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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1943, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THI1R5~DAY. JUNE 10. 1943 THE M IX ING BOWL Dy ANNE ALLA N Mydro Home Economist .... MOST POPULAR 31ARCH- THE W'EDDING 31ARCII Hello Honiermakers' To-da 'v's Jue bride-to-be still dlaims-lber traditionai right te xxedidiîîg morch. bridesmnaids anîd reception -in xvartimOstyle, et course. Gene are the costl!y xedding feasts-nîinus are simple in tune xith thet' unecs. Lunclieous for xvar brides are goy. informai af- faims and smnallei'. et course. due te ratiouing. Wîth careful plan- ninîg. thev cou stil ho nexer-to- be-forgotten exculs tuat will lîxe, forever in the brides merner. It is ne longer' possible for priut- ers te obtain the customoî'y ýtxve sets of envelopes foi' xeddiiug in- vitations and auuouucomeuts: mu the fuiturie the' insidoeux-celope xvii hoe iiissing. A. bufftel luucceoiî is a happy- choice for itht' military xedciu. It cou ho made lovelier and more effectixe if vouu centrix-o somte or- iginal ceutrepiece. perhaps wx-th a military motif. The' groonîs regimeutal badge ceuici be sketch- ed in loi-go size on both sîdes et a crdboord nieunt. coioured and cuit eut. Then set ibis uprighîi on1 the table and baîîk il xxith flox;vers on both sîdes. You might strike a patrietîc note xith ed corna- tiens. vchite snapdragons and blue delphiniums. 111 spite of vartîm-e coniplca tiens. -you1 cail manage a loveiv wcedding whenyouî'vce schemned and saved youri rations for a ,,, bile and i yoiî'Ilthe surpmised te f.nd boxv mucb friends xii shaî-e xitb the' bride-to-be. For a smoall group. - suggest you, choose eue of tht' feilowing menus: Ica Biscuits wthCu'eomed Chicken Salad Relis .\,soi'ted Tea Cakes Wedclîng Cake Punch Fisli in PattvN Shelis Moîilded Salod Clicese Sticks Strawberrx- Shortcake Gi-ape Juice or Ginger Ale RECIPES Wcdding Punch for 50 5 large botties gîape juice. I quai-t lemnon juice. 1 quart orange illico. 1 quart vveak tea. 1-2 pin'u maple svnîîp. Cool Nxitlh ice cubes. fiavoured %vitb orange. if possible. Sandwich Suggestions i. Use a butter spîead recipe te extend the butter. 2. M\,oisteii filiing-s with salad dressing. wil Win praise i you use The Chocolate Cocou 437 i 1TEA, ARE Bread, long called "thse staff of iife,*' bas piaved a pro- minent part in our diet. IVitis the rationing of certain foods and thse scarcity of potatoes, it bas taken on a ne%%, mx- portance. We ~-1 find ourselv'es eating more of It. Let us eat the besi EAT CARTER'S. Carter's Bread Is MADE IN BOWMANVILLE -F RESH FROM OVEN TO YOU- moud extraàct-,2-4 egg whites beaten stiff. 2 tsps. \-anilla. Croan- the butter with the sug- ar., Mix. sift and add flour, bak- ing powder and sait. Add corn- starch dissolved in mnilk, thon flavouring and beat smooth. Fold in egg whites. Bake in one 12" and one 9" pan lined with well- greased wax paper in a moderate 1 oven for one hour. Remove from oven; turn out and take paper from sides and bottomn. Decorate when cold, with ornamental icing. THE QUESTION BOX Questions have been answered directlv by mai]. Anne Allan invites you to write to ber c o The Canadian States- man. Send in your questions on homemnaking probiems and watch this column for replies. SBusiness Directory Legal , M. G. V. GOULD, B.A. L.L.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. IMASON, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col. lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilec Bldg., Bowmanvilie. Office hours 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipment in Office Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equipment, Arn bulance and Invalid Car. Tele- phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573 Licensed Auctioneers CLIFFORD PETHICK Auctioneer - Enniskillen Phone Bowmanvilie 2536 Specializing in Farm, Livestock. Impiements and Furniture Sales. Consuit me for terms and dates 50-tf TO PROTECT POTENCY- 4LWAYS )EPENDABLEI SINGERS AND THEIR SONGS r Written specially for Thse e Statesman by a well-known Durham boy, Fred R. Foiey, 123 Lake St., St. Catharines, Ontario. 