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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jun 1943, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone----- 2-Lt. C. J. Wray, Barriefield, Kingston, spent the week-end in town with his wife. Mrs. James Souch, O'Dell Street, is spending two weeks with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Russell GIligan, of Bowmanville, are spending their holidays in the Napanee dis- trict. Pte. Betty Trimble, C.W.A.C., Toronto, spent a week's leave with her father, Mr. Arthur Trimble. Sand Mrs. A. Wearn, Ennis- ~,have received word that 111eir son, Sgt. Pilot L, A. Wearn, is reported missing. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bail, Fred and Ronnie, and Mrs. E. Bennett, Oshawa were Sunday guests of Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchard. Sgt. Wm. Maunders, of the Vet- erans' Guard, Bowmanville, spent the week-end with Mrs. Maund- ers and family, Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Turner were in town over the week-end the guests of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Jones, Church St. Sgt. Jack Knight,, of the Vet- erans' Guard, Bowmanville, was in Napanee during the week-end and visited viith Mrs. Knîght. Gnr. Sidney Fowler and LAC Douglas Brown, RAF., from Christie Street Hospital, spent the week-end with friends in town. Miss Ruth James was guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. Woods, Queen's Drive, Weston, in honour of her grandmother's birthday. Ottawa has announced that mail posted in the United Kingdomn for Canada on the l7th and 25th of February has been lost due to enemy action. Mr. Douglas Walpole and Mr. Harvey Jones of Toronto, were week-end visitors with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Jones, Church St. The 15-year-old Millbrook lad who, police state, attempted to burn down a fine brick house in an effort to bide fingerprints lef t when he ransacked the residence, pleaded guilty to attempted arson in Cobourg Police Court, last week, and was remanded a week f or sentence.1 URGENT APPEAL MEN'S CLOTHING Urgently needed for Survivor's Bundies Ths~ bundies are placed ab Eid each ship leaving Cana- dian ports to be used to outfit any survivors picked Up at sea. The following articles are re- quired, trousers, beits or braees, socks, sweaters, shoes, under- wear, caps or helmets, mltts, shirts and handkerchiefs. CLOTHING SHOULD BE NEW OR IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION Please leave articles at Bert Parker's, Northcutt & Smth or Alex McGregor's. TrHE NAVY LEAGUE 0F CANADA Bowmanville Committee Sufferers of bleedlng andilpro- PILEStrudlng PILESpiles should know Bunker's Herbai F1115 treat the cause at its source. Money baek If the f irst bottle does not satlsfy. At your drug store. 19-12*1 Mn. G. E. Lunney, who spent the winten witb bis son-in-law and daughten, Mn. and Mes. J. H. Jobeston, Horsey Street, lefI yes- teeday morning for bis home in Coliingwood. Misses Margaret Rutchinson of Agincouet, Gladys King and Mary Jewell, Bowmanville, weee guests of Mes. T. Wideman, Burke Street, over the bliday.-Cobourg Sent- inel-Star. Mn. Harold Wagar, New York, with bis wife and two childeen, Patsy and Barry, have been visit- ing bis parents, Me. and Mes. G. L. Wagar, and sisten, Mes. Howard Jeffrey. Promotion of a former Bow- manville resident, Corporal A. D. Westnutt, ta the eank of sergeant, bas been anneunced at Petawawa by beadquarters, No. 28 Com- pany, Canadian Dental Corps. Sgt. Brown, S.G., son of Mn. and Mes. H. Brown, bas been home on two weeks' leave from Debent, N.S., and with him an Australian Pilot Officer, J. L. Ar- nell. Both left Menday morning for the east ceast. Do not forget that an enemy agent, if he is te be successful and avoid a firing squad must be sucb a plausable and convincing per- son Ibat no one suspects bim, least of aIl those wbo pride tbem- selves in being good judges of characten. The