ObiuaiesWedin Marvellous Work Done DsusFr Labor PG EE SOhILne 663 esWeddi ok paceoneat-Cross Society hrae&Pout n SOCALAND) PERSONAL MRS.JAMES MARTIN Th ELLIOTT.HICKS omn =Elizabeth n Matn eo e Th e d n o k pa eo a - pio eso a acl co mt tu e wl eflyds us tt e i4 wife0f James Martin, passed urday afternoon, Dec. 11, at King tee, Canadian Red Cross Society, Dominion-Provincial conferences a w a a t h e r r e s d e n e, h ir S t , S r e e U n t e d C h u c h , O s h w a, o f h a s a n n o u n c e d th a t .u s t u n d e r to b e h e ld n D e c e m b e r in O tta w a , Corporal Grace Hall, R.C.A.F. accompany he ubn ak ta Bowmanville, Dec. 11, aged 53 Gladys Norma, younger daughter7,000fodpresorrin-w nthagcutalrdcin (W.D.), Toronto, was home over Vernon, B.C., where hie wilî be years. She had been in iii health of Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks, ta ers of war had been packed at programn for the coming year wifl Gnr. Raymond Rosehart, Hali- Owing to the fact that the Bow- Born in Northshie]ds, England, and Mrs. W. Len Elliott, Bowman- (Montréal, Toronto, Hamilton, relations conference at Ottawa fax visited his sister, Mrs. Wray manville Pire Department fire daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James ville, Rev. J. V. McNeeley offici- Windsor, Winnipeg) since the full recognition was giveri ta the Mcèready, this week. truck is now undergoing emer- Brand, deceased came ta Canada ating. cmecmn fpcigi rec ftelbrstaino A1 soe NaorTo gency repairs, the Oshawa 'Fire 30 years ago and took up résidence The bride, given in marriage by January, 1941, up to October 31, the farms and the accord reached'I A w eekoelnd olidayoronto, Department is"standing by" ta in Bowmanviîîe. Her first hus- her father, was îoveîy in a gown 1943. on the general principles under- spent a we-n oia with protect the property of Bowman- band, Richard Tait, was killed in of ivory chiffon velvet fashioned Report by Dr. J. T. Phair, chair- lying the labor code in war in- bier parents, ville citizens. The Oshawa fire- action June 2, 1916, during the on princess lines, with long, full man, national blood donor com- dustries in connection with coin-ShpngA te Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Corbett men have been "on call" for Bow- First Worîd War. skirt and deep yoke of chantilly mittee, showed that 417,865 blood pulsory collective bargaining, were week-end guests of Mr. and manville siftce Monday morning In 1925 she married James Mar-lc xedigit her cloe-fit- dnatons hal eni received at compuîsoyan prhbitaion thfdefin- Mrs J. Corbett, Toronto. and, of course, are hoping they'll tin. She was a member of St ting pointed sleeves. HrforRdCosciisfo aur to n rhbto fufi CPI bamn Stewart, Vterans not have ta make the long run ta Paul's United Church and hier length veil of illusion net was ta, October 31, 1943. Contribu- practices and adequate machinery Guard, Zingston, spent the week- Bowmanviîîe on a coîd day. chief interest was her home and caught with a head-dress of tions during September numiber- for the enforcement of the code JI end wM i his family here. MisGay-ics hs a family. matching lace in poke bonnet ef- ed 53,496, during October 60,415. may be taken as a good amen for~ leO MisGay ikwoemrfect. She wore the groom's gift, Dr. Phiait stated that the week of co-operation of Dominion and - M. J. Gibbs was called to nage ta Mr. Blain Elliott of Bow- Besides hier