1 O Canada O Canada! Our home and nativ e land! True patriet love in ail thy son command, With.glowing beamts xxe see the mise. The true North, strong and free; And stand on guard, O Canadz We stand on guard for thee. Chorus - O Canada! Glorieus and free! We stand on guard, w-e stand eî guard for thee! I anada! Vie stand on guard fa tbee. O Canada! Where pines and mapies grew, Great prairies spread and iordiJ rivers flow. How clear te us thy hrôad demain From East te Western sea; Thou land of hope for ail ta bui Thou true North, stmang and free O Canada! Beneath tby shinini skies, 1May' staiwart sens and gentie maidens mise »To keep thee steadfast tbrougin the years. From East te Western sea: Our ewn beloved native land, 3Our true North, strong and free. Ruler Supreme, Wiho beamest humble pray'r, Hoid our Dominion in Thy loving came. Heip Lus te fînd, O God in Thet', A lasting, rich reward, As, waiting for the hetter day, Vie ever stand on guard. Sevoral versions of '"0 Canada" bave been written but the lunes quoted fram the pen et Hon. R. Stanley Weir, D.CL., are becom- ing generally accepted as our official National Anthem. Foliowing the introduction of "The Maple Leaf Forever" by Alexander Muir in 1867, it spmang into popuiarity immediately aud, for mare than haîf a century, xvas accepted as Canada's National Antbem. But, in aur expanding prairies and great Nortbiand, where no maples grew, they couid net sîng "The Maple Leat" from the heart. Vihen the sang O0 Canada" appeared some thirty years ago it was recognized at once as containing a national sentiment and gradualiy sup- pianted "The Maple Leaf". To- day, il is firmly establisbed as our National Anthem. The original song xvas wmitten in French by Judge Routhier of Quobec ta fit the striking meiody cemposed by Calixa Lavallee, a French Canadian muisician. Tht' first Engiish translation mode its initiai public appearance mn To- mante by the Mendelssohn Choi- under Dector Vogt. The words, very clesely following the orig- inal French version of Jocîge Routhier, were written by Lt. Col. T. B. Richardson, M.D., of To- ronto, wbo was a member of the Mendelssohn Choir. As a youun g man, Dr. Richardson was muîch in demand as a singer and was ai- xvays interested iin music. lu- deed. he bad an orchestra in bis ewn home composed of the mcem- bers of bis family. Ho first beard "0 Canada" pîayed by a Frelich Canadian bond while on military dîîty in the C.A.M.C. camp at Niagara ai the lime et the' lirst World Viar. Here is Di-. Ric-b1- ýrdsou's version wbich dees miel fail te mention etur Christian faith upon which the pioneers cf Canada, hotu Englisb and French, always relied. ýO Canada! Ouur Faibers' iand etf old; Thy brow is crowned With beaves of red and gold. Beneath the shade of the Hely Cross Thy children own their birtb; May ne stain thy gloieus annals glass Since valeur shields their hearth. Almighty God! On Thee, we cali, Defend our right, forfend tbis na- tion's thrall. Another popular version te ho found iin aur Church hymn books is by Dr. Dormant Watson. It possesses ai once the qualities of a worship song and a National Hymn. The music by a Canadian ef French lineage and words hy a Canadian of English ancestmy make il a bymn highiy prized and suug with ferveur throughout the Dominion. Lord of the lands, beneath Thy hending skies, On field and flood where'er our banner flies, Tby people lift their hearis te Thee, Their grateful voices raise: .May our Dominion ever he A temple te Thy praise. Thy xill alone lot all enthrone; iLord of the lands, make Canada Thine