PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURS., NOVEMBER l8th, 1943 NThe Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 ...~~~ - - - .- - - - -... .-.- Miss Doris Allin was home from Toronto. Miss Betty Allin is at Mr. anid Mrs. Howard Cryderman's, Eben- ezer. Pte. Sidney Ferguson bas been up from the East coast on fur- lough, >witb his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson. Sgt. Harold Hoar, R.C.A.F., eld- est son of Mrs. E.. C. Hoar, is home fromn Portage La Prairie, Man. He is destined for the West Indies. Miss Helen Hooper, Ajax, was week-end guest of Miss Evelyn Allin. Miss Gweni Hooper visited Mis. E. C. Hoar and Miss Jean Gray. John Hendry, Newcastle, has negistered the name 'Southannan' witb the National Live Stock Re- cords for bis exclusive use in naming purebred Holstein eattle bred on bis farm. Al bis stock wiil, in future, carry this name as a pref ix. Rev. R. E. Morton conducted anniversary services at Nestleton, Sunday. Rev. R. B. Harrison, Blackstock, preached bore. He was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Haneock. J. H. Jase and J. T. Brown, in company with Milton Tamblyn, Orono, went to Milwaukee, Wis., by way of Chicago, ta attend a great Holstein cattie sale in Wis- consin. They were gone over the week-end. This was the sale at whieh one bull sold for $26,000. The Canadian Legion, Bow- manville, wishes ta tbank the citi- zens o! Newcastle for.their kind support on Poppy Day; also Prin- cipal T. A. Rodger and the other school teachers and the childnen who sold Poppies, not forgetting Comnade. J. A. Allen, a member of the Legion Brancb. The Legion's tbanks are also extended ta, Mr. J. A. Smith o! the J. A. Smitb Co. factory. Pnoceeds of sales $35.00. A public meeting was beld in the council chamber on Monday evening ta discuss the matter of a skating rink in the village this RO YAL THEATIRE: BOWMANVILLE Trhurs., Fr1., Sat., NOV. 18, 19, 20 *JUDY GARLAND VAN HEFLIN in PRESENTING LILY I MARSI I SHORTS I *Mon., Tues., Wed., NOV. 22, 23, 24 IONCE UPON A HONEYMOONI ICARY GRANT and GINGER ROGERS I News - Short An outstanding program isI Lbeng aranged for the . for details next week. winter. It was unanimously de- cided that a ink was desirable and a committee was namod ta look into the matter of socuning a gaod site. In bis radio liraadcast Sunday morning Andy Clarke made praminent mention of twa New- castle citizons and the big turnips gnown by one, W. T. Lake, a Lako Ontario shore farmor within the Corporation limits. and given publicly tbrough tho press by the ather, Reove C. R. Carvetb. Mr. Percy Haro roturnod to duty at the C.N.R. station Wed- nesday. Ho and Mrs. Haro visited at Brighton, Trenton, Belleville and other eastenn contres and spent iast week-end in Toronto with thein son, Lieut. J. H. Haro, MD. Lieut J. H. Haro bad came east from Calgary on military in- structions, ta take a four-day special course at Camp Bondon. Mrs. Haro, who bad been in Cleveland witb ber parents, came ta Tanonto to meet ber busband and has naw accompanied bim back ta Calgary. Y.P.U. met Monday nigbt witb President Ross Allin in the chair. Margaret Hockin, Christian Cul- ture Canvenen, bad. charge a! warsbip and pnogan and took as ber theme "The Singing Cburcb," and was assisted at the piano by Ruby Tborndyke. Stanley Allin read the Scripture and Margaret Hockin led in prayer followed by the reading of a poemn by Evelyn Allun. Other numbers on the pro- granm wene reading by Juno Allin, piano sala by Isabel Allen, violin salas by Glenn Allin and a vocal duet by June and Marie Allin. A special offering was taken for the Onpban Missions. Lively games led by Bob and Glenn Aluin brougbt the meeting ta a close. NEWCASTLE OBSERVES REMEMIBRANCE DAY Honor Paid to Those Mho Served and Those Who