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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1943, p. 5

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THURS., DECEMBER 2nd, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMM~VILLE. ONTARTO Mrs. Fred Nelles bas been vis ing ber parents ln Sudbury. Mrs. B. M. Warnica, Osbaw is guest of Mrs. W. C. Ferguson Mrs. W. H. Betties visited i sister in Toronto over the weel end. Lieut. Bob Mcllveen cabledh parents of bis safe arrival ove seas. LAC Bob Evans, S. F. T., Brantfôrd, spent the week-end bomne. Pte..4Wilton Corson, Toront spent thff week-end with the Son erscalef' family. Mrý and Mrs. Fred WoS Actinolite, were guests of Mr. an Mrs. James Welsh. Miss Celia Tait, Bank 0f Coi merce staff, was a Brantford y:. itor over Sunday. 0 Bowmanviile stores wiil remai open Wednesday afternoons dui ing December. Mrs. Geo. W. James spent th week-end in Toronto with bE daugbter, Miss Ruth James. Mr. W. R. Edger, Peterbort spent tbe week-end witb bis par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Edger. Government Purchase Tax Extr Marr's JeweIIery Bowmanville Double - Co-fop With so niany women plants and trying to cax as well, they find it vei baking at our store. Then there 's the dis particularly with sugar. ornes to the rescue in s on their sugar rationing, Our staff of expert1 available this war-timec à fo~ E7~0 ~iw'taUon~" MMU~ bucking wood in spare hours.*M U M M M mI 1Says hie: "It not only pays to ad- Overtise in The Statesman, but MD PERSONMAL tiungs can be said in a reasonable IN THE DIM AND wa ad h Golden Rule still %one 663 ~works." From The Sta *mm=****.*****.. Veteran Clarence Hall, Legion officiai and Maintenance Superin- . .. . .E sit- Miss Rita O'Mara and Mrs. tendent of St. John's Church, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Arthur Howard, Toronto, were Jury & Loveil Block, Mrs. E. V.No.2,18 va, week-end guests of Mrs. Clarence Scobeil, Insurance offices, andNo.2,18 ýn. Oke. The Canadian Statesman Block, PrfCC.agerhsene her Cpi Grace Hall and Cpi Beth suffered a painful fail on icy thPsuof south ofMthell'as rdrug ek- Napier, R.C.A.F., Toronto, were street.s Saturday evening and iSs toe sfdomerly ofcpeld yMis guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence confined to his bed at home. soeha relyocuidbyMs his Hall. An x-ray of his knee-cap re-Shw 'er Geia Bil CrnshA &P eatveaedno fracture but a painful Nursing Sister Edith Mary emporium, received birthda bruise will keep hlm fromn active Prout is iii in France. S gretigs rom he taf on ay duties f or some time. Meantime Mr. and Mrs. John C. Elliott, greingso the staff on0aCtain Legion comrades and bis many Mr. and Mrs. Milton Elliott, Mr. inahtner9 lb friends are pinch-hitting for him and Mrs. C. N. Tamblyn and Mr. Miss Helen Pingle and Mrs. C. and ail are glad his injury is not and Mrs. Fred J. Foster attended W. Wright of the A & P Store at more serious. the funeral at Orono of Charles to, teneda cnetiniTrno At 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, a heavy Thompson who died at Viceroy, rn-Wedesdy.Toronto transport, loaded with Sask. Lieut. and Mrs. Maurice Bres- Oxygen and Acetylene tanks of Wm. Quick, apple exporter, was nd, lindasstedat A preinptal ea, -the Dominion Oxygen Co., was inHamilton on business and had ndtudyoa. uti erae o proceeding west, when, opposite dinner with Mrs. Harry Howes, rono.Kingsway Greenhouses, it collided nee Lilly Ruebottom, formerly of M- Leading Telegraphist Norman with a trailer which had broken this town. '- Hannon of the Canadian Navy, loose from Orville Hooper's car, Gordon Tait, who bas been with Halifax, is spending his leave heading east. The trailer swervecl H.M. Naval Service on mine amwith bis wife at the "Octogan." across the path of the truck and sweepers for three years, visited was completely demoiished. The bis aunt, Mrs. Herbert Moyse. r- Flight Lieut. George Crabtree truck received damages to lights Ebenezer: Mr. Anderson, East was overnight guest of his sister, and radiator, but was able to pro- Durham, has purchased the1 Mrs. Maurice Bresiin, Thursday. ceed west. Chief Venton was Markie property (John C. Truli) heH etimditl o uter promptîy on the job and set out and will reside here. . . W. H. eroperational duties overseas. fiares and directed traffic. He Nichols is erecting a lot of wire Mrs. P. Dolan, nee Billie waived "ail clear" within 20 fencing on the road north* of the o, Kimble, is home from a two minutes. Church which will improve our r- mnonths' visit with hier husband, Trinity Young People's Union winter roads. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. __Pte. P. Dolan, lst Mildand Regi- met Monday evening under the E. Osborne are visiting relatives ment, Prince Rupert, B.C. convenership of Thelma Schlie- at Cleveland, Detroit and Western WR. Harrison, son of Council- vert and the Christian Feiiowship Ontario. . . Mr. and Mrs. Down lor and Mrs. W. R. Harisn e group. Rev. J. E. Griffith led a haetken possession of Pascoe ceived his Air Gunner's Win'g on discussion on "Is It Right?" He Bo. am Mondy a theMoutainVie stressed the importance of right iHampton: League meeting wast Monayatth MontinViW .ca Gunnery School, near Belleville. attitudes, using Christ's words, incage of Everett Kerslake1 ~"As a man thinketh in his heart with Rev. Geo. Brown, Rhoda Sergt. W. Poliey, R.R. 3, Bow- s0 is hie." In determining what is Johns, Marian Warder, Erma Sait- .. manville, who has been taking right and wrong we are guided b y er, Nonie Horn, Pearl Ranton, the Air Gunner course at Mount conscience, parents, teahrmn Mrs. Thos. Martin and Mary ..Joli, Que., was among the gradu- isters, the teachings of Jesus as re- Souch assisting. .. A box of ates who received their wings. crddithNeTsamnad clothing was sent to Belgian Re- *~Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown, Mr. the Spirit-the basic impeîîîng lief by the Women's Institute. :~Ro Bow, is oiy ronforce for good, and any thought or J.M Gardhouse, Weston, andc *Mr. Duncan Neil, Toronto; Mrs' action which disturbs our rela- Ducda nstonOilliahon- IC. Blanchard, Solina; Mr. and1 tionship with one another and dce tc ugn hr Mrs. Harry Blanchard and DonnaGdisdfiiey wrong. Vocal Corea0oia /Oshawa' were guests of Mr. and1 solos by Donnie Creasser, accom -______S___ Mrs. A. L. Blanchard, Hampton. panied by Helen Williams, and f piano solos by Lilianne Naylor Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar, town, concluded the program. The wor Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoar and ship service on "The Worship of ________ EDS Miss Dorothy H o ar, Toronto, the Heart" was presented by sý were in London, Friday, attend- Thelma Schlievert assisted by ELECTORS 0F BOWMANVILLEh ing the Wings Parade at No. 4 Dorothy Bedford. I have been prevailed upon to rI Observers School where Sergt. ___________ run for counicil and therefore r Charles Hoar of the R.C.A.F. re -_____________support___the_______ ceîved bis Navigator's Wing. .. .... .. .* s on orsupot t he E Charlie returned home with histInservo n oay. orseeal1 paetsfr hotlev. rO heEitr'sM i years and am familiar with muni- a Women's Institute met in Parish ii uir cipal affairs and if elected wili c] Hall on Nov. 25 with Past Presi-O do my best to see that the town si dent Mrs. F. Baker presiding. .. . .. . ..M gets good government. b: Program, convened by Mrs. F. Lakeshore Business College T. A. GARTON. ti Baker's group, consisted of an in- 919 Lakeshore Road, rg teresting paper on "Our Fiag and New Toronto, ont., TO THE ELECTORS 0F a For What It Stands," by Mrs. November- 22, 1943 BOWMANVILLE t Baker, followed by two solos by Dear George: I have again been nominated as s Mrs. Alex Colville, accompanied Were ail to wait until the last a Councillor in the coming elec byMr. . oo.week in December to pay their tion and solicit your vote and in- cg The "flu" finally bas bit Bow- subscriptions, it would give your fluence. If elected I will con- l mnanvilie and scores of sufferers office force a very busy week and tinue to give my best attention ï from sniffles, sore bones, hacking in the Festive Season at that, so to the welfare of the town and its s coughs and high temperatures here's mine. citizens. are temporarilly "hors de com- Fifty years seems a long time, Yours respectfully,9 bat." Oshawa led off in the epi- and it hardly seems possible that E.J&IBS demic and Ajax followed, witb it was as long ago that I spent E._JGIBS._c over two tbousand absent for three of wbat I terni the happiest TO THE ELECTORATE 0F THE short periods from war work.' years of my life in the Courtice TOWN 0F BOIVMANVILLE Fortunately this type of "f lu" i!S district. In your recent references miid with no fatalities reported. you have mentioned my re-en- Having decided to offer my ser- "Itpay toadvrtie" s abe-gagement as teacher of Mount vices for the 1944 Council, I take "Itpay toadvrtie" s abe-Carsweîl School as well as naming this opportunity of soliciting your -a whiskered bromide, considerably anmbrof My pupils of that support on Monday, Dec. 6th. waeehettea