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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1944, p. 6

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LGE six a THE CA.NAIAJq STATSMAN.DBOWANVTL W. thT'1944 totalled $50,000,000, the average, - T',~7MEET THE 467,0Oas been repaid with in h V .: ilI 1J' 353terest. The average of boans dur- SP O R NEW Sf1VV ing the past three years is less Il fitthan one third of the average dur- Il i- GLHOLEySTAR hokeychapioshipas ell We ~ ig the preceding three years. Up -R O YmAa.maDONSAS hcky minhp swl.W to March 31, 1944 ,mortgage pay- BOaWMu V IwvLLE IN JUNIOR HOCKEY quote froma the Globe and Mail: ments find 91 out of 100 with no Telehon 58 ;,nsDe. 2 (Spcia) -arrears. At the close of the fiscal mondar to flday, doors Featured on the sport page of ILedby Fah Gilhooley, brillant year the Boardhl ly39se *peu 6.30 p.m. the Globe and Mail, Dec. 25, was right winger fromn Bowmanville, . agreements c o v e r i n g farms Sat., doora oben 6 o'cloek the outstanding hockey perform- the Oshawa Junior "~B" teani van- *~ acciuired in the lest 15 years and Ma= peat 2.00 p.m. ance of Don Gilhooley in a Junior quished Kingston Victorians 5-2, on these, fhterest arrears for more - League game at Kingston, Satur- in an exhibition game at the than 6 months is only $901. THURS. FRI., DEC. 28-29 day night. Don was a star shorf- Harty Arena Saturday night. Gil beenoratingonytsincea 1935, AR U D T E stop and pitcher on the Rotary hooley scoredi four goals and his beeFortrigo, the Board135,bas WRO DTH Junior Basebaîl team which wo brilliant performance was the - and up to March. 944, bas lent .W R Dthe league championship. Now it highlight of a game in which the a total of $6,33i,000 and loans Starrfng Kay Kyser, wlth appears Don is headed for a locals lost the services of two of ottniga httm ee EEYCA NSO Misclia Auer, Joan Davis, their best players through in-* $4,233,000. During the present arY MeGulre, Walîy juries. fiscal year borrowers havé pald RD VDFRI Brw lnCre n Gilhooley seemis to be out Of $228,000 interest and $518,000 Kay Kyser's Band. The this world"l in this era of for- rnia.Oto oa f29 musical that's going ward passing where stickhandlers f1935 te oahs adeuireny R o PLACES -an AMAof ability are conspicuous by their TH195, se rdtis through d n ____________________ absence. This little fellow can15scrte hogsaerfr- -1-----make that puck behave and the 1944epoeeig u o?4rh SATURDAY, DEC. 30 OSHAWA Vics assigned the task of check- 94 VR N ET T AL PEARCE lu Free Parking Phone 1011 ing hum seemed to be hypnotized sl r oe HERE COMES It was a treat to see Gilhooleymi GIRLS, HOMEMAKING CLUBS TELS EZ ELM R riay Saurayacion Fr neniht t eat e OGAIZD OR1944-45 TE LOTTHE ELMER ~"'c. 29-30 Was the dominant figure in a testKO Witb Dale Evans, radlo's WALLACE BEERY featured by speed. TeGrs oeaigCu RATIONING HIGR aCORES MADE IN- in program ,sponsored by the Wo- WB RAVIE NOT KANY L pinue fluhe-t A INN IHPOE AI Nl # O men s Institute Branch of the pai.Dept. of Agriculture, is now or- TO COKE IN AT O, AdedAtratinWlth BILLIARD CONTESTS ganized for next year with local GN UR InMarj, oe Man, )oaILeader Training Schools being GETTING ONE OF GENE AUT Y l Mee, T mmy Batt n, or- M any of the boys overseas when ' ~ ~ held in 39 counties and ten dist- ROOTUN' TOOTIN' othy Morris. Ratlonlng they get their copies of The L-34 ricts. Miss Florence Eadie of the RHYTHM points runnlng low? Here's Statesman odub anthi t Institutes Brancb reports that to RH THano________ i a-1 AN DANRe .$19-95 1N theth Smiley BurwettemAr- uenforn .owhat is happening ti date, 166 leaders and 71 assist- suida, Monte Blue.and AI town. Wýhile this is flot a con- L1MV Training at these schools Is un-~ Clauser and is Oklahoma GALA MIDNITE NEW stant feature in our columns, an der the guidance of the Home ]e .$ 4 5 outlaws. YEAR'S EVE SHOW attempt is made to kcep up to ______________ Economics Coaches 'of the Wo- After 12.05 date in basebail, hockey, rugby, men's Institutes Btanch and lead- Mon., Tues., Wed, ;a,' 1-2-3 Flbber McGee and MoIly bowling, etc. Since quite a nuni- prt sbmtted ad the rose c rs spent busy days learning the Speclal Matinee New Year's Inber are i.. por subllars admi en wht anhepaeicpos]eg.$er-,1 Day ai 2 îteetc nbilrd n ous condition of the Club. hwadwa ftepriua HEetro-Goldwyn-Mayehav hadopportunity to It is hoped that during the coin- topic for their county. Subi ects $2 5 N reseutwn-a Euen Wthsharpen up their play in England, n eralrgrpretg o tde r -re.Nnte Oliver, Pailette, Gordon the home of English Billiards, we bsinss n r ofesio a enof Cst idare suy varicd Nneee SEE H EREie, Raymond Walburn gîve some of the high scores still the town will avail theinselves branchesaof nutritionî, sing Cana- -Reg. $39.50SN PRIVATE It's a MeGeeful mîx-up chalked up at Gus Annis' Empor- of the opportuniy to enjoy this da's officiai Food Rules as a Fun Uulimited ium. Samnîy Cole ran 93 the heaîthy, interestin t doo ps- guidepost to right eating. HARGROVE Make up a party. Tickets other day and then got "buck time. Under direction of amem- At Club meetings and tbrough The laugis of a nation! Wlth now on sale ai the box office fever" with an easy lay good for esi chairman Keyes,a can- home assignments, members will Robert Walker Donna Reed, Doo11s3open to ticesowers owre tth 1 r0. tManyo the iest vass will be made for moremem- acquire skîll in preparing nourish- a u loWi5' Keenan Wynn and Robert a113p.. am shw bowaeatefrnathere- bers prior to the opening of next ing and economical food for fani- w VW Benchley. Army lite reaches continues Monday, Tuesday, ent tume putting Jerry behînd the yasoeain.iymas ieynn lb r thc sereen as comedy enter- Jan. 1-2. 'eight bail." Aea sopraton. eal. NnetAND13Clbsar tai -yo cn' afod t 1 HoorRolStaigt un iteesedin clothing and mem- ÂPW ONY HAD m itai - you c n' afo d COM IN O ap Hoob oî,st a---g- t Ru-n---- 98bers will plan, select and iake INTERLINED, SIZES 8, mstilplur.Wed., Thurs., Jan. 3-4 Sammy Cole ------ 93 Hc«pton garmnts for thenselves, study- The Management and Staf EVE 0F ST. NARK Gus Annîs ------------- --- 87-------- in weîî a sin adcn ya of tisl theatre wsh ail Wlth Aune Baxter, William Eddie Rundle -------- _--- 76 Sympathy of the community is Tit-n lusaesuyn ____ pton____Ros______ ----- hit-neCub resudigW ere thef paron -y-e---sNayor- -------- 73 cxtended to Mr. and Mrs. M. home furnishings, particularly for HAPPY NEW EAR Tie love story of G. . Joe Howard Hailman------- 72 Robinson and family, Osbawa,thg l Art Spicer------------------- 63 formerly of Hampton, in the sud- th irls' own roims. Seventeen OMINCI ~~~The Management and staff 1 HubertCarbrey----------. -- 63 den deatb of their son, LAC AI- Clubs are intérested in the art of AOIG HAPPY AND PROS- Ken-- Buc-----ey- 61 out bis duties at the R.C.A.F. base tics club, cmpbasizing opportuni- A LE ___________________ Ken__ Bob Dave 59 at Monicton, N.B. A militaryte Ha ycn Kep ------------- -58 funeral was held in Oshawa on Thor serc e oun omen HarveyBrooks------------- 58 Sunday witb burial in Mount membee rs nd26arey oun gen Bob Bird-------------- - ------- 58 Lawn Ccmctery. Friends from lbetwgcn 12randl c arunis.ofTage BillMutton --------------- 56 hcre attended the funeral.lingnruacmuite.Ts LeWoods ---------. - 53 The Ladies' Srrvice Club met year the majority will be in the L.Dýaîgle--------------- ----- ---52 at the home of-Miss Mary Niddcry 12-8yaaggru.Wruet B. Millen----------------- 5-o -desa cein- -oca will again be members and it isPATR M OV EN Bill Polley 52 otu e ilwdtework meetoig. te m y more of these daugh-PAT EIMR EBN 52 Thme orwthSeworoumeet. es ofparents from othcr lands PROJECTS EXTENDING W andyer Poamy----------------751 aTthe Nho ewi M r.Goidgme now farming in Ontario will be OVER ONTARIO San raam --------------- on 1 T ehursdayoftrnooW. G.en a enouraged to join. Next summer ____ LAWN OWLIN CLUBnAS uantity ! seing nd qiîtng aýl Club members will exhibit, Further information concern- SUCESFU SASN as dto.fshe an quwcre judge and dcmonstratc at County ing Pasture Improvement Pro- SUCCSSFL SESONserved. Next meeting Jan. 3rd Achievement Days. jects bcing promoted in Ontario Atth anul eein 0 teat Mrs. A. E. Billett's. by Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Minister Bowmanville Lawn Bowling . Miss Bessie Reynolds, Welland, GROWTH 0F CREDIT UNIONS DeeAgr iue s ontahedn tri isvîsîting Mr. and Mrs. J. R. ACROSS ONTARIODembriseoth Onao Club, hcld on Dcc. 17, the busi- Reynolds Agricultural Revicw, a digest o! viewed offierstswceelectcd f0; The Home & School Association During the fîrst 10 months of departmental activities, edited by a 1 & vthedoig er andplans deo met Tucsday evening wben Mr. 1944, fifty credit unions have been Director o! Publicity, M. Mcmn- th__ig eradpln aeM.A. Campbell, Sec'y-Treas. o! incorporated in Ontario as coni- yre Hood, for the Departinent. to make next summer's activities Ontario School Trust%èes' and parcd with 43 during 1943. On- This highly useful publication, it îwbigger and better than ever. Raeyrs Association, gave an tario at the present tme has 214 is to be hoped, reaches most farm- ~ e ~ ~intercsting and bclpful' talk. A credit unions and froni the num- crs in Ontario. ~reidntE.J.Gibs;ls Vcesocial biour was enjoyed. ber of charters pending and in T he. pasture improvement Pres. - A. E. Dudley; 2nd Vice Hapo Rc Crs supiscuso!arvlitslkeyha scheme was refcrrcd to by Hon.1 Pres. - Sid Little; Secretary- for 144:p3tonRdy- vrsssupsacteoube provwi eah 225 y thct Mr. Kennedy in bis address at thet Treas.-F. O. Mcllveen; Chairma n 's 94:st oyngs; tr s' p.soc- the st o! the y ea T 25s y ebsCounty Federatiorx o! Agriculture< Ha rody;Mms CommittA.M e- ns 52kn pr. e'sd y ssock r. bogbtthe yfir s easig s o!banquet at Newcastle. 'T h e1 C.a.rdy;Mmes ounae Com - ineen's gloves; 3 men's dressing tangible interest in credit unionse-ig;5pr n'dasok 2r.bouh tefrtralin f scheme is basic to this proposition:1 C.B.tees O nMcven ntero- gowns; 1 -man's helmet; 5 pr. in the rural areas o! the brovince. "To bold their place in worldi mitte F 0.McIleen Ener-mens pyjamas; 28 men's long So far in 1944 there have been markets, farmers wiil have to tainmcnt and Social-Miss Mabel sîceve sweaters; 24 men's sîceve- 10 new credit unions formed in RI KBorland. less sweaters; 1 man's turtle neck Northcrn Ontario and 12 in East- A vote o! appreciation was ex- sweater; 1 boy's sweater; 2 ladies' ern Ontario as against one and tended to the retiring President, sweaters; 1 girî's sweater; 16 tbrce respectively in 1943. Prac- furth. eringtohe C efub's ine' girls' blouses; 65 ladies' blouses; tically ail this development is furterin th Clu's itersts 1 lady's dress; 1 cbild's dress; rural in character. Rural credit TRADE MARK ~~during bis two year terniofo!-38gil' jme 6 children's unions o total 30 societies o fice. GMeral suispecsio now o! fic. Gncrl stisacton as x-slips; 4 quilts; 5 blankets; 13 tea the 214 presently in operation. pressed with the favorable e- towels; 240 lbs. honey; 102 lbs. The combined membcrship in blanket wool; $19.00. Total num- Ontario is now more than 35,000, ______ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ ______ _____ ______ber__of__articles_____ _ ber o!aartclestpcked nd sennpdrs nstand total assets excee to Bowmanville Branch, 295. $4,500,000. Practically ail this substantial growtb has occurred witbin the last four years. In BuEv ,o 1940 there werc 116 credt unions Buktn WA.mti0h ated;, 38 in 1942; 43 in 1943, and Dur ec. N ext metingthe up to Oct. 31, this year, there Jan.9 . 11r erwere 50. 0 Ê c 44t-,e an .11 .A sàets o! O n tario credit unions YOR RAN IT iIk 15 in demand - it 's both patriotic and profit- The annual school concert was bave increasèd during the past rf held Dec. 22 with Rev. J. Plapt year proportionateîy much great- able to get every possible pound of rnulk from yoiur as Chairman. Miss Bragg, Bow- er than bas membcrships. This is CO H Wmanville, was pianist. , accounted for in two ways; one, cows. Cows mnust be fed on pasture or they lose Visitors: Miss Mary Wood wvith the general increase in prosperity flesh and you lose ndlk; 18 Guernsey cows fed on U Mary and Viola Adams and Ruby andicradsvng;toth o Shana entn hCndan Farm Loan Board ha sepr en hmt MARLOW'S CHOWMIX PURINA PIC STARTER ...... $2.60 Cwt. Ci ust bee -n me'l'leascd giving a gen- o yo MARLOW'S CHOWMIX PURINA LAYONG MASH... $2.85 ewU eral summary o! its setup and the m2Leg bacordet 01 operations for the current year. P Lage rachordiec ORDER YOUR SUPPLY TODAY WHIL-E WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK ON RAND0 The Board is a Dominion agency . m- I 0* League of Canada, Fur U with offices in each province Z5. u across Canada. Funds for boans C&USW otr~I are obtained froni the Ottawa M..k.UI31 government at 3%½ per cent per annuni and loaned to farmers on M4 ar i. w T ran sp o r t ffirst rnortgage at 5 pr cent, e- 10o LEIS ALL DO MORE TOV TELEHON - ORT PERR 1,06 - R - 2 BAO «T , OUTARIO payable over perîods, Up ta 25 ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ _In the 15 years o! operation, o ,. bo*rîB to 25,017j-frea hv I r h THURS.. DECEMBER 2Rth. 1944 Year-End- JK HAS BEEN GRECATLY !EDIATE CLF1ARANCE - TWEEDS AND PUR- BD STYLES-MN ME FAOTORY WITBIN MONTES - NEWEST >ELS I E.EPT, AND ADVISE YOU rUEM TO BE SURE OF PTHESE "PL*JYvS" '0W $13.o3O OW $16.»3 10W $19.66 '0W $26.e33 Sale Iter COATS. M1E FUR-TRIMIE COATS, LINED AND WARMLY 10, 14, and 14X'ONLY. $11395 Now $7,o919- ~STORES, IMITED- concentrate on quality production more being cmeated. The Depari- at the lowest possible cost."1 ment provides bath seed and fer- That simple statement cavers tilizer. The seed mixture is for the whole question in ahl lines o! agriculturai production and pas- long-term pastumes, nat a hay turc improvement is only one mixture. It is sown on phase, but a highly important one, land, at 24 lbs. per acre YTi concerning production and costs. following specifications: 4 Witbin the past !ew ycars, scien- Parkland Brome 5 lbs.; Orcb- ti!ic pastume experiments have ard Grass 4 lbs.; Meadow Fescue shown de!initely wbat can be 3 lbs.; Timothy 4 lbs.; Kentucky donc to raise better bee! o! better Blue 2 lbs.; Canada Blue 1 lb.; quality, in better tume, on !cwer Alfaîf a 3 lbs.; White Dutch 2 lbs.; acres, than all the bit-and-miss total 24 lbs. schemes o! former years and past This provides a balancedration generatians. for cattle and other livestock. To cxtend across Ontario wbat Tbey are grasses that stock finds bas been learned in this regard, palatable and will develop large the Minister bas authorized dem- cows and well finished steers and onstration acreages in every higber milk production per cow county and proposes to extend and send beef to market witb bet- theni ta evemy township as mapid- ter quality at lower !eeding casts. ly as passible. At present theme Science at last is catching up on are 188 plots comprising 845 aid crcck flats and the indifferent acres under demonstration and pastures o! former days, ws are facing the ther. They need eyone of us who D,lhaf fhey don't them in at once. ter waits for no as you can take îaf can be used for our mine wr nearest Navy :to the Navy rVest Division, WIN THR WAR Coafrlbuted by IRIWERy -MONTRIAL s ili .ý. - Lu THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE. ONTARIO at

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