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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jul 1943, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STAT~MMi. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARJO THURSDAY. JULY 29th, 1943 Estabtjshed 1854 AN INDEPE.NDEN NEWSPAPEE Wth which bs Incorporated The Bowmnan Tille Ne"z, The Newcastle Independent, and The (rono New-i. 89 1'ears* ontinuous Servk<e To The Town of Bowm.anville and Dmrham County. Mem ber ~ Audit Bureau of Circulations lj k Canadian wIuv Weekly Newupapers Association0 Clams A Weeklies 0f Can-ad SUBSCRJPTON ILAIES S2.0 a Year, strictly in advance. SZ-50 a Year in the United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. Three Candidates in- ri a i!l-- t,.. p ii)t i.;- ~ r L< arr-. :x< WrIL ' at-; anFür,' é-.-. a-. hi.)t ":'i' -r ija.Tr. at ée-r. aOn tl;- f r e- 'r. 'h.- ( a!.F Anovl rn.-et on îx n. o ti r ta. o r .iý\a»il- lf)rii t 22 !1.",ai.,i wrth o ds'î: -'1-. forv. ar comrel a? riw.'-Ou.~r- tii- 'r.- ()f -t"- aedsthf 1?.rt Vâ',ïsage<,.,t . r!. for 4 rv h ra tii: .. "o <it-:" -oir ' o-.. t La t t' li r,'-.- a ri'i- % o C - '-(Ai: rr. '-nu'-- a ien ot he.ral'-jrr-.' iii ' t r'.:ar: 'Jr a IVF-ou.taIl, - f . 1- D'-ýp n fto'piri,,; . fN".- - h f- now emphasizes how tiiiel v our art ù'Ics were. Ilis wish that "pub)lie, opinio)n Le moulded in accordance witlî aet ai conidi- tions" was met fully and r'snt.byin these articles for they were tiik"tî as, ex- pressions of Socialist policy diren.t frorn the C.C.F. "Bible." Ris other iisi, 'ýtlîtt u- io ga a . 'r in -M Pr--- - r -n C-pno .is -N Ij ' r Cr 1 o' nî- i-M .:-:n P- Tc -ce" , - a- -. az-n 'r---arc c Cw <ar'-r et 1 é-Y Soldiers' Votes c -- - -pur~ -,-'4Xi- f pa'a'- -a. M. r. '- . . .- r r. - -c '-'-r. a re< "L '-c-' , non.. r r. *j, ' cm or .xA .": DZL wv-W.11 Lad wardor- Pr ix' fren.ave'rs-an a-s-00 -urr.'- :ir-t. But trr . n-a d"îrt ti the warYid Jar chaurarnj', -nl 'mrP iSus-disrarî- CAr '-..-in tdi.e":jrAr.j '-vén ' hos--v - "- "r-turn of prosié-rs mit r'-aîz'thai lLo -' ---af tlie ballot ié de-d '.ail éver;- L- no; -v.<î: I. Thé :hi in 'htrnu"- M.. au pr-meaet- oa 1aw'iai.rér(I. -.snap' r.etior Thn i-or hn-' ha- bai ano usr-o humr -hW v<r -son ov'-rs,-as_ Sé,(rert inéitfaE. 'or. ',-'ane. awould hav.er- vrn ïmn- 'e také atdr- ' vote arnoli trail ab- -Lt"' rîi veanto re.Th-r'- i- nir- ' ne wa a'.tore--'r .-ounr jùro.tm-s-r teMr. Y.ixoiî. r-a' ~ v:h '."r haJ.io Mackenzie King's Opinion - Pryiaamnrra - - Aa ter rni irfair'lrd i. -o' trou t ..- worj oday. 1-,Ir1 r used ih a- aa..-ar<'.o? f oser Poitisaiparties un.' r'0 efe r er.'-ar:<j 'lcàfi<-is-. (inada ', \\a-r1-Inrforroat io:. Board u--s - :L er'rani a h -r',ad(J. t-. f': tr"rî-allyi. in. toe hantré ;roin. '-'i' vo--. 10 o ué or to éiirtî IF,--for-i.in. u-uall; - laflétebooks.. liera- Ilr- in - roit otn obje-ctiver rpotting. Npr-v-apér., '1<aI ru.iti a'-aild urtérpret -nFý rptandapro- f1r; r- r a tctand truth ivih;eli i i. t - 1'. ?.l'a?'