sorrowing husband a jade finger ring, and carried October 25 set a Dominion record provinces on the less complicated Wineir ai Monday, to attend the manville, took place on Saturday, she is survived by two daughters, a cascade of silver star mumis and with a total of 16,297. He report- but not less urgent problems of frealof his brother, Jack Gibbs. was guest of honar at a number of Mrs. R. Evans (Bella), Bowman- udea das htSrm Sprtn etn dqaehl narc L UV ELY DRI S Mis eenPrthad fTh renutalpates isses Eileen ville; Mrs. Ross Rombough Miss Eileen Kervin attended the Centres had been opened at the ture. New aims in the production Statesman staff spent the week- and Kathleen Kervin were hos- (Anne), Toronto; two so rdnsmiso ooadhr nvriyo Mnra n h will also be befone the December FOR CHRISTMAS PARTIES$l5.$9 end with relatives in« Toronto. tesses at a personal shower and James and Allan, at home and two twbine s ister oKaheno, adbries- University of Albertalan(dmo-cnernethteetblsmn Mr s Fred dgteman erit, Maiss a acup adMcCenanshower. Tefuneral was held Dec. 13, skii-ted frcks of poinsetta red sérum ta heConagh Lbra Rhailtain Atidministration. RleBad FNE0 LOULSS T N TIOE Mrc.,n is.endingte wmter with The bride-elect was pnesented with Rev. F. H. Joblin officiating. velvet with matching poke bon- tories. When the University of__________ Muen. dS.LaieCyem , with a hostess tnay at a tea an- Paîl bearens were Messrs. B. King, nets. They wone Pearl necklaces, Montreal centre is completely Piotueen r . . Smt.hangei on hnb Miss Joa Jack King, B. Leggott, Ken Lux- the gift of the bride, and canied equipped, ho said, they will pro- SHORT COURSE FOR FARMBLUE Pilo OffcenW. I D.Smit, Monîsn, Mss ay Taylor of To- ton, Joe Childs and Joe Leyitt. Old Colonial nosegays of ned car- cess the serum into its final dniedBOSADGRSV L.. R.A.F., London,, England, was nonto entertained at a miscellan- Many beautiful floral offerîngs nations, white baby mums, bud- BoOYSasiNDnwGIengLdne i theSuggrestions V.estof Sng. avga o ronChas. eous showen and Mr R.Hurd f fnm frionds tostified ta the dleia and fern. Connaught Labonatonies, Toronto. Farm boys and girls in Clarke SMART HANDBAGS, Leather and Fabre$.8 34 V. oa. Tnoto ashoses ata iscl-estemin which deceased was George Crawford, Bowman- Mns. H. P. Plumptre, hononany and Danlington Townships wîll LAC Ted Mason, R.C.A.F. leneous shower. Misses Ann Milis held, including wreaths fnom Mid- ville was groomsman and the director f the Red Cross EnquirY be interested ta learn that a fve DAINTY LINGERIE, varos prices, jnldn ihgwg Shool, Clinton, spent the week- and Jessie Coulthurst were co- land Res. Regt., Local 189, Good- ushe'rs were George Cawken, Bureau, Ottawa, stated that since days' Short Course in Agriculture Pyjamas, Slips and Pate end with bis mother, Mrs. T. G. hostosses at an evening party and year Recreation Club, Dept. 273, Bowmanviîîe, and Jack Driscoîl. tebgnigo aainpni-wl ohl nteTw ala Mason. kitchen shower in Miss Hicks' Goodyear, and the Girls' 'Carry- tMiss Shirley Bartprtc-lett, Hldin heTon al a Major Joe O'eill, M.C.,has honor.