 1929. To them wera born four childmen, all living. Walter R., the eldast, has been fom many yeams with the United States Rubbam Company, hoas B.andi now me Classified Ad Rates One cent a word cash, eaeh f insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25c extra is made whcn advertisemcent is not pald same wcek as Iser- tion. Extra charge of 10e whcn replies are directcdl to, r a Statesman box number. Births, dcaths and marriages 50c each. In Mcmoriams, 50e for notice plus 10c per line for verse. Classlfled adver- 3 tisemnents acccpted up untîl BIRTHS BURNS - At Bowmanville Hos- pital, on Saturday, April 24th, 1943. to Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Burns, a son. 17-1* POTTS - To Spr. and Mrs. John Potts (nec Gladys Martin) the gift of a daughter, Lynda Louise, at Bowmanvnlle Hos- pital, April 20, 1943. 17-1 DEATHS ARMSTRONG-In Darlington, on Friday, April 23rd, 1943, Maude Adam Armstrong, widow of Robert H. Armstrong, agcd 73 y e a r s. Interment Hampton Cemetery. BROCK-At Toronto, on April 24, 1943, Robert Thomas Brock, in his 76th year, beloved husband of the late Ella Hambly. En- tombment Mount Pleasant Mausoleum. COLE-At his home, 65 Alberta Ave., Toronto, on April 21, 1943, William J. Cole, beloved husband of Florence Bickle and father of Mrs. C. Stewart (Annie) and Dr. Frank L. Cole, in his 87th year. Interment Prospect Cemetery. FLIGG-At Woodford, Ont., on Tuesday morning, April 27th, Mary E. Fligg, wife of the late William Fligg, in her 94th year. Funeral to be held from her son 's residence, Will E. Fligg, Thursday, at 2.30 p.m. 17-1* JAMES - On Wednesday, April 28th, 1943, at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. H. E. Fos- ter, Church St., Bowmanville, Mary James, widow of the late William James, Gratton, Ont., in her 86th year. 17-1* IN MEMORIAM GRAHAM-In loving memory of a dear father, David Graham, who passed away, May 2nd, 1938. -Lovingly remembered by his daughters and sons. 17-1 Carda of Thanka Mrs. Wesley Oke wishes ta ex- tend grateful appreciation to her many friends, Dr. Ferguson, Miss S a m i s, Superintendent a n d Nurses of Bowmanville Hospital and Enniskillen United Church for their kindness during her re- cent illness. 17-1 Mr. Melville Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. James Henry and Miss Gertie Henry wish to thank the kind friends, neighbours, pallbearers and those who offered cars, for their many acts of kindness, ex- pressions of sympathy and con- dolence and for their beautiful f i o r a 1 remembrances. Special thanks also to Dr. Austin, Ennis- killen, before and at the time of their very sad bereavement. 17 1* Mr. and Mrs. George McMullen announce the engagement of their daughter, Frances Jean, to Mr. Harry James Collocutt, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Colla- cutt. The marriage will take place in May. 17-1* Mrs. Martha Mitchell, Toronto, announces the engagement of her eldast daughter, Janet, to Clifford A. Stainton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Stainton, of Toronto. The marriage will take place early in May. 17 1* Mr. and Mrs. Hemb Toms, New- castle, announce the engagement of their daughter, Edna Margaret, to Mr. Fraderick E. Wood, To- ronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Woo>d, formerly of Bowmanville, the wedding ta, take place the early part of May. 17-l* Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Morris, Bow- manville, announce the engage- ment of 'their daughter, Jean Eleanor, ta Capt. S. George Werry, CDC., son of Mr. and Mrs. S.E Wery, Hampton. The wedding ta take place on May lst in Oshawa, at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Langmaid. 