girls of "Ciecle 8" Club beld an euchre and quilt dnaw at the home of Mes. Gilbert Doey, Sat- unday night. The quilt was won by Mes. Clarence Edmondson and the entire proceeds ef $47.103 was denated 10 the Salvatien Aemy War Work. Mns. George W. James was the' guest of Mn. and Mns. Wilson, Weston, also guest of ber brother, Mn. W. Woods and bis wife, at a birtbday dinnen, May 23rd, in beonour of their mother, Mes. George Woods, who icelebrated ber 79th birtbday. Mes. Ed. Powees, Oshawa, Me. Powers, Mes. G. S. Herringer (nee Alma James), Maple Ceeek, Sask., Miss Josephine Herringer, nurse at St. Micbael's, and Letitia Herringer, Medical Technician at St. Joseph's, Toronto, called on Mes. George W. James on Sunday. Mn. John Eliiott, a fermer prin- cipal of Bowmanviile H ig b School, is compiling material for a bistory of the local sehool. This is a big job and we feel sure that Mn. Elliott would welcome any as- sistance given bim. We suggest that if you bave any facts or fig- ures you send them 10 Me. ElliotI at 800 William Street, London, Ontario. Bowmanville Women's Institute met Thuesday afternoon, May 27, in St. Jobn's Parish Hall witb the president, Mes. J. Thickson, in the chair. Fellewing the transactien of business, a program, convened by Mes. F. Bakee's group, was put on. Il consisted of an inter- esting talk on "New Canadians" by Mes. J. H. Jury and a piano solo by Mes. E. Wood. High School Cadets (Continiued from page 1) cadets now wearing the new R.C.A.C. uniforms. He boped that next year it would be possible ta provide the corps witb rifles, res- pinators and steel belmets, and other equipment wbicb w i 11 bring about a higbee efficiency in training. Col. C. G. M. Grier, director of Royal Canadian Aemy Cadets, wbo accempanied Capt. Rolmes on a number of bis inspections, was "impressed" by the smart manner of the corps, said the cadet officer. "The training is leading te quick thinking, wbich is evident during parades," s a id Capt. Helmes. "'The cadets are aise showing tbemseives self-reliant and aggressive, which definitely stamps many of themn as poten- tial leaders." This year the army cadets will attend a la-day camp at Welling- ton, Ont., fromn June 27 te July 7. A sweater girl is the one who knows ber curves. Haydon1 Visitons: Lieut. Gordon Cowl- ing, from the West coast, Mrs.i Gordon Cowling and David, Mr. Geo. Cowling, Bowmanville, at Mrs. Russell Crossman's. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and Wayne, Maple Geove, at Mrs. T. Cowling's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Bridgett and family, Mr. and Mes. Earl Tbompson, Bowman- ville, Mr. Don Thompson and friend, Peterboro, at Mr. W. Tbompson's. . . Mrs. F. Osmond and Connie are spending a week with relatives in Bowmanville... Mn. and Mrs. A. Read and family aI Mn. Cyrus Ashtons, Burketon ...Seaman John Ross, W.T, Miss Viola Bradley, Toronto, at Mn. E. Bradley's. .. Mrs. Wallace Stainton, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Carson Childerbose and family, Bowmanville, at Mr. A. Beecb's ...Mr. Don Carr and Miss Blanche Beecb attended the show- er for Miss Velma Ferguson at Union, Feiday..-. Mr. Ross Found, Oakwood, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jobeston, Lindsay, Mr. Frank Carter, Bowmanville, at Mr. C. Avery's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jim Aikenbead, Mr. and Mrs. John ONeil, Toronto, at Mr. Lloyd Ashton's. . . Mr. and Mes. C. Avery at Mr. Harold Larmer's,j Burketon. A sbower was given at Ennis- killen Hall, Saturday evening, in bonour of Miss Blanche Beecb, by the joint communities of Union, Enniskillen and Haydon. To the strains of the wedding manch, the couple were led to the platfoem. An instrumental was given by« Miss Ruby McLaughlin, a piano duet by Misses Jean and Audrey McLaugblin and a vocal duet by Mrs. Gordon Beecb and Mrs. Ross Richards. Mr. C. Avery very ably acteci as chaieman. The couple opened and displayed the many useful presents and expressed their thanks. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. Zion Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Killen, Delmer and Jobnny, at Sam Lee's, Toronto. . . Mr. and Mes. Morley Flintoff and family, Maple Grove, at Wes Cameron's ...Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stain- ton and family, Mrs. Jas. Stainton at Ed. Millson's, Solina. . . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hulatt and Vie- tor, Oshawa, at Russell Perkin's ...Miss Kathleen Cameron at Chas. Vivian's, Hampton. . . Miss Marie Killen spent the week-end witb ber sister, Mrs. Harvey Bal- son, Oshawa. . . Pte. and Mrs. Michael Nemis and Bobbie, Niag- ara-on-the-Lake, at Robt. Kill en's. .. Mrs. Levi Burgess, Jimmie and Ralph, Mrs. Wes Cameron at Stanley Coverley's, Ebenezer ...Mr. and Mrs. Reford Camer- on and Jean at Ted Chant's, Hampton. . . Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Killen, Delmer and Johnny, Pte. and Mrs. M. Nemis and Bobbie, at Mes. Harvey Balson's, Osh- awa... Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stain- ton, Mrs. J. W. McMaster attended Eldad anniversary and visited at Frank Gilbert's, Solina. . . Miss Eileen Stainton attended a shower for Miss Gertrude Hooper at Miss Bernice Gay's, Bowmanville... Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Hopps, Oshawa, at AIf. Aye's... Mr. and Mes. Hans Geissberger and Bertha at Uxbridge. . . Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wilbur, Mrs. Carl Wilbur at Fred Wood's, Orono. . . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Martin at Eugene Martin's, Claremont. . . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Robbins and Ruth attended Eldad anniversary and visited at Cecil Pascoe's. . Misses Margaret MeCluer, Helen Cam- eron, Kathleen Cameron, Mr. Cameron Stainton attended a party given by Miss Dorothy Virtue, Oshawa, Friday nigt... Mr. Herman Schmid, Miss Mary S c h m i d, Newcastle, Mr. A. Ritchie, Thornton's Corner's, Mn. H. Smith, Osbawa, at Hans Geiss- berger's. . . Mes. Russell Penkins, Miss Margaret Penkins, at Lor- enzo Trull's, Hampton. . . Mn. and Mns. Harny Wideman and family were week-end guests of Mn. and Mrs. Mel. Morgan.hi- Mn. and Mes. Tbos. Martin,Shr ley and Lawrence at Mes. T. Goyne's, Harmony. Newtonville Tbe Community Hall was well f ilied witb an audience that tboroughly eejeyed a three-acti comedy drama wbich was ably presented by the Salem Dramatic Society, Monday nigbt. Between the acts musical duels weee rend- ered by Faye Jones and Edea Denault; Jim and Pbilip Gilmer; Shirley Payne and Margaret Ovens. The W.A. ententained tbe cast at the close of tbe play, in the parsenage. Visitons: LAC Ronald Burley, Scoudouc, N.B., witb bis parents, Mn. and Mes. Ceeil Burley. .. Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Payne, Toronto, with Mes. Wm. Smitb. .. Me. Roy Berry, Orono, aI Mn. D. Denault's ..Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rarris and son, Richmond Hill, with ber mother, Mes. Wm. Jaynes. . . Me. and Mes. C. Dix and Mes. Ruck- wood in Peterboro. . . Mes. R. Martin, Lake Shore, aI Mn. George Stapleton's. . . Mes. J. Wade bas returned feom a thnee weeks' visit with ber cousin, Mes. W. G. Cal- vert, Lindsay. . . Miss Marion Bruce aI Me. Percy Farrow's, Starkville. .. Me. and Mes. Haery Stone and daughten, Toronto, witb Miss J. A. Tbompson... Miss Allie Nesbitt, Toronto, at home... Miss Bond, RN., Western Hospital, Toronto, witb Mes. W. D. Jones. . . Mn. Leland Milîson bas accepted a position in Osh- awa. .. Mes. C. J. Carlaw, Wark- worth, witb ber sister, Mes. Wiliis Jones. Mes. S. R. Jones is home from hospitai much improved in bealth. Mes. C. Morris is caeing for ber. A number from bere attended Miss Phyllis Challis' recitai aI Bowmanville, Friday evening, and were deligbted with the skil- fui performance of ber pupils aI the piano. Mn. Arthue Bell and Dawn, Miss Hilda Bell and Gwynne