vo g )LUMPi,F.Q With Whlch Are Incorporated The BowmanviIe News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News BOWMANVîîjaE ('ONT-- 9'TTTgA'V - Press Criticized, Threatened Imps nortanate ddete Goodyear Co. Expansion lhssonre paper shortage has placed '- itt ios u~ortna t the Y At CC L ca P blc eei g press which prevents fllre - Pr gCBC W un er'he]Refused To r a c s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ports of high ly im portant w ~ Scoring' "djshonest thinking" endeavor. He predicted that the we present only an abridd Building is again under way at fi spee ahead, nw cnstuc the privilege of speak- mentW and m-r 3eentaton among edi- C.C.F movement was going account of John Baken's the Goodyear Tire & Rubber to a m ea ndtoday teloss ofhe mdi-et onro- ida tors of! e Globe and Mail, The through" and, with emphasis timely Hamilton address. In Company's plant and completion1 plant has 214,094 sq. ft. or 4.91 led, 'it was wîth this tatioulght m Evenîng Telegram, "and others" that i is going through in Bow- it he dealt on a high plane of a new wmg of the Cernent acre o cfor space and over 500 pulcl upote atoa in their attitudes toward the manvlle, ta." Referring to fi- wîth fundamental politcal House and Spreader Room will1 emp]oyees wîth 50 more needed Joh CF, Charles Strange, M.P.P.. nance hie said the C.C.F. was fot concepts and appealed for a not be held up by wnter weather a ocefr greater war produc- Bracken was accorded opportun- whch wudb î o ain0 Brantford, and lately apponted a fnancial institution nor was it sane rational, course for The addition is 80' long by 40'1 tion Wth present extensions it ty over a local Hamilton station free pepe Teyarahe Trade Union Sec'y, as well as backed by any, yet funds were andas future. Also in this wde and is of brick and steel ioud seeobvous that even Friday evening of outlining histheir tak ihareesngac urban organizer for the Ontario needed and a collection was taken issue is a fair report of a local construction, modern in every mre emplyees will be needed cniee pnino h ho fl p rjuceadiana ser C.C.., reviewed C. C.* F. pro- to meet expenses. He had, to, C.C.P. meeting. In the inter- particular. This is required for after te war. gram and achievements before an some literature and a book, "The, ests of public enlightenment cement mixing and spreading. There was, unfortunately, an futre oe aCnen Hsok teir1such a a elowen ena audience of 19 men and one wo- History and Policy of The C.C.F.," we suggest careful perusal of Synthetic rubber requires more employment hiatus occasioned by ftr ene . H pk nParty cneto. We l man at a "public meeting" in for sale ait $1.00. both reports. It is hiigh time time in mixing and equipment of the loss of crude rubber resourcesth annversary of his elevation ta were fnse h rgesv Union Hall, rear of Poole's CapitaIIsm Scored people developed a deeker greater mixing facilities has been ta the Japanese but gradually the national leadership of the Pro-sit Bakery, Tuesday evening, Dec. 7. Mr. ___________________ Plans a1conciosnes. rd re li dw fra w plan oyme aicretasedoroaluc- grethevname of the party. the word i "'T he press," said lhe, "should Plansn areeed islddr ss olticwl oforou nes . o der d.p la y n t o ad i ac opnorm a ue - s b e t w s " a a a M s h kno bttr; nî itelignt with: "The most popular topic of stoyuildng approximateîy 180' tion. Plant personnel fell ta a îow Choose" and he analyzed the poli- Presie" ocnfrrittt pIe aretterta ynedin c o the day is the C.C.F.; it ranks with Veea n T. Crwih y6'to accommodate the new of 312 in Dec., 1942, and the rapid constheg frgmiveprniesntwa ng peaeftt dtadcnrlthe war news." He heard it talk- cotnig fr o eret delierainte îyin gn impy aun- o his travels on trains and ol ts3 Tons of machinery and for storage. It is recovery within a year attests the poerinCaad.nac p1 h tachscmeaotiaaerD rn er understood that the Company is capacity of executives for organi- powrnceCandaacceptedmit inteirenplacde r.Stra e put te short space of il years. It for post-war production, realizing quirements. Post-war empîoy- his timely and poworful address. havetrvle thsDmno interpae" r tag sarase from sheer dîsgust, from the Without boasting or ostentation that all kinds of rubber products ment and production at the Bow- Lieut. Kenneth Summersford His appeal was for the presef.