PAGE TX<,O THE CAINADIAM'i STATESIMAIN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO -----------E 10. 194 mbe OanabÎrnt tt~u Established 1834 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER WVith %vhich lis Incorporated Thle Bowmanville e, The Newcastle Independent. and The Orono New,.s. 88 lecars' Continuous Service To The TowIn of Bowmanville and Durham Counti-. .Nem ber Audit Bureau of Circulations %VeekN%-paperQ Class A Weeklies of Canada SUBSCRIPTION RATES S2.00 a Year, strictly ini advance. 82.50 a Year in the United States. GEO. 1V. JAMES, Editor. BEILLA11 TOMMEY, Associate Editor Wcî u- lca fahion:c r thysel: a perfect life, T = .:rc.-e, over wha.t îs pas* and gone Anc: sp::,e o'f c:i hcu mrayst leave behinco B- ýin cal-h da-,- az-,ho' th-, ]:le h ad JuSt begun. -G o ethe. Seedtime And Ilarvest ilt th tit" eil; A.i HtiMS. IP-tp- at XII Tuu lt Ie iiihi w-il. XXh. til l i (it.e"j :22:1111e andXî-t itii ii i îl i liLt. lît i l "iitîn The Proxy Vote <<j Il i -wlitiil a JÎît til li i t" XX T he Ti- "C . ( i1-o ý tl a" aîin Ill T itiv X -lr- îe ivtI. ilii " -iî i > lOI h. I-rt-. irîtý ie . J Iite t ir io l îl "f* forblt -14'(' elI1! itw-i l - 1i II XTjirv N i loul,- i t XX i t t 4pf -t if rxV X tîte' , t- TX i f 1o îlî iîît.ii it ,tî:îta il llîi MrIl.Chrcili I elp- om dlii H iiiî-kil-" in XXiiii-iiAxi" îuilîw, 1 !h î iiiii. bi Ilti,, eltilX XX v f 11i il il id ie îj- i aXndte uî so -illidinîî îî j itlii ttik cii w l -1111le > 1- laiiiii i v ii A 4 I l iX i î il---,- . e x 1 1 1 l l ji i 5 a l d îhIX i-lii i Labour and Industry i - 0 a--' .i . u i-J,. t. i. Ili, 1-i L a- Il t t c. - l t tX 't 'Y:c Vt- \~~IIIA%; wt uil ii 'ice h n- a î . i j t ., l i itlii ii~ - - i - til - .i 'i t à"î~'j- --T o- i ' 1)t viî î te "i '1'...î l ir .1ih - 'u tI- t hidi .-îlt-i1 I-ttf ituT -Ille't'estiiitt[ Tît oftiIii- Tut Ilitîtu I ilti bot, tc-c ti.- tc'tîI tî Tîî-. , ;itit, "ttîtie, tii' i ut'l HttiIbiiti \'- XX i t" -ltt'titiiiî. tic Ut. 1 i.- ihd iii îî-tîl l iît-t ritii-t',( and 1i nd>'tlt a e r Lu iiitt lii -i etb-t luîi at-e" The fi -t alfiioit it-ll-ii-lCtIip j" Iii(?n eponrt of t î~î b liivi-tit'lief otit- tC s 'ftl V tit. iiut uit ap oplettor ia tt<ttu tia X i tiiite t ll ilt it iI pP î-t-î- itý '.- -.tila It 'Illeathi :itple enttir- iiuî si cek -. "e oodandaiiiedtuiete>.NThiiss lle hfIf tiele ie- w a 1. Gî-e el, ilîat ici i of s-une 70.1>11 C isj-e-tiînate ilthui t itie-fi ftli. or tîtîX litk i1.0.0c)()iititt oi i en andc it'e li -ei îtuaîiiîjtht-ifitr i'1f,. Of ftle >ix miioniiiis XX ~.luiîttul~î.ail ifn i i--Itmitii to'i'ii XXt-hiIon Nazi îîuîtîîtî.th I .it-îî .lîl iîui. l't.t iii. 'I uit' lt ul iui'- t î'itX itte- ia lt c liiiX11ii liiX -.. ii f '.Ile lt l, ýt 1 Ahi tIîîîî~t 'lliii H t-lî-ihii,i red ih îtl( ti~t'tlihit iti t ýI <h r-k IIX X I--.liUhii it ii- i fi leIit liIlh' i-t ol itC d II i t fi il'. i ni ;t1tîi.-tl .Sii.XX i uittIXiIi imdler Xton îîîlî'î lii il h Pu- llXX Ijiit, -Iit-s-. ii illtii-' il ii'f îlîi' iiuîitîî i i tîî'.iXi. IIIiIIiIIX T i -ul -11.- e M Y ) _- 11 #- 1 -t1-t j i i 1, 11 l 1 - -ý- . i tl uî- , i-7o fiv andtl-.Xui l-uf týle i-, ulliliti ri é- , i iii XiiIIand i \v t (l11il ii i i C ii tIl ' 'i t '.ii t hi iXl fi le "'ýf X lui 11e iiîhit iu fil t iii il 'il lit iIuî. liii ' ii X " t-.iiiil iIX t- t liX Xi II* tîoltd IItX .X ii iiiii i I ' ii'tin.l - t, i lt' What The C.C.F. Plans To Do With Canada "There Is No Half-Way House" ARTICLE NO. 4 This is the fourtb cf a serceý cf articles dealing Xith the socialist policy of the C.C.F. as li.d doXvn in the authoritative lîterature of Canada*s leadîng ,cocialiusts. We have been analys- ing and presentîng the essentials cf sccialist policy as v.e see it as outlîned in two books which bear the strong earmark cf the CCF. One cf the leadinEo authors of these books is Pro- fessor Frank Scott of McGill Univ-ersity. at present national chairman cf the C.C.F. The ec:tcr îndicated in the third ar- ticle that lie lwuld deal wvitb h e sepposed intention cf the C.C.F. Gov.ernment. if it ever takes office. 