17-1 Articles For Sale FOR SALE-1931 FORD COACH, in excellent condition. Good tires. Apply ta Mrs. John Dick- ey, Nestleton, Ontario. 17-1 FOR SALE - COOK STOVE, Tudhope-Anderson, in excellent condition. Apply S. Hadley, Enniskillan, phone 2578. 171i FOR SALE - SIDEBOARD, 3 bedsteads and Woodland oox stove in good condition. Apply S. A. Burgess, R.R. 3, Bowman- ville, phone 2386. 17-1 FOR SALE - DINING ROOM SUITE, 8-piece solid oak, buffet, ext. table and six chairs with leather pad seats, a good ser- viceable suite at a sacrifice. Sec this at F. F. Morris Ca. 17-1 LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select youms from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE - BABY BUGGY, large wicker, reversible body, balloon tires, in good condition. Baby's basinatte and mattrass (new), also small chestcrficld. Write Box 191, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 17-i* OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in mcdern. chestcrfield, bcdroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Badley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcae St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Livestock and Articles FOR SALE - 4 SHORTHORN B UL LS. Apply Henderson Farms, R.R. 2, Newcastle. FOR SALE - COLONY HOUSE, 6 ft. by 10½1/ ft. Apply F. H. Ellis, Enniskillen, phone 2467. 17-1 FOR SALE-il PIGS, six weeks old. Apply Clifford Colwill, R.R. 1, Bowxnanvile, phone 2438. 17-1 FOR SALE - CULTIVATOR, Tudhope-Andcrson. Apply R. Stenger, Enniskillen, ph on e 2824. 17-l* FOR SALE - 5 STOCKERS, Dur- ham; 3 sows, due anytime; 3 young bulîs for sale or rent. Ap- ply R. Davis, phone 2413. 17-1* FOR SALE-PERCHERON COLT 4 ycars old, and 3 work horses for sale or will cxchange for cattle. Phone Clarke 2530. 17-1 Vacuum Cleaners Repaired GUARANTEED FACTORYÎ RE- PAIRS, adjustments, lubrica- tion, etc. ta Premier, Royal, Goblin, Eurica, Apex, Hoover and all other makes. New and factory rebuilt vacuumns and ac- c es s orie s. Telephone our "C. U. C. Sales and Service Branch", Bowmanville, 774, at McGregor's Hardware. 17-tf-6* For Rent FOR RENT-2 ROOMS, furnished or unfurnishcd, with conveni- ences, good location. Phone 2248. 17-1* FOR RENT- 2 OR 3 ROOMS for light housekeeping, heatcd and partly furnished. Apply Mrs. Ernest Turney, corner Odeli and Scugog Sts., Bowmanville, phone 2830. 17-1 bast LOST-GLASSES lost on Thurs- day. Finder please return to..30 Liberty St., Bowmanville. 17-1* LOST-OLDSMOBILE HUB CAP either in town or on Hampton Road. Finder please return to H. K. Thurlow, Richelieu Hotel. 17-1* HELP WANTED - OPPORTUN- ITY FOR GIRLS and women ta help aur war effort. Secure em- ploymcnt as waitresses, caf e- tcria workcrs, dishwashers, c h a m bermaids; southwcstemn Ontario city. Help by scmving those cngaged in war work. Good living accommodation un- der proper supervision. Apply nearest Employmcnt and Sel- ective Service Office. Refer ta R.O. 721. 16-2 Baby Chicks FOR SALE - High quality baby chicks from governmcnt culled and blood tested white leghorn and barmed rock breeders. Now booking orders for late May and June. Quantity is limited. Order now ta avoid disappoint- ment. Phone 2636 or write Orchland Farm, H. J. Brooks, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 14-tf TWEDDLE CHICKS - BUY Tweddle High Qua1ite Chicks now at Stewart's Sced Store and get your Cafetemia Cbick Starter at wholesale, we have over thirty breeds ta choose from and the demand is greater than cirer this year for Tweddle Chicks, price list on request. STEWART'S SEED STORE Phone 577 9-tf Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY - A SHED about 10 by 12 feet. Write P.O. Box 485, Bowmanville. 