kt a S, a rl t f i rurlcnleannh Nurse Reportsý Activities for Past Year 192 Families visited; 443 visitsNWEXCTEFO made; 17 visits to infants up to 1 WMENS WAR AUXILIARY year; 30 visits to children, 1 to 6 Yrs. of age; 209 visits to school Annual meeting of the Women's children; 30 visits to adults, (of War Auxiliary was held at 'the these 23 were for bedside care); home of Mrs. R. Candler with 30 6 Post partum visits; 123 acute members present; 484 parcels communicable visits; 16 visits ne were sent last year to our sol- 1rnmunization; 12 social welfare diers overseas. These parcels are visits; 14 visits to doctors re pa- made up and packed at the home tients; 9 not home; 7 special ac- of Mrs. Candler by volunteer tivities.- workers, every second and fourth Child Health Conference and Monday evening. Baby Clinie Last year 40 parcels a month 23 babies registered at Town were sent, this yean 50 parcels aj Office; 56 visits made at office. month will be sent. Out of 484 These figures are for four mnonths parcels sent only three were ne- nly (Jan. to Apnîl, 1944.) turned damaged by sea water. School Activities Three more parcels were allowed 77First Aid or Dressings; 629 to be sent free of charge. f rpid classroom inspections; 1176 Many thanks go to our local classroom inspections ; 33 0 other merchants for their generous help inspections; 85 beginners given in keeping us supplied with choco- special physical inspections; 144 latte bars, gum, socks, etc., from school children given special their limited supplies. Tbanks physical inspections; 617 vision also gees to those who patronize tests; 169 hearing tests; 18 child- oun euicbres and dances, and to ren with new defects; 44 cbild- others for their generous dona- ren for observation; 100 cildren fions. These are the people who re-înspected for obseîyvation, of mnake it possible for the Women'sJ these 2 conditions had subsided, 9 War Auxiliary to keep up theirb defects were notified, 89 continu- work and to keep up the moraleC ed for observation; 22 children of our soldiers. If you care toc had corrections (3 new and 19 help in this work, join our Auxil-a old); 21 children -sent home; 39 iary there is room for many more ' exclusions for acute communie- workers.V able conditions; 93 cbildnen had Officens elected for 1945 are: I new dental defectsý 93 children President - Mrs. E. Large (ac- tl had dental corrections (new and clamation); Vice President-Mrs. old). J. Coyle, Sr.; Treasurer-Mrs. R. Defeets Found: 19 (New): Vi- Candler; Secretary - Miss Rose ' sion 8; Tonsils 10; Speech 1. Bate; Pîîrchasing Committee -d Defects corected: 22 (3 new, Mrs. J. Humpbreys, Mrs. J. Coyle, le 19 old): Vision 9; Breathing 2; Sr., Mrs. F. Clarke; Soldiers' Ad- c Tonsils 11. dress Committee - Mrs. E. Harn- ai High Sthool Activities den; General Convener- Mrs. T. ai 220 students were given tuber- Graham; Lunch Conveners-Mrs. CI culin tests: 213 had negative re- T. Wright, Mrs. B. King; Booth CI actions; 7 had a positive reaction Convener - Mns. R. Candier; ai (ahl had a negative X-ray). Mu sic and Orchestra Committee Io 21 students were enroled in Red Mrs. H. Joint; Tickets - Mrs. E. Cross Home Nursing class. These Large; Doorman-Mns. Faulkner; Bi classes are one hour periods week- Ribbons - Mrs. T. Allin; Sick ly during school year. and Visiting Committee-Mrs. E. th 184 students were given special Joint, Mrs. Wm. R. Mutton. M LI physical inspections, 27 defects If your busband's, son's, bro-M found, 4 for observation. ther's or relative's address bas d Defects classified: vision il; been cbanged, or if you think bis dh hearing 1, nasal 1, tonsils 8, others name is not on our list, get in 6. L. E. TAYLOR, P.H.N. touch witb Mrs. E. Harnden, li FOR THE DAILY MENU Many housewives are flot only finding it convenient, but economical, to buy their baking reg'larly at our s tore. We have a variety of fresh bakcing every day that ap- peals to every inember of the faniily. If you are flot using our baking service, try it today, and see how satisfactory it is. Carter's good, wholesome bread is the foundation of every meal as it supplies lasting energy. - Buy it fresh daily froni oven to customer - Tlat theCam more than 30 giel, ammunlUc andi' other vIl h. Ia purJple WILi wihwhite fox col- VIRTUE-MITCHELL lar on wbich was pinned an or- _______chid. The marriage was solemnized Tuesday evening, Jan. 16, in the Pann Cburch of the Redeemer, Toronto, Town Pann of Dorothy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mitchell of Bowman- (Continued from page 1) ville, to Surgeon Lieut' Jack A. economic rent; in other words for Virtue, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. people witb such small incomes 4iTrtue of Burlington. Canon R. A. that they cannot afford to pay Armstrong officiated, assisted by the minimum required in over- Canon C. R. Spencer. Mr. Otto head and carrying charges in James was at the ongan and the modern homes leased on a rental soloist was Miss Lorraine Lundy, basîs. Reg. N. This condition leads to sub- The bride, given in marriage by standard existence with too many bier father, was gowned in ivory forced into slum conditions, And slipper satin with finger-tip veil poor standards lead to il? bealth falling fnom a cipwn of orange and crime, poorer educational op- blossoms, and sbe carried a bou- portunities and a general blot on quet of American Beauty roses the national 'scutcheon. We've with white sweet peas. Mrs. got to provide subsidies in these Charles Spencer of Bowmanville, circumstances and so far in this was bier sister's matron of honor, respect the Act does not accom- and Miss Ruth Virtue of Burling- modate. Since housing is linked ton, sisten of the groom, brides- with health we cannot escape the maid. They were gowned alike in fact that it becomes a national fuchsia crepe dresses with pow- responsibility. In ahl these con- der blue and fuchsia flowered bats siderations it will be seen that the and carrying nosegays of white federal government must go fur- sweet peas and blue forget-me- ther to meet its shane of responsi- nots. bility. Mr. Lonn Macdougall was the Planning and Development best man, and the ushers were I n respect of provincial jurisdic- Surgeon Lieut. Bertramn Prior of to h oenetat oho Victoria, and Mr. C. Boyd Slemon,iti oandgovrmenthcs bth n- Thagareceina aslelsa.Dl-palities. A great step was taken The ecetionwasheldat ol-at the last session of the Ontario frew Manor, Clarendon Ave., the legisiature in settîng up a Depart- bride's mother receiving in a ment of Planning and Develop- French blue crepe dress wîth ment. Its functions are to co- fuchsia bat and corsage of white n carntios. Te goom' moherordinate the functions of other castedionaviet repe dhrssportfolios, to encourage munici- wsit mting viloerepdratandpalities to go ahead on their own withmatcingflowredhat ndîn setting up local organizations corsage of white carnations. of planning with the County as a The couple left for skiing at unit. Part of this plan is being Limberlost Lodge, the bride going put into effect in the County away in a blue grey ensemble, Health Units and coincîdent with mink trimmed, with i brown it is the responsibility for housing and slum clearance. Municipalities derive their functions under the Municipal Act witb manifold powers. The oriia act of 1918 will be up for revîsion at the 1945 session of the 1egisaature. The aim will be to create better flexibility and per- mit municipalities to evolve their own plans, eventually to be co- K N @ W ..ordinated under government ap- proval into an overaîl master plan. Rathen than invite conflict under a Commission the objective will be to encourage local councils to set up Planning Boards and pre- serve councils jurisdiction. Mr. Fleming went on to describe To- ronto's Plànning Board and sug- gested similar consideration for Bowmanville. Master Plan Under the Act authority is given to approve plans, to formulate a master plan and effectively to deal with the matter 0f zoning, or the use of land adjacent to towns and cities. In 1941 a new section of the Municipal Act redefined powers of municipal councils in this regard. In the proposed re- Svisions it is expected that we shal bave everything reasonably re- quired to go abead. As to the needs for planning there is nequined legislation giv- ing clearcut authority