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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1943, p. 5

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& THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE Pte. David Osborne, Dartmouth, N.S., is visiting bis parents. Pte. Tom Carter, Dartmouth, N.S., is visiting his wife and fam- j'y. Mrs. Vicars Beatty, Dunsford, is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. Bea- cock. Mr. Geo. J. Rowe, Toronto, was in town Wednesday visting relatives. Miss Jean Davey spent a few da s wth Mr. and Mrs. R. Davey, rk eton. »MCpl. Alex Lyle of the para- troopers is home on leave from Vermont. Mrs. Wray McCready is spend- ing the week with her parents at LaSalette. Mr. and Mrs. George Perfect visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams, Burketon. There are just 20 more days left in which to file your income tax returns. Mr. and Mrs. L. McGee, High- land Park, Ottawa, have been vis- iting at Mr. M. Comstock's. Miss Catherine Colville has ac- ceptcd a position with the Me- Laughlin Coai Co. Ltd., Oshawa. The next holiday will be Do- minion Day which is being .ob- served this year on Monday, July 5. Sgt. Don Cameron, No. 1 Bomb- ing and Gunnery Sehool, Jarvis, spent the week-end with his par- ents. The dedication of the new Evangelistic Tabernacle, Ontario St., will be held Sunday afternoon at 2.30. Sgt. W. R. Joncs of the First Special Service Force, Vermont, U.S.A., spent Sunday with his wife and two children. Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchard and Helen spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. P. Cowling and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hughes, Toronto. Capt. John M. James, Prince Rupert, B.C., arrived home Wed- nesday to spend a two-weeks' leave witb his wife and family. Dr. R. R. and Mrs. Rogers and children, Niagara Falls, Ontario, spent last week-end with bis par- ents, Rev. W. P. and Mrs. Rogers. EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE SPECIAL SERVICES SUN., JUNE l3th WITH REV. E. WILLIAMS 0f Port Coîborne, Ont. 11.00 a.m.-Worship 2.30 p.m.-The dedication of the new church building 7.30 p.m.-Evangelistie Week Nights-Tuesday through Friday, at 8 p.m. A hearty welcome awaits you Pastor Carman Lynn Mrs. (Rev.) W. P. Rogers was guest speaker at the meeting ol the Woman's Missionary Society. in Newtonville, Tuesday after- noon last. Her theme was "Jap- anese in Canada". 3 Tbe winner of the quilt raffled -by the Girls' War Service Club was T. Freeman, 190 Monk St., Oshawa. The lucky number was 284. Mrs. A. A. Honcyman was rcalled te Ottawa Monday on acceunt of the serieus illncss et ber son, Lieut. Bradley Honey- man. Miss Jean Rundle was taken te Bewmanville General Hospital last night for an appendecfomy. She toek iii at work yesferday in Oshawa. "If now appears there arc seme fields thaf wifl net be sown this year,' states E. A. Summers, agri- cultural representative, in the Weekly Crop Report. Mrs. Fraser, Mrs. Herd, Ruth and Marilyn, Toronto; Mrs. Morris and Don Morris, R.C.A.F., Osh- awa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McTaggart. Miss Margaret Searles, Hamil- ton, attended the Dcwell-Pickard wedding on Saturday and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard. Mrs. T. Bennett and Mrs. Bihl Paterson spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Bennett, Toron- te. Mrs. Bennett remained for a two wecks' visit. Mrs. Alan Marshall and Miss Mariene Webber, Thornhiil, Man.; Mrs. Carlyle Stevens and Gerald, Toronto, wcre guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dewney. Stuart R. James bas been ap- poinfed secrefary-treasurer et the Bowmanville Hospital Board, fuI- ing the vacancy caused by the deafh of bis uncle, Chas. H. Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Aider, Bow- manville, and Cpl. Harry Taylor with Mrs. Taylor and son, Kings- ton, spent Sunday witb their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tay- lor, Brock St. S., Wbitby. E. W. S. Ward, son et Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ward, Concession St., won the $75 scholarsbip offered by the Association of Professional Engineers ot Ontario at the Uni- versity ef Toronto for third year students. Ie the account et the piano and organ recifal given by Miss Phyllis Challis, A.T.C.M., and ber pupils, wbich appeared in last week's Statesman, the names et Lorna Fletcher and Joan Woolley were ornitfed inadvertently. We regret that this happened. Pilot Officer Harold Jack Jen- nings, R.C.A.F., wbo was reporfed missing in March and later ad- vised bis relatives be was "safe and well" is back in Canada and expects te visit bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sid. J. Jackman, this weck. Mr. Geo. W. James bas re- turned te town te resurne bis, duties as editor et The States- man after being nearly five mentbs in Montreal and Ottawa as special adviser from the War- time Prices and Trade Board te the Administrafor of Consumer Ratiening. According te information re- ceived fromn the Commanding 0f- ficer et Ne. 11 Recruifing Centre, R.C.A.F., Toronto, F. G. Moffat, Scugeg Street, Bowmanville; F. X. Hogan, Brown Street, Bow- manville; and W. F. Hoar, New- castle, enlisted le the R.C.A.F. during the past week. Ameng the bonered guests at the rally of the 95fh and lOOth Girl Guide Companies beld at Owen Sound this week was Mrs. W. J. Ward, District Commis- sioner, wbo bas been actively en- gaged in Girl Guide work fer many years. Mrs. Ward is a sis- fer et Mrs. Herman Westaway and Harry and Fred Grigg, ef this town. Sehool days are drawing te a close for tbis term and there will be many strange holidays enjoy- ed-or af any rate, lived fbrougb -by the pupils this year. Al over the age et 16 are supposed te, get a job et some kind te belp witb the labour situation. Some are going on fruit farrns, others te ordinary farrns, seme te jobs at lunch counters, and again, others are leaving sebool f0 fake up per- manent positions or to join the Ivarious branches of the armed Iforces. Corporal Claire Garton, son of IMr. and Mrs. T. A. Garton, bas re- cently graduated as a motor me- chanie from the Airpiane School at Gaît. Claire has the enviable sreputation of belng the leading f man in his class ail the way through his course, with the ex- ception of one exam wbere he was just down one point. He bas now been appointed an instructor at 1the St. Thomas School. Mrs. T. H. Knight, Mrs. Russel Hobbs, Misses Mary McAllister, 3Betty Rice and Bernice Gay were hostesses at a iniscellaneous 3sbower for Miss Gertrude Hooper, ibride-elect, at the home of Mrs. 1Knigbt, May 26. Spring flovers -decorated the bouse and the din- ing roem table was levely with hules of the valley and pink tapers in silver candelabra. A number of pyrex articles, wrapped in pink and white, were presented to the bride in a decorated basket. A number of contests were conduet- ed atter which the 35 girls present enjoyed a delicious lunch. Mr. Wm. A. Cryderman, Vernon, B.C., bas been visiting bis bro- ther, Mr. F. M. Cryderman, Sil- ver St., and numerous other rela- tives in this district. It is 51 years ago Mr. Cryderman lef t bis native village of Hampton for the Pacific coast xvhere he bas been a successful building con- tractor. He learned the building trade bere with the late Andrew Pennington. In recent years Mr. Cryderman bas been employed by the Federal Governrnent as Build- ing Inspector with the Department ef National Defence. He is son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Cryderman, Hampton, who bad 14 children, 12 are stili living. Mr. Cryderman bas promised to send us Some interesting bistory of bis family .wbicb goes back to the days when the