PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN TWiwi~A NVTT .1 .~ <~T~T'I' A DTPN THURS., JANUARY 2Sth, 1945 T.y Hampton Visitors: MÎr. and Mrs. Arthur Noble. Purpie Springs, Alberta, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Elmier Wil- ..... . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billett, Douglas and Jimmie, Scarboro Bluffs, at A. E. Billett's. . . Pte. Harold Wilkins, Ipperwash, with his sister, Mrs. Gerald Balscjn... Mr. R. Selbach and Mrs. Taylor, Toronto. called on friends on Sat- urday. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Burnett and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Orono, with relatives. .. Mrs. Will Wlbur visited her sisters, Mrs. F. Tamblyn and Mrs. W. Burnett, Orono. . . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leask, Ewart and Eunice, Solina, Mr. Harry Rutherford, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wil- bur. . . Mrs. W .Thompsorr and Mrs. Fred Payne, Bowmanville, at W. Greenaway's. The West Group met for sew- ing at the home of Mrs. Clifford Colwill on Wednesday afternoon, and the North Group at Mrs. Jno. Cowling's. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. Next meeting of North Group will be held at Mrs. W. Chapman's on Jan. 31. At a recent meeting of the BRISKET, Fiat1 BLADE ROAST, School Board and ratepayers, Mr. Arthur Clarke was appointed a school trustee to f iii the vacaiicv caused by the resignation of Mr. S. Kersey. Aduit Bible Cluss held an "At Home" on Wednesday iîn the base- ment of the church. An interest- ing program xvas given by mem- bers of the class, with Rev. W. Rackhum as chairman. Mrs. M. Luramie conducted a lively spell- ing match for those who chose to enter this form of entertainment, while others enjoyed some stir- ring games. There was a good at- tendance and an enjoyable eve- ning was spent together, with re- freshments served. dhicks hutched in the United States during 1943 totaled ap- proximately 1,600,000,000; this is about a dozen chicks for every man. woman and child. Awarded the Order of the Bri- tish Empire in the King's Newv Year's honor list for 1943. Lt. Commander (E) Alfred B. Amni- son, R.C.N.R., Vancouver, B.*C.,' has now been promoted to the rank of Commander (E). He serv- ed many years on Canadian Na- tionai vesses on ,the rUifiU Rib . . . . Lb. 13e Meaty . . . Lb. 259 OX TONGUES, Fresh or Pickled- LAME LIVER----- BACON. Sliced Breakfast - VEAL FRONTS, Boneless, Roled- LAMB LEGS----- PORK SAUSAGE, Smali Link MAC. & CHEESE LOAF- HALIBUT STEAKS - - - LAKE HERRING - - - - Lb. 24e Lb. 20e Lb. 42e Lb. 251 Lb. 4j< Lb. 27e Lb. 25e Lb. 4le Lb. lQe ANN PAîG, Enioy Real', Fresh MILK BREAD A BOA White or Brown COFFEE 2 LOAVES 15e LB. 35e SILVERBROOK FIRST GRADE BLACK TEA I1N & Lb.639 RGBJNHGGD GATS Pkg.25e PRJNCESS FLAKES SUPERSUDS Reg. 24g PALMOLIVE SOAP2Cae11 C ash mee2cakes iij - 2 Cakes lie ODEX SGAP -HEDLUND'SE 0MEAT *SPREADS 3= ASSORTEDE IVARIETIES Li 7-.L Tin 7 CATELLI Lb. 381 Large 24d Pkg. Giant pko. 38e Cliant ,.L... ?--qg SOAP Bouquet2 11 OXYDOL Large Pkg. 229 SGUP To1~m. r .2 tns 15e AYLMER ]KETCHUP Bti.12 WHITE $AIL CLEANSER 4 GASQUAKER Largeie OLD CHEESE Lb. 35e CANADA CGRNSTARCH Pkg. C KRAFT DINNER 2-33e Macaroni & VermiceliI 16-oLge N estieton frit-of-ton guest attending the Hall-Clime wedding in Osh- Nestleton W.A. met at the home awa, Jan. 14, include Mr. und Mrs. of Mrs. Wm. Steele, Jan. 18, %witli James Hall, Mrs. W. G. Blake, Mr. tmeeting in charge of Mrs. Wil- Wm. Taylor, ail of Bowmunvi]le; ford Jackson's group. Rev. R. B. Mrs. E. F. Neff, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Harrison read 46t1. Psalm. Read- Neff, St. Catharines; Miss Dorothy ing by Mrs. R. B. Harrison, "A Taylor, Sgt. Rulph Jones, Toronto. Soldier's Pray-er," reading by Mrs. Mr. Geo. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Joblin, "Which Are You?", Leudbeater ut Myrtie Station with There were 10 ladies present. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bradley. Duinty lunch was served and Mrs. Steele and group were given a hearty vote of thunks. Election gFarm Forums of officers took place with the following officers for 1945: Presi- dent-Mrs. John Grieves; lst Vice SHAW'S FARM FORUM Pres.-Mrs. S. H. Malcolm; 2nd Vice Pres.-Mrs. A. Suggitt; Sec'y "We ahl have something to -Mrs. Wm. Steele; Ass't Sec'y- learn" wus the topic discussed Mrs. L. Joblin; Treas.- Mrs. N. Monday night by a group of 13 C. Marlow; Fruit and Flower at Elmer Cox's. We find much Com.-Mrs. C. H. Porteous and assistance is avuiluble to the Mrs. Alex Muirs. farmer who cures to use it, Visitors: Miss Evelyn Campbell, through bulletins, spray culen- nurse-in-training, Lindsay, with dars, short courses, etc. We also her mother, Mrs. Wesley Camp- renewed our appreciation of Wo- bell. .. Mrs. Otto Bragg and fam- men's Institutes, Farm Forums, ily, Shaw's, with her parents, Mr. Food Inspection, Home and School Pe n r.R .Hl and Mrs. E. Armstrong. . . Mr. Association, etc. The benefits of Ptan Mr.R .Hl and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Clark- the local seed cleuning plant, Who were married Jan. 14, in son, with his father, Mr. Wm. county experiments in row crops, Oshawa. The bride, daughter of Lamb, and sister, Mrs. Cecil Wil- field crop competition and soul Mrs. Arthur Cline of Zelmna, Sask., son. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sud- testing were here once more aID-is a raduate flie,+it, an of..tht-Uni CoUast. 1er and Gloria ut Mr. L. Joblin's precéi'ated.-.--------- versity of Saskatchewan. The ...Mrs. John Watson, Blackstock, We believe simplîfied expluna- groom, son of Mr. und Mrs. James with Mr. M. Emerson. . . Master tions of some of our cropping dif- Hall, R.R. 5, Bowmanville, has Stanley Lane and sister, Vernu, ficulties would be welcomed by been in charge of Agriculturul Port Perry, ut Mr. Harold Wheel- farmers generully. The Depurt- Research with Libby, McNeil and er's. Miss Murjorie McClaren ment which wurns farmers of the Libby of Canada Ltd., Chatham, jwith Mrs. S. Malcolm. .. Mr. und value of trees in conserving und has now taken up new duties IMrs. Harold Nesbitt and fumily moisture is rendering real ser- with the urmed forces. Report of wîth Mr. C. H. Porteous. . . Mr. vice We approve the removal wedding uppeared in lust week's Larrv Hardcastle, Bowmunville, 0 h oiiu o-Stutesmun. w îth' Mr. Henry Thompson. fteOAC rmpltclcn Mr. Haviland Murlow w-th hi trol. _________________ mother, Mrs. R. W. Mrlow. .. Mra nd Mrs. Rue Malcolm with S .S. NO. 4, DARLINGTON ing of Burketon Church wus held thei so, HaveyMalolm.. M. -Jan. 15. thrnEeson, TyMomnto, wMr. Fourteen m~embers gathered ut Sympathy is extended to relu- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Em- R. C. Pearce's to discuss "We All tives of John Lurmer who died erson. Have Something to Learn." Adult Jan. 21st in Cartwright. education and extension services Major Tom Breck is in Ottawa. made available to farmi people by Sincere congratulations to F0 iProv. Dept. of Agriculture are: E. P. Emerson on being awarded BtIOVVfls (1) services of ugricultural rep- the D.F.C. resentutive; (2) short courses; (3) Red Cross met ut Mrs. Geo. county demonstrution plots of Honey's when these officers were grain and pusture crops; (4) bul- S a k il elected: Pres.-Miss Jean Perrin; letins; (5) caîf and swine clubs. Sak il Vice Pres.-Mrs. Muretta Reich- O.A.C. assists in providing short Mms. William Savery is very ruth; Sec'y - Mrs. Jim Curson; courses, testing of soil, planning poorly ut her duughter's, Mrs. C. Treas.