THURSDAY, SEPT. 23rd, 1943. THrE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN ~Social1and Persona1l Phone 40rl6 Mr.R.H. Wood, Miss Allie Wood, Mr. Wesley Wood and Mr. Char dâWooti attended the fune- ral ot'Wrs. George Cornish, Janet- M.and Mrs. Meretiith Linton have returned home. Mrs. A, Henry is now in Osh- awa. Sgt. Bob Keane visited his- par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane. Park St. Sunday School attend- ants bave been bonoreti two Sun- tiays running. On Sept. 12 they bad the privihege o! hearing Rcv. Terrail speak o! Temperance and an Sept. 19 Miss E. Sherwin, who bas worked 20 years in a mission at Winnipeg. Miss Sherwin wihh take Mrs. Melior's class and Mrs. H. Coatham Mrs. Clarke's ciass. Sorry to hear that Mr. O. W. Scott is in the Peterboro Hospital. W.A. have purchaseti new cur- tains for the Sunday Scbooh roomr and every one is admiring them. Mr. R. H. Wood visiteti the Armours at Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan vis- ited in Toronto. Mr. anti .Mrs. Neil Yelhowlecs and baby and Miss Annie Yeo, Solina, and Mrs. Herb. Rundle, Bowmanville, were guests o! Mr. anti Mrs. R. H. Wood. Orano Creamery is installing a burgiar-proof safe. Twice bitten, ever after shy. The fire engîne was called out Sunday afternoon ta E. E. Patter- son's praperty, tenanteti by the Gibbs !amihy, as the barn was afire. The barn had a large quan- tity a! hay anti wooti in it, but so quickly did the men respond that the wood and most o! the build- ing were saveti. The bay was rentiered totally uscless and the building inside was badly tiamag- eti as weli as the roof. The barn is not far from the bouse s0 a major conflagration might have rcsuited only for quick action. Cause a! fire is unknown. Noneý o! aur citizens who were ATTENTION ANDY CLARKE! Fred Duncan doesn't bave to plant potato seed. Ail he needs to do is to plant po- tato peelings. Anti herein lies a taie. Just for fun Fred pianted five his with no- thing but peelings and he got some potatoes that weigbed over a pound each. Accord- ing to the way other peopie's potatoes turned out we bet next year tbey'li ail be plant- ing peelings. planning to go West to heip in the harvest went as tbey couhd not secure passes. Bruce Cbapman anti Don Ten- nant are joining the air force. Mr. anti Mrs. Caldiwell visiteti bere. Mrs. W. Couch visiteti in Lindi- say. Guides met Tuestiay. They are holding their meetings in the Anglican Church anti plan to bave Corners like their brothers, the Boy Scouts. Mrs. Armstrong and Carol Staples are in charge. Calvin Dunn is overseas. Dr. McKenzie receiveti a bou- quet from the Rotary Club on bis birtbday. Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Hall visit- cd at the Wootiyard cottage. Donald Staples was at the Mor- ton cottage. Donald Lycett,- younger son o! Major anti Mrs. Fred Lycett, whose daddy is overseas, celc- brateti bis first birthday, Fritiay, with a party. The teachers anti officers o! Park St. Suntiay Schooi met at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. N. F. Porter Thursday evening. Miss D. Henry, Mrs. Marshall anti Mrs. Hecks, Hamilton, were guests o! Mrs. J. C. Gamey. The name of Mr. S. Hall, Orano, previousiy reported missing over- seas, is now includeti in the list o! those presumeti deati. Congratulations ta LAC anti Mrs. Gordon Leamen (nec Hazel Winter) ,Ottawa, on the birtb o! an 8 1-2 lb. boy. I.O.O.F. met Sept. 15 wben the 4th degree includeti juicy water- melon. ~~o-day, as always, the 'Salada' label is your guarantee of a uniform blend of fine quality teas.o The World's News Seen Through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE -MONITOR An International Daily Newspaper l is Trutf ul -Constructive -Unbiased- Free from Sensational- ism -Editorials Are Tiniely and Instructive and lus Daily Features, Togetiier with the Weekly Magazine Section, Malce the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusets Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60,a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents. Name ----------------------------------- Address-------------------------------------- ---------- SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST Dr. (hase's Nerve Food If The Vitumin Bi Tonic Confains Vitamin 91 and Essenfial Food Minerals Extensively used for headache, loss of sleep, nervous indigestion, irritabihity, anaemia, chronie fatigue, and exhaustion of the snervous system. 60OpiIls, 60cts. Econoniyaz, 180 pilla, $1.50. DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new changes of collection and dellvery in your district. This la made necessary by »w governmmt regulations whlch permit us to cover any one district one day a week only We will, therefore, be In Bowmanvllle SATUR DAY ONLY HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry CIeaning CO. LIMITD FOR ECONOMY Send your cleaning wlth your laundr7 PHONE - 419 ORONO No bhast o! air or fire o! sun Puts out the light wbereby we With girtiet loins aur hampit race of grace es TRI ÂNTIsipTic LImNMEKT And spirit tili bis turn be donc. -Swinburne. - - - - - - -- mines that. Over against this freedorn of Ran om u mnatons th..ght andlchoice we have the when ail is said about saine, some By Thec Man on the Sheif one has spoken of "Benevolent autocracy as the best form of government. And Lord Cromer's NE WS None can receive a re'velatlon rule in Egypt proved that for which is unrevcalcd to bis cdu- the Egyptians... yet you have flot cation, his habits or thought, got sufficient of the type or the TREACCUSED GIVEN Inf~f I T and bis experience of life."' power to choose and place same FURTHER IREMAND UIN 11 in power.. . the unseen manipu- ORONO FAIRThe implications of these words lators in the background pull the For the second successive week, that fell from the pen of Dean strings and the figures dance to at the request of Messrs. Chap- <Continued from last week) Inge are universal: the music.. Missgovernment man and Brown of Toronto, solici- POULTRY Experiences are being recorded cornes about, flot s0 much by tors for two of the accused men, Americans - Plymouth Rock, today on a scale that beggars de deliberate planning as lack of in- Norman Spence and Gerald Gold- barred, Çock-F. Blackburn, A. scription. And the revelations of terest wo the part of the multi- by, in custody, anid Henry Peter- B. Mann; Hen-R. M. Brown, A. stability and unstability of char-tuewasobdithr w son, on bail, secured adjourn- B. Mann; Cockerel-D. E. Gibson acter assail us from every direc- afairs, allow the energetic, pur- rnerýts of their preliminary hear- 1, 2 & 3; Pullet-D. E. Gibson 1, tion. proseud crcersi the backs .- ing for breaking and entering and 2 & 3; Plymouth Rock, white- For millions today, the ex- anroun to cre t heir ppose. theft at Orono Creamery 14st Cock-A. B. Mann; Hen-R. M. tremes are meeting from every andewiny oators o pease, August 9th. 'They will come up Brown 1 & 3, A. Ayre & Sons 2; sPhere of human activity. The dithmay att acksn fon heseone, in court again on September 23. Cockerel-A. B. Mann 1 & 2, R. nxetdan odle iPs ivet ttin fr om hestelvs torne Harr eyman rwe t -rî R M. Brown ,Ple-.B Mann sible seemingly becoming the nor- Tammany. .. Chicago, are out- tont ba coud.earece r om -Cock-R. M.Brw 3;Wyandotte mal for this day and date. standing examples of what should nt bail crvously s eduend r. Ayokre & MonsBrown 1 & 3;AM We are in the middle of a revo- not be but unfortunately is... they$5an0 relid thateaoud noMrow Ayre & Sons,A- . MB lutionary period, in which no- That which is most valuable recom eld thutihl fterteBMann,ACocke& SonR.M. Bwnthing has taken a stable, much needs safe guarding, no systemn reimmnr heis ng h adeten1&3.B Mann 2; Pulet - M. rw less a final, form." So wrote the works itself. Human organiza- hreld. M. Brown ihd ben & 2, A. B. Mann 3 ule -R Dean about conditions that exist- tions need essential leadership held M. rboewlnd Red,-A. oc-an ;d after what we called the World backed up by those who under- PAR ST CHIR EC ARoe&Isoansd1,R.eM.-Brown 2 War. Because it was unfinished stand and have sufficient interest PAK FT.CIR 3; Hye &ns ,R.M . Brow wn 2 & then we have the continuation to maintain same. Aye Sns2;CokeelR.M. flow Here again the truth of those Aftr te rgulr hoi prctie rw ns 2; Pulletl- R. M. i became iiecessary because words cornes to the fore.., for we ate we e mebrschofr Pak St. Brown 1 & 2; Jlersy -lak.Gant humanity at large, then as now, have done those things we ought choir eecteheefiers Pand HenR.t . Brown &2& 2,sy B a . B.n repeats the mode and method o! not to have done. and we have cheardr eepts: esfietR. E.d Man ;Cee-R. M. Brown &2 .B life and living referred to by the left undone those things we ought Loan; Veprs President-r. S &EA. Mann 3; Pullet-RM. rw Prophet when he said: 'We have to have done. This latter division Litloda ; Vc rSe- rtleTam-S. Bo & 2 , A. B. Mann 3 ltR turned every man to bis own bas in its ranks many of the lyn; Treasurer - Elsie Rowe; New Hampshire - Cock-R. M. aytion . . athe mttohav.L t cmst charmieg and aeeableo Flower Secretary-Carol Staples; Brown, A. B. Mann; Hen- Ctoiswawehv.Ltucmannsneanmtp- Leader Sopranos - Mrs. A. A. Tamblyn 1 & 2, R. M. Brown 3: take an exaggerated illustration. sibly attractive to many because Drumod;Lede Ato-Ms.Cokeel- . . an, . 1 We will assume that you, Mr. they neyer disagree, tbey simply W. Cobbledick; Leader Tenors- Brown, A. Ayre & Sons; Pullet-Redrhaeilpwyofelasbynteotrsd.Th R. Sutton; Leader Bass-C. Tay- A. Ayre & Sons, A. B. Mann, C. and sec tbings as tbey are, what number of Good Samaritans lor Tmbln.would you do to alter them? neyer has been overwhelming. oloigtebnspeod 1. Eablnls-usxCc-R Shelving tbe burden you say we One tbing is certain today... membersw e usinesto tepr- Bron, A. Ayrse &ons. R. must get together. . . ail right, everything bas thrown on it, the soagerswere ithedpatorte and BAnrws;A He-R&M on, NAR.well, every member of your group white ligbt of publicity, and pos- wife served a refreshing cup of Ayre & Sons, N. R. Andrews;wllhvbioreracgun.sbytrestomnagetr tea with biscuits, and expresscd Cockerel-N. R. Andrews, A. B. (lst quotation) 50 you are back to dcpth of meaning than ever be- their pleasure and appreciation Mann; Pullet-N. R. Andrews 1 wbcre you started-bave all the fore in the words: "By their fruits of the work of the choir. Presi- & 2,A. B. Mann 3. power you like you still face the ye shallkfiow them." dentLogn asurd Rv. nd rs. Medteranen-Lgbon Witefact that every individual you We go back to where we start- deitLoanat te choind rscm- u it-Cocka-. hR Ba WhiR.eM meet is the sum total of ah that ed. The bewilderment of the bers ewoud tdo thehir best inthe Brown; He-W. R. Baill R. 2 has entered their life, and that is many at today's doings is due to future to render what aid theY A. Ayre & Sons 3; Cockerel _ W. not your life. If you want to the truth of the words:"Nn coulti. The members were also R. Bail 1 & 3, R. M. Brown __ draft a beautîful plan of hîfe and can receive a revelation which is treated to deliclous candy, a treat Pulet-W. R. Bal 1 & 3, A. Ayre living, yuo must have a prepared unrelated to bis education, bis fromn Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan. & Sons; Legborn Wbite, exhibi- people to work with. Where will habits o! thought, and bis ex- tion-Cock-R. M. Brown 1 & 2, you find sdch an aggregation? perience5 of life." RED CROSS MEETING A. B. Mann 3; Hen-A. Ayrc & Wc have many organizations Sons 1, R. M. Bail 2 & 3; Cockerel with beautiful rituals, many high WIFE'S LAMENTS Red Cross met Thursday after -F. M. Brown 1, A. B. Mann 2; sounding phrases worthily ex- the summer's vacation. Treasur- Pullet-A. B. Mann, R. M. Brown; pressing our finest thoughts, but Breathes there a man except my er's report showed $403.96 on Leghorns, Brown -Cock-R. M. tbey do not work because there own hand in July, donations o! $30 and Brown 1 & 3, A. B. Mann 2; Hen are so many grades o! human in- Who neyer in bis life was known expenses o! $7.12 since, and a -R. M. Brown 1 & 2, A. B. Mann telligence, the product of cvery To give the slightest thought or balnceatpreento!$42.84 3 Cokerl-. B Man , R M individual's past experience. care Talrce qult sernitedf and84.3;rown 2 & 3; PulMaet -,R. M Wbat bas and does appeal ta Concerning what he was to wear. sheing was donc by tedad Brown 2 & 2; Minorcas, BRack__*tem necessarily expresses their Since we were married years ago hoe uing a oe the lam er.Duin Cck.M Brown;Mnr, .Blann; daily doings. .. and governs thelir (For better or for worse, you he summer the se arcls wre Henc-AB.Mn1,R. M. Brown B an activities. .. especially those that know) shippumed:3 qts; arboxols- & CcerelHe -A. B. come under that very liberai I've bought hlm every single suit cellaneous articles o! clothing; Capons, 1943, any breed or hy- classification o! "social" wbicb And double-breasted ones to boot. 400 khaki bandkerchiefs; 105 brid-J. H. Jose 1 & 2. latter covers a multitude o! weak- While clerks raised eyebrows in binders; 210 bandages; and 100 Ducks - Rouen: Old Male-R. nesses. . . surprise Turkish bath tawels. Two letters M. Brown 1 & 2, D. Moffatt 3; But le isth a ate. fromndthe I'etred ncat eor hi were received from Gloria Rich- Old Female-R. M. Brown 1 & 2',rdet h rve n h ys ardson and Miss Bassinett, thank- D. Moffatt 3; 1943 Male-R. M. daily record proves that by life's And when tbey'd ask "Wbat o! ing the ladies for the sweaters. Brown 1 & 2; 1943 Female- R.casualte traei ffdtI' athe r st? an n Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Dean were M. Brown 1 & 2; Pekin - Oîc Wand the ciectio s off dutI'ebndtbe i at n appointed to sec about the Christ- Male-R. M. Brown, H. Coathamantemchefutiswgt vst mas boxes, and a tea and bazaar & Sons; Old Female - R. M. wbat we have. . . to complain is I've shopped for ahl he bas to wcre arranged for. Brown, D. Mo!fatt, H. Coatham & foolish because these members of wear Sons; 1943 Male-R. M. Brown, the different constituences rep-l And sent him to the barber's ORONO W.I. Coathamn & Sons, D. Moffatt; 1943 resent the choice o! the voters. chair. Female-Coatham & Sons 1, R. M. In other words, the voter bas the Hîs chidren and bis wîfe must Orono Women's Institute met Brown 2 & 3; Muscovy-Old Male privilege o! enjoying bis own be Friday with the war work com- -R. M. Brown 1 & 2; Old Female choice. Quite often, by bis re- Dressed fine as possible, andi he, mittee in charge. Two quilts -R. M. Brown 1 & 2; 1943 Male marks, he is not to be commended Except for us, would go about 1 were quilted by the industrious - Coathamn & Sons 1, R. M. for bis jutigment. Without within, within witbout. ladies. President Mrs. W. W. Brown 2 & 3; 1943 Female - H. This applies to ahl human or- Can't something make hlm be a Sherwin presided. Treasurer's Coatbam, R. M. Brown 2 & 3. ganizations. . . rules anti regula- dresser, report showed $22.00 matie at the Turkeys-Bronze: Old Female tions cannot make a successful Our University Professor?1 travelling tea and $6.20 an the -R. M. Brown, A. B. Mann; 1943 assembly, the sum total o! the It's hie there in the Panama baby's gift set sold at the fair. Male-A. B. Mann 1, 2 & 3' 1943 standard generateti by altieter- And that bat is tbe final straw! Lucky ticket was drawn by Miss Female - A. B. Mann; A.O.V.: French o! Higb Scbool staff anti Old Mae-A. B. Mann 1 & 2, R. set was won by Mrs. C. S. Mc- M. Brown 3; Olti Female-A. B. TXaren. The draw on the tray do- Mann 1 & 2, R. M. Brown 3; 1943 I nateti by Mr. Neilson will take Maie-A. B. Mann 1 & 2; 1943 I SERVING THE Place at next meeting, in charge Female-A. B. Mann 1, 2 & 3. I o! Mrs. E. J. Hamm's committee Geese-Toulouse: Old Male - UNITED NATIONS andat hic th stff f OonOR.M. row 1 3,Coaham& WTHWAR LO L school will be bonoreti guests. Sons 2; Old Femae-R. M. Brown Ten dollars was gîven Orono Red 1 & 2, Coatham & Sons 3; 1943 Cross to hehp with the Christ- Maie - R. G. Moffatt, R. M. mas boxes for overseas. Roll cail Brown, Coatham & Sons; 1943 was "Current Events."1 Female-R. M. Brown, Coatham & Sons, R. G. Moffatt; Embden- Old Maie-R. M. Brown; Old Fe- Starkvillemae-R. M. Brown; 1943 M~'ae- ______R. M. Brown; 1943 Female-R. M. Brown. The tiaYs are fine but the nights R. M. Brown. ~~ have been quite cold anti witb POULTRY PRODUCTS considerable frost in this section, Hen's Eggs, wite-D. Moffatt, causing quite a concern to many, Mrs. Ed. Dean; Hen's Egg, brown especialiy to tomato growers, yet -D. Moffatt, Mrs. Eti. Dean, Mrs. A nice congregation attended 12 doz.-Mrs. Eti. Dean. churcb at Sbilobh ast Sunday a! __________ ternoon and listened ta a gootiA DDIT N sermon by Mr. J. J. Meilor, Orono. DIMAN DIT T Mrs. Wmn. Savcry is not very HAPPENINGS wehl._____( Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. Dob- FRM HE RNO ES son and Mary Lou attendeti. Linti-ROO EW Mr. Wilfrd Walker ind-Ms ~r A TH say Fair.. . Mrs. J. Henry, Toron- Sept. 2th, 1928 to, with Mrs. Ross Halloweli. .: Rev. Wm. Sterling, on Satur- Mr.WilredWalèr nd issday, officiateti at two weddings, T- A N O E N I Beulah Hailowehl have returned a christening and a funeral, wbich to Toronto... Ross, Lloyd and Sid ge oso htmnsesa A.Haioel'.. r.aniMr. hs toswn urihed munsatherasI AAl BLOOD DONORS September lst - Mrs. Betty Brown, Newcastle, (3rd dona- tion); Mrs. Sydiney Bond, Rena Fowler, Mrs. Mary Cochran, Carol Martyn, Mrs. T. A. Garton, Bowmanvilie; Russell Osborne, Wallace Gibson, Newcastle, <2nd donation); Elsie Getides, Bow- manville, (lst donation). September 3rd-J. R. Widde- combe, Hampton, (5th dona- tion); Donald R. Davey, Tyrane; Talbert J. Gearing, Courtice, (4th donation); Perey Hawkesley, Brooklin, (3rd donation). September 7th-Eari Stephen- son, Bowmanvilie, (6th dona- tion); Joseph Larmour, F. Mor- ley Vanstone, Bowmanville; W. B. Brown, Hampton, (5tb dona- tion); Joseph Gregory, Bowman- ville, (4th donation); Ernest Ward, Bowmanvilie, (2nticdona- tion). Il MEADRIER BECAUSE 0F rw Hiter ... 1000 pound ted destruction, made Alcohol, and powerful city blocks. ifluence, alcohol is also intities in the making of Dther war materials. It is used in the manufacture Deps planes ice-free. It roIling in zero temper- I production of synthetic serves doctors, nurses ans as a practical dis- in Battle Dress 24 hours sare producing it... fr the duration. (ER & SONS ITED MAEIiCND Drink a Cup a Day- Drive fatigue away the Chocolute Cocon m 8 PAGE SEVEN