U. E. Loyalists first settlcd in Canada. Ask Teachers To Work During Holidays L. F. Coulson, Manager of the Local Ernployment and Selective Service Office at Oshawa, states that be bas received special in- structions originating witb Arthur MacNamara, Director of National Selective Service, that special ef- forts must be made to absorb school teachers into farrning or other essential work during the summer holidays. "Honourable Humphrey Mitch- eli, Minister of Labour recently issued an appeal to scbool teacb- ers to engage at farming or other essential work during the summer tirne," Mr. Coulson said. "The Minister appealed to teachers, not to regard the closing of the scbools this year as a holiday, but rather as an opportunity to aid directly in solving Canada's wartime labour problems." Mr. Coulson said that the Local Emplo3Pment Office will give special attention to rcgistering teachers, cither for work in this district, or for essential work in their home locality or even else- where, depending upon wbere work is available. It is not the intention of Selec- tive Service, Mr. Coulson pointed out, te kcep teachers away from the special summer courses wbicb tbey are sometimes required te take. Moreover, it was empba- sized thaf teaching itsclf is a very bigh priority occupation, and that the present intention is to get teachers te accept jobs for the summer only, after wbich thcy will return to the teacbing pro- fession. Board Ratifies Teachers' Appointment The appointrnent of three new members te the teacbing staff of Bowmanville scbools was ratified at Tuesday night's meeting of the Board of Education. Miss Helen Trace, of Rockland, succeeds Miss Jean Lennox as teacher of French and German at the bigb scbool. A. R. Jackson of R.R. No. 1, Hagersville, filîs the vacancy left by the resigna- tion of Clifford Godwin from the public scbool tcaching staff. The other appointrnent to the public school staff is that of Miss Gladyc Joblin wbo replaces Miss Ida West. Miss Joblin cornes from the Indian Reserve at Caughnawaga. Quebec, and is a sister of the Rev. F. Joblin. It was announced thaf 48 boys passcd the St. Jobn's Ambulance course taken in cennection with cadet training. Principal L. W. Dippeil reportcd that the hig scbool students had purchased $1,000 worth of war savings cer-s DEATH SMITH-At ber Summer home, "H o me Bush", Bowrnanille Beach, on Wednesday, dune 9, 1943, Mabel Read. dearly be-1 loved wite et William Allison Smith. Resting af the funcral chapel et Northcutt & Smith, Bowmanville, un ti i Friday, dune 11. Service at 12.15 p.m., thence te St. Paul's Churcb, Runnymede, Wilard Ave., To- rente, for service at 2.30 p.rn. Interment Mo u nt Pleasant Cernetery. MUST FORWARD COUPONS FOR MEAT IN LOOKERS Consumers, including farmers, wbo had meat stored in leekers on May 27 are required te report their holdings te the ration office et the Prîces Board betore dune 30. Thcy must also turm in cou- pons te cever their holdings at the rate et one coupon for eacb two pounds et meat beld. Total number et coupons surrendered by a boider need nef exceed 50 per cent et the total number et coupons in the ration books et al the consurners in bis beusebeid. Soldier's Letter Lieut. Wm. G. James, 141h Army Tank Bn., Canadian Army Overseas, May 28, 1943. Dear Folks: I rcceived consider- able mail tonighf and last nigbt. I receivcd a letter fromn Eric Swindells today. I wish I could bave seen him but I don't expect that 1 will get a chance for a couple weeks at least. Newspapers have been pretty scarce s0 I have te rely on letters te bring me rnost of the news. Cigarettes have been corning in pretty good but its about time. I tbink tbey have been beld up some place along the line. Mother speaks of baving a lot of ramn. I didnt even know wbat ramn meant until I came over te, this country. You can neyer tel when it is going te ram eor