o -. -""~v .#~iTi - , THURSDAY, SEPT. 9th, 194,3 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN (DRONO Miss Marion Brown, R.N., was guesf of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown. Miss Louise Cowan, Toronfo, spent the holiday bere. Mrs. Piggott and daughter vis- ited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Canleton. Orono Band played at the ne- ception following the Rickard- Pedwell wedding Safurday. Mr. and Mrs. Syd Hughes 'visif- ed here. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Glanvîlle spent the holiday bere. Elvin Blewett of the R.C.A.F. was home on leave. Mr. Fred Rowe, Ottawa, visif cd friends and relatives. Miss F. Ckapman visifed ber sister at Wilsonville. L.T.L. meeting was held in the Park, August 31, and proved mosf interesting. Program consisted of a talk by Mrs. Wm. Armstrong; a dialogue "Wbiskey and Brandy" by Kay Gamsby and Joyce Cor- nisb; several choruses by the members, and games. Mrs. W. H. Rowe conducted a cafechism. Cookies and fruit drink were served. W. J. Leaman is bpilding a gar- age. Weli, Saturday is the fair- DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new changes of collection and delivery lni your district. This is made necessary by new tovermat regulations which permît us to cover any one district one day a week only We wili, therefore, be i Bowmanvllle SATURDAY ONLY HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LIMITED FOR ECONOMY Send your cleaning with your Iaundry PHONE - 419 Pimples and Blockheaids Refleved b; this Medicinal Oint ment Whether in bathing suit or evening dress you become very much embar- rassed by skin affections and irritations on the shoulders and back as well as on the face. Why flot do somnething about it--something worth while. Dr. Chase's OINTMENT is a medicinal produet on which you can rely for clearing up akin troubles of this nature as . weli as itchiflg and eczema. Mothers who are accustomed to use Dr. Chase's OINTMENT for baby's skin troubles and eczema find it so delightfuliy bcaiing and soothing ha hey soon acquire the habit of using it fo their own skin affections. 60 ts. abox. Economy Jar, lve times as1 niuch $2.00 Dr. Chose's 0 ntment NE tbe biggest day in tbe year to, Oronoites wbo just love seeing the exhibits and' renewing acquainfancesbip with many com- ing from a distance. We'll be seeing you! Mr. McKenna, stafioned at Peterboro, bas just returned from 3a trip f0 England and back, the trip faking only 21 days. Miss Adele Morton, Toronto, spent the holiday week-end beie. O.C.S. opened Tuesday and the pupils welcomed five new teacb- ers-Mr. McGinnis of Belleville, principal of the bigb scbool; Miss French of Dresden and Miss Beck of Hamilton, both members of tbe bigh scbool staff; Miss Harn- den, Bowmanville, and Miss Ruth Goode, Orono, on the public scbool staff. Tbey also welcomed back Miss K. Foster, principal of the public scbool. Misses Jeanne Forrester, Gwen Tennant, and Margaret Flintoff, graduates fromn Normal, have gone f0 their respective schools. Robt. Stewart bas returned to the West for another visif. Mrs. A. Henry beld a success- 'fui sale Saturday. Sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clarke and family who bave moved to their new home in Prescott. Tbree tons and seven bundred pounds of salvage was gatbered by Orono Boy Scouts in their last drive. Mrs. Fagan, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Cooper. Sunday Scbool re-opened Sun- day witb a fair attendance. Supt. Mrs. A. A. Drummond fold an in- teresfing story regarding tbe trouble involved in taking the Bible f0 the far-off Indians years ago. The Reserve Army spent Sun- day at Fenelon Falls. Miss Editb Sberwin is spending tbe winfer witb ber brother, Mr. R. Sherwin. Rev. Litflewood preacbed fwo interesting sermons Sunday. The one in the morning was appropri- ate f0 the Day of Prayer and the evening on Labor Day. R. E. Logan favored wifh a vocal solo, "Tbanks Be f0 God," at the mor- ning session, and a sextetf e sang "Sweeter as tbe Years Go By," in the evening. Dick Morton expects to leave next week for the West. Previous f0 ber leaving for Prescott, Mrs. H. A. Clarke was presented witb a wooden sand- wich tray by the Goodwill Bible Class of wbich sbe was a valued member. The staff 0f the S.S. of wbicb she was a feàcher, present- cd ber with a gift also. Art Clougb, Branfford, was guest of bis sister, Mrs. Jim Major. Executive of the Y.P. Union will meet tonigbt (Tbursday) in the S.S. roomn to arrange faîl and winfer meetings. Mr. Dave Elliott visited rela- fives bere. Miss Viola Gilfillian, Hamilton, was guest of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gilfillian. Manley Liftlewood is on holi- days. Mr. and Mrs. W. Irwin, Mimico, visited Mrs. I. Winter. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Virtue, Tyrone, were in town. *Two young cbaps, Monday eve- ning about six p.m., were al tangled up on the cernent on Main Street at Mercer's garage and took some time f0 untangle tbemselves. if looked like an octapus with ah ifs legs and arms wound around a baby but wben it unwound proved that appear- ances are deceiving. Mrs. A. A. Drummond enjoyed a visit f rom bèér sister from Gravenburst. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davy visit- cd bis sisters, Miss M. Davy and Mrs. L. Fralick. Sympatby is extended f0 Mrs. C. Tennant on the deatb of ber father, Mr. Penwiarden. This week we say "Best Wisbes" tf0 fwo Oronoifes-Ivan McKenzie and Meredith Linton- who bave joined the ranks of the Benedîcts. Mr. and Mrs. George Felstead and Miss Jean Lageer, Toronto, Mrs. G. Felstead and Norman, Scarboro, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Eng- lisb and Sherin June, Lindsay, w'ere guests af Mr. Wesley La- geer's. Miss Eunice Middlefon spent the holiday af borne. Mrs. Fred Lycetf bas received a cabie fromn Major Fred Lycett FREE! NUTRITION BOOKLET!, Nutrition made easy! A "can't-go-wrong" guide to healthful family meals çdfor f It's here at last! A really practical guide to meal- planning. Alil you need to know about nutrition, ini an easy-to-foilow, interesting, aùthoritative book. This is important to you; for recent Government surveys show sixty percent of Canadians fait short of good nutrition, even tbough seemingiy weli-fed. Perhaps yoar famiiy lacks proper food for vital gond health ... stamina ... high morale. S o get in line with the "Nutrition for Victory" drive. Send for your copy of "Eat- to-Work.to-Win", NOW. Foiiow THE the new EASY plan for serving ýH ýuà// I delicious, weii-baianced meals. T. 9-t y7-« Falla. @pY o Wokt@Wîn",lut tend YOur nnIim an drei irlY ptt foddtrSI,,BOX 6000 to itNtrtion lfoi VI ~ Cunada. *(The utritonal t - emk ntoin " art acceptable se Nutrition Ser- vices, Department- of Pensions and National Hoaitb, Ottaw'a. for Me. Caadian NuIri- lio,,,Programume.) SPRAINS .nd- DL ~SOREMUSCLES TRI ANTI sEpTic IMIHENT j I rws announcing bis safe arrivai in England. Mr. and Mrs. O'Boyle and son, Brian, and Carl Flinfoff spent the week-end witb cify friends at their cottage af Bracebridge. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Gamsby and son Billy, Kingston, visifed relatives here. Mr. James Eagleson aftended the sports day at Bailieboro, Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick visited Mr. and Mrs. Rosborougb at Niagara. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith are now in Vancouver. Miss Joyce Lowery visited in Toronto. Miss Shirley Myles visifed in Hamilton. Miss Ruth Lowden, Toronto, was home. Park St. W.M.S. met Tuesday affernoon witb Miss M. Davy in charge. Plans were made for the nexf meeting and the freasurer's report was given by Mrs. R. E. Logan. The worsbip period was conducfcd by Mrs. S. Littlewood. Foliowing a few words of ex- planation by Miss Davy a sketch f0 introduce the new sfudy books "For Ail of Life," was ably pre- sented by three members. Mrs. N. F. Porter was reader; Mrs. R. A. Delve the missionary, and Mrs. C. Wood a native Christian. Mrs. H. Walsh gave a reading from the study book. TRIO TO BE TRIED ON SEPTEMBER 9 Magistrate E. A. Gee, of Lind- say, presiding in Cobourg police court on Aug. 30, in the absence of Magist rate R. B. Baxter, of Port Hope, on bolidays, remanded Norman Spence, 17, and Gerald Gouldby, 17, fo September 9 on charges of breaking and enfering and theff from the Creamery at Orono in August. Henry Peter- son, 18, wbo is free on $5,000 bail, also secured an adjournmenf unfil Sept. 9, on the same charge. Ah fbhree accused are from To- ronto and were arresfed there last week. The adjournmenfs were made at the request of Crown At- torney Harry R. Deyman, who asked tbat no plea be faken. Spence objected f0 the adjourn- ment, stafed he bad bad no part in fhe tbeft, and profesfed that the $5,000 bail set by Magistrafe Baxter is f00 higb. Obituary MISS ADA RIGGS Miss Ada Riggs, a resident for some years of bofh Orono and Wicklow, passed away in Orono Friday evening, affer a lengthy illness. Miss Riggs, who was the only cbild of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Riggs