in trying to guide along lines 0f clevelopment for the general good without ON Tr R 1UIr e 10 av.overburdening taxation. Organi- zation will rest generally upon the ]U Nr UI municipal councils witb five main ýeAXLIN x needs. Finst, vision for effective * ~ EWER8 ~planning. This bas been too cmr- me cumscnibed by limiting tenure to one year terms in council. This is not conducive to the long range view. Credit and censure were twins subject to whîms of the electorate. In the last analysis the whole scheme rests upon a sound OMONT 1n' mdlin Navy buas elped ta escori ffi slips carrying servie rson. on, tanks, food, medîcai supplies liai materiais acoss te flu taU. I phlone 2690, and have itc Financial report for ing December 3lst, 1944 sc 1cs' h( h 1 c the main buffer in- council a Chairman, Roads and Streets. Reporting on the Rehabiljtatioi Committee, Charles Carter Sr Vice Chairman, told of the firs imeeting, the progress made an( te encouraging plans proposed. THEf1RO * * * - - P A G E T I 1 . I.> I Jà' a I That jour Vltory Bonds will guad Cuuuhs paul-war progress after Vltory. 1 . 1 Membership ---------- Collection ------ ----- D onations ---- ---------- Euchres -------------- R affle ---------- ------ Catering ------------ Dance Proceeds -------- Tea Cup Reading ----- Bank Interést --- -------- Balance Dec. 3lst, 1943 Expenditures Supplies for Soldiers' Parcels Euchre and Raffle expenses --------- --- Catering...........--------- D ance ------------ --- -- Postage on overseas parcels --------- -- --- Miscellaneous ---------- Bank Service Charge--- Revenue Stamps------- Balance, Dec. 31, 1944-- NWeddings COLE-BUTTERI On the evening of We January 17, Miss A'nne B. became the bride of Mr. E Cole. Rev. A. D. Corneti coe Street United Chur( awa, officiated at the çe The bride is the daughtè: W. Luke Buttery, and Virs. Buttery, Bowmanvill the groom is the son of Virs. R. D. Cole, Toronto. For her marriage, ti- vas attired in a stree lress of aqua crepe witF late brown accessories carried a bouquet of re and carnations. Her only ant was Miss Estelle Russ chose for the occasion ar 'repe dress with black acc and she carried a nosegay 0ow mums and sweet peas The groomsman was MV Borrowdale. Following a wedding su; the bridaI party at the li Mr. and Mrs. John Bonr Llewellyn Apartments,( Mr. and Mrs. Cole left on ing trip amid the good w, 'teir friends. For travelling the brid er wedding ensemble ovei 3ewore a muskrat coal corsage of roses. On their Mr. and Mrs. Cole will mai ome at 56 Tudor Street,. 1 lý 'l*%ý à- è> THURS., JANUARY 25th, 1945 IN-I mu checked. orchid corsage. They will live in and intelligent public opinion. year end- Victoria, B.C., where the groom . Speed Required 4: is stationed with H.M.C.S. Naden. Another requirement is spe The bride is a graduate of Mac- We have lost precious yearsi $ 5.80 donald Hall, Guelph, a registered the time for action is now. We --- 40.90 nurse, from the Western Hospital, gtt e otebu-rn f --436.49 and was a T.C.A. stewardess. The gt ato ge or the ble-r intst --- 42.40 groom is a graduate in medicine haeleas freadyte w fa i t --- 15.80 from the University of Toronto. heplamn reay pt defeth --- 65.00 plans into effect. Stili anot. -- 1,464.76 TREWIN-LAWSON suggestion of the speaker was tl ---- .65m unicipal councils be given E 2.81 Gowned in blush ivory satin, thority to contact the best techý -153.64 Noreen Lawson became the bride cal advice available for lo - 0f Ronald G. Trewin at a double planning and it would be mon $2,228.25 ring wedding in Knox Presby- well spent. A fourth suggesti terian Church, Oshawa, Saturday was intelligent budgeting. ThE afternoon, Jan. 13. The bride is is no short cut to intelligent pha --$1,024.52 the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. ning. We get exactly what we p W. Lawson of Oshawa and the for and we should not starveo - 3.3 bridegroom is the son of Mr. and planning organization. -- 23.88 Mrs. G. Trewin of Blackstock. Finally in the overaîl picti. -538.00 Rev. William McRoberts perform- there was a growing needf ed the cerem-ony and Mrs. Mc- trained technicians. Universiti 179.63 Roberts played t he wedding Were beginning