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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Nov 1943, p. 7

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THURS., NOVEMBER 25tb, 1943 THE CANADIAN STAT~SMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAfW. ~WV~WM 1 NU a Mu IIIIIIM Umm a PILLS 0 ý9 E IN OWDER ADA tt,-% 0 pr CANADIAN cKýcpAe "blIEUW' vos. C GENERAL ELECTRIC Co. forced stab]ing cattie. Plowing 80 per cent done. Western grain And tl out. Milk flow decreasing. Many dairy c.attie being sold. Help N Efficiency scarce for woodutting. By Central Ontario: In Durham, By il be carried over to finish on TO HEL(ptemetrlst pasture. Many are busy arranging There are important cases in yessght for 1944 seed upySedbry wihthee afreimtnbtwce n .. ... M Obituary . secafit very scarce but oats in fair supply. a u . he ad aff ee eat meenDinhall Milk production falling. Apples ~~.ujust hert arn a w eertigale luDsnyBd.are not moving as usual from cold -A.efeatK.nd splendidevictory A former resident, James Elvin Oshawa marketed off pastures. Consider- -A . .BodPhn 4r6Beacock, passed away in Gait Phone 1516 able odse in the county. *Urrn~mmm -rn rn Hospital on Nov. 13, in his 58th Eastern Ontario: Plowing up to M a y C L Syear. Mr. Beacock was born in - 284 - normal. Short supply of alfalfa, fROM DVELOPIQ RIOT AT SART Mrray Ptersonis bak at erly mnhood n ahedisting ofortheenChineseng loads Cbneledoaha aIshipped ated $1010to BINDVWIGROTA TR usinesse Dirnaulavw jschool aan rn.Gigt radVle nadterglasses, many investi- the farmeP. Lambs marketed in 3-Pujpse Medicine a Succeas Interment of Mrs. Jas. L. Pow- 1916. Mr. Beacock operated a gators dlaim. To 'be polite it was large numbers. Little pigs seil- At &lst71ffe, sneeze or nasali irita-. ers took place in Orono Cemetery, blacksmith shop. He lived in Fer- considered proper to remove the ing slow, $6 per pair. Co-opera- tion, pu~ a little Va-tro-nol ur eacii Monday, following a service at gus from. 1930 to 1937 where he glasses when greeting a social tive use of farm machinery bas ntrfts stilmilating action al'ds N a-Lea the home of ber son, Ceeul. was employed by Beatty Bros., stiperior. Glasses, in their coun- taken on. trs fenses against the cold. ________________ nemn ftelt aulsice then he has worked as a try, it was claimed were not only Northern Ontario: Many young ... And remember -when a head Itreto h A e r itte tGli culc n onfreetobebtfrgo is itedmn.Fî ha cold maires you sufer, or transien Archer, father of Mamie Arche C nada acholi eulc n onfreetobebtfrgo is itedmn.Fl ha congestion "fills up" nose and spo1sK. G. V. GOULD, B.A. L.I.B. former teacher at Clarke Unio n ada ciery Co. in Gaît. luck as well. poor top. Farmers beading for aleeP. 3-purpose Va-tro-nol gives val- Barrister. oictr** tr and Bowmanville, took place in Surviving are bis wife, former- And it was claimed, the tortoise bush work in camps. Fresh eggs uable help as it (1> shrink swollen Solîcîtor. Notsr ly Jean S. Gaylor of Speedside, shell frame came from a sacred scarce at ceiling prices. Potatoes niebrne, ()Orono, IriatMo,(3dayne35 and hhs daughter, Miss Margaret animal, while the lenses were $ 1.60 at farm. Several carloads memraes () elevs rriaton () hoe 51Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers and at their home, 28 Ann St., Gaît, made from lucky stones found in of bay sold at $15 F.O.B. Plowing nasl pafussaugBnkoeCmeresg Grant, Toronto, James' Powr ho is sons, Ian at Gaît, and Stoker the sacred mountains and ground well completed. Quantities good nale sari g e ig Bowmanvillee R.C.A.F., and Mr. and Mrq. William of R.C.N.V.R. at Hamil- with sand from the sacred rivers. seed grain being offered for sale.m inucus. Enjoy the Clemence were guests of Mr. and ton. He bad five sisters, Mrs. While it is true there is mucb w relief It brings. VATRONOL W. R. STRIRE Mrs. Cecil Powers. Wm. Bannon of Oshawa; Mrs. apparent superstition evident re- y Barrister, Solicitor, Notry Mr. and Mcs. H. Jaffray and Hurley and Mrs. Vetter of Cleve- garding China and early Optics, I TH Mer Solicitor for Bank of Montreal family, Toronto, were guests of land; Mrs. Ira C. Miller of Camp the efficiency of the natives of N H DIM ANDfa " C T D R S Money to Loan - Phone 791 Mc. and Mrs. E. Fowler. Hill, Pa.; Miss Maude Beacock of that country is hecoming more DISTANT PAST CU SBU NSBowmanville, Ontario Mcs. Fagan is visiting hier par- Los Angeles, Cal., and one bro- improved every day and is at____ BRUIES AWRNCEC. ASON B.., and Somervlleis isiing A memorial service at the Har- sides. 