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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jul 1943, p. 1

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With Which Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono'News .LJ VIv a.u.~INiv Â~nI, ' UN' T.,1IUMI)AJIJUL Y J.tfl, 1943NUBR2 Hon. Barry Nixon Opens Campaign In Durham Co. yF6 The Liberal Candidate Addressing a rally at New- castle, Monday evening, Hon. Harry Nixon, leader o! the Liber- ai Party o! Ontario, epeneci the campaign in Durham County in the interests o! Cecil G. Mercer, Lîberal candidate. Mr. Nixon toucheci on reasons for calling the election at this time and defended his plan o! taking the absentee solder vote by "proxies". It had been hopedi'that distribution and return o! proxies might be e!fect- eci before the initial invasion in Europe ciaimeci Canadian contin- gents. Mr. Nixon attacked the views o! George Drew on this question and went on to point out that Drew's indictment o! present old age pen- sions was unjust and unfair. O! dloser interest was Mr. Nix- on's explanation o! the conversion o! the Boys' Training Schooi at Bowmanville te the use o! Hun prisoners. Ha ciimed that the request had come from the Do- minion Government; that advice had corne through Swiss sources that the Nazis planneci dungeon confinement for Conadian officers unless Hun officers held in North- ern Ontario were removed to more congeniai quarters. Mr. Mercer who was accorded a unanimous nomination has been Durham's member since 1937, re- ceived fne plause in his speech o! fCcepitance. The weather and busy season founci many party stalwarts absent but enthusiasm was none the less strong that a good ight would be made in the coning contest. How Cavan Blazers Received Their Name Is nteresting Story A latter-day counterpart Robin Hood's jîand o! merry mei the Cavan Blazers, an anoný mous organization that meted oi its own form o! justice to tho, çonsiclered deseî.ving o! it an aided those in need, piayad spectacular part in the develor ment o! Cavan Township and di. trict in Durham County, durir the i9th century. The group, numbering about 21 ,!%rng p in 1846 when the diE a.e jZown as "intermittar fever" yas prevohent amor farmers in the swampy Fraser ville area. As mony farmer sticken with. tee malady, weî unable to do their own harvest ing, a group o! farmers' sons aný hired men banded together, aný a!ter the day's work was clonea their own farmis, wenit at night ti hehp the stricken familles wit] the crops. As the band went on horse back from oe farm to anether they frequenthy found that theri were not enough saddles te g( arounci, andi borrowed from th( farmers. In some cases, however the owners were boath te boan th( equipment, and the weil-doer -borrowed" themn without con sent. Origin of Name It was one such farmet- who ob- jected to this activity that gavE the group their name. Unable tc !ind who the guity parties werE and have themn arrested, hie began a sianderous "whispering cam- paign" against tee group. OnE night a warning letter was nailed to his door informing him that if hae did flot stop the campaign, hie wouhd receiva a visit from the band, a visit which hae would n01 forget aasily. The latter was signed by the "secretary" o! the gr o up - "Blazes," which may hava beena fictitieus noma. The farmers ap- parently misread this os "blazers' andi gave the group thein tithe. As the fever epidamnic died eut, the Blazers teok te other activities and won themnseives a reputation for good deeds. Aided Elopement on oe occasion a former andi his wife arranged a marriage for one o! their daughters, te a mon net o! han choice. The daughter 'was in love with a young mon, 20 miles distant, and on theeave o! lian impending marriage she noti- fied the Blazers o! the