Tbomp- son, Bowmaeville, witb Mes. Thos. Stapleten. Blackstock The United Cbunch W.A. met rit Mes. R. Hooper's, May 25. Tbe devotional part was in change of presidenî Mes. C. Manlow, with eacb memben taking part. The fruit convenon neported fruit sent te sevenal members and acknowledgements received. The treasuren neported $20.003 made from nefneshments sold at a recent sale. It was decided te dlean the cburcb basement on Tuesday aftennoon of the follow- ing week. Mns. W. Aechee's group was in charge of the following programn: Miss Jean Wright gave two poemns 'You Neven Can Tell" and "'When Maw Is Sick"; Rev. D. M. Stinson gave a synopsis fnom an article by Beverley Baxten on "'Tbe Life of Winston Churchill", and show- ed us a letten be bad eeceived from Prime Minister Chuecbîll's Secretany in acknowledgment of a letter and clipping be bad sent the Prime Ministen. Mrs. W. Archer eead "In the Midst of Tumuit". Rev. Stinson closed tbe meeting and a sale table was con- ducted by the geoup ln charge. There weee 87 at the United Sunday School and Tempenance Day was obseeved. Earl Doenell gave a talk on the subject and Miss Lois Larmen gave a eeading. The Red Cross Society met at the home of Mes. A. L. Bailey last week. The seceetaey, treasunen and tbe convenons gave thein re- ports. A salvage drive is being planned, witb Mn. Raeold Por- teous at the head, and the netunns will be uped for prisoner-of-war boxes. Mrs. Cecil Lowe, Killarney, visited Mes. V. M. Archer. Mr. and Mes. Frank Wight and son, Bowmanville, witb Mr. and Mns. O. Wright. Aechdeacon and Mes. Simpson attended the Synod in Toronto last week. Misses Leona Devitt and Inene Rahm attended the A.Y.P.A. con- vention at Trinity College, last week. Mes. Green, Kitchener, is visit- ing ber daugbter, Mes. Alex Gil- bert. Mes. Robt. Williamson and Mes. G. Rutb, Omemee, witb Mes. Jas. Manlow. Mn. and Mes. M. Graham and family, with Me. Alex Flett, Fene- ion Falls. Me. and Mes. Herb Swain and Miriam and Mn. and Mes. Leith Byers wîtb Mes. Weir, Brooklin. Me. and Mes. A. J. Powers, Lindsay, at Lewis Swain 's. Rev. D. I'4. Stinson attended the conference at Gananeque. Mes. Geo. Flett, Oakwood, and Miss Aileen Flett, R.N., Lindsay, visited Miss C. Skuce. Mn. Henry Skuce, Mes. Skuce, Sr., Mount Horeb, and Mes. Geo. Griffin, Canninglon, witb Mn. and Mes. Ed. Rancis. An enjoyable social evening and sbower was held in the hall Friday night, in bonoun ef Me. and Mes. James Wilson (Reta Swain). Mn. Laverne Devitt was chaieman for the foliewing peo- gram; Misses Lenere Fallis and Jean Malcolm, a combination piano and vocal duet; Mrs. Wm. VanCamp, a reading; Miss Jean Wright, a neading; Keitb Johns- ton and Dalton Doerell, a vocal duet composed by Mns. A. Jobns- ton; Mns. C. Manlow, a reading; Jack Smith, a solo. Many useful and iovely gifts wene peesented and the bride and groom eacb made suitable speeches. Dancing followed, 10 music by Mns. Red- mand and Mes. Redman, Scugog Island, and Charles and Oliver Smith. Mr. and Mns. Alex Gilbert, Mns. Gneen, and Mn. and Mes. John Venning at Lake Simcoe. Piano Recital <Continued frorfi page 1) whicb previously enjoyed Miss1 Challis' three fermer student re-1 citaIs, Ibis showing the geowing appreciation tor ber untiring energy and willingness. The stu- dents presenting Ibis recital rep- resent only a portion ef the entire class wbicb extend fnom Bow- manville te Port Hope, Newcastle, Newtonville and Hampton. On bebaîf of Trinity United Y.P.U., Miss Doris Dudley ex- pressed appeeciation 10 M i s s Challis and ber pupils for the1 splendid program. Miss Evelyn1 Pickaed, convener of the Christ- ian Missions Committee, whose mission fund will receive the net proceeds from the recital, present- ed Miss Challis witb a lovely bouquet of flowers. Pupils taking part weee Mari-1 lyn Hall, Margy Jane Hancock, Nancy Bennett, Norma Allie, Philip and Jim Gilmen, Peggy Stephenson, Marion Morris, H-elen Kilpatrick, A ud re y Fletcher.11 Catharine Teeple, Wilma