----Il. PAGE EIGHT THE ANADAN SATESAN. OWMAVTT..W~THU'P STI The Newcastle Independgnt Phone Clarke 1114 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Simpson, Grubbe. Weston, visited their sis- Kitchener, vîsited at Mr. Jno. Cas- i1crMrs. P.F. LeGresley. well's. 1 Harold Hoar, R.CAF is home Thos. Brown, wtio vent fishing! from Manitoba, Frank Hoar. R.C. over the wveek-end, mieat being A.F., was home fromn his training scarce and rationed, had the centre, and with Ted and thecir championship catch 0of thie expe-mthrMs.E C. Hoar. they diton a6 -2 oud rot. made a handsorne quartette in Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wood. Lea- the family pe\wý at the United side. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Church at Sacramient Service, Herb. Toms.[ Sunday. Mr. Fred Dempsey and Miss M.i Miss Rosemiary Dudley. Toron- E. Pearce, Toronto, spent the to, is visiting ber aunt. Mrs. Geo. week-end at Mrs. H. R. Pearces. Walton. who ývas in Toronto, Having experienced appendi-j Thursday. for further treatment. citis symptoms, Jimn Patterson has! Rev. R. E. Morton and fainily given up the driving of one of are taking this ,veek as a holiday Newcastle Dairy's milk trucks and week and next Sunday, July ilth. has resumed work at Canadian the pulpit %vill bc supplied. Canners, Bowmanville. Mrs. Al- Pte. Carl Fisher was home from1 bert Pearce is now taking the1 Kingston and Stanley Riekard. of1 route to Newtonville. Elliott's and! the mieteorlogical service, fromn Willow Beach. Lonidon.1 Miss June VanDusen is home1 CpI. W. J. Hockin is home on I f rom Toronto for vacation. Missl furlough fromn Prince Rupert. Hisr Betty VanDusen and friend werel present hcadquartcrs is in To-t clown frorn Toronto, Miss Betty! ronto.C again taking her place vvith theý Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wicks. To-V winning Newcastle Girls' Soft-! rento. are holidaying at Mrs. W.a bail Team at O.rono on M\.oniday-. H. Pcarce*s.f Mrs. Philip VanDusen and child-j Mrs. Matt. Brown's birthday ren, Belleville, are summering' coincided \vith the day of St. with Mr. W. VanDusen at the.ý George*s Sunday School picnic lake. i and that being so and she havinga Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J011. To- iso mnuch to do in training the little9 ronto, were guests of Mr. and onres as their S.S. teacher. grateful Mrs. Geo. H-. Jol1. mothers heaped her basket with Unit-y Group of United Chiurch' presents in appreciation of her B W.M.S.. of which Mrs. Floyd But- y ear-round. devoted services. C 1er is leader, held a twilighit meet- W.M.S. met June 30. PrayersF ing at "Roseholm*', home of Mr. were led by President Mrs. N.N and Mrs. C. A. Cowan., July 2nd. Allin. and Mrs. Truman Clarke. B There were some sixty ladies1 Members were appealed to at- p present, seated on the back lawn tend the School for Leaders in in close proximity to the bloom- Whitby, August 31 to Sept. 3. t ing peonies. the budding rosesi August meeting is withdrawn and a and other seasonable flowers. Al instcad participation in the BabyC number of smaller girls entertain-' Band picnic, the first Thursdayw cd with piano selections, the sweet of the. month. Seripture with t harmonies drifting out from the exposition was given by Miss r house through the open windows. Drummond, followed by prawer of Some of the youthful pianistsl bxy Mrs. Awde. A solo "TheW were: Clare and Norma Aluin, Vision of The Cross", was con- t H a z e May~ Fisher, Catherine tributed by Miss June Allin, Miss th Teeple, Helen Turner, Reta Gib- Reita Cooke accompanying. An i son. Mrs. W. P. Rogers. Bow,%- interesting discussion on Edtoea- t manville, spoke helpfully and in-j tion %vas led by Mrs. Beman. Miss 86 spirationally on. -Womens Re- Blackburn followed with a talk onIV sponsibilities"'. A vote of appre- "The Church and Education".