- from ccatt osviie yfl the second C.C.F. member to ex- depths of the depression; few ad ossenty refusîng public- wîll be n great demandafter thle manville plant seem well assured. Only son f Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wordofysterday and adoption tle îhte tterwr pudCCFdotieiDuhmescaped its effects and "I've had ity of any kind, Tom Cartwright, war. We neveeSprn Summersford, Church St., Bow- owhtibest in the world of cinsudwt thosnunfr Count since the election. Agnes my full experience of it." The well and widely known citizen of At the present time, require- tendent A. M. Hardy suggested re- manville, who received his cer- regim 0f .... tp -sn ed a recent meeting at Cno. gvrmn n poiinpî Bowmanviîe, has gone about the ments for Bogie wheels, suction organization of the Bowmanville tificate at the Canadian Army f - todayfuson h preparains Ihvlstndo little attentioneacontrasdesedetheopresentseinitheirftw ar tîmedtracenmngaand lie m gti g distress; didn'teinarou C am er of Co mecet toi fcesfTrinng Ceto a fu'- ro s ti altthrtr etraltfigue tfu cvilians,dnee;d eft elief a the-basi town for the past 7 or 8 years and other types for war use are on the public spirited citizens might im vi, o e. 1. en s omemoemetray and moe han e a ChimnNra .Sot, man- rgetly tomn- every pound and dollar of it has increase along with belting, rub- immediately to decide what i lIonD hopes and examîneda their beliefsl p e thn Ihav Caer o!therlarge.Booka cipalities. Construtve proposaIs been contributed to the upkeep ber heels, soles, tank fittings, etc. provements the town should have Camp Borden o cntnehi wnd n i p rit0fvngefulthecnito htfrrahn ager of the l rge B rookdale on teave.Cbeforeeproceedîng hto w illchngttJoh nakenaalcontieueintoaitss anhaveacspm eibacf reînforcede in Kingsway interests, and Mr. fth ... eeîn re .o is C uc. t J h ' Angli- Back in 1917 the tire manufacture and what might be done in regard trainin g h r o rd i pte c a d sry b y n The speaker stressed that the tan, of which he is an active and at the Bowmanviîîe plant was dis- ta greater and better housing fa- Corps.gwithteAr uedmpinc 0 esoy bod Strange. Other speakers were basic concepts f the C.C.F. were, respected member of the Men's continued and transferred t0 New cilities. hope f repair the good as well asocial system as opposed to Club Tom didn't wait for the Toronto. At that time the fac- Company employees here who as the bad to. Wich society had capitalism." He claimed that Government's Salvage Campamgn; tory had a floor space of 114,110 have joined up for milntary ser- fallen heir." Ale. alternative he capîtalism was an outgrowth of hie anticipated if by several years sq. ft., or 2.61 acres, wifh approxi- vice number 143 and fhree have Local -A. & P. Store offered the policies of his party the federal sysfem and as an ex- and asked no help of anyone. He mately 230 employees, and the paid the supreme sacrifice. M.thetwo exremes .aio com-e ample, fraced the history f the believes the Church is engaged in impression was that factory space Hardy said: "Post-war planin isNow ..f-Server toetoetee..." on Hudson's Bay Company, which as important war work and his con- would not be increased. But wifh the greatost thing needed in Bow- prehensive system of rafional re a feudal monopoly, debauched tributions have gone to a fine the local Mechanical Plant going manville foday." This week marks a change over form," and hie said: "Befween I n d ia n s w i f h r u m t o g e t c h e a p c a u s e . S o d o e s h is r e c to r , C a n o n ,l i t h s e v c y e m o t e l c a t e e t r e C n d a u t c o s ; furs, later to be soîd at fabulous Major C. R. Spencer. intesriessetfth oa hs he aadloa mshoose;a prce, nd te ~iaIths When found assembling his w staff of experts have been busy Saeoto amassed later returned from over- latest shipment f 3 tons, Tom m n h n e n cutr a dS aeCot l seas to exploit the m asses. H e de- claim ed he had lost track of the e r in ta h e C .F l e s id fined the cause of depressions as total sent