Died in 1914-18 In the midst a! the present world war the people of New- castle and Clarke toak tume on Romembrance Day, Nov. I ltb, ta bonor the mmory a! the soldions and nurses o! the Great War o! 1914-18 at an impressive service in the Newcastle cammunity hall. The attondance xvas langer than for sanie yoars past. The pupils a! the Newcastle public and bigh scbools, .with their teachens, par- aded froni the schaal and attend- ed in a body. There was no ad- dress. Rev. R. E. Morton read the selected Sciptures and Rev. D. R. Dewdney led in the prayors. Reeve C. R. Carveth presided and read the list o! Newcastle boys wba gave their lives, serving Gad and King and Country, as ongrav- od on the stone momonial tablet in the auter vestibule o! the hall. Councillan F. B. Lovekin of Clarke nead the bonar roll for Clarke Twp. and wneatbes were placed aven the vestibule tablets by Mn. D. J. Gibsan, father o! one o! the Na. 9 boys wbo a!fered the supremoe sacrifice, and Mn. W. F. Rickard, M.P. Mr. Laurie Hart, Bowmanville, playod The Last Post on the trumpet. The Thos. Montague Newcastle tablet, in memory o! those wbo died, con- tains il namos; and on ýhe tbree tablets, in bonor o! those who sonved, are engraved same 215 names. The finst five on one o! theso tablets are the names a! women wba sorved as nurses. Thoy wone: Almeda Caucb, Mary Erskine, Irono Sharp, Florence Hunten, Lena Renwick. Miss Cauch nosides in Newcastle and is active in this war in Red Cross work and other community inter- osts. Mary Enskine, since married, is a sisten o! Mrs. Jno. Hendry. Theno are stili residing in New- castle and vicinity many relatives a! those who died in the finst great war. Mn. D. J. Gibson and sons, Howard and Donald, No. 9, The Holiday Season. IS FAST APPbfROACHING GIFT ITEMS WILL BE PICKED UP EARLY TAKE TIME OUT TO VIEW SOME PRAC- TICAL GIFT SUGGESTIONS SHAVII soc, SEAFOI Sisaving Lotion RELEN Apple1 Colotj Dusting Bath 0 soap -- Heaven Colot Dusting Taleum REVLO Polisi ADRIEI SETS t;e wHO ING BRUSHES C, $1, $1.50, $5.00 *RTH FOR MEN kg Bowl --.------$1.50 - ---------- $1.50 NA RUBINSTEIN.. Blossom mge ------- 85c, $1.25 rg Powder - 85c, $1.25 Ml ----------------$1.25 ------- ------ - 55e, $1.00 mSent ne ---- $1, $1.50 g Powder - $1.65 a -- - $1, $1.50 DN FLO1tIST BOX.. oh and Lipstick $1.50 -NNE GIFT S-- - $1.10, $10 ELIZABETH ARDEN TOILETRIES ... Blue Grass Cologne ---- $1.50 Bath Mitts ---- 75c Hand-O-Tonlk $1.25, $2.25 Dusting -Powder $1,35 Gift Boxes - ---- $2, $4.50 Beauty Boxes $7.50, 9.50, 20. CHANEL ... Cologne ------ -------$2., $4 Perfume ------------ 5- 3 EVENING IN PARIS ... Perfume and Atomizer $3.00 Perfume, Toilet Water and T alc ---------------- --- $2 Face Powd., Rouge, 1'lpstack -------- FOR MEN ... Bill Foids, Pipes, Tobaccos, inonëy Belts, Pen and Pan- cil Sets, Hair Brusises, Stationery Jury & Lovel THE REXALL STORE en We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly NE 778 -- C.N.R. TICKETS Fan the second time in twa weeks, fine brigades were sum- maned ta the J. Anderson Smitb box faetary, Newcastle. At 5:30 a.m. Wednesday the Newcastle brigade was on the job figbting a blaze that broke out in a tbnee- story brick wing. Calîs were sont ta botb Onono and Bowmanville brigades, but ali tbree, figbting valiantly, were unable ta save tbat part a! the factony. The four underground resorvoins o! waton were exhausted and booster pumps were assigned ta refili tbem. Befone faon the soutb wing o! the new part o! the factory was a total loss. The roof crashed tbrougb ta the basement loaving ithe walls standing but the ne- mainder o! the factony was saved. By 3 p.m. aIl danger o! the fine ispreading was prevented and the brigades completed nef illing o! the tanks. Origin o! the fine was not at the moment ascentained non was an