situation.' They immediateiy went into action and oeao! the group was sent te get the young girl's lover. The girl had been locked in hanr bedroom and after the "Blazers" had put a ladder up to her wln- dow iota at night sha was able to escape and meet him. Accom- panieci by the Blazers they cailed and obtaineci o marnioge license frore .he issuer and, after gattiîi% 'à î.Y.7ster out o! bad, were mar- rieib and on their honeymoon by daybreak. When the girls parents discov- ereci what hod happened they de- cided that thair daughter would ba euit off without financial sup- port which they haci intended giv- ing hanr. The Blazers notîfiaci themn that if they did flot treot the girl fainly justice would be clone. Apparent- ly, the parants heeded the veihed warning for in o !ew doys' time they hoci two cows and $100 worth o! househehd goods delivarad to the home e! their doughter andi new son-in-law. It is said that the marrioge was a happy oeaond that fhe daughtar was lotar for- given and the son-in-law respect- e. Own Justice The Blazers had thair own maethocis of corrying out justice. PROG., CON. CANDIDATE George Hart Ex-Mayor o! Oshawa ai prominent public spirited but ness man o! the Motor City, wl has been nominated the ProgrE sive Conservotive candidate coming provincial election. IV Hart is well known in Bowma: ville, being a former resident this town. Children Have Merry Time Trinity Picnic The wnners in the races of t] Trinity Sunday School pica held at Cream of Barley Camp July 6th, were as follows:* Girls 6 and 7-Lorna FletchE Janie McGuire; Jeanne Bond. of Boys 6 and 7-Alan Richaré n, Honnie McClean; Billie Kirktor [y Girls 5 to 8-Connie King, Shi ,ut ley Morris (tied); Helen McGuir se Sylvia Coverley. id Girls 8 and 9-Joan Wonnaci a Janet Lobb; Bernice Stocker. P_. Boys 8 and 9-Bobbie Stocke is Glen Dawson; John Bunner. rg Girls 5 - Eleanor McGuir Betty McClean; Patsy Bagneli. Boys 5-Donny Flint; Dona [-Laird; BaryCowling. nt Girls 10 and il - G1ad, it Brooks; Audry Richards; Audi ýr Fletche'r, Betty Bail (tied). rs Boys 10 and il-Russeli A: e dread; Arthur McGuire; Dougl, id Girls il and 12-Joan Roac] id Peggy Dippell; June Bickle, Joyc to Boys 12 and 13-Jerry Morri th Bill Cox; John McGuire. Boys Wheel-barrow - Russe Alldread and Arthur McGuir( Keith Shackelton, and Dougla r, Sleep; Jack Bond and John Bur .e ner. O0 Girls Shoe Scramble - JanE Le Dale; Joan 'Roach; Peggy Dippel r, Girls Hop-Lorna Sudds, Audr e Fletcher (tied); Gladys Brook' ,ý Joan Roach (tied); Bernice Stock er. Connie King (tied). Boys Hop-Jack Bond; Jerr: Morris; Eddie *Fry. e Girls Three-Legged - Pegg: 0 and Marion Dippell; Joan Roac] Sand June Bickle; Janie McGuir ýand Connie King. 1- Boys Three-Legged - Russel eAlldread and Douglas Lee; Jacl CBond and Eddie Fry. 1 The basebaîl game between tht tboys and girls which followed tht L> races, was won, by a close margir by the boys. This may be at. tributed to the fact that the girl! ewere aided by those stars of th( " pro has-beens", W. R. Strike ani S. R. James. Be Sure To See That Your Namne s On The sVoters' List To-Day The Bowmanville Municipal Voters' List for 1942, will be usec for the coming provincial' election, including Part 3, a copy of which has been put up in, the Post 0f- fice. Voters' names flot on this list on election day cannot vote in Bowmanville as it is over 3500 population. Voters are urged to check this list in the Post Office at once and if their name is missing to apply personally at the office of A. J. Lyle, Town Hall, or if they prefer, Phone Progressive Conservative headquarters, 791, for informa- tion. The Revising Officer sits at the Town Hall, Bowmanville, on Sat- urday next, July l7th. Act very promptly because after that date residents of Bowmanville cannot be added to the list. Once a mean