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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Dec 1943, p. 8

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* ~ ~ g - PAGE EIGH'] * r THE CANADIAN STATESMAJN, BOWMAN VILLE. ONTARJO THURS.. DECEMBER 23nd, 1943 NURSES' AIDES WANTED (WOMEN) Eight hour day. Attractive salary. Course En home and institutional nursing. Com- fortable living quarters. Good social and recreational facilities. Public School edu- cation or better qualifies you. APPLY EMPLOYMENT AND SELECTIVE SERVICE OFFICE, OSHAWA Refer to File No. 3743 Let's back Canada by living1 ike When public office is just 10< Canadians. Canadians are hanest, cd on as a "plum," democnacy unselfish, neighbonly, dlean, fnee no langer a way of life. It and united. Are we? Ail af nothing but a way ta make Uic tinte? living. Mdaie &Female HIELP WANTED FOR WAR WORK IN MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS PLANT Vacation wlth Pay after One Year's Service Group Inaurance and Hospitalization Plan Heels, Bogie Tires for Tanks Rose, Belting and Packing Pull Cost of Living Bonus Legal Holidays wlth Pay Molded Goods Pension Plan Applicants now on War Work not aceèpted Apply National Selective Service Oshawa - File 2670 Stocks & Bonds INFORMATION REGARDLING yOUR INVESTMENTS FURNISHED ON REQUEST Mliliter, ]Ross & Co. Members the Toronto Stock Exchange 330 Bay Street, Toronto Telephone Waverly 1701 Reverse telephone charges accepted an ondens ta buy or sell. LOCAL REPREENTATIVE ... R.e.LGARDINER COBOURG - - - PHONE 159 Christmnas Compliments of the Season To ahl the citizens of Bowmanville, whether at home or on the fighting fronts, wve wish the utmost ln happineas during this Yuletide Season and to Iast throughout the coming year. What To Write Your BIRTII - Classified Ad Rates Notice Lost, Strayed or Stolen Soldier Overseas CATRM.an___Duga OTHAls n igS. RELEA S IE D CARTR-Mr an Mrs Doulas One cent a word cash, each Will the party who walked offLO -AT lotnKngS. Do's and Don'ts For Those Who J. Carter anflounce the birth of with a fox fur cape fromn my Bowmanville, Dec. 16. Reward. Tires now retreaded for pas- Want To Give the News From their son, John Charles, at insertion (minimum charge premises return samne to save a Please phone 2221. 51-1* senger cars without permit. Home nd Kep UpMorae at Bowmanville Hospital, Decem- 25c). Charge of 25e extra la lot of trouble. I repeat-to return eaei apoton o HoeadKe pMrl t ber 14th, 1943. 51-1 made when advertisement la samne to save a lot of trouble. An- LOST - FORD V 8 HUB CAP. handie ail sizes of tires for TheFront not pald same week as laser- other party read the Bible "ren- Finder kindly notify Albert retreading. Three tread de- G at ere b y W hi tli g J m D A T ti n. xtr c h rg e of O c d e r o n t o C a e sar th e th in g s th a t H i ls, E n n isk ille n , R .R . , p h o n e sig n a to ch o o se fro m . Recently an OWI bulletin was ______replies__are_____________ are Caesar's." 2496. 5l1 0 .J M E O credited with giving these sug- we ele r ietdt I amn giving you ail fair warn- gestions for the kind of things to SEYMOUR-In Bowmanville, on a Statesman box number. ing to return these articles by LOST-On Sat., December1, TIRE SHOP Elvin block)Hw h f westDe.22 94,Evi of, ets n mr ae epo1.att hi ae eca 94,bow otrrulofficelokwsto ps ofc ily is doing everything ta help Henry Seymour, agcd 48 years. 