i. . ~s. PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY 22nd, 1943 Ebenezer Visitors: Tpr. M. Vetzel. Caml Borden. with his parents. Mr. an( Mrs. G. Vetzel. . . Pte. Gordoi Brown. Kingston. wvith '.%r. an( Mrs. J. Brown. .. James Hancock S.B.A.. Toronto. with 'Mr. an( Mrs. H. J. Hancock. . . Pte. anc Mrs. William Marsh. Jackie anc Rchard. London. %vith Mr. an. Mrs. W. Husband. . . 'Miss Audreý Beauchamp. Toronto. with friendi M:-. and Mrs. Gerald Balsor and Jerry. M-%ona Milis. with Mr and MIrs. W. J. Brown..Mr. H C. Trimm-er. Tîn'.îns. with Misý '%abel Water and Mr, Frank Wal- ter.. Mr. and NMrs. J. C. Found anxd Fav are enjo-y!r.s a vacation ir Wes-er-nCanada . ..M.isse, Shîr:ey Arir Taylor and Dorothy Hock:n -w:îh Mr. and Mrs S, T<'er-. M XGrov.e. Mrs. La,.- rerce Courtic.e. Hamilton. with r Blake Court:ce... Miss Mary W; kn_ý. Ozh-.na HoýiDtal. xitl r H> S.Gay.. Dr. ar:dM H. M. MacDonald. LE FTO VERS TRANSFRE Last night's Ieftover roast makes tonight's "Mogic" Meut Roils 2 the. soft butter i cup chopped Jeftover ment 2 tbs. chopped offlons 2 cups fIour 4 tsp. Magic Baking Powder 34 tap. Salt 4 tbs. sbortening % eup milk, or haIf rnilk and water Mix meat, onlon, butter. Sif t to- gether dry 1 ngredients, mir in shortennig:.addliquld tomake sof t dough. Turn onl floured board; kneadlilghtiy. Roil Y, Inch thick, *prend wi th me"at mlx ture. Roil like Ielly roil, cut in asuces. Bake on bakng sheet In' bot oven (475' F.) for about 14 minutes. Serve wth tomato sauce. Cadet John 'Macdonald and Don- aId MacDonald. Mr. and Mrs. H.Sae Shelley. M.%r. and Mrs. H. Piatti. ____ [Oshawa. at A. V. Henry's. Rev. Gardner gave a timely id W..M.S. met in the Sunday1 message Sunday. based on a text n School with 'Mrs. Geo. Anni5. from the Book of Habakkuk. id president. in the chair. The mneet- 1 Visitors: Mr. and MNrs. Eric ing was in charge of 'Misses Louise Coom bes and daughter. Gwven. ýd ed with quiet music by Louise Bowmanville. Mr. C. Talling. To- d Osborne. Mrs. H. C. Linstead led ronto. at L. Coombes'. . . Mr. O. ,d in prayer and Misses Muriel Henderson and son. Peter. To- y, Down. Dorothy Higgins. Gwen ronto. with his parents. Mr. and isOsborne and Marilyn Rundle fav- -4rs. Henderson. . . '.%r. and Mrs. n~ oured ivith a quartet. accomp- L. Coombes and family enjoyed ranied by Miss Eileen Pickell. a visit with Mr. and Mr5s. Erie Miss Ada Annis gave a Bible read- Coombes at their cottage at Rice 5ing and Miss Lila Osborne gave Lake. . . Mr. and Mrs. L. Annis -a talk on Missionary Women off and family, Toronto. with ber par- dthe Bible. ents, .%Mr. and Mrs. W. Cann. n Who is Dr. Vivian'-Pag1e fîve. Mn. and M%ýrs. H. Avery. Toronto, s ~visited at F. Cator's. and with Mrs. C. Cator motored to Cobourg. NewLonvllle Mrs. Howard Hobbs. Donald and Sandra. Toronto. ivith her Vis;,tor :C'-rm-stotpher Argail at parents. Mr. and M.\rs. F. Cator. Wni. Arzali's . ..te Edgar Mil.- son. Wo'odstock. at home. ..M an Ms.Erer Randaland John. Orono News Osraad Mvn- Bent C. adell..A HI.aon d el.Beit Cadlb Ay. Visitons: 'Miss Fern Chapmani Toronto.Cadeorg-vie Sapdletons 1visited friends in Whitby. . .Mr. Tornto.Lao MGeoneS. . . Missand Mrs. VirIle Wilson and fam- Jan Laesondsa. a.he. Misîlyare holidaying at the Cream I Mrs. Roy Smith and Carlos in Mf.Ban rley. Bomanvile fr' Toronto. . 'Miss Kathleen Riches. ran Ms.Sd utefrs Cambray. and Bruce Lockhart. son got a nasty cut on his leg. re- Niagara Falls. NY.. at S. J. Lan- quiring several stitches. casers .. CareceBel. Oh. Orono received a hail. thunder1 awa. ith Mrs. Thos. Stapleton. adlgfnn îrmTedy Mrs. A. E. Virtue Gallon. Peter- Orono W.C.T.U. met Tuesday boro. at the parsonage. . . LAC at the home of Mrs. W. H. Rowe. Jack M.