* w ciation -%vas accorded Mrs. Rogers Closing prayer was offered by se and the girls favoured with some Mrs. Morton. f more piano music. Unity Group ____ served refreshments. NWASCaRDCRS Parochial Committee of St. NEWCASTLEREENTATOSS Georges Church hield ani enjoy-1 NIGHT ci able garden Party. July 6th. Be-____ sides the supper there were a Aftrah0 Vne hr number of games at which guests C-U emhourse hr r could pleasantly %vhile away the Horeso time. Wedniesday cvening. June 3th, Hc Mrs. Bennett, Attorney-at-La%&, ,as presentation night in regard j. Chicago, Ill., an-d Mrs. C. C. to the Home Nursing and War W _________________________Emergencies Courses that were g carried on in the Community gr; h Hall thi' ps season under n. auspices of Newcastle Red Cross. Bo £ Reeve C. R. Carveth was chair- do, iman and the meeting opened with M, a musical program. Jr. Red Cross Ad of public school children, under of OSHAWVA, ONTARIO direction of Miss Hattie Mason, 1 Phone 1011 Free Parking 'sang tvo numbers. The Misses h _____________________ Denaut, Newtonville, favoured Bo THUS.,FR1, AT. wih wo piano duets and Miss i THR., LY 8 - 10 Pauline Deline. accompanied by cec JULY 8 - 10Miss Reita Cooke, contributed two e ANDY HARDY'S DOUBLE vocal numbers.Ta LEFE Sixty-onc members enroiled in I LIFE these classes which werc or- Starring ganized through the untiring ex- d Lewis Stone, Mickey Rooney, crtions of Mrs. Olga Gibson, sec- 1Mr Cecilia Parker, Fay Holden retary of Newcastle Red Cross. cas 0f this number 48 had a 75 per cial Pack up your troubles-Time cent attendance record and 22 ren out for laughs tried the final examinations which the ----- al p as sed. The 22 successful am MONDAY, TUESDAY candidte were: Miss Marionfo JULY 12 - 13 Allin, Miss E. M. Blackburn, Miss use Margaret Brown, Miss Cora B. trai Ray Milland, Paulette Goddard Butler, Mrs. Nora Colwill, Mrs. Crc In George Crowther. Miss Pauline foi THE CRYSTAL BALL Deline, Mrs. Marjorie Diekinson, dol' Mrs. Bertha M. Fisher, Mrs. Olga mei With A. Gîbson, Miss Audrey H. Hor- cil Gladys George, Virginia Field rocks, Miss Phyllis K. Langman' lOW And on the same program 1 Miss Hattie A. Mason, Mrs. A. E:* Far Mellow, Miss Leona Tebble, Mrs Plie HARRIGANS KI Grace Toms, Newcastle; Mrs. Jos Starring Maretta Reichrath a nd Mrs. Of Boby eaic, Fan Cav Eileen Turner. Brown's; Mrs. tati Wob Raiiam Gran rvn Agnes Burley, Mrs. W. Joncs, Mrs. and Willam GrganAmelia Lancaster, Mrs. M. S* fatt Let's go to the Races Milligan, Newtonville. To ail gav It's a talc of tears, laughs, these Miss Ruth Hancock, Reg. N.,hell thrills and Mrs. H. S. Britton, Reg. N., mer presented diplomas for Home Nursing, 26 others were presented for WED., THURS,. FRI., SAT., with certificates and attendance con! FIIVE GRAVES TO CAIRO cards. Dr. J. A. Butler presented Mrs certificates and attendance carda Mrs Starring to those who had attended 75 per Lak Franchot Tone, Anne Baxter, cent of the classes in the War fres Akim Tamiroff Emergencies Course. vidE High adventure, intrigue, des- In appreciation of the services Ros perate romance . . Behind Rom- of the instructors Mra. Rosa Dick- Mrs mnels African lines inson presented Dr. Butler with a But ________________________copy of Eve Curie's buok, "Jour- Dou _____ney Among Warriors". Misa Cora T 1 Summer Toilet Requisites Jergen's Lotion ......25c, 47c, 98c ltalia Balm35c Woodbury's Lotion........39e Hind's Iloney & Almond Cream .. 