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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jun 1943, p. 8

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'w v~ - PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE l7th ,1943 The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Miss Reita Cooke. teacher at No. 9. lias accepted a position at Port Credit next termi. Municipal Council and Hall Board of Management havc re- ceiv cd a settlement from the in- surance companies involx'ed. for $4,300 for losses sustained in thse hall fire. April 7th. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Horrocks and daughiters moved. Saturday,. from their uptowýýn house. Green- fields. 10 their lakefront sumimer home. Half-a-Hill. Parochial Committee of St. George's Church met Monday. Unity Group of W.M.S. of Unit- ed Church. Mrs. Floyd Butler leader, met at "Suniivside'. home of Mrs. E. W. Fisher. Tuesday evening. Mrs. Chas. Megit. Miss Hattie A. Mason. Mrs. A. W. Pearce and Mrs. T A. Rodger werc responsîble for prograni and refreshnients. F o iirneniho OSHAIVA, ONTARIO Phone 1011 Free Parking THURS.. FRI., SAT., r JUNE 17, 18, 19 ALAN LADD As LUCKY JORDANt With1 Helen Walker. Mabel Paige, Sheldon Leonardr Tough. trigger mad and terrifiec MONDAI', TUESDAY JUNE 21, 22r Two Great Pictures- A story written in cannon-fire e FLYING FORTRESS i Starring Richard Greene, Caria e Lehmanna AlsoV Lloyd NolanL In TIME TO KILLn Withd Heather Angel, Doris Merrick, I Ralph BirdP M-m murder xvas isever likeq this I COMINGU JUNE 23, 24, 25, 26 A picture you cannot afford 10 Miss Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn In a KEEPER 0F THE FLAME i With 2 Richard Whorf. Frank Craven, ti Horace McNally C Full of tbrilis and suspense n tprovido tIse prograns ansd lunsch Leach montîs. W'.A. of Unîited Chsurcîs imet 1Tlîursday witb Mrs. Harold Tons iii tise chair. Mrs. H. M. Aliîî read the Seriptume lesson. Mmi. N. L. Rîckard gave a Rockcfeller îîsspirod leiipemaîsce talk. Mrs. A. W. Pcamce mepomted iset pro- ceeds of I$20 frointise Captaiîs Goddard evciig. Msrs. H. M. Alii's gmoup provided lIse pro- grains. Mmi. I. S. Alliî aîsd Mmi. Jîso. Hoînses coîitribulud rcadings; Miiss Edîtîs Heisdmy tavoured with a piano solo ansd Mrs. Ken. Werry %vith a vocal solo. accîsopaîîied by Mrs. E. C. Fislher. Mrs. Alliiî's group scmved lundil. Last Suisday at tise United Chsumch Rev. R.E. Mortoni mevie\v- ed sîsise oftflie featumes of tise mecoîst coîîtcroîce at Ganaiioquee. At lIse nsoîiîg service Mesdames [J. T. Bmowns. C. A. Cowan. H. M. Allil ansd H. R. Pearco reîsdemed a quartette. -TherehIl Be a Raiîî- bow By e ansd B '~ Sans Bremetoîs. youiîgest sois of Mi. ansd Mmi. Boit Brerotoîs. w lsad liii application iii for a posi- tions iintise CaîsadîaîîNav', lias re- ceived nsotice 10 report aI Kinîgs- loi Juise 2ist. Comp. Geo. Meadoxvs is oîs houi- days 1iroiss duties aI tise butrn- moist Camsp, Boxvmaiiviile. Miss Mary Chiaplin, Tomonto, w;ith lier osother, Mms. W. H. B. Chaplinî. Miss Dorotliy Treiswitb, Toron- to. svitb bier aunt, Miss E. L. Trenwith. Mns. Arthur Tuson and child- ron, Oshawa, aI bier fatbor's, Mr. Thos. Spenscer, Sm. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Joli and William, Ajax, with Newcastle relatives. Mr. Hudson Showe and George, Toronîto, at their Newcastle prop- erty and ef t James and Racbael in charge. Rex'. W. J. Byors of St. Shepb- en*s United Chorcb, Toronto, is again spending Mondays with Dr. W. H. Waiton-Baii aI Harris Lodge. J. W. Glennoy xxas in Toronsto î'isiting bis sister, Mrs. Wm. Ban- nerman. and attending the wed- ing. Satorday, of Miss Margaret MeIMulien and Mm. Jack M. Pritchard. TIse bride lias fre- juently been a sommer x'isitor aI Hiowxard Glenney*s. Miss MeMul- oen oflen atteîîded the Newcastle [United Clîurcb. Mm. aîsd Mmi. Fred Treheaven. Troonto. are lîolidaying aI Trel- .vood, Nexvcastle-oîi-the-Lake. Cymil Meadoxvs of the R.C.N., .vlo lias been back and forth icrosi the Atlantic several lirnes n coîsnectioîs witb tbe work of the savy and xvbo is now home on a 29 day beave, \vas buîioured by tho young people at a party in the community hall. Tbursday ex'o- suîsg. When hoexvas escorted mbt lie hall by Sam Brereton. Frank SPRING tChesterfieldSuites LARGEST STOCK 0F SPRING-FILLED CHESTERFIELD SUITES IN THIS PART 0F ONTARIO AT F. F. MORRIS CO. 3-PIECE SUITE AS SHOWN ABOVE IN NOVELTY R E P P .-- ---- - --- ------ --- ----- --- --- - -- -- ---- --- ------- $89.00 F. F. Morris Co. REXALL DRUG SuiTORE SEASONABLE SUGGESTIONS FATHERS DAY, SUNDAY, JUNE 20 Bachelor, For Men Brilliantine -- -----40e. Shaving Cream 40e Shaving Lotion ---------60e Shaving Tale ----- ---35e Wooden BovI --S-- 1.15 Combiîîatîon Sets ---$1.65 Yardley Shaving Bowl $1.25 Shaving Brusiies 40e $ 5.00 Hair Brushes $1.25- S2.50 Key Containers 75c $2.00 Pipes - $1.00, $1.50 Wallets --- $.00 - $5.00 Cigarettes, Tobaccos, etc. Summer Toiletries Skol ------------- 45e Italian Balm ------ --- - - 35c Jergen's Lotion ---25c, 47c, Noxzema ----------19c, 59e Odorono Cream -----------39c M um --------.---- 39e, 59e Arrid -- --- ------- 39e, 59e Aimond Rose Lotion Ponds Creams 3 Taiîgel -- 50 Duration Leg Do ITnguentine Nivea Cream 50( ----39e 34c, 59e lec, $1.25 - --49e ---- 44c oc, $1,00 Phone 778 C. N.R. 1 rickets Hoar. Mary Purdy and Marilyn Emsvrigliî. lic found a jolly mixed conipaîy of Noxývcastl youtli as- soîîbhed iin lus lionour ansd ai] set for playing bingo, Chinesc clîeckers anîd crokiîîole. Margaret Asîs. Mislress of Ceremoîsies, msade ais appropriato speech andc presonîod Cymil -%vith a cigarette lighîer. Luii xx'-%as served haler. t PIe. Reg. Mcadows xývas hsome froisi Camîp Bordoîs. Fransk Hoar. sois of Mrs. E. C, Hoar. heft for Toronsto Suîîday, to joinlise R.C.AF. Ho thon weiit to Gaît. His eIder brother. Harold, also in the R.C.A.F.. is iii Mani- loba. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. McColl, To- ronsto, wcre guests of Mr. anc Mrs. H. M. McColl. Alex MeFedgeîî and daugliler, Miss Elloîs McFedgeîs, Lindsay, visitcd Mrs. Bort Breretoîs. A tea in lhoiour of the bride- elect. Miss Heloîs Rickard, xvas lield at Mrs. WT. J. S. Rickard's, Meadowlark Fans, Shiaw's, Juise 1 6tls. Mm. and Mmi. Ross Jones, Osh- awýa. Mi. and Mrs. Harold Mc- Faddeîs and daugîster. Mimîco. xvcîr recont guests of Mm. and Mrs. A. O. Parker. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Walton- BaIl. Toroîsto, Mr. anîd Mmi. Eric Waltoîi-Ball ansd chîihdreîs sponi thse sveek-end aI "Harris Lodge". their Newcastle eslale. Dr. ansd Mrs. Horace Walton- BaIl and son. Toronsto, were at Mr. Hensry Hansiitoîs's, Newv- castle-on-the-Lake. DURHAM LODGE, A.F. & A.M. HOLDS CHURCH PARADE Over 50 members of Durham Lodge, A.F. & A.M., paraded ta St. George's Anglican Church Whitsunday evoning and joined in the service of worslsip. Bro. T. W. Jackson acled as marsbal witb Wor. Brothers W. F. Riokard, M.P., and Howard J. Toms hak- iîîg the iead. Rev. D. R. Dewdney chose for bis text *'Tarry ye in the city of Jorusahem, until ye ho endued withPower from on bigh." The Rector pointed out that the disciples obeyed Ibis injunction of Jesus and Ibat whon the day of Pentecost -vas fully come they xvere all Aîth one accord in one place and that the power of the Holy Gbosl did come upon tbem. Altbough Masonry. Ibmougb ils emblems, max' have beon asso- ciaîed originisaly in thse mids of Most witb the building Irades, it nîay be lbought of on a sti11 high- or plane today as a builder oif characler. Ho spoke of the prin- ciples on wbicb Masonry is found- ed and rominded bis bearers Ibal îvbihe many 0f the Ton Command- moisIs w'hicli xere given 10 tise Hebrews xvore of a negative qual- it.y. "Thsou shal not' do Ibis; "Thou shaht nol" do Ihat, Christ- ianitv is a Positive religion and calîs for Positive action. Thou Shah. It ,is aiso an objective religion. bts followers are nol soif-cenîred but thoir Ihougbîs and deedi are for othors. A fine choir, witlî Mms. Jno. Garrod aI tbe organ. led in the sîngîng. REAL ESTATE, BUILDING AND DECORATING J. W. Bradley bas soid bis bouse 10 Thos. Brown. Sbop Fore- man xvîth-J. Anderson Smith Co. Mm- E r n e s t Davidson, wbu bougbt the Copper Beech proper- IY. bas had the 'Botter 'OIe" building. once a stable and vehicle bouse. tomn down, and is baving another building built witlî the material on the south-east corner of the property. This Copper Beecb outbuilding, which groups of girls used as a dormitory wben Toronto institutions for several years in succession occupied Cop- per Beech as a sommer camp, was over a century and a quarter old. The Webber Apartmonts, form- envy the Wellington Foster home, and frequently referred 10 as The House of Ail Nations is now Business Directory Legal M. G. V. GOULD, B.A. L.I.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phono 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanvîlle W. R. STRIKE Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hoor, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modemn Motor Eqoîpment, Arn bolance and Invalid Car. Tele- phono 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Licensed Auctioneers CLIFFORD PETHICK Auctioneer - Enniskillen Phono Bowmanville 2536 Specializing in Famm, Livestock. Implemonts and Furnitume Sales. Consoît me for terms and dates. 50-tf d Hampton Visitors: Mrs. Alan Marshall eand uittle Miss Marlene Webber, ýt Thornhill. Man., visitcd Miss 3Norah Kersiake. .. Mrs. R. Cam- c rois. Zion. at T. Chants. .. Mr. eand Mrs. H. Stevens and Master 'Douglas Stevens. Toronto, visiter eMr. and Mrs. Bert Stevens and Mrs. Esther Stev'ens; Mrs. Carlyle Stevens and Gerald returned to 0Toronto wiîh them after a twc weeks' visit bre. .. Mrs. Chas. Vivian with ber sister, Mrs. R. Cameron, Zion. .. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowling and family, Lon- don. with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Cowling. . . Mr. and Mrs. Alex Walker and children. Bowmanville. Misses Fbo and Blanche Parkins, Oshawa, Miss Beulah Hutchinson and g irl friend. Brampton. were guests af Mr. and Mrs. L. Hutchinson... sMr. anîd Mrs. W. J. McClellan, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McClellan and friend. Toronto, wiîh Mrs. R. Avery. . . Jimmnie Brodie, Toron- to. at J. R. Reynolds'... Miss Betty Stainton and friend. Toronto, witb lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stainlon. . . Miss Pearl Gilbert, Whitbv. ai home. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wili White and sons. Orono, at Mrs. C. Johns'... Dr. and- Mrs. W. tR. Horn with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn. Mrs. H. Colo. Mrs. L. Niddery. Mrs. Chas. Warren. Mrs. H. Salt- o r. Mrs. W. G. Doidge. Miss L. Reynolds, Mrs. Bruce Ferguson. Mrs. W. Chapman and Miss Norah Horn attended the W.I. Branch meeting aI Biackstock. Congratulationîs 10 Mrs. R. Katerson, who xiii ho 94 on June 2lst. 1 An interesting event was beld )Friday evening aI the home of iMr. and Mrs. David Broome, wben ia number of Hampton friends .gathered 10 honour Mr. and Mrs. iLl1o yd Broome (nee Marion Johns) and on behaîf of their Hampton friends they were pre- sented with a lovely table. Laverne Clemens ac t ed a s master of ceremonies and Bertha Armour read some appropriate linos. Edith Rackham and Lloyd Kersey made the presenlation. The bride and groom tbankod their friends for the gif t af 1er which the evening was spent in games and cards. Refreshments were served. HAMPTON SCHOOL NEWS By MariaoeRundle The Junior Commandoos met May 28th, with the president. Marjorie Rundie. in charge. Eliz- abeth Budickyý read the treasur- er's report and took up the col- lection. Marjorie Rundle look charge of the program. Eliza- bethi Budicky read a poemn fol- liwed by a song by Annabeile Adcock and Jean Kersey, "Com- ing In On a Wing and a Prayer". Jean K e r s e y read a poem. Rodolph Budicky read. Carol Craig sang "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp", accompanied by Marjorie Rundle. Mrs. Laramie read a poem. Marlon Tink and Jean Kersey sang "Waitzing Matilda" accompanied bx- Marjorie Rundle Games were held. Collection 55c. An enjoyabie afternoon was spent, May 28th, from 3 to 4, ivheni Miss Duff of the W.C.T.U., visit- ed us. Miss Duff gave a halk anîd showed pictures entitled, 'le He Went Straight Home". The Junior Room was closcd Tbursdav and Friday as Miss MacMillan ,vas in Toronto \vrit- ing examinations. Jack Smith is quaranîined bo- cause of the moashes. Empire Day was observed iii Hampton Scbooi. May 2lst. Scip- hure reading, Psalm 46, sxvas led by Bill Widdecombe. Elizabeth Budicky read "A Reckoning', fol- lowed by the singing of "Cross of Red". Rex'. Mr. Rackbam gave us a very iîîteresting talk about Queen Victoria. After the sing- ing of 'Coming In On a Wing and a Prayer", Marjorie Rondle. Eliz- abeth Bu d i cky and Orville Thomas read their compositions, "Why I am prood ta be a Cao- adian". We ahl sang "Let's Make a Job of 1h Now"l. Caral Craig read "A Profession of Faiîb". Marion Kersey read "The Union Jack", afler whicb -we had the flag salute.