- 411, Han'sard. l" ,raid'il b1tihe -. - rri o<f faine Fprflpag-aita ear. Y J?!iOiir - vil iwork ini thedakj-.' " - '-tL - - irhit of trlthi. But it in. n' il] i, o:-" .'it i..a'terr; if accunrate in- -'or-rmatjij (cari br-su ppliil bpfor'- thé di'lin iihini-nttpreh. We Need Tail Trees Jofin Bra-'k ni sjoke a honnc. tn-uth hir lus addi 'sc at thie I"%lratioxî ofSAgieulture pni teat os-', mo h c arrîrs a dep inî- Jillg whîr'tî hi ' said r:'-- It is important that onnr propi c sholjil Itot ,e <jr-Judr-I by the ('('.1. taik ofir'veliiîg-(<lt «f soCîetv. 'The grod Iord . .. dil itot niiake ail tire trees otf a sin iIe uni foxri heilrii t By 'the sarneé tok(-n, titiii uc t udîr'-s aii withilthe' îstwa'set. ii)tu p tuer freer-n terprise. anid 1bold l "t o takctIier-tariff q uest ion w;vli ]Iao polit ual parties seena aixiotîs to diseuss now. Edi- toî'ia;îierws «ni)O il r'1(nt e veit ts have bcren tht ' Ou scstu rîost iat'gelv, of Otur c<«i nt- tiirtaft('Jeep studv of î,rc naterial. Advertiserretrt. L- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -Ad- - - - - - - - -l- Country Editor Shows How Socialism [C@C.&F.] Leads to Dictatorship Two Sanute TaJics on Socialism (C.CU.] by Cmo W. lames, Editor, Canadian Statesnmi D@wIfliIe Who Will Con trol The Controllers? tx'.r, t- reat -- ':i o î-rr'-r r -a .- ..n ieas f- a '-il-m-n't. A- Jî. bfas < 'v r.r-"o ,u'a . Te. rý-r--srp hatthe. -. ' e br-- r.r a-r'yr'i'f hé idiual . :-s..;.t-n'."""tr Miat. rpr--'.ning :: -'a--- aijtains it- -él? ir. thé pOtii-n o! ca'olreréu- !a'oýr. ariitrator. an. ', i-h- main. it c<r-n- finies itseif t<î- the-e r- _ýsIr- do"s. nt course. nuntîx rmérous pub:: - -r-r-vices -uc-h as non- -onp'-itive natural m-nf(rp(oliés-, notabiv wat-ýr and Iitrht. b'i- has éxpande.1 lt- n.rt'aicttvnttes c--ln!van-d has b-én eor-rto art in th'- main as thé rý_culator anîd not thé m rain.spr rrz-. AN IMPORTANIT QUESTION Wha' wiil happen-f it s-téps oruit in a bit, wa a:- ýt' pératé ;'irt-;aHilv évérvt hunitsl'srý th'-n . vborézulatr.s'Thé ýanfs'.vr ( -an lié tot <uté <-l-ariv bvloYi at Gerrn'anv and 1Itai'.l h. (n rb-é<ou,'--.os:né lîr- prdiinrai lr-rIéran t<î op'.ra'fý- té cou<p ucma- (."iti.' n' at )n<'e be<'ar:. - ea r thuat <'ompleto reL'ttmo-rtation xvasrr-"-ar. with thie v -'esr'.-f'"ébéhit ', mciai-:'-sure that tlir- dé<'-rees rf théei<ta rial poiwer '.vérr- car- ried out. Theié ue-' <-rni (of eot'trojliiiat he 'orî:rreli"r', L-re. if --nrse. never cvr-trarir,-- - w-hc','- re rnlat. (or cottrrh the snnrirc'- poN'cr li the Staté I One thé retulator hé- e th.Ti- !rnait-isprixuz thenu thé tnainspritutr lias nothilnt ,to rtiitit. Titi.' ' r-ems srî -lar that orw-riré. .hy thé (b,-ai't do ot s.-(- hi-.- Thli- v <Jo. in tact. ~' that tir.-r-'-is a prrihdéai ard tr.y Tof aî"vrit. bunt i'-ntrmi-vr'r.-d in the pra(-- ti-al .vrkiim f ovrîmen heir atu-zw-r t- exitiire! '. i 'rr;-ti<aI atun iir'aiisti<-. Thr-v ea1 biak <ni -r:-.tatémnnén:-.a;;"Thé pria- n'ji-o!f'inntr-rspotusiiitx- «r- tlt imate 'i-racrti' "'ito nust hé rétaixiél iin thé riiir;tr o (f tar tttst'-.'Bu nnr " <il w'ln .vi ré"- 'nthé tva'.