would bave been 76 next monfb. The funeral was beld Sunday from Bowmanville. Rev. S. Little- wood, Orono, assisfed by Rev. F. H. Joblin, St. Paui's, Bowman- ville4 officiafing. Inferment was at Fair View. Bearers were Ervin Rainey, Neil Rainey, Elgin Taylor, Charles Taylor, Ernes4 Larmer and W. B. Hoar, ail cou- sins. Friends were present from Smifbfield, Orono, Blackstock, Bowmanville, Wicklow and other places. DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS FROM THE ORONO NEWS Sept. 6, 1928 First game in softball finals cbampionsbip, Kirby vs. West Side, was won by Kirby 6-5. Arthur Bligbf, outstanding barifone, passed away suddenly at the Wellesley Hospital, Toron- to, of appendicifis. Clarke Township Agriculfural Society standing field crop oats prize winners are: 1-F. Brima- combe; 2-C. A. Cbapman; 3-A. J. Tamblyn; 4-W. Boyd; 5-J. D. Brown; 6-O. Cowan; 7 - F. Blackburn. Oswald Cowan made a decided hit in the show ring at the C.N.E. witb bis fine pacer. Toronto Telegramn says: "'Hazel H., a smart brown mare witb quality and speed wriften ail over ber was placed first in the pacer class at the Horse Show in the Coliseum. The mare made a splendid show- Mr. and Mrs. Lent and famiiy (better known as Ruby Vande- burg); Mrs. Mamie Vendeburg, Mr. Pelkie andi Mr. Fred Robin- son at Milton Robinson's.. . Mr. and Mrs. Ted Woodyard, Ann and Mrs. Underwood, with Miss Empringham at Markham... Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer, Grace and Violet with Mr. A. Grant's, Ux- bridge . . . Sgt. Pete Martineil at bomne. . . Mrs. Paeden, Wesley- ville, with Mrs. Fred Falls and Mrs. R. Bostock. .. Bert Holland left Sunday to work in Canada Packers, Toronto. .. Many of the children in this district have taken the serum for whooping cough. . . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swarbrick, Miss Evelyn Robert- son, Miss Winnie Aylcot, Miss Elsie Moxon, Mr. Bob Hilditcb, Toronto, at Mrs. Hilditch's. Mr. Roughley, who, witb bis wife, has spent the past week with Mrs. Thorne, was taken by ambulance, Saturday evening, t0 Oshawa Hospital, where he pass- cd away Sunday evening. The funeral was beld Wednesday in Oshawa. Sympatby is extended to the bereaved family. Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allen (nee Marjory Farrow) were the recipients of a number of useful and beautiful gifts at a shower and presentation held in the Orange Hall, Kendal, by their Kirby, Starkville and Kendal friends. Clarke Union Our school opened on Tuesday with Miss Tran of Whitevale in charge. Miss Eileen Soucb returned to ber school at Harmony. Archie Watson was home and expects to go overseas shortly. Miss Ghorah Peters, Kingston, at Mr. Alex Watson's. Miss Mamie Archer, Port Hope, witb Miss Eileen Soucb. James Nixon was the f irst in the section to take bis corn to the factory. Corn is a bumper crop in this section. Mr. James Ferguson and son, David, Rochester, witb his sister, Mrs. Alex Watson. Mrs. Georgina Bailey, Toronto, with ber brother, Harry Bailey. Clarke Union is a very busy place at present, baving a stone crusher employing four teams on scrapers, five trucks drawing gravel and about a dozen men. The trucks draw three yards f0 a load. Sbeep dogs are still working in the section; H. J. Soucb baving a sbeep killed. Clarke Council is laying out about $150 for sbeep killed last montb. Persons own- ing these dogs must know they are out ail nigbt. Every quotation contributesi something to the stability or en-i largement of the language. -Samuel Johnson.i TWENTY-FJVE VEARS AGO Sept. 5, 1918 Tbe cornerstone of the new Methodist Churcb at Pontypool was declared well and truly laid by Rev. Chancellor R. P. Bowles, Victoria University, To- ronto. Mrs. Editb V. Scobell's black Persian cat was judged best in tbe open class at the Toronto Exhibi- tion. Miss Muriel Penfound, pupil of Miss Mona Bates, Toronto Con- servatory of Music, is taking the class in piano formerly conducted by Miss A. M. Courtice. A peculiar incident occurred, Saturday, wben Mrs. Heard, Osb- awa, mother of Mr. A. A. Col- will, Newcastle, and Mr. Levi Morris, father of Mrs. Colwiil, passed away within a few minutes of eacb other. Botb were 82 years old. Mrs. B. M. Warnica received word that ber elder son, Lieut. Roy Warnica, had received a severe wound while overseas. Lieut. Col. Lorne T. McLaugblin is also reported seriously wound- ed. Engagements are announced of: Mildred Ellen Mason, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Mason, to Sidney Miles Scott; Lela