- The blackboards were appro- priately decorated witb Empire Day drawings done by Carol Craig. Marjorie Rundle, Rudolpb Budicky and Michael Sherba. Salem Cburch service wil ho with- drawn for the next two Sundays. vacant, the tenants having gone north. Mr. Webber, the owiier, is making some repairs under the supervision of Robeit Miligan. Geo. Gaines and Bort Brercloîs have been decorating the intorior of Henry Hamilton's bouse at the lake. Bort Brereton bas finishod plastoning the inside wahhs of Carl Weyricb's new bouse. * * 9: Percy Brown and Asa Clark arc busy repairing, altemating, decon- ating or putting op imaîl build- ings. Arthur Rodnap, Newtonville, bas been doiîîg some decorating bore. BIRTI-S HALLOWELL-At Bowmanville Hospital, Monday, June 14, 1943, 10 Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell, of Starkville, a son. 24-1 CARTER-At Bowmanville Hos- pitl on Saturday, June 121h,I 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank1 Carter, the gift of a daughter, Margaret Doreen. 24-1 McKNIGHT - At Bowmanvllle Hospital on June l2th, 1943, 10 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKnight (nec Mary Alldred). Oshawa, a son. A baby brother for Har- old and Marilyn. 24-1* RIVERS - At Bowmanville Hos- pitl on June 12th, 10 Ldg. Sea- man N. B. Rivers and Mrs. Rivers (nee Marguerite Gibson) the gif t 0f a d aug9h te r, Cassandra Marjorie-Ann. 24-l* THOMPSON-Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson (nec Veda Purdy) wish 10 announce the birth of their son Larry Earl, on June 12th. ai Bowmanville Hospital. 24-1* DEATHS MASON - In Bowmanvilie, on June 121h, 1943, Frank H. Mason. in his 87th year. McCONNELL - S u d d e n 1 y ai Prince Rupert, B.C., May 30, 1943, Kenneth Washington Mc- Connell of Vancouver, B.C., in his 39th year. Grandson of the laIe Rex'. and Mrs. W. C. Wash- ington, Bowmanville. ENGLISH-June 4th, at Chapin Hospital, Thomas English, in his 751h year (cerebral hemnor- rhage) . Funeral service con- ducted by Rev. Andrew Magill, D.D., J u n e 7th. Interment Maple Grove Cemetery, Jam- aica, Long Island, New York. Formerly of Cartwright Town- ship. 24-1* MARRIAGE DARCH-TROWELL - on Wed- nesday, June 2nd, 1943, in Hope United Church, Toronto, by Reverend Cyril M. Curtis, Jean Mlay,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Trowell, Toronto, 10 Sergeant John Lucas Darch, R.C.A.F.. son of Ada Elizabeth and the late John Darch, Bow- manville. 24-1* Card of Thanks CpI. Williamn Spencer, who re- centl\ returned from overseas. wishes to sincerely thank local organizations and clubs for par- cols and cigarettes sent during his two years on active service over- seas. 24-1* Mrs. W. E. Jackson, Brown Street, \vho is leaving towvn ho join her husband who has been transferred 10 Monteith with the Veterans' Guard, wishes 10 sn- [cerely thank her many friends for their kindness and hospitality during ber stay in Bowmanviile. 24-1* Mrs. C. W. Jacobs and family wish 10 take Ibis opportunity 10 express their heartfelt thanks 10 friends and neighbours, also or- ganized societies, churches and Jerusalem Lodge. for the beauti- fui floxvers. cards, and the many other acts of kindness sbown them in their recent bereavement. IN MEMORIAM PASCOE-In loving memory of a d e ar husband and father. Leslie C. Pascoe, who passed away, June 18, 1942. The life be lived bas neyer been assailed, Nor any precept as ho lived it, yel bas ever failed. -Ever remembered by bis wif e and family. 24-1 ROYAL THEATRE - 13OWMANVI LLE Thurs., Fni., Sat., JUNE 17, 18, 19 - DOUBLE BILL - PALM BEACH STORY Featuring CLAUDETTE COLBERT, JOEL MoCREA -ON SAME BILL - JUST OFF BROADWAY With LLOYD NOLAN, MARJORIE WEAVER M on.