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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jun 1943, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE l7th ,1943 Cadri1s 1 e of Columbus. gv ga v attemorning service. The Sunday School anniversary "t holarlýs of the Sundiy School at- held Sundy wilth Re\ R.H. t e n d 'Mahoods and Dex -itts DOWMANVILLE'S FAVORITE! No wonder Cart.er's is Bom-manvilles favorite bread-its fresh- baked flavor is a real food thrilI! And youll like our rolis and cake, too. Try it today and delight Your family. Carter's Bread Is MADE IN BOWMANVILLE -FRESN FROM OVEN TO YOU- L'veryon e likes the Chocolate Cocona 4 6«ft4( ~'d442m ;% rý IZpaaemil Sehools and they were trained by* their teachers. Miss I. Hickling and Miss J. Coulter. They occu- pied the choir loft ai-d gave a group of three numbers as well as a selection by the scholars of Devitt's School. In the evenmng Dr. R. P. Bowles occupied the pul- pit and gave a stirring address on "Christians and Christianity'", in which he stressed the fact that Christianity was the most reason- able and the loveliest thing in the world. The music was again pro- vided by the scholars with a sel- ection by the two schools and a double quartette by eight of the scholars from Mahood's School. Miss Jean Coulter was pianist at both services. A Thank-Offer- ing in aid of the Sunday School was received at each service and as the weather was ideal the church was filled to capacity. Rev. D. M. Stinson was present at each service. Congratulations to Miss Bessie Edgerton on passing her Normal School exams. She is engaged as teacher at Purple Hill School. Rev. R. H. Wylie o! Columbus, Rev. D. M. Stinson of Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Tenny Samelis, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and Miss Verna Trewin, Haydon, at Mrs. J. E. Elliott's. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bradburn, Blackstock, at Mrs. Meredith Fallis'. Mr. Fred Veale, Nestieton, at C. H. Fallis'. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, Newcastle, at Mrs. Oscar Mc- Quade's. Mr. and Mrs. Everand Sander- son and Jean, Toronto, at W. B. Fergusons. Mrs. Bill Robinson, Toronto, at Edgar Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Philp. Edward and Catherine. at C. H. Fallis' and W. G. Philp's. Mr. Frank Goff at home. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Brown and babe spent the week-end at Rus- sell Brown's. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Pearsaîl, New York, are occupying their cottage for the summer. The best is always the better buy! .Authiorized Bottier of "Cora-Cola" HAMBL's C AIBONATED BEVERAGES - OSHIAWA Burketon Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cochrane, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Oke and Bi]ly, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Jarvie Adams, New Park, Mr. and Mrs. L. Bullied, Toronto, Mrs. S. T. Ferguson, B]ackstock, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams. . . Mrs. F. Caughill and W. Hoskins with friends in Hampton. .. Mr. Ches- ter Hoskins and Dr. Strutt at To- ronto. . . Mr. H. Trick and Mrs. Tashire Manvers, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Trick, Mllbrook, at Mr. Trick's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huckon and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Vandreal and familzz, Mrs. Mel- ville Clark. Oshawa, wîth Mr. S. Moffatt... Mr. J. Smith and Orvis, Pontypool, at J. Curran's.. . Mr. anid Mrs. J. H. Gatcheil, Mr. Pete Gatcheli and Christina spent the week-end at Kinmount... Mr. and Mrs. Grant Carnochan, Ruth and Lawrence, with Mr. Roy Carno- chan, Raglan. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. Adams spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Verdun Lethangue. Bowmanville. Mrs. L. Patterson returned home wth thern... Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm and famn- ily, Ennisklllen, with W. H. Rahm. The Burketon W.A. met at the p a r s o n a g e, Enniskillen. Mrs. Caughill's group prepared the program and served lunch. LAC Roy Carter, A.O.S., Lon- don. Ont., visited his home over the week-end and Mr. and Mrs. R. Rowan, his sister, Enniskîllen. Enfield Anniversary visitors: M is s Annie Yeo. Bradley's, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston and Mrs. H. Werry, Enniskillen, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman. . . Misses Jean Westwood and Vera Stinson. Mr. and Mrs. T. Whillier, Toronto, and Cpl. R. Stinson, Manning Pool. at the Stinson home. . . Rex-. R. H. Wylie, Columbus, Rev. and Mrs. Plant, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Beaton, Ian Beaton. and Miss Bessie Pascoe, Oshawa, with Mrs. L. Pascoe. .. Miss Cor- sina Samis, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis. . . Misses Pearl. Evelyn, Jean Taylor, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Taylor... Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott arnd family, Solina, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Prescott. . . Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pascoe, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston, Maple Grave. and LAC Howard Ormiston with Mr. and Mrs. W. Pascoe.. . Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Glenda and Eunice, Nestleton, and Miss Verna Ormiston, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith. . . Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormiston and Mrs. J. Grieves, Bowmanville, and Mr. J. J. Ormiston. Oshawa, with Mrs. W. J. Ormiston. There was a good' attendance at anniversary services Sunday. Rev. R. H. Wylie, Columbus, de- livered two fine addresses. In the afternoon the children sang and in the evening music con- sisted of a musical quartette, a solo by Miss Grace Stark, To- ronto, and piano and organ duets by Mrs. G. Bowman and Mrs. H. Beaton of Oshawa. Monday evening Shaw's Home and School Club presented its play, "The Ready-Made Family", which xvas greatly enjoyed. Mr. W. Pascoe and Mrs. G. Bowman gave violin and piano music be- tweet acts. Nestieton Visitors: M!rs. Anson Taylor, Blackstock, visited her daughter, Mrs. Stanley Malcolm. . . Mrs. J o h n Henderson visited her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs ...Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Samelîs, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs, Melville and Anna, visited Mr. Walter Samelîs, Scugog. . . Mrs. Frank Playfoot, Lindsay, with Miss Ethel Thompson. .. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheeler and Glen with friends in Oshawa. . . Mrs. John Wonnacott, Bowmanville, visited her daughter, Mrs. David Johns. . . Mrs. R. Williams, Miss Iva Williams, Toronto, Mrs. Fred Todd and Ross Clarke calied on friends at Nestleton.. . Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson, Gladys and Irene, visited friends at Brooklin.. . Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm visited ber mother, Mrs. Peter Wright... Mr. Harvey Mal- colm, Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin vis- ited Mr. Rae Malcolm, Yelverton ..Mrs. John Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. K. Samelîs, Melville and Anna, visited friends at Janet- ville. . . Mr. Sam Crawford, To- ronto, is spending a few days at Nestleton.. . P.O. Robt. Ewers, R.C.N.V.R., Quebec City, spent a few days at home. His wife and daughter Ann returned with him for three months. .. Mrs. Clifford Township Council DARLINGTON COUNCIL Darlington Council m et a t Hampton, June 5th, with Reeve W. R. Piekeil presiding. Communications were received from F. E. Hutton, N. O. Phiip, Bowmanvilie Hospital, and the Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario. The Council decided ta join the latter Association, provided W. L. Lycett, Assessar, can attend the convention. Road Superintendent presented bis re- port and vauchers for May, which were ordered paid. The bill o! W. J. Martin was turned over ta insurance company for adjustment. T. M. Slemon and Son, relief, $8.00; F. L. Byam, relief, $5.00; Belil Telephone Ca., service charge, $3.24; Caunties Treasurer, haspitalizatian, $53.38; W. E. King, auditing Township baaks, $150.00; Whiliier and Ca., supplies-assess- or, $3975; Mrs. E. V. Scobeli, prem. an bond, $2000; Provincial Treasurer, insulin, $3.20; F. B. Giaspeil, sheep inspection, $660; Sydney Worden, sheep damages, $47.50; Miss Annie Hoît, relief, $3.50; Dr. C. J. Austin, M.O.H.. $30.00; J. D. Hogarth, salary far May, $10000; J. D. Hogarth, Ex- cise and postage, $300; Dr. W. H. Stanley, pneumo thorax, $24.00; Norman Woodley, sbeep inspec- tion, $3.00; C. F. Jordan, repair assessor's bag, $5.50. Council adjourned ta meet Juiy 3rd, at 1 p.m Tyrone Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Greenwood and Mr. Lance Green- wood, Peterboro, were Sunday xisitors xith Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McCullough. . . Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Virtue, Oshawa, with Mr. Wm. Virtue. .. Pte. Herb Burgess, Mimico, with Mrs. Burgess and family. . . Mr. Ben Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stewart, Centreton, with Mr. and Mrs. Wiliis Stewart. . . Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hooper, Mrs. Jas. Storie, Orono, at Mr. Howard Philp's... Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Burgess and family with Mrs. F. Rase Suttan ..Mrs. L. Goodman, Mrs. Leslie Thompsan and Mrs. Robt. Hodg- son attended the District annual meeting of the W.I. at Biackstock ... Lieut. L. Webb and daughter, Maureen, Toronto, sp e nt the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. Tyrone Red Cross repart from May 2lst: Two quilts, Long Sault; 5 quilts, Tyrane, not re- ported before for 1943; 9 cot quiits,, 6 prs. service sacks, 1 single bed quilt, 1 large quilt, 13 prs. knickers, 8 prs. ladies' gioves, 2 men's turtie neck sweaters, 1 voile blouse. Mr. Thomas Barr received word Saturday morning o! the passing of his father, Mr. John Barr, Brampton, Ont. Mr. Barr bas been a patient in Peel Memorial Hos- pital, Brampton, for many months. Surviving are three sons, Allan and Jack, Brampton, and Thomas of Tyrone; also one grandson, Douglas Barr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barr and Douglas attended the funeral at Brampton, Monday. Purpie Hill Friday evening, June llth, an Euchre Party, sponsored by the Junior Red Cross of Purpie Hill School was heid in Blackstock Commuîïity Hall. The lucky xin- ners were Bob Middleton, Court- ney Graham, Susie Harris and Mrs. Mahaffy. Wilbur Toms won the consolation prize. A draw was made on a beautiful quilt which was made by the pupils. Harold DeMille had the winning num- ber. Prizes were presented ta two pupils who sold the most tickets. Wilma Toms and Arthur Gibson. Net proceeds amounted ta $25.80. Teacher is Miss Evelyn Harnden. URGENT NEED FOR EARLY MATURING SEED VARIETIES Department of Agriculture Is Making Effort to Make Supply Available No farmer who wishes ta plant early maturing oats (Cartier, Alaska, Mabel), barley, millet and buckwheat, needs ta go without seed, says John D. McLead. di- rector of the crops, seeds and weeds branch of the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture. There is a great demand for these types of seed at the present time, par- ticularly buckwheat, and the de- partment is exploring e v e r y possible avenue o! supply. One carload o! buckwheat seed is on the way from Manitoba, and a further supply from New Bruns- wick. In addition, Mr. McLeod has issued forms toalal Ontario sources of suppiy, asking them to list ail seed available for sale, nat oniy for the crops iisted above, but aisa hybrid and open pollin- ated corn, soya beans, peas, flax, Erben and Vanguard oats, rape, kale, clover and timothy seed. Farmers desiring to secure seed and finding difficulty in obtain- ing it are asked ta consuit the county agricultural representative or ta write direct to the Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch of the Ontario Department of Agri- culture. Each day, between 12.30 and 1 o' dock, iists of places where seed can be purchased will be broad- cast by Station CBL, and farmers are invited to listen ta these broadcasts, The annual meeting of the Central Ontario Division of the Industrial Accident Prevention Association was held Thursday night in Port Hope. Thirty-nine directors were present, including representatives from Bowman- ville. * MIN ëi vNAO VEwauld itaremInd the tic millionl ta.payers cf Canada Of tii Oltion tb fil 1942 Incarne T etUflbf cr theva 3On fJr mis, yeart h thehci5 a be asiimum f ied s that they a bO completed 1ihs e iiu Of tifle and effoart. IXdlasta aain me naOrn T~ dllture than Cd~ pay are nec6Ssayn rpr.eltg VUgîetbeT, are an investrnent in Our furepCendîcal Tbey are 1fisbting dollars"~ dolr. incarneTa% 1. f air ta all.aseal prsn s ts~ed ini ccordance wItb bis abilît ta al.n ceasy ial te vin a var. t a. Tbere is n owh ar rmust be Paie Motbaîf the coStS cfTa% is not Al cS I1 nv that the Incrne te uvn the by ta%~es. ut1 1ls Ino' fithe pleasBXlt burden,bUti lSn O fl soie C~janadins a the prIce and tO their w ith the same Urtbî tirrespansibilitî85 'h hveSne f raM au spirit as sbaifl by thase hhaea shares ta f'Sht jiflister cfliationl. RevonuO À AUL INCOME TAX RETURNS MUST BE MADE BY JUNE 30bk PAGE SIX ýl THURSDAY, JUNE 17th 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1

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