ewn: Lord of the lands, make Canada Thine own! Almighty Love, hy Thy mysteri- eus power, In wisdom guide, with faith and freedom dower; Be ours a nation evormore That ne oppression blights, Wbere justice ules from shore te shore, From lakes te northern lights. May love alone for wmeng atone; Lord of the lands, make Canada Thine own: Lord of the lands, make Canada Thine own! Lord of the worids, with strong etemnal hand, Hold us in bonour, truth and self- command; The loyal heamt, the constant mind, The courage te ho true, Our xide oxtending Empire hind, And ail the earth renew. Thy Name ho known tbrogb every zone; Lord of the worlds, make ail the lands Thine own: Lord of the worlds, make ail the lands Thine own! Amen. A.. D . Watson, 1859-192,î, Electrical energy capacity on the Grand Coulee dam on the Columbia River in Washington, is now nearly haif a million kilo- watts, patically ail of it is used in aluminium, chemicai and sbip- building war industries. Eyesight Education And 1fficency By C. H. Tuck Optemetrist EyesigJ, Speciabist Disney Bldg. (opp. P-0.) Oshawa Phone 1516 260 The excessive smoker to be af- fected in this way is generally a pipe smoker with the use of cigars also but cigars without the pipe seldomn are the cause on account of the entailed expense. cigarettes, on the contrary, are more likely to seriously affect the system ini some other xvay before the eyes would be affectcd. In ciosing I may add something regarding toxic poisoning other than that of tobacco or alcoliol. Although I may add here that it would bring on the condition quicker than the us0eof the une alone. It is alxvays understood of course, that certain physical con- citions will aliow for the develop- ment of this condition quicker than in others, the' meaus of elim- ination in some individuais being greater than in others andi much qoîcker, but it is a certainty that in those not so affected the drain upon the vitality of the individ- ual is sure te be great. (To Be Continued) 1 - - - 2 ý - Flatirons Used ln Many f YOUIR DREADip/TopSI.MExperts Say Ail Fruits Homes Need Attention ' Can Be Put Up With- lu mauxy parts of Canada anîd \ j__- Out Use 0f Sugar particularly in the' rural districts Less s u g a r avaîlablefor wý%here therýe is littie electrie cur-I (ing this sumrmer nieed not re- l'eut, ironing the' faily.,.s laundry -ýinep0 elrs vcn is usual done x'ith old-style shelvnes and wsefrui,forail flatirons. These are mostIy used sevsadwse rifrat lu pirsor ets f tree twohea- Ifruit can be successfullv cauned ingpir or thts okitchere, \wýohe .itoitsugar. ing n te ktelen rngewhie iDirections for sugariess canning the other is ini use. ~ ' as xell as for canning by the Like evory type of iron, flat- usuai methods are contained in irons should be kept dlean at ail the new bulletin publishied by the times. The bottomis may o bc ~, Consumer Section of the' Domin- smoothed by ruhbing tbem on sait MVY YA$ ion Department of Agriculture. or wx One cf the wvorst enemies IsDrecion for making jam and of flatirons is rust. therefore they ~1>I/S. jelly within the wartime sugar sbouid bc protected bv being kept' allowance are a 1 s o included. dry. Every woman wvho plans to cao * this summer, whether she be ex- perieîîced or new at the job, 3. Use differeut kinds cf bread. should have a copy of this bulle- 4. Use different shapes and sie tiu. It may be obtained by writ- of sandwiches. MI iug to Publicity and Extension 5. Suggested combinations: Division. Dominion Department Creamn cheese and jelly: i' of Agriculture, Ottawa. Old cheese and cross' or lot- J, InI lual cases whero fruit is t uce: cauued witbout sugar, 5 minutes Chopped eggs and pickles;:ex'a sterilization time should bc Raisins. cooked and moisten- allowed. Strawberries. r a s p- ed with lemon juice: ;/1q bernies. cher'ries. bluebomnies, cur- Mined hicenandcelry rauts. plums and rhuharb can ho Home-niade fish paste with packed into sterilized soalers and mayonnaise: crushod until the juice overfloxvs. Musbrooms, chopped aundI~în Thoy are then pamtialiy sealod and cooked. /i'/ sterîlized . An alternative motbod Kornettes /, Mcde la used for poars. peaches and apri- 1 egg white, 1 cup liglit Coade cots, is te pack the fruit ie steri- browu sugar. 