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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 May 1943, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY l3th, 1943 IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST Fro Te StatesrnaFFiles FIFTY YEARS AGO May 10, 1893 Solina: Miss Julia Honora Werry lias a beautiful Ca]la Lily in bloom; many have called to admire it and congratulate the fair owner on lier floral success ...Arthur, youngest son of Mr. W. Ashton, died Sunday of dipli- theria. Newcastle: Newcastle is said to have at least forty widows!... Miss Bingham. Ottawa, is staying with lier uncle. Dr. McNaughton. In the report of the faculty of theology of Victoria University we note that Rev. W. A. Bunner and Rev. J. H. Oliver occupy positions in I. II and III class honour lists and Mr. C. W. Reyn- olds also appears among the sec- ond and third class. Mrs. C. N. Ruse and sick daugh- ter, of Vancouver, B.C., have corne to spend the summer months at the liome of lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Cryderman. Beecli Ave. They are seeking rest and liealth in our beautiful town and climate. Haydon: Miss Maud Ashton is SOLDIERSI ATTENTIO91 iome from Bethany. . . Mr. John Trewin is scliool janitor. New Haven: Mrs. Jno. Bailey and two sisters, the Misses Clark, i just arrived fromn the Emerald Isle, are visiting their brothers, Messrs. D. and J. Clark. Miss Dora McMurtry, Whitby Ladies' Coliege, visited in town... Mr. Thos. Chapple, Billings, Mon- tana, with friends. Deatlis: Treleaven-At Myrtle, April 20, Luchla, infant daugliter o! Josephi and S. A. Treleaven... Reynolds-At Valentia, May 5, of measles, Annie Grills, beloved wife o! Mr. W. Reynolds, aged 28 vears. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO May 9, 1918 What may lie termed the second generation of earlv settlers in West Durham is fast passing away. One of the last to drop from the thinned out ranks is Mr. Samuel Allin of Allindale Farm, South Darlington, but who lias lived retired with Mrs. Allin and daugliter, Miss Annie Allin, at Mr. Alfred Allin's. Centre St., Bowmanville, for some years. Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams and daugliter, Llewella, Toronto, at his father's, Mr. Chas. Williams. Mrs. Honey, Toronto, and lier son, Mr. A. J. Honey, Sedgewick. Alta.. visited the former's sister. Mrs. W. B. Pincli. Mr. Honey has spent the winter in Vancouver, B.C.. and intends locating there in future. . . Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Fitchett. London, spent the week- end at the latter's father's, Mr. Wm. Painton. previous to taking up residence in Montreal. Enniskillen: Mucli excitement was caused Monday evening when an aeroplane alighted in Mr. Howard Cole's field. In a very short time autos, motorcycles, wagons, buggies a nd shanks horses were bearing spectators from Tyrone. Hampton. Solina, Burketon and the surrounding country. The flyer was out of gas and oil and had lost lis hear- ings. . . Mm. Russell Smith lias joined the Royal Flying Corps... Messrs. Wiifred Sanderson, Cecil Milk Is Importan t It occuples a prominent place in every kitchen, la every refrigerater, and at every meal. Be sure you drink the best. Have GLEN RAE Milk delivered daily. STOP... you need1 better brakes! DO UT NOW -BE- FORE IT'S TOO LATE BRAKES - We do a f ast, expert job cf relia- lng brakes, and we do it cheap, too. Dont put off ehecking your brakes just because they seem to work ail rlght. Brakes that are fauity are likely to fail just when you need thcm rnost. It's a precaution that may save you frorn trouble later on. Let GARTON'SGARAGE Do il When traveilhlg between Bowmanville, Oshawa, Whltby or Ajax, on account et uncertainty of weather conditions, bail roada ad ratiofl1fl8of gas and tires, more people are aband- onlng tir ca&s in favor of GARTONS MOTOR COACHES. Conveflleft Schedules - Ask for Time Table phone 2666, Bowmanvil le li 1 CLIFFORD PETHICK Auctioneer - Enniakillen Phone Bowmanville 2536 Specializing in Farm, Livestock. Implements and Furniture Sales. Consuit me for terms and dates. 