once it starts boxv long if will keep up. Tbey do have some sunny days which transform the country into a garden paradise, but they are few and far bctween. I arn back witb my regiment and bey arn I glad f0 do somne constructive work for a change. Wednesday nigbt we went f0 sec a War Service show that was real good. I guess P'm becorning more Anglicanized ail the tirne. Last night we had a mess din, ner wbich was qulte an affair. For this occasion we managed te secure a couple of cbickens and along with a liffle beef, cauli- flower, dressing and potatoes if made quite a meal. The dessert was bread pudding which was a welcorne change frorn rice. I expect te get leave witbin the ncxt three weeks. I'rn ccrtainly looking forward te if as army life gets pretty monotonous affer nearly nine months witbout a leave of any kind. I received a couple Statesrnans today but havcn't bad time te read tbem yet. Dont forgefte keep the letters ceming. Love te aIl, WILL. United Church W. M. S. The Wornan's Missienary Se- ciety met Thursday, dune 3rd. If was announced that books et the circulating library were avail- able at the boeeoe Mrs. Cecii Fergusen and rnerbers were urged te read as many as possible. Tribufe was paid te the mcm- ory et one et the oldesf and rnost faifhful members, Mrs. John Douglas. Miss Swimmings, a representa- tive et the Upper Canada Tract Seciety, gave a brief address in wbich was outlined the work et the society for the Sailors' Inland Mission. This work, which began 75 years ago, bas centinued under the missionaries, Thomas Bowen, darnes Judson and now Cameron Orr. Rest bernes for the sailors bave been established at Port Arthur, Kingston and Toronto, and many corntorts provided. As an example et these, a ditty bag was produced and explained. The society placed the first books in the library et Christie Street Hospital. Books are sent to the sailers, te ightbouses, and even1 te R.C.M.P. stations le the Arefie. As the Readers' Digest is espec- ially acceptable, members werc appealcd te, te, send used copies te 406 Yenge St., Toronto, trorn wbicb place they would be for- warded te those wbo corne under the werk et the mission. In the worsbip peried, Mrs. Baskerville gave the Seripture reading, Mrs. Cooke effered pray- er, and a solo, "His Eye Is on the Sparrew", was contributed by Mrs. Truman Clarke. The study book fepie, "The Cburcb, the City and Recreation'. was dealt with by Mrs. Mellow. If was pointed eut thaf suitable recreation for children, youlbs and aduits alike gees far in the prevention et juvenile dehin- qiiency and crime. Much basl been accomplished by variousor ganizations sucb as the Big Bro- ther movernent, Scouts and C.G. I. T. greups, but the work is bandl- icapped by limited funds. Mrs. Norman Rickard, in a zeost inferesting manner, gave echoes et the Conterence Branch et the W.M.S. beld in Oshawa. St. Paul's W. A. St. Paul's Wornen's Association held ifs mentbly meeting, Tues- day. The president, Mrs. Pingle. was in the chair. Group one pt on a varied pregramn whicb was much appreciafed. Miss D. Creas-i ser sang, "The Second Minuet". 1 Mrs. H. B. Foster read sorni - teresting articles dealing with the Soviet Union ef Russia. Little Miss Janet MeGreger displayed much promise in a piano number. Mrs. Cox's centribution was a magazine article, "Lite in a Suib- 1 marine". Mrs. W. H. Carruthers gave a talk on the Alcan Highway, il- lustratcd with pictures faken byI Everett Hoar and sbown by Rev. 1 F. doblin. Master Ray Dudley 1 gave a fine vielin piece, accoinp- 1 anied by Mrs. Dudley. Tag Days Raise Funds For Navy League The Navy League et Canada bad a successtul Tag Day Satur- day, in Newcastle and Clarke Township. In Newcastle, H. Me- Coli had charge et the organiza- tien and fogether with bis helpers collected the splendid sum et $14.89. Ie the village et Newfonville, Frank MeMullen and several