and disagreeable fellow was visited at night by the group and a wagon-load of grain in his barn ready for market was moved, wagon and alI, to the top of his barn. Another man who had belittled the "Cavan Blazers" in a letter was stopped late at night by the group and forced to eat his letter. He was then ordered to raise his right hand and decélare that he was the greatest liar on the earth. The Blazers were ail Orange- men and there was only one Cath- olic in the whoIe township. On one occasion when he took sick and could not look after his crops the "Blazers" worked in the moonlight nights and harvested his entire crop. Big Crowd Attends Aa% Fed. of Agriculture WProgressive- MC Lonservatives Picnic at OronoBDi II VLEONTEUEC u- IL h The third annual picnic of the O M N IL ONTEBAC T0 -N T ' Durham County Federation of WEST SIDE Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Ches- C o s r .P r y V v a % Agriculture was held in Commun- ter W. New . JI a d d t I ity Park, Orono, Wednesday af- Chapel services began July 4th, Mran Mr.W.evs, r (Thursday, Jl 15)Fo u rn n o ternoon. Some 600 people gath- condcedMrr.W.Mcat and Mrs. has. Severs n Biry. ___ red or pcni lunhes mon ney, Toronto. July 11th Mrs. W. Ajax, and Miss Marion Hayes, lnf C ___ the trees under a warm sun prior H. Carlton started Sunday School Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred LUI ~ rRPVva fPr o 9 ta the speeches and the sports of with an attendance of 40. Mrs. CoeoosksDei".uiiivai NDr.TEDCR.IDPE.ws te u ano coeoe manatatoCn Crtni eis o e BsyDl" OIAE ADDAE wsteuaioscoc fthe the day. The mi trcinadCrtni beginninga eiso Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Wilson, To- W h ich was postponed nmntn ovnino h speaker of the occasion was John sessions called the Merry-Go- notwt r n r.J ok ensa ih wn oaPogrivngconeventin ofth Bracken, leader of the national Round which wilî give, in sto-ronoyit rPndMsa.roktydedy ih wigt Progressive Conservative Party. form, the cycle of the Bible from While on the boardwalk we heavy rain storm will bc el heldinOo TwHalFdy President W il1 f r e d Bowles, the time of its printing by Tyn- noticcd a sigo "Pony-5c a ride". to-night (Thursday) a.t the evening, to choose a candidate for Blackstock, reviewed activities Of dall. The organ which was in- This enterprising business is being Publie School Grounds. the Ontario provincial election, the Federation and call upon stalled îast year in its little carried on by some of the younger August 4. Dr. Vivian will oppose Dr. J. B. Reynolds to introduce weather-proof house, stood the boys, the proceeds of which go PARADE STARTSCeiG.Mrran ayotr Mr. John Bracken. Forty years weather weîî. to the Beach Association. We nominee of any party who may ago, Dr. Reynolds was a Professor Mr. and Mrs. Russell What- hope the Association's funds will at 7.30 pa..Centyte. nes nDra at the Ontario Agricultural Col- muh oota Wnrw" be greatly enlarged and that somne ony lege.GuelhTorennJhnBacke Mr nd r.GryBrriclemeans will be devised to dean up Corne and enîoy a good Fu ude e n oe was e, uephf Jhissa tdntsake r and MsGryBrilthe beach before the end of the Fu ude e n oe wa n fhssa tdnsadCornwall, are building a cottage met in open convention under a college athlete of distinction. at the "Cove". season. tirne and help support chairmanship o! Charles McNeil. Mr. Bracken, lately Premier of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. White and a worthy community 1% Despite the busy haying season Manitoba, and a farmer himself, John at "Journey's End".an extreme heat, shirtsleeved was completely at home and Mrs. George Brown and daugh- EAST SIDE effort. farmers from every township spoke without notes for well over ter, Helen, Montreal, with Mrs. were present and got right down an hour. His subject was: "Our Elmer Ott, "Braeside". Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs, Mrs. Gi, t uies oiaigcm Comnion Task" in which hie re- Wm. McKay, New Brunswick, Mr. and Mrs. Attaway, son and mittee presented a siate o! new viewed the past in Canada, with Miss Iris Holt, Jack Baker, A. W. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, Toronto Lady Senids ofcr hc eevdapoa reference to our unbalanced econ- Fox, Wm. McKay and Miss Leona son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gift of $200.00 To by standing vote after slight dis- omy during and between two Gilham, Mrs. F. Gilham, Toronto, Wilson, Mrs. Coventry and Miss0 cussion concerning the addition wrfrom which we should take with Mrs. Wm. Mcay "Daisey Coenr, Toronto, witn ivrs. -Bvwan.vile HositaIl o! two extra executive appointees heed o! the lessons learned and Dell". Blake Short, "Lakeside Cottage frtetwso otHp n emerge fromn this struggle with Mr. and Mrs. N. Jones, Toronto, Farm". With extreme pleasure the edi- Bwmnie.Te ewofcs full determination to, make Can- with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCart- Mr. and Mrs. H. Pascoe and tor o! The Statesman acknow- ae ada a better place for ail to live ney. family, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. ledges a letter hie received Mon- Hon. Presidents - James Paul and work. Miss F. Bailey, Toronto, with S. Rickard and Marion, Mr. and day, from Miss Mary E. Virtue, and Charles MeNeil. and His challenging speech was Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Simpson. Mrs. Garnet Rîckard andl James, Toronto. Miss Virtue enclosed President - Irwin Colville, is- heard with marked attention and Miss Betty Shergold, Long Shaw's, w i t hl Mrs. Florence lier cheque for $200.00 to be pass- Nwate vho bursts o! applause, for he went Branch, with Mrs. S. E. McTavish. Pearce. ed along to the Hospital Board I Vice Presidents-Alec Carruth- e-right to the root o! the question Mrs. A. Mushing and two grand- Mr. and Mrs. E. Gingeli and for the purpose o! adding to the ers, Norman Green, Mrs. Ira ino! a depressed agriculture in the children, Bill and Beverley, Ham- !amily, Toronto, were down for fund for building a new wing to Lws Mr. past diffîcult years and outlined ilton, Mrs. Frank Armstrong, To- the week-end. Bowmanville Hospital. She states Dr. R.P. Vivian Loes.-ra. .R Wdel an- what could and must be done ronto, with Mrs. C. Dorney. Miss June Stewart and George in part: "This hospital has been a Well known medical practîtion- Orono. o! after the war. A full report o! Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walker, Cutteli, Toronto, with Mrs. Chas. great source o! comfort to our the speeches o! the day will be Wendy and Stephen, Toronto, Depew.ow paiclramyon oe er o! Port Hope who received the Chairman MeNeil's able speech carried in next week's issue. A with Mrs. George Wiggins. Mr. and Mrs. V. Pethick and than one occasion, our father, the unanîmous support o! the conven- officers and touched on the comn- severe thunderstorm broke the Mr. Leslie Rice and son, Kings- Marjorie, Toronto, with Mr. and late John W. Virtue, Enniskillen, tion at Orono On Frîday, to con- ing election. fle asked to be re- heat of the day just as the sports ton, Miss Lola Rice and nieces, Mrs. H. G. Pethick, "Mayfair "' and brother, Webster, both hav- test Durham County in behaîf of tired after long service but gave program was under way. Dawn and Jeanette House and Mrs. Gordon Wilson and son, ing been cared for with great the Progressive Conservatîve assurance that he would stili be Miss B. Cooper, Toronto, with Mr. Rock Owen, Mrs. Betty Anderson, kindness and efficiency in their Party in th poica lcini ans nteitrsso h and Mrs. R. H. Rice, "Itsootsus". Mrs. H. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. last illness." on August Xh. Party. Resolutions o! condolence the Mrs. A. Morgan, Toronto, Mrs. Frank Cashmore, Toronto, with The direct cash fund donated is were extended to the families o! ic, Memora y Service H. Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. N. Byers, "Idleby"I. now $10,200, in the amounts of the late James McCamus, Mill- on glyAtndda Mutton, town, with Mrs. Royal Mr. and Mrs. James Etafford, $5,000 each fromn the late GeorgeCCF. akn Pl s brook, and the late Dr. G. C. LreyAtne t Quinn. Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Allan W. McLaughlin, Oshawa, and Mrs.CCF igPas Bonnycastle, Bowmanvilîe. er; Bowmanville Cemetery Mrs. M. K. Lawson and Miss Thompson. (Dr.) L. B. Williams, Toronto, to- Tc Enter a Candidate Six nominations as candidates ds; ~~ ~~~~Doris Lawson, Toronto, with Mrs.a Miss May MacInnon, Toronto, gether with the present gift fromInPoica lti wrmdeD.PryVva, i. Cîtîzens o! Bowmanville and W. J. Duran. nd Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. Miss Vîrtue. A point of interest UnPrvicilslcton w r mae: Dr . Pe ivianJ ir- district gathered Sunday after- Mr. and Mrs. W. Bani, Toronto, Cherry, Montreal, at their cottage. is that ahl three gifts are from Elliott, Percy Stinson and Norman re; noon at the cemetery to honour with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Quinn. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hardcastle and former residents of Enniskillen. Tuesday evening a group of in- Green. Messrs. Strike and Reid the dead on Memoriai and Decor- Mr.. and Mrs. J. Kinneli, Toronto, daughter, Oshawa, with Mr. and Another gift was the property of terested members o! the local withdrew immediately. Messrs. ýoation Day. with Mr. and Mrs. C. Bakewell. Mrs. D. Balles. the Bowman Block, Bowman- C.C.F. Association assembled to Elliott, Stinson and Green came In spite o! the postponement, a Mr. and Mrs. Norman Green Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone, ville, from the late Absolom Abra- discuss plans for the forthcoming to the platform and in formaI, e;good crowd attendedth pca and Mr. and Mrs. B. Murchison, town, Dr. and Mrs. A. Cawker, ham, late resident just west of provincial election. Enthusiasm- forceful speeches declined to sriesosrdby the Town Toot, wlth Miss E. Robinson. Montreal, with Mr. and Mrs. Mor- Enniskillen. xvas quite hîgh and the members stand and stood solidly for the re- re; Council and Ministerial Associa- Dr. and Mrs. H. P. Whidden, ley Vanstone.- With this public acknowledg- in attendance feit that because o! malning nominee Dr. Vivian. tio, adedby he egin Bnd ____________ment___ a4ad deep appreciation Miss popular demand, a member would Speaking without Dr.tesival id n Rev J.E.Griffthe o!fcated. Virtue's cheque has been passed shortly be selected to represent erect, weîî informed, notes tvali adRv.Ex-MayriW.R.itr ikiae i i htTh ..P a sToD ihC n d along to the Board. the C.C.F. Party in Durham went right to the heart o! the ys Mao adresspkeo tef rk e e- i ha h ... ln oD W aaaCounty. On Thursday it is plan- issues involved. He claimed that y admss fporfhihe our ancee-I- nî ned to held a joint meeting at the premiership o! Ontario had uriedms fnrthis suam ceetero8 r enui u n s J gPO .aacft Jeni Port Hope in order to further con- lately been tossed about like a buri- c .ti ame toth nw ord t rJoh B a ke om eKsE it0Ir Awarded the D.F.C. solidate the growing strength of football which gave rise to pub- 11 as e m ote esre the ne e r d o! ro-_ the C.C.F. Party. lic disaffection; that forcefulness is oengaHing orseivte frof -and stability were the needs o! the h; materiai world and not planning F r . Yflh C.. octrines*:u:nTh cmmuit wi eroud to ce upon a victory gained wholly D ckne-er ta iotOfcr .J ay; nesh orte ltfr