C-. 4, I Ia Victory Loan Final Standings Amount % of Objective To Date Objective Township of Hope --- 105,0 00 $ 95,550 91 Town of Port Hope . 460,000 437,150 95 Township of Darlington 110,000 138,550 126 Town of Bowmanviile 260,000 268,850 104 Township of Clarke 230,000 205,600 90 Township of Cavan - 110,000 121,400 110 Township of Manvers 55,000 66,950 121 Township of Cartwright 70,000 66,600 95 County of Durham ---$1,400,000 $1,400,650 100% VeteansGuard Observed As 3rd Anniversary May 24 Trai AVATraini ;eReleasingzounger lnwsb Canada's battie - scarrcd, be- granted onIy ta officers. Hanny vibe p rubboncd Veterans' Guard 0f Can- Mullin and Chai-les Rutherford trainin ada heoesandveeras o oteranc two Victoria Cross winners ada hros adveennsofoterwîo ai-e lieutenants. contrit wars, wio have piled up a spien- Mca who eniisted in tic last neyer did record in coastai defence wonk wan as pivatcs and rose tinaugi inteni and in thie guarding 0f cnemy tic.i-armks ta be captains, cniisted oaci-s, aliens and iaterned prisoners-af- agaîn un tuis'"show" as pnivates and are now majors. As la tic Guclpl wai- in tuis global coafiict, celc- Canadian Army today, there is Osiaw brated its third annivcrsany, May picnty of room on tic top for day aiý 24th. tiase witi ambition and who have On Thene was littie time fan celc- tic sbuff to get there. matins oi-mas ofthee gizzcd t cy six mantis, Companies seconci braion fr mstof hee gizledatduty stations arc neiieved and mcmie mca of middlc-age. Ticir work biougit ta training ai-cas. New resolut in this wan is fan too important squads are made up at Depots atteati for celebrations. and readicd for service. Calai-ic For tirce long ycans these mca, Alley doesn't like ta sec uis mca ties.I some of ticm veterans aincady of stay boa long in anc station. He aideran two wans, have stcpped up and believes training and duty be- that th voiuntecrcd in onder tiat yauag- cames muci more interesting if satisfac er mcn, more piysicaily fit, couid mca are constantly siifted ta aew owi be nelievcd of their duties in Can- districts and zones,.aw ada for front uine scr v i ce Re-Order Lives tution wiencven tic figitiag rnay be. Colonel Alicy bas tuis ta say tic st' Clamour For Action about the mca under is comn- lbt tIt Tic Veterans' Guard of Canada mand: "Tiey iad riskcd their is a proud corps and has just cause lives rny times. They iad lived Tic ta be. Tiey didn't wait ta be witi danger. Tbey wcre Coin- calied up. Instead, tiey clarnor- panions in tic unofficial Onder of "Tiat1 ed fan action and on May 24, 1940, Higi Endeavaur. mediatE tie formation of tic Guard was "Tiey had re-ordencd theur Traiain autianized and tic Corps Head- lives fon twenty-five ycans. Ex- ta its c: quanhens ah 95 Rideau Strecet, Oh- ceph for tic compaaionship of tawa, was set up early in Sep- common endurance they bad foi-_ dliînqu tember, 1940, witi Colonel H. R. gottea stnife. Tiey were build- "Tloi Ailey, O.B.E., V.D., as afficer iag homes, binging up families, cash w( adrninisheriag tic Coi-ps. workiag in towa or city or farrn- esn Tic formation of tic Corps had ing.pesn hardiy been autborized before "A returnata tic Service la tis !tic exp important duties began ta de- wan bas been a i-cal sacrifice, and ing ti velop. Companies wei-e even as- tiese mcnaraie not foaling. Tiey boys. signcd ta duties before thiri or- take thiri duties seriousiy and la neyerc ganîzatian was compicte and be- grirn carnest. You couid not find city wý fore ahl of tic mca of tic Comn- moi- eicable troops. ment ca pany wcrc anmed or even uni- "Ia tic ligit of past perform- hîrei forrned. It is doubtfui wietbcn ance it can reasaaably be esti- tanreis aay ahier troops could have car- matcd tiat eveny ex-service man foi- cori- ried out tic difficuit and respon- who joins Tic Guard will reicase suIbe tasks assigned ta Tic Vet- for