sehool children raised $8.52. Kendal village, with Mrs. Hilditch in charge, collecfed $11.60, and Orono village, under Mr. J. J. Mellor, wi h fthe assistance et sev- eral Girl Guides, coliectcd $2831. This is a very credifable shewing indeed and indicates the appre- ciation et our people in the won- dertul work the Navy League dees in belping the sailers who are guarding our oceans. The total ameunt centributed was $63.32. Obituaries GEORGE LEVI IVILBUR ~lhc cleatb occurred je the Os.b- a,.aGeneral Hospital, Moeday. Jue 7, et George Levi Wilbur. v,(11 knewn and lite-long resu- dunt et Darlington Township, in hli: 72ed ycar. Mr. Wilbur had been in failing hcalth for several Ycars and had been ceefincd te hospital for the past four weeks. The son et the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Wilbur, he was bore at the family homestead, Lot 3-1. Concession 7, Darling toen Townsbip, and resided on the tarm wbere he was bore, tbrough- eut bis lifetime. An accomplisb- e(l musician, he was much in de- niand as a vielinist for country dances as a young man. He was a member ot Mount Vernon MeIthodist Cburch which was de- mulIishcd seme years age. île leaves te meure bis passing b:s wife, the fermer Faminta Dickinson, te xvhom bhe was mar- lied 48 years age; two daughters, ?drs. Frank Ashton et Darling- ton and Miss Willcna at home, and tour sons, Elweod of Taunton, Thomas and Sholar on the home- stead and Joseph et Columbus. A sister, Mrs. Job Tbompsen et Woodstock, aise survives. His only brother. Clarke Wilbur, pass- ccl away carlier this year. The funeral xvas held from the farmily resideece this afternoon, QJonc 10), folloxved by interment in the Oshawa Union Cemetcry. Rev. R. H. Wylie. oastor of Col- H-ope, and the many beautitul S lr floral tributes sbowed the estecmSae ie whicb the clecea-ed was held. ____ The S.S. anniversary serviîces JOHIN A. BARRIE i were held Sunday atternoon and i cvening xvben a goodly number le the passing ef John Alex- were in attendance. Singing by aîîder Barrie, dune 1, Newtonville the scheol. assisted by Mrs. K. lest one of its lite-long residents. Werry. '.as wcll rendered and Though bis hcaltb had net been Rev. J. MeLachian, Newtonville, very good for seme years, be was delivercd two verv impressive ad- around managing the affairs of dresses. Our paster was able te bis tarm. dune 1sf be was in the attend and take part in the affer- village. with Mrs. Barrie, when neen service. Beautitul floral scized \vith a severe heart attack decorations addecl te the attrac- whicb preved fatal sbortly atter tiveness ot the occasion. bis arrivai home. On Monday evening the Shaw He was born on October 20, Players presented their bumorous 1875, in the home where he passed play, "A Ready-Made Family', away. His parents, John Barrie te a large and appreciative audi- and Margaret Jobnston, settled ence. The caste certajnly deseî'v- there years betore. cd much credit for the realistie His brothers werc: Thomas and manner in whicb thcy portrayed William. both deceased. His sis- their respective parts.s fers are: Mrs. Sidney Hughes, Anniversary visitors were as 0O Dundas: Mrs. Thomas Sharpe. To- follows: M.vr. and Mrs. E. Werry, rente; Mrs. Culver, Cobourg; Miss Lizzie Barrie. deceascd; Little Ebenezer; Mrs. R. Richard, Mr. J Mabel Barrie. deceascd. and Mrs. K. Werry, Newcastle, of He married Estella M a u d Mr. and Mrs. C. Carruthers and! na Cobblcdick, Sept. 23, 1901, wbe Mrs. Rutherford, with Mr. and' witb their son, lurray, resi de on Mrs. W. Werry. î the farm south of the village etf Mr. and Mrs. T. Buttery and Newtonville. family, Town, with Mr. and Mvrs. IF. The fuineral service xvas heldlin L. Buttcry. IN Newtenville United Churcb, dune Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lancaster,fo 3, wbcre assembled a large num- Mr. and Mrs. T. Lancaster, New- ber et friends. Rev. J. MeLachlan