-OhaBnaTipes-apetion MinstheractionrlentSiciamy-andtionono feoactMondaySiDecember rOSEfrServiceyWeightrCreDo, Servceheerg.t$1,00, an1,25 Majr oe 'Nill MC. ba hnon~Ohaa Tme-Gaote. On Club. ton, cousin of the bride, presd th ly thé daily lists of enquiry ta 27, ta Friday, Docember 31. As it DRESSING GOWNS, Cotton, Bengajlin adQute retired from command of " "Firends a d rlaie ere ed at the organ, and duning t thî cys O es a fi eh d wl e i p sil o del wt a o ----- -------- Coy. 2nd Midland Batt., and Capt. presntfrom Toonto, Oshawa signing of the registen s E-leghee Ovsieras Ofi ad i l ho u issibe t dal wit ao 49 19 L. W. Dippeli, M.M., now takes Home & School Cdb Bn wmanvIl districts.I- r toi ag "Forifgheerosdeaî n i-mn sbet n uhasor cag.termeýnt was in BowmanvilleAon. cluded many enquiries for wound- period, seed and live stock judg- SCARFS, Crepe and sheer ---------$1,49---a-- A sn nMar a ndell . . H lgD cm erMeJeeer.____Folwn h wdigcr-adian Am.Fll détails as ne- splicing will be stressed. The PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS39an49ea mon arécptonwashed t te eied ad isgmn teof y it he Caning alng with nopy e e o ady Babcock called on Mrs. Geo. P. Singing of Christmas carols was HARRY JOHN BLUNT home of the bide's parents, Mrs. cio nterpylss h ad onnswl ieyb eoe Rickard, Newcastle, who celebrat- enjoyed by ail préent at the Hcsrciigi ono were forwarded b y air mail ta the mostly with seed work while the OUR SPECIAL ed bier 89th bîrthday on Sunday Christmas meeting of the Home & The death occurred on Dec. 12, Frech luebncadd see with y appoprae f noons willho pent juging AC2RusellMofatt O. ~ School Association on Wednesday in the Oshawa Genenal Hospital matnchng hboat d seanig acor advice or information. live stock on local farms. On Fni- ALUWAN'S ORIENTAL PERFUMES, prbti 10 HailonvACE.MiîonnMl-b Singing was canducted of Hanry John Blunt, son of Mn. sage of cerise munis. She was Mrs. W. R. Campbell, chairman, day, December 31, a real treat (SatisfacioneFlrl Haiton, ACWanaMkrWllsoingl- yM.W. E. C. Warkman. Mrs. and Mrs. Fnederick Blunt, 2 assisted by the groom's mothen in national women's wan work comn- in store as it is planned ta spend(Stsaio guaranteedorm tn r.A aaaeWligArhr Frank, presiding in the Davisville Ave., Toronto, and ho- a gown of apricat sheer wool with mittee, reported that 9,741, 176 the whole day visiting farms in________________________ ton, vîsitod'Mn. and Mrs. A. of- absence, of the President, Mrs. loved husband of the former Mar- black bat and wearing a corsage articles of supplies and comforts the Oshawa, Brooklin and Picker- iiiiii . fatt. Selby Grant, who had been called garet White, 584 Sîmcoe St. N., of pink carnations and buddleia. had been distributed during the ing districts. Some of the finest Miss Whiteworth, a returned away owing ta the death of lhon Oshawa. Later the bride and groom Ieft first nine months of 1943, bring- Holstein, Shorthorn, Jersey andT Missionary from China and for fathen, oxtended a hearty wel- Mn. Blunt had been 111 in bed for Limberlost Lodge, where they ing the total distributed since the Ayrshire cattle and also Clydes-T ONS the past two years deaconess at came ta those prsent, more for the past six manths. Ho was will spend their honoymoon. The beginning f the wan ta 29,076,610. dale hanses will be judged duing Mrs. Alan WiiasJonWlliams Ajax, addressed the W.A. Of St. especially to the new mothers in bonn in Toronto 28 years ago and bride tnavelled in a fnock of gold This yoar's distribution included this tour. John's, when they wore hosts to attondance. She thanked all the when stili a boy moved ta Bow- wool with matching Dutch bat, 8,506,773 shipped ovenseas, 1,032,- At the conclusion f the courseKigS.Ws wr St. George's, Newcastle. class