service witi thc Figbtiag iag in ci-ans' Guard of Canada under Divisions tic equivaient of anceiîmm suci ti-yiag and bcctic cii-curn- and one-haif yaung mcan wicap in stances. wouid othcnwisc be tied dowa taou-u As a i-uic, duties werc assigacd tic jobs wiici tic Vetenans' i-cctiag ta tic Companies ta tbe full limit Guand bas been asked ta under- toward of thiir capacihy. Officcns and ake. B mca alîke, wio iad beca away "This figure is based on tic "It is fi-rn tic arrny fan hwcaty years, fact that Veherans, accushamcd wclfare had ta use thiir odd moments ta ta discipline and familiar with use spec briag ticir milihary kaowiedgc arrny routine can be expected ta Bowmar up ta date and ta, do tic besh tiey be useful i.mrediaheiy upon en- deliaquE cauid ta regain ticir aid cffic- iishrna, whcreas, a yaungcr man camfort, ieacy without any apparhunihy of marc use in acta combat, i-c- oaci-s.", for training and refresier courses. qui-es time ta train." Tiatc But ticy did it, carning back fast Now afher tii-cc years of active sent ta and it wasn't long before thiy service bath ici-e in Canada and and Sul werpýticha ugi, campetent mca la other cauntnies, The Vehenans' Ahtarnc of 1 4 and 1918.* Quand of Canada's third anaiver- and ta Thcy pnavcd ticms/elves gaad sary was celcbrahed as aaiy truc Federal saldiers inathie succeediag motis fighig mca, keen ta get a job turcs, as by carrying on, ofhea with inade- aven witi, can ceiebrate-by de- ouiable, quahe accommodation, sarnetimes votion and hard wonk. lion. under ncally miserable conditions, neyer faiiing in thein cicerful discipline, their patient faith that L '~ neyer faitering ila hiin grirn de- Loc l B U u onors 1 termination ha do a good job. !a April, 1941, a system 0f peni-T u f D n odic reliefs was inaugurated, with o B Pr u OfD n apportuaities for a solid monti's training twicc a ycar, fi-ccfi-om For Bowmanviie and district tiey th tic strain of eternal vigilance.pol hhaebnboddn-lo & Two years cof tuis bas made Tiche piwabvebcboddn-bodb Guard nQt oniy doubiy efficient, ors and wbo bave contributcd tic Toni but smart, and ticir drill and tirougi bhe Biood Donon Cliaic ah saving th marching, ticir seadfastncss and Oshawa ta the biood baak [t was made vic tic accui-acy and rapidity of thir a thiili ta icar in a broadcast Tic Os smali ai-ms fine, migit wcll be en- vied by younger soliers. firn Tunisia a report of tic cx- is spoaso First Co. Overseas cellent nesuîts wîicî wenc îeiag District b rnville. A proud day for Tic Vetenans' obtained by means of biood trans- hich wic Quand of Canada was Ochober, fusions givea ta tic waunded. cliiics w( 1941, whcn tic fi-st Company pro- Tiey iad a pensanai inherest in May 19 cecded avenseas. Since tien tii-ee hearing that advanced biood Aicicr,1 thier campanies have cnassed tic tion); Ha seas and ai-e busily engaged ia banks werc with tic fonwand dock,:B( vital wonk. One company was units, and that ifc-saviag hians- teaus, Ne sclechcd fan duty ah Canadian Mii- fusions werc actualiy given undei- At Osiav itany Hcadquarters ia London, a fine on tic field of battie. Tiaus- fred E.( signal honaur. rel4 Durng a necent visit ta Colonel ands of mca wio fougit tinoug Tyethl Alhey's Hcadquarîcns bei-c in Ot- tic desent carnpamgn and tic Tua- Norman1 tawa we wene siown a massive isian biitz owe theu- lives ta tic Onono; I rnap of Canada with coloured pins new streagtb givea tiem [a tuis Coombes, siowing just wberc companies way. cason, Hî aad piatoons of Tic Guard wei-e Frcqucntiy, tic narrator said, Martin, LI situated. Fi-rn tic fan Nati- wouaded mca wcrc found wio Clarence. west ta tic racky castera shores wcre hoalah appearances dead. M. McCcI you xiii find these be-ribboncd Their bodies coid, and ticre was LeGresieý veterans doing an important job no perceptible pulse. Yct a ti-ans- tion) Mr of work. fusion rcstoi-cd thcm