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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1944, p. 8

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- ~ < -~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURS., DECEMBER 28th, 1944 Newcastle Independent Phone CIkie 1114 ~ad bMrs. J. H. Smith spent Toronto, spert the week-end with Chtb~sWith Mr. ad Mrs. J. their mother, Mrs F. Gibson. »lirbridge, Ancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Buxton, To- IfMark '2lin andi Miss Eve- ronto, LIBdr. Brenton Riekard, A1ln Visited Mr. andi Mrs. Kingston, Miss Marion Riekard, 10.TOMS, Belleville. Cobourg, and Mr. and Mrs. Stan- rits, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gra- Miss Sarah Moise,. Oshawa, t rm,, after being inNe Zealand pnChitawt eraets and surraundlng waters for three Mr. and Mrs. B. Moise. Y815 A Baptismal service took place isLses >Minnie andi Patricia in the United Church on Sunday Pearce andi Miss Martha Rotor, morning w h e n the following S'rornto, with Mrs. H. R. Pearce. babies were Christened: William M.r. . A Wit isviitig erFranklin, son of Mr. and Mrs. 3&S. gH.erA.n ite ston. ng eJohn Rickard; Robert John, son of l',-atihte inKinsto. .Mr. and Mrs. John C. Holmes; andi Miss Frances Toms, Montreal, Donald Gordon, son of Mr. and 8 laVisiting ber mother, Mrs. Har- Mrs. Irwin Colwill. aid Toms, at Mrs. Geo. P. Rick- ard's. UNITED CHURCH Mr. andi Mrs. George Walton, SUNDAY SCH60L -Mr. H. W. Dudley accompanied CHRISTMAS CONCERT ,by Trixie, spent the Christmas week-end with relatives in Trent- An enthusiastic audi e n cee on. gathered Friday evening to enjoy Reeve Tracy Manes, Leaside, the annual Sunday School Christ- A.B. Ross Enxbley, Cornwallis, Mr. mas concert in Newcastle United and Mrs. H. Gray and family, Church. The first part of the pro- '~Oshawa, were week-end guests of gram was presented by the usual ,*Councillor Tracy Manes. bevy of attractive youngsters, la LICpI. Carl Fisher, Montreal, ranging from one and one-haîf C,. aent the holiday witb bis mother, years and up, in a delightful man- our.E. C. Fisher. ner, c o m p l e t e with dimples, ZM LICpl. W. R. Alite, Terrace, smiles and curtsies. This prim- Mon'.!., Miss Doris AllUn, Toronto, ary program consisted of carols SPeciL'ley Aluin, Peterboro, and Mr. and motion songs, recitations by Mrs. Harry McBain and Don- Jimmy Pollard, P'aul Allin, Patsy MetIda, with their parents, Mr. Venner, David Rickard, Marlene Mfrs. I. S. Allun. Laking, and a "Parade of Future S~ and Mrs. Charles Thack- Citizens" in which numerous ronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. small boys played eminently làrown and Mr. and Mrs. E. suitable parts; such as Seldon jfTray. Parker as a prominent apple .,e l Harold Allin, Toronto, at grower; Merle Brown as a Hol- lai stein cattle breeder strung with brt"" Virginia Cooke, Port Cred- ribbons and medals; David Rick- KeeMan spending Christmas week ard as Member of Parliarnent; Benhlee er mother, Mrs. W. H. Paul Allin as a farmer. Others flic were Jimmy, John and Douglas tain nd Ms. Clare Sbipley, Polard, Danny & Teddy Sallows, adMr. and Mrs. Charles Jimmy Miller, Ernest Gilkes, T1ie Mmind Douglas, Leaside, with David and Gary McCullough, Of o Ad Mrs. W. F. Rickard. Larry Pearce and Douglas Jose. e M. Fred Cowan, Toronto, and Then the intermediate students 139t. Sam Cowan, Jarvis ,with came to the foreground and pre- their mother, Mrs. Fred Cowan. sented the following numbers: Mises Lida and Muriel Lake,j Carols by a sextet from Donald JWIIl1ard rae t -FEATURING - CORDON SINCLAIR and ALAN SAVAGE -AT - NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Mrday, December 29, 9 p.m.l Persons are reque4ted te be seated at 8.45 p.m. AFTER THE BROADCAST... Tie Drama 1"MOTHER AND CO." wlll be presenteri by Solina Young People's Union. UNDER AUSPICES 0F BROWN'S RED CROSS ---- ---------- ----N Aduits 40e - Children 25c --------- 'j". 