mothors who have s0 splen- manville whene ho lived until 'lUs dank muskrat coat, and brown 918 to local units in Canada, and a numben of the boys and girls In the B.H.S. Honor Roil of stu- didly carried out thein task of maniage in August of 1935, in shoos and accossonies. Upon their 201,585 ta Newfoundland. will ho awanded a bushel or twoKlgS.Ws-- o anie dents who paid the supreme sac- personally contacting the mothers. Toronto. Since that time hoe had netunn they will réside in Bow- Report on the Canadian Red of Ajax oats to qualify each as a _________________________________ rifice i the préent world war Reports of war wonk and Theatre resided -in Kitchener, London, To- manville. Cross corps by Mrs. Bannston momber of aur Grain Club. Ajax the name f Lieut. Badley Night convenons weno read. Mrs. onto, Bowmanville, and latterly __________ Tudball, national commandant, is a new eanly rust rsistant oat Branch Ontaio Dept. of Agi- shows amre Honeymnan w a sinadvertently Palmer was appointed as liaison in Oshawa for the past three sreports. Tbis figure is over thatinof novent pestiaus omitted. officer ta the Wartime Prices and years. Ho was employed as Cus- L5,269 members 0f thecuCorpsrepp-tappeaissfmostepromising. Larg Far Pree,2e9sho e that f the r eea noug t n fom the Wet that ulture In the programi for the B.H.S. Trade Board, pro tom. The toach- tomer 'Engineer for the Interna- To Oshawa BOY Scouts resenting an increase of 429 since E. A. Summers, Agricultunal almost $5,000,000 more than the iyeari emnisodadce- stan ntp er Scol Mthe ses'pilm a Richaran Kthom- toIuinbdes M bcis wCow- R S cauh he beginning of the year. Representative, who is in charge market value of the 1942 crop and practicallalmaktfo*de Lions Club pnizo for bighost son with 18 mothers present. pany. B .S eagln tPnesenting an intérim pragress of the course bas been very for- is the largest aggregato roturn table stck standingUpper Scool Mate- Misse Wilma Rchards nd Kath-reportigonethee makingdwofepoamonnthetunate otoamobtdinnaGannetbtRickardt Ontania Otar tatota gnowensrs have matics won by Editb White sbould eryn Teeple entertained witb a and parents are three children, Col. R. S. McLaughlin, Honor- baney by Red Cross affiliated Bowmanville, R.R. 4, ta act as bis realized 'since 1926, when the esti- bave been $10,00 instead of $5.00. piano duet. Mrs. A. Baker gave Eric, Lamne and Gweneth; four ary President of the Oshawa Bo with the Women's Institutes and assistan.t mated value of that year's crap a neading on Christmas by H. brothers, Frank of Bowmanville; Scouts Association, bas pnesented other anganizations, Lt.-Col. John Evory junior boy or girl ho- was more than oighteen and a Lend ahadDontbikht Sunday, Dec. 12, Mn. and Mns. Grayson. Douglas of the Royal Canadian the 150-acre Brookside Fanm as A. Cooper stated that, while un- tween the ages of twelve and haîf million dollars. b T.sHawaesnaye1th1sKi ng veER e. Griffith addnessed the as- Navy sorving overseas; Clifford a permanent centre for Oshawa usual woather conditions and thinty should plan ta attend this Although potato acreago during Or becaus rmisfnesn shay0fteir odie55ng a it-saciation and befone pursuing bis with the Royal Canadian Air Scout outdoon activities. The fanm othen difficulties would likely les- wonth wbile course. Fîîrtber de- 1943 was the lowest in mono than rficemafa, saoefme ftheir fn am ian subject of "Christmas," hoe