and set tiem ice; Fi-a Tic Guard bas mca from ail on tic way ta recovery. Hithento, Bi-ooks,E stations of life, ici and paoon [nransporting severchy woundcd show, Re, alike; mea past tic age fan an- mcafi-arnthie field ta thc centre Tamblyn, listmcat in other units 0f bic wbere ticir injuries couid be Laughin, Army wia find tic cail ta duty trcahed, tic jaurney in thic field Bradley,1 irresishable. Many mca, hol ding ambulance, oftca aven miles of cci-, Will lucrative positions [a civil life, rougi noads, was moi-ethian thii (2nd doni answcrcd tic cali for recruits, strcagti cauld stand, and many man, Lbo sacrificiag good jobs, higi wages, dicd inti-ansit. Now, witi biaod Chai-lesS a corfortable home, ta be "back ti-ansfusion adrinistered firn Lloyd Ni ta tic Anmy again". lime ho irne in tic ambulance, Orano; R( It is not unusual ta sce privates tiey not oaiy came througi Ibis Davcy,L la Tic Guand wio once were hiying trip, but they were actu- Bunketon; lieutenants, captains, majors, ycs, a1-iyi ctc hp'w0 iy ate T. Flich Lane, W. Frank L.i Bowm an', Hampton; kilien; IR R. E. Mo Cccil Dis Brookîja; May 21: Armstr-ong donation); Donald E donation). May 2ý Bowmanvi Harold R. donation): T. H.I Herbent1 donation); A. Agar, B k<Resto ration iiningSchool inting out that the Boys' ing Sehool at Bowmanville badly needed as the only suit- place where boys in the pro- could be sent for corrective ing and that those who had .buted to its establishment rcontemplated its use as an ment camp for enemy pris- ;a resolution passed by the ph City Council was read at va Counicil meeting, Thurs- ght. motion by Aid. Harman, led by Aid. Brown, council bers decided to endorse the tion and help bring it to the [on of the proper authori- In discussing the matter mien said they were aware here was considerable dis- action with the present use lich the Bowmanville insti- is being put and approved tps being taken to, present te authorities concerned. The Resolution resolution reads as follows: this counicil urges the im- ;e restoration of the Boys' ig School at Bowmanvjille original purpose of training tent boys because of the ng facts: e and and over $40,000 in were contributed by private is and service clubs toward <press purpose of establish- s as a training school for These contributors were consulted when the prop- fas turned into an intern- camp. thout such a training schooi ino other suitable place in iwhere boys may be sent rrective training without be- ncontact with hardened als. This is a serious hand- Sthe proper functioning of ivenule courts toward cor- the present serious trend juvenile deiinquency. Sys' Need Paramounit sfar more important to theI ,of our province that we 1 eciaiiy buiit facilities at thec anviiie Schooi for training c ent boys rather than forf 'abiy housing enemy pris-- copies of this resolution be t the Minister of Munitions f .ppiy at Ottawa, and the c ey-General for Ontario,s our representatives in the Jand Provincial Legisia-a sking their early and fav- S nconsideration of this peti- F a: d Rlave Reason ge g or Service V temseives, through the Pt înk, had a part, if not in ta nisian victory at ieast in a the lives of those who had er ictory possible. g shawa Biood Donor Ciinic sored in Bowmanvilie and th by the Lions Club of Bow- in e.Those from. the dis- gr o attended the iast three th~ xere: th' 19: At D.I.L., Ajax: Elmer Bowmanville, (lst dona- M. lrry Worden, Grace Mur- se Bowmanviile; Nora Por- be lestleton, (2nd donation); PO awa: T. R. Farndale, Ai- ro Cooper, Brookiin; C. B. mîi Gien C. Hancock, Ken- is aii, Raymond Chapman, 'm Bairstow, Donald Hamm, bi Donald Hamilton, Leslie lifl iBowmanvilie; H. Stev- ba ïampton; Clarence W. W. ni Leskard; Beverley Jaynes, foi LJ. Allun, Eari Waiton, H. fa( oll, Sydney Brown, R. B. pri ey, Newcastle, (lst dona- rel Irs. N. A. Hinds, Court- ME