50e each. [n Memoriams,50oc forgive and forget. Start the 1 tween Edmondstone's residence open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. win the war; (2) How anxious the Funeral from F. F. Morris Co. for notice plus 10e per line New Year right. To avoid pub- and the store. Reward if re- Phone 467 family is for the soldier's return; Chapel, on Fn.,* Dec. 24th. Ser- for verse. Classified adver- îicity and for your convenience, turned ta G. A. Edmondstone. (3) How well the family is-giv- vice at 2:30 p.m. Interment taernients accepted up until this time only, I shaîl remain Phone 821. 5-1 ing details; (4) How the family is Bowmanville Cemetery. 51-1 6 P.m. Wednesday. anonymous. 51-1* ________________________________ getting along financially; (5)___________________________________ What is doing in the community,Lvet k an Arclsarso Th k Ra EtaeFrS e Reception news about girls, doings of LvsokadAtce ad fT ak elEtt o aeF rR n friends, who's marrying whom, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Osborne, exploits of the home team, social FOR SALE - DeLaval Magnetic Mrs. Geo. Cain and family wish FOR SALE - FARM, 96 acres, Church St., will be at home to activities, effects of the war on milker. Phone 2637. 51-1to express ta their friends n o 3 o.1 aîntn their friends on the fiftieth anni- FOR RENT-2 GARAGES onl thc = tehm tonneighbors their heartfelt thanks miles west of Bowmanville, be- versary of their marriage, Mon., premises. Possession ri. 1, - Sldirs re orelikly o b FO SAE-iO BSHES YE. for the tokenis of sympathy ten- îogntaJmsPrcette Dec. 27th, from 3-5 p.m. and 7:30- 1944. Mrs. Ai-chie Tait, D sion inspired and bucked up by per- Also man's skates and boots dered themn durmng their recent Good grain and grass farm, 5 9:30 p.m. 51-1* St. St k- sonal things - how a namesake size 10. Telephone 2290. 51-1?' bereavement.51* acres bush, running stream. Y's nephew is growing up or how the Close to new highway. Apply t i girl friend loved his picture in FOR SALE - LEICESTER EWE Mrs. R. W. Marlow and family W. J. S. Riekard, R.R. 4, Bow- a uniform - than by impersonal lambs, well bred. W. J. with ta thank their relatives, manville, phone 2218. 51-1w' notes. They like ta know how the Clemence, R.R. 4, Bowmanvifle. neighbors and friends for their _______________ -war effort is continuing at home, Phone 2217. 50-2* many acts of kindness and ex- but prefer to take for granted that pressions af sympathy shown ________________J u ry__&_______ it is going smoothly than ta hear FOR SALE-FATTENED ROCK them in their recent sad bereave C MN V N S u y ULv l about strikes andi wage argu- roosters rough dressed or dress- ment. 51-1* Christmas Eve dance at Solina WISH ALL TIIEIR CUSTOMERS AND ments. They hate complaints ed.1 Phone Bowmanville 526. Hall, Fni., Dec. 24. Cuth Burt's about shortages of gasoline, rub- 51-1 oceta 51-1 FRIENDS ber, candy, silk stockings or any- Mrs. A. E. Brookham, Bowman- oceta thing else. BULLS FOR SALE-HEREFORD ville wishes ta thank Drs. Storey, One soldier abroad was infuri- 18 months aId, Durham, 8 Slemon and Birks, the nurses of Brown's H. & S. Annual New ated the other day by a letter f rom months old. Phone 2818, Bow- Bowmanville Hospital for their Year's Eve Frolic in Newcastle friend complaining that yo manville. 