PAGE SIX THE CANAflIM~ STATESMAN, BOWMANVLLLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 131h, 1943 Let the thriII of Creation be Yours Choose a material and a pattern and make your.own dress. SLUBS - 79c, $1.00 a yd. V4 WABASSO POPLIN- 42c a yard PRINTED RAYONS - 69c, 90c, $ 1.00 and $ 1.25 a yard - Agent For McCall Patterns - We carry stock of buttons, thread, bias tape, etc. SPRING COATS In sport and dress styles. Tweeds and plain fabrics in MEN'S. Sprîng s Herringbc oured w<: LUNCHI From 75e Luncheor $2.95 a se WE CLC coud Phone 836 SUITS styles in Donegals, aones, and plain cal- rrsteds. IEON CLOTHS 5c ta S4.25 a pîcce. nsels from $1.00 ta et. CURTAIN MATERIAL Sîde drape yardage in sev-1 eral maicrials. Priced fi-arn 49c ta $1.95 a yard. LADIES' DRESSES New shipmenî in plain and printed rayons and crepes. Coal dresses in dark colours. FROM - $2.95 to $ 16.95 ýOSE AT 10 O'CLOCK ON SATURDAY NIGHTS h, Johnston & Cryderman 1 M14g st. A hydro-electric power plant is A vaccine against tooth decay i reported to have been put in op- being tested at the Army Medica eration near Rome, Italy, last Oc- Centre, Washington. The vaccin( tober, with an annual capacity of is made from lactobacilli, the kitc 40,000,000 kilowatt hours; it is of germs believed responsible fo entirely underground. decay. FROM NOW ON ALL BUSINESS TRANS- ACTIONS WILL BE ON A STRICTLY CASH DASIS TICKETS 10 tickets for $135. Each ticket good for 25-pound block ice. Cash on Delivery-15 cents a 25-pound block ice WILLIAMS ICE CO. Phone 439 Bowmanville FIRST CHURCH 0F CHRIST, SCIENTIST OSHAWA, ONTARIO Cordlally Invites You and Your Friends To Attend A FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ENTITLED "The Religion 0f Authority" By Judge Samuel W. Greene, C.S.B., of Chicago Illinois Un The Masonic Temple, Centre Street FRIDAY EVENIN09 MAY l4thy 1943 At 8.15 O'clock D.S.T. I)I0e Now you con b. sure your family gets good nutrition. FolIow the 63 varied menus in this Free bookiet. Here's the book you have been 'waiting for... the practicalway ta good nutrition. No need ta be a student of dietetics! You simply follow the menus planned for you, confident that you are serving ineals as healthful as they are appea.Iing. This is an important part of your war effort! For proper food is vital ta health, and therefor toalal-out production. Yet Government surveys show that 60 per cent of Canadians fail short of good nu- trition, even though seemingly well-fed. Sn Iearn the way ta meals that are as healthfül as they are ap- 'petizing! Send for your copy of "Eat-to-Work- TuIr to W in "* now ! A.ýt.Vciýlu.ble"n Authoritati, FRE 'ýEND FOR YOUR COP' Jusi send your nome and clearly pririted, to "Nu fo, Victo'y- Box 6 con.d. 6Lýý jSaskiatchewan, is visîting ber sis- *Tb# nus ritiogol Ici-s, Mrs. F. W. Cowan and Miss statements in '"Eat- Odie Warren. I..~ ar acceprktago'" PIe.Carl Fisher, Kingston, N TO A A IA Nutrition Services, rsent the week-end wih isNA I ALW RF A , Depariment of Pen- mother, Mrs. E. C. Fisher.D R AM C lions and National Mrs. Percy Hare, accompaniedDU H M C He#athdOtauafor by Dr. and Mrs. Muni-o, Cleve- fb aio, Ohio, wenl la Kingstrin lionPro~ansm e.Tuesday, ta attend graduation ex- ci-ciscs aI Queen's university, Lak Sh reClCk>- M'MU M ednesday. Among those gradu. which ta seat the young couple. à MIL ake hor, Clrkeating wvere Mrs. Jack Hare who Alex Pi-out, as master of cere- TABLE GLASSWARE passed her arts course wiath hon- mre.epan tebng Red Ci-oss meets at Mrs. G. A L L S W R urs. specializing in German and mne.epandtebng a Mari tn* Thursday Biology. 1ture of the gathering and called Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell andÈ 0:.