-Govertiniiett i, 4-ar'rjel,éd tii v-: 1rr-alize that ' ititu'atr- denio-rri- o'in r-1"" must me éttiréi v n'on- fiit(l 1 i rrt<-pe and prîii'i-s an(] catnot poss'ibi. b ar-r-(. e,P iitthé détails of day- lo-ax- inejté. Iii othuer w-ords. a fe- mca e(rrnirirn t a eyîi tiiittpe o<f Parlilament 'thé C'abtiet) mu-r niaké ail thé day-to-day de- BUDGET AS AN EXAMPLE Take as an ii itration the h)idtéLt. W~e all know tiîat iin praeýticé (an'd it is thé otly jra<ticai way tlirciiistér of Fiîîancee and hi', -xpert assistaxnts préparé the budtét. tl'at it is aprové--1 L the Cabinet, and thén gocs licforr- thé P'ariiaixetit, w-luet thée(hr'.'r- inn-tî t txa.'rritx' pits it tliroiiughî. i adet' thé ,o<ialiit lplant. itisteani o! the Go'.erînmne(t-('na- firiiitg it',éli ii their main to regulate tnea- suri-s tri îiîrr't antd oontrol nther penople, it wiii L'e (arrx-ung ox(,iithé great hîulk o! thé'- iatioti«'s bnusines-s itsel f. and To snntg-est that tiier- w ill I Le - il tiinaté -denuon'rat i' oit' is iiierélv pîa%.ii.nr '.;ith ivords. Fraiîklv. thé sitnnatioi'i is thiat a feu- mniwithout ait'.' «ne tip <'<îîitrnîl thiina. '.vll runthte w'hole shnow-. Thiere '.vjl Lé no one to emittrol thée t'ot- troler-s, anîd rennetîber that thé proposed eoitrrîllers alinnost certainît' xiii i<é men' uvithîont ait'. pr'acti<'ai éxpérietîr'ée in affairs. Anid ' et tiîéy are ready to aitume résiionsi- lilities frona uhin'h compététmn xNwith a Iifetimé o! traininug and experienîe u'ouid shrink. Hou, Socialism Affects The Farmer Il, z'aik w-e z-tal 'Jr-aîr wiý'r, ý-r-ialisrn az n - af-e-t fartr-s. Atr-aintha- as 'iîi:.raij'.;-avs fi »ur mi.p'uirî ard papr. h'hvrhre..4-.t, --'a r m- éfr t- 'k - -m' rr-a. ~". '-a r-r. «'.' . Ari- ttrr-reýajl trair j.i'- ýhii-'<'t !r '-ribU mxtir .dl ic r-- lair- i a-na:inar"al r.- It 'v;tljr. d j.j "mait.r- 'o the farm'-r u-b'r affair-- t'r ie (,,l t at -nrriarv-o <'-a ai' ~"in] f%%U l îft i" i ïtr<i o(.f b (nlnd tw-ill u-"-si-iiel cier<- nor to) have the xrirds "fù oir e timé" addéd. Ther'- i... how),ever. one c'-raintv-that us. ..c «ntput and its di.,7tribtion w-ill hé reîated ,#o the rnatio~nal plan." PART 0P COI<TROLLED SYSTEM W~hat is méant by. thé phra'se "relatéd to thé national plan*'* It méans. 17r11cour.se. that it w-llhé part of a r'ontrrliéd r"stem. ht comld not hé othérwise. béi'au',e thé final objrctive (o! soc-ialism is thé control o! pror- nlucti<rtr aînd distributijoun. In thér w-ords. thé farm-r mav continuen- to produce but thé (R,. r-rn-: .;ili look aftér thé business ernd 1) v takinq « 1ver auud 'ntoli thé la-tri- hnrtinýr.()f hi-z prod'ucts. AIl this is to hé donc N-hétlh.ér ti-..- inlix-idimal farnuér lik'-s it or nuort. It i,' <rbvi<rns that thi' totaiiv <isrétartls what lîe<'ojnucs <f the !frn'.r's indéprd-n.c and p--u aihva' a factor in the- life o!f tué î'otlntrv. MEÂNS CHECK ON PRODUCTION Fhîerr- t- anîrthier poriuut ii thi.s typé or cia1- triJ w1ý-Jr irsl:olrl not Le ,,veriooked. If thé iirréai<-aevis t,) kno'.vwh:lat a farni6ér is do- raL it -nbiijjpcrlunt- arid us to nuake -tire hé piar'-s a]l bis pr'oductioru at rir.e dispo-al o! the (iov.eirtmetit a2eair-'.'. a- ixudiceîred b;- - Drîocac-Neéls Scai.'u',it wili hé r.é"éssarv ti <'ýhec-k every farmer's Iprod)Cue- tii n a'. pr-évent him ernm.'t.irthé Gov'-raaîent *s arranLyem-n'.its for disposirug o! it. Thé "Gestapo" aihods w-hich 'vill neo'e',sariiv have to hé used cari hé left to tiré imaaiîation. 'FlicSoeiali',t-z. ro! course. -'voinid question tItis. Mr. 