estimate o! damage announced. Macbinery and supplies in tbe wing wore a complote loss and it iis tbougbt that a number o! mon and womon workers will be tom- porarily unomployed. The tbreo brigades wene complimented for thein promptness and effieiency in proventing mare serlous damage. Doputy Chie! Richard Sudds was in charge of the Bowmanville Brigade, wbicb returned ta town late in the a!tennoon. Soldiers Must Have First Jobs (Continued from page 1) "Iyeliow devils" spread aven bal! the Pacific. And hoe wont an: "The th!ng wbicb bas given me most cause fon concern since I roturned froni overseas is this unrealistic attitude o! mind on the part o! 50 many o! aur people. We are still demanding toa mucb of the luxury, the conifonts and the con- voniencos o! peacetimo living ta realize what this war really means. Comparatively speaking, aur losses bave beon insignificant. The losses o! Hong-Kong, o! Dieppe, and o! the Sicilian and Italian campaigns have brougbt sonnow ta many homes and bave made some o! aur people realize that war doos involve lasses o! aur benoic young mef. But we have been at war aven four years f 0W and if the last war, in the Second Battle o! Ypres, we hast more mon than we bave done in the hast four years. In one action, in the bloadbath o! the Somme, we hast more mon in a single day than we have hast in the prosent war 50 fan. In the one gbastly shamblos of Passchendaele, we lost more mon than we bave dono since this war started. Apant from the gloniaus actions a! the Finst Division, oneofa! ur five di- visions overseas, the Canadian Anmy bas fat yet faced neal largo scale action and we bave to be pneparod for lasses that will stag- gen our people and porbaps stir tbem out o! their complaconcy and lethargy once our army as a wbole invades the continent o! Europe, as it will inevitably bave ta do. Bnitons' Heroism "In their tbinking, in thein gen- eral attitude towands the war, the people o! this country are still at about the samne stage as the people o! Britain wene mn the early part o! 1940. Tbey bad been lulled into a false sense o! security by the attitude o! the Chamberlain Government. "Thon came the sad awakening, the fiasco o! Nonway, the Blitz- kneig over Holland and Belgium, the surrenier a! Bolgium, the tragic but~ gloniaus evacuation fnom Dunkirk, and the collapse o! Franco." Wben stark realism came, Bni- tons tunned to a man af realism who stood ahane and magnificont, and the speaker pnaised their fortitude and heroism and con- trastod it with the Canadian mass mind o! today, gaing into the fiftb yean o! war, our spending spnee, squandering o! gasolene, o! time and toleration o! stnikes and con- cluded with these iran-bard words: Hold to Democracy "I feel that there is ana thought which I must leave with you, as citizens o! Canada, an this Re- membrance Day occasion. We who eame back !nom the last war knaw only too well wbat happen- ed ta the men o! that war who ne- tunned to Canada, o! the beant- breaking struggle that they had ta become praperly rebabilitated in the civilian life o! the country for which they bad fougbt. I know a great deal, ponsanally, o! the fight wbich bad ta be made for nehabilitation o! these mon, and each employer o! labon bas a sacned duty placed upon bim ta makeevenpasibl1effrt t150 BIRTIl > 1 Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY-TRICYCLE or kiddy car. Phone 453. 46-1 WANTED TO BUY-Boy's leatb- or coat or windbroaker, in good condition. Size il and 12 years. Phone 2834. 46-1 WANTED - SMALL PONIES, cutters, rubber-tired buggies and barness. State pnices. 156 Gamble Ave., Toronto 2. 45-8* WANTED - WOOD FIBER for flower making. Lena Holmes, 3624, 22 Ave., 5.W. Seattle, Washington. 