sinchesafdbti Loca makinschanesbincounakean ce ie tatedbutitshelves f0 accommodate self-ser- Reeisng toteC.C.F. he sad monopoly cont ol of the means 0f was learned from others that cash a i n ., k rcae ta îprefeg. Cs idea ad he haT brrowd thopiaoveant living. The above was but one proceeds f $267.00 had been turn- Bolane an ne te is the lafest ings of ninefeent h century wrifers simple instance f monopolistîc ed over to the Church in 1943. A llD as u s e S o n te IU a lth P a s a d o e o h at o h & P a d w ss ei gt u h mi growth and domination. this patriotic and philanhropiceant ak h hne practice on Canadin soil. I Policy of C.C.F. work is done in spare tim e by a __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o h n a e k n 0 p t t em into The policy of the C.C.F. was man who is busy from morning ta Dr. McCutcheon, Secretary of plans which have been offered. It edBown vîl es A & Prwasesop en w o ngeaîdteista e f0a em outlined in the back of the book, night at numerous duties and at- the Modical Association of, On- would be paîd for by direct taxa- March, 1929, wif h Percy Williams and extend ifs authorify over all "Mae hi Y ur Ca ad." It tendance at meetings. Tom ish tion, would be supervised by the as m agr ndh hsetbih d things. Yet the prophecies of was easy to understand, there was now in his third year as President t~î,wsgetsekra Municipal bodies, would pay the a record for continuity of man- Marx, whom it venerates, have neither doubt nom confusion in if, of the Sons of England. He is the Lions Club meeting on Monday doctors' salaries 'and would have agement in this one store for close been disproved by the process of yet attempts were made ta dis- first man up in this town o'mor- night when the Post-War Plan- travelling clinies as well as sta- upon 15 years and is stiîî going fime. Wherever revolutionary credif if by use of "part phrases", nings and is busy lafe into the ning Commitfee had charge of fionaryC.hospitals, etc.srnwih eîwnpouaiymtodhveesoydhefbe divorced from the contoxt. The evening. Although a îittîe slower the program. Th ..Plan is almost iet The store iJohn Brackthefnocey aplcete ttei same could be done with the pf step than in pasf years, hie on- Dr. McCutcheon ouflined the ical with the above, or should we same number of employees. Cus- supreme confrol, the standard of Seriptures. but they stiîî prevail. oys good healfh and is a perfect various healfh plans whîch have reverse the order? tomers may now select personaîîy living has dropped, freedom has eom Wllfld BwlesThe early years of the C.C.F. were oxample of a rugged individualist. been broached and answered T7he present Provincial plan from an up-to-date stock which disappearod, and the shadow ofreo are e cesr forfe 'ifd olsdifficult but enlightenment came During the last war Tom served many questions which were asked being discussed would concen- carnes between 800 and 900 sep- the secret police has darkened the are f0 tredtera 0oxadn Wilfrid Bowes, Blacksfock, de- swiftly af fer Mr. Noseworthy's with the st Canadian Tunneling by the members. frafe first on hospitalization and arate items. threshod of every man's home. prdfuctolcelig scrt eatd .C.. anddae i te ltegreat victory in South York. This Company and with the 50th Regi- The Haggerfy Health Bill which then add the other featues later. The properfy is owned by T. H. "The 'Stafe,' let us remember, andefuo empomn;n fw provincial elections, and Se'y L. was folowed by. C.C.F. victories ment. The age limit prevented i en akdoe yteFd r cucenfî htteoKnight who for many years oper- is not always the embodimnt aref0selasfadlyriin ntin J. Nichols, Bowmanvile. Ah in by-elections where Stanley service in this war but the Carf- eral House, would give medical plans wero not pipe dreams but afed a grocery in the same the people. If is sometimes aalicminwchilayav s p e k er di~ p aye an ea nes nes K o w î s w n n W n ni e g or h w ig h f m il ca ry on h o n- ca e ta ev ry o n e . C o m m ittees w o u ld q u ite lik ely b e g iv n co n - p r om ises. It is in fer s fin g t o e- h an d fu l o f b u reau cra ts w h o co n - h eir ju s t h r . and sinc *y of - conviction in Centre and at Revostoke, B.C., tish traditions. Ho has one son would be formed starting wifh a crefe form nof later than nexf cal that prior f0 fhe original fr01 fhe rachinery of govern-PrsnoFee m vtheir belienand all were accord- whore both oîd parties were over- and a son-in-îaw ovorseas, a Dominion body, Provincial bodies spring. oBf gofthe A & P, Rev. D.W. ment. In facf, the more absolute In genealofieMmBrcn ed anattetivehearing. Mr. wheîmed. These gave tremendous nephew who has been a prisoner and regional committees. Af Dr. Birks infroduced the speak- Oen inf f'S austepwro h tae h oeelre Bowles discussed farm rbe s impetus f0 the C.C.F. movement of war in Germany for 4 years, present their idea is to pay for r and hoe was ably thanked by Chuîrch, c stp er 0f St. aun's e oe ti r om h Se the m o r e d belagd i s drs wf hs floor and ceiling prics, and the and so shocked old parties that and his wife, daughter and grand- this on a confribufory basis, but Pasf District Governor Crawford. Tommy' on a toùr of inspection of the more indifferent if becomes who wilI l yotatheny unfulfilled political promises fol- they set about rvision of policies. daughf r are engaged in war how if will be worked ouf as f0 Among the guesfs were the doc- the shining interior. Assuming f0 their needs. When the Stafe way f0 secuofj mlyeti lowing the last war. This time Mr. Strange referred f0 the work in a munitions plant. It is whether 'Bill' should pay more fors of the town and Orono, a Sgt. thaf Rev. Best had gone on home, is all-powerful, those who confrol f0 transferalpoutvpoe- things must be different and "no Conservafive convention af Port likely thaf Tom won't fhank the than 'Joe' is problemafical. of the R.A.F., from England, and landlord and manager departed. if are imnpatient of correction or ty and captle h wesi iaffer what party comes f0 power Hope and "Regina"? where a new edifor for this publicify but if is Thn the Whitton plan is com- Mm. Anderson of the High School But Rev. Besf was left behind, restraint, of criticism or investi- of the Staf.Teeisn«ob there are momntous problems f0 eader was chosen, a new policy a true story worth tlling and ing ouf as a summary of other, staff. having locked himself in the e- gation. When the State bcomes that al mnca eirnjb face" and we must face them now. înnounced. Ho oxplained Harold ought f0 be an inspiration f0ta _______________________________ frigerator. Saime time later hoe master. the people degenerate in- and a measur Press Crticsed Winch's declaration: "The C.C.F. others who applaud such wa- solved the interion combination f0 servants. This has proved f0a such a cooEtiesse Teei Ho scored the newîy creafod by the remark, "revolution doesn'f the example. 0f subsistencef underisi as ee tred paper, "Public Opinion,"and -nean violence, buf change, and, as J andLwthafrigd politness phned hthue cas wherev e afesoiatl-ao unr. lyen n rio stafed that, except for a reference llusraion, hoe referred f0 the In- Stolen Auto Rtecovered y Assisting Percy for some time in part she is now playing i h e rag f0 the new bacon price, if was dustrial Revolution of England the. store, was Robert Walfon, war But if was nof the Boîshe- f0 work m ngltfotneou wholly a diatribe against the which took place without vio- FudI in the don or aIn guardcastoeset each pnisforne C.C.F. "But," said h, "if the lence. The termi "militant" was 1w 011; amJ M e ting .finewcaste wiknwng or hisan irevuto wih ifsdenRia ofof ig ns. Buthsintwa Tory party wilI effect the pro- merely the opposite fa "dormant" Wleels, Tires and Chinese _________gnial prsonality. Ho was lafer sfrong; if was the industrial evo- economy,onthtwlgieua gram they have announced, 1'11 ýnd in that sense if characterizd Antiques Are Stili Informalîfy and conviviality, illnss. "Now I come f0 the big promoted f0 A & P Suprvsor lufion whih came f0 that country steadily inl ain aioa n vote for fh om ." H o believed tha f the C .C .F. B ut the opposition M ss ng anso h as V e r ashif e tu y l t n t a i i 0 c rn n u t di t i u i n o al parties agreo on the main idea seizd on the termi "militant" as ____ marked Frday's Rotary dinner. stf1 sad prceptor Mitchell, been inspector o! stores between the demnocracies. But neither what is pridcd n ewn of a btter world but the C.C.F. connoting violence, "but if A Chevrolt auto, the property The only formal feature was in- who called Len Eliotf and George Owen Sound and Kingston. Bb Communisrn nom industrialism, these things ihamnmmls has the more practical plan. "All didn't frighten the votons of of Mrs J. H. H. Jury o! Bowrnan- duction f0 mernbemship o! Mayor- James to take a bow on attaining has been in town for several days nor both together have succeed- of liberty. the weekly papers," said hoe, "are Brantford, tbey were more intel- ville, which was stolen on Sep- elecf C G. Morris. George Chase, 15 years perfecatednen assisting in the change in set-up. ed in giving the Russian.poople "There is ete iai o doant know" andho supoan d hI entI Thehe opening. tebann4,ouncomentre iof a the asrsidhigheadahstandard tte o!nelivingpninOannunflexibiliety hih intaaarsyfslving oherexbithe dend kof Tommydh upre h e .. Labels Defined swamp near Dagmar, wes f ~aps rsdnra h e enviable record indeed. change over in the store appears the average, as the lowesf paid impulse toa rdc onsfo thtasttmnt0 wnrbpand Te speaer believd thatPt, Myrtle, on Saturday affemnoon, by member's pledge while the candi- Speeches were demanded. Said on another page. section of the people o! Britain." the contrean istnnjtd backing of al papers should be od parties in their fesh profes- two Oshawa mon who wee ouf on date stood and the Rotary Code of George: "My plume may be a Hyphenate Groups fhrough oess amnsrtv bamed for public inspection. "But sions o! reform, were merely seek-a rabbit-hunfing epdto. Ehc was presented by Frank litf le wbiter but my enfhusiasm ions I ate hrcoig o ord n we cannot get away fmom the in af save capitalism, the same James Connors, one o! the mon Morris, the new membem's father, for Rotary romains undirnmed. If the pesent governmenf ho said:yrecbstefme an te power of the press, al we ask is as in the political history of the who made the discovery reported also a pasf president. The Rotary Faue o m nil e el pltc emte ie n faim reports, the duty f telling the old country. Wat Canada neecs the find f0 the Provincial Police Badge was pmsented by past prs- as been a real pleasure to ho a Featurges tomnvîeaPecm a poltcs predmnr and the workeelin.oShe trut... unfain reports simpy get is a policy f0 abolisb povonfy. Un- and investigation disclosed that idnt Dave Morrison. Present Rotarian and my connection wi h Prize Gardens among diffeent sections of our advantage !temaiu n undor my hide." employment ifisurance doesn't the auto was the properfy of Mrs. were the seven remaining charter the Club has been the greatest people because if sought f0 apply ergy, skill,enrpieadngu M. Bowles urged that thee solve unemployrent and the dole Jury. Shortly affer the tire o! members of the Club whicb was xperience of my life. Hoe we Feafured in the Lion, an impos- local remedies f0 local hurts and ify Of al thepol n h on must be an improved position for defeafs initiative. During war, the the!t, in Sept ember, a license oganized in January, 1924: F. F. gef f0atindorstand real fellowsbip ing, high class magazine publîsbed was laggard in doing oven that. try. farmer and laborer or we can labor had leaped f0 serve but had plate belonging to the auto was Mrris Dr. J. C. Devitt, T. H. and I have tied to reciprocate the in Chicago as the official orgari of Tac many of us have been think- Patet Dlso h a v e n o r o s p r i t a n d h o u o f d , r ç o i e d l f f l c r d i fan d f ss hafo n d n au tsh a aib u cs i c e ht o n n io f .rF e d a n sen eIDa vego on aht iif h a s d o n e m e .nHo t hl unt e n a t i n a l L i o s C l b s , i s i g a d v o i n g n o a ssa n a i a n s " T i s a d d e amTfia u nimr s as an instance o! unfairness the terests must be safeguamdod affer no othen trace o! the missing Mrio, George Chase and recalled bis initiation and romnem- an article by Ed. A. Summers, but as membons o! some group- transformedinoodedp- surplus buffer market and how the wam. Bennett had said ho vehicle had been found. When George James. bored thaf one of ifs cardinal Agricultumal Ropresentativo for idusfnialisfs, farmers or other fection by acmife0fvyor prics wemo controlled. Ho gave would end unmployment but had found the car was well-hidden, The new member expressed his fenets was regular attndance. Durham County and agriculfumal workers; Wesfernes, Easterners, dinay humanbig sntol credif to the Federa ion of Agri- only deepened i. A capifalist deliberately, in. a swampy section apprciaion by being onored Len recalled thaf hoe had entered director of local Lions Victory Mariimers or British Columbians; a patheticdeuinbtfhod culture for good wonk done but if controlled party was impotent, of the fernîtomy and if had been and happy f0 bocome associated the Club jusf fhree monfhs affer Gardons. Accompanying t h o as French-speaking, English- ouf possibilifiso ofupes cannof go far onougb; onîy a Thoso who finance if really con- screened by evergreon boughs wifh Rotary. If was the desire o! George and said: "I wouldn'f have article is a picture o! Bowmanviîîe spoaking or other language Can- ant kind.Ifayguphod poitca ogaiztin anberel-trl t.eut and placed over the car. almosf evoryone, hoe said, f0 do missed if for a lot, indeed I have boys and girls grouped before adians. This is all wrong. No- ever ho givenappla adt ly effective. Ho prodicfed if Tumning f0 attacks made on the AIl five wboels and tires and some good in the community and become afraid to miss attondance. overflowing baskets o! vegefables fhing whicb is bad for the hive is f0 try and mak frata ru eithr o!thef ldt prtie wee reaC.CF.,sm. Srane sad fist. hey he arohtnsryne tole of theRotay oferedoppttunty f bif ecoms prtaot ones lie" ad tey gew tasndmmonwif Edoroodfor he be, ahoue whch i woud sortl conentiate nor turned f0 power we should have were cl e Rds" thn Russia car and a quantify o! valuable that end as did lodges, churches, hoe suggsfed thaf thought for new in the background, minus a at divided against itself will fal. A mous power i f w ad.I the "Stafus Quo" and a rturn f0 went into the war and that was and cheished articles, Chinese chool clubs, institutes and as- mmbers. Ho had missed once or and waring his Vicfory smil. sane and clear approach f0 the would thnbcoemsdiiut the lasf post-war xpeinces. Ho dopped and The Globe and Mail antiques, brought frorn China sociations gneraly. Ho oped fa twice in is arly monfhs, "but," In is article Ed. fells how Bow- basic task o! mobilizing our e- for the elecfe ersnttvso made no prediction as f0 the ouf- used the prefix, "socialists," but only a fw months ago, and per- do is besf f0 live up to the Ro- hoe concluded, "I'm going f0 ho at manville Lions nlisfed the n- sources, otb human and material, the people to eemn hi w corne o! the next federal election that didn't disfurb electors on sonal articles, gloves, etc, are also tary Cde O!Ethics. President Rotary a long time yf"tuis !7 ado lb mmIilg a t w r e oigtee dsfn r~ nmlte Sae butcocluedwlt te wmnngAug. 4tb. Next, because the isng Thewrenthrar AytuCoard extended formaI Presîdent Hardy paid spocial bers hetween 12 and 18 yoars of sectional misundensfandings and "We, incomn ibou thaf "change must corne." C.C.F. was a socialist party, na- o! the car at the time o! ifs thef. congratulations and the Club's fribute to the 15-yean mon and an- age. The Club distributed 50c local hardships. nihobt tina i sop, he er trmd elom.nounced thaf noxf Friday a packages o! seed f0 each member "The more we can decenfralize fellow nationso h riihCm Carmalun PScott comlaedHfeusdfrbsarythinatnaceps"0 National Socialists, the same terni Women's Auxflary Len Mitchell prosented "perfect spocial Chistrnas message would and Put up $24.00 in prizos for administrative functions, the rmonwealth, aeqikyrah thaf "We o! the C.C .F. used to be ference being that tey were Doing Splendid W.iI< One year's attendance without a Club bowling rerdswr n ooortn eeHg Sho esalho hr a adl eeal eogie hta n foo: Ml. ouned y Ln Mtchll ithin-Pricipl L W.Dipoîla-dPuNahoasp.so wihinsoud o myternis mut b mae f cofor laws in the min ds o a y" Ho to s e k r eie h tr raiedi'e.f94, te Dl, o. Dp ol, Bb-e e s,-ffin fr m m es f0tm uIiclh o rncpl A d ho p oc Wo bs nt hd-es nl f te hg et soil g o. W - -- .-- . 1 YJ. AÂ U A J, "IN 1. , fL)..fla.V.f '- r-.; \1111- BER'*th, 1943 r eo