81'tUISrsSandy Somerville l visitingold Gray Funeral Home in Gaît (To Be Continued) TET.FV ER G Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. here. was conducted by his pastor, Rev. __________________N oYFýv 21, 1918 King Street W., Bowmanville Scouts colîected salvage Satur- W. J. McKeown, assisted by MajorNo.2,18 JNtPhone: Office 688 Residence 55 day. Nearly three tons were col- Ede of Salvation Army. During FORMER NEWCASTLE Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard at- ___________________lected. the service Mrs. W. L. MecFarlane COUPLE.CELEBRATE GOLDEN tended the HilI-Ferguson nuptials tLy Pl§[ - ~~~ ~~~~~~Several members of the L.O.L. 1offFergus sang "My Prayer" and EDNATRGASK.aBlkso. TE ANTIEPTIC LNIWENTDentist atnded a gathering at Black- a frmer pastor sang "Some' Time WDIGA EIA AK TE xiETcLm E4Tstock, Thursday.1 We'll Understand." Tbe pall bear- Ms d Stephens bas returned Several Orono members of1 ers were D. Fuller, James Hawes (Regina Leader) fromn a trip to the West, baving _____________________ DR. J. C. DEVITT Bowmanville Rotary Club attend-1 and Wallace Young of Fergus, M r. and Mrs. N. T. Selby, 2840 visited ber niece, Mrs. Jas. Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson ed the rural-urban meeting at Wallace Welsh of Wilsonville, Albert Street, Regina, celebrated Stephens, Balcarres, Sask. Graduate o! RoyalHrold oDenta GulpC own-their golden wedding anniversary We welcome Fred C. Colmer gird4p d lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilee This is Navy League Week. Rev. hifred onta ocso.ctznhpofBw nvl.M. g.414nvle ffc or Littlewood is receiving contribu- The service was Iargely attend:-bi red nta cain iiesi fBwavle c A Blg.,Bowmnvile.Offie hursed and many beautiful floral tri- Tbeir sons and daugbters-in-îaw Colmer is foreman of tbe new Ne ST çoCoi-os4 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, tions for Ocono district, butes were evidence of the esteem assisted in making the arrange- Canada Scale and Slcer factory. T102 9 a.m. to12 noon Wednesday, Glen Tamblyn and Donald in wbich hie was held by bis many ments for tbe celebration. Dmn- Mr. and Mrs. William Staples, Closed Sunday Staples were home. friends. Interment was in Mount ner was served to about 30 cela- Ocono, were at Toronto seeing Phoe 90 Husephne 25 At Church, Sunday evening, View CemtrGIlt tives. Tbree ebr te im- thi .' tr Aahoft X-Ra Eqipmet i Ofice rs.Jone an Mr. Cobleickmediate family were unable to be New York again and visited their _____________________ ____________________rendered a splendid duet. DR. VIVIAN TELLS OF present. Frank, their youngest son, Elmo. STOPI Fneal irctrs Under the auspices of the nocth HEALTH SURVEY IN ADDRESS son, is wîtb the armed forces over- seas. The rooms were decocated Macciage: Devitt-Dickinson A I'!C 0CLY f Kirby a splendid social evening Details of a Province-wide sur- with atm lowers, fruit and A Wlodî, omniî FUNERAL DIRECTORS was held Nov. 17 under chair- vey of general bospital accom- foliage r.ad Mrs. Selby are Nov. 6, by Rev. Chancellor Service, n or yda program consisted of reading by taken by the Ontario Depactment and from tbe Women's Associa- Devitt, Cartwright, and Miss b F. F. Morris Co. Donald Brown; solo by Ruby of Health with a view to deter- tion and tbe choir of that Church Mabel Helen, eldest daughter of Moe Mtjusipet r Allin; reading by Eleanor Wright; mining the needs of various areas as well as fromn many other Mr. W. W. Dickinson, Bowman- a3.50h, dsgsspvle nin.y odlne an valorEqid CtAr . *Ta duet by Mrs. Hartwell Lowery and increasing accommodation ifro iends foertuatbensent vill. R usl m ,sno h M________et______________Ilo_______ac* puone48ndo 734,AsistCantel73 and