43-8* contribution ta our national life and progress, sa that as soltliers o! peace tbey may bave as great a part in building up and main- taining a wontby demacracy in Canada as they bave dono as soldiers, sailors and airmon in our time o! peril in war." MORE THAN 100 GUESTS ATTEND'"AT HOME" More than 100 guests were on- tortainod by Mn. and Mrs. S. R. Caldwell at their "At Home," Nov. 10, at Part Hope. Presiding ovor the cbarmingly arranged table in the a!ternoon wore Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn and Mrs. W. Elliott and in the evening Mrs. Diamond and Mrs. Moore, witb Mrs. M. Dunbar and Mrs. K. Caldwell assisting. Mrs. H. Foster and Mis. E. Caldwell recoived the guests. Guests weno present from Saska- toon, Toronto, Enniskillen, Orono, Cobourg, Kendal and Port Hope. A number o! members o! tbe Canadian Forestry Corps are ne- turning fnam Ovensoas ta be em- ployed in the Canadian woods. Flossie'. M O O d s BEGAUBE she wants to sing. You'd want to sing, too, if you knew you were bringing health anid happi- ness to so many youngsters and adults. If you drink a quart of milk each day, you '11 sing, too! Bowm anville Dairy PHONE 446 are the father and brothers re- spectively of Fred W. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Coulson are the par- ents of Erie A. Coulson. Mrs. Wal- ter Crowther is a sister of Percy C. Gomme. Councillor J. H. Jose is a brother of Wm. W. Jose. Councillor Chris Law is a brother of David G. Law, and Mrs. H. Wetherall, Mrs. Robt. Gray and Mrs. Frank Gibson are sisters. Miss Ethel Lockhart is a sister of Wm. Eric Lockhart. Mrs. W. Eddy is a sister of G. H. Noden, and Mr. Hanlan Parker and Mrs. Floyd Butler are brother and sis- ter respectively, of Downer W. Parker. Mrs. Butler lost a bro- ther in the last war and a son in this war. Smith Box Oactory Suffers Second Fire Loss At Newcastle COOK-At Bowmanville Hospi- tal on Friday, November 12, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cookc, a daughter, Ethel Lorraine. 46-1 DEATHS BOTTRELL-In Bowmanville, on November 11, 1943, Thomas James Bottreli in his 87th year. POLLARD - In Bowmanville, Nov. 12, 1943., William Blake Pollard, beloved busband of Bertba Bitton. TREBILCOCK-On Nov. l6th, at ber home, 102 Kilbarry Road, Toronto, Mossie Elliott Spar- ling, beloved wife of Doctor Frank C. Trebilcock, and dean mother of Marjorie (Mrs. Hugh S. Ritchie), Tononto. GARBUTT - Suddenly, at the family residence, 558 Ontario Street, London, Ont., on Nov. 9, George Robinson Garbutt, dearly beloved son of Mrs. Jobn Gabutt and the late Rev. John Garbutt, and dear brother of Mrs. E. G. Silverwood and Mrs. R. J. Curnie. Cards of Thanks I wish to thank my many friends for their kindness in send- ing flowers, fruit, candy, books and cards wbile I was in Bow- manville Hospital. Murray Pater- son, Orono. 46-1 Mrs. W. B. Pollard and Gtreta wish to express their deep grati- tude to their many relatives, friends and neigbbours, and Dr. C. W. Slemon and nurses, for their acts of kindness and messages of sympatby tendered during the recent sad loss of a be- loved husband and father. 46-1 ENGAGEM ENT Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Brown o! Hamburg, New York, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, WD2 Eileen E. Brown, R.C.A.F., Rockcliffe, to AC2 Walter Polley, R.C.A.F., son o! Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Polley, Bow- manville. The wedding will take place Nov. 27th in Quebec City. 46-1* Livestock and Articles FOR SALE - 100 LEGHORN pullets from blood tested stock. Phone Orono 82r11. 46-1 FOR -SALE - GOOD QUALITY turnips for table use. Phone 2485, Bowamnville. 46-1 FOR SALE-8 YOUNG YORK- sbire pigs, priced ight by tak- ing the lot. Phone 2818. 45-tf FOR SALE - 15 GRADE EWE Shropshire lambs for sale at Lot 35, Con. 5, Clarke; pnices maderate. H. J. Soucb, 56r4, Orono. 