-Tues.-Wed. JUNE 21, 22, 23 THE MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER Starring MONTY WOOLLEY BETTE DAVIS ANN SHERIDAN NEWS ENGAGEM ENTS Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Childs, Bow- manville, announce the engage- ment of their daughter. Grace Helen, to Sgt. William Graham Terhune, son of Mr. arnd Mrs. A. Terhune, Lindsay. The marriage to take place on July 101h. 24-l* DEATH SWANCOTT-At Orono, on Wed- nesday, June 16, 1943, Mary E. Swancott, widow of William H. Swancott, aged 79 years. Rest- ing at the funeral chapel of F. F. Morris Co. untîl Friday evening, thence at her late residence, Providence, for service on Sat- urday, at 2.30 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. Teacher Wanted TEACHER WANTED-FOR S.S. NO. 9, Clarke. Well equipped school with hydro. Duties to commence Sept. 7. S alar y $1,000. Apply E. F. R. Osborne, Newcastle, Sec'y-Treas. 24-1 Kelp Wanted WANTED - YOUNG GIRL 10 look after child during July and August. Phone 413, Bow- rnanville. 24-f Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-TWO 'SIX-ROOM- ER HOUSES in Bowmanville. Both fitted for gas and one wired for electric stove. Write Box 199, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 22-4* Personal RELIEVE NER VOUS disorders with Page-Griffiths, Belamin (B-Complex) tablets once a day. Alex McGregor Drugs. 24-1 Stallion For Service Having purchased a young Clydesdale Stallion, Ivory King, 29764, sired by Destiny (Import- ed), dam Ivory NelI, Ibis horse will be for service at my home or on caîl. Arthur Nichols, Solina Road. 24-31 Baby Chicks TWEDDLE CHICKS - BUY Tweddle Higb Quality Cnicks now at Stewart's Seed Store and gel your Caf eteria Chlcýk Starter at wholesale, we have over thirty breeds to choose from and the demand is greater than ever this year for Tweddle Chicks, price list on request. STEWART'S SEED STORE Phono 577 9-tf Seed Grain For Sale j SEED CORN-We have in stock the leading varieties of hybrid seed corn. Also open-pollinat- ed, Gellon Dent's Wis No. 7. Also millett, rape seed, etc. A limiled quantity of seed buck- wbeat. Also Western feed oats, barley and wheat. Have a car of sâ*t coming in soon, special prices on Ibis at the car. Tele- phone Clarke 33-12. A. W. Gienney. 24-1 For Rent. FOR RENT - COMFORTABLE HOUSE with ail conveniences. Smali family. Immediate pos- session. Apply Louise Cowan, South Main St., Orono. 23-2* FOR RENT-HOUSE, furnished, witb ail modemn conveniences, for rent for summer months. Good location. Write Box 201, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 24-1 Lost LOST-HOUND, spayed female, black and tan. Phone 2890, A. L. Darch, Bowmanville. 24-1 LOST - EXTENSION CORD, rubber covered, losI ai Bingo booth Saturday, June 121h. Finder please return. J ac k Brougb, Bowmanviiie, phono 2384. 24-1* LOST-DOG, part Terrier, black with four white paws. Wearing a Newcastle dog tag. Rewardj offered for ils return or infor-i mation regarding ils where- abouts. Thos.. Spencer, Jr., Newcastle. 24-1 Articles For Sale FOR SALE - LAWN MOWER. Apply Walter Murphy, Scugog St., Bowmanville. 24-1 LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You arre inviled ta view these aI BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osb- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE - MALE COLLIE pup. Mother a splendid dog. Phone 2245, Fred R. Stevens. 