1~J?,. SZNOBRE GOOD W18H18 FOR A Happy New Year, And may we add a word of appreciation to our Customers for their patience and for%, bearance in the face of difficuit shopping conditions imposed by shortages of many items duriug the year. May the New Year bring us Victory and Peace, and conditions which will permit us to serve you as we woffid like to. Jose's class; dialogue by Mts. Charles Glenney's class; piano duet by Shirley and Arvilia 1Brunt. At this juncture, Rev. R. 1E. Morton, the affable chairman, announced the impending arrivai of Santa Claus and soon the joily gentleman appeared, suf!ering !rom loss of voice apparently, but with undiminished energy and generosity. He brought with hirn a pientiful supply .o! candy, oranges, etc., which he prevailedi upon Mr. Morton to help him hand out to the eagerly expect- ant children. , A!ter ail the candy had been distributed to each blissful little recipient, audience and children filed into the Church auditorium to witness an inspiring and irn- pressive presentation o! "The Nativity" by the classes o! Mrs. A. E.- Mellow and Miss E. M. Blackburn witb the aid of numer- ous other members o! the Sunday School, choir and Y.P.U. This hply Christmas story, presented under the expert guidance and direction o! Mr. Laurence Morton, and enacted by candleligbt with a high degree o! sanctity and solem'nity by the performers, proved to be somewhat o! a sur- prise in that it far surpassed the expectations o! the audience and perhaps even the performers. We can only hope that it may be re- peated for the benefit o! those who were unable to attend due to illness and home obligations, as well as those who would like to see and hear it a second time. AUl those present joined in heart!elt approbation and appre- ciation o! the splendid cast on their beautiful portrayal, o! The Nativity, especialy Laurence Morton as director and organist, Pauline Deline as Mary, Neil Britton as Joseph, Donald Jose as Zacharias, Margaret Hockin as the Angel Gabriel, Tracy Embly, Maurice Pedwell, Francis Jose as shepherds, Mary Toms as the Angel o! the Lord, Glenn Ailin, Bob AllUn and Stanley Allin as the Tbree Wise Men; also Caro- line Friedlander, Jean T o m s, Ruth Allin, Claire Allin, Marjorie Toms, Mary Hagerman and Mary Margaret Bonathan comprismng the Heaveniy Host, and the choir who contributed greatiy to the success o! the performance by their fine rendition o! the many Christmas ca1rols and chants. Due praîse and tribute are also tendered to Margaret Ash who as "The Reader" intonated the in- tervening passages o! Scripture reverentiy and lucidly; to Mrs. J. T. Brown who accompanied ber in the singing o! the chant "How Beautiful Upon the Mountains;" also to Mrs. Pervical Hare as dresser and costumer, to Mr. A.- O. Parker as spotiight operator, to Rev. R. E. Morton for bis general assistance and supervision andi to ail who helped in providing cos- urnes, scenery and lighting e!- Rcts, and in changing scenery. NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL CHRISTMAS REPORT The standing is given by letter -A means 75 per cent and over; B means 65 to 74 per cent; C means 55 to 64 per cent; D means 54 per cent and under. Senior iloom-Grade 8 Group 2: A-Claire AlUin, Rori- ger Mellow, 'tom Venner; B- Ronnie Hockin, Billie Holu- benko; C-Wallace Couch, Lois Reynolds, Mary Schmid. Group 1: A-«Claire AllUn, Ronnie Hockin, Rodger Meliow, Mary Schmid, Tom Venner; B-Waliace Couch, Blle Holubenko; C-Lois Reyn- olds. Grade 7 Group 2: A-Mary Margaret Bonathan, Hazel May Fisher, Marjorie Toms; B-Helen Ash, Mary Hagerman; C-Ruth Allun, Newton Selby, Donna Smith; D- Christine Aldread, John Holu- benko.t Group 1: A - none; B-Mary Margaret Bonathan, Hazel May Fishier, Mary Hagerman, John Hol M