25c, 45c Pond's Creams ............... 34c, 59c Daggett & Ramsdeil Creams ...29c, 55e GYPSY Cream........30c, 60c Paquin's Cream..........57c Noxzema Skin Cream ...19c, 39c, 59c Noxzemna Sun Tan 011......30c, 60c Odo-ro-no iquid ............... 39e, 65e Odo-ro-no cream.........39c Arrid..............39c Mum............39e, 59e Amolmn...........33c, 59e Jury & Loveli When W. Test Eyes It Is Done Properly Phone 778 C. N. R. Tickets i RED CROSS SOCIETY 1 Newcastle Red Cross Socie 1met in the Community Hall, Jui 24, with Miss Beatrix McIntos the prcsident. presiding. TI branch gratefully acknowledg( a gift of S$10.00 from Jr. Red Cro5 War Savons' Branch. Room 1 ai 2. New~castle Public Sehool: a]ý a gift of $5.00 receivcd fromJ Red Cross, Roomi 2. The branch madc plans for t] following fund raising events: darce iin Newcastle Communil Hall. Friday eveniiyg, July 16f also a garden party on t]- grounda of the 'Elms', the res douce of Mr. and Mrs. Saxon Grî ham. on July 28th. It is expected the Newcastý branch will bave an exhibit their work at the Orono fair. ST. GEORGE'S SCHOOL PICNI St. Georgc's Sobool held thei picnic June 301h on the Paris Hall grounds, with their teacher Rev. D. R. Dewdney. Mrs. IV Brown and assistant, Mrs. Got don Garrod. After gamnes anr races a nice lunch was served b: the mothers, topped off wit chocolate milk. The first rac ',as run by little Gail Thoma and Velma Harris, Gail coming ii first. Every child wcnt bon happy but tired. Mrs. M. Browi was starter for the races witb MrE Torm Brown and Mra. Glen Brooku at the finishing line. The recto gave the children their prizes. Butler prescnted Miss Ruth Har cock withi a Royal Doultoi Figurine, and Mrs. W. Joncs Yewtonville, pnesented Mrs. H. S Britton with a pair cf silver de Posit bon-bon diahes. Miss B. Mclntosb, president o: the Red Cross, spoke of the vasý and ever increasing work the Hec Cross is doing througbouî lb( world to bring comfort and reliel to stricken people wbercver the: nay be found. The organizaticu of classes in Home Nursing and I/ar Emergcncy courses is one oi the more recent undertakinga and bis past season 1857 Home Nurs. ing courses were provided in On. tario 10 over 42,000 people, anc 69 'Emergencies in War" course5 were held. The president paic warm tribute to Mrs. Olga A. Gib. son who took the initiative ir frming and organizing the New- ýastle classes and exprcssed bei apprciation of the services of ail iose who had helped and labour- id t make the courses a succesa. Mrs. Olga A. Gibson aiso paid ribute to the invaluable services )f Miss Ruth Hancock and Mrs. Ï. S. Britton, instructors in the ïorne Nursing course, and of Dr. FA. Butler, instructor in the Jar Emergencies course, whc ,ve their lime and services ,ratia. M1rs. Rosa Strike, Bow- nanviiic, and Dr. J. C. Devitt, 3owmanvillc, vcry kindly came lwn 10 give lessons 10 the classes, ra. Sîrike on "Food Necds of duits", and Dr. Devitt on "Cane ýfMoutb and Tceth'. The examinations were under ie supervision of Ibis capable loard of Examinera: Dr. Annie igbee and Mrs. Herbent Han- ock, Newcastle; Mrs. H. J. C. satty, Port Hope, and Miss Lena aYlor, Bowmanville. mn concluding bier explanatony ddreas covering many details, Irs. Gibson conveyed the New- astie Branch's thanka and appre- ation for kindness and services ýndered, to the following: Ai le instructors; the Board of Ex- mers; Bowmanville Hospital, )r the boan cf "Judy", formerly cd by the student nurses in aining at the hospital; the Red cass Headquanters in Toronto, )"Sunny Jim" lifc-sized baby Il1; the Hall Board cf Manage- int