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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1943, p. 7

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THURS., OCTOBER 28th, 1943 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATËSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LAC Ken Nichols, Trenton, was home over Sunday. Miss Helen Pingle, was home at Hampton over the holiday. Mrs. Gray, Kingston, was guest of Mrs. A. Colville and Catherine. Pte. Earle Byam, Simncoe, spent the week-end at Mrs. Thos. Brown's. Mr. anld Mrs. Ernie Purdy and Betty, Toronto, visited relatives in town. C Maurer, Woodstock, is f, her miece, Mrs. W. R. Strike ýIMrs. F. Conners visited her son, Pte. Roy Conners, R.C.A.M.C., Camp Borden. Gnr. Norman Willis, Petawawa, was guest of his aunt, Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson. Miss Ruth Overend, Toronto, was a week-end guest of Miss Ruth Hutchinson. Mrs. C. W. Wright and Mrs. C. S. Anderson were Toronto visit- ors over the week-end. LAC Bill Harrison, R.C.A.F., Calgary, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Harrison. Mrs. D.- C. Wigg, Gravenhurst, Miss Letitia Wigg, Oshawa, visit- ed Mrs. L. J. Barton. Mrs. H. Dilling spent the week- end with her daughter, Mrs. James Burns at Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hayman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Downey visited G-ood Books GOOD FRIENDS MAKE THE BEST GIFTS OUR STOCK 0F BOOKS IS THE LARGEST IN THE HISTORY 0F OUR STORE For personal enjoyment or to give pleasure to others New Fiction, Current Events, Blography, Juvefliles, Picture and Toy Books VISIT OUR BOOK DEPARTMENT J, W. JEWELL ..BIG 20" PHONE 556 MARR'S J EWELLERY and' GIft Shop Phone 463 Bowmanvllle at Mr. C. J. Kerslake's, Hampton. Mrs. Geo. Jackson and Mrs. Alvin Jackson, Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Robinson, Sergt. Gerald Bird, R.C.A.F., bas returned to bis station in Western Canada after visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bird. Capt. and Mrs. S. Geo. Werry, Fredericton, N.B., are visiting bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Morris. LAC Byron Vanstone, Mrs. Vanstone and babe, Halifax, NS., are visitîng bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone. Miss Pat Clarke wbo is attend- ing St. Michael's College, visited ber mother, Mrs. Win. A. Clarke, Loyers' Lane. Mr. Wmn. E. Alian, operator at tbe Royal Theatre, spent Sunday in Toronto witb bis mother and son. LAC Anderson, C.G., bas been iately transferred to operationai duties, Coastai Command, New- foundiand. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Bar- ton and famiiy, Enniskillen, Mrs'. L. J. Barton, town, were Sunctay guests witb Mrs. Lapp, Roseneatb. LAC Sidney Rundie is spend- ing two weeks leave witb bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Rundle, after compieting bis course at I.TS. Mrs. F. S. Phiilips, Providence. and Mrs. Geo. W. James bave been visiting friends and rela- tives in Hamilton, Dundas, Guelph and Owen Sound. Mrs. L. P. Dolan, (nee Biily Kimbie), is visiting bier husband, Sgt. Major Dolan, lst Mdlands, on tbe west coast and wiil return home in November. Messrs. Baden Pingie, Hamp- ton, and Walter Pingie, Bowman- ville, are vacationing with their brother, Alderman George Pingie, Ottawa. Misses Katharine Teeple and Wilma Richards spent an enjoy- able week-end witb the former's grandparents and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hancock and Miss Ruth in Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Fitchett and Miss Sheila Fitchett, Montreal, and Sub. Lieut. G. W. Fitchett and Lieut. Reginald Stapiey of the R.C.N.V.R., were guests of Mr. Wmn. Painton, Westmount. Mrs. Catherine McGili and famiiy of Toronto, drove tbrough Durham district iateiy. They calied on many relatives and a few intimate