PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTATITO THTJRSDAY. SEPT. 3Oth. î~42 Orono News Police met Monday evening and accepted H. A. Clarke's resigna- tion, he baving moved. Cecil Mc- Laren was appointed to vacancy. Mrs. Richards and Mildred are spending this week in Orono. Union met Monday evening with President Margaret Milîson in charge. Scriptune was read by Kathleen Green, and a short read- ing "Thoughts on Worsbip," was given by Myrtle Tamblyn. Miss Bertha Cain gave a thoughtful talk on "Citizenship." Carol Staples favoned witb a piano solo after which Miss Edith Sherwin spoke on "Missions,"' making ber talk most interesting by telling some off ber experiences out West. Mn. Joe Rickaby, Hamilton, called on old friends here Thurs- day. Elmer Pat Fowler is home froný Oshawa Hospital after an appen- dix operation. Mrs. P. Laing leaves next week for a six months' holiday south off the border, down Mexico way. Mrs. J. Middleton bas received a cable from Elmer. who is fine. Recentlv he enjoyed a visit with Ross Wood. Mrs. Dent. Toronto. bas re- ceived word that Ronald is now progressing ffavorably, and bias been removed from the list off seriousiy ill. No further word bas been receivcd regarding bis bro- ther. Gilbert, wbo is missing. Miss M. Eagleson bas rcturned home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagleson. James Eagleson, Mrs. Moon, Miss Edith Sherwin and Mr. Robt. Sberwin enjoyed a trip to Peter- boro. Jr. Red Cross eiected these off- ficers: President - Donald Mer- cer; Sec. - Charlie Arnmstrong; Trea.-KithWest. Orono Public School Field Day As it rained part off Friday af- ternoon the Public Schopl held part of their events on Monday and Tuesday, witb these resuits: Junior Room Grade I: Sboe Race - Marie Lewis, Doreen White, Marion Barabaîl: Grade II: Shoe Race- Adele Cooper. Marjorie White. Lorna Lewis: Wheelbarrow Race: Grade 1 - Douglas Lycett and Donald Sherwin; Grade Il Ross Lewis and Francis Bruton; Run- ning Race-Douglas Lycett. Marie Levis. Marion Barrabaîl: Grade I- David Phasey-. Jirn Hudson. Dick Gibbs: Grade II-Sack race to becm'un later. Intermediate Girls Running-Doreen Fowler, Kay MeKenna. Betty Winter: Three- Legged- Doreen Fowler and Grace Gamshy. Kay McKenna and Betty Winter. Betty~ Cooper and June Glanville; Shoe Race- Joan Bruton, Kay McKenna, Betty Winter: Sack Race-Grace Gamsby, Betty Winter. Doreen Fowler: Champion and winner off War Savings Stamp-Kay Mc- Kenna, 18 points. Intermediate -Boys Running-Keith West, Donald Mercer. Marvin Lunn; Tbree- Legged-Charles Armnstrong and Keitb West, Bruce Myles and Bill Armstrong; Wheelbarrow - Chantie Armstrong and Harry Lynch, Donald Mercer and Keitb West; Sboe Race-Marvin Lunin, Keith West, John Forrester; Sack Race .Charlie Armstrong, Mar- vin Lunin, Keith West; Champion and winner off War Savings Stamp Keith West witb 20 points. Senior Room Running, Girls - Beverley Payne, Shirley Flintofff, Jean Rainey, Boys-Raye West, Gerald Rainey, Brian O'Boyle. Three- Legged, Girls - Beverley Payne and Reta McKenna, Marguerite Rutherford and Connie Mitchell, Shirley Flintoff and Maureen Mc- Kenna. Boys - Dean West and Brian O'Boyle, Raye West and George Joncs, Reid Harness and Gerald Rainey. Wheelbarnow - Gerald Rainey and Raye West, George Jones and Everett Wood, Bob Casey and Howard Wood. Shoe Race, Girs-Reta MeKenna, Beverley Payne, Helen Lewis; Boys-Raye West, Dean West, Donald White. Sack Race, Girls -Shirley Flintofff, Helen Lewis, Kathleen Gamsby; Boys - Raye West, Dean West, Brian O'Boyle. Beverley Payne wvon girls cbain- pionship pnize off a War Savings Stamp and Raye West the boys' by securing the most points. u about YOU?." Dufy is no respe('ter o1É J)CIson]1 or sex. Canada 's filting mirie expeut YOV[ to do vomlir hae. .. just as ~olleuî of' other nation-, have done. Don Air F'oree Bltue and get into a job titat REAJiLY eounts! Iligli Sehiool Edueation and( experiel] (iO is not rnecessary. If yoni are betwevnii 18 and 45, the R..A.F. w~iIl train vou to do olite oi fort * v tliîi lli]ng, wolrthývhîIie jobs. This is to le] I vomî that the n ced is ur- -et . . . thiat a ital R.