for use of kitchen and coun- 1chamber; Dnuggist A. E. Mcl- vw for bis window display cf the mily Medicine Cabinet and sup- es it should contain; Donald ?e, for being the patient at one the classes, on wbom resusci- Iion measures wcre practiced, id finaily, Constable Alex. Mof- t and bis cbarming wife who ie invaluable assistance in lping move and assemble equip- ent. The committee who arranged rthe presentations and program ýsisted cf: Mrs. Howard Toms, rs. W. Joncs, Miss Hattie Mason, rs. Henry Rcichrath, Mrs. W. T. àke; Mrs. R. W. Gibson. Re- shmcnts were servcd as po ced for by this committc: pMrs. as Dickinson, Mrs. Ed. Neilson, i s. Geo. Stephenson, Miss Cora itier, Mrs. E. W. Fisher, Mrs. Duglas Wright. [The principal speaker of the 'ning was Misa Anna Sayera, ganizer of Home Training and evet orgi War tari and grat triec aboi a ai was cock son Nî 75-11 Herr mon Tu Brar iGibs son, OsbL Palt Gibs Tu Bl Belt Tu er;1 Tc born Tc born En Leon pson. ro Grade V-A-Rcta Gibson, cby Martin; C-Gahard Van de t. o Grade 1V-A-Helen Turn- B-Barbana Osborne. o Grade II-A-Lnore Os- me; B-Harry Van de Beit. ro Grade U-A-Bvcrly Os- mie. tntrance Class-Kcith Pcdwell, Dnard Waltonbenry, Ken Gib- Heita V. Cooke, Teacher. Famnily Reunion ty_______ e OSBORNE CLAN i.h,_____ e A x'er3' enjoyable time was ýd spent at Cream cf Barley Camp. s, July laI, wbcn the Osborne fam- id ilies hcld their annual picnic with 30 45 membera present. After aIl r. bad pantaken of a good picnic supper, Preaident Wes. Osborne ie callcd the gathering 10 order. 0f- a ficeus for 1943-44 were elected as y follows: presidcnt-Mrs. Orville ýi Osborne; lat vice-presiden-R. L. ie Osborne; 2nd vice-president - i- Lloyd Snowden; secrctary-treas. i- urer-Mrs. Leslie Guy; table com- mittec - Mrs. Carl Selby, Mra. le Jim Brown, Mrs. Gordon Martin: )f sports committee-Mrs. Earl Os- bonne. Those present included: Mr. cand Mrs. J. F. Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Osborne, Mn. and Mrs. rOrville Osborne and family, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Crago, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Crago and family, Bowmanville; Mn. and dMrs. Gordon Martin and family. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Osborne and fam ily. Misses Barbara and Bey- eerley Osborne, Newcastle; Thos. SMcNcil, Orono; R. L. Osborne, Edgar Osborne, Mn. and Mrs. Eng- land, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Wes. Osborne, Newmarkct; Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Guy, Oshawa. rTownship Council DARLINGTON COUNCIL 1 Darlington Council met July 3, witb Reeve W. R. Pickell presid- ing and members ail present. The Clerk Put cul a statement of arrears cf taxes and is 10 make a Creport cf collections for eacb Lmonth. The Clerk will attacb a notice ta the 1943 Tax Bill noti- fying dcg owners of 1942, in arrears, te pay license fee. T. H. Richards presented bis report and vouchers for June which wene ordercd paid. W. L. Lycett gave a bnief report cf the proceedings of the Association cf Assessing Of- ficera. S. E. White and T. H. Richards wcre inslructed to get the pnice on Agnes Shortt pro- pcrty in 8tb concession and also find out if lbcy can sell the bouse off the prcperty and wbal they 1can get for it. These bills were crdercd paid: F FL. Byam, relief, $4,00: Miss A. E. Hall, relief, $3,50; T. M. Slem- on &Son, relief, $8.00; Dr. C. J. Austin, M.O.H., $30.00; Bell Tele- phone Cc., service chge., $2.15: Dr. W. H. Stanley, pneumo thorax refilîs, $18.00; W. E. Gilbank, sbcep damagcs4 $9.00; W. J. Hen- derson, shecp damages, $8.00; W. J. Woolcy, sheep