tonville; Mr. and Mrs. I. Munday conducted the service and inter- and family, Maple Grove, Mr. ment was made le Lakevicw and Mrs. C. Welsh and family, Cemetcry. Newtonville. Town, with Mr. and Mrs. T. But- fery. *Mr. and Mrs. Smith and daugh- W] W edding ter, Long Sault, with Mr. and G Mrs. MCer LAURA SECORD CANDIES WOOL FOR SERVICE KNITTING ur boys want and need hand-knitted articles Fust received a neiv sbipment f ivool in khaki, air force and lavy. uy now while the supply lasts ,ANCY KNITTING YARNS N ATTRACTIVE COLOURS or ladies and children's sum- mer garments FATHER'S DAY JUNE 20 VE HAVE CARDS AND IFTS. REMEMBER FATHER umbiis United CIurch coeducted DEELLPICKA Mr. and Mrs. R. Worden, Maple ON tIS DULY the services. W C R Grove, Mr. and Miss Jackson, Town, Miss F. Crago, Mr. aed U a A levely cvcning, bouse wed- Mrs. Lane, Miss Ruby and Mr.J. W JE EL MUS. JABEZ T. BRAGG ding toek place on Saturday, dune Ross, Providence, xitb Mr. and J. W JE E L ____.lth. wben Lorraine, sec on d Mrs. L. Richards.1Phn 56 om vil Mrs. Jabez T. Bragg died May daugbter et Mr. and Mrs. A. W.un 28 at the home et ber soe-in-îaw, Piekard, became the bride et Sgt. Mr. and Mrs. M. Blackbun Phn 56 Bo avle Perey E. Greeefieid, 2 Carlisle Lewis Dexvell. son et Mr. andi Mrs. W. Foley, Hampton, Mr. and ..= -mm ...- Avenue, Bowmanville. The de- Mrs. A. Dewell. Rcv. J. E. Grif- Mrs. H. Folcy, Mrs. E. Twist and i________________ ceased, who bad been ill for four fth pertermed the ccremony and Raymond, Mapie Grove, wîtb mionths. was formerly Miss Mary Miss Hazel Riundle played the Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn. Misses Dorothy and Marion, Ty- Susan Nichoils, daughter et the wedding music. Tal igbted Mr. and Mrs. E. Winer, Mr. rone, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rundie, late Thomas and Jane Nichohis, tapers cast a glew over the sctting and Mrs. H. Winter and Robert, Mr. and Mrs. N. Yellowlees and and was bore in Hope Township, et white lilacs and American Harmony, Mrs. J. Luxten and babe, witb Mr. and Mrs. P. Cane. JulY 25, 1862. A member et Trie- Beauty tulips which rose from Master R. Ceombes, witb Mr. and Rcv. J. MeLachian, Newton- ity United Cburcb, she took a white standards. Mrs. R. Winter. ville, Mr. and Mrs. F. Samis, En- keen ieteresf in the W.M.S. and Given ie marriage by ber Mrs. W: Mottaf and son. Oreno. fieldwtMran s.EDode the W.A. et whicb she was a father, the bride was îoveîy in a Mr. and Mrs. K. Squair and Maryt r.adMs E ode member. floor-length gown. made witb a Jean. Shaw's, with Mr. and fa.Miry. Shinnid Mrs. G.Lngad n She is survived by three digh- rsofttb sireSbdie fimoredFnLsSuar ter, lli L Bagg Ms. lace and sweetbeart nccklîne. the Miss F. Werry, Miss E. ColeStpns fes.AlieL.Brgg Ms.P. E. dul kr a e eyfl ikand Mrs. Argue, Town, wutb Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. G. Drew and son, Grenfel (EvaB., Bwme-cable nef. Her fingertip veil was E. Silver. Oshawa, Mrs. A. Annis, Town, ville, and Mrs. E. W. RuedieMran r.M aiEfed th r.nd rsW.H dro. (Wieifred M.), Toronte; and tbree caugbt te a Mary Qucen et Scots M.adMs .SriEted ibM.adMs .Hnesn granddaughershalo, and she carricd a bouquet with Mr. and Mrs. C. Collacuft. Mr. and Mrs. Billett, Hampton, grnddagherMrs. Stewartetedrssadwiewetps Mr. and Mrs. G. Brent and with Mr. and Mrs. L. Welsh. Blartet DriM . Rund ie),roto Jand The bridesmaid was Miss Evelyn Gloria, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gaud spent Wilrn MeRud, Terntile JAPickard, sister et the bride, wbe Sunday with friends ie Toronto. A.trMs GenieBwmnve A was goweed le Nule green net, Mr. and Mrs. L. Coombes at- Siter, Mrs.eIrneam, lives at made similarly te the bride's. Her ing a two-picce drcss et rose and tended the Bishep-Miller wedding Slcoflle, and sa broer, vll.Hrry ead-drcss was a matcbing shoul- blue printed crepe. Navy ac- af