- - ~ -- * i -v .n---,,-~V- .'-, .,.i.,vr,,,«,,.er PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY 29th, 1943 Newcastle Mr. and Mrs. Allan Howard, Toronto, spent the week-end with h-s mother, Mrs. J. S. Howard. OSHAWA, ONTARIO Miss Joan Astel, Kingston, is Phone 1011 - Free Parking visiting her grandmother, Mrs. D. B. Simpson. THURS., FR1., SAT., Miss Wilkinson, Toronto, is \vis- JULY 29 - 31 iting Miss McIntosh. FOREVER AND A DAY Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wynn, Port Presenting Hope, spent the week-end at Mr. Brian Abern, Robert Cum- Rex Wynn's, at the lake. mings, Charles Laughton, Ida Mrs. C. R. Lovekin and son, Lupino. Herbert Marshall, Ray Erie Richard, spent the week-end Milland, Anna Neagle. Merle with Mr. ai-d Mrs. Jos. Coulson. Oberon. and 70 more Holly- Cadet James P. Lovekin was wood favorites. guest of his grandparents. James. Unmatched romance. drama a senior in modern history, Vic- and suspense from the inspired toria College, hiad passed his vear pens of 21 celebrated authors. with honours before going to the O.S.A.C.. Three Rivers, Que.. to GALA MIDNITE SHOW continue his off icers training on Sunday after Midnite, Aug. lst active service. Doors open 12.05 a.m. Mr. Jno. MeKellar dlaims that The screen's greatest musical on a recent Saturday ight a novelty large group of revellers got intoD CABIN IN THE SKY ed nearly everything, including With his Hepburn onions. Ethel Waters. Eddie Rochester, Board of Health met Monday ILena Homne, Louis Armstrong, evening to deal with some im- Rex Ingrami portant current matters. Duke Ellington and his Mr. J. W. Bradley, who has Orchestra been in Toronto most of the time MAKE UP A PARTY since last faîl, is now at his New- castle home. His daughter, Mrs. MONDAY, TUESDAY E. S. Van Der Veer, Gloversville, AUGUST 2 - 3 NY., is witb him. Two great features Mr. and Mrs. W. Harris and Henry Fonda children, Toronto, are holidaying C In at Mrs. Mereditb's summer cot- THE OX-BOIV INCIDENT tage, Newcastle - on - the - Lake. With Ernie and Rollie Spencer are with Dana Andrews, Mary Beth tbem. Hughes The J. Anderson Smith Co. And factory is closed for a week witb Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy all hands on vacation. Some of in their latest laff bit the staff, who are members of the JITTERBUGS Midland Reserves, are in camp at Connaught Ranges. COMING Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Spencer are p. WED., THURS., FRI., SAT., bolidaying at Bewdley. AUGUST4 - 7Mrs. Lomne MeCargar, Moose AUGUS '~ ~ Jaw, Sask., is visiting in New- HAPPY GO LUCKY castle. Her sister, Mrs. Percyl Starring Ranson. Toronto, was also here. Mary Martin, Dick Powell, The big popular event of the Betty Hutton, Eddie Bracken, week was the Red Cross gar-den Rudy Vallee party on Wednesday evening, at Tops In Technicolor "'The Elms," home of Mr. and ____________________ Mrs. R. S. Graham. Mrs. Ceeul Ferguson visited __________________________in Montreal. Mrs. H. C. Allun was in Toronto The fellow with plenty of brass with her sister, Mrs. Lawrence ithon h ed ob o Kerr, who was i11. is te oe wh neds t bePOl Misses Ruth Allun and Margaret ished off. Bonathan visited in Orono. _______________________ Bandsman H. C. Allun of the R.C.O.C., was home from Kings- 01ýton. Misses Dewdney and Toms vis- SWING INTO ACTION ited Mr. and Mrs. Morris, Orono.