ancis Thompson, H. j. br( Bowmanvilie; Jack Bair- thE v. S. Littiewood, J. C. sw 1,Orono; Russell Mc- thE iBurketon; H o w a rd fr( Enniskilien; A. C. Spen- tre iiam Vipond, Brookiin, bri nation); Clarence Good- del yd Crago, Bowmanviile; M" Stapleton, John E. Syer, tur icholson, Fred G. Yeo,' "R Robert Chater, J. Harry Tii Leskard; Fred Griffin, .P( i;Win. W h ite, New- mn îL. Jackson, Clarence "C( "Nature At la Inspiring Prc At Home And Mrs. Seiby Grant was eiect president of the Bowmanvil Home and Schooi Association f 1943-44 when the organizati( heid its annuai election of officei Other officers are Mrs. Robe Davies, past president; Mrs., Frank, lst vice-president; Mrs.1 Phiips, 2nd vice president; Mi J. Abernethy, corresponding se retary; MrS. F. Crowe, recordii secretary; Mrs. W. Wooliey, rc cali; Mrs. Luffman, treasure Miss L. Bragg, Pianist; Mrs. F. Diiiing, press correspondent; Mr J. H. Johnston, Mrs. Peel, Mrs.3 Hutchinson, Mrs. W. Fraser, Mr J. A. Cole, Mrs. Palmer, Mr Owen Nicholas, Mn. E. Marjeri son. and Mrs. Ross Grant, grou leaders. The treasurer's annual repoi showed a balance for the year( $137.01 with a membership of 61 Mrs. Selby Grant, delegatet the O.E.A. Convention, gave very interesting report on th work of the organization in th dominion and province. She ir formed the gathering that Mrý R. S. McLaughlin of Oshawa, wa a zone leader of the zone whic inciudes Bowmanvilie distric She toid something of the work c the P.T.A., the organizationc parents and teachers in the Unit ed States which operates a 1< like the Home & Schooi. Mrs. Robert Davies was ap pointed liaison officer to the Cor sumer Branch committee in Bow manville. Miss H. Morris' ciass won tih prize for the year as the class wit] the most mothers present. Mis Bragg's and Mr. A. Thompson' ciass tied for the mother's ai tendance prize for May. Mr. Palmer, who won the prize fo acquiring the most new mother presented it to the schooi. It wa a subscription to the Nature Mag azine. The war work convener re ported on the work of the H. & S in this line for the past year Letters were read from the Rec Shieid itemizing all donations o children's and women's ciothing quilts, etc., and extending thank! for 'samne. The building of a room for th( school nurse to have for her owr usse was discussed and the genera. feeling was that this negieci couid be undertaken in the nexi season. An inspiring program buill around the theme of "Nature al Springtime" was given. Mrs. Forest Diiiing, a member* of the association, has given us a spien- [id description of this prograir which we are reproducing in its ntirety. The members and guests were greeted by spring music, played by Mrs. J . A. Cole and Miss Violet Barrett, as they entered the ymnasium whicb was a Most de- ghtful setting of spring flowers, ussywillows and birds, very îstefuiiy arranged. This unusu- 111Y lovely setting provided an ap- :ropriate background for a mast rtertaining andj interesting pro- ,ram of Nature in Springtimne. Two verses of the hymn "For me beauty of the Earth", Put ail n a receptive mood for the pro- rani. Mrs. Cole narrated her heme of Music and Nature and he musical program foliowed. ,"The forces of Nature", quoted ~rs. Cole, "stand ready to be hi, ervants and into his hands have sen delivered almost illimitabie ossibilities. Yet, ail of life is t what we have; bappiness is ade up of what we enjoy. Life 3full of iovely things, yet it is Ipossibie to look at them and be mlid to their beauties if the inner Ie be darkened. We must get ick to Nature. The trutbs of ature and religion are ever be- re us. We need to get face ta ice with ourseives. Nature nas ovided a mirror for the best Lfiection away from the man- iade vibrations to where the rook may be heard babbling over ie pebbles, the birds singing their 'etest songs from the trees, and ie indescribable