10 compensate pre- sent o-'-nersz for any business or nterest that the socialist government miht nationalize. Tbis editor*s opinion is that the C.C.F. enthusiasts in de- claring this supposed intentiotn. do it witb the tongue in the cheek and reSort to a species cf lol- dîtplicitv wb.-ich irn anvý other party they tbemselves %-ould roundly ccndemn. Tbey do not intend compensation at all as compensation is under- stood by- most people - not ccmpenSation in the really ac- cepted sense cf the terrn. What tbey miean 15 confiscation. sugar-coabed. The termi is not quite original %vith the edîtor for ib first appeared in an able article in The Canadiar, Churchman. the organ cf the Anglican Synod cf Canada, w.rittcn by J. P. Bell. the treasurer cf the Consolidated Fund cf the General Synod cf the Cburcb of England in Canaoa. Mr. Bell apparently. judging by the phrasing cf bis reasoned article, feared that abolition cf in- vestment and of the returns frcm inv.estment. would tbreaten the church*s investments cf its ministers' pension fund,. XX-icb now go into all sorts cf gilt-edged securities for purposes ci safety as v.ell as for purposes cf revenue. If industry i na ticnalized and business regimented. w-ho is to pay' the taxes to municipalities and provinces to enable tbem to pay interest on the bonds in which sucb funds are investedl Tbis article can do ncthing better than quote the vrds cf the authors cf~Soccial Planning for Canada' in regard to this malter of supposed compensation. The follo'.ing is taken from page 175 cf the bock mentioned: -'If the pciv.ate cXX-mers cf industry are compensated ini full (w.hicb may be tacticaliy necessacyt and allowed te retain most cf their compensation. ',bc last state cf bbe comm-.!nity may- bec re than the first. t'nless the bulk of the compensation is promptly taken baek froni the rich former ov.ners by drastic income and inheritance taxes. the public c'.ned' indus-ies '..-culd still bc con on capîtalist fprîniciple,-s. The latter portion.. in iblack face ty-pe. cf that quotaticn appt-ar, i talicS in the book, lb is plain that the authcrs intetded tc give tbc .-ocrdus special Xeigbt. Let us. studyýing their pclicy. accord bc 'bce .îords the %veigbt that their authors accord tote hem At page 328, on the samne subject. appear these 'vrs lbefonction ot taxation will be to recover frcm Wealthy former oXners all their compensation except the niodeýt surni ncessary' -bo give them creasonable eccnomic sccurî'-,.-at-d mode: ate inducement to refrain from sabo- tage. So the C.C.F. -Social JS-,. plan bo compensate for tc.a purpose-; andi then take fit îractically aIl back by fi-ian- cf taxation' In other XXctds,.îbey plan a disceputable politîcal subterfuge. They are simply going tc resoct tc bbe pmccess kncwn i the vernacular of politios as "kidding the troop,-z. Wben bbev take cver tbe insurance companies bbev - are gctnc tc cstablisb a state înEui-ance trust ai-dti order to get mcney foc tbe operation cf their socialîst Utcpia tbey say that they v.ill make bhe- in-sucance trust cougb up into the publie treasury-in advance-bbc amount cf bbc succession duties and taxes payable cn existing policies. That is. tbey '.vtll ccl- leot the taxes befcce the person insured dies. And as a malter cf tact. for those whob value the pcîvacy cf their bank accunts i private banks. for thcse XX-b do not XXant the state te kncw ý-tbeir business - and that includes twost cf us - tbey say: "The socîalîst gcvernmient tbrcugh cv-nersbip cf the banks. trust companies and lîfe insurance companies, wcould ?nJcy unmîvallcd facilîties for efficient collection cf -- taxes.