ý:::;:.; A militai-y detachment. with upon Mrs. N. L. Rickard who read Vivian. Port Hope. spent Sunday........... artillery and other equipment, vis- and presented t0 the bride and at C. J. M.%itchell's. Vivian was ....,,... ited the schaol and gave a demon- gomii eetdtaflctu Christened Sunday evening in stration. Reeve C. R. Carveth Newtonville Church~ÇS~~ / n e.R .Mro eep-s address, welcoming Mrs. Cobble- Miss Edith Hendry has return- \~11> ent at the same time. dctefre isMblL -dt eebr omlSho Gray, ta the neighborhood and ex- ed a PteroroNoral chol jMr. and Mrs. Stanley Corden tending the best af wishes ta both. Gnr. onald Powell called on and son, Bowmanville, w ereTh adre s sosece th Mrs. J. Mitchell. Port Mothei-'s Day guests of Han-y background of the young couple's Hope, en route ta Sydney, Nova i-i-.,eY Couch, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Har- pioneer antecedents as well as the Scotia, after spending two weeks' 1: --- - ad ouh Lovekin family who pioneered furlough at home. Miss Jean Holmes, Toronto, this section of country some years Mrs. W. A. Adams has been ill. GOOD NEW~S FOR THE spent the week-end at Wallace ahead of any other white people. Recent visitors: Miss Jean Holmes'. Into the room and ta the presence Holmes. Toronto, at home. .. Mrs. THRIFI'Y HOUSEWIFE Mrs. David Gray and little of the honared young couple came R. McKay, Jimmy and Buddy, daughter came home from Bow- Ross Prout and Mildred Allin, a BronwiTo rno.. .ran Mrs FREKNDGL S manville last week-end. Mrs. J. youthful team hauling a rubber- Brow inToroto.. Mr an Mrs FIE KIG G ASS A. Smith and son came home the tired wagon loaded with gifts. As M.Bon, C owanv.l.eMist R. Cp n acrs2e-sa previaus week. the groom unwrapped them there S i p o , Cwanill, a R. upsandsauers25e- sali Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Clemence, was displayed a tray and pitcher, Hendry's. . . Mr. and Mrs. F. plates 15e - large plates 35e- Oshawa, were Sunday visitai-s at glass dishes, a breakfast set of Johns, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. G. deserts 2 for 25e- oatmneals T. H. Clemence's. dishes, towels and other articles. Clarke and girls, Toronto, at W. 15e - platters 45e- pudding Mrs. W. B. Graham, Pontiac, Ross and Mabel could hardly find Baskerville's. . . Les Allun at words to express their surprise home. bowls 45e - also pie plates and Mich., has been visiting her par-___________entsMr.and rs . .ndarcatobtidanal eovered casseroles.Ce c. joined in singing, "They are Jolly Clemence.Good Fellows". Complimentai-y Mapl Gro e Garaneedheatprof, pac-speeches were made by W. F. Mapl Grve Garatee hea profRickard, M.P., W. J. S. Rickard, _____tical for every day use, very at- SHAW'S NEIGHBORS HONOR Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard and H. R. Mrs. L.C. Snowden visited ber tractive. Try once and use ai- ROSS COBBLEDICK AND Pearce. Chas. Gilkes read an ap- father, Thos. Baker, and her sis- ways. BRIDE propriate poem and Ross and ter, Miss Vera Baker, Sunday. Glenn Prout entertained with Mr. an-d Mrs. Leslie Collacutt, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cobbledick guitar numbers, Glenn with a Misses Pearl, Lenora Collacutt BUY NOW WHILE SUPPLY were guests of honor and were vocal part, too. But the climax visited their parents, Mr-. and Mrs. LASTS presented with neighbarly greet- came when the young husband Westlake, Solina. ings and a wagon-load af gifts at himself took down bis guitar, by Mrs. Albert Brown, Toronto, _______________ a community gatbering at Mr. special request, and after a few Miss Marion Snawden, Oshawa, an-d Mrs. Lamne Cobbledick's, May tweaks and twangs strummed it with their parents, Mr. and Mrs 7h Blissfully unaware of their up and sang a couple of self-ac- C. . Sowdn. lA I ~ neighbors' plans Il was their in- companied sangs, much as a court- Mrs. Robt. Cale, daughterCrl J. IN J IELL tention ta spend an evening of ing cavalier might have done be- Miss Ruth Stevens, Town, at Mrs.