benko, Newton Selby, Mar- jorie Toms; C-Christine Aldread, Ruth AllUn, Helen Ash, Donna Smith. Grade 6 A-Betty Lou Hagerman, Viv- ian Megit, Keith Mellow; B- Keith Aiken, Catharine Dewdney; C-Donald Aldread, Ida Roger- son, Ernest Spencer, John Venner. Grade 5-(In Part) A-none; B - Evelyn Foster; C - Helen Alkenbrack, Velma Aldread; D - Ronnie Graham,. Douglas Gray, Ted SL-ith. Thos. A. Rodgef, Principal. ris, GlbeÏrt Aldread, Carolyn Friedlander, Doris Goheen; C- Earl Foster. Gae2 A-Donnie Lake, Keith Roger-1 son; B-Joan Stoneberg; C-Billej Couch. i Grade 1i Nt,,.ex ntions. names "ýln ordt < tment: John Po4l l Bill it, Ann Thomas, Da i Rickard, Jimie Kirkpatrick, ltuby Stoneberg, Jackie Noden, Nancy Lake, Patsy Chram, Almon Cole, Kenny Gray, Eleanor Dawes, Jerry Harris, Carol Gaines, Jimmie Miller, Yvette Frank4ýalvin Murray. MrBeatrice Jones, Teacher. THE MAN WHO IS MISQUOTED The man who is misquoted Is a fearful thing and wild; There is no reason in bim And he won't be reconciled. He gets you in a corner Just as you are going to press, And he threatens you and bhounds you And is full o! nastiness. You cannot calm or soothe him, Pass it off as ail in fun; He demands a ful retraction And he wants it on page one! He eyes you like a spider That bas caught you in its mesh, For the man wbo is misquoted Always wants bis pound o! flesb. It matters not how often In a manner Most discreet, You have bolstered up his English, Sifted cha!! fromn out the wbeat; Just you make one single error And f ar better you had died, For the man who is misquoted Aims to have your worthless bide. So you'd better caîl the press room, Open Up page one agate, And in abject words and phrases Seek your error to explain; Oh, there is no use in pieadteg, Stalling off, or acting dumb, For the man who is misquoted Knows be's got you 'neath his thumb. -H. Reginald Hardy. Galrage Operators Eîect New Officers A truly representative and en- thusiastic meeting o! the mem- bers o! Durbam and Northum- berland Counties o! the Garage Operators Association, met at the St. Lawrence Hotel, Port Hope, on Dec. 20, to discuss various prob- lems a!!ecting the trade and to elect officers for the year 1945. Jim Reid, manager o! the Gar- age Operators' Association o! On- tario, was guest speaker and very aptly explained the recent amend- ment to the Apprentice Act, the 48 boum week bill and its applica- tion to the Automotive repair trade; the regulation o! gasoline hours for a!ter the war as well as tire discounts and bonus situa- tion. Stuart Wedd, Courtice, Presi- dent, acted as chairman wbile H. C. Hersey, Past President, Port Hope, thanked the speaker for bis very timeiy and instructive talk. The !oilowing officers were1 elected for the ensuing year. Pres- ident-Steve Jex, Port Hope; Vice Pres.-John H. McKeever, Bow- manville; Se'y-Treas.--Sid Lan- caster, Newcastle; Directors - Dean Hodgson, Bowmanville; Sam Hersey, Port Hope; Frank Stover, Cobourg;, J. E. Edgar, Warkworth; Norman- Sherwin,i Roseneath. .Members to the number o! 55 sat down to the banquet table, during which an 'attractive floorN show was presented. Soldier's9 Letter Last letters fmom Pte. William Fewstem, H. & P.E., C.A.O., C.M.F., to bis parents: From September to Dec. 1, 1944, the last to be written before be- ing killed in battle, Pte. William Fewster wites these highlghts tot bis parents, Feeling OK and. hope you are the same. Sormy not to write soon- er, but we have been so busy te the lime it bas been almost impos- sible. Have had many narrow escapes in really desperate fight- ing. I believe the Hun is putting up bis last bard figbt before giv- ing up entirely. Some o! the pris- ondrs we bave taken are o! the 13-M5 year age group and they are sure tough. Hitler fanatics. Tbey didn't even know France was invaded, so littie are they told. I'm convinced that the only good German is a dead German. I think empywsortuh in-Canadaà. They ought te corne over bere andi do their figbting. And we hear that Mackenzie King is going to send troops to fight the Japs. What troopa does be mean? Publ.ic opinion ougbt to get be- hinri the real flghting troops 100 per cent so we can get reteforce- ments andi let us get a decnt le,ve once iawhlle. Now I mUît Chose andkt busy agenlq Go biens y 'tl.Cqý&.n chins . BIRTIIS PURDY - At Bowmanville Hos- pital on Tuesday, Dec. 26, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Purdy, a son (Ronald Gerald). 52-l* OSBORNE-Mr. and Mrs. Everett Osborne announce the birth of their son, Jame~s Barclay, at Bowmanville Hospital, Decem- ber 16, 1944. 52-1 STEVENSON - At Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, Wednesday, Dec. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stev- enson, nee Madeline Metcalfe, a son, Ronald Glenn. 52-1 DEATtIS TAIT-In Bowmanviile, Dec. 21, 1944,. Hannah Aurilla Tait, widow of Archibald Tait, in ber 80th year. JOLL-At Newcastle on Decem- ber 21, 1944, Ada Mahala Pot- ter, beloved wife of George H. Joli, aged 75 years. Interment Hamipton Cemetery. 4 KING-At Bowmanville, on Sun- day, December 17, 1944, James Arthur, infant son of Mr. and MIrs. Clary King, aged. 2%A months. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. 52-1* LYON-On Dec. 26, 1944, Mary Zella Brimacombe, beloved wife of Walter H. Lyon, and dear sister of Harry Brima- combe. Funeral from ber home, 85 Isabella St., Toronto, Friday, Dec. 29, at 2 p.m. Interment St. James Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM TREWIN - In loving rnernory of Anne, wbo passed away, Janu- ary l, 1942. -Ever remembered by Mother, Father, Sîsters and Brothers. 52-1 SEYMOUR-In loving mernory of Elvin Seymour, who died De- cember 22, 1943. Dear Lord I have flown the Heavenly skcy, I bave sensed Tby presence from on bigb, The presence was so near to me More of Thyseif I f ain would see; The time bas corne, at last I arn free, For ever to dwell, dear Lord, witb Thee. So loved ones dear do flot grieve, I arnborne at last on Heavenly leave. -Ever remembered by Mother, Sisters and Brothers. .52-1* Cards of Thanka Mrs. Harry M. Cole and daugb- ter, Louise, wish to thank their friends for their many klnd ex- pressions o! sympathy and con- dolence during their redent be- reavernent. 52-1* Mr. G. Alex Edmondstone, Miss Dingman and Mrs. Brust wisb to sincerely thank all their friends, neighbors and relatives for their many acts of kindness during the illness and death of a Ioving wife and sister. 52-1 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Fewster wish to thank their neigbbors and friends for expressions of- sym- petby and rnuch appreciateri acts of kindness shown them in tbe paSsing' of their son, Pte. Wmn. Fewster, wbo was kiiled in action i Italy. 52-if Mr. and Mrs. Clary King, Bow- manvile, wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to their relatives and friends for the many acts of kindness and expressions of syrnpathy in the passing of their infant son, James Arthur. 52-1* Comlng Events Dancing at the Crearn o! Barley Camp, Dec. 20, and agate Jan. 5, aiso every Friday night during the winter months. 50-3. New Year's Eve Midnite Frolic at Newcastle Community Hall, under auspices o! Brown's Home and Schooi Association, comnmenc- ing at 12:05 a.m. Apecial attrac- tion--Prize will be given to "Miss New Year's Eve"' to be chosen during the dance. Other special prizes. Russ Creighton's popular dance band in attendance. Ad- mission 75c per person. 52-1 Election Notices Electors o! Clarke Township: I bave agate been nominated for office o! Deputy Reeve after serving in that capacity' for 8 years. I again offer my services believîng with the past experience I arn able to look after the best lnterests o! the municipality. I solicit your vote and influence andi if elected will continue to do my part to give efficient and economical administration. Wish- teg you al a Happy New Year. W. J. PATTON. 