PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPT. l6th, 1943 Orono FairBl kso krL r I... Miss Barbara Sanderson, ter. (Contn_____ck toc VesIi t cuucaLion Janetville, with Miss Olga Sand- Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn (Cnuued from page 7) J erson. . . Miss Noreen and Mr. have the gift of a baby boy in u R. Cooper. Mrs . R. Putnam; Hot Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain and And Ray Ratz, Restoule, at H. Steven- Bowmanville Hospital. 0 Dish Mats-Mrs. R. Putnam, Mrs. Jack in BarrieFl son's. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. Strutt I I. Lowe: Chair Seat, braided or Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnston *ficleflCy and Phyllis, Oshawa, at Clifford TI hooked-Mrs. D. G. Hooper, Mrs. have received word from Arnold By Pethick's. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Tyrone IR A .Pta:HueCoat. ________elnddi Egad aey.Snero ndfmlya . ad Irs R E A DCoe, M.F.Siso; Mr n Ms era ooy C.I13.Tuck e&sons Janetville. . .Mr. and udyShowilbhe a KniAte Stinso , srMgrs. I Loe: R.iteMr. ErlBruceHrrisonpeahdOptemetriat Mrs. Walter Bryan and Ruth, usual time but the church service o set, wool-Mrs. R. Putnam, Mrs. pool minister preached in our . Disney Bidif. ing the lunch hour Chairman M. home by building a sun porch and I LE. Bryant; Pullover, cotton or Unitedi Church. opp.. J. Hobbs called the immediate James Alldread is building a sum- I wool-Mrs. R. Putnam, Mrs. L. E. W.M.S. of United Churçh met Ohaa fanlily to the platform and pre- mer kitchen and woodshed. I O Y 0~Bryant; Sports Shirt - Mrs. I. at Mrs. Roy Taylor's with 17 sented John with a beautiful Vstr:CalsBonadI Lowe. Mrs. R. Putnam: Child's ladies present. Mrs. J. E. Elliott .....Phono 1516 Bulova wrist watch. John and VSitr Cre Brown rooad Otdoor Play Suit, knitted, wool took the devotional "Stewardship27 Mr. W. Oke expressed their ap- B3. Scott's, Willis Stewart"s and 0 -Mrs. L. E. Bryant. Mrs. R. Put off Time." The ladies decidcd to24 preciation. Wm. McDonald's... Mr. and Mrs.0 30 0 nan; hil's layDres ad fll oe o moe dttybag atthe0 NW.A. and W.M.S. met at Mrs. Earl Goodman, Toronto, with Mr. 0 naom hds, Play D- ress oner mreitty gs . artheCONICAL CORNEA AND THE H. McGill's, Sept. 8, with an at- and Mrs. L. J. Goodman. .. Mr. Buloers ot Mrs. E.Byn;W. J. Oob per metn. Mrs.ofB . r CONTACT LENS tendance off 30 aduits and 8 child- and Mrs. Robt. Hodgson with Mr. Suttle, 'Mrs. R . ryant:Wash rison spokegr on If double vision is experienced ren. We were pleased to have as and Mrs. Ed. Doidge, Salem... K itchen MEnsemble. Dres andl sioflary). Mrs. Anfson Taylor gave ti slkl due to the improper get some ladies of the Haydon Mr. P. Hayward, Ajax, with Mrs.D Aprn-Mrs.J. . oopr, rs.1. panoselctin;Mrs. Herman action off the motor muscles of the W.A., also Mrs. B. Palmer, To- Hayward and family... Mrs. Art. Loe:Aro-Ir.Loe Ms.Hoe av ra 'n A Tribute eyes and is a type of error al- ronto, Mrs. F. Billett and children,SpcradamyBw nvle Energy is something we J.RCoprKntdCvefrtouda Schoî ndTechrs: Bluffs, and Mrs. A. E. with hier mother, Mrs. Laura f ned lnt o hee hot water bottie Mrs. I. Lowe, Mrs. Cecil Hill gave a reading, handled in an altogether different Billett. Hampton. Mrs. F. Werry Virtue. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley MsR.Putniam: Afghan. wool, "The Place Apart." Rev. Har- mne steato f h two and group arranged a good pro- Ms da day beaus anailout knitc Mr. R Punam Afhan rioncloed he eetng itha -dos not always de- gram which consisted off a devo- Braithwait and Helen and Mrs. wool. crocheted-Mrs. I. Lowe, prayer. pend upon the visual efllciency as tional reading, Mrs. F. Werry; Clara Braithwait, Roseneath, with war effort really cails Mrs. F. Stinson; Bcd Jacketki laateeiwsset much as it does upon the fusion, Mrs. W. Ashton reading "One life Mr. and Mrs. Willis. Eveln Lagmad. Ms.'J R.ithApeasCommuvni Hall o nt sterioscopic action or team work. at a time"; Vocal duet by Mrs. L. __________ the kind~OU get nitMr. . ng a, Mrs. . ithea sower. Geallo.nCfrd e rare an it causerifl ot genrambtory doffseF.fBourefavourts____ for a lot of zip and go Cooper: Tea Cosy, knit or crochet cvening to honor Mr. andMr Liemnotrsroucni- abad Mrs. F ekt.Ms -Mrs. W. J. Ruttie; Socks, fancy, Fred Trewin (nec Jean Wright) tions Conical Cornea is consider- Harding gave the origin and his- Browns0 from eating good whole- Lowe; Socks. knitted, coarse - was the able chairman. Mrs. ly known, except that it is gen- hymns. Mrs. R. Ormiston and Re Crs mtatMsGo Mrs. I. Lowe, Mrs. W. J. Ruttle; Jabez Wright played the National M ly osqJrdto b hscl Mrs. L. Aho sang thHonti ey'Cssn peced rs G some foods! Bread is onie Baby's Knitted Set- Mrs. J. Anthcm and the wedding march. Many rare and hitherto unknown ful words off the hymns. A read-_ oe' n icdqitbok Tamlyn Mr. F Tably; Td- e wre leaed o hve ithuscases under the diagnostic ing by Mrs. 0. C. Ashton, Temn- and at Mrs. Wellington Farrow's of these foods ...not Talyn M res-Mr.F rs..Tmby;To-W Ernestplerad hav .wihaus methods off today have been found perance Convenor; instrumental for a quilting. jutan red btStinson. Mrs. J. Tamblyn; Tod- vesY McGill. Enniskillen, who amenable to treatment. It i*s a duet. Mrs. H. McGill and Mrs. E. Mrs.aLe s Alldre r and ml just andlr'sKnitcdSui-Mr.bWuJ favored with two lovely piano great help to the one who ex- A. Werry. Lunch was servean r.LsAlded and fml enih- Rle KMreds. J.Tamln ri ut.Mrs. Bun. HJ. gv amines if some past history of th~e a social time enjoyed. A vote of from our community. CARTER'S big, Qnih utlt- Mrs. R. Ptnam. a hCib aen case be given as this may be the thanks was given the hostess. Kenneth Stephenson, R.A.S.C., QuiltMrs. . Punam. humrous eadig anda fin in- ans o proinghast beeenyipromoted prtote lst l Lieu-u ed loaf. It's chock ful11 Junior Section (Girls under 20) strumental was played by Mrs. mean f rvn httepyi C.G.I.T. - "The Happy Gang tenant. Congratulations! 0 -Pllvr veynLn ad;Jae Wiht Sechsweecal background off the eyes In Groups" off Enniskillen, Enfield Vstr:Saa o aîaI of vitaniins and made 9Plovr-EmanLaga d e J bez Wriht. Spehes ncre question were at a certain date in and Burketon met St. 4 at the iios emnRyHlmn Sockees or Skating Socks-Lang- maab rins ftrln halep.ondaioe Corp. Norman Kirby and Corp. I from the best Canadian maid; Sweater Coat- Anna Roy Phayre. Gordon Fowler and hatycniin home off Merle Oke. President Bert Draper, formerly off Eng- f Staples, Langmaid. Oliver Smith played for dancing (To Be Continued) Wîlma Wotten conducted the land, now stationed at Yarmouth, f wheat flour and whole Lais Wok-TbeCth and Tom McLachlan called off_______________ business when plans were dis- N.S., have been visiting at Mr.D croche'ed M W. J. Rultle for squares. Best wishes are ex- cussed in connection with ouran Mr.eoSthnsn... niflk. Tfe crust is gol cotd- Mrs. W . J R 'te tended to the happy couple. the Dorrell boys who livened it concert. We practised our theme adMiss.essietLaw, nMounam MsL.E. Bryant; Curtains - Victorian Women's Institute by their clown outfit, their decor- song, our motto anMtpssss ABtnatMs. enrawRouicha's de ron.. h t B ryanW.t J Rttie, o, nMrsE. met at Mrs. Herman Hooey's, ated horse and vehicle, and their Oke and Merle served a delicious tn Mrs. Heffrdrwn ith'rsis- tu.e' lgh ad ir ad . ow, rs R Ptnm;~srtSept. 7th. Scripture was read by own lively antics; the Middleton lunch. ter, Mrs. E. Legge, Oshawa... mueslgtad yad 1 oent, Mrs. R. Putnam' Mnsso Mrs. T. Smith; a letter was read boys with their decorated car Mr. and Mrs. T. Gimblett, Maple bestof il, t saymeres Pya-Mrs. . J. utti; e Ms. from the headmaster off a school also added to the fun) was the T Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Annsely bofo dal s! Y'reond R.Ptnam ; Cut .W o .rk-teMrs. i n Oxfordshire, England, exKpress- opening. Prizes were donated by a'pt fRihrsndJmyTonot fo as!Yur Rud R Putnam; o fa Ps. I ing thanks and appreciation for Miss Phemia Hooey, lst $1.00 in Mr.tonR.arah adJmmyTrotage to pl as t e ntre Low, m mrs - Mrs. F. ; S tinson, grape and apple jam made and W ar Saving Stamps, 2nd 75e in MrTo ron aM rs r. terFarows i to lese heentre low mdr -Mrs. R.Fna; Sof tillow, sent overseas through our Red stamps, 3rd 50e in stamps for each (Intended for last week) Toono,. Mr.eo. terhenso ' and Mr.R unm;Sf flw Cross. He told us something off group. The Girl Guides were es- Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. .ynnein rsGo t eno, n faxily i you serve A.O.K.-Mrs. I. Lowe, E. Lang- the work being taken up in the pecially mentioned and a prize of Warren have returned from visit-_______inToronto. CARTER'S bread at mad1rsigTbeStMs school. Members decided to filI $1,00 given them. Miss Hooey's ing hier sister at Listowel, and an I. Lowe, Mrs. R .Putnam; Night- ditty bags for the navy again. total contribution was $7.25, for enjoyable holiday at Georgian Nestieton P every meal. gown, silk-Mrs. F. Stinson, Mrs. Tag Day will be held for the which the Red Cross is 'very Bay. . . Mr. S. Groat, Toronto, _____P R. Putnâm; Nightgown, flannel- Navy League, Fair Day. by Capt. grateful. with his uncle, F. J. Groat, who___N ette-Mrs. I. Lowe, Mrs. R. Put- Hamilton and hier Guides. Society Other prize winners were: Pre- continues quite il].. . LAC Don- Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Weldon N na;MnSitMrs. W J.Rt;Ceri.ld will pay for a night light on the School Class-Sheila McAllister, ald Ross andMr.osTetn Neal, Victoria Road, wîth hier QI Mr. . . utle Ceseriedvacant store corner. A slight Midland (doîl carrnage); Wayne with Miss Edith Rackham.. . parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Proutt Or / ~ , Se rt; reakfast Set-,Mrs. L. E. vic en off appreciation for past ser- Venning (doctor's ambulance); Miss Eleanor Irwin, Toronto, with ... Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black, Jean Mý BryantMs.Le; B uffefa t Set .E ies was presented to Mrs. Fred Joan Venning (Rcd Cross nurse). Misses Nellie and Bertha Armour and Dora, at Mrs. Ehi Mairs'. . . Sa BryntMrs 1.Loe; ufft StTrewin. Program: Reading, "Ten Public School - Betty and ... Mrs. Harvey Balson and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Bird and AI ,, crocheted-Mrs. I. Lowe, Mrs. R. Little Dutchmcn," Mrs. T. Smith; Jessie McArthur and Nora Ven- Oshawa, at J. Macnab's. Nancy with hier parents, Mr. and Br I" Putnam; Pillow Cases, hem- community sing-song, with Mrs. ning (farm commandos and pro- Miss Nancy Johns has returned Mrs. Malcolm Emerson. . . Mr. stitched-Mrs. I. Lowe, Mrs. R. Earl Dorrell at the piano. Mrs. duction exhibit); Neil Bailey to Toronto after holidaying with and Mrs. R. W. Marlow with Mrs. - Putnam; Pillow Cases, cmbroid- Bruce Harrison gave a splendid (decorated bicycle; Glenn Van hier mother, Mrs. Elmina Johnsý George Marlow. .. Mr. and Mrs. - - ced-Mr. R.Putna, Mrs ~ iand edifying talk on "Work." Camp (save paper). who is somewhat improved in .Jbi ih r.H hec Lowe; Pillow Cases, lace-trimmed President Mrs. Norman Mount- Adult Class-Dorrell Brothers; health. Miss Ruby Lane, Bow- .. Mrs. Frank Playfoot and Mr. -M 'rs. W. J. Ruttle, Mrs. R. Put- joy read "Nobody Else." Mrs. G. Eaton and Miss Pearl mnanville, is with her. Henry Thompson in Toronto. Pte. _________________ nMrs . tNcloit Blangaid Archdcacon Simpson observed Wright (Indians); Gary Venning School opened on Tuesday with FakPafo eundwt Mr F Sinon Qil Bocs-D. a service off Remcmb rance, (Decoratcd bicycle), a good attendance. Mrs. M. them. .. Miss Jean Malcolm, To- Moffatt, Mrs. F. Stinson; Purse, Thanksgiving a n d Dedication, Boy Scouts did a fine job off Laramie is principal and Miss ronto Normal School with hier crochctcd, cotton-E. Langmaid, commemorating 50th anniversary selling tickets on the draw and Elsie MacMillan will again have parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Mal- Mrs. I. Lowe; Tea Cosy, wool - off the formainofteGnrldne hreofteno om colm. .. Mr. Harvey Malcolm with F. tiso. rs I Lwe Synod off the Church off England Winners off the draws: Off the About 35 young people gather- his parents at Velverton. . . Mr. Bath Towls-Mrs. I. Lowe, Mrs. in Canada. Toronto, 1893, on Sun- admission ticket to which Alex cd Friday night at Wilfred and Mrs. Harold Whcelcr and W.J. Ruttie; Picture Scencîin day morning. Gilbert and Wallace Marlow cach Smalc's for their opcning meet- family at Mr. R. M. 'Hoskin's, Fcyss pronc-Mrs. .Lo. Brsnt Miss Lough, Winnipeg, Man., donatcd $15.00, wcre: lst mr. ing off the oung People's Union. Vicwlak. .. Miss Evelyn Philp Fany AronMrs I.Low, Ms.with Mrs. W. A. VanCamp and Monroe, Port Perry, $15; 2nd Mr. A worship period was conducted has gone to Peterboro to train W.J. Ruttle; Print Drcss-Mrs. I. Ms. A. L. Bailey. Dempsey, Stratfford, $10; 3rd Mr. by June Geisel, Nellie Armour for a nurse. .. Mrs. George Johns i LoesMrs. W. E. rytt ; Baby 1 Mrs. Cecil Downey and child- MeGregor, Coîborne, $5 and Thelma Robbins, Rev. W. SuShagontoltahi.Jntil Dress-rs. W J. Rutle, rs. I ren, Peterboro, and Miss F. Mc- Winner off Cadmus quilt-Mrs. Rackham and W. Smale. GamesSutScol ~ !J0.~ gEZL'ahozf. Lowe; Wrap, wool, indoor-Mrs. Lçughlin, Toronto, wîth their Fred Toms; Shirley Institute were played and a sing-song was _______________ F. Stinson, Mrs. R. Putnam; Wrap, father, J. R. McLaughlin. quilt-Miss Jean Toms; Victory erjoyed around the campffire, and outdoor-Mrs. I. Lowe; Knittîng Miss Florence Fair, Toronto, Quilt (made and donatcd by Mrs. wîencrs, rolîs and coffec were Bag-Mrs. 1. Lowe, Mrs. R. Put- with friends. Rupert Byers, Bowmanville) - served. It was an ideal spot for i __________________namn Pot Holdrs-Mrs. W. J. Mrs. Patterson, Norwood, with Mrs. Driscoîl, Hamilton; Load off such a gathcring. Ruttlc, Mrs. L. E. Bryant; GirVs lher sister, Mrs. John Jobb. slab wood (donated by A. L. Dresse remodelled - Mrs. W. J. Fred Willan has sold his ffarm Bailey)-Mr. Cook, Cadmus; Box RtlMsI.Lw:BysPlay to Earl Dorrell. off groccries (donatcd by Mrs. Salenm Suit, remodelled - Mrs. R. Put- Miss Helen VanCamp at Min- Geo. Joîl, Toronto) - Roy Gra- ____ namn;Bcd Jacket, wool-Mrs. R. den. Wom;nBsxAssociation met at the Putnam, Mrs. F. Stinson; Bcd bham BoxE. loff rcie s ) donatsoiaioedt t h birfu4i4v ackct, A.O.K.-Mrs. L. E. Brv-b r.J .EliCdu)- home off Mrs. E. Doidgc on Thurs- ant; Dinner Napkins - Mrs. I, RED CInOSS FAIR Mrs. Austin Beacock; Box off soap day cvening, Sept. 9, wîth 20 _______ (donatèd by Mrs. Wilbur Archer)laispsetPridnMsS LoweMrs F. tinon.-Mrs. Wm. VanCamp; Blanket Jr. Section (under 20)-Dress, Red Cross Fair held in the (donatcd », Grant Thompson, Buttery conducted the business sport, cotton-E. Langmaid, Betty Arena, and dance in the Arm-NsltnMr.VM.Ace and rcad the Scripture. Mrs R. , - Osborne; Work Apron-D. Mof- uis u.2,wsadcdd Teewr ayohrdra Winter was in charge off the po kgITlsEpTic LimiNENt fatt, E. Langmaid; Blouse - B.* success. Much thankisdct tions, among which wcrc cash gram. A paper was read by Dor- Osbrn, Cro Stpls; uton-th buinss enof or Perydonations fromn Mr. A., Jeri othy Wintcr which was written holes-D. omniI h onduPotPryFe Wln' by Mr. Doidge. Rcadings: Mrs. R. i ______________booths, whecls off fortune, etc., John McArthur.anDr esadMs.HBri.Luc __________DECORATIVE OR and lohle ooeaete;wssre yteots ndn CONSTRUCTIVE ARTasoashepdtoprtthm The draw for the Prisoner offwssrdbytehtssadn If moraig finds You only half rested, stili aloto Mrs. MeMillen, Mrs. Glass, War Do11, with a $5.00 War Ce enj oyable social time spent. Octo- w" ... if your aleep is broken by fiti Fine Art - Oul Painting, por- and Mrs. Fitchett, Port Penny, ti-ct h ye t~~ ber mceting at Mrs. E. J. Silvcr's. tossing and turning.. if yoia can't aem te FigreE.Wadele. adcthend oParydGiex urstntan c rom Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Warren and sted o eaigrg . or"y trait - A. Waddell, E. Waddcll; who acted as judges off the parade Robert Simpson's and thc1leather Miss Ethel Warren, Oshawa, Mr. aeob» FiueE adel .Wdel;adt arl il ureoadhandbag fnom The T. Eaton Co., adMr.C W osiKern, bIe t ow kineagtot. reyu Animal - Mrs. R. Putnam, A. off course to cach and evcry one will be drawn on Fair Day. and Miss . CW owi, Hampton, slen kdepuly setan tore yourny Waddell; Marine-E. Waddcll, A. who came, donated and workcd to anMssB_______amto,__________sffrs o el yu kdny Waddcll; Landscap-A. Waddell, put the affair acnoss. were Sunday gucsts with Mr. and regain a normal condition, to help you ejo> E.Waddell; Fruit-E. Waddell, A. The Fun Parade (as named by Mrs. W. Cann. reatful leep-uae Doddsa Kidney Pilla, a Waddcll; Flwr-A adel nniskn*len Mrs. J. Stone, Tyrone, visited fammuite treatinent for More tha hall a j~E. Waddcll., Mrs, R. Sutton R. G. Mfffftt; ___ at "The Maples" and Mn. and century. Dodd's Kidney -pilla are easy to Water Colors - Figure - A .' a Mrs. R. Hodgson, Tyrone, and use and are net habit forming. Ask for SWaddell; Portrait - A. Waddcll I Raisin Pic-Mrs. D. G. Hooper, Visitors: Mns. Palmer, Toronto, Miss Nina Hodgson, Toronto, Doddsa Kidney pUiat an>' drug oune. 2nd AnmalE.Waddell, Mrs. L . Mrs at igrCois-wt e.adMs adn...wreSna uss okfrtebu «wt h e ad 2 E. Bryant; Marine-E. Waddell, Mr. E. Dean, R. G. Mofffatt; Oat- Mr. and Mrs. H. Slemon, Miss Mr. and Mrs. G. Burruan URBRJMs R. unm adcp meal Cookies-Mrs. D. G. Hooper, Greta Slemon, Mrs. S. Trewin, family, Oshawa, wcr nc y uoddsà Kidney Pilis BREAD Mrs R. Punam; Landscape-rs. Mrs. R. Sutton; Jellied Vegetable Toronto, at Mn. H. Annis'. .. Mrs. get ihM.adMs .Wn R.fZ/6 ~ î Putnam, Mrs. L. E. Bryant; Salad-Mrs. E. Dean; Sandwiches Mary Gniffin with friends in Osh-get rsR.Wn AMAZN Bryntwcr t-E. Waddll, r .» Dawn Mofffatt, Mrs. R. Putnam; awa. .. Mr. and Mns. O. C. Ashton Brat r .Waddell. . Four Ways off Scrving Apples - at Mn. C. A. Stainton's, Oshawa Sei.Waddcll..Wadel Mrs. E. Dean, D. Moffatt; Four . . . Mn. and Mrs. W. Abcrnethy Scpi-E.WadellA. addll;Ways off Scrving Tomatoes - D. and family, Tottenham, at Mn. R. My Y AS ISj Crayon Drawing - A.- Waddcll; Mofffatt, Mrs. E. Dean; Chili Sauce Grifffin's. Donalda Griffin retunn-st r ir . w T U I EA Pastel Drawing-E. Waddell, A. - s.R.Sttn;Ccube-e om. wt.tcm ..Mr._. Bread oîls Ms R. utton.Mrs: E ean, Whole Wheat Muffins- ET EICIU R. G. Moffatt. Mrs. E. Dean; à,Johnny Cake - R. G. Mofffatt;V BREA Laver Cake, chocolate-Mrs. E. MIDean; Apple Sauce Cake-Mrs. E. e Dean; One Egg Cake-R. G. Mof MDEI --fatt; Apple Pie-Mrs. E. Dean, MAADAm w Mrs R. Sutton; Pumpkin Pie - z - - -- - HAVE THE GLEN RAE MILK DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME EVERY MORNING Salute toD HEALTH!I GLEIN RAE MILK is in the army too - it's the D backbone of healthful eating ! Have you had 0 your pint today ? Try it4 . now .- taste the creamy D flavor in a bottie of GLEN RAE. Drink it regu- larly and you'll be salut- D ing heaith! 0 LO 0 0 ýAIRYn The Modern Farm ln Canada According to the 1941 census, the percentage of farm homes ri each province having electricity, radio, telephone, and auto- obile, is as follows: rince Edward Island oeva Scotia ----------- Tew Brunswick --------- iiebec ---------------- lanitoba .-------------- ýskatchewan ------------ Lbenta Witish Clmi Electric Lighting 5.5 26.2 18.6 23.6 37.3 7.3 4.8 5.5 36. Auto- mobile 30.2 29.6 27.3 16.4 69.6 48.6 45. 46.7 35.4 Radio 53. 58.7 48.6 36.4 66.3 66.8 71.5 72.9 69.3 Tele- phone 17.1 25.8 16. 15.8 50.8 24.1 32.2 18.1 19.2 Make YO0U R Car Last! Prolong the lite of your car, and help Canada win the war! Our speclal "Car Conservation Plan" wiIl help your present car see you through. This plan was deslgned to keep your car fit for active service by keeping it weIl servlced. Condltioning now wll save you costly repairs later on. . . help you to conserve gas, oil, metai and rubber for Canada's war machine. Corne in today for full detals of our original "Car Conservation Plan." GARTON'S GARAGE Phone 26669 Bowmanville I &7îTe- 4& N.15 M" PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPT. 16th, 1943