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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1943, p. 7

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THURS., DECEMBER 2nd, 1943 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN By mutual confidence and mnutual aid great deeds are done, and great discoveries made. There is a confidence necessary ta human intercourse, and with- out which men are often more in- jured by their own suspicions, than they could be by the perfidy of others.-Burke. ~sEyeifght Education And Efficiency Optemnetrist Specsalist lsney Bldg. (opp. P.O.) Oshawa Phone 1516 - 285 - A lecturer in Shanghai may be quoted as follo\vs, "I do flot know of any Chinese officiai institution that forbids its employees to wear spectacles on duty out of doors, although I do know of one foreign institution right here in Shanghai that does." This would go to show that some of the superstitions and tra- ditions while graduaily fading out, were kept alive by some of the foreign population who had moved in and estabiished them- selves. In the decline and fall of many of these nations, important docu- ments and specimens are iost and many become the property of the conquering nations who may or may not improve on them as the years go by. <To Be Continued) Sufferers of bleedlng a nd pro- piles shouid know Bunkers Herbai Pis treat the cause at its source. Money back if the first bottie does flot satisf y. Buy from your drugglst. RffEU MATI C PAINS A I TigeTIFPNESS *MTMM *a Maney lacis Fer quick relief rtei MR of ea . I4PimPleO. Ath- lete'aoot, gals.eabies. rahe and otb«ere rnall7 osnied akin troublMe oefat-acting, coohoe. sot- api.Iqi D.D. D. Prescription. Greoaeleos. tinlee. Sothesirritation and quickly stops intense itchng. Sc trial bottle provea h.or moncy back. Ask your druggint today for D.DD. PRESCRIPTION for SMTAINS, SPRAINS a.d SOREMUSCLES THE ÂNTISEPTIC LIMMINT "TI RED"y She felt miserable- dragùy-lJow in Vitaity -lower in spirits. She hadn't thought of ber & kidey s, until a friend suggete Dodc'. Kd. ney PISl. At once ahe took ]Dodd'a. The "washe ou" feeling A wau soon replaced byE clear headed energy and restful sleep. Headache, baciache, lassitude and other signa of faulty kidneys diaappeared. 112 Dodd'sKidneyPils pcia !:):soiSciand Personal~ Phone 40rl6 Mrs. R. Pingle visited her moth- er, Mrs. S. Baldwin. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morton were honored by Kendal friends at a miscelianeous shower. Exams at O.C.S. are vr Pupils are now preparing for the Christmas dance and the first Lit. meeting under leadership of June Goode. Ernie Allen is home after spending two years in the Yukon. Marie Lewis has had ber tonsils out. Kirby Sunday School annual meeting was held Thursday when these officers were elected: Supt. -S. Berry; Sec.-Ruby Allen; Treas.-Ken Shackleton. A good crowd turned out to hear the ex- cellent reports. 100.OF. held a successful dance Friday evening with Russ Creigh- ton and his orchestra in charge. Tag day for the Navy League resulted in a nice donation which was forwarded to the committee in Bowmanville. Miss Edith Trull, Hamilton, was home. Word was received last week of the death in the States of Dr. John Business Directory Legal M. G. V. GOTJLD, B.A. L.B. Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bownianville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col. lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a.m. ta, 6 p.m. daily, 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday, Closed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipmern, in Office Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service. any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. vlodern Motor Equipment, Amn- )ulance and Inivalid Car. Tele. hone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Licensed Auctioneers CLIFFORD PETHICK Auctioneer - Ennlskillen Phone Bowmanville 2536 Specializing in Farm, Livestack, Implements and Furniture Sales. Ccssult me for terms and dates. 50-ti Monuments The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing 28-tf Veterinaries DR. W. W. SHERWIN and DR. J. T. SHEPPARD Veterinarians Office - Main St. - Orono Phone 56r7, Orono Aluin, a former resident o! Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Waltor Couch were in Lindsay. Among the many sick people in Orono were Mrs. Henry Cornisb, Mrs. Hall and Margaret Yorke. Miss Ida Stevens visited Mrs. W. S. Roy. Mrs. Jackson bas returned ta Mrs. H. Walsh's for the winter. Miss Louise Cowan, Toronto, was borne. Chas. Rutherford. was a pur- chaser at a sale o! live stock at Blackstock. Orono now bas only a six-day delivery of milk as a wartimo measure. Mrs. Delbert Flintaf! and son, Donald, and baby, Ralph Burgess, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wood. Mr. Wm. Brown, MA., visited bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brown. Miss Elva Tucker, Toronto, spent the week-end bere. Dr. and Mrs. J. Leslie, Peter- bora, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Riddell. Ross Boyd, winner of the prize for Tomperanco public spoaking at the convention at Port Hope, was honorod at Sunday Schooi. Fallawing a few words from Rev. Littlewood, who explained that Ross was allowed ta, keep the cup for one year, and that the usual miniature cup was nat availablo awing ta, the war so the commit- tee instead awarded hlm a silver tray engravod with bis name and. particulars as ta, tho winning of it. Mrs. Drummond presonted Ross witb the tray and congratu- lations. Junior Red Cross met Friday. Program included piano solos by Denny Lynch and Jean Mof!at; riddles by Betty Cooper, Caroline Jones and Keitb West; readings by Marvin Lunn, Gwen Pbasey, Denny Lynch, Keith West, and Graco Gamsby; and a story by Charles Armstrong. Sgt. Pilot James Powers, Mac- donald, Man., attended the funeral of bis grandmotber, Mrs. James L. Powors. Mrs. James Powers bas bad tbe bonor a! nursing a ten-year-old girl who, according ta a Winni- peg paper, had tho new drug, pencillin, flown ta ber by Pilot Delamere and Jack Patton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Staintan and family, Oshawa, were guests of Mr and Mrs. W. J. Staintan. Mrs. H. Werry, Enniskiilen, is visiting at J. D. Brown's. Bruce Mercer and pal, Simcae, visited here and were busy cut- ting down a huge chestnut tree Monday. Jim Linton is belping at Merc- el's gaarge. Orono Union was hostess ta Newtonvilie and Kirby Unions, Monday evening. Kirby put on the program under chairmanship o! Ken Shakleton wbich cansist- ed of: Worship poriad; solo by Ruby Allen witb Mrs. H. Lawery at the piano; reading by Ray Bry- son; and slidos on "The Sons o! Sbuh." Newtanvillo was respon- sîble for games which were much enjoyed, under guidance o! Frank McMullen. Orono conducted a sing-song and served rofresh* ments. Mrs. S. Hall is undergoing an operation on hec nase tomorrow. Miss Allie Wood held a quilt- ing party Tuesday. The ink pump and dressing rooms ail have ta be rewiced by arder of Hydro inspector. Mr. Jas. Richards is out again after fighting flu. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dean at- tended the wedding o! ber sister, Margaret Harris, ta Alec Wheel- ens in Toronto, Nov. 27tb. Mrs. Ed. Dean spent last week witb ber sister in Toronto. Mission Band met Monday witb the now leader, Miss E. Harnden, in charge. Mrs. J. J. Mellor visited in To- -rapta. GOODWILL BIBLE CLASS ELECTS OFFICERS Mrs. J. Gibson was re-elected president of the Goodwill Bible Class wbicb elected these officers Thursday ovoning: President - Mrs. J. Gibson; lst Vice Prs.- Mrs. Fred Lycett; Sec. - Elsie Rowe; Treas. - Mrs. Harold Cabbledick; Pianist-Mrs. S. Mo!- fat; Pi-ogram Committee - Miss Shecwin, Mrs. M. H. Staples, Mrs. J. J. Mellor; Lunch Cammittee - Mrs. S. Hall, Mrs. K. Gamsby;1 Mrs. A. A. Drummond, Mrs. J. J.' Mellor, and Mrs. S. Littlewood wece elected Honorary Presidents. Program o pened with a wocsbip period in which Mrs. Staples read tbe Scriptuce and gave thoughts on the theme "Faith." Officers were elected. December meeting will be heid at Mrs. Dcummond's. Of!ering was donated ta, the Navy Ralph Bougon is boing remov- ed ta Toronto Hospital for further treatment. Mary Lau Dobson celebrated ber birthday by holding a party on Saturday. Wm. Robinson is having an electcic grinder installed in bis barn. Visitors: Miss Beulab Hallowell, Toronto, at home. .. Mr. and Mcs. Warren Carson and !amily in Pecrytown. . . Mr, and Mrs. Bill Cooper and dauLsbter bave maved fromn Arthur McKay's ta Orono . Mrs. Gardon Trim, Toronto, at home. TOWNSHIP CONSERVATIVES HEAR DR. VI VIAN Dr. R. P. Vivian, Minister of Health for Ontario, was guest speaker at the annual meeting o! Clarke Township Progressive