52-1* M ending MENDING - Single man wishs to contact someone who can do mending o! clothes, overcoats, haberdashery, etc. Will deliver an~d cal for same and pay bigh- er than trade prices. Write Box 444, Statesman Office, Bow- Room & Board Wanted TOP PRICE PAID FOR Comfort- able room in quiet, uncrowded bomne, fully modern, close to uptown business office, for single man; by Jan. 15. Or board and r o o m combined. Write Box 443, Statesman of- fice, Bowmanville. 51-3 'Vacuurn fôr 'Saee VACUUMS REPAIRED "Good Vacuums f or G oo d Housekeeping." Also guaranteed expert repairs, lubrication, re- placements, etc. Call C.U.C. Ser- vice Brancb, McGregor's Hard- ware Store. Bowmanville, 774. 5-tf Notice The office of W. R. Strike will be closed on Wednesday after- noon instead of Saturday after- noon until further notice. Bowmanville Electriclans 4 Doors West of Eaton's in Building Occupieri by Navy League Ahl kinds of electrie wiring done Motors repaired and installeri Phone 438 34-tf 12* DAIRYMEN: You are invited to see the technicolor talking movie prepared by Dr. Peterson, University of Minnesota, showing how milk is secreted andi the care of the Dairy Herd, to be shown at the Balmoral Hotel on Tùesday evenirig, January 2nd, at 8:00 o'clock. F. C. Vanstone, Purina Dealer, Bowrnanville. 52-1 Election Notices To the Electors of the Township of Darlington: Having been nominated for the office of Reeve I respectfully solicit your vote and influence. If elected I will continue to serve tbe township as a wbole to the best o! my ability. R. R. STEVENS... 52-1 To the Electors, Township o! Darlington: Having served the interests o! tbe electors o! the Township o! Darlington to the best o! my abil- ity for some years, I again ask your support in the contest for the Reevesbip. A referendum regarding snow plowing is presented for consider- ation of the electorate on polling day. If it is the wisb of the people that this carry, I shaîl support it to the limit. W. R. PICKELL. To the Electors o! Darlington: I have been nominated and bave qualified tô stand for elec- tion to the Councîl o! Darlington Township. For several years past I bave advocatèd better roads and keeping them open for the bene- f it of farmers generally. Aiso that sound finance and post-war planning can be achieved by ad- herence to sound business prin- ciples te Council. In asking your votes and in- fluence, I shall, if elected, carry out strictly and faith!ully the ?rinciples I have stated and the w ,seso! the electorate coverîng the whole Township, without fear or favor. My time, ability and experience are yours to command. Wishing everyone New Year's Greetings, CYRIL H. MIJMFORD, Hampton, Ont. 52-1 Wanted To Buy LADIES DIAMOND RING, good, cluster or 3 stones. Write Box 447, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 52-1 ALL MAKES 0F CARS AND trucks for wrecking. See me before disposing o! your eld car or truck. H. W. Knapp, Liberty St., BownanviUe. 51-2 S E ED WANTED, highest prices paid for timothy seed, and ahl clovers. Samples requested. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 33-12. 47-8 SEED W4NTED - We are now offering hîghest prices for tirno- thy, clovers, etc. Mail us a sample. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanville. 39-tf LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R. R. 1, Betbany. Phone 7r13. ____________________ Guy Gibson, V.C., Mlssing Wanted Wing Commander Guy Gibson, __________________V.C., D.S.O. and -bar, D.F.C. and ROOM AND BOARD for 111gb bar, the British Boy Scout who School boy, after holidays. visiteri Canada last year, bas been Phone Bowmanvlhle 2200. 