Rich- 1 ards, Jane Marjerrison, Glenys1 Nicholas, G e a c e Abereetby,1 Eileen Bartmann, Anc Cryder-1 man, Reta Gibson, Helen Turner, Diana Webben, Leonard Pbilips. Ivan Woelley, Billie Fraser, Blle Cox, Buddie Sleep, Ralph Kelly, Dorothy Stapleton, Eileen Allin, Mildeed Allin, Helen Allie, Aud- rey Northcutt, Betty Jackman, Marie Thompson, Marlee Gibbs, Muriel Reid, Yvonne Woods, Pat-1 ricia Smith, Mary Alldread, Faye1 Boe, Ruth Payne, Shirley Payne,1 Margaret Ovens, Jean Milligan, Fae Jones, Edna Denault, Mary1 Toms, Irene Knigbt, Doris Ail-1 dread, Jean Balson, Lillian Os-1 borne, Lola Marjerson, Mary1 Denault, Margaret Denault, Claire1 Allie, Ruth Abernethy, Pauline1 Peters, Ruth Peters, Jean Fletch-1 er, Isabelle Kelly. Jacqueline Heyland, Joyce Martin and Gwen- dolyn Budd. Modern laws are complex. You1 have te retain a lawyer te keep1 you informed in order te keep1 ouI of jail. Old Dobbie had bis faults, but seldom did one ever hean et a traie knocking Dobbin and the buggy off the tracks. Aviators suffering from lack et oxygen at bigh altitudes are saici te be victims of anoxia. Weddig Brwn"sThirty-Seven Receive 110GARTII-HICKS Red Cross met at Mrs J. Cur- Atedn Pi s son's for a quilting. Mrs. H. Thirty'-seven members of Trin- A\ quiet but pretty afternoon Reichrath and Mrs. C. Turner at: ity Unitcd Sunday Sehool receiv- wcrlding w as solemnized a t tended Newcastle Red Cross meet- ed awards aI the annîversary ser- Auirora United Church on May 22 ing and handed in four quilts. vice Sunday morning for com- whenBeuah yoi r. nd Ms. . Farowandpleting attendance requiremerts whn euahMay, daughterof M.ad rsW.Frwan during the year October 1941 to Wylma, Miss Jean Perrin and October 1942. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hicks, Cur- Mr,. Bill Morley attended. the Awards were in the form of onn,î, became the bride of Sgt. funeral of the laIe Mr. R. Mickey, hymnaries. The seven seholars Jamnes Stuart Hogarth, eider son at Greenbank. who had perfect attendance re- of MVr. and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Keitb ceived leather-bound hymnaries Hamnpton. Rev. Roy Hicks, bro- Ormiston and B r i a ni, Maple and those who had been absent Grove, at Mr. R. Grabam's. * for one Sunday or more received ther of the bride, officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred anid hymnaries witb stiff board cov- The bride looked charming in fami]y and Mrs. P. Motson, Lake ers. a long white sheer gown fashion- Shore. aI Mr. Les. Alldred's. . . W. R. Strike, superintendent of ed with long full sleeves and high Mrs. Geo. Stephenson and Lynne the Sunday School, made the pre- round( neckline. Her fingertip in Toronto. . . Mr .M. Graham in sentation of the books to the fol- vieil was held in place with a Toronto. lowing: wreath of orange blossoms and she carried a bouquet of red Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Eddy Perfect attendance - Wilma, roses. The couple were unattencl- and Norman attended the funeral Richards, Peggy Dippeil, Marjori'e ed. of the lafe Mrs. M .Wright, Beth- Rundle. Ronald Longman. Marion A reception for the immediate any. Mrs. Wright is Mr. Eddy's Dippeli, Jeanette Lobb and Alan families was held at the home of sister. Strike. Rev. and Mrs. RyHcs h Absent one Sunday- Lorna bride's mother received in a navy Sds ee oMriý flowered silk dress with match- MISSION BAND Stacey, Joan Woolley, John Long- in cesre n corsage of ____ man and Bill Fraser. wig arcsessd anatosh h léeJcsn Msin Absent two Sundays - Joyce whie rsesandcaratins.Th Th Alce ackon issonButtery, Eleanor Jobnston. Do ris groomns mother assisted. She Band met in the Primary room of Alldread, Gwyneth Griffith and cbose a black crepe frock with Trinity United Cburch witb the Bona Mary Griffith. matching accessories and corsage iln of Pink roses and carnations. presîdent in charge. The meet- Absent tbree Sundays- ~ln For a short wedding trip by ing opened with quiet music fol- Cox, Glen Buttery, Joan Long- motor the bride changed toaloebyteautwrsi.a- man, Joan Greenfield, Audrey two ie ce urqois enem loried Mutonhe ad the SriptuMre Venton, Betty Sisson, Gerald Cox, twoithmachngturbais nsndblck Mto ea h crpueShirley Grant and Vivian Prout. accessotnies ntraretureblheklesson from St. Luke 10:30-36. The Absent four Sundays-Beverley bride. formerly a nurse at Bow- Lord's Prayer was repeatecl, after Sudcls, Janet Dale, Helen Devitt manville Hospital, wiîî return to which the offering was taken, and Ivan Hawes. ber nursing duties at Aurora and amnounting to 32 cents. Absent five Sundays-Bill Cox, the groom will return to bis unit., Mrs. Allin read a story entitled Joyce Cox, Helen Nelles, Louila "Cabin Two Tries A New World".* Workman, Rutb Hutchinson and COLLOCUTT-iMcMULLEN During the business meeting the Ray Stacey. ________minutes were read and approved Trinity United Cburcb, Bow- and the treasurer's report given. SRN I' manville, was the scene of a Sixteen answered the roll caîl. ________N' charming afternoon wedding on The eight books of the New Testa- a ssmfn o'u ldie May 22nd, when Rev. J. E. Grif- ment were recited. Gladys Brooks Waren doe singpw's ' gdi to fith united in marriage Frances contributed to the program. blowe;pig i's'int Jean, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Befone the meeting closed the lw George MeMullen and Harry members dressed a doîl for the Dey tell us dat de wintah lime James Collocutt, son of the late bale wbich is being prepared. Will soion begin t, go. Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Collocutt. DytI sdtd pi an The cburcb was beautifully dec- DWitll son be omm' downs oraed it stndads0f inkan Frnk McMullen, Newtonville, An' fletchin' up de flowahs sweet white snapdnagons and ferns. cousin of the bride. Miss Helen Williams, A.T.C.M., The reception was beld at the Dat's sleepin' in de groun'. presided at tbe organ and during home of the bride's parents. The Dey tell us dat de birds'll soion the signing of the register Mrs. brîde's mother received in a pale Be comin' back t' nes'. Neil McMullen, Toronto, cousin of blue crepe frock with navy blue A'i eerymr e'lsn th bid, an "ecus". accessories and corsage of baby- T' see wbich ken sing bes'. E The bride was given in mar- pink carnations and sweet peas. niage by ber father. She looked She was assisted by the groom'sDeteiudtelwn'1so lovely in a floor length gown of sister, Mrs. Clarence Woodley, Ty- Be e loous nnice ans'Ine oon white sheer fasbioned with long rone, who wore a beige and brown An' dat de le a n'algrentrE full sleeves, round neckline with dress witb brown accessories andAn adelvsonl etrs embroidened yoke and full skirt corsage of varl-coloured sweet Will cuttin' soon be seen. 1 with embroidered insertions on peas.t each side. Rer fingertip veil was Following the reception, tbhe Dey tell us dat de cricks'll soon gathered to a sweetbeart halo and happy couple lef t on a weddin n ' eBern isb o'rsuck asdn wreatb of orange blossoms, and trip 10 points east. The bride9 An' wekecb 'emfigbty fas'.en she carried pink carnations and travelling in a tw-ic ee kth e iht a' sweet peas. Miss Bernice Wight, crepe ensemble with British tan maksumityapywe cousin of the groom, was the accessories. They will reside on I aksu ihyhpywe bride's only attendant. She chose Wellington Street, Bowmanville De spring win's 'gin t' blow, a floor length turquoise sheen Fo' dey's a sho' an' %uttin' sign gown with long full sleeves and De wintah soon will go. full skint, round neckline trimmed ImdaeyUal oe 2 -Ralpb Gordon, with a deep yoke of gold beading. ImdaeyUblPor62 Crawford Street. Toronto. Her fingertip veil was of tur- The Covenant of any League quoise net and she carried pale of Nations must bind. There In order to secune a maid, a yellow carnations and sweet peas. must be immediately usable POw- New York employer permitted Mr. Melbourne Pbillips, Essex, er and definite means for pre- ber to wear the employen's mink cousin of the groom, was best venting or stopping aggression. coat. Soon they will be offering man and the ushens were Roy Mc- -C. F. Steele, the Lethbridge servants the family's coffee cou- Mullen, brother of the bride, and Herald. pons. ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES SUNDAY, JUNE 6th Set aside for rememlftering the sick and disabled. Take or send a gift to your "SHUT-IN" friends. Remember themn with cards. We have a wvide selection of books - pictures - stationery - china - glass - pottery - greeting cards. FATHER'S DAY JUNE 20 We have greeting cards and a variety of gifts for Father's Day. VISIT OUR GIFT DEPARTMENT J. W. J EWELL Phone 556 Bowmanville Maple Grove Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Mrs. James Wood, Town, visited at Mrs. M. Munday's, Sunday. Miss Mary Southey spent the week-end with Miss Muriel Stev- ens. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, To- ronto, spent Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden. Miss Marion Snowden spent a few days this week with her sis- ter, Mrs. A. Brown, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Collacutt, Misses Pearl, Lenore Collacutt visited at Mr. and Mrs. W. Westlake, Solina, and attended the Eldad anniver- sary. Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Misses Betty, Mildred Snowden, Mr. Bob Snowden, Miss Jean Jarvie, at Mr. Thos. Baker's, Solina. LAC Howard Ormiston, Trent- on, spent a few days at home. The dairy industry is asking that dry skim milk be known as dry milk solids or defatted milk solids because of a wrong belief that skim milk has littie food value. b *M MUM MM*UMMM MMM UMM --------------nuroe~ TANNI VER SARY 1 0-SALE Nine Day Sale, lune Isi to 9th For ten years your I.DA. Drug Store has brought to the people of Bois. manville and district the savings resulting from large scale co-op- eratîve buying together with friendly personal service. To celebrate this occasion we offer you the many special bargains on our great Anniversary Sale. TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F THESE SPECIALS NOIV WRITING PADS ALLsizEs 2 for 15c MINERAL OIL GRDE,16oz. 37c BEEF MRON & WINE 1 O.59c Boracie Acid GET NEW Cold Cream i lb., reg. 25e PEP and ENERGY Theatrical 18c TAKE i lb. jar --54e Kidney Pis' 1D A FE R neos I.D.A. 48's The new Iron and Vita- Enve-----op--es 39e min B-Complex Tonic. 5s -e It's pleasant to take. Sun Glasses Liquid, 16 oz --- -- $1.25 TALCUM 35e value 19e Capsules, 60's ---- $1.15 12 oz. tin 13e VITAMIN B-i TABLETS 100's 44c, WAX PAPER HEAVY, 100 ft. 21c S HAVE CREAM REG.RE33e 23c LOWESTI PRICES MACLEANS ILAR EST SELLING TOOTH PASTE IN GREAT IBtITAIN: 25e Cahunine Lotion --- --------19e I.DA. Corn Remover --------17e 15e Flaxseed, 16 oz.-------. ---- lc I.D.A. Mlalt, 2 lbs.------- --- 79e Kleenor Antiseptie, 4 oz.-----19e 15e Peroxide, 4 oz. - ----------lic Wake up your lver;ý cdeans. your syste.; feel flghtlng f it by taklnio ENO'S "FRUIT SALT"~ BUY RADIO LICENCES HERE We have been appointed sole i%- suer of radio licenses for the Town of Bowmanville. 3for 7 Kleenor Tooth Powder 29c value . 23e Mercurochrome, Ioz.-------13e 69e FPabisal Tablets ---------47e Senna Leaves, 1 oz.-- Bile Beans------------ 20e Tincture lodine - Absorbine Jr. - ---- i15 Drene Shampoo------- Duration Leg-Do ------ Feenamint -- -------- - - ----- 47e I ------ 16C C, 98e, $1.9.5I ----39c, 67e -------- 49ec -- 19e, 33e McO REDI DRUGS PHONE 792 - IVE EU MMUUMMUM UMUE MUMU M MMM MM MM ~MM MUMMM MUMMMMM* ML MUMU UUMUM Mi bh PAGE FIVE SHUT-IN'S DAY MEN...0 Flying Crew ARE NEEDED NOW WOMEN...0 "They Serve That Mon May Fly"l WilI You Give Hlm Hie Chance? Apply to the Mobile Recruiting Unit at THE TOWN HALL, BOWMANVILLE FRIDAY, JUNE I11, 1943 Hours: 12 noon to 9 p.m. SERVE YOUR COUNTRY IN THE ROYAL 4,0 NADIAN AIR ýRCE PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY 1

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