17-1 WANTED-USED SEWING MA- chines, electric or trcadle. Sing- er Sewing Center, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 9-tf Hlp Wanted HELP WANTED - WOMAN to help with housework. Apply Mrs. Fred Graham, Newcastle. 17-1 HELP WANTED - GIRL to do housework, $45.00 a month, live in. Three adults only. Apply Mrs. H. Rubin, 923 Avenue t Road, Toronto, Ont. 17-2* HELP WANTED - EXPERI- ENCED COOK general, wages $35-$50 per month. Every mod- ern convenience, a p p 1 y D. i Christian, il Simcoe Street, North, Oshawa. 17-1 HELP WANTED- GIRLS or wo- men for part time work, three hours a day, 5 days a week. Ap- ply Bowmanville Cleaners. 17-1 HELP WANTED-HOUSEKEEP- ER for man on farm, one mile south of Courtice, or couple where man is employed and wo- man would look after house. Write Box 190, Statesman 0f- fice, Bowmanville. 17-1 AUCTUON SALES I have been authorized ta sl by public Auction for Arthur Pas- coe, Lot 1, Broken Front, East Whitby, on Saturday, May ist, his farm stock, implements (ncw binder and spreadar), hay, grain and harness. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms Cash. Elmer Wilbur, auc- tioneer. 17-1. Furniture sale, Saturday, May 8. The undersigned will sell by public auction for the estate of the late Henry Wilcox, in the village of Hampton, ail his house- hold cffects. Sec list ncxt wcck. Sale at 1 o'clock. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 17-1 The undersigncd has received instructions from Mrs. Arthur Denscm, Scugog St., Bowman- ville, ta sali by public auction, at ber residence, her household cf- fects, including chastemfield suite, b&dmoom furnîture, kitchen furn- iture, extension table, electric stove, heatar and pipes, varandah swing, odd tables, chairs and lamps, kitchan utansils, dishes, garden tools, as wall as many other articles. Sale on Saturday, May 8, at 1.30 p.m. Terms cash. Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer. 17-2 Seed For Sale POTATOES-CERTIFIED P.E.I. COBELERS and Grean Moun- tains, No. 1 $2.95, No. 2 $2.85. Sabagois, Warbas, Chippawas, Katahdins, etc. $2.35. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577. 17-1 DUTCHÎ SETS-Wc now have aur compiete stock of Dutch Sets and Multiplier onions in. Get yours early ta avoid disappoint- ment this year. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577. 17-1 SEED AND SEED GRAIN We arc offering ail variaties of Clovers and grass secds at cspec- ialiy good prices; also seed barley, secd aats, peas, Spring rye and wheat. Western feed grain, fertil- izer, potatoas, etc. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle, phone Clarke 33-12. 15-tf CUADBELL, IWRIGHT I STEPHiENSON EDISON IFORD MRCN FOR SALE - 30 SMALL PIGS, just weaned, wlll scîl one or al ta anc buycr. Stanley H. Malcolm, phone, Port Pcrry, ig. 194-21. 17-i1 t FOR SALE - THRESHING MA- condition; tcrms cash. Write B ox 189, Statasman Office, Bowmanville. 17-1* FOR SALE - QUANTITY 0F HAY, alfalfa and timothy. Also . pasture with running stream for ~ ent. Apply Mrs. Lillian Mount- good sf joy, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, phone arouncJ 2313. 17-1 replace Tenders Wanted difficult thereq Tenders for the position of Sec-Shr rctamy-Treasurcm of the Bowman- Sew villa Hospital Board (part timedelr position) will be rcccivcd up ta et 6 p.m., May Sth, 1943. Appli-pry cants must state qualifications and salary rcquircd. Mail appli- cations ta Mr. J. O'Neill, chair- man, Chumch St., Bowmanville. 17-i King Street Telephone 682 ~., . i ATTENTION FRUIT FARMERS Increase your production by renting becs durlng f r u i t bloom. Apply For Rates C. Re KNOX Orono Phone 42r2 16 oc. So V 471 4 oz. JURY &LOVEL When we test eyes it la donc properly. C.N.B. Phone 178 Found FOUND-SUM 0F MONEY found Sunday. .Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this advertisement. Write Box 193, The Statesman. 17-1 Wanted WANTED - VIOLIN OUTFIT, suitable for practice. Write box 192, Statesman Office. 17-1 WANTED - I WOULD BE IN- terested in learning the art of spinning and carding. Apply Mrs. U. Dickson, Grafton. 17-1* Spting Cultivatiflg Spring tooth cul4ivating, disce ing and ploughing done. i '4 2186, Bowmanville any time Pi- cept between sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. H. Chamber- lain, Enfield. 17-tf Sialeamen Wanted NEED EXTRA CASH?-You can get it by devoting your sparc time to distributing Watkins farm and houschold necessities ta steady customers. If you'rc enterprising, honest and de- pendable and have your own means of transportation, wc have a proposition ta intercst you. Write The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-B-9, Mont- real, Que. 17-1 NO0TICE To Farmers and Munitions Workcrs: To obtain NEW or RETREADED tires you must make application to the War- tfime Prices and Trade Board. Let us makc ont your appli- cations. - Why drive te Oshawa. Wc are able to handle It here. G.F. JAMIESON TIRE SHOF 1 Block West of Post Office righteousness. Hers was a cheery and bright disposition which help- ed to illmuminate the way for others, and her religion was firm and constant and of a positive character. Many beautiful floral tributes testified to the fond re- gard of the donors. The pali- bearers were Irwin Goué4e and Eric Tuer, nephews, Toronto; C. R. Carveth, Fred Graham, George Jamieson and Gordon Martin, Newcastle. Interment was in Bow- manville Cemetery. Some of the beautiful flowers that were at the house Saturday were placed in the United Church Sunday, in loving memory of the one who had worshipped in the church since her childhood days. OSHAWA, ONTARIO Phone 1011 Free Parking Thurs., Fri., Sat., APRIL 28th-MAY lst NOEL COWARD in IN WHICH WE SERVE Witlx BERNARD MILES - JOHN MILLS - CELIA JOHNSON The throbbing emotion of a Million Wartime Romances, IT STANDS ALONE . .. as the most thrilling action hit cirer fllmed. STARTING MONDAY. FOR ONE WEEK A New Film Masterpicce RONALD COLMAN - GREER GARSON in RANDOM HARVEST With PHILIP DORN - SUSAN PETERS - HENRY TRAVERS REGINALD OWEN One ot the most unusual and poignant love stories ever told of a girl who found love, lost it and and found it again. and a shell-shocked hcro who drlfted into a romantie adven- turc of infinite bcauty and ten- derness. A NEW TRIUMPH FROM Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer. Another triumph from the producers of Mrs. Miniver. THURSDAY APRIL 29th, 1943 PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO STE WART'S SEED STORE 1- DEPENDABLE HEADQUARTERS For Clovers, Timothy, Grass Seeds, etc. BULK GARDEN SEEDS - MORE AND BETTER SEED FOR YOUR MONEY - Dutch Sets, Mdultiplier Onlons, iPotatoes, Fertilizers now on hand. PHONE 577 BOWMANVIILLE FOR SALE - YOUNG YORK- SHIRE SOW with litter. Also young Yorkshire sow. Apply Leonard Stainton, R.R. 4, Bow- manville. 17-l* FOR SALE-17 YOUNG SHEEP and lambs, $185.00. Gladioli bulbs, guaranteed good, le each. C. J. Mitchell, Newcastle, phone Clarke 1914. 17-1* FOR SALE - 3 HEAVY HAR- NESS BREECHINGS; also hay tmack, 100 feet long. Apply Brookdale-Klngsway, Bowman- ville, phone 345. 17-1* FOR SALE-6 PIGS, about 100 lbs live weight. Apply Martin Budicky, Lot 16, Con. 6, Dar- lington (1-2 mile north and 1-4 mile east of Hampton). 17-1* FOR SALE - CLYDE MARE, rising 5 ycars, sired by Civic Chief, bay with white face and legs. W. S. Moffat, R.R. 1, Or- ana, phone 15rl7. 17-1* RICE & Co* - r 1 ý , ý lýý j - -* , jàý jý