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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1944, p. 6

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* t -A. - m PAGE SIX T11~CMAlAI. CnAqWJ!IA, BO.., VMLE.ONTRIO- - - This space contributed on behaif of 7th Victory Loan by CAWKER'S MEAT AND GROCERY STORES When S.S. Fort Aspin, 10,000- (subsidiary of the C.N.R.) ths ton "Victory" type cargo vessel, summer, it received a "nil de- SoliJUe was launched by the ne fects" certificate, a coveted dis-, Rupert Drydock and Shiyd tinction. Frorn Capi Arm'd Regt.. Up bob Nostril Quickly iRelieve 3c Stuffiness of Catarrh Speciaized Medication Works Fast Riglat Where Trouble hl1 Soothng rlief ronistufy ainful distress of acutecaar con( sVatonlsreads through the nose, reduces swoilen membranes-soothes irritation, reli*evesV Cg b congestion, helps flush ouj cold-clogged nasal 09. pam Makes breathing easier eu~ try it MFliow directions in pack age. VAT V9V BETTER US£ THAT OUNCE 0F PRE- VENTION NOW ! For several years Glen Rae Dairy has been selling ounees of prevention by the quart and the pint... Down through the years we have maintain- ed a quality product at ail times - the re- suit of this quaiity is easily illustrated by the fact that the volume of milk sold by Glen Rae Dairy has now increased compar- ed to what it ivas a couple of years ago. So, Mrs. Housewife, if you are flot aiready enjoying this delicious rilk-now is the time to buy those ounces of prevention from Glen Rae Dairy. The Dairy that gets out in front and stays there with Quality Produets ail th.e time, and when you buy Quaity youl buy protection for you and your famihy. ing shows. I go to the Americ theatre rnost but with our thea also 1 see a great variety of shoi There generally is a dance hg once a month or more but the months 1 have spent in Nf id. have done very, littie dancij With winter comning on I hope get a lot of time in skating a skiing which was the top spi here last winter. I arn hoping to get out of hE outloký s gim. nceagain wis toexpessmysincere than for sending The Statesman. DON R. YELLOWLEE Editor's Note - The followij letter from Lew Wiseman w written before the letter publis ed last week from Lew, but w only received this week. /7From LiSgt. L. Wisema C-18655, C Coy, lst Can. Par Btn., Canadian Arrny OverseE Oct. 3, 1944. Dear Mr. James: Only Wisemnan again, to let yç know I have been safely bac from France almost a month no and arn certainly pleaaed to 1 back in old Blighty again. Ju wounid up a glorious 14 day leave and during that Urne mi only one local boy, Ross Rice. M~ had quite a chat. I understan hie was about to leave for Franc and ai ter wishing him the sarr, luck as 1 had he took his depa3 ture ail too sooin for he was du to report back in his billets thz saine afternoon. I saw Sta Dunn in London the next aftei noon but as 1 had already wave down a cab I didn't get the chanc to draw his attention. Couldn pass up the cab for I was in hurry and cabs aren't exactly eas to find in London these days. Th reason for the hurry was I ha, tickets for a Phyliss Dixey shoý at one of the West End theatre! If further explanation is neces sary I'll let you know that ah happens to be the Gypsy Rose Le of Great Britain, need 1 say more ______________ I thought the way the Yank were chasing Fritze arouni , T Europe they hadn't a man lef ers Letters in England. I found out dfee ________when I arrived at the theatrE t. . J Brwn,2ndOne look at the queue and pt. . J Brwn,2ndthought I hadl corne back acrosi .L. & S.H., C.A., C.M. the Atlantic and not the Englisl mes:. Channel. It's a cinch they wil âmes:neyer run short of reinforce again with another of ments. Can't help wonderini cas hoping iA finda what the little man in Berlin i. r farnily in the best thinking of, so help me. T he main purpose in Blackout has been lifted sincE tenclose this orief I arrived back in England. QuitE .ir regirnental history a change in places but in some iona's Horse). Hope spots no difference at all. Won't and I would appre- have to go around this winter say- vould show it to sorne ing "excuse me" to every tele- .last war vets who phone pole I bang into, like I arested. We are very did in the past. history and are doing At the present time I arn getting tkeep up the won- settled dlown to the old army tion it has gained in routine of spit and polish, flot to forget blanco. Quite a change feel very proud of from France! Wonder how 1 wilI ir son Bihl has pro- enjoy bl1a nk ammunition on being in the army. schernes.1 corne along in every Right now we have the eve- ias deserved every nings taken care of with an inter- sgot. Every officer battalion rugby