24-1* SPECIAL - 3 Singer Sewing Ma- chines, long shuttles, $22, $27, $30; 3 Singer Sewing Machines, rotary shuttles, $25, $30, $35. Thoroughly reconditioned and guaranteed. T e r m s. Singer Sewing Machine Company, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 23-2 FOR SALE - LIAWN ROLLER. Apply Brookdale - Kingsway Nurseries, near C.N.R. station, phone 345. 24-i OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everytbing in mîcdern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floar caverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at cam- petilive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furnilure Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE - BED, lbree-quart- er size, brown steel bcd. Phone 703. 24-1* Combining Wanted To Buy FARMERS WANTING TIMO- THY, clover and other seed crops combined should place contracts early. Phone 2186, Bowmanville, any lime except from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday H. Chamberlain, En- field. 23-tf COMING EVENTS Be ready for the "Big Bazaar", at the Maple Grove Anniversary, held by the Girls' Sewing Club. Proceeds go 10 War Charities. 24-1 Anniversary services of Maple Grove Sunday Scbool will be held next Sunday, June 2Oth, at 3 and 7.30 p.m., when Rev. James M. Findlay, pastor of Carlton St. United Church, (The House of Friendship), Toronto, will be the guest speaker. Special sînging by the school under the leadership of Mr. L. Collacuit, assisted in the evening by Mr. Alex McGregor, Bowmanville. Offering in aid f the school funds. On Monday, June 2lst, at 4 p.m., a softbaîl game will he played. Public School vs. ex-pupils, captains, Harry Snowden and Stanley Snowden. At 5.30 a picnic lunch will take place. At 6 p.m. sports, races, etc., for all will be held. At 7 p.m. a softball game, married men vs. single men, captains, H. J. Brooks and Glen Metcaîf. At 8.30 p.m. Shaw's Home & School Club will present their celebrated play, "The Ready-Made Familyl', assisted by Miss Arlene Northcutt, Bowmanville. Vacuum Cleaners Repaired GUARANTEED FACTORY RE- PAIRS, adjustments, lubrica-, tion, etc. ta Premier, Royal, Goblin, Eurica, Apex, Hoover and all other makes. New and factory rebult vacuums and ac- c es so r ieS. Telephone aur "C. U. C. Sales and Service Branch", Bawmanville, 774, at McGregor's Hardware. 17-tf-6* Livestockc and Articlees FOR SALE - 6 YORKSHIRE pigs, 8 weeks old; also 3 York- shire sows due bo farrow end of July. Apply Charles Rundle, Hampton, phone 2246. 24-1 FOR SALE-HAY, mixed Timo- thy and Alfalfa. Phone 2831, Mrs. J. Oke, 24-l* FOR SALE-COWS, 2 good Hol- steins, milking well. Apply Clarence Gibson, Newcastle, Phone Clarke 3904, 24-1* FOR SALE - MOWER, Deering New Ideal, bargain; take il away at $22. May be seen at Norman Metcalf's. Phone 2269. 24-1 FOR SALE - WORK HORSE, weight about 1500 lbs., aged. $50 Cash. Apply W. T. Haigh, FOR SALE - 35 ACRES HAY, cheap, one of the best stands in Durham County. Brookdale- K in gs w ay Nurseries, near C.N.R. station. 24-1 FOR SALE - SIX PIGS, York- sbire, seven weeks old. Apply Keith Johnston, Burketon, R.R. 1, or phone Port Perry 172-12. 24-1* FOR SALE-BULL, a good re- hiable Guernsey, 2 1-2 yrs. old, blood tested. Also a set of low steel wheel trucks. Apply S. S. Morton, Maple Grove, phone 2279. 24-1* FOR SALE - 6 YOUNG PIGS, between 60 and 90 lbs. Also young sow. Apply Hosken Smith, Burketon, phone 2154. 24-1 FOR SALE-ONE BAY HORSE, aged hhree yeans, soitable for light work. R. B. LeGreshey, Newcastle, phono Clarke 1130. FOR SALE -: 14 PIGS, choie Yorkshire, 8 weeks old. $90 for the lot. Apply Stanley Mal- colm, Nestieton, phone Port Perry 194r21. 24-i Nowadays the middleman is in STEWART'S Seed Store SEED CORN HYBRIDS ----------------------------- Bus. $4.75 to, $5.50 OPEN-POLLI NATIED FLINT VARIETIES North Dakota, Longfellow and Compton's Early, Bus. $3.00 DENT VARIETIES Golden Giow and Baiiey --- - --- .--- -- us. $2,70 White Cap, Wisconsin No. 7 and Bloody Butcher, Bus. $2.80 Sw eepstakes ------ -------------- --------------- - - $3,00 MANGEL SEED Glant White Sugar, Yellow Leviathan, Yeliow Intermediate, Golden Tankard, Yellow Globe, Red Leviathan, Mammoth Long Red ----- ------- --- Lb. 60e TURNIP SEED Best of Ail, Purple King, New Century, Canadian Gem, 'Perfect Model, Halls Westbury, Jumnbo (Elephant), Perfection, Irish King, Lord Derby, Kangaroo and Greystone ----- --- ---- -- Lb. 75e Registered Laurentian Turnip -------- ------- Lb. $1,25 Rape, Millets, Sudan Grass, Sorghum, etc. Fertilizers - Bug Killers - Cattie Spray Phone 577 Bowmanville WANTED TO BUY - YOUNG PIGS, 6 weeks old. Apply H. L. Anderson, R.R. 2, Bowman- ville, phone 2215. 24-1 WANTED TO BUY - THREE CALVES for vealing. Charles Cook, R.R. 2, Oshawa, phone 723j2, Oshawa. 24-1* WANTED TO BUY-BUGGIES, driving harness, saddles and ponies, any size. Apply 156 Gamble Ave., Toronto. 24-4* WANTED-USED SEWING MA- chints, electric or treadie. Sing- er Sewing Center, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 9-tf WANTED IMMEDIATELY - A used boat, preferably round bottom. Must be reasonabledVr cash. Farncomb LeGres711', R.R. 3, Newcastle, phone Clarke 1130. 24-1* Doctor's Office Hours Afternoons-2.00 10 4.00 except Wednesday and Sunday. Evenings-7.00 10, 9.00 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ONLY. Patients will be seen at other hours by appointmnent. In case of an emnergency, if their own daclor is flot available, pa- tients may telephone the Bow- manville Hospital. 9-tf NOTICIE ALL THOSE WHO BOUGHT HONEY Last season in drums please notify us by postcard whe,ý they couid be picked up. C. ]R. KNOX Qrono Phone 42r2 NOTICE To Farmers and Munitions Workers: To obtain NEW or RETREADED tires you must make application to the War- time Prices and Trade Board. Let us make out your appli- cations. _Why drive to Oshawa. We are able to, hande t here. GF. JAI1ESON TIRE SHOF 1 Block West of Post Office A New DAVENPORT' Rich new beauty and comfort for the Living Room with a beautiful weli constructed Bed Davenport, easily converted in- ho a comfortable bed with spring-filled mattress. Large storage box in the base. As 10w as------------------------ $79.00 F. F. Mlorris Co. Sufferers of bleeding Qa ndilpro- truding know Bunker's Herbai Pilus treat the cause at its source. Money back if the first bottle doos not satisfy. At your drug store, * . 4 I. Jury & Loveli When We Test Eyes t Us Done Properly Combining Wanted To Buy a 0 & 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a a 0 0 0 9 a 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tâ , 1! THURSDAY, JUNE 17th 1943 Phone 577 Bowmanville

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