Mca. Wm. Wannan; commun- necessary wece outlined thece aogwt ogauain.Tee D.R usî mlsno h phon 48 or734 Asistnt 73 ty singing; and several contests. Nov. 17 by Dr. R. P. Vivian, Min- wece other remembrances ce- late Mr. and Mcs. Thos. Smale, Lunch and social chat followed. ister of Healtb, in an address to ceived and many messages by Providence, died at Staynèer and Llcensed Auctioneers Owing to exams the Girl members of the Hamilton wîire and telephone. The bride the Stayner Sun paid wortby Guides' meeting was Tuesday. Academy of Medicine. o0 years ago was cbacming in tribute to the service ho had given Theloal ir GudeComitee When our sucvey is complet- a black ilk costume with corsage ducing the flu epidemic, whicb CLIFFORD PETHICK witnessed the wock of the girls ed," Dr. Vivian told the assembled os.dieecaedbseth Aucioner Enlsllin a th ceulr metig ad wredoctors, "the needs and cequice- Tea was secved from a table Hampton: Mca. H. Elliott bas PhctoneeBowmaniille 3 entectained at lunch later. *Com- ments of this community will be coee1it)nec lc lt moved to Oshawa and W. R. Allun Phon Bomanill 256 mtteemad arangmens fr amade known, and plans will be and centred with a tieced wedding bas purcbased ber cosy home mittee made arrangementsvefor a cake. Goîd candlshle rc rmteJJ lit sae Speialzig h FamLivstok.canvass for the work o! the forthcoming for the best metboddlshpegac fomteHElitEtt. Imlpîements and Furnituce Sales. Guides rather than have an en- of dealing with the situation."' the table. Mca. Annie Orchard, Enniskillen: Tbe singing of Crynultme or ermsanddats. ertinmet. r. ivin sid tatin ny ro-Mca. L. E. McMenomy, Mca. J. E. "The National Anthem" at J. J. Ccmsut mefor erms nd dtes.tertinmen. Dr Vivan sid tht, i anypro-Yeo and Mca. M. Ganshorn pouredVitesalofamsoc an 50-ti ~~~~~~posed increase o! hospital bed ac- teassleo arnsoc n ORONO WOMEN'S INSTITUTE commodation in Ontario, tbe comn- t. Mc. and Mrs. Selby's grand- implements was an innovation Monuments ~~~~munities will probably deaire to duheshlîgsrewr:whieh probably noever occurred Monuments__________ Ooo oe'sIsitt etsae "Our hospitals represent en Selby, Eveln Selby, Aud- befoce at a similar gatbecing in Friday with the war wock comn- one o! the outward and visible WeyillbJBettyn.SyandMa. Durham. This was followed by a Tihe Rutter Granite Company mittee in charge. Two quilts were signa of our feeling for the well-deimJhso. am wyz short, eloquent speech on Phne50 -P.. ox62 fnshd-netid ndon qiî-being o! the community as a ests with incu d a group Armistice b y t h o auctioneer, P ohone1-POntaioox 2 iid. Treasues epotdoe d hlqTourefeuetya !sng ht nlded Believe George Jackson, before ho pro- Por Hpe Otaioed.Trasre'sreor shwe inl, hh e civic n- aMe I f All Those Endeacing Youngceddwtthvnu. Monument, Gravearkers, over $20 cleared by catering for symTbol o! pride i h ii o Charma," Miss Dve ly h eddwt h ede Monmets Gavmakes, the Masonic banquet. A letter science of tbe community. In this avienien s paan h Enfield: Ellis Pascoe bas sold Engraing, oldlefing thanking the society for the honey regard I know Hamilton will take accMpanient ws bs fr oiM. Sithfro 28-tf was received, written by Rosa second place to no one." M.Slywsbr nBw Ottawa. _______________________Strike. Mca. Rolph roported on Dr. Vivjian regards the general manville, Oht. In 1893 he mac- Solina: Ivan M. Law bas had progreas of play ladies are pro- practitioner as the "connecting ciedAlc rhdofNwate completed a neat, commodious. VeteriariesOnt. Ahicouplchamo ewcstlen ______________________ paring, and also gave a bird's oye link" between any pcogcamn for .Tecop am weti modern residence and has moved Oiwu!rhecovetin el i treatment of the individual. "His 1909, living at Indian Head till therein. DR. W. W. SHERWIN Toronto. Mca. Rolph was put in rlto otefaiyma e116 mls o vngst o feiam charge of the Christmas cheer safeguacded and maintained " h 5 ie subeaifReia D .C A ESand work and will pick hec helpers. continued, explaining that' the making their lateat home in DR.