Peterboro, Saturday. NcosivsaWsiyie.Hr der-length el hc elfo a esrean acosgofpk husband predeceased ber 19 yearspead viwihfelrmacssrsadacoag etuk ago. peatedbale, and she carried a carnations and mauve sweet peas. ago.bouquet et talisman roses. Lance Fer travelling the bride chose a The funeral was beld Monday, Corporal Russell Oke attendcd the navy and xvhite shepherd check Too Late To Classity May 31, trom Trinity United groom as best man. During the suit, navy and red accessorues, ________________ Chtircb witb Rev. J. E. Griffith signing et the register Mrs. Stuart and a corsage et red roses and otticiaîing. Six uepbews, Russell James. sister et the bride, sang lily-of-the-valley. FrSl Bragg, Otto Bragg, Harvey Barrie, "Because'. Mrs. Piekard, mother Out fetlown guests iecluded FrSl W i 11ii a mn Nichoils, Stanley et the bride, received. wearieg a Mrs. Spry. grandmothcr et the Nicholis, and Roy Nicholîs, were green printed sheer dress, wvhite groom. Leskard. Miss Gertrude palibearers. Interment was un accesseries and a corsage et car- Dewell, Peterboro. Miss Marîha FOR SALE - 9 YORKSHIRE Bowrnanville Cemetery. Friends nations and white sweet peas. Searles. Hamilton, Mr. S. Bea- PIGS, 6 weeks old. Howard were present f r o m Teronto, Mrs. Dewell, mother et the groom. cock, Toronto, and Mr. Earl Spry. P e a r c e, Newcastle, phone Stouffville, Newtonville and Port assisted witb the rcceivieg. wcar- Leskard. Clarke 4412. 23-1* BRYLCREEM --------------45e CRESS CORN SALVE -----50e DURATION LEG-DO ------49e GABY Suntan Lotion ----35e, 65c HOLLYWOOD WAVE SET 15e "IT" White Shoe Cleaner 15c, 25e ANACIN TA BLETS COWCNcou i FOR THE HIAMHEHO RELI EF OF --PAIN, ETC. MACLEAN] ~ STOMACH jÉ.m--'SP0W DE R Father's Day, Sun. June 2Oth IVe have in stock many items which would make suitable "GIFTS FOR DAD." These include smokes and smokers' supplies, billfolds, shave lotions and creams, shaving brushes, playing cards and gift sets. IF DAD IS IN THE ARMED FORCES SELECT YOUR GIFT FROM OUR ASSORTMENT AND SEND IT NOW. - BARGAINS - 29e Lavender Shave Cream ........ 22c Parowax, ilb............14ç GIN Lactogen A.S.A. Tal PILLS Jar Rings, Pocket Coi 39C-69C Pi.kham'u, ofNursers, 3 for - 10e 1.47een's Mustard, 4 oz 27e ulphur, 8 Dz..........8 Eno's Fruit Sait - - Wampole's Grape Sait 59e, 98e 50c, $1.00 BUY RADIO LICENCES HERE We have been appointed sole is- suer of radio licences for the Town of Bowmanville. i- ----69c, $1,59 ablets, 100's ----19e s12's 5e , Comp . 87e URSHME CASHMERE TISSUE Two Grades 10c, 3 for 25c 15c, 2 for 25e BAND-AID 10c, 25e KKOVAH Health Sait --29c, 79e NEET CREAM ----- . ODORONO ---------- TANGEL, for sunburn --- -- - --- -- wh uk NwWyt ~ieaner leeth, Brighter Smil Soft as a floocy1 68e, $1.13 --39e, 65e -------50eC BIANT $111 cloud! McOREOOR DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER ----------------------MUUUMMMMMUUU!--------------------------- L M~MMMMUUMMUMUMUMUU~~EUMMUUUUMUUMMM=*M*M** PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED lVhen you bring your prescription to us you can bc assured of the finest possible resuits. Each one is carefully studied and accurately LOWEST f illed with the purest ingredients. We specialize in this wvork. WVhenî PRICES sickness prevents you from bringing your prescriptions to us PHONE 792. -------------- _ WE SHALL CALL FOR T. FILL TT, AND DELIVER TT PROMPTLY 1->3 MEN...0 FIying Crew ARE NEEDED NOW WOMEN...0 "They Serve That Mon May FIy"l WiII You Give Him His Chance? Apply to the Mobile Recruiting Unit at THE TOWN HALL, BOWMANVILLE FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1943 Hours: 12 noon to 9 p.m. SERVE YOUR COUNTRY IN THE ROYAL ,ANDAN AIR RCE PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY immailim MOIDESS DELTS 2Sý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE r r q

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