- sweet domesticiiy at their "Pio- neath the window o! bis lady- J. D. Stevens. neer Farm" home. But brother- love. The gathering indicaled The correspondent is sorry that Phone 556 Bowmnanvileie n-law Lloyd Passant of Bowman- their fûllI enjoyment and then the in the report of the box social, the ville, drove up with a car and refreshmenîs were served by the name of Ray Dudley, a piano solo, lured ihem away on the pretext young people. The sandwiches, was omiited. I--------------* * * haltbey were being taken ta pickles, cake and drinks were all The many friends of Keith _______________ town ta attend a show. Journey's provided by the commilice, Mrs. Ormiston. are sorry ta hear thai end. however, was less than a mile F. B. Lovekin, Mrs. Gea. Allin and his leg, wbich was broken just helping his father, Frank Stone, up the road at Father and Moiher Mrs. Alex. Pi-out. Present from before Christmas, bas given him with spring work. Cobbledièk's. Here were gather- Bawmanville were Mr. and Mrs. so much trouble. il has been nec- Victor Farrow visited his son ed nearly aIl the people of Sbaw's Lloyd Passant (formerly Ruth essai-y for him ta go ta a specialist Laverne, at Newcastle, who has Eastside ta meet and greet them. Cobbledick) and lwo childi-en, in Toronto.- been ill. A bay window in the large silting and Mr. Disley and Chas., former- Motbei-'s Day was observed. Sorry ta learn of the death of room, prettily decorated with nib- ly of "Pioneer FarnV'. Also in aI- Sunday. wiih a good turn-out. J. H. Hallowell, in Bowmanville. bons and bows and a hanging bell, tendance was the bride's grand- The pasior had a special Mothei-'s He was born in Starkville and re- made an attractive bower in mather, Mrs. Robt. Gray. Day address. Baptismal service sided here for many years. Sym- was held for Larry Lloyd, son of pathy is exîended ta his wife. Mi-. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf; Don- ald Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bagnell: Barbai-a J o a n., daughter of Mi-. and Mrs. W. H. Brown. Reception service: Mi-.M o and Mrs. Norman Wright, trans- feri-ed from Enniskillen; Mr-. and Visitai-s: Mrs. Harvey Balson is Mrs. Chai-les White from King St., and Glen, Oshawa, at Robt. Kill- al Oshawa, by letter; Misses Ruth ns.Ms LvBugsJmi rie Snowden, Geitie White, Masters ...Mr.LvBugsim e ndJackMna, Billie Skelding; and Ralph, Caurtice, Mi-. and Mrs. Donald Smith. by profession 0f Lloyd Flintoff and Ronnie, Court- ckMudo l A ifaith. ice, at Wes. Cameron's. . . Mrs. ________________ Gai-don Short, Maxwell's, at Russ Stainton's... Mr. and Mrs. Reford Starkville Cai-eron, Kathleen and Jean, at ______ _______F. B. Glaspel's. . . Mr. and Mrs. i-ceal nice congregalion gath- Fred Rabbins and Isabel, at Heber ered at Shiloh on Sunday and Down's, Brooklin. . . Miss Mai-g- heard a fine sermon in keeping ai-et McCleur at Toronto. .. Misses with Mother's Day. A feature of Betty Balson. Caledon E a st, the service was the Baptising of Velma Balson, Kinsale, at Fred the little daugter of M. and Mrs. Cameion's. . . M. and Mrs. Mel.V ITRL Russell Fxý,ery. The church was Morgan, Joan and Glenna at Alan decaratedi wilb beautiful daffo- Wheeler's, Agincourt and Mr-. dils. Hai-rington's, Cedar Grave. .. Mr-. IO RL Shiloh W.A. met aI the home of and Mrs. AIf Ayre at Noble Met- Miss Norma Hallowell, Wednes- calfe's, Maple Grave. . . Mi-. and day evening, when a quiît was Mrs. Reford Cameron and daugh-. quilted. ters at Chas. Vivian's, Hampton Miss Nellie