*J. T. SHEPPARD Plana were made for catoring to doctor's close contact with the Regina. KIDN Y- 0Mca. Sam Powell and Mca. Eric Veterinarians a goose dinner bore for the Ro- family can ho the most aucceas- Wc LIVER ILLS Office - Main St. - Orono tary Club of Bowmanville next ful agent for the carrying out o!fNW cs are nieces and Carl Selby, Phno567,Ocnomontb. Mca. Hall reported 9 quilta an immunization pcogram and Necastle, is nepbew o! Mc. andI mittee, 8 quilted by members and "The general practitioner at H r h _________________________________________one lovely one donated by Mrs. present is aided in bis practice by ONTARIO FARM NEWS FROM D. G. Hooper, the latter being dis- the laboratory services o! the De- AGRICULTURAL played. Two of these have been partment of Healtb, and by their REPRESENTATIVES given to charity and*the other 7 furnishing him certain vaccines are being given to the Orono Red and biological preparations, but Reporta of Agricultural Repre- DAYS F R COLL CTIONCross. Tin IthNDe plans for this increased sestativos, Nov. 15, givo these ~F DAYS FOR COLL CTI N puliehealth system ho sbould be summacies on the state of the adequately remunerated fromn the farni front: IN T E DI AND Province for these procedures o! Western Ontario: Some turnips Note the new changes o! collection and dellvery In your DISTANT PAST a public healtb nature that ho are still out due to lack o! help.je distict Ths l mad, ncesaryby nw iovemmtundertakes not only for bis pa- About 35 per cent of plowing still regulations wlsîei permît us to cover any one district FROM THE ORONO NEWS. tients, but for the community as to be done. Hog production oneday wek olyNov, 24th, 1921 ' a whole. Witbout the services of definitely down due to unsatis- one ay aweekenlywell trained and competent gen- factory price and little feed. In We wlltheefoe, b InBowanvlleDr. Phair and Inspector Snider oral practitioners any systom of Huron, 78,000 bushels o! turnips We ll, terfor, . l Bwmavlleaddressed a meeting in the Town public health will fail. His well- marketed compaced with 7,000 l the Ch( nteinterest o! medical being la therefore one of the bus. last year. Bcood sowa are be- Sinspection o! the achools. It was primo considerations in the Gov- îng sbipped for slaughter. Faîl S A A I .A D A T O N L Yarranged to bave a medical sur- ernmont's undectaking to revise wbeat genecally looking good. vey o! the township achools with and improve modical care for peo- Southern Ontario: Snowfall bas HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY a temporacy nurse for three ple of Ontario." montha as a test at the expense o! _________________the Education Dept. of, the pro- vince. Committee o! A. J. Staples, James Lycett, Edgar Tbornton and Mrs. J. J. Gilfillian wore ap- Osha a Liundy & Dry lea ing pointed to co-operate. bisG.s rm-rn-gThrnton W aisng ~- 7î-~4~ No.25 il Il If YOU waste THEY wantl Itniay seemn tough, wheny, u're making good wages, wo go on wearing old clothes. But it would be a good deal tougher if our boys overseas dida't get the supplies they need. So please remem ber the United Nations have only so many ships, trains and machines. Anything wasted here means shortage sornewhere else. Save now . .. spend when the wa.r is won. reason for its Popuktrity- olate Cocoa 19 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN 'four Estate - An Asset or ca Liability ?. CHANGES in Succession Duties and Incorne Taxes have created some real ~IkCb~ problems ini the administration of estates. A revision of your will may be advisable. By naming The Sterling Trusts Corpora- tion a executor, you have the personal attention of a senior estate officer assisted .)y a staff familiar with current legislation and the rulings of the various taxing q'î horities. THIE STERLI 1NG TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 32 yeorl in usiness The talent of success is nothing Hlonorable industry always more than doing what you can do triiv.!s the same road with enjoy- well; and doing well whatever rment and duty, and progress is ou do, without a thought of atogetlltr impossible without it. lme.-Longfellow. -S. Smiles g', v Te - C/oç No. 25 1 1 www a w mmww a maveun m a Mau

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