45-2* FOR SALE - Seven Registered Soutbdown ewes, all young. H. G. Sayens, R. R. 2, Oshawa, (third bouse forth o! House that Jack Built). 46-1*FOR SALE - Shortborn Bull, Glostor Baron - 260919-Roan. Ready for service, guaranteed right. Phane 2486, H. Earle Os- bonne, R.R. 4. 46-1* FOR SALE - Climax Kitchen range, burns wood or coal. A good stove, eheap. Apply Mrs. J. Hall, R.R. 5, Bowmanville, phone 2402. 46-1 FOR SALE-PEARS for preserv- ing, $2 per bushel .Aiso several varieties o! apples. Bring youn containers. Oscar A nd r us, Kingston Rd. E., phone 2114. 46-1 FOR SALE-2 COWS, Jersey, 6 yrs. old and Jersey-Holstein, 4 yrs. old, bath ta renew in De- cember. Apply Andrew Ponicky, R.R. 2, Oshawa (Har- many). 46-2* FOR SALE-$75 Buys Rogistered Jersey bull; $125 registered Jersey cow; $50 bay mare. Ap- ply C. Choat, Stone Cottage, east o! Ebenezer Churcb, Court- ice. 46-2 FOR SALE-JERSEY COW, veny quilet, also Jersey and Durham Mifer due at an early date. Apply Mrs. Fred Battle, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, phone 2647. 46-1 FOR SALE -Gov't Gnaded Lei- cester nams, also a purebred Sbortborn bull, 12 montbs ola, from an acenedited herd. En- quire Fonder Bras., Fairview Stock Farms, Blackstock. 45-2 FOR SALE -HOLSTEIN BULL cal!, 9 months old; lst prize, Durham Central Fair. R.O.P. dam, 4% sire. Listed and blood tested. J. H. Jase and Sons, Newcastle; phone Clarke 1121. 46-1 * FOR SALE-BLACK COW, ris- ing 5, due Feb., black steer, 8 montbs, by side, $130; brindle eow, rising 4, due Apr., roan beifer, 6 months, by side, $130; red caw, rising 6, Hereford boifer, 5 montbs, by side, $110, all good sound milkors. Keitb Jahnston, R.R. 1, Bunketon. Phone Port Perry 172r12. 46-1* FOR SALE-3 PUREBRED York- sbire sows, Registered, pure- bred Yorkshire boar, 4 pigs, 6 weeks aId (part of litter sold). Purebred Ayrsbire heifor, 18 manths old, priced neasonable. Also quantity o! potatoos. Ap- piy H. Partner, Tyrone, phone 2320. 45-2. -- Articles For sale FOR SALE - BOY'S Horsebide coat, size 12 years, in good con- dition. Phone 2478. 46-1* FOR SALE - CHILD'S winter ouitfit, size 4x. able. Phone 875. 3-PIECE Reason- 46-1* COMINO EVENTS Dance at Tyrone Hall. Wed., Nov. 24, 9 p.m. Reserve Wed., Thurs., Fni., Nov. 24, 25, 26, High School Com- mencement. 42-6 Women's Institute will hold a sale of home cooking and Christ- mas gifts in Parish Hall on Thurs., Nov. 25, at 4 p.m. 46-1* The Women's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Church are baving a sale of work, home cooking, etc., Thurs., Dec. 2, at 3 p.m., in the S.S. room. Afternoon tea will be served. 44-6-7 The annual Firemen's Baîl will be held at the Armounies, Bow- manville, on Friday, Nov. 26, with dancing starting at 9 p.m. Good orchestra in attendance. Ad- mission 50c per person. Public cordially invited. 46-2 Mr. Roy Farrell, Oshawa, a fighter pilot witb the R.C.A.F., and who was shot down over Germany and spent some time in a concentration camp before bis escape, will speak in Trinity School Room on Monday at 8 p.m., under auspices of the Young Peo- ple's Union. Silver collection. Everyone welcome. 46-1 The speaker at the Women's Canadian Club on Monday, No- vember 22nd, will be Mrs. John F. Davidson. Her course of lec- tures was scheduled to start in January, but so many members requested an earlier start wbile the weather is good, that arrange- ments were made accordingly. Mrs. Davidson bas gîven a similar course of lectures to different or- ganizations in Toronto, ?nd the pnice for tbree of bier lectures there is the same as The Can- adian Club fee for the wbole sea- son. The first will be a general survey of the world situation now, undr the heading "Our Achieve- mens and Question Marks." The meeting will bie beld in St. John's Parisb Hall at 3:45 p.m. 46-1j Vacuum Cleaners Repaired POSTPONEMENT NOTICE The auction sale o! -wood at Lot 14, Con. 8, Darlington, property o! Edith E9. Henry, scheduled for Wed., Nov. 24, bas been postponed untîl funther notice. 