- WITH to, is vacationing with ber aunt, fa: Miss E. L. Trenwith. Rev. R. E. Morton preached in tiv the United Church on Sn yact abou thebore .Sudaypal morning aotth oemission Ithe G" work of the United Church. He will continue this interesting topie this coming Sunday. Mr. Morton is particularly well-informed on- this subject, baving spent a great Wi deal of bis if e ministering to Canadians in almost ail of the c more remote and sparsely settled f sections of the country. Two baskets of beautiful red roses, in memory of J. A. Awde, graced - the front of the church. The s Junior Choir of young ladies, under the direction of Mrs. Laura Fisher, provided harmonious and inspiring music. Mr. Patrick Cotter, wbo was P seriously iii and is now in bis lOlst year, is out and around again. In the death of Mr. Thos. Mof- fatt on Friday, Newcastle lost one of its most honourable citizens and the United Church a member W M L K san fial ofev:t h racler r san ii aid eo t h mostesub- Pep, strength, general -wehl Members of the Rickard fam- I being - get 'em ail by dr.ank- ai Cream of Barley Camp, Bow- W ing Bo,.,.-~~ ~ manville ar' ie a le, for their annual pienie. r ingBomavîle aiy'sfie, Mr. J.' H. Smith, Manager of f tasty milk' Bank of Commerce, is baving a three weeks vacation and Mr. A. ni C. Collins is relieving. n B uwuia uvile _ _ __ _ __ _ D iyFound C Dairy Owner may have same by prov- - PHONE 446 ing property and paying ex- WA penses. Garnet McCoy, Well- jr ington St., phone 2307. 29-3 cc Ca YOUR EYES deserve the best AND TILLYER LENSES are the best. We are lioensed to fit Tillyer Lenses -the very latest achievement of ophthalmic scientists. They will give your eyes a new and noticeable comfort. For un- like ordinary lenses, Tillyer Lenses are accurate to the very edge whether you look .Up or down, in or out. W. are glad to explais, laow Tillyer Le nses are different. Let us show you. Jury (& Loveli THE REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE 778 - - - C.N.R. TICKETS BIRTHS TAMBLYN-Mr. and Mrs. Ji C. Tamblyn (nee Hilda F land) Orono. are happy te nounce the birth of a Charles Ross, a brother William John. ini Bowman Hospital, on Tues., July 1943.3 MARRIAGE HANCOCK-COUCH -In United Church parsonage, N' tonville, July 22nd. 1943, Rev. J. McLachlan, LAC1 Marlow Hancock, son of and Mrs. H. Egerton Harle Orono, and Mary Helen Coi only daughter of Mr. and1 John H. Couch, Newtonv 3( DEÂTH-S IfOFFAT-In Newcastle, on Juhy 23, 1943, Thomas G. Moffat, aged 89 yoars. MIARTIN-At Bowmanville Hos- pitah, July 28th, 1943, Jane E. Martin. Resting at Nortbcutt & Smith's Chapel until Fni., July 3Otb. Funeral from the residence of Mrs. David Davis, Beecb Ave., at 2.30 p.m. In- terment Bowmanville Cerne- tory. .AMPBELL-Suddenly in Cart- wright Township, on Wednes- day, July 28th, Wesley R. Campbell, beloved husband of Evva Armstrong, in bis 67tb year. Funeral service will ho held at Nestleton United Church, on Friday, July 3Oth, at 2.30 p.m. Interment Nostieton Cemetery. 30-1 'INCH - Suddenly, at Toronto W e st ern Hospital, Tuesday, July 27th, 1943, Mary Emily Gardiner, dearly beloved wife of the hate William Bray Pinch, Bowmanville, and dear mother of Mrs. Ida McLaugblin, Osh- awa; Mrs. Edith Bray, New To- ronto; Mrs. Mildred Davis, Texas, and Mrs. Catherine Switzer, Longlac, Ontario, in ber 77th year. Mrs. Pinch is resting at the Funeral Home of G. H. Hogle, 63 Mimico Avenue, Mimico. Service Tbursday, 1.30 p.m. In- termont Bowmanville Ceme- tory, Thursday, at 3.45 p.m. Motors. Cards of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. John Wotten ai imily wisb to thank their rol Tes and friends for the mai ts of kindness, words of sy: atby and floral tributes durii air recent bereavement. 30- IN MEMORIAM rALLACE - In loving memoi of a beloved husband ai father, William John Wallac who passed peacefully to re! at Enniskillen, July 29, 192 in bis 4Oth year. H{e suffered patiently and lor His hope was bright, bis f ail was strong;. The peace of Jesus filled h breast And in His arms ho sank to re - Ever remembered by h~ wife and family. 