schedule. Our ýak to from the Cal- cornpany at present is leading the othing but the high- league. Ideal football weather or hlm, both in a over here these days. The games 1and an ail-round finish early enough to catch a nother local who is plaY-by-play description of the and doing things in a World's Series as it's 'being play- ed in St. Louis, U.S.A. Picked [k over here these the Brown'& to win the series and ilitation and de- arn waiting right now for the Pamphlets and fourth game to be played. The re full of it and one broadcast cornes straight from the think the war was baIl park and we .get the garne t like being pessi- over this side beginning at 7:30 ire are going to be p.rn. A lovely way to spend an lost before the Hun evening here in the mess. We n the towel. How- even have our own bat boy Who ýdian Gov't has cer- lines up the ernpty beer botties ed some grand op- like a natural. Sgt. Johnny Hill h ler veterans which of Port Hope, Ontario, sits right greatly to the bet- beside me and many a series be- future leaders. tween the old Royals and the Hill a few more fellows town boys is replayed during our ately and they are little chats. to get back to their Funny how we met. I was sit- hope the town has ting in the mess reading The e sort of policy in Statesman and he came in and sat way she is going to. beside me with a Port Hope soldier citizens. I Guide. We took a look at each sed to hear that the other's paper and for the next recently purchased three hours the papers were for- tate with a view to gotten. Found out we had play- to a youth centre ed hockey, rugby and basketball r.If everyone in against one another away back md this effort there in-heil it seerns like years now. fallure that the last So along with him and a couple sformed met with. Sgts. frorn Oshawa I'mi not; exact- ?st recently ran an ly alone in this place. way various cities Sorry I have to close early this were running their trip but duty calls. Best regards to the citizens of Bowrnanville, sing an editorial the beat spot in the world. LEW. copy of our 'Maple Col. RaPlston's iiti he boys who are still sleeping and in barracks and a ,for writing let- managed to crawl for breakfast this gon shift work 1 to myself. tirne here is see- -____________ :an itre NuS. Lre 19 'I rig. Sto and >rt ere the i I ks NOW - MORE TEÈAN EVER EVEN IFP YOU have cur- tailed the use of your automobile you need the best insurance protection you can buy. Get Comprehenk~ve Au- tomobile Insurance from this agency - NOW. Stuart R. lames Insurance and Real Eutate Suecessor To 3. J. Mason & Son Phone 681 Le ýd wto play pool with you. H-ope youc Sare well. Myself, I amn in the1 3best of health but one neyer ie knows how long we can keep that ýe way over here. H:d a seven-day Smuch rather have had it in Bow- t d manville at Spud's recreation ~ Et room.c Lt I guess most of the boys are F- .away now but we ahl hope to be 1 Ï home in another year. It's been S 5raining a lot and mountains and [j mud don't agree with tanks. Our hope is that it's harder on Jerry I -ha on us and we have'hjrn "in jt. 9the bag" at any rate. Ail we have Sto do now is hold him under ai water. Give the boys rny regards. hi Your friend, JOHNNY BRADY. fl ec c t The following letters have been received by the Women's Hospital L rom s.Q. . . . unt, Uan. Army Overseas, to the Wornen's Nestheton W.I. met at the home War Auxiliary, Bowrnanville: of Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Nov. 2. Pro- Many thanks for your îoveîy gramn consisted of community parcel. Wonderful to know we singing and several readings. Mrs. have not been forgotten after Lorne Thornpson was convener. a.way s0 long. Here's hoping in Mrs. George Proutt lead a dis- 1945 we shahl be ail together cussion on *Homne Economica. Rol again. ERNEST HUNT. caîl was, sing-say-or-pay. There * 4 *were 15 ladies present. Ladies FrOM Bandman . Turkdecided to send Mrs. M. Emerson, From BrandsmanFM.cTuerk, he president, to the convention Gladand leaed t ge thepar Toronto, also to pack a bale and Gld ndplasW omgen'shear- make sorne quilts.Mr.Wlo cel from the W mses W rve pls h n s W lsogvn Auxiliary. Long way about but tevhostes ndthons i cagiene it got to me. Sorry to say I arn ateasate and pofeit ae afr not a Corp. now but in a Royal nooean. n rftbeatr Can. Staff Band, s0 please note Vsio rsis J an M lo m a whe net witig. . E TURK.Brooklin. . . Mrs. Ralph Sadler was operated on for appendicitis From Lieut. NIS Éetty Flax- in Bowrnanville Hospital. . . Mr. man, Military Hospital, Lanark- Thos. Stewart is getting the hydro shire, England: installed. . . Mr. and Mfrs. C. H. Once again, thank you and the Porteous with their daughter, members