inspect., $7.00;1i Syd. Venton, killing dcg, $5.00;j F. B. GlaspeIl, sbeep inspect., $5.40; J. D. Hogarth, June Salary, $125.00; J. D. Hogarth, postage, etc., $3.00; A. Peters, work in park, $23.25; Counties Treasurer, hospitalization. $53-38; G e c. White, sheep damage, $20.00. Councîl adjourned te mccl Auguat 7tb. DEATH BRIMACOMBE - In Bowman- ville, July 7, 1943, Hester Ann "Hessie" Brimacombe. The fun- eral will take place from ber late residence, Elgin St., July 9. Service'at 2.30 p.m. Cortege to leave at 3 o'clock for Bowman- ville Cemetery. NOTICE Refreshment booth now open at Black Cat Inn, Maple Grove. 27-1* Dr. Birks' office will be closed from July lat to July 18 inclusive. 25-4 Newcastle Chopping Mill will be closed Wednesday afternoons during July and Auguat. 27-2 Dr. Ballantynes office will be cloaed from July 12 to July 26, in- clusive. 27-1* This is to notify the public that I have no longer a bull for service. Wrightson Wight, R.R. 4, Bow- manville. 27-1* ROYAL DOUBLE FEATURE DESERT VICTORY ON SAME BILL MELODY LANE BABY SANDY ROBERT PAGE LEON ERROLL M on.-Tues.-Wed. JULY 12, 13, 14 DOUBLE FEATURE ABBOTT and COSTELLO In WHO DONE IT ON SAME BILL PRIORITUES ON PARADE Wlth BETTY RHODES ANN MILLER and JERRY COLONNA NEWS DAYTE Phone 2815 EVENINGS BIRTH KELLY-In Bowmanville Hospi- tai, on Sunday, July 4th, 1943, to Gnr. Paul B. Kelly and Mrs. Kelly (nee Marion Honey) a daughter. 27-1* ;j DEATI-S COLVILLE-In Clarke, June 30, 1943. William Colville, aged 80 years. SHORT-In Bowmanvillc, July 4, 1943, William D. Short, in his 87th year. Interment Bowman- ville Ccmetery. HUGHES-In Bowmanville, June 30, 1943, Amelia Hughes, widow of Richard Hughes, agcd 82 years. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. GOULD-In Bowmanville, June 30, 1943, Jane Farron Gould, widow of N. E. Gould, agcd 821 ye a rs. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. GAMSBY-In Orono, on Tues., July 6, 1943, Ida Dorcelia Gamsby, aged 89 years. The funeral will take place from her 1 a t e residence, Orono, Thurs., July 8. Service at 2.30 p.m. Interment Orono Cerne- tery. 27-1 Card of Thanks The family of the late Emma Jane Oke wish to thank relatives and friends for their kindness, sympathy, and floral tributes in the recent passing of their beloved mother. 27-1 The family of the late Mrs. Hugh Ard wish to thank the neighbours and friends for their kindness during her ilîness and for the floral offeringa and ex- pressions of sympathy on. her IN MEMORIAM WORDEN-In loving memory of. Dad, A. H. Woýrden, who died July 7, 1939. "His memory is as dear to-day As in the hour he paased away." -Lorne, Ruth and Iva. 27-1* ROBERTS-mn ever loving mcm- ory of Inn, aged 16, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roberts, Wellington St., who left us to be with Jesus, July 4, 1935. "Safe in the arms of Jesus." 27-1* EDGER-mn memory of our dear father, William Edger, who passed away June 27th, 1928. Time takes away the edge of grief, But mernory turns back every leaf. 27-1 GAY - In loving memory of a dean fathen, W. H. Gay, wbo died July 9, 1939. "Notbing cao ever take away The love a heant holda dean. Fend memenies linger every day, Remembrance keeps him nean." -Evenrcrmembened by daugh- ber Edith. 27-1* CLARKE-In loving memory of mny dean mathen, Mrs. Fanny Jaîl Clarke, wha passed away July 11, 1941. It's only a grave but il 5h11l needa cane, For one I love lies sleeping there; Same may fargel, now Ibat she'a gone, But lIl neyer fonget no malter bow long. -Sadly missed by ber daugh- ter Pearl. 