Jennîngs, grandson o! S. J. Jack Cadet Corps of M.D. 3 ofs ere ded no The patefo from material weapons. He men- man, local florist, has been award o eog rehv-ede,5 is; tioned the spiritual uplift in Eng- Ottawa, July l3th, 1943 ed the Distinguished Flyin __a preente 3. ed the DstiEnjoyedFl Lif& Under atey announcxpeswso fprebentc land during the Battie of Britain Geo. W. James, Esq., Cross. The award came as the = nasat epoiyutfradorOaion Il which far outweighed the superi- Editor and Publisher, result of his achievement in es- ------ phcyptfowrdfr naroi *e; or war materiel used by the en- The Canadian Statesman, cpn rmGrayatrh With their fathers and brothers many o dades.Thre as yn ere as emy. Bringing his talk to a con- was captured following a bomber off te war, the school boys Of Vmein o!poedh.ime oraory i Dr n- clusion hie urged that the work Bowmanville, Ont. raid over Stuttgart, Germany, Canada have in many instances Viva n cy spech. H spoe wth clone by the heroic dead would not Dear r. Jaes:plan"e was shot down. become the "men o! the home", shoulder and pronised, in the et b invai. Der M. Jmes:ýýJck"wasa radio air-gunner o! and they are taking their adcéed short time available, to meet as I- Canon C. R. Spencer closed the Your series o! articles on "What the C.C.F. Plans to do With the plane's crew and his escape responsibility seriously. This is many as possible and, if elected, cservice witha ruofsiin and thrilling experiences cannot evident in the keen way over 1,000 would serve to the greatest o! his a gruppoaStiriîi Canada" has recently been brought to my attention. May I take be recorded probably until the members o! the Royal Canadian ability. The convention's applause k-_________ this opportcmnity to say I think you have rendered a signal service war is over. It is a matter o! prîde Army Cadets of Miitary District indicated that a strong and very to your reaciers and the people o! Canada. You have added a fine and congratulation that hie 15 No. 3 are throwing themselves able man nnw became their ry chapter to the cause o! democracy at a time when we are in the again able to return to the con- into training at their camp over- choice. Teachers Announce flict. Hun fliers here at the In- looking Lake Ontario, near here. Cecil G. Frost, Lindsay, presi- !y Conservatory Examis midst o! the worid's greatest crisis. ternment Camp have tried re- These youngsters, representing dent o! Ontario's Progressive Con- Il peatediy to escape and return to scores o! communities throughout servative Party, was guest and Puîso r. .br oe We live in a world o! change, and that is weil, because Germany but none have succeed- the district, are learning such mil- key-note speaker. He revealed Pupil of rs. . Alert ole, d. Te cotras undrline the-tar subectsaed.felTheftcsentrastlieunderlinesrey ithe A TC M , A OC.M . progress comes of change. The progressive changes in political fact that Canadian ingenuity and ti nf r ai n il ni e rn , wl n a o rbyi h at à Grade IV Piano-Raiph Peters, thought !orm the really great attributes o! democeracy. In this determination is far superior to ptifration, ede ngin eering, w and ftavsuraby nthee past, Hon. way, the people can best be served by the governments o! their that of the "super-race". weapons, drill, camp craft and known, Dr. Vivian had a iead.ing Le Grade I Piano-Myra Cooper, choice. sgaln under the watchful part in ognzn the pre-con- HigeShol E trnc direction o! the Camp Comman- vention meeting at Port Hope 'Il * * *holEnra dant, Colonel D. Carmichaei, which fermulated a new charter t- Pupils o! Mrs. Reta Dudley, Socialistic doctrines are being leosely tossed about in this Results Announced D.S.O., M.C., V.D., o! Ottawa. for the party. And at Winnipeg, 5s A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M., who passed country on a rising tide o! strange promises. I would hope Ne csean Or o Capt. T. C. Hoimes, District Cadet Dr. Vivian was singled out to act ýe the Toronto Conservatory of that every Canadian could read your enlightened exposition Ne cslan r o Officer, is chief instructor, while on important committees, ieading d Music exams (al candidates being o! the C.C.F. It is their right, o! course, to advocate changes NwateHghSho nCapt. W.Hmes isfro M.D. 3 en aeselation f leader.c successfui): NwateHg colE-Capt. W.H. Agnew, ho witup toeteseleation o! Johadreck Piano: Grade X - Ruby Mc- and improvements in the forms o! government and social trance Board has released the Headquarters at Kingston, is act Mr. Frost's remarks centred Laughlin (Burketon), H on.; activity, just as we ourselves are doing. The value o! your ser- following lists o! candidates who ing as adjutant. Capt. H. Bon- about the campaign slogan o! the Grade V-Joan Rice, Hon.; Grade vice, it seems to me, is in pointing eut net only the virtues but were successful at the June ex- ner, District Signais Officer, also party, 'Make Ontario Strong". Il-Joan Munday, Hon. the fundamental fallacies o! the C.C.F. preaching. It is only mntosfra ison noofKgtnsSgalTanngH sid"hePgesveC - hiïh schools. Section -A' lists Officer. servative Party have a move- Northcutt, Hon.; Grade VI - to the public that it can, with wisdom, determine its future mitted on the certificate o! the Waigtesatydsge et ln upsadi Li Gwendoiyn Brooks, First Class new uniferms o! the R.C.A.C., is on the march. Their policy ci Honours Grade II-Joyce Wood- course, principal. Section "B' ists those, the boys are iooking tanned and and platform is steady, ordered, i ey (Tyrone) Pas. ,%ho wili receive their High f it after neariy a veek under progress tow'ard !reedomi and Theory: Grade V Harmony - I do not need to tell you that the reai difference between School Entrance Certificates upon canvas. They are receiving eX- secuirity,." Ruby McLaughlinI Pass; Grade Il the Progrersive Conservative philosophy ef government and the cartified Farm War Service. "C"' cepti nyod foodsuperihon o The spake e pas iz eoand sTheory-Barbara Rolph (Orono) C.C.Fers is that we propose to take national measuras te legis- lists those who passed on the de- Lt. W. Bowerman, o! the Can- Drew's plat!orm which keynoted lae th eae hpins pepeiy enty partînental examinationsofJn adian Army (Basic) Tnaining "freedom" in ail its aspects; social D*aefr h e * *pns adpopeiyo urcuty 24th andl 25th. Centre, Peterboro, xvho ismssn security, the improvement o! the Pupils o! Vera McGill Ferguson, We propose not only to correct the weaknesses, but te save what Newcastle Centre officer. lot o! the common man, equality sA.T.C.M., who triad the Toronto is good from the worid of yesterday. We wish te keep olive the "A" The spiritual welfare o! these O! opportunity under the prin- Consarvatory o! Music Mid-sum- spirit o! privata initiative...the kaystone o! pregrass. Bitn .Ni;Dwny otsi e eica n hl ciples o! private anterprise with mer Examinations: Bigovertel;Dedey yuhshit' igete adwhl Theory: GrAde I-Bihl Knox, Mary A.; Duck, Joan A.; Schmid, at the camp they are under the goenment aling monopoly. FistClssHoous,81 Gad ~It is important that our people shouid net be deluided by Herman A.; Stopieton, Keith; religieus supervision o! Capt. G. Particular emphasis wos laid on -Jean Living, Hon., 72. the C.C.F. taik about the levaiiing-out o! society. The good Toms, Mary G. Grant, Protestant chaplain, o!fh rbeso giutro -Piano: Grade I-Audrey Bird, Lord, in putting this world toather, i ntmkaal h res"B-eligon-n Cp.-egrolaoran !-eIhIn eua VOLUME 89 K«il TM«lI"l 8 \100, 1 K()WMAKVTT.T.P. nxTrr rvyjnroýnAlr TTTTxrlp.Ll- -fmAý

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