of the Women's War Mrs. Harold « Nesbitt, Bowrnan- Auxiliary of Bowrnanville for ville. . . Miss Louise Johins and your wonderful parcel. Every- Mr. Fred Johns at Mr. George one here had hopes of being home Johns'... Miss Hilda Johns with by Christmnas but it rather looks Miss M. McClaren, Orono. .. Mr. as if it won't be tilI spring. Let's and Mrs. George Johns and Billy, keep on hoping and again many Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin with Mrs. thanks, BETTY FLAXMAN. Fred Todd, Clarke. . . Mr. and _______Mrs. Stanley Malcolm with hier mother, Mrs. Anson Taylor... Among. the later letters receiv- Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Steele with ed frorn overseas and addressed Mrs. Peel, Port Perry. .. Mr. El- to Henry Thornpson, Nestleton, wood Grag, Port Hope, at Mr. Secretary for the various Cart- Herman Samels'... Mr. and Mrs. wright units sending parcels to Tom Chambers, Valentia, with the voluntary personnel from that Mr. Malcolm Emerson. .. Mr. and district, are the following: Mrs. David Johns at Lifford. From Lieut. (NS) Louise Mrs. R. W. Marlow has moved Davidson, (now Mrs. L. Balfour) into Dr. Bowles' cottage at the R.C.A.M.C., Italy. làke. Although Louise tells nothing Services in the Preabyterian about being rnarried at the front Church on Sunday were quite al in Italy since hier last letter, she success. writes in great appreciation for A number from Nestleton gave the parcels received. She says: blood donations at Port Perry on Friday ight. This advt. contributed by ALEX. GILBERT î General Merchant Blackstock T1hin Girls Leairn Thinl girls are learning that ay a sharpen their apetites ..acimprove digestion by the, ~ .~use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food - the vitainin tonic. Té be sure of flot missing the' usual after-meal treatmeat they buy the new, economy size botule of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and kqeepit on the dining table ahong with the sait and pepper shakers. The increasedý supply of vitamin BI and food minerai heips theza to, get xelief from tired feelings nervous spels and irritability anc1 ta, know again the joy of healthful Whether in war work or other joccupations they find that they have the pep and energy which is essential for efficiency and success. AskfrthneweeonmyszebttlOfR.Ç'NEWrvE od Dr .hse . * oo AENil isiî'r ir iw~ TRU7If? b~- 7m-c~ç r , "Thanks very much for the parcel packed by the Nestleton Wornen's Institute." The Reader's Digest has so rnuch good reading I shail pass it along to the patients for they enjoy it s0 much. My thanks indeed to aIl at home, and if not too soon, a very rnerry Christ- mas, from Louise (Davidson) Balfour. From Pte. B. Mahaffy, Can. Army Overseas: Haven't been getting my mail as usual but certainly got your parcel and a thousand thanks. Guess it's getting cold back home by this tirne. Since I came back from Italy I have been rnoved about a lot. Meantirne, beat of luck. B. MAHAFFY. Frorn L Bdr. D. Baker, 3rd Anti-Tank, Overseas: Thanks for the parcel packed by the Nestleton Women's Insti- tute. They certainly know what to put in a parcel. You are cer- tainly backing us up so the war will be over as soon as possible. We think the war will be over by Christmas and we hope it will but you neyer can tell. My thanks and our thanks, ail of us for your generous gifts. LiBdr. D. BAKER. From Sgt. P. G. Langfeld, R.C. A.F., Overseas: Thancs to the Nestleton Wo- men's Institute fOr their most wel- corne parcel. Not much to tell here on account of censors. Here's hoping the very best for you. PHIL. Cadmus Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wilson at their cottage. . . Mrs. Isaac Whitfield, Toronto, with her daughter, Mrs. Russell Brown.. Mr. and Mrs. Walby and farnily, Oakville, with Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Wall.. . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown at their cottage.. . Mr. and M4rs. Norman Philp and family, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Philp and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fallis. . . Mr. and Mrs. Hferb Taylor, Midland, with Mr. Meredith Fallis. . . Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm at Mr. and Mrs. vlarvin Nesbitt's. Leslie Mountjoy and Lorne Mc- Kee are serving on the jury at the Faîl Assizes at Cobourg. ]gr . and Mrs." Russell Larmer nd Mr. and Mrs. Lois Stinson .ad their children, Bernice Lar- mer and Merilyn Stinson, baptiz- Bd Sunday rnorning, in the United "hurch by Rev. Bruce Harrison. a *1 ,...~,. I. t... 9 m Il« CANADIAN lànllMXAWTlr"TIM ýA- v À- s 'j Bowmaliville pw»ý ., - lý, Ring st.

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