27-1* McREYNOLDS-In leving mcmn- ory of a dean daugbten and ais- ter, A'edra Sarah McReynolds, who passed away July 10, 1933. Her life is a beautiful memory, Hen dcatb is Our silent grief, She sîcepa in God's beautiful garden In the sunahine of perfect peace; Sa leave ber in God's keeping, The rough road safely o'en And our dean one we loved se well Has only gene on befene. -Sadly missed by mothen and sister Mynîle and brelbcr-mn- ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William Scott, Bethesda, wish to announce the engagement of their only daugli- ter, Agnes Howard, 10 Philip Cyrs of the Western Command Medical Corps, Victoria, B.C. The marriage will take place quietly at Victoria, B.C., July 14. 27-1 Mrs. Mathew Aiidread, New- castle wishes to announce the engagement of bier third daughter, Reta Viola, 10 Howard Elmer Mc- Roberts, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McRoberts, Tyrone. The marriage 10 take place quietly the firat part of Auguat. 27-i Wanted To Buy WANTED-USED SEWING MA- chines, electric or treadie. Sing- er Sewing Centre, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 27-tf WANTED TO BUY-BUGGmES, driving harnesa, saddles and ponies, any size. Apply 156 Gamble Ave., Toronto. 24-4* Combinfing FARMERS WANTING TmMO- THY, clover and other seed crops combined should place contracts early. Phone 2186, Bowmanville, any lime except from sunset Friday 10 sunset Saturday. H. Chamberlain, En- field. 23-tf TWEDDLE CHICKS - BUY Tweddle High Quality Crîîcks now at Stewart's Seed Store and gel your Cafeteria Chici' Starter at wholesale, we have over tbirty breeda to choose fnom and the demand is greater than even Ibis year for Tweddle Cbicks, price liat on nequest. STEWART'S SEED STORE Phone 577 9-tf fielp Wanted HELP WANTED-I!MMEDIATE. LY - Stenographer for law office. Apply Employmenî & Selective Service Office, Osh- awa. File No. 2382. 27-I WANTED - PERSON TO CUT about 7 acres grass aI former B.T.S. Scholfield Camp. Phone price 10 2209, Oshawa, or ai Camp Satunday or Sunday. J. Watson. 27-2 COMING EVENT Dance aI Tyrone Hall, Wed., July 14, at 9 p.m. Cutb Bunt's or- chestra. Admission 35c. 27-1 The Wenry Family picnic wil be held at Hampton Park on the aflennoon cf July 31. Sports at 3.30. Come early. 27-1; 29-1 Special services will be held in the Salvation Army Hall each Sunday during Ibis montb. Ser- vices conducled by Officers from Toronto. 27-1 The Newcastle BrancbhRed Cross Society are having a dance in the Community Hall, New- castle, on Friday evening, July 161h. eRuss Cneighton's orchestra. Special prizes. Admission 50c. Dancing from 9 o'clock. Proceeda for Red Cross wonk. Corne and belp a wprthy cause. 27-1 Vacuum Cleaners y Cs ."e :k re ;e e le ;t. tf T w ýe it Ï- 2 e ri ri GUARANTEED FACTORY RE-' PAIRS, adjustments, lubrica- lien, etc.. ta Premier, Royal, Goblin, Eurica, Apex, Hoover and all other makes. New and factery rebuilt vacuums and ac- ý es so r ie s. Te'epbone aur "C. U. C. Sales and. Service Branch", Bowmanville. 774, aI A4rticles For Sale FOR SALE-COMPLETE SCOU. uniform and good tenri racquet. Phone 2587. 27-1 FOR SALE-TRUCK, 194 Dodge, perfect condition. Phon Clarke 1302. 26-2 FOR SALE-LOAM SPRAYEF nearly new and about 60 fee hose. Apply Mason & DalE Bowmanville. 27- FOR SALE USED SINGER SEV ing machines, $15.00 up. Fne sewing course. Terms. Singe Sewing Machine Co., 16 Ontari St., Oshawa, prone 696. 27- FOR SALE-8-PIECE DINING room suite, in good condition Apply W. Fice, Qucen St., Boy manville, (near Hospital) aft<ý LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEU? Ruga. Select yours from ove 300 patterns actually in stocI You are invited le view theu aI BRADLEY'S New Furnitur Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh JT ries 2* :R, ýet le, A-1 se er l* h- FOR SALE - EXTENSION table, occasienal chair, 2 rcck- ing chairs, pain pillows, several piclunes. Apply Miss Maud Reynolds, Qucen St., Bowman- ville, phone 2152. 27-1* OSHAWA*S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everytbing in modern, chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise aI cern- petitive pnices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store. 156 Simce St. S., Osh- aw1 46-s o nd A tice f FOR SALE - 5 PmGS weighing about 30 lbs. each. Apply Bren- ton Darch, phone 2298. 27-1 FOR SALE- BUCKWHEAT, 40 bushels. Apply B. G. Bennett, FOR SALE - HEIFER, 3 yeans ald, due last cf July. Apply Roy Staccy, Clarke P.O. 27-1* FOR SALE-BINDER, Deering, 6 fI. cul, bargain for quick sale. Apply L. H. Wood, Bowman- Baby Chicks Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - 54-ACHE FARM with good buildings, $2600,00. Ten acx7ts wilb gocd building and spring creek, $1000,00. C. J. Mitchell, Newcasle. 27-2* FOR SALE - 10-ACRE FARM in the town cf Bowmanville, fair buildings, free of sncum- brance. Apply to cwner on premises, W. T. Haigh, Higb St. 27-2* FARM FOR SALE-100 ACRES dlay ioam, gocd buildings, well watercd, bush; 85 acres suit- able for tracter. One mile South of Newlonvillc, No. 2 Higbway. Apply Mrs. James Laing, Clarkc,or W. F. Ward, Bawmanville. 26-2* FOR SALE - HOUSE, $1500,00 lesa 20%/ for cash; 3-story brick, 18-room dwelling, large lot, Main Street (No. 2 Higbway, Newcastle, Ont. Suitable for boanding or aparîments. lm- mediate possession. Apply 10 H. W. Milliggn, Newcastle, On- tario. 26-3* TENDERS will be received for the sale of the brick bouse ne- cently occupied by the late F. H. Mason, part cf Lot 207, Block H, nonth aide cf Tempenance St., Bewmanville. There are 7 nooms and basement, oil heal-. ing, lot 70'x80'. House may bel s c c n by applying on the premises from 4 10 6 p.m. All tenders sbould be sent 10 L. L. Mason, 110 Brant SI., Orillia. 26-2 Notice to Creditors ALL PERSONS baving any dlaim against the Estate of the laIe Emma J. Oke, who died on an about the 23rd day cf June, 1943, aI the Village cf Enniskilien, in the County of Durham, are ne- quired 10 file the same witb proof Ibereof witb tbe undersigned Ex- ecutors, or Iheir Solicitor, net later than Auguat 121h, 1943, after wbicb date the Estate will be dis- lnibuled and aill daims of which thé Executors have net received notice will be barned as against them. DATED at Bowmanville Ibis 5th day of July, 1943. Mary AIdta Sanderson and Annie Audney Harris Wright,t Enniakillen, Ont., Executon, By M. G. V. GOULD, Bowmanville, AUCTION SALE g ____ 1 Il FOR SALE-HORSE, 6 years old. Will wcrk single or double. Apply Fred Napp, Courlice FOR SALE-PlUS, 12 Yorkshire pigs, 9 weeks old. Alse 6 suck- ling piga. Apply S. W. Brooks, Bewmanviile, phone 2227. 27-1 FOR SALE - QUANTITY 0F standing hay, tirnathy an d claver; alse Magnet separatar, lu gocd condition. Apply F. Catcr, R.R. 5, Bowmanville. FOR SLE-7 IGS, b27t10 FORs. ALE-7 PIGS, ouit 100 Hb. actonAp(Ly John. LiDar- Hampon, Lo 1,Co.27 a- FOR SALE - ONE HEREFORD ccw, due at once, and one Dur- ham cow, due July 141h, aIse four section diamond bacîli hanrows. Apply R. Clapp, Ty- FOR SALE-NEW STEEL WAG- ON, channel harrows, steel wheels, wbeel barrows, scuf- f lers and auto tracs on baud. Alsa used combination onchard and cern cullivator, necondi- ioned moer, gang plow, cil, grease and electrie fence, bar- gains. Phone Carl Todd, Clarke 1520. 27-1* I have been auhorized te sel by public auctin fan Charles F. Bennett, Lot 8, Con. 4, East Whit- by (at five points) on Sat., July 10, all bis farm stock, implements, grain, harnesa and lumben. Sale aI 1 o'clock. Terma cash. Elmen Wilbur, auctioneen, 27-1 I ave been aulborizd la sell. by public auction for John Ukrp, Lot 28, 29, Con. 2, Darlingon (11/4 miles soutb of Courtice) on Sat., July 17, at 1.30 p.m.: 16 cows, fnsh or about ta freshen; 19 steers, from 1 le 2 yas; 16 beifers, 5 mes. te 1 yr.; 2 bulls; 2 hrses; 5 pigs. Terma cash. Elmen Wilbu, auctionee. 27-2 Work Wanted WORK -.WANTED - HG chool girl, agd 15,' w eud like w ck in store for su mmen ah days. Write Box 210, States- anOfcWanvile 21 Feed For Sale FOR SALE-HAY, 12 acres of mixed alf alfa and timolhy. Standing er cul. Apply Maurice Baker, Enniakillen, phone 2262. 27-1 FOH SALE-HAY, 20 acres, mix- lune cf timothy, ncd dloyen and ycllow blossom. Use cf barn. Apply Mna. Elias Strutt, Ennis- kilien. 27-1 For Rent FOR RENT - HOUSE TO LET. Apply Fergus E. Mcrrill, Bow- manville, phone 2456. 27-1 FOR RENT - GARAGE. Appiy Dr. R. W. Clark, Churcli St., Bawmanville. Phone 2859. 27-1 FOH RENT-3 UNFURNISHED noams and 1 furnisbed noom. Immediabe possession. Apply Mrs. K. Lindsay, Brown St., Bcwmanville. 27-1* Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT - A FARM, about 100 or 150 acres, prefer- ably in Newcastle or Befjan- ville district. Apply Sog Glanville, Kendal. Phon!'14r8, Orono. 27-3* Repairs REPAIRS-WASHING machines rcpaired, oiled and greased, any make. Phone 2643. 27-2* Town of Bowmanville WEEDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN bo ahl pnoperty ownens in accord- ance with "The Weed Control Act", Ihat unleas weeds growing on their lands within the Town of Bcwmanville anc cut down, naked and removed by July 201h, and also bhncughout the season, te Town may enter upon the said lands and bave thc weeds cul and removed, cbarging tlb e c o s t againat tbc ownens conccrned in the taxes. RAGWEED AND R PqOIeSON IVY Reiespecial attention and shouldq be upnaoted and deslroyed immediately the growlh is cvi- dent. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE thal unden the "Fruit Contrai Ac" ahl fruit trees within 1000 feet cf a ommercial onchard must be prayed for Railrcad Worm, and tat ahl Black Kncb must be cul out. A. S. BAKER, Weed and Fruit Tnec Inspecter 27-2 NOTICE 7 To Farmers and Munitions Workers: To obtain NEW or RETREADED tires you must make application to the War- time Prices and Trade Board. Let us niake out your appli- cations. Why drive to Oshawa. We are able to handle it here. . FJAMIESON Block West of 'Post Officei WANTED - COUNTRY VACA- TION for childen at a private home. Small children preferned from ages 2-10. $5.00 a weck, god cae assund. Write Box 211, Staesman Office, Bow- mavle. 27.1* FOR A QUICK LIFT take Page- Gniffilhs, Betamin* (B - Com- plex) tablets once a day. Alex McGregor, Drugs. 1 1 EE STORE I i EADQUARTERS L ne 577 B w anie - .Umm * i t..... 1 1 - 1 ' A - i a mur WANTED: A Nurse to lTake Care of Me O. K., Little Guy, Mommy WiII Put An Ad In The Classifieds The Want Ads are the place to get whatever you want: something to buy, or something to sel, or to rent, or to trade, or to borrow - why, you cn even use theni for messages. Cost? Infant-tized. CASH RATE - Twenty-five words or ess - 25 cents an insertion. Each additionai word one cent. Must bc paid by Saturday of week it appeared. IF CHARGED - 25 cents is added to cover book- keeping and collection costs. The Statesutan --i - 1 -1 - i ic il .1 . 1 1- 1 PHONE 663 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMLE. ONTARIC) 'rWTTPr-nAV TTTT-V P4.1, InAC 3 Work Wanted