50.tl Veterinary R. B. MURRAY, V.S.; B.V.Se. Veterinarlan Church St. - Bowmanvflle Phone 843 29t1 Brunt and Adam Sharpe have been called to report at Kingston tliis week. Ebenezer: Mr. W. H. Nicliols lias purchased a new Ford car... Mr. Thos. H. Martin, Hampton, and Miss Jennie L. Lord, Toronto, were quietly married at the Par- sonage. Pte. Norman Allun is iii in Kingston Hospital. . . Arche Abernetliy, Kingston, is home for a few days. .. Mr. and Mrs. Will Baker, Solina, spent Sunday with friends liere. Births: Tamblyn - In Clarke, April 25, to Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Tamblyn, a daugliter. Cadmus Pte. Guelda Jolinston of Ot- tawa, is spending her two weeks' leave at lier home liere. The sympatliy of the commun- ity goes out to the Nesbitt family on the passing of Mrs. James Nes- bitt, Nestieton, In lier 90tli year. She xvas a life-long member of Cadmus Churcli and lier gener- osity was sliown when severai years ago she liad the electric liglits installed in the churcli. Her love for lier churcli was furtlier sliown in lier bequest to the churcli and Sunday scliool. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Fallis, Jack and Joan. Toronto, spent the week-end at their cottage here. Mrs. Isaac Whitfield, Toronto, spent the week-end with lier daugliter, Mrs. Russell Brown. Mr. Harry, Miss Muriel and Miss Zetta McKee spent the week- end at Mrs. Sam McKee's. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson spent Sunday at their cottage, "Lake- view. Mother's Day Service at Cadmus The Motlier's Day service Sun- day morning was attended by a splendid congregation. The print- ed Motlier's Day program was carried out, the congregation all joining in the readings. Special reading on "David Livingstone" was well given by Miss Jean Coul- ter and the poem by Miss Evelyn Philp. Rev. D. M. Stinson paid higli tribute to Christian homes and Clristian mothers. During the service the pastor conducted a baptismal service wlien Winni- fred Schwartz, infant daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. John Schwartz, was baptized. Townsh-ip (C ouncil CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Cartwright Council met April 3, 1943, with the members ail pres- ent and Reeve Devitt presiding. Communications from Dept. of Highways approving of 1943 esti- mated road expenditures; from Association of Assessors for mem- bership fee and delegate-assessor to attend. A.Gibrt resident of Victory Council on same and introduced Ross Strike who addressed Coun- cil, which caused considerable discussion. Ex-Councillor R. By- ers spoke. After consideration, the Reeve was requested to sign application for two bonds of $1,0001I each. Orders signed as follows: C. Hyland. S.S. No. 3, $400; H. Philp, S.S. No. 6. $300: J. Forder, S.S. No. 2. S300: G. Wright, S.S. No. 8, S300; T. Swain, S.S. No. 4, $200; Gilbert, supplies for hall, 74 cents; H. Thompson. overseas boxes, S72.72: two bonds, SI,000 each, S2.000. Council -will meet June 7, at 2 p.mn.. as Court of Revision. The Latest Mrs. Style: "I want a hat, but it must lie in the latest style." Sliopman: "Kindly take a chair madam and wait a few minutes, the fashion is just clianging." Business Dix ectory Legal M. G. V. GOULD, B.A. L.I.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. R. S'rRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. King Street W., Bowmanville corne. Ail the best to everyone at home. Sincerely, HUBERT HOOPER. C51296 B.S.M. Hooper, H.M., 81 Fd. Bty., 14 Cdn. Fd. Rgt.. R.C.A., C.A.O. Tyrone Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, Douglas, Donna, and Mamshal, Lindsay, witi Mrs. Wallace Mill- er. Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Wright witli Mr. and Mrs. J. Barrie, Newton- ville. Dawson Timlin, Roseneati, Os- 1er Burison and Miss Sheila Bumi- son, Harwood, with Mrs. Willis Stewart. Mm. and Mrs. Fred Brooks and Floyd and Mr. and Mrs. John Hoag, o! Cobourg, %ith Mm. and Mrs. George Brooks. Mm. and Mrs. H. Wonnacott and Ross, Dixie, Miss Vera Carr, Mrs. S. Davies, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue. Mrs. Laura Virtue witi Mrs. Stan Beckett, Bowmanvilie. P. Hayward, Ajax, at home. Major Floyd Dudley, Prince Rupert, with Mrs. Dudley and family. Mm. and Mrs. Dave Hooper ànd Mrs. Jas. Storie, Orono, at Rolit. Hodgson's and H. Phulp's. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor and family with Mm. and Mrs. Earl Stepiens, Mt. Pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cochrane and son, Reed. Kirby, Mrs. Jas. Bail, Mrs. Kenneth Bail, Leskard, and Miss Rena Bail, Oshawa, witi Wm. Virtue. Mrs. Bleici who bas been on a two weeks' visit with friends at Cliesley. lias returned. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aked and Miss Aleen Aked, Toronto, have returned to their country home, "Quiet Acres", for the summer. Miss Nina Hodgson, Toronto, and Dean Hodgson and son, Glenn, Bowmanville, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hodg- son. Owing to the late spring a num- ber of farmers are just getting started on the land. Special Mother's Day service was ield Sunday morning in the churcli, Rev. A. F. Gardner tak- ing as lis theme, "Tlie Happy Home". Gordon Brent sang a very appropriate s o 1 o, and Lloyd Skinner gave a reading on the "Lif e of David Livingstone". The choir also furnisled suitable mus- ic and the church wxas decorated for the service. REPORT 0F EASTER TESTS AT TYRONE Grade VHIl Gregor Freund 87; Clayton Brown 83; Donald Dudley 70. Grade Vil Marlon Jones 72. Grade VI Keith Davey 80. Grade V Jean Dudley 78; Veronica Freund 86; Maurice Jebson 73; Marion Hayward 74; Ailyn Taylor 68; Velma Collacutt 79; Bruce Macdonald 85; Helen Hall 67; Doris Park 81; Dorothy Skinner 77; Harvey Joncs 67; Eileen Bur- gess 69; Ray Davey 80. Grade IV Laura Burgess 78; Marie Tay- lor 81; Muriel Burgess 68; Ray Burgess 78. Grade HI Gwen Davey 83; Muriel Jones i78; Stewart Hall 52; Billie Hall 33. Grade Il Clifford Byam 87; Gracie Hay- ward 89; Velma Taylor 79; Eiieen Jebson 88; Karin Seliade 70; Bobby Burgess 79; Ronnie Philp 79: Grade I CLASS A-Murray Hoskin 85; Betty Burgess 88; Larry Rose- vear 91. CLASS B - Grenville Byam; Bemnice Hall. Mrs. Howard Phulp, teacher. Social Services in Wartime England Victims o! air raids are given free accommodation for at least two weeks if they liave Icrt their fhomes. Immediate financial help is also given. Tlie Assistance Boards advance fumniture and clothing in cases o! need. The repair o! damaged houses and the storing of fumniture from hombed houses is undertaken by local au- authorities.-From British Infor- t-mation Service. Soldier's Letter England, April 6, 1943 Dear Sir: Just a few lines to let you know my change of adèress so that my copy of Tlie Statesman may Sind me as soon as possible. 1 missed December copies altogether but I'm flot complaining since they are the first batch that I have missed. Winter lias gone now thougli here we haven't had the faintest hint of it. I can recali only one day when we had any snow at al and that for only a few minutes. Now that spring has corne, 1 can't seem to realize it. Being on what we eall "double daylight saving time", it's liglit until quite late. It's just 9:10 p.m. now and I can see quite nicely to Write without any artificial liglit. Across the road, as I look out the win- dow, I can see two Land Army girls with their tractors, doing their spring ploughing. At 6:30 this morning they started at it and they've been going steadîly all day. Makes one think that this waiting is really worth while after ail. Bill (James) and I had a little get-together at a south-coast town last February. That's the first time I had seen him in over two years so we had lots to talk about. I came across Pete Bath- gate long ago. Have also seen tlie Camerons, Alex, Jack and Huey, Mac. Hart, Jim Woodward, Jack Parker, etc., not to mention bro- thers Ed. and Ron, so I do man- age to get around. In closing I hope ail at the office are weil and able to carry on witli their job. We would rather miss The Statesman if it ceased to nignr to thnnjand act andanfltJeir own lUves in' their own way. They are tired of hoing puahed around. They want to ho left alone - to live ini peace with their neighhours. They want to regain thoso things which froc people everywhere hold dear. IN Canada we are fighting and working and savinq to, secure for ourselves and others a world that will ho reaily froc. Our future security is everybody's business. Security has to ho paid for. It must corne out of our own pocicets. You can protect your future and the future of your loved onos, hy puttinq every cent you can save int flic 4th Victory Loan. &7a/4tiVICTORY BONDS Themsaei posrdb u nurneCmaisoprtn nCnd Thismessge s spnsoed b Lie Inurane Cmpanes peraiLgin Cnad Nestieton 3Leslie Wright, Toronto. visited his mother, Mrs. Peter Wright. Mrs. Panke, Barbara, Marilyn and Miss Alice Staples visited Mrs. George Johns. Miss Evelyn Campbiell visited tfriends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hoskin, Janetville, visited at L. Joblin's Mr. and Mrs. Wilbemt Me- LKinstry, Misses Snowy, Marie and Evelyn Marlow visited their par- ients, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Marlow. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Mr. 1and Mrs. L. Joblin, visited Mrs. iJas. Malcolm, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Mairs, Misses Bernice and Joyce, visited Mrs. Ehi Mairs. George Williams, Oshawa, and Miss Eva Williams visited Wi1- fred Williams. Mrs. John Hooey visited lier sister, Mrs. Herman Samelîs. Miss Nora Porteous, Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nesbitt, Garry and Ross, visited Mrs. Robt. Ewers and Mrs. C. H. Porteous. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black, Jean and Dora, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dickey. The Mother's Day service was weli attended and enjoyed Sun- day. Sympathy is extended to Jas. of Mrs. Nesbitt. Miss Margaret Steele, Toronto, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele. Neil Malcolm visited lis aunt, Mrs. Herb Taylor. Miss Noreen Cook, Miss Helen Prentice and Howard Grills, Brooklin, at Stanley Malcolm's. Tom Arnold, Lindsay, visited Neil Malcolm. Andrew Ford. one o! our cot- tagers, and father-in-law of Mrs. Robt. Ford (nee Marian Taylor) passed away and was buried Sat- urday, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mollard, To- ronto, spent the week-end at their cottage and called on Mrs. Stan- ley Malcolm. Solina Thursday niglit many friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Baker to honour Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker, Jr., on their marriage. Mr. B. G. Stevens, cap- able dhairman, called on Harold Balson who conveyed kind wishes from the community in an address cleverly composed in rhyme, whule Ralph Davis and Bryce Brown presented Tom and Elaine with an occasional chair and a smoking set. Remainder of the evening was spent happily at games. An impressive Mother's Day service was held, Sunday, with the Rev. Walter Rackhamn and Mr. E. R. Taylor, S.S. Supt.. in charge. Scriptures were read by Ray Pascoe, Arthur Reynolds and John Cunningham. The Primary Class, including Fae Reynolds, Janice Baker, Mary Elliott, Olive Cryderman, Marilyn Leask, Arnot Wotten, Clen Prescott, John Nay- lor, Billy Harris and Donald Leask, paid their tribute to Moth- er by ecd saying a verse and placing their flowers in a basket after which they sang "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam". Mrs. Frank Gilbert recalled fond mem- ories of Mother's love and care with a reading "Remember?" fol- lowed with a vocal solo, "M-o-t-h-e-r" by Pearl Leachi. The story of David Livingstone was given by Margaret Prescott and a poemn showing tie psychological similarities of the love expressed by the mothers o! Jesus and Judas Iscariot was presented by Jerry Milîson. Donald Taylor gave a recitation. Helen and Kathleen Baker sang "A Dream of Para- dise" and the choir selection was "Somebody's Praying for You". Mr. Rackliam spoke aptly and also conducted a baptismal service for Harold Glen Yellowlees, Maurice Grant and Evelyn Janice Baker, Helen Grace Parrinder and Pat- ricia Jane Davis. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. E. Cmy- derman with relatives at Orono... Mr. and Mrs. Clare Allin and Robert, Mr. Albert and Miss Annie Allin, Bowmanville, at Mr. Wes. Yeliowlees'. .. Mr. and Mrs. Will White and sons, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. C. Tink and famiiy, Hamp- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Charles White and Eddie, Maple Grove, at Mr. Geo. White's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Alan McKenzie and Lorraine, Colum- bus; Mr~. and Mrs. Walter Davis, Kedron, at Mr. Raîpli Davis'... Mr. and Mrs. Sid Little, Bowman- ville, at Mr. J. R. Kivell's. .. Mr. and Mrs. L. Collacutt, Pearl and Lenore, Maple Grove, at Mr. W. Westlake's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rainey and family, Orono, at Mm. E. R. Taylor's and E. Cryder- man's. . . Misses Vemna and Ella Milîson, Toronto, at home... and collect your first half-yearly three per cent interest on those Bonds. If you want to keep that interest working for victory and earning more money for your future, ýbuy War Savings Stamps with it. For every four dollars' worth of War Savings Stamps you can get a War Savings Certificate which will be worth five dollars at maturity in seven-and-a-half years. About 7,000 species of flies are found in North America. IT'FS VITAL THESE DATS TO SAVE WHAT WE HAVE! Most now construction and rebuildig must wait until Victory is won. What we have, must lasi for the duration. That's why Spring Paint- ing for beauty and protection takos top place todry li the minds of ail home ownors. lI. Murphy Paints anid Narvo you have the ideal combincatiodn for ail home painting lobs, indoor or outdoor. They spread easily and wear like iron, giving maximum protection and beauty «t minimum cost. THE MURPHY PAINT CO. LIMITED A. En.>McGREGOR & COMPANY King Street Telephone 774 WAHTMOUFEARU OOBa FORCE 1 *L L 1 - - 1-1 J.HERE'S nothing old-fashioned about this war. The weapons are ail new-fashioned. The rnethods 'of attack a.nd defence are new- fashioned. And so are our war aims. Nations used to ho content wilh victory. But, this time, wo shall not be satisfied with victory. We shall not ho content with peace. We shall be satisfied only with freedom ... freedom from Want, Fear and Force ... freedom from every kixid of oppression. TI-S is a people's war. This is a war of the world's free peoplos against aggression and cvil dictatorship which seek to force flic wil of the few on the ives of the many. The froc peoples of the world want security and flic PAGE EIGHT b. 1 1 .. ... .... THURSDAY, MAY 13th, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott, Peter- boro, at Mr. N. C. Yellowlees'.. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Ralime, Richi- mond Hill, Mr. Wilbert Smith, Oshiawa, at Mr. E. Prescott's.. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Webber, Col- umbus, at Mr. H. E. Tink's... Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Maple Grove, at Mr Thos. Baker's... Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid at- tended the Broome-Johins wed- ding at Lakefield, Saturday... Mrs. Frank Gilbert was guest at an afternoon tea at Mrs. J. W. McMaster's, Zion. .. Miss Camille Kay, Ajax, at Mr. John Baker's ..Mrs. R. J. Balson and Caro- lyn, Mr. Thos. Bookhamn and Irene, Bowmanville, at Mr. A. J. BaIson's. . . Mr. Chiarles Scott, Delhi, at Mr. R. C. Scott's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bush, David and Catherine, Orland, with Mrs. S. Bush. Clip Coupons From Bonds, Buy Stamps Get out the scissors, ail you people who bouglit Bonds in Can- ada's Third Victory Loan last faîl! Clip the coupons marked -May lst 1943", take them to the bank

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