52-1* listed as mlssing follo'wteg a raid ____________________on Germany. Guy Gibson led .SO AH for ail makes and the attack on the Mohner andi %mod 0, Zo f used cars.. (Apply G. Mma in f 14 to e" nhlm the \A.,,d, 278 Park ad, S 4,titie0e o bDam 7 "ndth aPhone 34 S 48 ~ ',os Pound FOUND - PURSE containing money. Owner apply to Lorne T. Creeper, p>hone 628. 52-1* Lost, Strayed or Stolen LOST - SUM 0F MONEY LOST Saturday afternoon, December 23, on King St. Reward. Phone Bowmanville 2688. 52-1* LOST - Patsy Slemon's Persian kitten, ambre, with white mark- ings. Phone 859. Reward. 52-1* FROM, JACK MAGUIRE, Brown St., Bowmanvile, Blue Tîck Hound, 6' mos. old. Finder please return and receive re- ward. 152-1* Livestock For Sale BROWN LEGHORN and Black Minorca cockerels. Aiso crate- f a t t ened chickens. C. W. Downey, pbone 2590. 52-1 DURHAM HEIFER CALF, 1 wk. old. Also quantity of beech and maple wood, one foot lengths. Apply Lorne Lamb. Phone 2450. 52-1 HEIFER, HALF JERSEY, AND hall Durham, 2% yrs. old, due to freshen about middle of Feb- ruary. Apply W. J. Malley, after 6 p.m., or Saturday. W2-1* COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, Pure bred and regîstered, chamd- pionsbip breeding, reasonable for quick sale. Phone 2841, evenings. 52-2 HOLST.EIN SPRINGERS, heifers and cows due to freshen now. Also 5 good Holstein heifers about 800 pounds, bred. Wil seli reasonably. Ralph Davis, Hampiton, phone 2413. 52-l* BLOOD DONORS Wed., Dec. 20: J. Harry Davey, Leskard, llth donation. Harvey J. Brooks, Bowrnanville, lOth do- nation. Howard Bradley, EIm- croft Farrns, 8th donation. Wishing you a bright and Happy New Yeam, the ab- ility to understand and ap- preciate the. blessings of freedom for which we are fighting, the courage to give everything to the fight 110W and in the com- ing year - and above aîl, .Victory, and,.the returu of ioved onesl We also want you to know we appreciate your business during the past year and we hope we will be allowed to serve you i 1945. J, W. JEWELL "'BIG 2011 PHONE .5561 REFRIGERATO R itepairs Commercial - Domestio ANY MAXE H. J. Bowyer PHONE OSHAWA 244 tf Acute SHORTAGE 0F TIRES There neyer was te bistory as acute a shortage o! tires and tubes for trucks and cars for civilian use, as there is now. As the army moves on to Berlin it depends on rubber, as the railroads of Gernxany have been destroy- ed. TAXE CARE 0F YOUR TIRES AND TUBES NOW tihey may be your last set for the duration. Rave thein vulcanizeri and retreaded and add bundreds o! miles to them. T H E JAMIESON TIRE SHOP bas been a going con- cern since 1918, and we are fully experienced and cap- able of repairing the fol- lowing: 1. Tires 2. Tubes 3. Replaclng of valve stems 4. Addlng extra miles wlth tire reliners. 5. Rubber boots and rubbers 6. Vuleanlzing ripa In tubes, and many ar- ticles made of rubber too numerous to men- tion WILLARD BATTERIES 0. F. JAIMIONf King and Silver SI&, Bowmanvilq Phone 467 - Res. 376 1 block west of ipost office For the New Year Together wîth our thanka for the goodwill and busi- ness accorded us in the past yeam, we take pleas- ure in1 extending cordial good wishes for Peace and Prospemity in ,1945. Bowmanville Dairy PHONE 446 ,Happy; New Yearl: Familiar words - spoken through the cen- turies to convey a* heartfelt wish no other phrase can express so well.- And, in1 saying "A Happy New Year to You and Youms," we voice the hope that this New Yeam wiIl bring the Peace and Victory so necessamy to end the suffering'of the peoples of the world. We appreciate sincemely the opportunities you bave given us in the past to serve you, and assume you we will do evemytbing i11 oum power to merit you'r confidence i11 1945 azid all the years to folhow. Jury 4Loveli THE REXALL STORE When W. Test Ey.s It se Don. Properly PHONE 778 -- C.N.R. TICKETS I tORT *1 p h s.',,. j;

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