30. Wanted to Rent ANTED TO RENT-HOUSEc apartment wanted, approx nately Sept. lst. F0 Faîl. R.C.A.F., Guelph. 29- ANTED TO RENT - A TW( roomed fumnished apartment, funisbod summer cottage c asmall furnished bouse, inc near Bowmanville; availabl ot later than August lOth. Wi' ay $25 to $30 a month, in ad vance, for the right plac( lTrite Box 219, Statosma: Dffice. 30. Wanted .NTED - 6-ROOMED HOUSI in Bowmanville with moderi )nveniences. Will pay $3,00 îsh. Write Box 217, Statesmai )ffice, Bowmanville. 30-2 O a Baby Chicks SPECIAL OFFER-COMMENC- ing July 26th until Aug. 3rd, we are offoring our high qual- ity cbicks at rock bottom prices, prompt delivery. If you have room for a few more chicks now is your opportunity for real bargains. Stewart's Seed Store, Bowmanvillo, phono 577. .30-1 HOW THE C.C.F. STANDS ON THE LIQUOR QUESTION (From Acton Free Press) Down at Milton last week a lady of the audience asked E. B. Jolliffe this question: "I would like to know how the C.C.F. stands on the liquor question." It seemed a simple enough ques- tion and surely any platform with so much reform as the C.C.F. would bave an answer for such a question. Homo is the answer given by the C.C.P. leader as reported in the daily press: "Our present system is not se mueh eontrolled as it is a sales or- ganization," Mr. Jolliffe explain- ed. "We believe the manufacture of liquor sbould ho socializod. I do not think it should ho pro- hibited unless asked for by the people. There should also ho con- structive scientifie educational work instituted in conneetion witb aleobol." We didn't think a party and a leader so fresh and pure would bave developed sucb an evasive policy so soon. For a party that sots out to dlean up the terrible old parties the answer to a fair question is certainly pretty well camouflaged to catch aIl votes. ames Row- an- son, for ville 127, the .ew- 1by Ross Mr. oek, )ucb, Mrs. ille. REPOR'rER - To send news of new buildings, firos, now busi- nesses and business removals. Stationery and postage sup- pliod. Interosting work for spare time. Write now statîng qualifications. MacLean Build- ing Reports Ltd., 345 Adelaide Street, West, Toronto, Ont. PART TIME-MEN and WOMEN. If you have been forced out of business by restrictions or shortages of matorials - dis- cbarged fromn the armed forces or-have sparo time on your bands, we can offer you pleas- ant and very profitable part- time occupation calling on establisbed farmn customers in your home section or elsewhere. Write to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept 0-B-9, 2177 Masson Street, Montreal, for appointment with our provin- cial representative who will ho in your district shortly. 29-2 Articles For Sale FOR SALE--SEWING machine. Phono 2661. 30-1 FOR SALE-BABY CARRIAGEI in excellent condition. Apy Mrs. Otto Schwarz, R. R. 3, Bowmanville, phono Oshawa 491wl1. 30-1i iL tnd a- iy- n- F( ing )ry ce, 21, g, FE [s st. is OS 'L- s, a or or- deFC d- - t .-nc in II sw 1De 500 550 600 650 Ci Phc çxu ITNOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniturel Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf ýOR SALE - 1934 CHRYSLER Airflow Imperial sedan, over- drive and air brakos. Cash: $375. Apply'Lorne Annis, Ty- rone, phono 2341. 30-1* ýOR SALE-STUDIO COUCHES Shipments arriving weokly on these very practical spring- filled studio-lounges. See the largo stock of bed davenports, daybeds and studios at F. F. Morris Co. 30-1 'R SALE - ELECTRIC FIX- tures, commercial units and round globes suited to, business or resîdence. Fancy shutters for mullion or other windows, 18"x38", would do for pannel- hing and doors of kitchen cup. boards. Door 2'6"x6'6". C. H. Tuck, j3ox 59, Oshawa. 