made Force serving in British Colum- is Iocated somo thnee miles nortb son the amaunt sent ta Britain this tails will be furnished in the nean 60 years. incneased average yields It was mr n o hudrne soemebr o hirfmIyada plea on behaît of the Children's bia, and Claude of the Canadian of Osbawa. A cneek flows through yai a xetdta h future. n fned.Aid Society, and encouraged tbe Anmy in London, Ont., and one it which will bo dammed ta pro- total would reacb approximately dsieufvrbewahrcn Sgt. Jim Knox, S.D. & G. High- Home & School ta help them with sister, Kathleen of Toronto. vide swimming facilities. Cabîns 380,000 lbs.LREPTT RF dtosenyi h esn rw h nyhp landers, bas arrived back from a donation. Funds, hoe pointed The funeral was held Tuesday and ather equipment maintained eAG OAOCO iinswee alsoinheanaped la Th ozcp hitaiya a averseas ta spend two weeks' out, were needed ta secure a part wîth Rev. L. I. Hunten canducting by various troops nearby will be br wras arci of sed laor 0f î aentnynaupîve beave witb bis parents, Mn. and time warken, this need was the service. Interffient was in canveyed ta this now centre. The value of this year's potato spring by sari05 f e, lbF f 1e Mns. W. J. Knox, before attending brought about because the Home Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Tororn- Addition of the Bnookside Farm Renewaî subscriptions ta The crop in Ontario bas been esti- and machinory and by bigh costs affains, bu1 nalpbi n n O.T.C., Brockville. has beon interfered with by the ta. praperty ta the program gîvos Statesman are caming in nicoly. mated at $17,143,000, R. E. Good- of production. ento Jack IMst ended aur extonded war, and by mathers T going out Oshawa Boy Scouts among the Thank y0u! in, of the Crops, Seeds and Weeds The quality of* Ontario potatoes -annSepr India ûmr rdyngt of the home ta work. The Cbild- best facîlities fan their work of fulJnSmeFia ih.Aren's Aid Society is wonking for Blood Donors any centre in the province. About ____________________________ ________ ister 8 below. Snow is yet ta faîl for a White Christmas but ment of homes now and after Wed., Dec. 8: Marjonie Couch, McLaugblin, brother of Cal. Mc- Santa is busy shopping. Ho wiîl fighting ends. Holp prevent de- Bowmanville, 5th donation. Mrs. Laughlin, prosonted a former04 linquency. Delinquency is grow- Harold Ferguson, Bowmanville, churchtbuilding in Oshawa ta the get anound in a Jeep just 8 days ing ta sucb proportions in Can- 3rd donation. Eileen Coucb, Bow- association for the purpose of a bence. ada that we can barely cope with manville, 2nd donation. Mrs. G. Scoutahall Mns. Gardon Major (nee Joyce it. Lemon, Bowmanville, lst dona -_________ Large) received a veny pleasant Turning ta bis topic ho said, tion. At D.I.*L., Ajax: Robt. White, on Fiday, Dec. 10, wben "Thinking of celebrating Christ- D. Sumnmerscales, Bowmanville, St. Paullg W.A. h husband, Pte. H. G. Major mas at this time with its 'Peace lst donation. nerurned homo aften spending 5 and Goodwill to alI Mon,' seems Fnl., Dec. 10: J. R. Widdecombe, Regular monthly meeting of St. months on the Island of Kiska in sadly out of* tune. We must ne- Hampton, 6th donation. Gordon Paul's W.A. was held on Tuesday the Aleutians. Mns. Major will late this ta the Christmas we Nichais, Courtico, 3rd donation. with the President, Mrs. Pingle, Chas. Lowory, Bowmanville, 2nd in the chair. Meeting opened witb I TSG GSI N donation. the