perfume of the ssh sweet earth. We sec the ses unfolding their icaves in the right sunshine and we are sud- ýny awakened by the ever new racle of Spring". At tuis junc- re Miss H. Morris' Pupils sang ising of the Lark", "Giiding hru the Meadow", Crooke ectacies", and "The King isS;til SLondon". After a poem on 'ertain Signs of Spring", Miss[ For ocehenerawîîo~om Fiao neia n ti c TowMayll4.tibutoin t h a tic pi-gi-arn Patsy Ann Smith, and Loi-na ThfiametnofheGr is Ticpi-agi-arn cornrenced witi Sudds who piaycd Spauiding's Guides was icid Manday nigit, ", Canada" payd by tic "Mid Tic Tulips". "Polisi Danc" May 7th. Five girls firn tic st ýeRhtr Bandcodcdby ySawek watinaef Company, Helen Roaci, Audrey Paih yc tt a ndnd iti Kay L ycctttic e scctio hninewasVenton, Audrey Humphrey, Win- Paig Lyett nd ithKay playcdth nby sLeonewiite. ana Clarke and Jean Caverly, put .e at tic piano. Tic band was con- pAyequa rtet c Wmositof. ayn a haif-bour's vaied pi-agi-ar n posed 0f Catharine Diiiing, Vin- Lycett, Kecn nct i Crawfordin rBde.taro.tAin eiaEnertain- ginia Stutt, Marie Ana Jffrey, Robet Knox and Frank Mohun c's Bde Ms. A Ba r ad e Shirley P allock, Betty Bei-i-cii payd Engemann's "Taps". Col- forsstMi Moore spassd tic girls Eiicn Spicci, Max Lycett, 'an lette Ferguson folowed n ticfo .hi badge. Tic est of tic T apayceKo lli g'swas spent la P repanatian Goddard, aGwendolyri Patfield, "Rhapsod[e Mignonne". "Pal- fA1 Cuc Parade.o rone eB ar baaGdr, Kenacti acco" by Boirn was played by a and lit au nciPdeofpaByownies Brooks and Lai-y Dewei. quartette com posedto Trafty Ch ncow s el a White, Bill Knox, Jean Living and May rdt hrh a edo 0 A tria composcd of Marie Ana Gica Hadgson.Ma 3d Jeffrey, Catianine Diiling and dAt tuis point Laurie Hart play- SGxvcndolya Patfmeld p1a y ecd dBcethoven's '"Soaata", Op. 49, O.E.S. MEETING Scbastian's "S a n b a and His No. 2. ____ Sîcigi". JaaXe Beilman tien fav- Patsy Ana Smith bere favoured Regular meeting of Durharn auned witi a piano solo, Dun- with two recibations entitlcd Ciapter, 181, Order 0f tic Eastern can's '*Waltz". -B e d t i mn c" and **The Tii-cc Star, was icld la Oddfellaws' Ci-cui Day" by Benson was Gates". Hall, May il. Sis. Eleanar tic offering of a quartette comn- -Gypsy Rondo' by Haydn was Chambers, W.M., presiding. Sis. poscd of Eileca Spicer, Paige Ly- played by Glen Hodgsoa, after Martia Ingramn D.D.G.M., Toron- cett, Betty Bei-i-cl, and Lai-ny wiici Collette Ferguson and ta, visitcd tic Ciapter afficiaily. Dexveil. Tanya Goddard chose Laurie Hart played Mendessoin's Tic degrees wcnc conferi-ed an Beriin's "Mer-y Go Round" for "Midsummer Nigbt's Drcam". Mi-s. Grace Carnutiers. Visitai-s ber piano solo. Virginia Stutt Beverley Sudds actcd as pianist werc preseat fi-rn Tornto and and Barbai-a Coddard favourcd for tic singing oi "God Save tic Oshawa. At tic close af tie wibb Beccben's "Jaily akies" King" wiici brougit an enjoy- meeting lunch was served by Sis. 1aftcr wbici Max Lycctt playe, aile pnogram toana- end. Mai-y Jcweii and lici- cornrittee. Rof's "Singing as W e 0Go Bac's "Gavotte" was chosea by .Jean Dudley and Audrey Bird for WEDDING 0F LOCAL INTEREST ticir duet. Loryne White sang sweetly "Alice Blue Gown" Betty Spen- cer ten favoured with a piano solo, coosing Burgmulle's ~b Swallow". Madeline Osborne and Wada Maly played a duet ce- titled "Tic Approaci af Spriig". Paculskm.s Valse Mignoamuie" was next on tic pogram, played by Jean White. "Marcing Tune' was chosca by B e r ii icec Stocker and Keibi Sacklton for their duet. A watz by Brahms xvas tien played by Bill Knox. A trio cmposed of Janet Dale, Marion Dippeli, and Barbara Virgia piaycd Ratibun's "May Day". Gregor Freund tien favourcd witi Haadci's 'Ga- votte". Scubert's "Militaiy Maic" was cosen by tic quartette cam pased of Beverley Sudds, Lois McMuiin, Gwyncbi Griffith, and Peggy Dippeil