46-1 Thursday, November 25, aue- tion sale o! farm stock, etc., the property o! D. J. McTaggart, at Lot 6, Con. 1, Cartwright Twp. At the same time the farm wil be offered fan sale subjeet toaa resorve bid. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms: Cash. Ted Jackson, Auctioneen. 46-1 The undersigned will seil by public auction for Mike Sytnyk, Lot 15, Con. 6, Danlington ( 2 1-2 miles N.E. o! Hampton) an Fni., Nov. 26, alI bis fanm stock, im- plements, harness, poultry and bay. Terms: Cash. Sale at 1 o'cloek. Elm e n Wilbun, Auc- tioneer. 46-2 Tues., Nov. 23, the undersigned will seIl by publie auction for W. J. Hall Nl, Lot 35, Con. 8, Dan- ingtan (4 miles E. a! Osbawa- Columbus bigbway) bis farm stock, implements, hanness, grain, hay, gas engines, 3 b.p. and 6 h.p., electnie fencer, claver milI. Sale at 1 p.m. Tenms: Cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneen. 45-2 Mon., Nov. 22, the undensigned will sell by publie auetian for Mrs. Ella Lines, Lot 7 and 8, Con. 1, Manvers Twp., ah bher farn stock, implements, barness, wood, poultry. (200 bens), and quantity o! bousebold furnîture. Terms: Cash. Sale at 1 a'clock. Albert Morton, Clerk. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 45-2 The undersigned bas neeeivod instruetions from the Executor a! the Estate a! the late Miss Maggie MeLaughlin, ta seli by public auc- tion at ber late residence, 1 1-4 miles forth and east of Haydon, the following bausehold goods and fanm implements: Living noam, dining noom and kitchen furniture, antique b e d r o a m pieces, organ, good cook stove, hea- ter, odd tables and ehairs, washing machine, sewing machine, feather mattresses, dishes, rugs, cream separatar, 1 hanse wagon and sleighs, buggy, cutter, scales, mower, banness, bay, lumber, wood, and many small articles. Sale at 1:30 p.m., Saturday, No- vember 20, 1943. Terms: Cash. T. S. Mauntjay, Clerk; Wm. J Challis, Auctioneer. 46-1 Wanted to Rent WANTED T4, RENT-100 Acres witb gaod bûildings, convenient ta Newcastle. Apply K. Ped- well, phone 3823. 46-1* WANTED TO RENT-5-Roomed bouse on apartment in Bow- manville, by end of month. Write Box 259, Statesmnan Of- fice. 46-1* WANTED TO RENT - FARM, from 100 ta 200 aeres, witb fairly good buildings. In Dan- lingtan Twp. Write Box 260, Statesman Offiee, Bowman- ville. 46-2* Lost, Strayed or Stolen STRAYED-FROM LOT 14, B.F., Darlington, an advance registry saw. Please notify S. W. Allun, phono 2595, Bowmanville. 46-1* Seed Wanted SEED WANTED - We pay bigh- est pnices for Timotby, Claver, etc. Stewart's Seed Store, Bow- manville. Phone 577. 34-tf Readings READINGS-3:00 to 10 o'clock. Mis. A. L. Darch, phone 2890, Bowinanville. 45-.4* For Rent FOR RENT - Furnished Rooms. Phone 2213, Bowmanville. 46-l* FOR RENT - Furnished room, heated, housekeeping privi- leges. Write Box 261, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 46-1 FOR RENT-BRICK HOUSE, 7 raoms, garden, and poultry bouse, $15 montbly to respon- sible party. Phone 2456. 45-2 FOR RENT-HOUSE on Main St. North, Orono, 5 rooms and sun- porch. Soft water in bouse. Immediate possession. Apply A. Harris, Orono, phone 73r4. 46-1 FOR SALE-LADY'S SKATES, white bigh eut boots, size 4. Phone 336. 46-1* FOR SALE - Winter Overcoat, nearly new. Size 36, $15. Cost $33.50. Apply F. Bond, dlo Mis. Rutland, Newcastle. 46-1* FOR SALE - ONE BATTERY Charger and one new battery. Apply P.O. Box 156, Bowman- ville. .46-1 FOR SALE-PIANOS, at $55, $75, $85 and up. Wartime Prices and Trade Board regulations. Telephone Fred Mitchell, 492 Bowmanville. 