29-2 GHAWA-S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern, chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor covorings a specialty. Quality merchandiso at com- petitive prices. Boforo buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcao St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf OR SALE-REFRIGERATORS, limited stock of the famous "Polar" ice rofrigerators, well insulated, single door models, heavy plated hinges and hock handles. White finish only. Due :o limited quota allowed, these nay ho the last refrigerators received for the duration. Keep food perfectly and very oco- riomical-at F. F. Morris Co. 30-1 NOTICE To Fariners and Munitions Norkers: To obtain NEW or *ETREADED tires you must nake application to the War- mxe Prices and Trade Board. Let us make out your appli- Ltiofl5. Why drive to Oshawa. Xe are able to handie It here. GF. JAiESONd TIRE SHOP 1Block West of 'Post Office 5TE WART'S SEED STORE pendable Secd Headquarters BINDER TWINE lst grade ft - ---------- -- $9.25 cw t. ft. - ----------- $10.00 cwt. ft. - -- ------- $11.00 cwt. 'attle Spray, Bug Killer, Fertilazers, etc. -- --- - ine 577 - Bowmanvhle - ---- - -- - OF' KeIp Wanted HELP WANTED-$40 MONTH- ly for capable cook general, car driver preferred. Phono 2892. 30-1 WANTED-GRADUATE NURSE for general duty in 10-bed hos- pital. Salary $60 montbly, plus full maintenance. Write Box 214, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 30-1 HELP WANTED - RELIABLE girl wanted in home with al conveniences. Must be fond of children. Three adults and one infant in family. Write Box 218, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 30-1 HELP WANTED - MALE and female. Female from 19 to 45 years of age; male. 19 to 70 years. Work in war plant in Bowmanville district. Apply National Selective Se rv i ce, Oshawa, File 2670. Applicants now on war work not accepted. 30-tf FOR SALE-IN NEWCASTLE, opposite Town Hall, two large brick homes, known as the Allin Apts.; also large cernent public garage. Reasonable terms. Ap- ply Mrs. M. E. Allun, 1826 East Second St., Los Angeles 33, Station B, Calif. 29-3* FOR SALE - FARM, on Lot 21, Con. 7, Clarke, contaîning 100i acres, more or less, fair build- ings, all covered with motal. Good clay loam. Haif mile from church and sehool. Tbree and a haîf miles from Orono. Apply S. L. Berry, Orono, R.R. North, Ont. 28-3* FARM FOR SALE-180 ACRES, 80 acres level, ricb loam and 100 acres of bush and grazing land, watered by two neyer f ailing trout streams. Good buildings, situated 1 mile from county road, United Church and sehool, in Clarke Twp., 7th Con., Lot 9 and 10. Apply L. D. Bell, Kendal, Ont. 30-2* FOR SALE - FARM, baîf mile from Tyrone, seven miles north of Bowmanville, adjoining Mc- Laughlin Farms; 150 acres, large barn and house, chieken house, pig pens, etc. Six acres bard wood timber, eight acres orchard, ever running trout creek. This farm has ail ma- chinery, horses, etc., which may be purchased with farm if desîred. Apply owner, E. S.1 Trimm, Bowmanville, R.R' 6. 30.2* Livestock and Articles FOR SALE-LARGE MELOTTE cream separator, like now. John Reiner, Hampton. 30-1* FOR SALE - 7 YORKSHIRE pigs, 7 weeks old. Apply W. G. Werry, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, phono 2253. 30-1 FOR SALE - TWO HOLSTEIN cows, 5 and 6 years old. Apply Peter Host, East Mile, Hamp- ton. 30-1* FOR SALE - 8 YORKSHIRE pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply Bruce Tink, Hampton, phono 2232. 30-1* FOR SALE-HORSE, good work- or, 12 years old. Price $45. Ap- ply Victor Szohd, Hampton, phono 2173. 30-2 FOR SALE - YOUNG YORK- sbire sow, due Aug. 15. Apply W. Wade, Courtice, phono Osh- awa 491w3. 30-1 FOR SALE-il ACRES STAND- ing timothy hay. Apphy W. J. H e ndoers onr, Bowmanville, phono 2463. 30-1 FOR SALE-ONE GRADE COW, due to fresben lst August. Phono 3623 Clarke. L. Mill- son. 30-1 FOR SALE-TIMOTHY HAY AT tbree dollars a load. George Allin, Bowmanville, Lake Shore. 30-1* FOR SALE-DEMOCRAT, single horse plow, single horse ex- panding cultivator. J. Mantle, Ontario St., Bowmanville. 30-1* FOR SALE-s 100 CASH BUYS farm wagon trucks on rubber, complote with new fiat bottom hay rack. H. Chamborlain, phono Bowmanville 2186. 30-1 FOR SALE - TRACTOR, Allis- Chalmers, model "B", witb rub-' ber wheels and plow. Apply Androw Ponicky, Harmony, R.R. 2, Oshawa. 30-2* FOR SALE - SPRINGERS and fresb cows, Durham and Hol- stein; also some good yearling Holstein heifers. Apply Ralpb Davis, phbo ne Bowmanville 2413. 30-1* FOR SALE-PUREBRED YORK- sbire boar ready for service; also youngor boars and gilts. All eigible for registration. H. Egorton Hancock & Sons, Orono. 30-1* FOR SALE - RECONDITIONED cream separator, large size. In A-i condition. Also one med- ium sized machine. Apply Ethen Jones, R.R. 3, Port Hope, phono Clarke 3112. 29-2 FOR SALE-NEW STEEL Wbeel wagons, steel wbeels, channel harrows, Autotrac attacbments; also two used seven foot Massey binders (good) used, recondi- tioned mowor, gang pl1o w. Wanted - Hereford bull caif (young). Order your machin- ery now. Expect spreaders, tractors, etc., this fali. J. J. Case and Otaco dealer, Carl Todd, phono 15-20 Clarke. 30-1* Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stainton wish to announce the engage- ment'of their youngest daugbter, Betty Irene, to Linsay A. Scott, son of Mr. and Mjrs. James Scott, Perth. The ma*age will take place early in August. 30-l* Real Eàtate For Sale FOR SALE-5 ACRES, 8-roomed red brick bouse, hydro, barn, chieken bouse, 3 acres of young orchard. Apply E. L. Elliott, R.R. 1, Hampton, or phone Bowmanville 2889. 30-1 FOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT in the Village of Hampton. Price, six hundred. Two hund- red cash, balance 5 per cent in- terest. Apply W. Sanderson, Enniskillen. 29-2* FOR SALE-GENERAL STORE, good farming community, Dur- ham County. Well established business. Reason for selling, death of owner. For particu- lars apply Mrs. E. G. Blanchard, Elizabethville. 29-3 FOR SALE - FARM, 36 acres, ahI under cultivation, good house and barn, 1-2 mile west and 2 miles south of Village of Newtonville. Apply Clarence Burley, phone Clarke 1613. 30-1 * GUARANTEED FACTORY RE- PAIRS, adjustments, lubrica- tion, etc. to Premier, Royal, Goblin, Eurica, Apex, Hoover and ahl other makes. New and factory rebuilt vacuums and ac- S e s s o ries. Telophone our "C. U. C. Sales and Service Branch", Bowmanville, 774, at McGregor's Hardware. 17.tf-6* The average man doesn't try to correct misinformation if it is sometbing wbich helps bis politi- cal side.I ROYALq THEATE- BOWMANVILLEj Thurs., Fri., Sat.,- JULY 29, 30, 31 DOUBLE FEATURE WHISTLING IN DIXIE Featuring RED SKELTON and ANN RUTHERFORD Also MRS. WIGGS 0F THE CABBAGE PATCH With FAY BAINTER and HUGH HERBERT M on.-Tues.