as ticir sciection. Mmss Joan Frances Sciofîid, daughter of Mn. Chai-les E. Scia- Beetiovea's "Minuet", a violin field and tic late Mrs. Scbofieid, of Oshawa, and Arthur Ed- solo, was skilfully piaycd by Coi- ward Kent, of tic R.C.A.F., son 0f Mn. Carl B. Kent and tic late lette Ferguson. This was tic ny Mns. Kent, of Bowmanvile, xiii be mairied this Saturday. -I i ~ 5 r_~rIbtn citateuman With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News 14 ara a ime" Drumhead Service ITown Residents Allowed gpramGiven Draws Good Crod 10 Pounds Sugar While qram ivenA splendid crowd turned ut g~ Sunday afternoon for the Drum- School Closin head Sreei Roay thek.Country Dwellers Get 12 dappears ta have furnished more Guard of Canada, stationed at No. tacked by a Junkers 88. A run-j Over f if ty tons of sugar wiil be e inspiration ta composers than any 30 Internment Camp, Bowman- ning encounter ensued, iasting 10 Iaîîowed housewives in Bowman- otier bird". Miss Dorothy Nichais ville, and three piatoons of tic minutes before the enemy figiter Ir sang sweety '"The R &'ins. Reserve Company of the Veter- was finaly destroyed. ville, Newcastle, Orono, and the ri Misses L. Bragg and H. Morris ans' Guard of Canada paraded "This officer has acquired a Townships of Cartwright, Clarke srendered 'Lustspeii", a piano duet from George Street ta tic park reputation for a very higb stand- and Darlington, for canning and 7in their usual delightfui manner. for the service. ard of pbotography whiie bis in- preserving this summen. "Bird music has rhythm and Rev. Major C. R. Spencer fiad fectiaus enthusiasm, courage, and Ec esni Lmeodv, the brown Trusb is not- charge of te service and the ser- enrgy have made im a most cn prhasliving in the town 1.dfo r'its eautiful flute-like quai- monwgvn by the Rev. Father valuabe member of is squd- cnprhs e onso ua tY imui lasepessCoffey. Major Burgess, O.C. at ron." and each persn living in the rural -religious exaltation. The mourn- the camp. read the lesson. His father, Rev. H. S. Coub, sections can purchase 12 pounds. 9 ig Dve' sog away h - sch Mayor R. O. Joncs of Boxvman- rosigned as minuster of Avondale We caiied on Alex Lyle, town Il a loving, brooding qut. Wba ville welcomed the V.G.C. He United Cburcb ta eniist December cierk, yp'ierday afternoon and wil never know just ow muci voiced the appreciation of thc 18, 1942, n tic Veterans' Guard found himi strugging with 3,210 birds' music bas infiuenced ours". citizens at bavmng tbem stationed of Canada wîtb tic rank of lieu-j applications for sugar from the Timely piano solos were exceed- at tic camp and commented on tenant. His mother was former- tawn and surrounding districts. ingy weil rendered by MVaster ow weii the members conducted IV Miss Ella Wight, of Bowman- hi represents the sugar require- >Ray Dudley. temselves around town. ville. and bie is a grandson of tic ments for approximatey 10,619 Mns. Cale rcviewed tic iistory Col. Taylor, commandant at tic late Mr. and Mns. Alexannd vdues of Country dances and folk sngs, camp, tod somethng of tic is- Wight, Bowmanvile ade He was busy fiiing in cards aoiti out bh joy bha is de- tory of the V.G.C. from its incep- ___________ witb sugar for canning coupons pînîng rom tem.MtaetJa tin, May 24, 1940, up ta a rs-W m nGoO atttached. "These," he explained, Living and Eveyn Hall, as girlsnt day. He emphasized tic fact ilbmaedotndl sud fand Misses Isabelle Kelly andi that tîre were nary 11,000 vet- Orgy 0f Meat-Buying be in tic hands of the purchasers Christina Campbell, as their part- rans serving in tic V.G.C. or tic Junte end of thc first week in ners, prsented an ad Englisi equivaent of a division and this Houswives in BowmanviiicE ac cr hs ie ou o s t folk dance. Tic folk sang vzas mcant that a division of youngcr and district wcnt on an orgy of tachd and eachiv couponsntite Sung