- The editcr tbinks bie knows bo'.s most of bis maders teel, but maybe lie dcesn't. He does, however. know- bow bie bim- self feels. At- ieb kncws i'mpbatically ibat bie does nct in- tend to stand tdly by and allcw bis banik to be used by a socîalist gcXernment as a tex collecting machine. For Whitby's Youth (Osha.wa 'imes-Gazette) Tbe fimie bas long sinceý passed Xvlerimunicipal counicîls '.X-mt ex- pected te ccncern themacîlvc-- 'îzlv1 wvIh sucb n-atonal tl-iit-ica. 5C'.X' ers. w .ater. amtt.pamks.ta-.I a , d a bcj,-î 0of others. Tt--ail u0me '.'.tbin mîun icipaîl ut-i *sc - t:oùn. and cîvîc bodies arec-,t-t rd 10 gî%c ve'ory came andi attc i- tion ta hrcm. Coutncils for thei most part. '.XO l)elicX-O. aie corn- tic ced of'nr-en %X'.I)osetbcut.ts t- oI IJeX mîtd tbýngs nuittrial - men'. h ble-thîît tht-ý moral code c fý il c, P î . -'. vital thîit-' uintheuu utc'- of '.Oty uonitiiihity' %and h feu-I btiat Ihy rev rc- ulctixio opporturiii'cs-'present thomnsl-,. to niakt pmonou'ic-iiit-et-in-moral tssi. TInXX'bitbu onYttt-ica'- iliht S- M- ~C vho icre Coing inmbtraining for oI vers011 service. ANflspirt:t." a rew -OXerland car.. IN THE IM ND DISTANT Drtitci M.E.J Bc i.' flE IIYIPAST 2Mr. R. PR. Bongard hia-s sld Rab'. QFrom The Statesmnan Files Hearl farm to a Toronto man. SevXeral of or boys - , for Kings- w-,i Fr:daY OXenifL! Io don thc- F I F Y V A R S ~ G O* ~ m c * r s f- ea * f b o l K ji , k i. . . - v Mr . a n d M r s . B la k e June -,th. 1893 'Mr. anci : .A. L. Ha1ý'rMani. Sortspc udy tE XX pcr.-, the Xekei at thcir cot- Lc~,Rev. W.A. Binnezr az-.gat St Irgeut;Point. cri:îedaIt t ccniere:Qe on Enn:,kî11lîn.Mr. E. C, .h1o Beauty Programs S'ndy : i asbcna!ot; is well-drilling at Brooklîn... Dr. Blitzed; Awning paztor cf Lemonille circuit. . . C. Wt. Siernon - puitting in a neuX' in the ineetingofc the B;.-a-cîsteri; and installiný a hathrccmý Eyelashes Vanish ville High Schcol L:tei arr Socîc,,i . . 'Miss Lily MeLean ancdMs *he folloX-,vng- took part cri thcH. L. Qumn. Bc'.vanville. Mr.' If Canadian %vomen long to look prcgrarn: W. J. Colemnan. Maggie Clarence Wccdley. Tyrone. at '%r.' like movie stars %vith long sor- Tait Etta James, Ida Hosik: i. J. A. Werr%-s. Kate Eil;tt and arnaAge Eener Ehner fmos pentine-like cyelashes, the 'war Norman Heathe. James , OhX:i. Anniversarv xvîll be hcld 5Sînday hias put a crîmp in their, program J. H. Ellictt and A. W. Parks. B A.. and Mnday. J. L. Parsons bad cf enchantrnent. No longer are an hon.c-red ex-opiplil..Mr,. and a succe5Sfui baril raisîng on Mon- modern laboratotries permitt1Îù,o Mrs. John VanNest. Scl;na. XXere day .\MesdameS James Coorlice. raecansttmk w guests az Lorne Villa. SJdy . J. Mascri T. G. Mason. N. S. B cot ofcrelanshatmae w Mrs. T. J. Mason. Toronto. is vis- James and Wmi. RLInie. Bow ac eeahs :tlng hler father and other re:a manX-ille. Mrs. Frank Rrîndle and'N ogrX-l hr erc ivn tcXXn ' Mr. and M.\rs. A. F. Rundlie spent: preparatîcns guaranteed to take * Providence: MIr. Corineli. Tc-' Friday with M\,rs. R. E. Osbcrne. the sag off mîlady's throat. And conto. lbas beer. visitîng bis frîend Sauina: Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker' face p)acks, X-hieh were chiefly cf MrFred Hcar. -.. M\r. W. J. Bragg and familv at Pro'dence. .. S. value becahîse they stimulated and «Mises.Kate and Ailu;-1 E. Werry. son George. Mis. S.: circulation, bav.e no place in the wvere appcin-ed deleates Ic the Thcmpson and M.