'F. C ora. I) eputx- ý,Leader o! thé("F.for r-xaxnpler -ouiî pin: r: n r r féréar-LIy le '.ould sav thuat ttrf-'o'iit plat'. m<'at's tiviîug workérs, faraiers, tn'adé unioxlirt-. consumers, a réal '.oncéu'.nnmana"- nnuz tlirir <Irw' affairs. Thée' 'F.lue sax-s. -ivil estaiîlihî a planned ee'iot'.vx. but aun ec-oonx- plamned and con'troiled by tue peo- ple for thé- people. ('onuin'rtitug on this. Mr. Bru-e Hitehli',ot, the'vé-ko.- and uidlv tra'.elléd -stin'lemît o! pubilic affaiî's andi a <'isé nie-rvfîr (f polities. writititLiTheé \anr-ot'-Sunu, sa'.s r '-MW'ieticra CA< 'F. *n vicaîr, u'onild me fflr-énît. w'<ruld rep- rë..exlt (ilîx- the people axnd r-naaiuu aboyé re- proan-ni. (ri: hiethner am-iv imîterae'.- uill soonl'. L-(ri'.e a fortî'é uxien <untrol la blé Lx- tlie pe<nîil anil ilrtérinned t'î cotutrol tue people. r- a mattet' o! (-)Piniotn.Buît his onix-'hild- lsh trn .a-'avtlat Govrmetuts cati coitrol at' e ' n vx- .;ithonit a buréaucracv or operaté PLENTY 0F EVDENCE Mr. Hutch;nson raight have gone further and said that la thé last few years la Germaay and elsewher-e ive have had convincing evidence of what happens '.vhen Governments undertake to control erronomic lifé. No one w-ho understands that Goveraments must govern can be deiuded by any vague suggestion that there can be direct control fromn thé bottom except on br-oad. long- range matters of principle and policy. Thé day- to-day décisions must be arr-ived at by the féw- and car-r-ed out by them through the steadiliy increasing pow-er of a huge and grow-ing bureau- cracy - We have already la wartime a foretaste of w-bat that w-ll mean, and w-e endure it as of necessity la wartimer however much w-e dislike it. But w-e should remember that what we have now- is a forerraste only of the regimenta- tion and coatrol w-hich we shail have to endure ln peace time if the Sociallsts have their way. How Socialism Affects The Trade Unionist fTi t- h w id b i t <nîhît in h é m i d O f an.-raI'- iinnhnisýt rhat siJh appen to u ,a d r - i rr v r, > n'- i th i-' ftî l v ia i iý " ()n o m %~ r-i' ,'é o ~ 1,t" vl x tb é S j t a .. in w h i c-h . a s ~r ir t~'1 i i onr first ta i k . t lé y p ro p o se lv< tak- ' -r and op rat.- jric-ticalîy th é W1. ' r't:"at-. o: r-durtiiîandri istrihutiotu - WI<it w i iir-.jn s<ri et a tiîatr érOf cm jc tiir- . W "- ih a v. ce r- a r a n d i -.ri iti r e v id én c'é :r- r u I ' r r î a î y . l i a i y . a n d l l a b o r - is c t; h e r é. \ a ial r r' t Li' t a t ui ner t hé( fu lly p la n- t'-! é 'rn, vîix ti: i, s p ~i c rihrriy which i-' a i') il), .upreiii- éem plo y r.t. 'itif t t oerate a tt'. p p trs it i r r t u a r n i r t s nîi-,e s . a tn d . ti r fo '.il cannot tierrté aty itd "pendent enupioyéé-' oir!zanmzatitons. That iswb"iin Germany' it was inné;itable hat thé Nazi's should stamp out tradé unions. w-hicb thév did promptly, completéiy and ruthlessl - ;ithil, six nonths rof coming, int<, power. BOXE IN ITALY Ia Jtaly* iltook longer. Thé outlawinz of thé trade unions w-as flot ompiete until 1925. three '.'ars after the Fascists came iitto poivrr There are, inide-éd, stili tamé tradé uniOns ini Itaiv - hou' tanue mai- be indicated by thé faeýt that under the Iaw no trade union Officiai 'an bé cIcr-ted to of- fie.