friends and enjoyed the day immenseiy. The Supreme Court jury at Co- bourg iast week awarded Keith Ormiston of Bowmanville $365 and Ross Stevens of Bowmanvilie $1,080 witb costs to be taxed in their action for damages against Lorne Stevens of Bowmanville as the resuit of an accident last De- cember. The Saivation Army Red Shield Hôme Front Drive is in need of further subscriptions to make up their objective. If you bave not been caiied upon, phone Adjt. J. Hart at 2233, and your donation wiil be caiied for, or leave it witb F. O. Mclveen, manager, Bank of Montreai. Out of town guests attending the Dunn-Pickard wedding on Saturday afternoon, wvere Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Beacock, Mrs. Herbert Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dean, Mr. Sydney Qasbourn, Mrs. Stan McTavish and Mrs. Martin, To- ronto, Pte. Don Mason, Camp Bor- den, and Miss Martha Serreis, Hamilton. Mr. G. H. Leury, Clerk of Stirling, one of Ontario's most progressive junior towns, and son of E. A. Luery, were overnigbt guests at Glenn Larra. Tbey dlaimi Canada bas its best bospital site for soidiers right at Stirling and tbis can be verified by asking H. R. (Happy) Tompkins, editor of the Stirling Argus. Members of a local Bridge Club journeyed to Guelph Saturday to spend the evening and Sunday as guests of former popular mem- bers, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Bradt. The happy party inciuded Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Birks, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Cawker, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Fer- guson and Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Cowie. Miss Elizabeth Painton and Miss Carnie Painton were in Thoroid on Monday, Oct. i8th, at- tending the wedding of their nephew, Sub. Lieut. George Wil- liam Fitchett, R.C.N.V.R., son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Fitchett, Mont- real, and Miss Margaret Eleanore Weir, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Weir of Thoroid. Sunday afternoon Hon. Dr. R. P. Vivian, wbo bas been physician Spencer's Long Service (Comtirlued tram Page 1) Sers) they go f arther and contri- bute to the limit of fonds for Vie- tory Bonds and all the wortby and necessary voluntary organiz- ations that help the welfare of those in uniform among the allies. It sbouid be a privilege for those who read this story to get right out smartiy and buy Victory Bonds. Don't wait tili the books are ciosed. If YOU can't fight let your dollars back those who DO fight. To select weil among oid things is almost equai 10 4nventing new ones. -Trubiet. Solina Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ed- mondstone, Tim and George, Oshawa; LýCpl. F. A. Wood, Camp Borden, and Mrs. Wood, Oshawa, at Mr. J. R. Kivell's.. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Muirson, Col- umbus, at Everett Elliott's... Mr. and Mrs. Verne Trott and children, Toronto; Miss Mary Millson, St. Marys, at Maurice Baker's. . . Mr. and Mrs. C. Snowden, Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Bob, Maple Grove; Mrs. Orel Chapmnan, Orono, at Mr. Thos. Baker's. .. Miss Muriel Langmaid, Nicoll's Hospital, f Peterboro, at home. . . Capt. and Mrs. George Werry, Fredericton, N.B., are spending furlough witb his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry... Miss Doris Milîson, McMaster University, Hamilton, at home.. Mrs. Thos. Annan, Mr. Donald Annan, Misses Dorothy and Jean Annan, Pickering; Mrs. Tedrick, Mr. and Mrs. Will White, Toron- to, at Mr. Jas. Smales'. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patricia at Mr. J. E. Davis', Kedron... Mr. Charles Howson, Port Perry, at Mr. Jack Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Millson were guests of honor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Milîson, Wed. night, when friends of the com- munity gathered to extend best wishes on their marriage. They were presented with a sum of money. Howard, who has had a brief leave from the R.C.A.F., left Thursday for overseas ser- vice. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees attended the Pickell-Annis wed- ding at Ebenezer, Saturday. By contributions from members of the community and proceeds from the dance held Saturday nîght, the Women's Institute were able to pack twelve Christmas boxes for Solina boys overseas. Work was completed at Mrs. A. J. Balson's, Tuesday night. Hampton Visitors: Mrs. Myrtie Taylor, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. . . Dr. and Mrs. Albert Allin and son, with bis aunt Mrs. Elmina Johns... Mr. Albert Stain- ton and Mr. Herb. Johnston, To- ronto, at Mr. C. W. Souch's.'à Mr. and Mrs. E. Christie and Dianne, Toronto, and Mrs. Edith Black, Bowmanville, at W. Craig's ..Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Will Willis, To- ronto, with Miss Beatrice Col- will. .. Mrs. W. Moore, Toronto, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miller. .. Mr. and Mrs. T. Salter and Miss Sharp, Toronto, at Theo. Salter's and H. Peters'. .. Mr. and Mrs. Will White, Donald and Douglas, Orono, with ber mother, Mrs. C. Johns. .. Miss Pearl Gil- bert and Miss Jean Hardie, To- ronto Western Hospital, at Mr. Geo. Gilbert's. .. Mrs. Chas. Lang- maid, Enniskillen, witb Mrs. S. Williams. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Milîs, Ajax, and Mrs. Douglas, Toronto, with Mrs. E. H. Cole.. LAC Jim Mils, Dartmouth, N.S., and Clifford Milîs, Ajax, at S. Kersey's. . . Miss Audrey North- cutt, Bowmanville, witb Mrs. A. Blanchard. . . Mrs. Edwin Wood and Doreen, Bowmanville, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Wil- liams. Mrs. W. G. Doidge was hostess for the North Sewing Group on Thursday. Quilting and various kinds of sewing were done. Re- freshments were served. Next meeting at Mrs. W. Chapman's, on Nov. 5th. The funeral of the late Clîfford Colwill, from bis home, on Wed- nesday afternoon, was largely at- tended by many relatives, friends and neigbbors wbo regret bis passing. Interment was in the North Cemetery. The Church service next Sun- day wîll be held in the morning when the W.M.S. will have their Thank Offering service. The special speaker will he Mrs. R. J. Mullett, a returned missionary from West China. Members of the C.G.I.T. and Mission Band will form the choir. Mr. Samn Colwill is progressing favorably after bis operation in Bowmanville Hospital, and is now home. There was a splendid attend- ance at the Sunday evening Church service. Rev. W. Rack- bam gave a splendid discourse, taking for bis text, lst Peter, 2nd Chap., and verse 17: "Honor al men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honr,he king," wbich was a fîtting tneme, it being the oc- cassion of the unveiling of the Honor Roll placed in the cburch,ý containing some 44 names of boys M __ U M LET YOUR FIRST' C h.r ist ma s Shopping Be for your DITTY BAC Not expensive glfts; just a few inexpensive articles for & man who does really deserve a swell Christmas gif t from you in return for what he's dolng for you. 1[f possible complete your Dltty Bag and deliver it to BOWMANVI LLE HEADQUARTERS (Formerly Johnston's Bookstore) BEFORE NOV., lst Hours - 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Except Wednesday NAVY LEAGUE 0F CANADA Bowmanvllle Commlttee and girls in the military service. Mr. Rackham bhad charge of this impressive service and the Rol was unveiled by Mrs. Jno. Milîs, formerly of Hampton, and was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Milîs in memory of their son Pte. John Mathew Milîs wbo paid the supreme sacrifice at Dieppe. HAMPTON HONOR ROLL On Active Service in His Majesty's Forces at Horne and Abroad D. Adcock. J. H. Adamson. P. W. Allin. W. Blackburn. E. G. Black A. K. Billett. J. D. Broome. H. A. Barron. H. G. A. Balson. L. Bradley. Gladys Chapman. A. V. Damant. B. A. Hogarth. J. S. Hogarth. W. Holwell. F. Holwell. Beulah Hutchinson. C. Hutchinson. P. Host. R. S. Kersey. E. J. Kersey. 0. Kozar. *M. J. Milîs. Jim Milîs. R. Petit. Cecile Petit. H. F. Payne. G. T. Perrett. S. J. Pingle. R. J. Rackbam. A. Robinson. M. Robinson. D. Robinson. A. Randie. J. Stainton. R. H. Trenouth. F. E. Trenouth. L. E. Trull. H. R. Taylor. L. V. Vivian. J. Wray. B. Wilcox. H. Winterburn. G. Wilbur. A. B. Yeo. H. K. Yeo. *Kiiled in action. Maple Grove Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rooke, Toronto, at Mr. F. Swai- iows. . . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, Toronto, with ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden ..Mr. Milford Wilkins, M.r. and Mrs. Theodore Wilkins, Rutb, Wayne, Oshawa, Mr. -jHarvey Abraham, Harmony, at Mir. Ted Foley's. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin, Oshawa, at Mr. Walter Symes, Port Perry... Mrs. W. T. Worden, Tyrone, at Mr. R. L. Worden's. .Miss Margaret Stew- art, Birch Cliff, witb Miss Betty Snowden. The Victory Club packed and sent 16 boxes to the boys over- seas. This community extends bearty congratulations to Mrs. Chas. Ax- ford who this week celebrated ber 88th birtbday. Miss Mildred Snowden bas re- turned bome after a pleasant vis- it with ber cousins, Dr. and Mrs. L. H. Coates, Brantford, and Mrs. Roy Mclntyre, Toronto. MAPLE GROVE SCHOOL NEWS (By Ruth Snowden) Senior Roomn is getting ready for the Winter Fair. .. We bad an interesting lesson on plants in Agriculture. . . Monday we learn- ed another song in music, called "Dear Land 0' Mine".. . Tbe girls are stili busy at their projeet for the Winter Fair, whicb is a table- clotb. witb the "White Cliffs of Dover" written on it. .. The boys are busy modelling planes, cars and sucb things. .. We are glad to hear that June Smith is bome and doing well. Burketon Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ashton, Haydon, at Mr. C. Ash- ton's. . . Tpr. Harold Gatcheil, Hamilton, Tpr. John Parnie, Leamington, at Mr. L. Gatchell's ..Mrs. F. Baiiey, Blackstock, at Fred Bailey, Blackstock, at Mr. J. McLaughlin's. .. Rev. M. Sand- erson, Mrs. Kay and Bill, Toronto, with their mother, Mrs. C. Sand- erson. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Coch- rane and family, Oshawa, at Mr. E. Adams'... Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, Mr. Elwood Rahm and daughter, Oshawa, at Mrs. A. Wil- son's. . . Mrs. Chesshire, Mr. Holmes, Mr. H. Trick, Manvers, at Mr. T. Trick's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rabm and family, Ennis- kille, Mr. -Ad rsF. Ewads er, Lotus, at Mrs. M. Adams'. Mrs. F. Caughill with ber son, Mr. J. Sinclair, Oshawa. . . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams and Bruce, at Mr. David Gray's, Newcastle, and Mr. L. Cochrane's, Enfield. Harry Bailey is ili in Bowman- ville Hospital. The Dixie Land Minstrel Show SETS POST-WAR PLAN Dr. E. Floyd Willoughby of Winnipeg, Vice-President of the Canadian Teachers' Federa- tion and chairman of that body's reconstruction committee. Else- wbere in this issue begins a series of articles written for The Gazette by Dr. Willoughby and based on the report which the reconstruc- tion committee submitted to the C.T.F. at the annual convention held in Saint John last August. One of Canada's outstanding educationists, Dr. Willoughby is a graduate of McMaster Univer- sity and of the Ontario Coilege of Education. He took bis post- graduate work at the University of Toronto, speciaiizing in edu- cationai psychoiogy, educational administration and the science of education, and obtained the degree of Doctor of Pedagogy. Dr. Willoughby bas spent .the greater part of bis professionai life in Winnipeg, where he taught on the staff of the