West- lake. daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Westlake, to Leslie Harold Collacutt; Mabel Christina Cox. daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Chrs T. Cox, to Clare Clifford Hart- man, M.D. Maple Grove: Eber Snowden .iudged beef caff le at Toronto Exhibition., Enniskillen: Will the ladies kindly bring tbeir boff les for tbe Fred Victor Mission to tbe W.M.S. meeting. Empty bottles may be bad at "The Farmers' General." Eberiezer: Blake Oke and Thos. Bickle have purcbased automo- biles. . . Messrs. Fursey and Ly- mer did a most creditable act tbresbing J. Prouse's grain, gratis, be being confined to bed. .. Miss Lyla Osborne bas returned from the Nortbwest mucb improved in bealtb. Solina: Herbert A. VanNest is teacbing scbool at Gooderbam;1 May Reynolds at Cberryword; Florence Annis at Mitcbell's Corner; Kate Stephens, Salem, at Bradley's; Mileta Hoar, Provi-1 ednce, at Baker's.1 FIFTY YEARS AGO Sept 6, 1893 Sam Snowden is the first, as usual. to bring tbe Editor a bag of new turnips. Rev. W. A. Bunner, of tbe Meth- odist Cburcb, returned fromn Pick- 9 BREWING COMPANY LIMITID is proud to, reproduce ti cY*~e/~ôcurrent British War Poster which reflects the greatness of the Navies of Great Britain and Canada. BACK (HEM M , o l imited number of reprints in full colossr, size Io' x 15"' of thsposter, art available free. Tese reprints carry no advertising and are sujeabit for framing. Write asking for Poster No. 2 ta "Poster,' O'Keefe House. Toonto. Z7he Ca nadian Navy is now 500 ships of war-manned by 60,000 of our own folk, carrying out 50% of the convoy duties, guarding 12,000 freighters carrying 77 million tons of cargo across the perilous Atlantic. Your money-the war bonds you buy-the bonds you hold- back up the magnificent effort which has grown from a pittance to a power. N THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST From The Statesman Files MORE SHIPS, MORE TEA AND RATIONS UP 1/3 Just a fear and a rnonth after rationing commenced the govern- ment is able to raise our allow- anceof teaafulthird. 'SALADA' Tea-lovers will rejoice at this happy turn of events for now they can get Y2 lb. of their favourite tea every six weeks instead of every edght. Sponsored 1by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) in the. Intecsts of nutrition sud Iiealth s aid ta Victory. ering with a charming bride, hav- ing been married to Miss Leavens of thaf place. German-made manties just opened up at the West End House. P. C. Trebilcock deiigbted a large audience of the Epwortb League witb an account of bis visit to tbe World's Fair. Courtice: Wbile Blake Courtice was crossing the creek on a log, baving bis bands in bis pockets, his feet slipped and, like a drown- ing man grasping at a straw, be pulled a jack knife and some paper money from bis pockets, in bis excitement, tbrowing bis keys into the water but manag- ing to retain the paper. Mount Vernon: Wm. Tordiff, Sr., bas rented the Jeffery farm lately purchased by E. Milîson ...Miss K. Argue, wbo is at- tending tbe Model Scbool, Wbit- by, gave a lawn party. Antioch: James Hunter, I. Cob- bledick, D. Somerville, W. Hunt- er, G. Bigham and A. Hunter took in tbe excursion to Cobourg via "~Garden City." Solina: G. O. Black, Niagara Falls, preacbed every nigbt last week at the Advent Cburcb f0 good congregations. Taunton: M. Robbins bas bougbt the Lander homestead for S10,200. .. The Literary Hall pre- sents an improved appenrance. Blackstock: Robt. McNally is doing the carpenter work at Cad- mus Cburcb. . . There are some 1 cases of typboid fever at Robt. Henry's. Benjamin Werry is buying apples again and wants 5000 bar- rels this year. Miss Joanna Bickell, Rochester, N.Y., is at home. Starkville Visitors: Mrs. Tripp, Ajax, witb ber son af Mr. Lorne Paeden's ...Miss Beulab Hallowell bas returned to ber scbool in Toronto ... Mr. and Mrs. Bill Andree and family, Osbawa, at Mr. M. Shutka's. . . Mrs. H. Harrington and sons, Toronto, at Mrs. Jacob Hallowell's. .. Mrs. Silver, Ajax, at home. .. Mrs. R. Katerson and Miss Mary Katerson, Hampton, at Mrs. Richard Hallowell's... Mrs. Katerson is in ber 95tb year but is quite smart for ber years ..Mrs. Frank Bennett and Joan bave returned to Toronto after visiting Mrs. Jacob Hallowell... Mrs. Ed. Ruthven, Zion, at Mr. A. Dobson's. . Jack Walker and Wil- fred Walker, Toronto, at Mr. Silas Hallowell's... Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapletun, Oshawa, at Mr. W. A. Hallowell's. a THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN