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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1943, p. 6

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j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~> '..B T E A L S R I E - i y m r e h t t e a a - a l e e n n s m h c o m m un6' 1 , " 'i t y , W g r o u n d s o f W i n e , R o s e , Or c h i d , P e a c hm e t b u i n t e y u i s p c o . igain for advantage. W a m ust ex- l t us c h accoptvforehis owin pect the Government ta harmon- partthe responsibilities which Blue, Green, Turquoise. rcsfo - TO TROOPS IN ITALY ize the conflicting interests fau shudgwihte enjoym eaisePrcsfm Large e (approx. 85x10) 10O t $ 5 Enlse $..community, so that abundance, rights. And finally let us requireto Encose i $ .. .. ........... Kingston, Dec. 14: la order ta not scarcity, may be our portion. of aur Government that it har- E,,Is i;j imprve the service on parcel The second is that the needs f mniz i the variaus elements andnespaper mails ta Canadian the average man cannot bc fuily of the community and fashion Sigatue f sndr toop i Itlyand the Mediter- satisfied by the creation af a vast ithemn into a vigorous, ca-aparating -gn M osn"rrnen Thete af War, an officer and cntrally controlled adminis- society fo the general better- ' I L. e se»Uprint fflca ~and eiLht ther ranks af the Can- trative machine. Every man and1 ment of al.1 AL EST RId%. (Please print paimly) adian Postal Corps, are being des- woman who is taken out af pro-1' "Along this road and this road _____patched to a United States' city ductive employment ta join the onl , in my judgment, shaîl wa O M N I L ~through which a large portion of army of civil servants and adn- fnith at measure of security, the mails for the U.S. Armed istrators that such a system re-1 prosperity and contentment which -.- Forces is farwarded. quiras is an added burden on the is aur just portion in this lifa." A r I PAGE ___SIX_ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TU Blac stoc Canpbe, BOvrilli, xoave rs v ol- ______n Speech - eait with how the national plan Black tockCampbll, rilarinwhForumsol-is to be financed . We were ta unarlygienthirtie o ed (Contlnued from page 1) State whether taxation such as Sympathy is extended ta Mr. Cross work. Mrs. McKenzie spoke standard of living which is pas- 7 and Mrs. Alex Gilbert on the on Prisoner-of-War boxes, con- inan1a o1otiutossc death of his father, Jo i W illiam tents, shipment, etc., and her chief sible nly if a l the talents, the SHAW 'S FORUM as m oe e-mîoer contribu- c 7 vgor asempoye-emloyr G IFTbu Gilbert, at St. Paul's Hospital, topie was of an emergency reserve vgr the experience and thetoystenfrumpyeti- SHOPPING DAYS Vancouver, B.C., aged 76 years, course in omne nursing. Mrs. powers of leadership which areF Twenty - two attended the surance would be fairer. F Ron Dec. 12. Campbell, RN., told of er work everywhere discernible among orum on Monday evening. Mrs. The majority agreed that a tax E S y m p a h y i e x t n d e d t a M s. i n t h e 5 0 - m l e a e a a ou n u r p e o p le a r e g iv e n th e w id e s t W r ig h ts o n W ig h t , c o n v e n e r , o - o n o e w u d b a r r b t i R.W.(Td)Malo ad amly Oian theach-i Hoe usigpsble scae. t hsroenned ducted an interesting discussion would be very difficult ta put f R. W (Td) Mrlo an famlyOriliateahingHom Nu sa psibleat tose th buybead at on the Planning of Canada's fully into practice. Some thought Nestletion, in the sudden passing and the eme adttthswobubrda rgency course. the price of liberty will be cheated Health. The World War No. 1 all should pay equally regardless G IFTS of Mr. Marlow on Dec. 7. These officers were elected: 0 ah awakened ur citizens ta the ser- of incare. Net eein, ani3 Miss Marion Hill with Mrs. F.Hn Prs-Rev Creighton 'Many paths ta pragress are iaus condition of the health amaong at Chas. Osborne's. .-------- - - - Thoso ad nn, etrbro. *Devitt;, Pres.-Miss Vera Farder; Ytuepae n h aea the rural population. __________ ThmsonEadParreatende theV«cePres.-Archdeacon Simpson; mankind ought flotta be etit e ebr r adal n RSCM N IRRST ,5 lcsh Bell TelePane conenodintae Sec'y - Mrs. Herman Hooey; ed ta the mauld of some present vited December 20, at the school. S ln Gift Cases ----$-6------------------- roB ell a.poecnvnini o Treas.-Mrs. A. L. Bailey; Audi- social theory devised in cloistered This will be the third and last Soin ------o-4 troMsnWtoi.a, r.selsonb osalgru f in- of the series leading up ta the Mr. Go.Joli was in the village Frank Stinsan; Work Cam.-Mrs. tellectuals. It has nat yet been cliaigDmna iesm- YPU e odyeeigCHRISTMAS SMOE e eclSt .095 Tuesday and taok Mr. S. Jeffrey V. M. Archer, convener; Miss Eva demonstrated that intellectuals mar-y derived fromn the forum with Bruce Taylor, Missionary CiaetsadTbcoP ta Toronto for the winter months. Parr, Mrs. Earl Dorrel], Black- have a monapoly of widsom. findinga. Convener, in charge of the pro- CgZt~ n oac es- .741 SeBlackstock-Egypt Farm Forum stock; Mrs. Jas. Farder, Miss Ruth "The Progressive Conservative gram. Devotional and topic were i 50's and %-1b. Pkg.SHVN BO I met at Roy Taylor's an Monday Prout, Nestleton; Mrs. Fred Toms, Party believes that the Gavern- PROVIDENCE FORUM presented in story formi with Mrs. -Order Now- 3c-975$12 night. Mrs. Russell Coates, Purple Hill; ment should bridle the strang and Wes. Yellowlees, Gladys Yellow - ________Oum____________________ Service at St. John's Anglican Mrs. T. Samells, Mrs. R. C. Brown, see that their strength is turned The Forum met at Harvey lees and Margaret Flintaff taking------- - - - - - - Church was held on Sunday after- Cadmus; Mrs. Garnet Wright, ta useful account: shauld lift up Barrie's. Our discussion was, part. SHA VING CTXMNYHI noon and will be held in the Mrs. Richard Wall, Egypt; Mrs. the weak and give them the "Gavernment Health Plan." Ail Visitors: -Mr. and Mrs. Ralph UE afternoon throughout the winter. Russell Harron, Caesarea. means ta help themselves; and agreed that everyane shauld be Ormiston, Joan and Garry, Maple BRUSHES SETS ELTRSE did in Torouie. 3,eldst __________ that it should do those things for included in the health plan as Grave; LAC Walter Ormiston, 59e to 4.25I 35c to 6.00 1.75 -19 9-.018 daue nr onheto ec.ThomaIst the people at large which can this would give a better standard Malton; Miss Ella Hoskin, Osh - ______________________________ liar and ouis atWel Fergui- l better be done by the State than of health acrass the country. awa, at Tom Baker's, Jr. . . Mr. w4w44qAm Vv---1------N J q q lIC Ynuu li ntemn t at Cs a d mrus - G o e by any single element within it. Hat dc th s erlan, andr.TmBkrad Gi a E' ITDTAELN CSS lc rbonw Let ~ Heson.CImter î as rsa t an- r.an s.Ma reilBuee otn atro savr r-adMrs. Ralph Davis, Mr. and bedeetrlie ad rugtthe rnie measure. The doc- Maurice Baker's, Georgetown. . . zipper fastenig --------------------$8.95,----- Inth abituary o r.Sa- M.adMs acl rjrmr ietyu e hecu ta tr in the district should be a full Miss Lena Taylor, Bawmanvilîe, fO K . h a fSws aee we rg et Ro nt ad an J hn T ro to a of the people who are g verned, tire doctr showing no favoritism at M r. E. R. Taylor's. . . M r. andME ' RO L P K TS 0F HA I- - - - - - -- $3 9 B O O K S . . . th e n m e of rs. C l re n c e ar- R o t. J ar ie's.a n d th a t a l rg a n iz e d e le m e n ts t a a n y . T h e h o m e n u rsinig W u ld M s a m n n h s i s E l New fiction, Current events, iaw (Agnes Swain) was amitted Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Miss Betty in the community should be given need sorne reservatian wih t as Milîson, Toronto, at Mýr. E. Mill------------------ - Biograply, Boys' and Girls' amang the survivors. Snawden attended the 25th wed- an oppartunity ta participate in sorne people think they are sick son's. . . Miss Dorothy Hainer, EVENING IN PARIS MENSSAIGST Books, Picture Books, Ct Red Cross Annual Meeting ding cellebration for Mr. and Mrs. the determination of policy. when they are nly spoiled. If Mr. Arnold Smith, Oshawa, at12-22Buknam . -98 Outs and Painting Books Cartwright Red Cross held their Norman Pingle, tawn, Saturday OgnzdLaorfthe ol ir w trth i h n hey r-M.To.Bkrs efm ---- .522 Mi res. J. A c rh ur n Sips ng Mr. Fred Stevens has been con- Labour, for instance, should be should be resp nsible for al ex- Bath Sa ts ------------ 1.00 Col aes - -- 1 0 STATIONERY Vi e-es. Ahcdeaong ipan fined ta his bed with a severe more fully organized for its own penses. The majarity in aur b n z rTieSts-----1.5o400e Attractive Boxes, White and Assist. Sec'y Miss Vera Farder cold, several athers have been protection, and the gaverning carnmunity feel the dactor shoulde e erTltSts..115a400 Woby'-- -29 Colored Stationery read the minutes. Mrs. A. L. sent ta bed with the flu. body of labour given nat anly be paid by salary so0lhe wauld------------------------------------ --~ 25e ta $3.25 Bailey gave the Treasurer's repart- rights and pawers, ut respansi- practise the preventive measure Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. R. R. showing a substantial balance on bilities. And workers should have rather than the curative plan. Gay and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Harry ENLARGEMENT SPECIALS CHIA A D LAS -~ ~Mrome vDrrli.amBur en management Also he wouldn't be inclined ta Gay with Mr. L. Jackson, Bow- CHN N L S hn.Ms al orlJmthrough joint labour-management move ta a mare wealthy district. manville. . . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pleture size 4x6 inehes i folder2fr9 A new shiment of rystal2haey hadtien shippe oversea production committeles. This is The salary of the doctor cauld be Rundle and children, Toronto, Pietare size 5x7 nhsspcafo A e himn f rsa hnyha enshpe aesa nly just, for Labour cannat exist raised by taxation, for one with Mr. A. Rundle...Ms oi itr 'z Inehes, spalÜtforà - - 9 a Table Glass. thrugh the c-operation of var- W.A. met Thursday afternoon withut access ta capital equip- method. Then there right be a Cryderman with her paeMiDris.euesz x nhs antfae--------9 iaus organizations throughout the in the church with a good atten- ment; and it is not reasonable that carnbined way f taxation and and Mrs. L. prdrarnts, .Mr. PICTURES AND township with the local Red dance. Rev. J. A. Plant tok such capital equiprent should be cntributory system. The taxatin and Mrs. Jack Gay with her par- This store wiIî be open until 10 pm elnn rdy MOTTOES. . Cross.. charge of the meeting in the ab- sa utilized that the opprtunities rethod fr people wha are per- lents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar M- Dcme 7 ni eebr2 Mrs. Herman Hoey, Prisoner- sence f the president, Mrs. Plant, for productive employment are manent residents and the ther Quade, Cadmus. .. Tpr. Bob Muir, Dcme 7 ni e Floral and Seenieaf- W ar c nv enr ire farte th at M rs. T. B ai ey gave a B ible read- curtailed rather than expanded. systern for those changing from L ondon, spent four days' leave - -- - $20 adben en i fr heing and Mrs. J. Carter read a But if these rights are freely ac- place ta place. People should be with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. GAMES ... Prisner-of-War boxes. Mrs. A. Christmas stry. Reports of the corded ta Labour, then Labour required ta register under the Muir, Sr. . . Pte. Grdon Vinsn, Phone O L u n u O EPop For the whole famnily. Spe- L. Bailey reparted for the Blaod year were read and these officers must accept the respansibilities health plan and the dactor ta send Camp Borden, with Mrs. Vinsan elal "Dealer" game Donars who gave donations at elected: Mrs. J. Plant, President; that go with them. If Maniage- an accaunt of work accamplished . .. Pte. Wilfred Brown spent the CO95 Dellvery _____Oshawa Clinic. Miss Janet Wat- Mrs. J. Gill, Vice Pres.; Mrs. F. ment is ta be held chiefly respan- ta a central arganization. There week-end with Mrs. Brown and I on gave a report of Home Nurs- Caughill, Organist; Mrs. J. Carter, sibie for maximum employment, were 28 at aur meeting. Next children. . . Mr. Walter Snider, CHRISTMAS5 CARDS, CAL- ing ciass. Missianary Convener; Mrs. T. then Labour must share the re- meeting at C. A. Wight's. Jarvis, with Mrs. Snider and ENDARS, GIFT WRAP- Wark Canvener, Mrs. V. M. Bailey, Bible readings; Mrs. W. spansibility for ca-ordinating the- children. . . Mr. Harold Wilkins Archer, reported that 1198 articles Hoskins, Secretary, and Mrs. A. efforts of bth. S.S. NO. 4, DARLINGTON and Mrs. W. Brown and children PINGS, TAGS, AND had been shipped ta Red Cross Aldred, Treasurer. Mrs. Dan Mc- "It is a mst ironicai paradox- with Mrs. G. Balson, Hampton. also honored at a shower given w*thsirnthormesrvc SEALS warehouse. Taggart was presented with a that the Party whih I lead is In ur meeting n Dec. 13 at Mrs. H. Osborne wýith Mr.. db y Miss Elsie Oke and Miss Rsina wil pariîaei h ahds At this point Archdeacan Simp- loveîy eîectric toaster. She has striving ta create a co-aperative Lloyd Crago's, we discussed the Mrs. G. Osborne, Ajax. .. Mr. and Edgar.i son toak the chair. Two piano been a faithful warker and is Commonwealth, while rnast of "Gavernment Health Plan." These Mrs. J. Arnott, Taunton, with Brotherhood banquet is repart- Thde crpn' rpoeswr lai * îairselections (duets) were given by leaving aur cammunity. Mrs. F. thase who parade under the ban- benefits may or may nat be in- Miss Aura Osborne. ed in another column. vat(ed iia opnainls Mrs. Jabez Wright and Mrs. Gar- Caughill was also presented with ner of the Ca-opei'ative Common- cluded in a national health in- Chimney fires threatened the er J.I .WEN L omerngby rs. n, Fe H atndan 8dy okfrle atflwat eeainaeadvocating surance scheme: (a) Curative homes af Mr. Archie Muir, Jr., and A&PEPOEST E «BIG 201 readîng, What Have You Done other occasions which has been advacating it as a time when haîf tive measures including regular ta the high winds. ADDCMESTO h PHONE 556 Todaý,?> by Mrs. Florence Craw- appreciated by ail Several quilts a million citizens of the British examinatians, learly diagnosis of A number of girl friends gath- integral ato hitaiyn fr.were given ta be quilted and a Empire have given their lives ta disease, immunizatian against ered at the home of Mrs. Harry Toronto, Dec. 13: Additianal less than, eFteho fGd Arheao Smsn nrou-dainty lunch was served. destroy the hçrrible results which communicable diseases, pre-natal Worden, Ajax, when Miss Velma compensation totaling approxi- and ta eyteaeiools ed the guest speakers, Mrs. Mc- Thursday evening, Dec. 9, follawed the creation of State and post-natal examination; (c) Pearce, brîde-elect of this manth mately $1,250,000 will be distri- infidelthnadeyhete. friends gathered in the chiirch and Socialism in Europe. Nursing care in the home; (d) was guest of honor. Her girl buted ta emplayees of the Great-ymnAbt presantad Mr and Mrs. Dan Mc- Socialists Sineere Hospital cara; (e) Dental cara; friands presented hier with a Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company ____ Taggart with an electric iran, hot- (f) Eye examination and treat- matching crystal water pitcher, before Christmas, it was annaunc- Fort plate and hed lamp, pen and pen- "The word 'Nazi' is an abbrevi- ment; (g) Health education: (h) gass eihds n ra n dtdyb onA atod hyw cil and a hillfold. A nicely word- ation of National Socialism. The Physical fitness pragram. sugar. Games were enjayed and presîdent. bahneeh; antiiohrn eaddress was read by Mr. Nel- political motives underlying its The only one of these benefits la dainty lunh was served by Mrs. Ail A & P employees through- not ashaetocîthmbt- son Hudson and the presentation creation wera different from and which the graup thought should Worden. Micss Velma Pearce was out Canada and the United States ren.-Hebes23 was made by Mrs. F. Caughill and incomparably worse than thase be omnitted was home nursing. It Mrs. L. Gatchel. Bath expressed Which inspired the formation of was felt that this benefit might be their appreciation for the loveîy the Socîalist Party in Canada. I buad Ta any nurses would ~ gifts. A goad pragramn was given do not accuse aur Socialist friands bbe'requýired and an aiready ex- cansisting of community singing of insincerity. I merely point out pensive plan wauld be still more TRE STTESM Nled by Rev. J. Plant and accom- that State Socialism cannat brook expensive. IvIAES POPLARpanied by Miss Ruby Bailey on political apposition, and that, once T MAXS APOPLARthe piano; a duet by Misses Jean in power, it always mayas swiftly The second question was, "Do Mitchell and Isobel1 Rahm, Ennis- toward dictatarship supported by you think everyone in Canada YEBAR-R.OUND GIFT kle;pao n to nfarce. should be covered by national kilien:"pianoandgreushorga health insurance or should people solo by Mr. W. Haskins; dut by "TePrgesieCnservative the Cook sisters and also Viola Party is nat looking in the direc- aboya a certain incarne level be Adams and Ruby Bailey; read- tion of dictatorship for the means exempt?" If it is a national plan ings by Mrs. W. Hoskins and tai raise the national incarne and it should include everyone. Hazel Aldred. « Lunch was serv- bring a greater measure of secur- Question 3 dealt with whether ed and ahl bid farewell ta Mr. and ity and prasperity ta the average under a national health plan doc- ... : *- wIu Mrs. McTaggart befare îeaving Canadian home. We believe it tr etitecsaold eTh PFK0XIF11EMTO EWFUil T for their new home in Part Perry. wrang ta stir up hate and discord byufe stinysr or ary e. i Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Herb and set class against class. We quetin ws uc dicuse MeLughinOshwa t M. J beiev tht te pwerof heThere were thought ta be two M c L a g h h i O s h w a , t M r J . a l i e a t h t t h P o w r o f t h e e v i l s i n b at h m e t h ad s . I f a s s u r e d - - - - - - -.-- ~- . -- . . - . McLai.ghlin's. .. Mr. Ed. Cochrane Stata should be used ta pratect theofaslri sthutte and family, Oshawa, at Mr. E. weak against the strong; but of a slaryigt ntwias a t the Adams'... Mr. and Mrs. C. Rahm, also hold the view that te factary service. On the ather hand LA I S L TSESM nsB o d a n d f a m il y , M r . a n d M r s . G e o r g e s t r e n g t h o f t h e s t r n g a n d a l t h e i fS ' M e n ' s B r o adh el o t h S h i r tsh Ramadfamily, Union, at Mr. accumuiated heritage of ex- no if ec paidb estendator miight H. Rahmn's. ..Mr. Alden Hubbr eineadaIth eletb o e 0eac.9patient8sufficien8 W anted G ift ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b ardp hich rvteet;;shstime in rder ta treat more pa- $29 an Awat d lf ith friends in Oshawa. îshed machinaryofadaminustra- tet n e oefe.Hw ----set up should be preserved and its lever it was agreed that under the VERY POPULAR GIFTS operatians made to armn national plan t ha salary methad E e y W e i th Y e rPress Criticized twthth pighest social good waud be better. The majority of White, self colours, and prinr-d patterns <Continued from page 1) and with a minimum of reguîa tao no refuse -o help hs unable ar jlddi hsatrcieasrmn A Gft ubsripionta he tatsinn! co- wra rvnped. DesteyaTlriesyThe second lpart of question 3 of sheers, crepes, pique and spuix rayon. / A Gif Subcripion o TheStatsman Apun-sry i ng where penaltiesann The speaker predicted that Mr. "If the people are prepared ta ogadsotsevdsye.Szs1 stant renunder of your sentiment and a constant Coldwell wauld be the next Prime abandon themsalves ta the guid- back of the farmers and ather t ong46nd thgop t evd tyi l.is 1 souceof nfrmtio, musmet nd dua-Minister of Canada and his first ance of whomsoevar pramises workers; for the bureaucrat and soure o infrmaion amuemet an edca-step would be ta contraI the fi- most and demands least, they his legions must be fed and hous- or prices. tion. More and more folks are doing it every nancial setup as rapresentad by will sink into moral lethargy and ed, clothed and transparted; yet banks and insurance companies. be exploited by ruthless masters. many of tham cantributa nothin------------ - - year. An easy-to-order subscription costs only "We would prevent the peopie's For thare is no advantage in just ta the necassities of life. $2.00 for a year. Just fi in the handy arder people." Key industries would that we must destray. It mattars I suggast, must be decentraliza-Ch n also came under contraI, but thare little whether that tyranny is ta tion, nat centralizatian; ca-apera- C e il e D e d blwadmi t el edaGfMe-wauid be fia "bed to breakfast" 1be fonin innilofcsnStton ottaedtaonexn- M a wý / IJ6

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