Kelvin Techni- cal Higb Schooi before assuming bis present position as supervis- ing principal of the Muivey Ele- mentary and Junior Higb Scbooi. In addition to being Vice-Presi- dent of the C.T.F., Dr. Willough- by is President of the Manitoba Teachers' Society. Darlington people bave more than a passing interest in Dr. Wil- loughby as be taugbt at Base Line Noý 3 Schooi a number of years ago and later married Leila Van Dyke, daugbter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George VanDyke, South Darlington. presented by tbe Columbus and Kedron Y.P.U. was weli attended in our churcb, Wednesday nigbt. Zion Visitors: AC2 Cameron Stain- ton, R.C.A.F., Toronto, at home.. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McEwen and Faye, Dunbarton, at Wes. Cameron's. . . Mrs. Reford Cam- eron and baby, Lynda, are home from Bowmanville. . . Mr. and ["ALLENBURYS" *9 «- 7. The nicest way of taking Halibut Live Oil. 85c-1.50-2.75 Mrs. Jack Rainey, Whitby, Pte. Harold Snudden, Camp Borden, Mr. Roy Snudden, Miss Audrey Hanna, Oshawa, at Thos. Martin's ..Mrs. and Mrs. Wm. Boynton and Frank, Gormley, at F. B. Glispell's . .. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Stor, Miss A. Etter, To- ronto, Mr. August Geissberger and family, Harmony, at Hans Geissberger's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron and Helen at Wm. Smith's, Whitby. . . Mrs. Lloyd Metcalfe and Larry, Oshawa, at Alf. Ayre's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mitchell, Rus.sell and Alan, To- ronto, at Russell Perkins'. . . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Day, Balsam, at Clifford Martin's. . . Miss Diane Lee, Kedron, with ber grandpar- ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton at Stanley Coverley's, Ebenezer ..Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lander, Mrs. Greene, Toronto, at Russell Stainton's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee and Brian, Kedron, at A. T. Stainton's. .. Mrs. W. J. Stainton, Buffalo, N.Y., at Russell Stain- ton's. W.A. held a quilting in the S.S. room on Tuesday. They also packed some boxes for the boys overseas. Congratulations to Miss Lillian Bowins and Bruce Gerrard on their marriage. Jack Cameron bas been ili with intestinal 'flu. The Bay of Quinte Young Peopils Union Meet At Gananoque The Fifteentb Annual Conven- tion of the Bay of Quinte Con- ference Young People'î Union was beld at Grace United Churcb, Gananoque, on October 22, 23 and 24. Rev. R. D. Smith, Brockviile, gave inspiring and timely theme addresses on "Christian Youth Forward Together." The various sessions were under the direction of Presbytery officials. Saturday afternoon, Mr. Hugb Miller, Claremont, President of Oshawa Presbytery, presided, and the worsbip service was conduct- ed by Miss Doris Dudley, Christian Feliowship Convener and Miss Helen Pritchard, Cbristian Citizenship Convener of Oshawa Presbytery. The convention was priviieged to have Rev. George M. Tuttle, BýA., Toronto, Director of Young People's and Boys' Work, present. He spoke to the young people at the Sunday evening service and also bad charge of the commis- sion group "Making Our Organiz- ation Work." The convention closed with an impressive candie- lighting service in charge of Peterboro Presbytery Y.P.U. C.G.I.T. NEWS Trinity C.G.I.T. held a success- fui open meeting on Tuesday eve- ning to whicb the girls' mothers and interested friends were in- vited. Dorothy Morris, President of the Department, extended words of welcome to the guests and presided for the meeting. An impressive worsbip service ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES was presented by members of the Onwego Group. The theme was "The Bible" and the worship set- ting was the open Bible with ligbted candles on either side. Those taking part in the service stood at the back of the audience. The program was then pre- sented: Piano duet, Beverley and Lorna Sudds; an outline of C.G. I.T. work, Miss Helen Pritchard. A short play, "The Spirits of the Forest" was weii enacted by members of the Lend-A-Hand group. The cast included Forest Fairy, Mary Alidread; robin, Joyce Kerr; spirits of the Oak, Beecb, Popiar and Maple, Joan Wooiley, Muriel Rogers, Dorothy Wonnacott and Lois McMullen; Kay, the woodcutter lad, Ruth 15c Flaxseed ------ $2.25 A.B.D. Cap- sules ----- 45e Minerai 011, 16E 60c Corega -------- 15c'Linseed Meal -llc $1.79 oz. 37e 45c Cleaning Fluid, 33e 59c Idamalt ----- 46e 29e A.S.A. Tablets 100's ----- ------- 19C Hooper. Joan Wooliey and Peggy Dippeli favored witb a piano duet and Joan Lonaman gave a humor- our reading. Vocal duet, "Santa Lucia," by Doris and Mary Ail- dread. Another short skit en- titied "The Witcb's Tbinking Cap" was presented. Those taking part were: Witcb, Shirley Moore; cat, Mariee Gibbs; chiidren - Betty, Peggy Dippeli; Teddy, Audrey Richards; Roger, Giadys Brooks; May, Beverley Sudds. The members of the C.G.I.T. enjoyed a short period of recrea- tion after which lunch was served. Amerians, can sometimes de- liver in an emergency. They then stop figbting among themselves and jumnp on a common enemy. 2 or 3 drops per t..th dozzllng white..I Keeps your mouth resh, breaîh sweet. LARGE MEDIUM dM on the air-"Share the. Wealth" every Saturday Night. Lots of big cash puizes. 3Caain stations-C.B.C. Se. your radio listing for trne and station. Scott's Emulsion .------ 59c, 98c Wampole's Extract ------- $1.00 Kepler Cod Liver 011 and Malt ------- -- --- 75c, $1.25 Aiphamettes --------- $1.00, $3.50 Abdol Capsules ------ $2.00, $3.45 Neo-Chemieal Food Capsules ---- $1.25, $2.25, $5 NOTHINO DETER FOI DRY, 29C UNRULY HAIR McOREOOR DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER _______________________________________________________ 'I WARNING!M Under Limitation Order L240 of the W. P. B. news- papers are restricted in the use of newsprilt pur- chased to the amount consumed in the year 1941. This means our circulation must be limited. At present we are gaining many new sub- scribers. Those who fail to renew their papers ahead of time rnay find others taking their places and thus naay prevent our taking your subscription at a later date. Therefore we are warning you aheari of tine. If your paper is dated Oct. 43 alongside your name, it means your subsoription expires this inonth. Don 't pay your subscription on time - pay it ahead of time, so as to be sure not to miss a copy. Papers are flot available most of the time after the day of publication. We urge you to hurry in and renew either in person, or by mailing your money to us. The Canadian Statesman BOWMANVI LLE FAIL .DRUO SALE WEDNESDAY, OCT 27, to WEDNESDAY, NOV. 31 Stock up and save on your fali and winter drug needs during the I.D.A. LOWEST FALL DRUG SALE. Vitamin products, cough and cold remedies, baby needs, etc., etc. You will find special cut prices on popular produets in P RICES ail these classifications. You can make good use of the money you save so visit your I.D.A. store now. $1.19 Halibut Liver 011 Capsules 100's ......... ...93c 27e Wax Paper, 100,ft. ......22e 15C Brownie Pads, ail sizes, 2 for 15c ....................Sc 79c Minerai 011, 40 oz. . .. 73e 35c Corega Dental Plate Powder . 23e 60e Robinson's Barley......33c 50c Pinex Cough Compound . .32c 98c Idamaît, Malt & Cod Liver 011 ..74c O 33c Shaving Cream, Everready ..23c Buckley's Mixture ---.-- 40c, 75c Mason's 49 -------------- 40c, 75c 25c Camphorated 011, 3 oz.....19c Pertussin ------------. 59c, $1.191 mmm $1.25 Pinkham's L Comp.- -- ------ -87e lES 10 m'5 GOc Bronchîda for LI IlCoughs ---- ---- 50e a PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY . THURS., OCTOBER 28th, 1943 PAGE SEVEN ý 11

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