usual devotional poniod and Mon., Dec. 13: D. Alex Mc- was followed by a talk by Rov. J. Hglgt rmorsok fsat rciaeooia it.Mk Gregor, tuart R. James, D. T. E. Griffith on The Christmas .,, Highlisfomun tock fri srnyat, sphrciaeo n oicDal glft Mae Dickson, Bowmanville, 9th dona- Spirit-Sunsbine in Wintertime. YES our sdeleetio i t rindy aropeeo orIA rgSoe tion. Charles Rundle, Hampton, Mr. Griffith referred ta the warLA G SDotdea!ho ltawy 8th donation. W. L. Paterson, conditions in Europe, to, the STOCKS SEALS, TAG CARDS, TWINE, TISSUE, ETC.----- -------- 5c, 10c, 15e P IE G ift S g g esti n s . Ma M Bowmanviile, 7tb donation. Clif- terrible pligbt of women and G in S uggestions ~ ~~~~~~~~ford Swallow, Robt. Cocbran, children ther, and to that ofthe B U N O BA D MR O E S. hit a ad ais itSt Bowanill, th ontio. Ro rfugesinPortugal. Ho wa R S yC M AN MI O ET . . 1 rs! sC rdLdi 'G tion. Dorothy Adamson, Baw- mas bad taken bold of the people. manville, 2nd donation.CidenmsbaeC isms ... * ,ndvdaCas2fo5,S,3fr _______________________our children, the neighbons' cbild- I O,1e 5 ren, and delinquent children are GIFT BOXES BoxedAssOrtments ik knew befone the war. It belps a definite obligation. He tbinks 12 cards 15c, 12 cards 25e f ~~~~us get back into the groave as we it impossible ta avoid the Christ-1 ad49,2crs50 used ta ho for the childnen's sake." mas mood, and likened it ta fresb- i Cilden th woleword l fale snw wichcovrs20 cards 59c, 12 cards $1 . ,~ must help them ta enter into the evorything and transforms life.________________ spirit of it. This war is a period Itith patotemtes or phase in thein lives. All child- especially, ta préserve the Christ- OUN PLAIN CUT-s if ren ton years and under have no mas sentiment, ta promote son-ps---------4c $.0t 50 '-,,M oyoawodatpce The vice and proclaim Christ. At thePie49-$0 a50 war is going on into its fifth year close of tho address Mrs. H. Fer- $3.99, 5.95es 49, 5c $.1 and as a child of five bas a short gusan Pr$pos5dCagvotetef thanks --T-a-o oIlel4e, 45c,,5 momoy, nw attonho bs noto Mn. Griffith and was supported ~I~ iaet oIn 7,4e 9 rocollection of Peace on Eanth. by Mrs. Pingle. Cigarettes, 50's, ---------80e, 95e EeigI It's up to us ta got acrass to them Miss Brooks, accompanied by CHRISTMAS GIFT Cigarettes, 40's ------------- 66e vnn nPrs $,5t 1 ~ th joy ofpeac. Jy ba anMrs. Dudley, sang two numbers innni ult.War is an inci- whicb were greatly appreciated. STATIONERYs RPunTre Scrt d ont in their lives and th ey w ill R ev. W . P. R ogers, r opresentative 2 e - 4 c - 7 e a d ~ T b c o - b . . 8 e ~ T r e S c e s . . 6 e t 5 0 ------------------------- gave thie usual amaunt as a con- variety j family tribution ta go as a gift from aur E ___________________________________________ Association ta the British War The basis of Christmas is the 5 -Z~.- - -'.- - 5 . - -5 4< Victims. Lunch was senved by rock, Christ Jesus; its fruits are DMrs. Palmer and ber graup. inspiration and spiritual under- 14AR RIS JIEW LLIIRY taning f jy an reoicig,-They wha scatten with one nat hecause of tradition, usage, orÀE XMR E RING STREET PHONE 463 hand, gathen with twa, not aI- corparoal pleasure, but because of NEW DESIGNS thing multiplies so much as knd- tuth, because of the haven with- ness.-Jobn Wray. in us. -Mary Baker Eddy. ------------------ - - - - - -----.- 'I I i i 1' THUR., DCEM EH lth, 943THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO