-~ p -,--, r 7! PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO IN MEMORIAM AUCTION SALE McREYNOLDS-In loving mem- Fri., Nov. 17-the undersigned ory of a dear husband and will seil by public auction for father, William McReynolds, Wm. Darcy, Lot 3, Con. 2, Cart- who passed away, Nov. 8, 1941. wright, bis farm stock and impIe- In memories that are stilli-fond ments. Sale at i p.m. Terms and true cash. See bis for itemized list. There wasn't a thing too big or Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 45-i* too small________________ That you wauldn't try ta do for N tc us al. Ntc It is sad, but it is truc, I wonder why Dr. H. B. Rundle's office will be That the best are always the closed from Nov. 5 ta Nov. 18, in- first to die.cuie. 44-2 We have iost, but heaven lias cuie gained BwavleEetiln One of the best husbands and 4 oors WiletofEc ans i fathers the world ever con- Biding Wstocuped by i tained.Navy League -Sadly missed and ever re- All kinds of electric wiring done membered by bis wife and Motors repaired and installed daughterz Myrtle. 45-1 Phone 438 34-tf 12* Dleautîfully Furred WINTE-R COATS Yqu will make a smart appear- ance in one of these beautifully furred coats. Ail handsomely tailored in mossy,. self -striped or smooth woollens, warmly lined. We have', Lhem plain or fur trimmned, from $19-50 to. $80 Distinctive fleeced, hair mixtures and velours ini al the popular styles. Your clothing dollar really does an outstanding job at our store. Prices range -from ýý $25,00 to $31.50 --. This store 'closes at 9 o 'dock Saturday niglit Couch, Johnston& Cryderman PHONE 836 BOWMAK VILLE LOVELINESS ON YOUR LIPS Newest ;;;youngest .;&s, prettiest ipstick from the fomed palette of PARADISE PINK is wonderful with your new Fait clothes, perfect %vith the magic-making Pink Powders that biend oway tiredness and thot tense look with every touch of your powder-puff. Destined ta establish on entire new trend, PARADISE PINK ipstick ta make yau look yaunger, taveller, more vital . .. in a new, natural way. Paradis. Pink Lpitick, 1.60 (rofils, .80) Paradis. Pink Nail Polish, .95 Jury C& Loveli THE REXALL STORE -~W. Test Eyes It lu Don. Properly pRHONE 1778 - - -C.N.R. TICKETS BIRTiIS SLEMON-On November 2, 1944, at Niagara Falls Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. C. Boyd Slemon, a daughter, Mary Ann Pamela. 45-1 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. William A. Allun, of Kirby, wish ta announce the engagement of their eider daugh- ter, Mildred Jean, ta Robert Bruce Little, youngest son of Mr. Wil- liam Little and the late Mrs. Wil- liam Little, Agincourt, Ontario. The marriage will take place in Navember. 45-1* Card of Thanks Mrs. Lillian Berry wishes to thank Dr. Birks and the Superin- tendent and Staff of Bowman-. ville Hospital for their kindness and care during her recent illness. 45-1* Mr. and Mrs. ' 1Harry Hughes would like ta thank ahl relatives and friends wbo took part ini the baby shower for their twin daughters, Eileen and Pauline. 45-1 Mr. John Larmer and Family wish th sincerely thank their many friends, relatives and neigh- bars for the kind expressions of love and sympathy and floral tri- butes extended during their sad bereavement in the death of a dear wif e and mother. 45-1 .Mrs. Selena Lee wishes ta thank the Superintendent and Nursing Staff of Bowmanville Hospital, also Drs. Storey and Slemon, relatives, friends and neîghbors for flowers, fruit and other gifts sént ta her during the 10 weeks she was confined ta hospital. Mrs. Lee and Alice alsa wish ta thank their many kind friends for letters and cards of sympathy received by them in the loss of a loving son and brother, Pte. Harry R. Lee. 45-1* NOTICE TO DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP PROPERTY OWNERS Whereas Darlington Council has received notice from Bow- manville Town Council that the Fire Brigade will not answer any caUls in this Township unless guaranteed payment by Darling- ton Township Council, and whereas this Council does flot feel they should assume this re- sponsibility for the following rea- sons: i. Bowmanville Fire Brigade can only serve a small portion of the Township, a radius of about 6 ta 8 miles. 2. The Fire Brigade pump has a lifting capacity of about 25 feet and very few wells have enough water ta warrant their coming out. 3. Bowmanville Fire Brigade is a volunteer brigade, and a fire in farm buildings gets such a start that it is usually beyond contrai before they can possibly arrive. THEREFORE any property owners who may wish f ire pro- tection from the Town of Bow- manville must make their own arrangements with the Fire De- partment of that town. J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk. 45-i I-Ielp Wanted IIMEN TO START IN BUSINESS oour capital. Seil some 200 Farm-Home Products. Thous- ands of our dealers now make quick sales, oig profits. For particulars write Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-140-192-K, Mantreal. 45-i MEN AND WOMEN - Watkins deaiers are making mare money taday than ever before. Enjoy the security and benefits of af- filiation with the oidest and largest company of its kind in the worid. Watkins have a buy- ing power of $20,000,000.00 - with millions invested in raw material. No experience requir- ed. Every Watkins Product sold on a guarantee of satisfaction or money refunded. Ail sales re- cords were smashed in 1943- generaus bonuses were paid ta ail Watkins Dealers. Get into business for yourself on aur capital in your home or adja- cent iocaiity. Suitable travel outfit required. Write now for further information ta the J. R. Watkins Campany, Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson Street, Montreal. 44-3 Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY OR RENT - A Metroxàome, Phone 854 or 436. 45-i LIVE POULTRY and featljers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, fI .R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7r13. 45-9* ONE METRONOME. Apply Mrs. R. A. Morris, Brown -Street, Bowmanville. 45-1* MEDIUM - SIZED TRICYCLE, write stating price and condi- tion ta Mrs. R. Mutton, Brad- shaw St., Bowmanville. 45-1* SEED WANTED - We are now offering highest prices for timo- thy, clovers, etc. Mail us a sampie. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanville. 39-tf BARN WANTED, 40x6O ft. or larger, must be in goad condi- tion. Apply Russell Osborne, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 3831i. 45-1* HATCHING EGGS wanted for 1945 hatching season. Guaran- teed premium paid, plus hatch- abilîty premium. Flocks culled and bloodtested under Govern- ment Supervision, free of charge. Write for full details. Tweddie Chick Hatcheries Lim- ited, Fergus, Ont. 44-4 Coming Events Reserve Wed., Thurs., Fni., Nov. 29, 30, Dec. 1, for Bowman- ville Higli School Commence- ment. 41-7 Reserve Thurs. ,Dec. 7 for the sale of work and home-made cooking at St. Andrew's Churcli. 45-1 Don't forget the Foresters weekly dance every Saturday night at Enniskillen Hall with Fletcher's orchestra in attend- ance. 45-1 Miss Ethel Morris, Horsey St., Bowxnanville, will hold a sale of hand painted china and oul and water-color pictures at her home, Nov. i3th to Nov. 18th. After- naons, 2 ta 6 o'clock; evenings, 7 ta 9 o'ciock. 44-2 Hampton Church Ha rv es t Thank-Offering Services Sun., Nov. 12. Rev. R. B. Harrison, B.A., Biackstock, will be the speaker at 2 and 7 p.m. Special music by the home choir in the afternoon and by Ebenezer Junior choir in the evening. 45-i Lost, Strayed or Stolen LOST-3 YEARLING HEIFERS, red with white face, mouse color, and all red, from Lot 22, Con. 2, Cartwright, reward. Phone Port Perry 111n12, Mrs. Jas. Melton, Burketon. 44-2* STRAYED - Prom Lot 35, Con. 9, Clarke, 7 head of yearling cattle, rising 2 yrs. old. Any information will be greatly ap- preciated. Albert A. His, En- niskiilen. Phone 2496. 45-1 HAVE YOUR PHOT G RA PH TAKEN MON., NOVE l13th ANYTIME FROM 2 UNTIL 9.00 Va... ATTHE Balmoral Hotel COME IN Please DO NOT Phone 1, large 8xl0 colored, or Black and White SPECIAL $2.49 Mounted GROUPS AND CHILDREN OUR SPECIALTY 4 Poses to Choose Prom Third time ln Bowmanville in One Year We are a member of Ont. Society of Photographers Laifayette Studios 2182 Dundas St. W., Toronto ROYAL THEA TRE 13OWMAN VILLE Where Happmness costs so Little. - Tel. 589 Monday te Friday, doors open 6.30 p.m. Sat., doors open 6 o'clock Matinee at 2.00 p.m. Th*s., Fr!., Nov. 9-10 ERROL FLYNN In Uncertain Glory With Paul Lukas, Jean Sul- livan and Faye Emerson. lIn a thrllling story of the French Underground- Adveuture - Love- Pathos. Sat Only, Nov, il William Boyd as Hopalong Cassidy, in Hoppy Serves A Writ Wlth Andy Clyde and Vie- tor Jory. A Western steny with a kick. Added Attraction Rhythm Parade With the Mlsi Brothers, Gale Storm, Ted Fbo Rito and his Orchestra - Beauti- fui girls - Hot Music New Sangs - Comedy. Mon., Tues., Wed., Nov. 13-14-15 Two Girls And A Sailor Wlth Van Johnson, June AI- lyson, Gloria DeHaver, Gracie Allen, Jimmy Duran- te, Hanry James and bis Music Makers and Xavier Cugat and bis Orchestra. What a cast! What a pro- gram! What a musical! Coming! 11MADAM CURIE" "WHITE CLIFFS 0F DO VER"l THE PRISONER 0F ZENDA Wlth Madeleine Carroll, Mary Aster, David Niven, C. Au- brey Smith, Raymond Massey A reckless love that fought te live ONE WEEK Nov. 13-18 It echoes the heart-beats of ail loyers teday M.G.M. Presents THE WHITE CLIFFS 0F DO VER Starring IRENE DUNNE With Alan Marshal, Roddy Mc- Dowell, Frank Morgan, Van Johnson, C. Aubrey Smith, Dame May Wbitty, Gladys Cooper Owing te the lengtb of the feature, feature shown at 1.50, 4.15, 6.40, 9.05 III 0F BOWMANVILLE of Revision and feWmà Cni IMnWoen Grl Notice is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Re- vision for the Town of Bowman- ville will be held in the Côuncil Room in the said Town on Tues- day, November 28th, 1944, at 7:30 p.m., ta hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Assessment Rol of the said Municipality for the year 1945. And further take notice that al ratepayers who deem themselves overcharged or otherwise im- praperly assessed may notify the Clerk of the Municipaiity in writ- ing of such overcharge or im- proper assessment an or before the 28th day of November, '1944, and your camplaint shall be tried by the sald Court of Revision. Ail persans havlng business at the Court are requested ta attend as aforesaid. A. J. LYLE, Clerk of the Town of Bowmanville. Dated this 8th day of November, 1944. 45-2 Let ahi your vlews in lifE directed ta a solid, bow, moderate, independence; wit it no man can be happy, norE honest.-Junius. WANTED, For War. Work In Mechanical Rubber Goods Plant i Vacation with pay Group Insurance and Hospitallzation Plan Legal Holiday. with Pay Pension Plan A War Tinie Job with Peace Time Prospects Applicants on War Work not Accepted Apply National Seketive Service, Oshawa1 File 2670 evttil 1