crredWs day, three of whom, Bonnie Rich- If elected I will do my best for Cwk Tes ad" aouta rosscut ards,' Eva Courtice, and Walter the betterment of the community sawkersmeone adbor rowsed. Armiour, passed the entrance. in which we live. Anyone wish- Walter expected to go on to Hiîng transportation please cal842. Gee eniesdid'tabretee School so was desirous of writing, A. S. BAKER. merly ad a le abutthe fuel but the two girls took much per- shortage and bh neglecdwcdamaeonbefore they wouid consent ELECTORS 0F BOWMANVILLE pil. L an bhol, bck .am to try. However, they finally said, Having served at the counicil Sthe saw. Now Wes is happily we'il try and if we get through board for two years I am again ail right and if not ail rigbt. It offering my services in a similar bappened* that viewing the event capacity for 1944. s0 casuaily, they were flot nervous If elected I will continue to do and possibly did their best with my best for the municipality Reviva. Meetings the result that Bonnie stood sec- witbout fear or favor. ond, Eva ninth, and Walter, more Sbouid you require transporta- CONTINUING AT nervous, fourteenth, in a group of tion to the poilIs on Monday, phone1 one bundred and ten writing in 2249. EV N EITC Oshawa. Wasn't I proud of Yours sincerely, TABERNACLE Tbere was a splendid group of ___ TABER ACLE young people, in years, around TO THE ELECTORS Withanantegruthuhnt0 Being honored with nomination young in years, were young in for the office of Councillor I have spirit and with ail, it was a deligbt Evangelist and Mrs. to mingle. An interesting fea- quaiified and permitted my nm ture of the time was the Division to go hefore the electors on Mon- D. MacPherson of the Sons of Temperance wbich day. Nigtlyat8 pm.excptwas said to be the largest in the As an accounitant, beîng partic- Mon. and Sat. province. It is î'eally too bad that ual neetdi iaca it as isbnde aswel asothrswell as being associated with one Sunday 11 a.m., 7.30 p.m. throughout the province. It was a oftownandarpertyus wner ami tower of strength to the cause of particudîa rinerted in tewel- Speclal singlng at every temperance. Their winter pro- fare 0fry neredi the tonan f ele service grams in which for two consecu- aeothtwnndielcd tîve years the lodge was divided will give my best service to make Visitors are cordially lnvited into two sides and for the third Bowmanviile a better place in year, the numbers were s0 large wbich to live and work. that three sides were chosen. Each RAY J. DILLING. side in turn provided two pro-1 grams. Judges valued the differ- TO THE ELECTORS 0F THE IDISTANT PAST àtesman Files FIFTY VEARS AGO Nov. 29, 1893 Wes. T. Allen has bought "Big 20" news and stationery business. Dr. Julia Thomas has been ap- pointed physician to the Girls' Home in Toronto. Sider Foster has opened a butcher shop in part of Neads' block, occupied by W. H. Osborne. H. S. Northrop, formerly of Newcastle, and head of the big medicine firm of Northrop & Lyman, died at Toronto. Newcastle: Ralph Rowland is at Kingston studying for the Civil Service. . . A. B. Wilmot, Halifax, has charge of the Fish- eries here. Chas. Wilmot has re- signed and purchased a private hatchery at Credit Forks. Orono: Miss Emma Hall has opened out a Dress and Mantie making business over Arm- strong's store. Enfield: Peter Leask, Taunton, huis moveci into Wm. Ormiston's house. . . Jas. Abraham has re- turned from Manitoba well pleas- ed with the prospects of that country. He has purchased 640 acres and intends moving his family there. Blackstock: Samuel Bruce left Iast week for Muskoka. . . The lake is frozen over. Courtice: L. T. Courtice has re- sumed his duties as salesman in the dry goods department of J. J. Mason's store. Skunk and Weasel Epidemic Hits Town Looking for winter Quarters or on depredations bent. a few of the little, curlous animais of the district nave appeared in town at various places Maybe they heard of the coal shortage and wished to ;hare warmer quarters in con- formity with orders of the Coal Controller. This reporter, looking for newrs at the Town Hall, learned that a :kunk had been discovered in a hen house owned by George ['hompson, Horsey St. At high noon, Geordie heard a commotion among his prize winnîng puilets. He investigated and found what looked like a kitten, nosing [round the pen. Taking no chances he got his musket and hot before the skunk could brîng his heavy artillery into ac- tion. The chickens cackled their relief and went about scratching and laying as usual. At a farm on the outskirts of the town another pen of expen- ive Hampshire reds, in full plum- age, voicedn objections about a couple 0 1long, slim, active, white ittle animaIs. Traps were set. In the morning, a white leg was securely trapped. The animal had gnawed its leg off above the hock and was gone. Another trap 'aught one with aIl four legs and querea fimself before tie can con- years 1 asic your -support at the W LE O Equer others. Sincerity is more polIs on Monday. If elected I WHOL SOMEsuccessful than genius or talent. will fulfil my duties to the best of my ability for ail concerned. B READ AT age: rajw, can you guess my Sincerely, Gallant Major: "No, I can't; butN.ALSN EVERY MEAL you don't look it." The devotion of tbought to an A man in earhest finds means, honest achievement makes the ÈO%'à& or if he cannot find, creates them.' achievement possible. i culur---mi-ee-f-nuiy- Don't Let the Boys and Girls in the Armed Forces Go Hungry for the Home Town News torso intact. Agricultural Repre- sentative Ed. Summers viewed the corps and said: "It's a weasel; they change from bay to white in winter; keep on setting traps." MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE Ernie Roach's teamn hangs on to lead by one point wbhile Captain Ernie Roach takes over iead from B. Westiake in the race for in- dividual bonors with an average of 231. Ken *iuxton's teamn had the high teamn score for the night with 3158 and E. Roach's team bad high single, 1161. George Crevier, the only Vet- erans Guard bowling in the Town League, was top man with 731, followed by D. McKnight 722, P. Cancilia 717, D. Carter 714, andl J. Cole 709. High single games were D. Mc- Knight 304, Mel. Dale 295, G. Crevier 275, D. Carter 273, and Phiiip Cancilla and George Piper both witb 270. Standing at End of 6th Week Teamn Won Lost Pins Pts. E. Roacb 10 8 17916 15 K. Luxton 10 8 18294 14 A. Osborne 1l 7 18194 14 B. Westlake 9 9 18152 12 F. Williams 8 10 17837 10 Averages Namne Gaines Ave. E. Roach ----------- 18 231 B. Westlake -------- 17 227 P. Cancilla --------- 18 222 T. Bagneill---------- 12 218 Dr. Rundle --------- 9 218 J. Cole ------------- 17 217 J. Coole ------------ 17 217 M . Dale - ---------- 18 214 j K. Luxton ---------- 17 212 A. Osborne --------- 17 211 D. Carter ----------- 18 211 G. Crevier ---------- 16 200ý M. Vanstone -------- il 208 W. Hearle --------- 16 207 F. Williams, B.T.----- 14 207 H. Palmer ---------- 14 205 J. Gay -- ---------- 15 204 D. McKnigbt -------- 16 203 J. Cole ------------- 16 202 B. Cochrane -------- 16 202 G. Piper ------------- 16 200 LIKELY 8 MILLION PEOPLE IN ONTARIO IN 10 TO 15 YEARS KENNEDY PREDICTS Bigger and better farmn markets tbrough a planned agricultural economy wiIl be assured Ontario farmers, Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture, declared recently at Clinton in predicting tbat Ontario's population wilI in- crease to 8,000,000 in the next 10 or 15 years. Addressing tbe annual meet- ing of the Huron County Federa- tion of Agriculture Col. Kennedy said this growth in population will provide "another period of oppor- tunity for our farmers" because there is "no market as good as our own home market close to our doors." "So our agricultural economy mnay be planned in sucb a way m that we wilî be able to expand, a too, and take full advantage of that larger market which will be c made availabie for aIl our pro- ducts I am hopeful that the Agri- n -~ mommb- , ----------- The Statesman Tro any one in armed forces in Canada or Overseas Subscription, payable in advance, (regular subscription $2.00) for one year costs only $ 1.50. The boys and girls overseas and in Canada will appreciate your thoughtfulness ini sending The Statesman to them. Church organizations, lodges, and other societies who have members in the armed forces will make a hit with the members by sending them The Statesman as a gif t. Fui in the subseription form and mail to The Statesman, Drawer B, Bowmanville SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Please send The Statesman Enclosed is $................. Signature of sender (Please print plainly) xiii give consideration to ways your benefit. The plans nmust and means of planning our agri- prepare us to meet ail the needs of ýultural production," said Mr. the future, and at the same time Kennedy. "The commission is give farming its proper place in row making an exhaustive study tbe life and economy of the pro- 1 MODESS BELirs 2!;ý IL 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Z)An-V VTITV 1 -- Sencl them

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