-Wed. AUGUST 2, 3, 4 WAR AGAINST MRS. HADLEY - Featuring FAY BAINTER and EDWARD ARNOLD NEWS - SHORTS HORSE RACES PURSE $65000' - 3 CLASSES - 2.16, 2.24, 2.28 Port Perry Mon., Aug. 2 MONSTER STREET DANCE AT NIGHT A YEAR'S FUN PLANNED FOR ONE DAY ALL FOR 40 cents (Tax Included) Port Ferry Business Mon's Association HONEY PositivelY no more orders ac- cepted or containers ef t until after August lUth. Prevlous orders wililbc ready JuIY 3lst fromn 7 to 10 p.m. Ce R. KNOX ORONO - PHONE 42r2 ENGAGEMENT-- COMING EVENTS 1 Dance at Tyrone Hall, Wed, Aug. 4, at 9 p.m. Cuth Burt's or- chestra. Admission 35c. 30-1 Decoration Day, L ak ev ie w Cemetery, Newtonville, on Sun- day, August 8tb, at 2.30 p.m. 30-1 The Adams Family Pienie will be held at the Cream of Barley Camp, Bowmanville, Saturday afternoon, August 7th. 30-1* Solina Dramatie Club will pre- sent their popular play "Aunt Bessie Beats the Band," in Ennis- killen Church shed on August 2nd at 8 p.m., under auspices of the W.A. Admission 25c and 15c. 30-1 Come to Newcastle on Monday, August 2nd, when three basebaîl games will be played in the after- noon as well as foot races. Russ Creigbton's dance orchestra will provide music in the evening. Bingo, 7.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. 29-2 Raspberry'Social will be held at Burketon under auspices of the W.A., on Tuesday, August 3rd, to ho followod with a play "Sun- bonnet Jane of Sycamore Lane", by the Young People of Black- stock. Admission, aduits 50c, cbildren under 12 years 25c. 29-2 Vacuum Cleaners Repaired Ladies' Rats -AT- 79e Purses ..0 All klnds, sîzes and colours. Black and coloured leather from - -------- ---------- -------- 98c to $7.50 each Large eloth purses wlth wooden trames, assorted- colours. Several prices. Imitation needlepolnt purses with wooden tr a m e s - --- - -- - - - --- - -- $ 2 .5 9 Summer Dresses Another shlpment of simer dresses' has arrlved. Prlced from $.5 * Seersuckier Checks, stripes and patterns in a number of colours. Prlced at --------- ------------ ------------- 79c, 90eand $1.1@ - AGENT FOR MCCALL PATTERNS- Dathing Suits New stock of ladies and children's bathing suits. ISPRING COATS, ILADIES' CLOTH COATS AT SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTIONS THIS STORE CLOSES AT 10 O'CLOCK SATURDAY NIGHT couch, iohnston & Cryderman Phone 836 Kn t Mp t Why swelter ln the kitchen these bot days when you ean buy your baking at CARTER'S BAKERY. Enaoy life andM good baking by upatronlzlng For Rent FOR RENT-COTTAGE, FURN- isbed, Bowmanville Be a ch, 1 West Side, screened, electricity. Mrs. Gerry, Queen St., Bow- r manville. 30-1 Com.bining 1 Harvost your timotby, oats and buckwheat the cheaper and easier way. C all Chamberlain the combine man, 2186, Bowmanville, any time except from sunset Fri- day to sunset Saturday. Place con- tracts early. 28-tf NOTICE Blue Bird Beauty will be closed fromn August 15 to September 5, inclusive. 30-1 Dr. Ferguson's office will bo closed fromn Saturday, July 24, to Saturday, August 14, inclusive. 28-3* Wanted To Buy WANTED - SET 0F SPRINGS, double bed size. Apply States- man. 30-nf WANTED TO BUY - MOTc3R, one 5 H.P. Johnston outboard. Phone 322. 30-1 WANTED TO BUY-TRICYCLE or small bicycle, in good condi- tion. Phone 2193. 30-1* WANTED-USED SEWING MA- chines, electrie or treadie. Sing- er Sewing Centre, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 27-tf I ~ 'r Personal HAVE YOU HAD YOUR PAGE- Griffiths, Betamin (B - Com- plex) tablots today? Alex MeGregor Drugs. 30-1 KEEF KLEEREX HANDY - A quick-healing salve for summer skin ailments. Sunburn, poison ivy, mosqu~ito bites, cuts, burns, impetigo. .Also heals bouls, pimples, ecxema, psoriasis, etè. 50c; $1,00; $2.00. (Medium and strong). Recommended and sold by Alex MeGregor. 30-1 NOTIC'E Stewart's Seed Store Wii Be CLOSIED From 5 o'clock Satur- day afternoon, July 3lst, until 8 o'clock- Wednesday morningy August 4ti. MUMI4 in m in CE ýsI 21 rig iti 111 ýst àî Ki. Js 01 or dE il] d- ýe. in -2 ;E ."n )o in S, ,e ýs w d 1- i - 1 - Il THURSDAY, JULY 29th, 1943 io 1 ýo 1