2 tsps. shorten- lîzed seaiers. then f111 the seaiers meg. 3-4 cup chopped popcorn, with boiling wator instead of 1-4 tsp. sait. 1-2 tsp. vanilia. syrup. partially soal and storilize. Beat elgg white \vry stiff and .NU ESE S There's ne noed te ho discour- st iii beatiug mix in the sugar. jaged if the chiidren como home Aleit sbortening aînd into this stir B KI G MA with thoir herry pails filled and the chopp_________________sait__and__ ou fiud yusl ihu h \'anilla. Foid the tw'o mixtures te- # ueeded sugar. Can the fruit the lthr canpd dropcb oî' ait LUd Se Cur1ef wthou th gehe ad rpv ponuls onsîîgarless way. Be sure te label greased baking shee'i. Bake inte jars "ne sugar". This fruit electric oven (250l-300l dogrees). mATN ,E E - nakes wonderful pies and pud- Wamtinie Bride's Cake TE * E OA E dings and when you have te take 2 cus btte. 4 -2 upssugar from the family ration te 2uar cups buttr. fl 1-4up sweeten the fruit as you use it tsp. sait. 8 tsps. baking po; -remnembor, - you'd tehae han- der, 2 cups eorustamch. 5 cups WR'PPED AIR TIGHT other dessert milk. 2 tsps. rosewater or ai- RPE AITG ohrdset RATION NEWS Kitchen Weapons Must Be Kept ln Good Repair Se often the more impor~tant kitchen appliances are given care and attention while "the junior commandos" such as the toaster, tsaudwich grill, coffee maker aud 1roaster are negieeted. These re- quiro special attention. pai-ticu- larly now that their manufacture is lîmited. Toasters, for instance, require frequent cleaning with a soft brush or cloth. They shouid nover ho shaken te try and get rid of the crumhs. Another thing that dees a toaster ne good is te stab it with a fork whenever the toast or a crumh or raisin gets stuck in its innards. Somo day that fork will cause a short circuit. Sandwich grills, after being used in toasting gooey sand- wiches should ho thoroughly cleaned of ail grease traces. "Burning grease" is the roasen that se many times "semething smeils funny" when the grill is used. Coffee makers s h o ulbho haudlod with great care and should ho kept in a safe place where they wiil net ho broken. They sbould ho kept clean at ail times. Roaster attention is most im- portant. It must ho kopt dlean. Disconnect hof o re cloaning. Nover immerse units in water and be caroful net te bond the fragile wire in the units. Do uot use sharp metal tools te scrape it. Nestieton Mr. and Mýrs. Ivan Proutt and famiiy visited bis sister, Mrs. Wel- don Neal. Victoria Rnad, and Miss Ruth Proutt returned home with them. Mr. Wm. Jackman, Toronito. vis- ited bis brother, Mr. Arthur Jack- man. Miss Lenore Fallis, Biackstock, visited Miss Jean Malcolm. Mrs. Jas. Malcolm, Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter and Jamie visiteci Mrs. L. Joblin. The pupils of Cedar Dale School sang at the Sunday School with their teacher, Mrs. Panke, at the piano. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scott and family, Oshawa, visited Mr. H. Wheeler. Miss Evelyn Marlow, Oshawa, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Marlow. Mrs. W. Drinkie, Victoria Har- bar, visited ber sister, Mrs. Gleorge Bowers. The Nestieton Women's Asso- ciation will meet at the home of Mvrs. Alex Mairs, Thursday eve- ning, June 17. Meeting in charge of Mrs. W. Williams' group. Miss Jean Malcolm and Mr. Neil Malcolm visited friends at Breokiin, Sunday. Miss Jean sang at their anniversary service. j The Nestieton W.I. met in the Nos. 7 & 8 Beame valid \av 27 1Reum!ain alid Nos. 9 & 10 Becone