\rs. A. L. Pascoe XX,-rtimc î-icture. toc w n sh ip convention of the '.v*tb Toronto friends. . . Mr. C. H . Ncither rmaterials nor labour E.LC.E. Scot, is at Quebec Fair-X t an can ai-y longer bo wasted in the Sclina: Mr- W. A. Torii has exhibit of sheep. also M.\r. Alfreci preparation of blcaching creams, erected a nev tet-ce. -\I r. D. Ay re wXith biS fiock. . Eldad eyelash creams. nail creams, nail Hogartb. MisLaura Hogarth at-d Young Men's and Youing Ladies« tomecs. thrcat creams. sachets in jMr. Thos. Pascce have been at Bible Cl1a s ses picnicked at pcXXderror cake form and face Niagra and *in the WeSt. l ZcnMccrey's Pond cn Victoria Day in; packs. They are needed rather. a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~_ n-iXr r adofvr pes ocrc eg, ler Gib"con. in the life-and-deatb struggle in atty n Suniday. Rev. R. Tr. Everett Vice and Russel SmitbhXhiCh Xv-e are engaged. Ccurtice of NewXtonville preached __________________________________ twijce to crowXded ccngre2atons. Enniskîllen: _Mr. A. Arnott, is remcdelling hîs barniai-id stable . . . Repaîîs are gcing cn at tbe M-\ethodist Cburcb. Orcno: Mr. Jce Henry shipped q a cargo of finle horSes to Boston. Mass.* recently. --Mr. G. M. Lcne entertained bis Sabbatb Scho6l v Class cn the Queen's Bîrthdav, M.\r. and MIrs. H. J. W'errv. Ennis: killen. spent Sunday \veek at, -ler father*s -%r, A. Tamblyn. TIVENTY-FIVE YEARS AGOI June 6th. 1918 Bay of Quinte Ccnference is meeting in Cambridge St. MNetb- odîst Cburcb. Lindsay. this week. Rev.. S. Sellery and Mýeszsrs. John THE NEED for Comprehensive Automobile A. Holgate. M. A. James and J. J. Mamson are representing Bow,ýnian- Insurance is greater than ever. As cars get ville Cburch. Girls again head the Honcur oktier, worn insulation can cause fire, tire Roll1 for May- in the Public shortage tends to increase car theft, and Schools. Wb-at*s the malter vith cs frpiigdmg slre eas the boys? Honour Roll fcr Sr. cs frpiigdmg slre eas IV includes: 'Margaret Copeland. of labour and material shortage. Dorctby Belîman. Ross Tillev, Forest 'Dillîng. Florence Benneitt. Ask this agency for complete insurance pro- Hovard Joness. Gertrude Morris. tection for your can NOW! Flora Wcrden. Ruth Grigg andi Laurence Mason. Jr. IV: Helen McGregcr. Chas. Petbick. Gvvendclyn Williams. Ralph Carruthers. Alex McGreg- Edsall Oliver, Doris Foster. Ruth Percy. c yse otnet INSURANCE AGENT hover arcund this locality. Many - Successor To J. J. M1ason & Son - citizens are w~ondering '.,vhether they are exempt from the opera- Phone 681I Bowmanvilie t tions cf the Military Act. Miss Edna H. Bottrell. Toronto.,__________________________________ the Counicil discussed at lengtb the questhon cf juvenile delin- quency. baving in mmnd a patbetîc case in police court tbat day in whicb sevetal ycvung i-iic-iai-d a ghrl cf vcry tender years were in- volved. The Corîncil gave thougbt te bbc question ci Tcutb protec- tio ai-d guidlance ai-d tc scmce cf tht- Muiiit Lt-s cf ju'.enile de- lînquency. andi »v resolution '.ent on recotd as ct-iOcf Concour-ag- ing aIl ct'gahtizatiorîs in to'.nj seeking te prioi-iobe chiîd wel- face. The rc, olution is te ho soi-i te the uecretarîos cf sucb organ- îzattcns il s Rotarv. Kinsmen. Logion. Boy Scouts. Girl Guides. at-d Bo;ard cf Education. and it mnay- prove a signal fer a rc' on the part of otîr ýcitizens, moro pactîcu]arly patrents, cf practical iiitectust in our boy-s and girls. 4v e THURSDAY. JUNE 10, 1943