to establ: 20.52 music. Mrs. Bessie Tweedy was courses such as the School 3.65 vocalist. Architecture at Toronto. In 't 2.83 The bride's gown was fashioned years to come there will be 431.83 with a long torso waistline and a great field for graduate tov long full skirt. The sleeys planning engineers. If we lo $2,228.25 which ended in points over t he back over the years we can sq - hands were edged with lace and the prices we have paid for a lac the waisthine was accented with of vision. If we are going a frili of blush ivory satin and grasp our opportunities and ber lace. The fingertip veil was ar- fit by the mistakes of the past ti Yranged from a Dutcb cap of tulle time to act is now. illusion outlined with seed pearîs dnsaand the bride carried a bouquet Dominion Responsible Buterdy of red roses. Her jewellery was Concluding, Mr. Fleming ol lodEa string of pearîs, the gift of the served that the Dominion gover. ,Iof E ~brdegroom. ment ought to assume considei t ofSim- Miss Ruby McKnight and Miss able responsibility in town plar -h, Osh- Laun Trewin of Toronto, cousin ning because of three factors.*( eremony. I a fgnrlbnftt l ýr of Mr. of the bridegroom, were the I a fgnrlbnftt l the late bride's attendants and they were creating new parks, schools, rE le, while gowned alike in blue brocaded creation and healtbful surrouné Mr. and satin, fashioned on lines similar ings and pursuits. (2) The kir to the bride's gown. Tbey wore of work envisioned was highi 'te bride small calottes of matching mater- creating continuing employmen et-length ial trimmed with blue veiling and (3) In urban municipalities th~ ht choco- they carried pink and white car- scheme can be enlarged whei and she nations. really most needed in meeting an edroses Mr. John Albert Kewern of To- possible unemployment situatioi * attend- ronto was groomsman and the The matter was one which shouli seli who ushers were Robert Thoms and have top priority-in the federa n orchid David Scott. administration. Towns that hav esrisGA reception was held at the plans most advanced should hav, ces0fryeî-Genosha Hotel where the guests first caîl on federal funds s0 al yo e were received by the bridai party, located. Ir. John assisted by Mrs. Lawson, mother Avt ftak otesek of the bride, gowned in brown was proposed by Mayor C. C ipper for trimmed with lime green, a brown Morris who said that Mr. Fleminl htome of bat and accessories and a corsage had placed before the audience ai owdale, of red carnations, and by Mrs. informed conception of the needý Oshawa, Trewin, mother of the groom, who of the hour and said things tha ,a wed- chose for the occasion a purpie needed to be said at this time. H( 'ishes of gown, black bat and accessories agreed that the great necessit: and a corsage of pink carnations. was an informed public opinior e wore Mr. and Mrs. Trewin left later through which both planning anc ýr which by plane for Buffalo, N.Y., and finance could receive proper im. tand a on their return they will reside in petus. His thanks was extendec r return Oshawa. For travelling the to Councillor Garton for securinî âthjeir bride donned a purple and grey Mr. Fleming as speaker and kudoi Ajax. frock, a purple feathered bat, and were gvnMr. Garton for being )ed. and l've tage 1er; un- ese ther that au- hni- ceal 'tey tion iere >ay our ire for tes lish of the Sa )ok see ack to ne- the )b- rn- 1)- in- re- id- nd in nt. le 'y m. 'e 'e il- 'r G'. ý-g in Lt le ty )n ig ig st id To Our Policyholders Our ninety-eighth annual report contains evidence of another ver>' satisfactory year of progress in 1944. Great numbers have again been helped *through distressing circumstances because of your co-operation with man>' thousands of others who constitute this company. At the same tirne the securit>' behind Canada Life contracts lias been stili further strengthened as a resuit of favorable mortality experience, a stabilized interest rate and decreased operational costs. A complete annual report is available at an>' of our offices. CThe Ginadakfe Assurance Company Established 1847 STU.ART R. JADMES, Representative Ehnim d5duF 1. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO m i