Shutka, Oshawa, . . . Mi-. and Mrs. Russell Dawn was home on Moîhei-'s Day. and sons, Kedron, at Fred Rab- PIe. Raymond Farrow was bins'. . . Pie. Michael Nemis, home from Niagara for a short Niagai-a-on-tbe Lake, at Robi. visit. Killen's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Christ- Mrs. S. G. Hallowell spent ian Star, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. her daughter, Beulah Hallowell. Ritchie. Thoi-nton's Coi-ners, at Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hallowell Hans Geissbei-ger's. . . Mrs. A. were in Bowmanville Friday Walker, Orangeville, Mrs. Frank Miss Simpson of Peterboro Gilbert, Solina, Miss Eva Gai-don, Normal has been practice teach- Oshawa, Mi-. and Mrs. Jas. Mc- -ing at oui- school. Master, Toronto, at Mrs. J. W. Mc- Mrs. Harold Lyitle and son, o! Master's.. . Sgi. PilaI John Sîain- ad i n Bk i Campbellfard, vîsied at Mrs. ton, Centralia, is home on fui-- LLew Hallowell's. lough. . . Mi-. and Mrs. A. T. Mr-. and Mrs. Muldrew, a! Eliz- Stainlon and Elleen, Mrs. Ross abethville, visited Mi-. and Mrs. Lee, Kedron, atiended the "Wings Russell Savery. Parade" at Cenîralia, when John family were at Mi-. and Mrs. H. Sgt. Pilots Fi-ank Roxbarough, a d Rusk's, Port Hope. Arthur Pai-kinson, Lauie Orser, Pte. Reg. Boultan, of Kingston, Centralia, at A. T. Stainton's... spent a short lime aI Gea. Smith's' Mi-. and Mrs. Douglas FletI and H. L. Trimm bas returned home Murray, Columbus, at Norman ta Oshawa afler spending somne Leach's. . . Mi-. and Mrs. J. W. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hallawell Doreen Balson, Caledan East, Mi-. o! Toronto, spent Motber's Day, and Mrs. Ross Lee, Diane and aI Mr-. and Mi-s. Jacob Hallowell's. Brian, Kedron, Mrs. Adam Haw- Mrs. Silver o! Ajax, was home ley, Pelerboro, Lloyd Stainton, at Mi-. Etwell's, over the week- Toronto, at A. T. Stainîon's. W IL L B E end.Mi-. and Mrs. Luther Pascoe, Miss Gwen Gilmer of Bowman- Ruth and Lai-an attended the wed- ville, was home for Moîber's Day. ding at Lakefield o! Miss Maiin Mrs. C. Reid, Miss Hazel Reid Johns and Lloyd Broome. Miss Oshawa, visiled Mrs. Wviùfi-ec Ruth Pascoe was flower girl. 1 M-. and Mrs. Hugb Stapleton Fred Harding, Oshawa, aI RussellS AUDY/ r Oshawa, at W. A. Hallowell's. ' Stainton's. John Stone, Qi-ana, bas been Mi-s. Alf Ayre attended a Films Developed FREE Phone CW IW' lDIl~fDie fit 695 O IN ' M U G R Trus WE NOW HAVE Silverwood's ICE CREAM lIn Cane, Brick and Pie D.T. Moth Killer Crystals, 1 lb.-- --39e Moth Blockettes 10e, 25e Motli Balîs, 2 lbs.----25e Larvex--------- 83e, $1.29 Mecea Ointment 23e, 45c, '79e Fruitatives ----23c, 39e Bromo -I I QAN DAY of Commerce the 4ontreal OPEN ýFTERNOON 'O'CLOCK in Subscriptîons OnIy ,er of thankf ulness for the sgive our gratitude prac- is and neighbours at any Sd. 1aK! DON'T FAIL!I 9CE COMMUE )UNTY WNEN WE TEST YOUR EYES YOU ARE ASSURED SATISFACTION IN QUALITY AND PRICE Brilliantine NOXZEMA Milk Foam LAVORIS 15c, 25e 19c, 39C 35c, 60c, $1.OQI 29e, 89c For The Farmer Ceresan $1.10, 3.50, 4.40M A CL EAN S Formalin, 1 lb. - --------259 LARGESSELLI TOT H Zenoleu ni 85, $1.50 PASE IN O UAI Zenoleuni Powder --35ceIRIAINi WE STOCK A COM- PLETE LINE 0F PRATT'S & DR. BELLS Veterlnary Remedies . 4OIcl LARUE SME Suiphur, 3 Ibs --------25e Soda, 3 Ibs--------.. 25c29 7 Saltpetre, - --- -20e lb EEG. 4I1 Epsom Sait, 4 16s. --25e Sponsored by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) r:A fR 0 à i the interesu of nurntion and Leaith as an id ta Victory. 1 .11 ÇASHMERE TISSUE _ Comelteb wvap>ed Soft PUre Wh=t 700 SHEETS 1to the roll 3for25jelg D. T. HEALTH SALTS NK PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVHLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 13th, 1943 DAY