('.A.F. jiob awaits yon. Fill it . . . not îîext mnîth . . . but NO\V . . . and niakeý patriotisni mean sonlu'tlling t 'onsîtit the friendI'y Wl). in- t.'ri('ieivitg iiort \iIh the Mobmile Re- <*t1 il ingi tîViit ite: jWALLPAPER- Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hendry at- tended Lakefield Fair. The black leg epidemic in cattie bias spread to our section. Some gentleman in need off a change off clothing helped himself to some off Bob Hendry's during bis absence. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. MV.arsh- ail, Miss Jean Gilcbrist, R.C.A.F., Toronto, 2nd Lieut. Brucel Murray, Kingston, at Mr. Jno.1 Hendry's. .. Mrs. J. Tamblyn and cbildnen, Orono, at Mr. H. Row- land's. . . Mr. and Mns. C. Dean, Donna, Jack, Mr. and Mrs. K. Joy and Jean. Mrs. Ray Laurin and Margaret, Toronto, Mr. Moses Heard, Port Hope, at Mn. C. Brown's. .. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wicks, Newcastle, at Mr. S. Powell's. .. Mr. L. Branton and Wm. Powell, Oshawa, at Mr. B. Powell's. .. Mr. and Mrs. R.> Alldred at Mr. W. Stringer's. Cowanvile . .. Mrs. Bey. Jaynes in Oshawa . .. Mrs. W. H. Jaynes with Mrs. L. Harris, Richmond Hill. Salem Rev. Gardner delivered a fine discourse Sunday. Next Sunday Churcb service will be held at 1.30 p.m. and S.S. at 2.30 p.m. Visitors: Mrs. Moody and Miss F. Moody, Toronto, with Mrs. H. Gaud. . . Mr. and Mrs. P. Cann and daughters with Mr. and Mrs. A. Rundle, Oshawa. . . Mr. and Mrs. E. Doidge, in company with Mr. and Mrs. R. Clapp, Tyrone, witli Mr. and Mrs. D. Hooper, Orono. Salem friends extend congratu- lations to Mr. and Mrs. R. Lane (nee Miss Thelma Werry) on their marriage which took 'place at the bride's home on Saturday, when some sixty relatives were present. Mrs. C. Carruthers en- tertained at a miscellaneous shower for the bride the previous week when she received numer- ous beautiful and useful gifts. {arold Barrowclougb, Wesley-du -Mroniii,(r~r~~TT ville. .. Mrs. H. LTrim, Osbawa, Reporter. at Gordon Trim's. . . Mrs. Silver, Ajax, and ber sister, Mrs. Fox, 1 Toronto, at Mr. Geo. Etwell's. ..S ln Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Yule and S ln family, Osbawa, at Mr. Wmn. Mran Mr.LtePsc, Savery's.Mran r.LtePsc, Arthur Dunn received word Ruth and Loran, Zion; Mr. and that bis son, Calvin, bas arrived Mrs. Will Mountjoy and family, safely overseas. Miss Nora Werry, Kedron; Rev. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper S. Littlewood, Orono, at Mr. A. Iwill be held at Shiloh next Sun- L. Pascoe's. day afternoon.. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson, Mary Hallowell, daughiter of Hampton; Ralpb and Lois Lar- Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hallowell, bad mer, Blackstock; Miss Lena Tay- a deligbtful birthday party. lor, Bowmanville, at Mr. A. J. Balson's. Hay onWalter Blackburn, R.Ç.A.F. ________leaving for Halifax, N.S. d Mr. and Mrs. Alan McKenzie, Congratulations to LICpl. and Lorraine and Kathryn, Columbus; Mrs. Sulas Trewin (nee Helen Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin,1 Rundle on their marriage. Murray and Allan, Tyrone; Mr. Roy Grbham bas joined the and Mrs. Walter Davis, Kedron, R.C.A.F. at Ralpb Davis'. Visitors: Mrs. Jack Potts and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis, baby bave returned home from Union; Mr. Harry Sanderson, Collingwood, accompanied by bier Blackstock, at Bruce Mont- husband, Spr. Jack Potts, who is gomery's. on furlough. . . Mr. and Mrs. L. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith, Jack Williamson, Pontypool, Mr. and and Anna,. Hampton; Miss Ida Mrs. Ralpb Vanstone, Ross and Reynolds, Toronto, at Mr. Jack Garry, Whitby, at Mr. R. McNeil's Yellowlees'. ...Mrs. Elma Hendricks and A miscellaneous sbower in Joyce with friends at Trenton... bonor of Mrs. Raymond Anthes Mr. and Mrs. John Graham, Osh- (Verna Milison) was beld at the awa, at Mrs. R. Crossman's. .. Mr. home of Gladys Yellowlees witb C. Avery, Miss Betty Moffatt, many girl friends present to wisb Burketon, Miss Betty Harper, To- Verna much bappiness. ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Oleson, Inspirational Harvest Home Burketon, at Mr. C. Avery's. . . services were beld at Eldad, Sun- Mrs. Ross Richards ancl sons, day, witb Rev. S. Littlewood, Bowmanville, Misses Grace and Orono, in charge of both services. May Trewin, Toronto, at Mr. Wm. His sermons, based on "'Studyo Trewin's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Harry the Bible" and "Worsbip" wvere Strutt and Phyllis; Oshawa, at clearly defined and apropos in4 Mr. W. Martin's. .. Mr. and Mrs. these days wben warring instincts A. Beech and Lloyd at Mr. Cecil are apt to overrule. Special music Rabm's, Union. . . Mr. and Mrs. was rendered by the choir, assist- L. Ashton and family, Mrs. H. J. ed by Miss Lena Taylor, Bow-I Werry at Mr. Roy McGill's. .. manville, wbo sang "A Dream off Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil at Fred Paradise" and "Teacb Me to Cowling's, Blackstock. .. Mr. and Pray." The floral decorationsC Mrs. T. Mountjoy, Mr. and Mrs. were beautiful for whîch thanks C. Slemon, at Mr. Lorenzo Mount- is due Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mill-I joy's, Nestieton. . . Mr. and Mrs. son wbo provided the large Walter Carr, Codrington, Mr. and masses off giadioli, ferns and Mrs. Harry Harrington, Trenton, palms,' and afterwards distribut- Miss Verna Harrington, Oshawa, cd the fiowers to various sick at Mr. D. Carr's and Mr. A. members of the community. Beech's. .. Glenn Thompson, To- Monday evening the audience[ ronto, witb bis parents. . . Mr. was treated to musical and liter- 0 and Mrs. Earl Tbompson and ary entertainment by Kedron baby, Bowmanville, at Mr. W. "Dixieland" Minstrel Show under Tbompson's. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. supervision off Mrs. Ross Lee, Rev. Thompson at Mr, Roy Thomp- R. Wyiie and Mrs. Walter Davis. son's, Leskeard. The characters were well por- I Word bas been received by bis trayed and typical Negro bar- 8 wife of the safe arrivai overseas mony was accQmplished in miany off Pte. Bert Ashton, R.C.O.C. spirituals and soutbern songs. Hampton Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Clemens and Marilyn, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Merv. Crydermran, Oshawa, Miss Doris Cryderman, Courtice, at Lavcrne Clemens'... Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Clemens visit- cd in Tdronto. . . Mrs. L. D. Sykes with Mr. Thos. Sykesi, To- ronto... Mr. L. Pascoe and daugh- ter, Mrs. McDermid and family, Toronto, witb Mrs. Mabel Taylor ...Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brooks and son, Glen, Bowmanville, Miss Winona Brooks, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sleigbt and Donna, Jackson's Point, at Mr. W. E. Stevens'. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred iBillett and sons, Toronto, at A. E. Billett's. . . Mrs. Jas. Rundle, Solina, with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell. .. Miss Ruby Lane with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lane, Bowmanville. . . Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibbs, Crystal Beach, at Mr. W. Chapman's. .. Miss Helen Knox, Toronto, at home. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn witb friends at Port Hope. .. Mrs. Mabel Tay- lor with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Met: caif, Base Line. . . Mrs. RichardI Winch, Saskatchewan, with Mrs. E. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. AUf. Randle. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Sprackling and Mr. and Mrs. Fred IAshton, Toronto, with Mrs. Annie iColwill. North Group sewing meeting was held at Mrs. Joe Chapman's oin Thursday afternoon. Dainty refresbments were served by the hostess. Next meeting at Miss Nora Kerslake's. Centre Group met at Mrs. S. Williams' on Wed- nesday afternoon. Rally Day will be observed in the Sunday School on Sunday af- ternoon, wben there will be a special program. Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Farncomb entertained Newcastle frjends on Wednesday evenîng. Mr. Sam Colwill is receiving medical, care at Bowmanville Hos- pital. HAMPTON SCHOOL NEWS Senior Room "Junior Commandos" met Sept. 24th. Collection was taken by Elizabeth Budicky. Annabelle Adcock and Elizabeth Laramie moved that we donate a Red Cross Christmas bag for a soldier in a Newfoundland hospital. Mrs. Billett, who is in charge off these bags for Hampton, was given $2.50. .. Carol eraîg took charge off this program: Readings by Marion Kersey and Marion Tink; solos by Elizabeth Laramie, Jean KersQy and Dorothy Richardson; readings by Carol Craig, Nola Winters, Audrey Prescott, Eva Prescott, Elizabeth Budicky, Michael Sherba, Jean Kersey and Jack Smith; chorus by Douglas Caverly, Ross Hutchinson and Raymond Rundle; Annabelle Ad- cock sang; Margaret Tink, Teresa Budicky, Helen Prescott, Phyllis Clarke sang a chorus. Miss Mac- Millan was accompanist. Mrs. Laramie read. Junior Room Red Cross "Spitfires" met on Sept. l7th with the persident, Ralph Peters, in charge. Mary Lou Widde- combe, read a pocm and Muriel Hindman played a piano solo. Franklin Truli read a poem. Of- fering was taken by Gary chant. Choruses were sung by the girls and boys, witb Miss MacMillan as pianist. Irene Allin read a pocm and Grace Kersey sang. Helen Liptay and Gary Chant gave readings. Ralph Peters played a piano solo and Evelyn Smale conducted a game . .. Mis-c sion Band met Sept. l5th .. . Fol- lowing beginners started school this faîl - Howard Westlake, MVary Llptay, Averil Damant and Bobby Trimble. We also wel- t ..ome Marion Clarke and Nola t Winters wbo bave come to live in Hampton.f Li'l Black Sambo, young mascot off the show, captivated bis listen- ers witb the rendition of "Shortnin' Bread." Rev. Walter Rackham was chairman. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Geo. White and family on the deatb off Mr. White. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitnell, Toronto, at Jack Reyn- olds'. . . Nursing Sister Muriel Baker, Kingston, at home.. . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer, Beryl and Glenn, Blackstock, at Mr. E. R. Taylor's. .. Miss Muriel Lang- maid, Peterboro, at home... Mrs. J. S. Dunseitb, St. Marys, Misses Marjorie and Eileen Couch, Bow- manville, at Mr. J. Baker's... Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston, Maple Grove, LAC Howard Or- miston, Jarvis, AC1 Walter Or- miston, Malton, Miss Ella Hos- kmn, Osbawa, at Tom Baker's... Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Flett and Murray, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leaeb, Taunton, Miss Jean Leach, Bowmanville, Miss Nora Kerslake, Hampton, at Mr. J. R. Kivelî's. .. Mrs. L. C. Snow- den and Mildred, Miss Jean Jarvie, Maple Grove, Miss Betty Snowden, Toronto, at Mr. Tbos. Baker's. Maple Grove Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Stevens, Mr. Andy Lunnamen,j town, Miss Ruth Stevens, Belle-I ville Hospital, Mrs. B. M. War- nica, Oshawa, Mrs. Roy Mclntyre,, Toronto, at Mrs. J. D. Stevens'... Mrs. L. C. Snowden at Mr. Thos. Baker's, Solina. . . Miss Joan Hanicer, Oshawa, with M is s Phyllis Trimble. .. Mr. and Mrs. John McDearmid, Hugh and Gor- don, Madeline, Betty and Mar- garet McDearmid, Mr. Lou. Pas- coe, Toronto, Mrs. George Ta'7lor, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Prout, Glenn and Ross, Shaw's, Masters Ray and Noel Dudley, Russell Alldread, town, Miss Madeline Metcalf, Mr. Bruce Stevenson, Oshawa, at J. R. Met- calf's.. . Mr. and Mrs. Allin Clark and Jimmy, town, Mrs. R. D. Trimble, at Mr. Lawrence Staples', Betbany. .. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brooks, Ronnie and Ken Brooks, Miss Betty Stevens, with relatives in Toronto. .. Mr. E. R. Freeman, St. Catharines, witb bis brother, H. G. Freeman. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hocken at Mr. Gor- don Savigny's, Peterboro. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf, son Larry, Oshawa, at Wallace Mun- day's... Mr. and Mrs. Art Lymer, Bill and Ray, Oshawa, at Chas. Greenham's... Mr. and Mrs. Allun Clark, Mrs. R. D. Trimble, Mr. Vernon Trimble, attended the Mann-Abramf wedding at Port Hope. . . Mrs. Walter Foley, Hampton, witb ber grand-daugh- ter, Mrs. E. Twist. Sacrament will be held on Sun- iay. Rally Day service was beld Sunday afternoon with a good attendance. Misses Joan Mun- day, Greta Snowden, Mildred MVetca1f, Mr. H. R. Foley taking part. Rev. H. Linstead gave a sPlendid address. Ennisk-illen Visîtors: Mrs. Rowan, Lindsay, with ber son, Mr. R. Rowan... Virs. F. Adams', Hampton; witb M4rs. C. Pethick. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm and family at Mr. H. Rahm's, Burketon. We were very pleased to bave one of our former pastors, Rev. J. M. Whyte off Rerona, drop in at our Sunday evening service. On Friday evening. our young folk charivaried Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradley and also Mr. and Mrs. J. Simpson. AIl were invited to go o the Community Hall and were rcated to a grand lunch. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mustard and family, Uxbridge, at J. Dorland's- .nd F. Dorland's. 'J Spend Wisely and. Save At Your Nyal Drug Store THIS WEEK THURS., FRI., SATI., SEPT. 30, OCT 1.2 Cowling'fs Dru; Store BOWMANVILLE PHONE 695J If you would be pungent, be Great ideas core when the brief; for it is with words as with world needs them. Tbey sur- sunbeams - the more they are round the world's ignorance and condensed, the deeper they burn. press for admission. -Robert Southey. -Austin Phelps. FOR THESE STAY AT HOME, DAYS MAKE YOUR HOME BRIGHT AND CHEERFUL IVe have lu stock papers for every roomn, attractive, durable and very reasonably priced. SEE OUR SAMPLE BOOKS PAINT Preserve and beautify YOUR wood-work and furniture with "Canada Best" FLO-GLAZE PAINTS, ENAMELS, VAR- NISH, WALLPAPER FASTE AND PAINT BRUSHES J. W. JEWELL «"BIG 201, P'HONE 556 S.S. No. 9, Clarke The war workers met at Mrs. F. W. Bowen's on Sept. 22nd. One quiît was bound, another quilted and plans formulated for future activity, especially the packing of our overseas boxes. Visitors: Mr. Williams and daughter with his daughter, Mrs. L. Martin, town line. .. Wallace Gibson and John Gibson attend- ed the bail game at Maple Leaf Stadium Thursday. Mrs. Wallace Gibson and baby son, Gerald, ac- companied tbem as far as Oshawai and visited her parents. . . Mr. and Mrs. McReles and sons, Osh- awa, with his brother on the 3rd line. . .. Miss Mary Bowen, Ajax, at home. . . W. A. Downing and family at Mr. George Laing's. Mr. Downing bas been assisting on the Laing and Bowen farms. .. Miss Doris Allen and girl friend, To- ronto, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Allen. .. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Clinton Aylen and daughter, Helen, witb ber sister, Mrs. Roy Branch. We are glad to know our boys overseas are proving tbemselves. Lloyd Pedwell is doing office wvork; Bill Barchard hopes to bave his third stripe by Cbristmas and Bill Gibson bas a good conduct stripe. Starkville Visitors: Mr. Dobson, Sr., bas returned to Parry Sound after visiting bis son, Aif. Dobson... Mfr. and Mrs. Harold Hancock and daugbter, Oshawa, at Lew Eallowells ... Victor Farrow was in Toronto . . . Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carson and family at E'red Wilson's, Perrytown. .. Mr. Geo. Thorn, Port Hope, at Mr, Jacob Hallowell's. .. Mrs. Chas. Reid and Miss Hazel Reid, Osh- awa, at Mrs. Wilfred Wood's... Art McKay witb bis sister, Mrs. Fire! Firel. Fire!. In these days of anxiety and need, wben every means at our disposai is being utilized to defeat the Demon of War, it is important that we give more attention to the conservation of our resources. The Dominion Government has pointed out this necessity, and has recently lssued a Proclamation, Do- minion wlde i effect, calling upon the people to husband their resources, and with a view to this end has proclalmed the week of4 October 3rd to 9th FIRE PREVENTION Week IN CANADA AND CALLS UFON ALL LOYAL CITIZENS TO OBSERVE THIS REQUEST 1.-Ail dwellings and their surroundings be care- fully inspected by their occupants and ail conditions likely to cause or promote the spread of fires re- moved, including: (a) defective stoves, furnaces, pipes and chlmnneys; (b) inxproperly installed electrical cords and appliances; (c) inflammable rubbish i at- tic, basement and closets; (d) gasoline or other.dan- gerous volatile liquids used for cleaning purposes in the home; (e) the careless disposai of cigarette and cigar stubs, and ashes from pipes; (f) ashes i wooden boxes instead of in proper metal containers; (g) the practice of allowing small children to play with matches. 2-AIl public buildings, stores, warehouses and fac- tories be inspected and cleaned of rubbish lu order to reduce fire hazards and maintain health and safety. 3-Ail hotels, theatres, schools, hospitals and other institutional buildings bc inspected and provision made for ail changes necessary to protect the oc- cupants from danger in the event of fire. *During Fire Prevention Week the Local Fire Department propose to make an inspection with a view to seeing that the above regulations are enfroced. Your Co-operation is Earnestly Requested R. O. JONES, Mayor LUCIUS HOOPER, Fire Chief New Dresses for F WE HAVE JUST REOEIVED SEVERAI DELIVERIES 0F DUSSES' AND LA DRESSES, AND-NOW HAVE PROBAI TUE LARGEST AND MOST VARIE: ASSORTMENT IN OUR HISTORY There are Orepes, Alpacas and Spun Rap and two piece styles, ini self colours, strip figured designs - Plain business styles, fum numbers for SPECIAL dates and smartly models for larger figures. IF YOUR 8IZE I8 BETWFAEN 12 AND CAN OFFER YOU A MOST APPEAIL THE VALUES WILL AMAZE YOU AT. $ 398 'WALKER STORES, IMITI BOWMANVILLE King Street Phoî ai1l ýLGOOD f kDIES' 'ons, one ýp and issy littie [y fitting 44 WE I -ING f nie 451 M. Under auspices Port Hope Agric. Society FRLR,SAT., Oct. 8-91 FAST HORSE RACES Russ Creighton's Entertainers Dance and Draw at Town. Hall SATURDAY NIGHT Town Hall, Dowmanville, Thurs., Oct. 7th HOURiS: 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. PO RTHP ,THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPT. 30th, 1943 PORT HOPE King Street Phot