by Miss Lena Taylor. men wre rciasd for active sr- meat-buying Wdnesday morn- tahedhod eahcoprchaenile Mrs. Reta Cle Dudley sang vice abroad. ig. thpod fsr o r cann i "Wo'Ii Cme a Mayin'?" and W. R. Stike, wo was overseas According ta nc butchr, tic Iun f sgrfrcni "Down in tic Foest". Sic was in tic ast war, rcaled tic part womn armd witi market bas- I a ouse has two occupants accompanid on tic piano by er Canadians payd in tic Great kets and shopping bags dscndd and t ey intend ta do any canning son, Ray, which affordd the War. He drw upon is own mm- n is sop and like a flock of thC summer thy wili have ap- moters present, a trili of pîas- ory for incidents and events and grasshopp rs ceaned up ev ry- amid on tî r eceive depends anh ue that so young a boy coud it tok tic veterans back to tic ting in sigt. It's a wonder aon hyrciedpnso with suci consideabe ase anci days whn thy ad xprienced thy didn't take tic scales. We wither tey live in town or in abiitv acamp ny s m the 50similar events and incidents. coudn't weigh the meat up a thti country. If tey live in town aby. Col. Taylor took tic salute at enoug. In fact, I sod part f ti y ae nit d ta tn p u s In er cosing rcmarks, sic tic Cenotap . T ic veterans, Thursday's suppIy," e said. ye fuis int t ic f b2laons .onMti spoke on tic garden, "In tic home carrying tic Union Jack and No. Womn werc seen caming out of card I n h lak o h werc tere are litte childien, a 11 Company fag marched west nc butcher sop witi a parcel of cand with tic householdc's namne garden is aîmost a ncccssity,'as on Churci, dawn Silver and cast meat, waiking down tic street sons ddrstic noumber ofnd te- tic beauty of Nature docs muc'h in on King Street ta tic Armouries. and making a similar purchase at amount, sugar thcy are cntitlcd tic shaping of caracter, because Tic Legion Band led tic parade another store. Tere are even to- th cs20pud. H envirooment pays a big part in and furnishd tic music for tic cases in town w irc parents sent _ iars tic fift e coupo nd tc Hed aur loves. It [s cspeciaiiy weii for hymns. tic children after orders, tien îcaving four coupons attachcd iim ta grow up among God's shoppcd themsclves. which is tic equivalent of 20 wondrous works. PO Cb ecie On Saturday and Tucsday ticpudAl nomtinnee th.We as Canadians, should be D.F.C. For Service town had an influx of iuyers ~oitained from tic cards re- tankful tiat wc are in a peace- fromn Qsiawa. In gencrai, butch- 'qetn ua hc.wr ie fu ]ndwhreweca ejo oc rs met thiîr eus frma with tic local ration board befonc homes, oui- birds, aur trees, aur Pilot Officer Nelson Alexander with tic comment 'Wc can oniy April 15. fowers, and our music of Nature. Cobb, son of Liut. and Mrs. H. S. supPy ur 52-w eks a year us-_ lne a ic a piain A l tic goodness there is in the Cobb, Tisonburg, and nepbw of tomers". fiedgivanc t tic feelingatiats word and in human life, is surey Chailes A. Wight, of Bowman- With tic first of tic meat cou- fldgvsoetefeigta mnany People wcrc out ta get al ticre because God is good." Sic ville, bas bccn awardcd tic Dis- pans coming duc today mnany thsia hy ol.I h cioscd witî a pocmi written this tinguisicd Fiying Cross. peoplc in towa wiii have marceug f a thcy crouIn ti spring by Miss Lcna Taylor and One 0f six Canadian airmen mneat in the corning fcw days tban gonoup offami esor sehaplcs entitlcd, "My Garden". Softly, in ovenscas ta be sa boaourcd, tic tbcy wiii have for same time ta tions werc made for anywhere thc background, Miss Ileen Balson citation for PO Cou rad: "PO cme. pla cd m o t pp op ia cî " a ic C obb as pa ticipat d n a large T e c o i g 0 u c e b p from 44 pounds t a 250 p unds of Garden", whiie Mrs. Cle rad number of operational sorties, and all stores wbrc meat pro-sua ic wosatata- the oem-displaying exceptianal kccnness ducts arc sold, at noon yestcrday, wberc from seven