\cLachlan and Mrs. '.cl- Devotional was conducted by Miss Lachlan. Yorkton. Sask.. -%ith bis Stella Best. Mrs. J. J. Mellor1 parents. Rev. and Mrs. M.%cLach- played for the bymns and Mrs. H. Ian. Jack is going f0 Bruce Bay. Walsh 1edl in prayer. Roll cal L abrador. took the form of a sing-song. Wh SDr. Vivian'-Page five. Joyce Sutton favoured with a Who i~piano solo. Mrs. Popham. guest - of Mrs. H. Walsh. gave an in- teresting talk on temperance Hamptonconditions in the West. Mrs. Pop- ham was Provincial President in Visitors: Mrs. Leta Sharp. To- Mýanitoba at one time. so her talk ronto. at F. J. Groat's. .. Mr. and %vas most enlighîening. She also Mrs. Gerald Balson. Caledon East. gave some ideas of bow 10 bring ai J. W. Balson's and J. Macnabs the Temperance idea before the1 Mn. and Mrs. Jno. Cowling en- public and keep il there. Mrs. joyed a holiday at Bobcavgeon. .«' Mellor led in a discussion on "Law1 Miss Jean Ashby. Whitby. with Enforcement"'. Miss Nellie Armour. .. Miss Jean Cedar Dale Holstein Heads Balson with her brothers at Cale- County Producers don East .. . . Mrs. Ruth Clayton The largest Record of Perform- Iwith her sister at Huntsville. .. ance test completed in a Durham R ev. and Mrs. W. Rackham are County Holstein herd last month at their cottage at Mussleman's was Ibýat of Cedar Dale Rag Apple Lake. The pulpît wîll be occu- Prim. owned by Cedar Dale Stock pied Sunday evening by C. W. Farms, Orono. She began ber Pugh, Toronto. of the Temperance test as a six-year-old and gave Federation... .Mrs. M. Goodman at 15.556 lbs. milk confaining 509 Alan Parker's. Montreal. . . Miss lbs. butterfat in 305 days. Lula jMinnie Horn with her sister. Mrs. Toitilla Burke, from the berd of N. Doidge. Oshawa. .. Mrs. Chas. J. *H. Jose & Sons, Newcastle, Langmaid. Enniskillen. with finisbed in the same class witb friends here. .. Dr. and Mrs. W. R. 478 lbs. butterfat from 13,473 lbs. Horn, Port Hope. at W. W. Horrîs milk, closely followed by Alice prior to taking up residence in Rauwerd Alcartra, the property New York. . . Mr. and Mrs. 0. of Neil Mutton, Bowmanville, Hamilan. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hamil- witb 13,541 lbs. milk and 46, lbs. an. Toronto. at R. Selback's.. . butterfat. Eldersle Prilly Pontiac. Miss Robinson. Newcastle. witb owned by Archie Muir. Courtice. M\,rs. E. L. Williamson. . . AC2 with 460 lbs. butterfat from 12,- Keith BîlleIt. Toronto, at home... 880 lbs. milk and Elm Princess Miss Jean Kersey at Bobcaygeon Posch, a member of the berd of ...Mr. James Leask. Mrs. Nelson C. A. Blanchard & Son, Hamp- Baird. Mr. Edgar Leask at T. ton, with 443 lbs. butterfat from Salter's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W il. 12.744 lbs. milk. Ah Ibhe above son. Junior. and June Wilbur, To- records were made on twice-a- ronto. at S. Kersey's. . . Mn. and day milking. Mrs. Gordon Wakley and family, Who is Dr. Vivian?-Page five. Toront o. at Luther Allin's. .. Mr. __________ and Mrs . Howard Foley, Mr. and SAESPPC*USIN * *ETS Mrs. Ernest Foley. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Colwill and Teddy, Mrs. ~ Ernie Twist and Raymond, Bow- C.C.F. CANDIDATE Wilfrid Bowles 0F CARTWRIGHT TOWNSHIP Wil Contest Durham County In the coming Provincial Election on August 4th in the interest of the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation WATCH FOR MORE DETAILS NEXT WEEK Published by Cooperative Commoniwealth Federation I DRINK C eï5z COLD TRADE-MARK 127 Haydon Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Beech and Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr attended the fifth weddingi anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larmer. Some from here attended the Farmer's Picole at Orono, Wed- nesday. Vaughan Stephenson had her tonsils removed at Bowmanville Hospital on Monday. Fred Ashton caught a muske- lunge at Otonobee River. Visitors: Pte. Silas Trewin. R.C.M.C.. Simcoe. with his par- ents. . . Mrs. W. Brownlee, Lea- side. Mrs. John Brown, Orono, at Mr. Lloyd Ashton's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bridgett and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson and babe, Bowmanville, G 1 e n n Thompson. Toronto. at Mr. W. Thompson's... Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton and Mary Lou, Toronto, at Mr. H. Ashton's... Rev. A. W. March, a former pastor, called on friends here. Zion Visitors: Mrs. Fleury, Mrs. Don Tims and family, Toronto, Mrs. George Leach and children, Col- umbus, at Alex Fisher's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coverly and Lloyd, Ebenezer, at Wes Camer- on's. .. Misses Marguerite Martin, Lorraine Davis, Toronto, at Thos. Martin's. Miss Davis is staying -... Mr. and Mrs. F. B. GlaspeIl at Ed. Pascoe's, Greenwood. . . Miss Jean McMaster, Toronto, at home ...Miss Doris Day, Toronto, at Clifford Martin's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Ayre, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton at Rice Lake on Thurs- day. .. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geiss- berger at John Sutter's, Maxwell's ..Mr. Hans Geissberger, Misses Mary and Bertha Geissberger at August Geissberger's, Harmony ... Mrs. Harvey Balson and Glen have returned to Oshawa. Miss Marie Killen returned with her sister. . . Mrs. Levi Burgess, Jimmie and Ralph, Courtice, ai Wes Cameron's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Al Ayre and Lloyd at Milton Fisher's, Blackstock. . . Mr. Lloyd Stainton, Miss Margaret Palmer, Toronto, Mr. Tom Currell, Osh- awa, at A. T. Stainton's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton and Grace, Mrs. Jas. Stainton at Al- bert Balson's, Solina. Imanville, Miss Louise Foley, Osh- awa, Mn. and Mrs. Farewell Blackburn, Clînton, Mn. and Mns. W. Blackburn ai M. Blackburn's. Han many friands were sorny to bear of the passing of Miss Effie Gamble, Oshawa. Dalington a n d Cartwright Township Merchants' Association, with their families, had an enjoy- able picnc in our park on Monday. Miss Audrey Macnab had ber tonsils removed in Bowmanville Hospital, Monday. Congratulations to Miss Jean Baîson and Balph Paters on pass- ing their music exams. Clarke Union A number from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Robert Col- ville at Bowmanville, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bailey. Miss Georgina Bailey. Mrs. Warren, Miss Philpott. Miss Margaret Wightman, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jewell and Miss Mary Jewell. Bowmanville. were vis- itors at Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey's on Sunday. on the oc- casioh of Master Wayne Bailey's christening. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Souch and Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Souch attend- ed the funeral of their cousin, Miss Minnie Jewell. at Oshawa, Wednesday. Miss Catherine Power is visit- ing with her grandmnother in Osh- awa. George Fogg is home on holi- day-s. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Souch. Miss3 Eileen Souch. Mrs. Harry B3ailey- and son. Wayne. visited Mrs. E. J. Power and family in Oshawa.1 Blackstock St. John's W.A. met at the home Of Mrs. Harry McLaughlin on July 16. Bible lesson was read by Mrs. V. M. Archer. Roll eall was answered by some patriotic thought. Plans were made to send a box t0 Rev. and Mrs. Har- court, England. The Dorcas re- port was given by Miss Eva Parr. Plans were made to forward the annual church bale. Mrs. Levi McGill was in charge of the fol- lowing program: the study book, "The Life of Wm. Paul". by Mrs. Jos. Forder: reading. "The Grab- lins" bv Miss Eva Parr: reading, "It's Censored" by Miss Ethel Thomas; Mrs. A. L. Bailey gave a reading. "Veteran Reindeer Wal- ton". The next meeting. in Sep- tember, will be at Mrs. Carter's. Program convenor will be Mrs, Wm. VanCamp. Benediction was pronounced by Archdeacon Simp- son. L Cpi. Stan Rahm is home on furlough after spending more than a year in Labrador. George Wolfe, Ordnance Corps, at Oscar Graham's. LAC Roy Carter attended morning service at St. John's on Sunday, also George and Stan. Mr. George Joli and Mr. Fred Bailey are bath sick. Miss Marie Lamb, Lindsay, at the Smith Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Norton VanCamp and family. Listowel. and the VanCamp families at A. L. Bailey's on Sunday. Misses Orlee and Marilyn Bul- mer. Fenelon Falls, at Mervin Graham's. Mrs. Brand. Toronto. is staying with Mrs. Henry Mountjoy. Mrs. Do YOU Lead A Double Lffe? ARE YOUR DAYS DIVIDED BETWEEN DEFENSE WORK AND YOUR FAMILY? Your day has been cram- med fuil. You haven't had a chance to prepare a des- sert for tonight 's dinner. The solution lies in our de- licious baking. Stop in on your way home. -EAT MORE BREAD - Carter 's bread is made in Bowmanville. oven to you. Fresh from1 N-IL- Brand's familv visited'ber onl Sunday. M\rs. Gold,.%-n Faint. Toronto. at Mr. and Mrs. O. Wright's. MIr. Wm. Bradburn. C3u11 Lake. Sask., visiting his relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. McNally and Verna, Coîborne. visited friends on Sunday. Sorry that Mr. Milton Fisher met with an accident on the way to the Farmers' Picnis at Orono. The car was pretty well w-recked but nobody was seriously hurt. The business men from this dis- trict attended the picnic in Hamp- ton on Monday. Our crowd came home with a fair share of the prizes. Mr. Sam Jeffrey got the prize for the oldest business man present. Sympathy is extended f0 Mr. and Mrs. Wotten and family on the death of their young son. Henry. .\r. and Mrs. Jabez Wright spent Sunday at Fenelon Falls. MNr. and Mrs. Hocken, Margaret. Shirley, with Mr. Herb Swain. Sympathy is extended to the familv of the late Harry Olver. -who wvas buried last Wednesday.1 Although decorat*ny services wpvre called off for this year, sev- eral families visited the ceme- teries on Sunday and placed flow- ers at the graves. Joyce and Garry Venning are visiting their uncle, Mr. Orr Ven- ning, Claremont. The July meeting of the United Church W.M.S. wvas beld at the home of Mrs. Ernest Larmer with the Mission Band as their guests. Devotional, with hymn, roll cail was answered with something for the ditty bags. Program-song by the Mission Band; reading, "Over In The Meadow"' by Ruth Hamilton: r e ading. "Color Scbeme" by Doreen VanCamp; song by Miriam Newel; reading. -My Place' by Marilyn Forder; story, Mrs. Cecil Hill; song by the Mission Band: Bible quiz, Doris Hamilton. Rev. Harrison closed the meeting with a'prayer. Lunch as served by the hostess. Maple Grove Visitors: Dr. and Mrs. Llyn Coates and Danny, Brantford, spent the week-end with Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Danny remained for a longer visit. . . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Foley have returned, home after visiting relatives in London, Brantford and Toronto. Mrs. S. T. Bartlett, Toronto, re- turned with them, spent the week-end. .. Misses Thelma Free- man, Marion Foley, spending the week with Mrs. Gordon Glenn, Stella, Mrs. Harry Jermany, Wolfe Island. .. Miss Ruth Aber- nethy, town, with bier cousin. Miss Mildred Metcalf. . . LAC Charlie Wright. Uplands, Ottawa, Mrs. Wright .town, with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wrighf ...Miss Louise Foley, nurse-in- training, Oshawa Hospital, visit- ed at home, Sunday... Mrs. Allan Clark, son Jimmy, town. Misses Phyllis Trimble. May Wright, are -vacationing at Rice Lake. .. Mr. Vernon Trimble spent a few days with bis sister. Mrs. Lawrence Staples, Bethany. .. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Pascoe, Mr. Grant, Master Donald Pascoe, Misses Betty Mus- ton, Edna Renison, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thickson, Osh- awa, at J. R. Metcalfe's.. . Ken- neth Wyse, Signalman of the Navy, Halifax, spending bis vaca- tion at Mr. Charlie White's. .. Mrs. Lloyd Snowden, Misses Greta Lorraine and Gayle Snowden, with her mother, Mrs. Cowling ...Mr. and Mrs. George White,« Solina, with their son, Mr. Charlie' White. . . Mr. and Mrs. Oshawa, « visited at Mr. Fred Stevens' Lake Shore, Clarke « Visitors: Mrs. S. Gilmer. Souris, Man., Mr. H. Peters, Ajax, at C. J. Mitchell's. .. Robt. Seanl. Al- berta, at S. Powell's. . . Mrs. A. Bedwin and Marlene at H. Tay- lor's, Courfice. .. Mn. and Mrs. C. Brown at M. Heard's, Port Hope ...Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Heard and family, Port Hope, Miss Thelma Day, Toronto, at Mr. C. Brown's. .. Les. Allin at home... Miss Hazel Barrie, Oshawa, and Miss Jean Holmes. Toronto, at W. Holmes. . . Mrs. C. R. Clemence, Ottawa, Mrs. W. Gra- hxam, Pontiac, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. W. Clemence, Bowmanville, at Jack Holmes'. . . Miss Elizabeth Alldread, Miss Barbara Maxwell with Miss Jane Adsett. .. Mr. and M4rs. G. Martin and family with M'rs. J. W. Hamilton, Millbrook .- . Billy and Donnie Lake with Mrs. Everett Brown, Orono... Jimmy Pollard with his grand. You can tell when a politician ilooking for a goat. Frequently, e blames the press. The United States, formerly the world's largest pofasb-importing country, is now a potash produc- Lr and exporter. Starkville Visitons: Miss Bertha, Hallo-' well. Toronto. with han parents.. Mrs. Silven. Ajax, at born... Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell and fam- ily at Gordon Haliowell*s, Mt. Forest. . . Miss Gwen Gilmer, Bowmanville, at home. . . Miss Helena Hallowell, Toronto, home for holidays. . . Mns. Chas. Yule and family witb ber parents, Mn. and Mns. Wm. Savany. . . Miss Alice Hailowall bas raturnad 10 Toronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dunn in Oshawa. .. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner and-daugbter, Mn. and Mrs. Osborne of Newcastle, aI Boss Hallowall's. . . Mn. and Mrs. Wilfrad Wood and family aI Mn. Beat's, Pont Bittain... Mrs. Chas. Reid, Oshawa, witb friends. . . Mn. and Mns. Bill Cooper and daugbtan in Oshawa ...Mn. and Mns. Ed. Ruthven.' Zion, aI A. Dobson's. Sbiloh W.A. met aI Alf. Dob-1 sonýs. Master Raymond Tnim bad bis tonsils removed. The sevena electrie stonm of last week struck and killed a borse; owned by M. Sbutka. Solina Visitons: Mn. and Mns. Bert White, John and Bobby, Aunona; Mn. and Mrs. Charlton McBrida and Mary, Peterboro; AC2 Burton MeBrida, Montreal; Mns. Clarence Tink, Hampton, aI Mn. Geo. White's. . . Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Yallowleas, Mn. and Mns. Frank Wright and Grant with Mrs. Jas. Garfaît, Bnooklin. . . Mn. and Mns. Balph Davis and Patricia aI C. Hallatt's, Seagrave. .. Mns. Clin- ton Wbetten and David, Toronto, at Bryce Brown's. . . Miss L. E. Taylor, Bowmanville; Miss Pearl Gerny. Toronto, at E. B. Taylor's ..Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White at Charles Wbite's, Maple Grove.. Mn. and Mrs. Eveneît Elliott. Mary and Barbara, aI Ted Jackson's. Port Penny, and Stuart Muirson's. Columbus. . . Miss Ella Milîson, Toronto, at home. .. Mn. and Mrs. Everett Hoar, Mn. Russall Smith, Bowmanville: Mn. a n d Mrs. Charles Smith and Anna, Hamp- ton, witb thair mothen, Mns. J. Smith, aI Mns. S. Busb's. Mns. Smith celabnated ber 77tb birth- day. . . Mrs. Jack Davies, Southampton, at R. C. Scott's and B. G. Stevens'. . . Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Squair and Joan, Shaw's; Mns. Acy Penfound and Mrs. M. H. Staples, Onono, with Mrs. J. T. Rundla. .. Mrs. Allan Balson, Catanaqul. aI A. J. Balson's. Mn. H. E. Tink is seriously ill. Miss Reta Kensîake is with him. Mns. S. Bush is at Bowman- ville Hospital following a major operation. Enniskillen When We Test Your Eyes You Are Assured Perfect Satisfaction In Fit and Price Gin PlUs --------- 39c, 69e Kolynos Faste 29c, 47e Aiacln ---- - 22c, 43c, 98e Pepsodent Faste 29c, 45c Bayer's Aspirin 22c, 39c, 98e Ipana FPaste .---29c, 49e NyaI A.S.A. -- 25c, 35c, 49c1 Colgate's Faste -- 25c, 40e scoTrs EMULSION A noerelWay to tako Cod Liv.r 0OU MW Contains j- Vitamins A and D 590tand 980~ Insecticides Fly-Tox .------24c, 43c, 73e Larvex ----------83e - $1.29 Shelltox ----- 24c, 43c, 73e Skeeter Skatter --------35e Odorono Creami Neet -. -- -- Quest Powd.---- Arrid Tat Ant Traps Tangel Unguent ine Sunburn Cream -,39C $1.13 ----35e 39c, 59e 50C 39Ce Effervescent Saits Eno's - 59e, 98e Haalth Saits -----59C Sal Hepatica 30c, 59e, $1.15 Kkovah 29c, 79e Fruit Kepe............25e 9COWLI NG'S DRUG STORETruse Clarence Babm and Betty, Wes- ton, Mrs. W. H. Rabm, Burketon, at Mr. Walter Rahm's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Slemon, Mr. and Mns. Jno. Slemon, Miss May Woodley, Saskatoon, Mr. Donald Lamb af- tended- the storekeepers' picnic at Hampton. .. Mrs. Milton Stain- ton is recovering after her opera- tion. Mrs. Lloyd Ashton is also improving nicely. A meeting was lield at the home of Mrs. Russell Ormiston, July 13, to organize a C.G.I.T. group. These officers were installed: president-Wilma Wotten; vice president - June Ashton; sacre- tary - Jean Werry; treasurer - Marie Ashton;; pianist (devotion- al)-Joyce McGill. (necreation)- Audrey McLaughlin; gruop lead- ers-Lorraine Page. Hazel All- dread, Merle Oka, Alice Steven- son, Merle Ormiston and Mona Brunt. TIELYWRN G A sU5~Luggsinmmcue 1)5 tne ljt- tawa Baffer Business Bureau Ibat Mn. and Mrs. Fred Toms and Victory Bond holders sbould be Jean, Mn. and Mrs. Sandy Moore, on their guard againsî inrespons- Purpia Hill, Miss Jean Wright, ible promoters desenves a wide Bîackstock, at S. Trewin's. bearing. Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. J. A. War Bonds are rapidly becom- Werry with the Bray family, En- ing the average family's most im- field. .. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Weav- portant savings reservoin, the ing, Toronto, and Mn. and Mrs. Bureau observes. Thus, sucb in- John Siemon on a fisbing trip vesfmants and secunities are al- f0 Consecon. .. Miss Helen Knox ways prime lunes for racketeens, wifbhane sister, Mns. Jno. Slemon witb thein schemes for persuad- ...Mn. and Mrs. Ted Tyens and ing people f0 cash in Ibeir bonds baby, Mantha, Mn. and Mrs. and tunn the money over f0 fhem Drinkle, Oshawa, at, T. M. Slem- on innesponsible promises of get- on's. . . Mn. and Mrs. Melville ting rich quick. Bradley at Mn. Jas. Bradley's. . . One thing is certain, the Bureau Mn. and Mns. 1. Travell, Befh and advises-these propositions will Bruce, at Mn. E. C. Asbton's. . . sound good. They have to seem Mn. and Mrs. Bob Preston, Ruth, plausible to gel oun money. Some Ray and Maurice, Maple Grove, may appear to be an opportunity Mn. and Mrs. Franlt McGill and for one f0 make a good profit. Don, Toronto, at Mn. Arthur But. unfortunately, in f00 many Brunt's. . . Mn. and Mns. D. Yeo, deais, the promoter is the only one Oshawa, at Gordon Yeo's. .. Mrs. to profit. Howard Cale. Mnr. and Mrs. C. W. Says the Bureau: "If you are Soucb, Hampton, Miss May Van- usged to cash in your bonds for stone, Toronto, with Miss E. 'investment' in an unknown pro- Soucb. .. Mrs. E. Strutt and Mns. position, WATCH OUT! Canefully C. Pefhick at Mn. George Fer- investigate the offer for these guson's, Oshawa. .. Mn. and Mns. good neasons: English Dinnerware GREEN AND GOLD BANDED ATTRACTIVE AND PRACTICAL 95-piece sets 66-piace sets 38-piece sets 32-place sets -------- S27.00 $20.59 $9.00 -- -- -- - -- -- 0 Open Stock Cups and Saucers - --- 35e ea. J. W. JEWELL Phone 556 Bowmanvllle "I-lt may be a racket; "2-lt is real patriotism to keep the War Bonds you buy; "3-These bonds are one of the best investments you can make." cioose the services of any of these ten CIartered Banks.*.. Bank of Montreal The Bank of Toronto The Canadian Bank of Commerce The Dominion Bank Imperial Bank of Canada The Bank of Nova Scotia The Provincial Bank of Canada The Royal Bank of Canada Banque Canadienne National, Barclays Bank (Canada) In every sense of the word, the banks are servants of the people. Lord Macmillan wrote in the Royal Commission report of 19 3 3: "The mechanism of finance is a delicate one; the confidence upon which it is based is a slow growth, but it may be destroyed over-night, and those to whom s, entru.sted responsibility for the wel- lare of thepeople mustproceed with caution in the adoption of/changes."- - -,--. -.-- --r- -~ - I These banks are constituted under the Bank Act - - j an act of the Parliament of Canada. i-iThey compete with each other for your business. -This makes for fair and efficient operation and for quality of service. Enterprises and individuals Imay go to any or ail of them to deposit money, obtain loans and transact any other banking business. Security and privacy are two fundamentals which the Cana- dian people have always de- manded of their banks. They maintain more than 4,350,000 deposit accounts, knowing that their money is available when they want it. In thousands of daily contacts with bank man- agers and staffs, they know that their private affairs wiil be held strictly confidential. ln any of more thon. 3,000 branchesaned sub-ag.nciesof the CIartred Banksa ocrosa Canada you con ertruat vour sovings end discuss your fftnoed o ffis wftl, assurance thot prdvacy. wiiI b. moin îoin.d.