46-1 FOR SALE - SET 0F EIGHT books-The Dominion Educator -in perfect condition. Also -black caracul fur for coat collar and muff. Phone 492. 46-1 OSHAWA«S NEW FURNITUREi Store - Everything ini moedern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. 13edding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE-60 PARTY Games 10c; 60 Monologues 10e; 120 Magie Tricks 10c; 300 Riddles 10c; Joke Book 10c. Catalogue included. Postpaid. Empire Novelties, Peterboro, Ontario. 46-2* FOOL THE FUEL SHORTAGE- Sleep under warm quilts-wool, alpine clotb, feather flannel, velvet patches mixed, 3 pounds $1. Postpaid - money back guarantee. (Limited quantity). Buttonsbop, Whitby. 42-tf LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns aetually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf AUCTION SALES COURT 0F REVISION AND APPEAL TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON Notice is beneby given that the finst sittings o! the Court a! Re- vision fan the Township o! Dan- lingtan will be beld in the Town Hall, in the Village o! Hampton, an Saturday, Nov. 20, 1943, at the bour o! 2:30 p.m. E.D.T., to hean and determine the several comn- plaints and omissions in the Assessment Roll for the said Municipality for the year 1944. AlI pensons baving business at the Court are requested ta attend. J. D. HOGARTH, Clark o! tbe Township a! Darlingtan. Dated at Hampton this 8th day o! November, 1943. 45-2 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-SOLID Brick House centrally located, garage and garden. For particulars phone 461. 41-tf FOR SALE-Semi-Modern House reconditioned quite recently: six rooms with one acre o! good garden land. possession April first, next. Terms. Phone 2304. 45-2* Carpentry CARPENTRY and REPAIRS - Jack Leddy, builder, contractor, repairs, r oofing, etc., Church St., Bowmanville, h 6- 64. 43-~~4* FOR SALE WOODWORK OUTFIT Wood latisa,ig saw, air- culan saw, grind stone, mounted on steel beach, compiete witis motor, nearly new. For qulck sale. Appiy at Statesman Office RELEASED Tires no>v retreaded for pas- senger fars wlthout permit. We are ln a position to handie ail silzes of tires for retreading. Three tread de- signs to ehoose from. P. . JAMIESON TIRE SHOP 1block wet of post. office Open from 8 a.m. to 6 P-m. Phone 467 For A Large Selection -OF- USEFUL GIFT< Shop At. THE ARCADE BOWMANVILLE WOOD SALE SATURDAY, NOVE MRER 20 Tise undersigned willi seli by publie auction for LAWRENCE GAUD LOT 12y CON. 4, DARLINGTON (North of Bowmanville) A quantity of elm tops, maple, and a quantity o! standing cedai' Purcisasers wiil be given until April 1, 1944, to remove wood Sale at 1.30 p.m. Terms Cash ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer 45-2 Help Wanted Maie and Vernale TO WORK IN MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS PLANT ON WAR WORK -Houe, Belting, and Packing -Heels, Bogie Tires for Tanks -Molded Goods -Legai Hoiidays with pay -Pension Plan -Group Insurance and Hospitalization Plan -Vacation with pay after one Year's service -Full Cost o! Living Bonus Applicants now on War Work not a-cepted Apply National Seleciive qService Oshawa - File 2670 s FOR RENT-GARAGE, immedi- 1 ate possession. Apply Fourest: A. Dilling, Church Street, 2 doors east of Trinity Church- 1 block north of Balmoral Hotel. 46-1* FOR RENT-3 ROOMS witb 3- piece bath, heat, water and ligbts, accommodation for car. Apply Robt. Colville. Liberty St. N., Bowmanville. Phone 538. 46-1 GUARANTEED FACTORY RE- PAIRS, adjustments, lubrica- tion, etc. ta Premier, Royal, Goblin, Eurica, Apex, Hoovor and al ather makes. New and Îactony rebuilt vacuums and ac- coess onri es. Te'ephone aur "C. U. C. Sales and Service Branch", Bowmanville, 774, at McGregor's Hardware. 17-t!-6* fflb, PAGEEIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURS., NOVEMBER 18th, 1943 1