vaid Ju uc 24 ou Itil dclared 1 in vald. Nos. 12 & 13 Became valid «May 27 xpire Jue 30 Nos. 14 & 15 Becone vald Jue 10 Expire June 30 Nos. 16 & 17 Iecomne valid June 24 Expire July 31 Pair No. i Beamie vaid May 27 Expire jue 30 Pair No. 2 Becaine valid Jsîîîc 3 Expire june 30 Pair No. 3 Beconies valid Jue 10 Expire jue 30 Pair No. 4 Becones valid June 17 Expire July 31 Pair Ne. 5 Becomes valid Joue 24 Expire July 31 Voided Meat Coupons in Ration Cards If the Spare "A" 'Meat Cou- pons in x-oîr tcuîporary Ration Card are voj(lcd by hIorizoîntal black iuk lhues, v-ou uîost sectire nexv valid Coupons iin order te, purchiase nîcat. The euh-Y tempo- rars- Ration Cards te xVliîcb uew mneat Coupons xviii bc.attacheil arc thiose wlîosc lite extends tîeyiîd Mas- 27, 1943. Applica- tions shoiild l)C made te Local Ration B3oards, and usust lie ar- conîpanied by present Ration Cards. Lost Ration Books If vou flud a lest Ration Book yeu slîould mîail it at once te yoîîr Local Ration Board. X'Cben sou tornin iitbe fouîîd Ration Book be sure te state that you fouîîd it. Damaged or Des- troyed Ration Books If you loose your Ration Book, or 'damiage it se tbat it is ne longer fit for use, yeu slîould report the fart te your Local Ration Board at once, Inu scb cases arrangements are miade te issue a temiporarv Ration Card good for 30 days, pending in- vestigation and issuanre of a nexv book. Meat Allowance for Medical Cases Extra meat rations will he RATION ADMINISTRATIONI Ration Neiva - Wcck of June 7tIi, 1943. 1 basement of the United Church, G. Thompson. Plans were made [une 2nd. President, Mrs. M. for attending the District Annual. Emerson was in the chair. The Mrs. S. Malcolm invited the W. cases olv on the recommeda- ticîl uf a docor. Applications, along witb uoctor's certificate, souldl e sent te the earest braudi of the Ration Admnis- tration. lia htics xx-o have al- readx- surreuîlred te the Ration Adiniistration, sugar Coupons ironi tlicir ration books need nt preseît a second certificate from a doctor w licu appxi u ig for extra meat rations, providing the aniout rqiired is nt iin excess of the umaximumsalow d. Meat Ration Charts De sure te take your Meat Coupon Vale Clart xith yen wbcu you biiy ncat. It sases timie . . . uîkes biig asier. If you have uîot received eue, or have lost volr copýw of this cart, apply te 'our Local Ration D oard for another. Mcerclans rqiiring additioal cet Coupon V\alue or Vible- sale Meat Valuec Charts may ase, sectre tlese fromn their Local Ration Board. Play Fair Witlx Your Grocer- for your owcn sake. Hlousewvives are urged te, see that the correct Coupons -and the righit number eft tem -arc takeu 1w- the delix-ery boy for auy rationed commiodities she boys and bias delivered te her homne. If a grocer dees net get the proper Cotupous te rover bis sales, he cau't boy flic proper amount of replacement supplies - and therefore will be uuable te take came et bis custemer's future rogram was in charge of Mrs. to her home for the July meeting. B OBBY doesn't realise it-but teamn-mate about tomorrow's big production nman may ho trying to on wvhich lives depend. while lie taika to his game a hard-pressed get through a message f7 HE CAN STOP A REAL TANK TOO! COFFEE, SUGAR, BUTTER AND MEAT .RATIONED BUT Bread [s Not Rationed Here's one more way in which youngsters can show their loyalty to the cause for wliich their fathers and big brothers are fighting. And lct's be sure that uc set them a good example by using the telephone only for neccssary ca1s ... and by keepingr them brief. WAR CALLS MUST COME FIRST. 0*Buy Wor Savingt Stamps ot A .IQ rn ,lan and Certificales Regulorly. M ngr PAGESIX i Umm Tea,/Coffee and Sugar Coupons: Butter Coupons: Meat (Spare î"A") Coupons: THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1943 0 s k

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