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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Dec 1943, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN THE1 CANADIAN STATIESMAN. BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO ±±±ufl~., ~LL~~J.nr~±ç ~ra, ~uia Geo. Johnson, solo by Mrs. H. manse, Orono, on Dec. 21, by Rev. supper before Congregational dltcfl on an îcy spot on INO. i IJ1a15 Philp. way. The other occupants escap- People who won't listen to the dictates of their own conscience may soon be taking dictation from someone who hasn't got a con- -science. Business DirectoKy Legal M. V. GOULD, BA. L.LB. .BaR!ster. Solicitor. Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solictor for Bank of Montreal Màoney to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., ~Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residenc%553 Dentist DR. J. C. DEVIT Asistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col. lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office houri 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily, 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday, Closed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipmentin Office Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equipment, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Teifr Iphone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Licensed Auctioneers CLIFFORD PETHICK Auctioneer - Enniskillen Phone Bowmanville 2536 Speciaflzing in Farm, Livestock. Implements and Furniture Sales Coynsult me for terms and dates. 50-tf Monuments ThàRutter Granite CompanY Pane 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing 8t Veterinaries DR. W. W. SHERWIN and DR. J. T. SHEPPARD Veterinarians Office - Main St. - Orono Phone 56r7, Orono Social and Personal 40r16 Phone..E We wîsh to take this opportun- ity of wishing everyone a Merry Christmas Mr. John Armstrong is home. An account of the O.C.S. Christ- mas dance Wednesday night, wil be printed next week. This week we say "Happy Birthday" to Bill Barrett, J. J. Gilfillian and Mrs. C. G. Arm- strong, all of whom celebrate their birthdays, but on different days. School closed Wednesday noon for the Christmas holidays. The Public School had a party among themselves, which included a long and interesting program, prior to saying farewell to work for a while. Citizens have patronized coun- try school Christmas concerts and enjoyed them immensely. There have been several cases of mumps quarantined. Mrs. J. Lowery bas been quite sick with the f lu. Wednesday evening of last week while we were on the way to the O.C.S. Literary meeting the tingle o! the fire bell was heard. Immediate investigation disclosed the fact that the bouse in thE south ward owned by Miss Edne Stutt and tenanted by Mm. and Mrs. Stephenson, was on fire Quick work -on the part o! thE firemen kept the blaze in the cel. lar and kitchen, but the wbolE bouse has to be redecorated as E great deal of damage was donE by sn\oke and wàter. Mr. anc Mrs. Stephenson are now at Mrs W. Cowan's. Red Cross rooms are closed f0] holiday season. Interment of the late Mms. Wm Carscadden o! Kendal took plac( in Orono Cemetery, Friday. Mm. and Mrs. S. Souch hav( been invited to spend Christmaw with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Morgar and baby at Cobourg. Miss Eunice Middleton is ex pected home Friday. Mm. Gibbs bas been called tg Manitoba owing to the serlous ill ness of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leamei and son, Paul, Ottawa, are homsE Well, it looks like a whit Christmas after aIl. Miss Eileen Jones, Ajax, a home Mrs. J. Corryell visited rela tives at Highland Creek. Sunday Scbool of Park S Church observed their Christma service, SundaY, with carol sing ing. The Supt. told the chîldre how certain things came to h associated with Christmas. Tb room was beautifully decorated. Park St. Cburch, artisticaîl decorated with wreatbs an greenery, observed Christmas sei vices, Sunday, which were we attended. In the morning ti pastor gave an appropriate sei mon on the gift o! God in sendin His Son. In the evening a Ve! per and candle lighting servic vas conducted by eleven membei o! tbe Y.P. Union, led by Pros dent Margaret Millson. Robed i white and-to tbe tune of "0 Comi AIl Ye Faithful," the membei proceeded to their places at ti NE' ®ORONO outside o! tbe centre pews, andi the Cbristmas story was told ini 1Scripture reading and carols, a 1quartette selection given by1 Misses Margaret McKinnon, Anna Staples, Nellie Wright and Audrey Billings and a selection (Rogers' 'Glory to God") by tbe choir. The candle in the centre was lit by the leader, and Mar- garet McKinnon and Audrey Bill-1 ings candles were lit from it, after1 wbich these two lit the candles of1 the other members who came two1 by two to the front with unlît candles and proceeded back toi their places witb lit candles. When all the candles were lit the mem- bers, headed by the leader, marched slowly downstairs again wbile the song "Light o! the World" was sung by ail in the churcb. O.C.S. LITERARY MEETING O.C.S., gaily and artistically decorated with School and Christ- mas motifs and a tree ablaze with electric ligbts, was the scene o! tbe first Literary meeting under the cbairmanship o! June Goode, held Dec. l5th. President Car- man Comnish welcomed the guests and presided over the first part o! tthe meeting wbich included read- ing o! the QaCiS by the new edi- tom, Anna Staples. The QaCiS was excellent, several items being wortby of special mention: let- ters from Miss Bassinet, two poems (one regarding the Hal- lowe'en party and one on "Sol- dier Abroad"), and a pinpoint biography which told what stu- dents might be 25 years hence. June Goode took charge o! the programn presented by bier group who were attired as soldiers and majorettes. The programn con- Lsisted o! choruses; a visit from rElsie,' the Borden Cow led by Joyce Tennant and milked? (oh, yeah?) by Joyce Comnish; vocal trio by Margaret McKintion, Carol eStaples and Evelyn Stapleton; ereading by Mari orie McLaren; reading by Gamnet Colette; three spiano duets by Betty Linton ai- aCarol Staples; Christmas carols; -pantomine by Joyce Tennant, "Lead, Kindly Light;" solo by 0 Margaret McKinnon; a short and -sweet visit from Santa Claus; and, o! course, the play without whicb. nthe meetings would not be nearly s0 interesting eThis time the play was a moun- tain brand and proved the miera- tbers o! the cast to have outstand- iing ability, especially Carol Staples wbo played the part of 1the female veterinary Doc Lolly SMillie so perfectly she complete- igave a good impersonation o! a I-mountain girl, Sue Slade; Mar- 'n jorie McLaren, ber mistress, Maw .e stuck-up; Joyce Tennant, the ie tuc-updaugbter, Bonita Black- . man; Tom Lehou, a mountaineer, 'y Newt Plummer; Don Goode, Buck iPlummer; Bob Cooper, Vaughr r-Alcott and Margaret McKinnon, flShirley Slawson. e The wbole play was well actec rthroughout and as usual endec g9 in love and marriage. This time s-however, o! tbree couples, and via e the. love potion in two o! the cases. The play is to be repeated n 5 we won't "spill the beans" anc inspoil it for those yet to enjoy it. eThe evening closed with a perioc es o! dancing. - ORONO CONTINUATION SCHOOL REPORT b FALL TERM Grade XUII-Staples, Carol 88, Porter, Shirley, 73, Cooper, Robert, 71.5, McLaren, Marjorie, 69, Goode, June, 57, Moffat, Neil, 50, Farrow, Clarence, 41. Grade XH - MacKinnon, Mar- garet, 89.1; Cornish, Carman, 84.4, Cornish, Alan, 80.4; Staples, Anna, 77.1; Billings, Au dr ey, 67.4; Lowery, Joyce, 63.4; Myles, Shir- ley, 60; Goode, Donald, 54.3; Lowery, James, 40.3. Grade XI-Moffat, Dawn, 81.3; Harness, Joan, 80.4; Cbmara, Peter, 67.3; Linton, Betty, 59.8; Fee, Jean, 58.3; Flintof!, Carl, 57; Chatterton, Orville, 55.6; Ruther- ford, William, 54.1; Wright, Nellie, ,3; Mercer, Greta, 50.1; Boycl Laverne, 49.7; Carleton, Ross, 46; Robjpins, Pauline, 38.6. Grade X-Lihou, Thomas, 79.7; Tennant, Joyce, 69; Coathamr Howard, 68.4; Richardson, Mont, 61; Malley, Grant, 60.1; Gordon, Evelyn, 60; McLaren, Arthur, 56; Syer, Lloyd, 54.4; Bryson, Ray- mond, 53.9; Boyd, Ross, 53.1; Evans, Donald, 53. Grade IX-Cornisb, Joyce, 74.9; Turner, Jean, 72.3; Cochrane, Audrey, 70.5; Collett, Garnet, 65.5; Wood, Helen, 58.5; Lunn, Ray- mond, 55.6; Chapman, Betty, 55.5; taeon Velyn, 53q3; wesl. IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST FROM THE ORONO NEWS Dec. 22, 1921 At the recent convention of the Union of Aberta Municipalities held in Calgary at which among other reforms, provincial control of school lands is asked (these lands still unsold being roughly valued at $80,000,000) a former Orono boy, H. P. Long, was elect- ed first vice president. Married: Nixon-Kelly - At the rws nish and the tbree Cooper child- ren; and last but not least the showing of famous pictures rela- tive to the birth and early life of Christ were put on the screen and explained by Mr. Littlewooci wbile Beverley Payne read the Scripture passages relative tc eacb picture. Christmas carols were sung un-~ til the arrivai of jolly old Santa, who distributed bags of sweets to each cbild and presents as well, bringing a happy evening to a close; $10.55 was taken at the door. I.O.O.F. DANCE AND DRAW MOST SUCCESSFUL A large crowd attended the 1.0. O.F. dance and draw at Orono, Friday evening, at wbich the music was furnished by Rus: Creighton and bis orchestra, witl the one and only Bill Rutherford calling off for the squares. AI the risk of offending our neigh- bors in Bowmanville, we can't re- sist remarking that as a result oi the draw, Bowmanville is E "fowl" place for a turkey, a goosE and a ckichen were won by citi- zens of that town. The first prizE -a magnificent floor lamp, wenl to N. Durston, Ajax, the second- a ton of coal, «to Stella Lennox Oshawa. The end table stayed hr Orono, the property of the genia Herb Murray. The bostess sel now graces the home of Mrs. ID N. Myles, Orono. One turkey wenl to Mrs. R. Hooper, Bowmanville and the other to Ellen Thaxton Peterboro. One goose stayed ir Orono to be sbortly eaten, if no' already eaten, by Mrs. Edgertor Hancock and family, and th( other went to 0. Richmond, Bowý manville. One chicken went t( Bowmanville, won by W. Corder and the other to Oshawa, beini won by F. T. Matherson. Ovei $200 was cleared. ORONO WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Mrs. Shirley Baker was guest a the Friday meeting of the Oron( Women's Institute and gave an ini teresting talk on the value of mill in the diet, telling two storie (one showing the effect of drink~ ing milk by children in regard t disease resistance, and the othe the effect of lack of milk in th, diet of airmen stationed wberei was not easily obtained) to illus trate ber point. Following he talk she showed three movies. Thi vote of thanks to the speaker wa ably moved by Mrs. J. R. Coope and seconded by Mrs. Fred Tami lyn. The business period was prE sided over by Mrs. J. C. Tambly *in the absence through illnessc tthe president, Mrs. W. W. Shei àwin. The treasurer's report sbov ed $21.64 was realized from tl vMasons' banquet and $64.71 frc: ethe Rotary banquet. Mrs. Hooper, Mrs. F. Tambl: and Mrs. J. Dickson were appoir k ed a committee to look after d Stails regarding the play. A sini song of. carols was enjoyed wil Mrs. R. H. Brown at the piar iMeeting closed with delicious r fresbments served by Mrs.1 eHooper's group, who were acharge of the program. THE OaCiS Since space will not allow us ci print the whole OaCiS, whicb an eight-page edition (althou: we wish we could) we must1 content with giving a bird's eý view of wbat it contained. Ovi $80 in War Savings Stamps wei purchased, $38.75 being purcb: ed in Form III alone. Form repr rsentatives are: lst - Joyce Co nish; 2nd-Murray Patterson; 31 - Dawn Moffat; 4th - Jam, Lowery; 5th-Bob Cooper. Spie -did reports of the Field Day a: 'Hallowe'en Party; extracts frc Miss Bassinet's letters; a tribu. 1to the Provincial Forestry St -tion; several poems; numeroi jokes; pinpoint of students 1968; an article advocating fi drill; and a welcome to an entir ly new staff are also included 3this A-h edition of an interestii !;paper. Devotional was taken by Mrs. Harrison using the story o! the birth of Christ, especially the gifts o! the Wise Men---our gifts to the Christ. Christmas hymns were sung. Roll caîl was answered with a quilt block. Program was in charge o! Mrs. M. McKee, con- sisting o! Christmas readings by Mrs. H . A. Galbraith and Mrs. At the close of the Bible Class session on Sunday, Mrs. M. Grey, our popular teacher, was present- ed with a coverted casserole~ as a sight token of her faithfulness and efficiency during the year. Mrs. Bert Henshaw suffered cuts about the head, shoulder and ankie when the car in which she was riding turned over in the ed without injury. For unto us a cbild is bon, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and bis name shall be called wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. -Isaiah 9:6 Christmas Eve, 1943 "This is the night-the night I've always lived for, year in and year out. "This one is sure different, thougb. Instead of sleighbells, we've got tank tracks clanking over the rocks. Instead of stockings over the fireplace we've got Army socks drying on the bushes. In- stead of a treeful of presents, jerry lobs over 15 5's. "See that star over there? Looks like a Cbristmas star ail right. It's shining down on our bouse right now, I bet ... on Dad and ,Mom and the kids and Mary. "They'l1 be singing carols and it'1l sound wondem. fuI. And tbere'I be a big fire in the fireplace and the stuif on the tree will be sparkling like diamonds. And- after a while they'l1 bang Up the stockings. And finally they'll ail go to bed and the kids'Il dream of Santa Claus ail night long, like 1 used to. "Mery Christmas, Dad and Mom! Merry Christmas, kids! Memry Christmas, Mary! Don't wormy about me. I'm ail right. And, if everything goes okay, l'il be home for next Christmas." 0.0. Let us flot fail the boy who waits tonight on a wind-swept bill. Let us try to match his job with ours. Let us work harder in mine and field and factomy. Let us buy more and more Victory Bonds and Wam Savings Certificates. Let us esolve now to bring him home befome another Christmas comes. 'THE HO USE 0F SEAGRAM J. W. Rae, Mary Edith, second meeting. Rev. B. Harrison tok daughter of the late W. H. and the chair for election of these of- Mrs. Kelley, Clarke Union, to Mr. ficers: President-Mrs. Stanley H. James Nixon o! Darlington. Malcolm; lst Vice Pres.-Mrs. R. A citizen writes: How about our W. Marlow, 2nd Vice~ Pres.-Mrs. police by-lay regarding side- Allan Suggitt; Secretary - Mrs. walks? Some old people have Wm. Steele; Assistant-Mrs. J. L. had a bard time making the tan- Joblin; Treasurer, Mrs. N. C. Mar- nery bill while others have been low; Fruit & Flower Com.-Mrs. hanging onto the Athletic Society C. H. Porteous and Mrs. J. fence (wbich is very shaky) to Grieves. Dainty lunch was served keep from losing a leg or arm and Mrs. Malcolm and ladies of from a beavy faîl. We wish to the group were given a bearty know if the military and atbletics vote of tbanks. are exempt from this by-law. Visitors: Mrs. H. Wheeler with _______________ lier mother, Mrs. R. M. Hoskin, Janetville. . . Mrs. Ralph Emer- S Lar1Sville son, Toronto, at Mr. Malcolm Emerson's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sorry to report the illness o! our Pl1ayfoot, Bowmanville, Mr. Larry pastor, Rev. J. McLachlan, who Hadatea1r.HnyTop is confined to the bospital at son's.. Mrs. Peter Wright has Peterboro, having undergone an gone to stay with her daughter, operation. . Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Yelverton... Visitors:Mr and Mrs. Llew Miss Eva Williams with hier Hallowell at Mr. Arthur Falls', brother, Mr. Clarke Williams... Bowmanville . . . Mr. and Mrs. Mr. John Proutt and Mr. Ivan Ross in Orono . . . Misses Gwen Proutt at Mrs. Jas. Malcolm, Port and Phyllîs Gilmer, Bowmanville, Perry. .. Master Raymond Panke with their parents. . . Miss Alice is home from Belleville with bis Hallowell, Toronto, at home. mother, Mrs. G. Panke. . . Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Yule and fam- George Bowers witb her aunt, ily, Osbawa, at Mr. Wm. Savery's. Mrs. John Williams. . . Mrs. Jas. Mrs. Savery returned to Osbawa Williamson with her brother, Mr. for the Christmas bolidays.. Pte. Ben Magill, Janetville, who is Raymond Farrow, Owen Sound sick- at Victor Farrow's. . . Mr. ancà Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Clarence Allin and Miss Elmo Archer (nee Dorothy Wil- Hazel Farrow with their parents liamson) on the arrivai of a young ... Mrs. Ralph Boughen with ber son. husband who is stili quite ill in Farm Forum met at Kennetb Port Hope Hospital. . . Mr. and Sameils', Dec. 6th, and last week Mrs. J. E. Wbite, Elizabethville, at Wilfred Bowles', Dec. l3th. with Mrs. Ross Hallowell. .. Mrs. Meetings were well attended and Jacob Hallowell with bier sister, enjoyed. Lunch was served. Mrs. Wm. Stutt, Orono. . . Mr. Neighbors had a successful and Mrs. Jas. Stark, Newtonville, wood bee on Saturday for Havi- with bis mother, Mrs. 1. Stark... land Marlow. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs had a Helen in Oshawa. .. Miss Eileen successful Christmas Tree and Farrow, Newcastle, with bier pr program put on in the Presby- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Far- terian Church by ber school on row. . . Mrs. Tripp, Ajax, with Friday night. Mrs. Silver. Mrs. John Williams, wbo bas Sbiloh W.A. bad a successful been sick is up again. meeting at Mrs. Llew Hallowell's. Miss Kay Simpson bas been sick Our school bad a successful and Caesarea Scbool closed. Christmas concert, Friday. J J. Mellor, Orono, conducted the service at Shiloh, Sunday, andCa nu bil ave charge for a time. C d u A Christmas dinner of goose and good tbings was enjoyed by Cadmus Women's Association relatives at Art McKay's, Sunday. adWmnsMsinr oit Ross Hallowell is under the adWmnsMsinr oit doctor's care. met at the cburch, Dec. 14. Meet- ing was opened by President Mrs. DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new changes of collection and delivery lu your district. This is made necessary by new geverument regulations which permit us ta caver any one district one day a week only We wlll, therefare, bc ini Bowmanville SATURDA'Y ONLY HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LIMTED FOR ECONOMY Send yaur cleanint with yaur laundry PHONE - 419 Nestieton Nestleton W.A. met at Mrs. Stanley H. Malcolm's, Dec. 16, wîth meeting in charge of Mrs. Wilfred Williams' group. Scrip- ture reading by Mrs. B. Harrison. Ladies decided to send cards to shut-ins and our soldier boys from Nestleton, also to have a pot luck «Ilt-"Tnc2 lrvnvlAmvy» IV2-A IOAO Your Estate - An Asset or a Liability ? CHANGES in Succession Dutieu and Incomne Taxes have created somne resi pr oblema in the administration of estates. Arevision of your will may be advisable. By naming The Sterling Trusts Corpora- tion as executor, you have the personal attention of a senior estate officer assisted by a staff familiar with current legisiation and the rulings of the various taxing authorities. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Taronto 32 y.ars in Business

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