51-tf kind attention and her many Community Hall on Fni., Dec. 31, coul no onge geta ho dogbigfriends for flowers- and fruit and at 10 o'clock. Russ Creighton's enough ta see for a dime, while FOR SALE-20 PIGS, 6 weeks other kindnesses shown her dur- orchestra. Good prizes. Admission on meatless Tuesday you had to old. Apply H. C. Pedwell, R.R. ing her recent stay in the Hospi- 75c per persan. 51-2 eat, etc., etc. "That so-and-so 2, Newcastle, phone Clarke tal and since she returned homne. ________________ should have had what we had to 3823. 514*' 514* V cu sfrSl eat in Kasserine Pass," the sol- - _V cu sfrS l dier said, "and the sound effects, FOR SALE-Three Durham Heif- -___________ too." ers, due ta freshen first week in l< -= r. VACUUMS FOR SALE _________________________ In general the men dislike the January. Lorne Rabbins, Les- "Good vacuums foar Ga ad approach of those who write, krd P.O. Phone 54n13, Orono. MERRY Housekeeping." Also guaran- GFTs U BA NC "Don't let anyone tell you we at___________ 50-3* CHRI STMAS teed expert repairs, lubrîcation, CIT UG ES IO S ORT E B LA C home don't know there is a war WOOD FOR SALE - MIXED AND A replacements, etc. Call C.U.C. going on." He daesn't like ta wod4-otlnhsPrcde Service Branch, McGregor's0FT EW K hear of his girl friend going out îiverd, 4 $10 p ets r cdeH-H POFHrdwreStre Bomavile with ather men, but he is likely 774. 49-tfcod . A PYHrwaeStrBomnvle to be pleased and amused by hier Robitaille, R.R. 3, Bunketon. NEW YEAR 774._______________ lament that the only men left in 51-1 AricEsFo Sle.-R 1*~ town are "4F's, old men and FOR SALE-s YR. OLD DUR- TOAL M USOMR babies." And hie is also a sucker ha FIED for aIl sorts ofphotographs of his hm caw, due ta renew, quietADFRE SFO SLE untyofC ic j fail, i grlfiedhi et ad and right whcn last milked, hay, alo Quantity tablCturipsce 75 $aiy i ilfinhspt n 125 if sald this month. Roy M XHEIDT mu w *, Iit tbl trnps friends, as well as for any clip- MetAX, hoe ake124. 512 pings about him that may have ________phne_ 239. 51___laRPone_____124. 1Il broken into the local newspaper. FOR 'SALE - Purebred Short- FOR SALE-Lady's Muskrat Fur Pictures and clippings neyer fail hr uî,prbe osod_______________ coat cheap. Also lady's cloth where written words may. ewe îabuls, a puredCtwhite coat. Phone 2290. 51-1* Edaigfarneo There was a sergeant named Embden geese, bath sex, 1943 010= ==O= o FOR SALE-1931 CHEV. CoupeIon sukecpud Eddie whom I met in a London stock. Orville Burton, Clare- I lo, fr sal. Appy McKever return as prnbecause mont, Ont. 50-4* Garage. Will sell cheap. 50-4 ini au encuanting group patrons who come along. He be- FOR SALE-BROOD SOW with FOR SALE--Gentleman's Hunt- of bath luxuries. gan telling me of the woman he 8 pigs, Ayrshire cow, due ta f ing case Waltham watch, $20.00.J had married just a month or so freshen first of January.. Four OSAWA, ONTARJ Write Box 271, Statesman 0f- 'i before leaving. He had a letter 2-year-old heifers, due ta fresh- Phn 011 - Free Parkig fie, Bwmanvnde. 5171 with him and in the few para- en in March. Frank Aldsworth, I Bath Powder .. . 1.65 graphs he read aloud he somehow Courtice, phone Oshawa 491j2. Thurs., Fr1., [ FOR SALE-32 DODGE Sedan, 61 communicated more of the tex'ror 51-1* Dc 3-2 cylinder, good nunningodr _________________23__-_24__Talcuni Sachet . .1.4 and beauty and solemn anguishO Two Great Features Appiy H. Vn3ng= I of separated loyers than I have FOR SALE - NEW ANTD USED [ TONIGHT WE RAID King St., East, Bowmanville. op.........0 ever heard: "And so I don't worry wheel-barrows, wagons 0K Sop...........5 with <CALAISE _ _ _W >__ _ __ _ _ _ a.m . .. . . wife had written, "because I know ta take 600x16 tires. Harrows, Ilill, onSttn FRSAE-134PYOT that my husband is the best and etc. on hand. Order your Auto- Anbla onSto coach, 3 new tires and new------wàL%[c the bravest and the strongest of trac attachments naw. Fertiliz- Big, thrilling, spectacular batteny. Apply Mrs. Wheeler, fight. Yes, and the gentlest. And be scarce. Take deiivery earîy,* Lloyd Nolan, Donna Reed,o (acrass fnom C. M. Carruthers). PINK CLO ERIF Iknow God will ot let anything un tii Apnil lst ta pay. Phone William Lundigan 51-1 . happen to him because he is like Carl Todd, Clarke 15r20. 50-2* I Jby anlet lubbardAyo STATIONERYTJ ______________ APACHE TRAIL 0 LJNOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM that and because he îsn't anyone I Flaming romances, flamingn Rugs. Select yaurs fram over B eise's husband. And that makes arwfaigdil l 30pten atal nsok me very happy." ABOUT REVOLUTIONARIES Sarnaws laigdAtramation0 aten cta n tc.Gay, freeli fragrance B Maybe the impact is not in the AND SOCIALISTS IlSealH iayAtaio l You are invited ta view theseofC vefils EtnCr e _______ *> ;pehas t aslb at BRADLEY'S New FurnituneE ofCo rfjdu Eon Crn & wirdthemselvtesboypeaps thewas [Jaa ouna)Sat., Mon., Tues., fl Store, 156 Sirncoe South, Osh- Cologne, 1.10 & 1.75 Pk in th alwy he bvoy eadte, Te1taaJura)Dec. 25 - 27 - 28 0 awa. 46-tf M BatÈ Powder, 1.65. Pk eys gow isvic ow. And When we came ta speak of "ne- f POSITIVELY the most Shadotone Deekie -_ 50c perhaps you had ta realize that volutionaries" and "Socialists," as Riotous Camedy Romance ' FOR SALE-Lady's Tube Skates he was a rean gunner in a Flying applied to the C.C.F. and Labon yau've eveýr seen and boots, size 8, in perfect , Beauty Kit -_ $2,25 Chamivor Vellum ---- $1 Fortress assigned ta a station that Progressive (Communist) parties TRUE TO LIFE condition. Pnice $3.75. Skates Pn lvrFc ekePrh had had and was having panticu- in Canada, it is perhaps well that aoewrhmr oe.As larly heavy casualties. . we should be cdean about what we Starring mlaons woath es, o8ny.Alo Pnkoer -Face-De1k5e Pach------6et$25 At the risk of attempting a mean. The Journal, for its part, Mary Martin, Dick Powell, on'skts, o. 8, iben go owe - 15 mn - 0 o 2 formula, it would appear safe ta definitely doesn't mean that al 0 Franchot Tone, Victor phone 431. 51-1" - say most soldiens like to get let- those in Canada who suppont onr Moore r ters fram their loved ones telling, vote for the C.C.F. part y are F dolks, like the unes next0 OSHAWAS NEW FURNITURE Helena Rubinstein ELIZABETH first, that ahl is well at home; revaîutianany; that they want ta dloan, ini the funniest family [ Store - Evenything in modern. second, that the folks are proud uproot, by violence on othenwiseI picture you ever burst youn chesterfield, bedroam, dining Heaven Sent ARDEN - of them - without laying it on our estabiished institutions. Far I buttons laughing at. Thnee suites, and studios. Bedding and Powder -------- 85c, $1,35 Hand-O-Tonik ------ -- $1.25 thickly and, third, amiable, fram it. lhit tunes sung by Dick and floor caverings a specialty.I chatty details of things close ta Muc errtetuh Jary. The old music master, Quality merchandise at com- Toilet Soap 55C Blue Grass Dusting the saldier's peacetime way of Mc er teruhwe im- thene she was, Misten Polly- petitive pnices. Befare buying 'Powder -.--- -------S1.85 lie n hylk nwr ad-aie supth a p arty of te Uc anna. visit Bradley's New Furniture 2 Cakes Tollet Soap ----$1.00 rect questions they have written C.C.F. are people who mereîy Store, 16 Simce St. ., Os- * Cologne & Talcum -- $1,75 home; nothing is m&e exaspenat- want a "change," wha say they Satn hrdy [ awa.46t ing than to ask for the splecific ad- T OTFRAD ae0ie"o h l atepu E Large Cologne & dress of a friend or haw certain arhe'red" of te ald ates, plus BEST FOOT FR Wila R __________---------------------_$2.3 craps are doing and ta have the otes woaeatrce b r- Luii aiWlia atn Wanted To Buy Tacm- ----$ 35- . I- S fessed itey gnre.dealism and brave prom- The Management and Staff da _______________ ., q u er yu s eco m pletely ig nleon e dai.o u p a ro n AC o lo g n e w ith A to m iz e r........ In letters from their sweet- iss pls el in nt n d pe pe ih al au p tr s who haye neer studed the im- 0 M erry Christmnas W A T D -L n e Q b c H at Soap & Dusting what every lover since the worid plications of C.C.F. policies. pens. Apply Kingsway Green- Pwe------32 or began wants-that he is still the Yet it is pnecisely this, the fact _________________ houses. Phone 2633. 51-3 Cologne ---------$100, $1.50 sole object of the giri's affection, that a Socialist and revolutionary WANTED - WOOD FIBER FOR ApeBosmTlu -that she misses him and will wait party usuaily manages ta appeal f-oe-makng Lea o-ms, ppeower 75e $1 ARDENA till kingdom corne. Thene is a to people who are neither Social- 3624, 22 Aven., .WLen a tle, Pwe -- -UST-75,$.G Ihdîffenence of opinion on love let- ists non revolutionanies, which 3ashington.,48* DstinSPodtrtle, PODS I 25 ters as such, somne soldiens saying makes the C.C.F. movernent dan- - ahinton_48______________---------_$.50_____-1.2 out a lot of that goa." But they people who really want ta bringY A c te s rub-ied uges Cone8 15Dsn-$16 are not nepresentative of those tatalitarianism in this country. the R DOandhtnerss. Sbrtted p gies.Clge--------- 5,$.5156n------------- 16 who have left behind sweethearts C.C.F. panty would get nawhere ?_ad________ Ilpics. 16 Bath Oil----- - $1.25, $2.75 fiancees and wives who mnean the But when the C.C.F. leaders, the THREATRE Gambie Ave., Toronto 2. 49-6* Toilet Soap --------------55e Blue Grass Perfume $1.50 __________ tnuth is that y ou've -gjt -taO 0 NEW YEAR'S EVE Commercial No. 1 E r b a n, ight before anything right can1 Cartier and Victor any ...Ju y & L v l wrought ABBOTT and COSTELLO i load of the above vanieties of seed T ERX L TR IWith human hands the creed of No species of falsehood is mare about Jan.I This is neal good PH N 78 creeds frequent than flattery; ta which In seed gnown at New Liskeard. We PH N 7 C.N.R. TICKETS In0vlns f perfect deeds, the coward is betnayed by fear, the RV T are now taking onders. w.OlwOuS More strong than ail poetic dependent by interest, and the U KP IA . GARNET B. RICKARD, hnW TetEe I lDo P pry thought. friend by tcnderness. EBawmanville, phone283 -Tennyson -Caleb C. Colton 5- t 'I m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURS., DECEMBER 23rd, 1943 304 O#oe ýý&,ýÈ

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