- in théennirm u'iithouit thé 'lonset tOfhizh Fascit offic-iais. 'Fiis niak'-s it clear that the traie union coniitilie'ý, t,, exist in name ùnlv. 11deéd 1niader the Faýýci.st state the tra(le utiiOn be-otues îéri a propatrandist and administrative organization und-r thé (irectil ruatd diutati ii of thé (ir'.erxnî'.uént. Hou' couîditilhé othieru-isel? 'rade unions eéXtý-t to assert and mailitaiti te ri2hts o! e m ployé.v e s lui n ,ii îe Lzot ati',ti w 'ith np io - e-rs. Wheîi tiere ari.se.saniirrecoxicilable di!- férence il becoînies iuecessarv mo have rec'ourse to a higher auithoritv,. naaa'elv. the w.iil of ail the perple as expressed thirougli1 Goverii- ment. This superior wvill Pau harmonize and adjust diffeI "'Iices w-béa the'. arise betvreer employýer anud enîpioyée. But whiat happenl* w-len the llitiier pou-éfr takes over the prop' erty o!t he eupo-r and itself becomes thé vîrtuall,. ut:i '.r'al epo.rr tis i)er- féc!tly, evrdénit tuan-, oîîe w-ho '.vill pondér thé fa!t-.. tlar w-heu thj'r happeuis trade union- ism- is dooniied. Its finîal di'rappearatîeé max-irerliap.. hé situ'.éat dlxc.but is ne'.erthe1e-. itrevitahie.- Ljet u1S iook at the plain f a et. .Inder siaia.thé trade nliionî"0 longer deals '.i:nth-indivi<i lnia îplir e' whoin j., nb .itto thé hi2her authiîri .t.-)f thé ,tajtp. bu'h iral. ".ith the -tJte irs'-If. the supre a uhî'r';' - l thse Cil-'îtnnltau: Ce.s a a tre,.'otiatit b eéthe traIe uiiîîu atîdth*e tiW e uilnr "rrwould ILe iike the netrotiatioti bétu'eèîu thée fi\- atîd thé spider. BENEFIT BY EXPERIENCE \\'îth the éxpèrieu'e of (Gérmati and Ital;' before us,. it ojugb t nt Lé necesarN' to labo r this piOiit fittther». SuIrélV il is clear that Wl'éi socialisaII steps ila h fotdo trad e u l o i, î goes Out b1 .i t t e fro n .t heo 1unuioan ma\-continue tr ida (u i ha" aid usele~s existence as i toil subsérviexît to rue tiovér'îinett like tiltcase of ti'aide union- nsi n nul a11' alt'eadv niietitioiied ,but that ns ail. -t()'o1(id hé \%-cil foi' trade Iutîrîni.ts to potde' tcetiînt~,anîd tnn stol). look antd iteibefore tlieN- court "lue filte of the trade innoîts i ii na*iux' aîid 't"t'\' - Whilé a'Ionoe Stng1I.rests tîhat iut tits connat '-thev 1)ou e put 'owil iithé n'u1thless ailiuî'itaî fasiiiot' enuIlovc<1 iniEurope, utéverthnele..su rs- eilsyt tuétnade Union as nundet'sttuod il, tluis Or aiuvntiîî'deinocraevx' cuunldnît coin- tîtue to exist. Its Iisapi)ieI'aii .vnîdh teoloil oit ofo!the fnlli' platiîd e .notî, and expérience iliothte; coluntriés lias shlow'n tîtat it w-ould bc folilv to expect atuythittg else. PMAKE Il A CLEAN SWEEP - - VOTE FOR THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIATE The Drew 22-Point Programme Ensures Social Advancement of ail Classes Along Sane Linos Published by Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario VOTE FOR lu )urham FIVIÂN'i PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE - 'r. k 4 4 4 4 4 PAGE 7WO TUE CýLnADIA-X STATMIA-N, BOWMA-N-MLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. JULY 29th, 194? (AdvertLzement) 1 lu

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