Conservatives held Saturday in Orono Town Hall. The large at- tendance was deligbted to meet their distinguished cabinet mem- ber and his charming daugbter who accompanied him. Dr. Vivian expressed his deiight at being present and of being chosen for the position be now holds which entails a great deal of hard work but whîch he likes doing as lie feels it is for the bet- terment of the country. He deait with the work chiefly under the subject of post-war forestation, hospitalization and hydro. In his1 brief address he emphasized the possibility of an early Dominion1 election and aiso stressed the fact1 that the party he represented would not bargain with the other two parties just to secure a ma- jority in the provincial house. Other speakers included Ross Strike, Bowmanville, who spoke briefly eulogizing both Dr. Vivian and John Bracken, and the popu- lar president, T. A. Reid, who bas paid tribute ta the work of Dr. Vivian, spoke of the county coun- cil work, but deait chiefly with the necessity of having a good party organization. Howell Row- land spoke words in appreciation of Dr. Vivian's worlc. Business included the minutes, reading the treasurer's report and that of the auditors by R. R. Wad- deil, the re-election of ail officers, the appointing of Anson Gilroy and Lyall Lowery as auditors, and the appointing of polling booth of- ficiais with no changes except in No. 4. Lunch and social haîf-hour foi- lowed the enthusiastic meeting which was well attended by peo-1 pie from ahl over Clarke. IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST FROM THE ORONO' NEWS Dec. Ist, 1921 Tuesday next is voting day for the Dominion elections. We were honored by a visit from the premier, Rt. Hon. Arthur Meigben and the leader o! the opposition, Hon. Mackenzie King. The movement for establish- ment o! a carding miii was taken up with enthusiasm at a public meeting held in the fire hall. Elmer Eastwood, Baltimore card- ing mill, explained the outlook for the business. Thieves broke into the C.N.R. freight shed on Monday night getting away with six sacks o! flour, consigned to C. R. Carveth. Work started on the Methodist Church, Monday morning, con- tract for decorating the interior is let to W. J. Walter, who is as- sisted by Len Gamnsby and Isaac Cobbledick. Lockhart's School Mrs. Barchard has been quite iii with flu but glad to know she is better. Mrs. Winnett, Toronto, Mrs. Barchard's sister-in-iaw, came down to help out and on Sunday morning she feIl on the stairs and had to be taken to Oshawa Hospital. Mrs. Winnett bas been a frequent visitor and ber friends here off er sincere sym- pathy and best wishes for a speedy recovery. Our teacher, Mrs. Robbins, has been down witb the f lu at Mrs. F. W. Bowen's. School was losed for three days last week, but is open again this week. *YOUR BREAD 1/9 TO 5! eRONO NEWS 1 ISN'T IrT7IE rfgTfeo-71do' STztZ h4LFE T//EM -mve Xc~~Escore w/o rcks1/ wP/vt N4é4- W/7 OW0'F OQe T7O - ,lP ?#e prsbvr? WRAPPED AIR TIGHT TO PROTECT POTENCY- 4&LWAYS ('EPENDABLE1 IV~94'~0 WE CAM HELP AVOID RATIONING If no one ever buys nmore than they really need chances are w-ecanavoid rationing in miany linos. And that is a great help ta the war effort since eacb new commodit>' rationod means more people taken out of produtctive work to look after the job of rationing it. Let's flot buy anytbing we can do wjîhout. JOAN LADAIT LIMITED London Canada - M - Obituaries THOMAS SOMMERVILLE After a lengtby period o! iii- health Thomas Sammerville, na- tive af Orono for eighty years, passed away at bis home, Nov. 24. Mr. Sommerville was born an the fifth lineofo Clarke on March 10, 1863, son o! George Sammerville and Mary Waddell Sammerville. Of the family o! seven cbiidren oniy one survives, Sandy, now of Toronto. In 1902 he started inta the egg business whicb he con- tinued until a few years ago. In 1902 ho married Etta Kirk who, with ono daughter, Mary, employ- ed at the Bank o! Commerce, sur- vives him. A private funeral was hold at the home, Friday, with in- terment in O r o n o Cemetery. Bearers were Rab Roy, Colvillo Evans, George McGiii, Frank Hall, Harry Cowan and R. R. WaddeU. MRS. JAMES L. POWERS After a brief illness Mrs. James L. Powers passed away at the home o! ber son, Cecil, on Nov. 19, in her 9ist year. She was born near Kirby on Jan. 7, 1852, being one of six chiidren born ta William and Susan Hughson, and spent ber early years in Kirby district. In 1872 she married James L. Powers who predeceased her 13 years aga. Following their mar- niage they lived at Manilla but 67 years ago tbey moved back ta Kirby. Eight years ago she came ta Orono ta livo with ber son. Mrs. Powers was a valued mem- ber of the United Church and took an active înterest in Churcb and community affairs. The funeral was beld Nov. 22nd and the floral offerings, bath numorous and beautiful, testifiod ta the ostemr [in whicb she was held. Rev. Littlewoad conducted the service, assisted by J. J. Meilor. Tbreo grandsons, James and Roy Powors, and Ross Rabbins, and Chas. Miller, Cleve Clemenco and Madison Hall were bearers. Intermont was in Orono Ceme- tery. Surviving are one son, Cecil, and one daughter, Mrs. Art Rab- bins, bath o! Orona. Brown'-Ps Red Cross meeting was post- poned on account o! illness among the membors Visitors: Mrs. Jim Curson in Toronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gra- haft and Melvin at Mr. A. Rich- ard's, Toronto. . . Mrs. H. Reich- rath and Mrs. C. Turner in Osh- awa. . . Mrs. Gea. Law with ber brother, Mr. A. Harris, Cobourg ...Mrs. H. Reicbratb, Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner, Sidney Brown and Wllington Farrow attended a card party at Lake Shoro... Mrs. Freeman Clarke witb rela- tives in Osbawa. .. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lane and !amiiy at Mr. H. Reichrath's. Nestieton Mrs. G. Panke bas been sick and away fromn scbool. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Proutt and family with bis aunt, Mrs. Jas. Malcolm, Part Perry... Harvey Malcolm visited bis par- ents at Yelvortan. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wheoler and family witb ber sister, Mrs. Melville Henry, Rag- lan. .. Mrs. L. Joblin witb friends in Port Perry. .. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black, Jean and Dora, witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dickey. George Malcolm bas gone ta Darlingtan for the winter ta, work for Bruce Montgomery. Norman Samoils is working for Wilfred Bowles for the winter. Grant Campbell bas been sick and away from teaching. Miss Marion Thompsan was op- erated on for appondicitis in Port Perry. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Powers and !amiiy wish ta express ta their many friends their heart!elt tbanks for the tokens o! sympa- thy tendered themn during tbeir recent bereavement. 48-1 - Christian experience teaches !aith in the rîght and disbelief in the wrang. It bids us work the mare earnostly in times o! per- secution, because then aur iabor is mare needed. -Mary Baker Eddy County Temperance Federation Advocates Educational Program Durham County Temperance Federation met in Annual Con- vention in Port Hope, on Nov. 24. Norman Down presided and weicomed the delegates. Dr. N. S. McKechnie and Rev. George Rowland took charge of the de- votions. Chie! feature o! after- n000 session was a panel discus- sion led by Dr. C. W. DeMilie, General Secretary of Temperance Federation. Twelve questions were submitted to the audience which led to a fine discussion which was interesting, informa- tive and helpful. Dr. DeMilie stated, "The case i5 50 clear against liquor that we need not exaggerate."' In the evening Dr. DeMille ad- dressed the convention in an in- formal but forceful manner, on the work of the Ontario Temper- ance Federation in bis introdue- tory remarks and the work o! Temperance in particular as be- ing along the lines o! education- whîcb must be, tborough, legisia- tion-wbich must be wise, admin- istration-whicb sbould be virile. The speaker said "It is doubtful wbether any legîslation on our Statute books did as much good as the Ontario Temperance Act, The Act was discredited by its enemies and people believed the propaganda." He furiber stated, "That drinkers recognize mixed drinking as wbolly mad" and that moderato drinkers have express- ed tbemselves ta bim that they would vote it out. The other highligbt of the eve- ning session was the Public Speaking contest. There were tbree contestants fromn Port Hope, Phyllis Dean, Raymond Hutch- ings, Leslie Knott, and three from Orono, Robert Casey, Thomas Coatbam and Ross Boyd. The judges decision pronounced Ross Boyd as the winning contestant. Rev. S. Littlewood presented the prizes. The County Cup and an engraved silver plated tray was presented ta the winner, and $ 1.75 in War Savings Stamps ta al other contestants. The contestants ail did excellently, and dea]ing witb the Temperance questiiin from 50 many different angles in their addresses made this part of the programn not only a matter of entertainment but one of eniight- enment and inspiration. Resolutions Committee reported as follows: Durham County Tom- perance Federation annual con- vention express aur deep convic- tion that in the present struggle we are fighting the cause of human freedom. justice and good- will. We therefore pledge aur loyalty and support ta His Majesty The King and ta the Gaveroments of aur country ta the utmost. This meeting views witb grati- tude and appreciation every Terr- perance victory and every move of the authoritles, Federal and Provincial towards the restriction o! sale and consumption of liquor. Especially recognizing the work o! the Federal Govornmont which recently enactod that the present restrictions be in effect for the duration of the war. Whereas we believe that the beverage use of liquor is the arch enemny o! decency, froedomn and peace; That it is the destroyer of food- stuffs. material and buman if e: That it seriously binders aur war effort; That it involves tremend- o.!s financial lasses; That we re- cagnize that the increasing habit of social drinking is seductive and harmful ta the bealtb, marais and happiness o! aur peaple. Therefore be it resolved: That we express aur gratitude ta God for increased public recognition o! the dangers of the liquor traf- fic; That we bereby renew aur pledge ta press the fight against this evil; That we as a convention urge the executive ta take steps ta develop an educational pro- gram throughout the County. Officers are as follows: Hon. Presidents - A. L. Pascoe, Nor- man Down; President - Elvin Brown, Port Hope; Vice Pres.- M. H. Staples, Orono; Secretary - Rev. S. Littlewood, Orono; Treasurer - Russell Osborne, Bawmanville. Townships, towns and villages have their duly ap- pointed representatives and al ministers of the County are memn- bers o! the executive. Entbusiasm is the genius o! sincerity, and truth accomplishos no victaries withaut it. S PEEDING the production of vital war ~Jequipesent is this Edison Mazda 1Infra Red Drying Lamp. 8>' drying paints j and varnishes in a fraction of the normal time, it is cutting down delays SpEEDING WAR PRODUC. in the finishing of militar>' equipneen- TION-Edin Mazda Lamps fram tanks ta steel helmets, front land- "in action" quick-drying.tise mine cases ta ammunition boxes. On n lainoplant.mncae a dut>' in thse war plants todla>' Infra Red Canadan pant.Drying Lampi wili find mny 'peacetime uses-in paintshaps and foundries, in tihe homes and on the CANADA a s a L-93 h.& DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new changes of collection and delivery in your district. This is made neeessary by new government regulations whlch permit us tc, cover any one district one day a week only We will, therefore, bc ln Bowxnanville SATURDAY ONLY HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LIMITE» FOR ECONOMY Send your cleaning wlth your laundry PHONE -419 Lake Shore, Clarke i,ý H. & S. Association held a card party Nov. 24th. Red Cross met at Mrs. Bob h' staylig ar Hendry's, Nov. 24th. Three dozen hospital towels were hem- med. O . The school children are busy practisirig for their Christmas H T L tree. Modem, Mr. and Mrs. S. Powell with Firepmdo, g Mr. and Mrs. Art Bedwin attend- tum@.dfy ed the Bowmanville Commence- 16M ment, Wednesday night, when Mq Hazel received her Graduation Diploma and the Prof. Squair aS I@w as French Prize, $5.00 in books. $ 5er Visitors: Mrs. C. J. Mitchell and Bernice Brown with John ne hg. Mitchell in Port Hope. Mrs. John Mitchell is still in the hospital.. Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes inl To- â""' ronto. . . Dr. B. Murray at Mr. PuPOen John Hendry's. . . Mr. and Mrs. 0108 MAP W E. Wicks, Newcastle, at Mr. S. POWia.zeB. Powell's. .. Mr. and Mrs. C. FORNOMSCO Brown and family at Mr. L. Pat- ment 1 terson's, Orono. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cruise, Toronto, Mrs. Bob Pater- son and Mrs. K. Bail, Orono, at Mr. C. Brown's. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. Alldred at Mr. L. Alldred's, Iff Orono.

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