and ane-third tcpm:and skiiful flying abulity. On bis marked tic end of an cra in which pounds ta 41 and twa-thirds My Garden first sorti, when cond by sarc- tic ony limit ta tic amunt of "oNesfrec esn ligits and witi uis aircnaft rid- meat you could purchase was set more suar vcranc yaske go- Ticrc's a wonderfui Garden, S0 dicd by anti-aircraft fine, tuis of- by your owa pockctbook and tictheeua inthyacging dear ta my icant, ficer, showing grim determina- stocks in tic butc'ier sio, op.Lyeable ta purchase," said Mr. Fi-rn its glony, in vain do I roarn, tian, dived from 17,000 ta 6,000 Tbcai-eticaiiy, tic sky was tic yl. Last year wben no limit 0f ail tic fair gandens, 'tis fairer feet, bombed i tanget and ob- limit. Stanting today it is un- was put 0on the amount a persan by farcauid use for canning ticy used Itstc a-cao HoeSctagrapbs rxclen hoo atil on r mat witousurnender- about 106 million pounds. This It'sthe gar en f "H me wee grphs.ratone met wihou su ren er-year ticy ncquested doube that Home". 'On anather occasion, wien on ing vaiid coupons and unlawfui amount." How I love ail tic fiawcrs tiat an operatian at Bremen, PO for anyane ta seli ta a consumer Ticre is no loopioîc ta get extra ope with the dawn Cobb's aircraft was ficrcely at- witbout necciving vaiid coupons. sgrb omgbc or Their petais ail giist'ning witb tarb omn a tcebor dew, later [n tic season and clairning Sweet fragrance ta waft on lie "I didn't get ail tic sugan cou- wings of tic moi-n. E Ipans that were caming ta me". To a day that is waking anew. P p l f r c ilFersuàson Th ubrocupnadte amout ofsugar rprsnted is Ther islaugterand ongin tatcntercd on records kept in' tic Theren isrlaugiraiidsag nplay T alent In Piano Recitai local ration board office. It takes Ticre is jay wbea tic Lily-beils but a minute for tic clcrk ta laok ring; up your card and tell you how And tic fair marning glanes of A musical treat was pi-ovided violia solo la a programn devoted miany coupons you receivcd. Heavcnly blue by a number of taientcd yaung to piano music. Awakcn ta hear tic birds sing. musicians, ail pupils of Vera Mc- Jean Living chose 'Sonatina", Tiere are bicssings of toil [a tic, Gi Ferguson, wben thcy icid a Op. 36, No. 6, by Clementi, as ber GIL UDEN W - gj '~~1 I VOLUME 89 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 27th, 1943NUBR2 \000, wccds; Wiilc tic Fatien abovc in Hi! wondenful way Sends tic nain and the suashin( [t nccds. Tiene is i-est, thcre is peace, tienE [s joyous dcligbt, When tic long sbadows lcngticî at eve; Wiilc tic fainies ai-c kissing tii flowens good-night, And waving ticir wands as tbey leave. In tic bush of tic nigit, I givE tianks for tic plan Of tic Gandenen of Love, Who couid give This wonderful cati, as a garder for man, Tuit man in a gai-dca might live. A contcst, "A bouquet of wcll. kîîown Flowens", was conducted by Mns. Forncst Dilling. Expect Rationing Function Smioothly "Tic butchens wii take ration- iag in their stnide." cammcnted Butcbcr T. W. Cawkcr yesterday. "Most of us ai-e nat wornying about [t and wc don't anticipate muci trouble non many kicks fi'om customers aften tic first two ivccks." Tic Cawkcns bave been butcb- ens in Bowmanviiic for aven 90 yecars. Wcs Cawkcr's gnandfatbcn stantcd wben souti of Qucen Strcet was busiland. At anc time bis fathen kcpt bis pigs down wiei-c Bowmanviile Higi Scbooi stands today. Most of tic Cawk- ers have gane m ticth busincss and Wes Caxvken startcd in [t as a boy. "Oui- pnobicm," be said, "wili be cutting tic rigit amount. We wili have ta aim at a littie icss and tien make up tic difference witi iamburg an sausage. LAC Maxie Younth, R.C.A.F., i netunned ta Moncton, N.B., -ifteir spending bwo weeks' fur- otîgi n Bowmanville ai-d Osi- mva. Mns. Vouti, who bas been living hene, accampanied hen bus- band ta Moncton and wili reside ici-e. iwmmý Zbi