-Mrs. Geo. Honey; Audi- experimental plots and in wiIling- Yule's, in Oshawa. tors - Mrs. June Wilson, Mrs. ness to udvise in any difficulty. Aileen Turner; Mterial Conven- Other agencies assisting farm M r. and Mrs. A. Dobson ut Mr. er - Mrs. Wellington Farrow. people are: (1) the radio, by weu- and Mrs. Ed. Ruthven's. Red Cross met ut Mrs. C. Turn- ther forecasts, markets, commer- Victor Farrow, Warren Carson er's for a business meeting. cial broadcasts of interest to and Arthur McKuy shipped stock Red Cross curd purty wus held furmers; (2) pnivate companies on Monduy. ut Mrs. Jim Curson's. Prize win- conduct soil tests; (3) Fed. of Miss Deckhard ut her home in ners were Mrs. Muretta Reichrath Agriculture; (4) Furm Forums. Toronto. and Sidney Brown for high score, Over 50 per cent of furmers muke Miss Beuluh Hallowell, Toronto, and Mrs. June Wilson and Archie use of the ubove services by read- ut home. Brown for consolations. ing and acting upon information Mrs. Carl Todd in Newtonville. Brown's Red Cross Activities in bulletins, attending short Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson, for 1944 courses (5 fnom our Forum ut- Mr. Win. Savery in Oshawa; Mr. On request of Newcastle Red tended short courses this yeur), Savery remuining. Cross, Brown's Red Cross finan- reuding farm papers, attending Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Farrow cial books were audited by Mr. lectures by outstanding agricull- with Mr. and Mrs. C. Allin, Kirby. Smith, Manager of Bank of Comn- turists. Mrs. G. Silver wus in Oshawa, Imerce, and found correct, with Our Forum might help to make Saturday, to see her futher who is rits $29461; expenditu r e s these educationul services used in the hospital. and donations $19046; balance on to a greater extent by distribu- Hward Farrow is laid up with hand $104.15. Sewing, knitting, tion of bulletins, getting addition- a lame buck. etc. for Red Cross: 2 layettes, 26 al members, encouraging attend- Ewart Harness ,Orono, is en- helmets, 15 quilts, 2 pr. socks; 5 ance ut short courses, making gued ih .Mcuofrante dresses, 5 small comforters, 3 ditty more use of services which the bags, 2 parcels for boys overseas, agricultural representutive is able1 $9.73; 3 purcels for boys in Can- and willing to give. ada, $5.94; 50.00 cash to Newcastle -We suggest assistance for the e tn il1 Red Cross; $15.00 cash to Red agricultural representative us a _____ Cross drive. meuns for mukinig the vurious ex- Vsitorà: Miss Caroline Fried-2 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Turner tension services more effective. lancier, Newcastle, with Mrs. entertuineci a few friends on Something which would be Of Clinton Farrow. . . Mrs. Wilfred Saturday evening. Marettu Reich - great educutional benefit for Woods, Reidi and Muxine, with I rath and Tom Wilson held high every county woôuld be the pro- her mother, Mrs C. Reid, Toron- score andi June Wilson and Geo. - .o ' iepoecinfr o. in oinoOonwt Stephenson îow score in '"500". evîîngriof alove proecettinfrt..W.Rbisnernwt Lieut. Ken Stephenson, Camp euh-rclua ersnuîe his cousin, Cecil Robinson. J Borden, ut Mr. Geo. Stephenson's. Meeting Jan. 29 ut Walter Mrs. Haroldi Skinner andi Doro- Pte. andi Mrs. Tom Wilson and Rundle's. thy, Tyrone, with her mother, Wylene, Mrs. C. Brown and Sid- Mrs. W. C. Lake, ut Alf. Brown's ney, ut Mr E. Cuswell's, Newton- S Jn . . . Miss Inez Symons, Bowman- ville. S fn ville, ut Mr. J. T. Peurce's. .. Mr. Miss Bessie Law, Peterboro, ut and Mrs. Col. Smith, Toronto; P hiem home. East group of Women's Insti- Mr. and Mrs. George Burkett andi r tute held a quîltîng ut Mrs. A. L. Mrs. Chambers, Frankford, ut Mr. Enkiln Pascoe's, Thursday. The hse WletHancock's. . .Mr nd Ennikilen nd rs.R. . Meessck ervd Ms. eorg Baret, Pnnsl- a duinty lunch. vunia, ut Mr. Lelund Payne's on Mm. and Mrs. S. Rodman, Port A good attendance is requested their hioneymoon. . Mr. and Mrs. C Perry, Mm. and Mns. I. Travell, ut the Church Congregationul J. T. Peurce and Rob ut Mn. Hum- w Oshawa, ut Mr. E. C. Ashton's. meeting next Monduy night. vey Osborne's, Welcome. Mrs. R. Thompson andi Karen Mr. Barett andi Frank Pascoe Y.P.U. officens for 1945 are: C ut Mr. F. W. Thompson's, Haydon." have hud telephones instulled in Pres-Louis Stone; Vice Pres.- H~ Mm. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton ut their homes. Mary Bunley; Sec'y-Mns. Frank J. Mr. S. Rodman's, Port Perry. We are gluci to note that the McMullen; Treus. - Don Vinkle; A W.M.S. met ut the Chunch, Jan. new Township Council is one of Piunist - Mrs. Arnold Wade. W 16. Reports of secretaries were action. They are doîng whut they At the Y.P.U. meeting Rev. Mc- Ci given. Theme of worship wus, 'can to relieve the extreme road Lachlan took the topic, "Life Sî "The Kingdom of God in oui conditions. Guard on the Pacific Coast and ai Community." Those tuking part Y.P.U. andi Sunday School Ex- sketched briefly the work done P( were Mrs. J. A. Plant, Miss E. ecutive were entertained ut Mr. by United Church hospitals in Souch and Mrs. J. A. Werry. Mrs. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor's, Monday British Columibia. Jim Gilmer E. Trewin took charge of the pro- evenîng. Young People helci their gave the, Scniptume reuding and gram andi gave un interesting regulur meeting and progrum Mary Bunley read a poem. Shir- chapter on "The Church in the while Sunday School officens _______________ Philippines,." New Yeur's reud- planneci for further acivuncement ai ings were given by Mrs. M. Hobbs in their wonk for the new yeun Dt and Mrs. A. Brunt. Mrs. L. Games andi refreshments were en- D Lamb fuvored with a piano solo. joyeci.M Mrs. J. Plant, President, request- Furmers of the vicinity are ex. ed members to give individual periencing a serlous shortuge of W prayer fôr Rev. andi Mns. Meril water for home and stock. vi Ferguson, Angola, N. Africa. Mn. S. E. Werry and Mr. A.L. Women's Association are hold- Pascoe attended the funeral of P ing an open meeting for the ladies their cousin, Mr. John Lurmen, sei of the community in the buse- Blackstock, on Tuesday. ment of the Church, Jan. 31. Visitons: Mrs. W. J. Reynolds ci There ure two Redi Cross quilts to with relatives ut Toronto. . . Mn. be quilted and other sewing to be and Mrs. Burney Hooey and Ban- done A pot luck dinner will be bara, Burketon, ut R. C. Scots served t noon. Come prepred and B. G. Stevens'. .. Cecil Bush, mi with needle and thimble to enjov Onlanci, with his mothen, Mrs. S. a visit with your neighbors. Bush. . . Mr. and Mrs. Roy An- h Enniskillen Service Club met denson and Margaret, Oshawa; D Jan. 9, ut Mrs. A. Leadbeater's Mn. Nelson Hales, Pont Boîsten, O with smuller attendance than ut A. J. Balson's. . . Mn. A. L. D usual on uccount of the below zero Pascoe with his duughter, Mrs. W. m weather; 12 were present. Sewing D. McLaughlin, Oshawa. * * e of bby nghtg w uws done for th optl-At the next meet- Burketon WE ing each person is to bning cloth- Qu ing which is suitable for remuking 0v9 into chilcren's clothes or clothing Visitons: Mrs. L. Pattenson, Mr. to which wilh fit chilciren. This is and Mrs. Harold McDonald and p tobe sent overseus. Lunch was fumily, Bowmanville, ut Thos. h senved bv Mrs. Leaciheater and Bailey's. . . Mrs. Bertha Wilson M Mn. L. tainton, Mrs. G. Yeo and with friends in Myntle..-. Mn. A. Mrs . H. Ilîs, A vote of thunks Aldned ut home., Miss Mary Ch- was extended 10 Mrs. Leadbeaten Wood in Pontypool. .. Mrs. J. A pitl and hem gnoup. e4xt meeting ut Smith andi Orvus in Peterboro.. ass Mrs. Don Lewis'. Misses Doreen andi Dorothy Cook: foi Mr. and Mns. Earl Trewin ut Bowmanville, ut home. . . Mrs. C' inti Mr. Fred Toms, Purple Hill. Sunderson hus gone to Toronto to j ley Payne fuvored with a p solo. Boy ScOuts and their leader, Frank McMullen, met Thurý evening to study First Aid.1 are planning a ski hike Jan. ' On Jan. 16 W.M.S. them( meeting was, "Service of V ship," taken by President C. Burley. Reading of a prý by Mrs. Cecil Robinson; Mrs. 1 ley read f rom Missionary Moi ly; Rev. McLachlan gave an i teresting talk from study bi "The Church in the Philippin À,lofficers were reinstated. Friends were sorry to learr the death of a former resid Mrs. Annie Osborne. Mrs. J. A. Barrie visited sister, Mrs. W. A. Wright, in B manville Hospital. Mr. Elias McCullough, Bol uncle of Mr. George McCullot passed away Monday. Annual meeting of St. John LA.Y.P.A. was held Jan. 17 ut Mr John Forder's. The worshi period was led by the presiden assisted by Miss Edith Peters, wl read the lesson. Letters wei read by Miss Vera Forder froi Mrs. C. Harcourt, Cecil Hyde ar Stan Rahm, thanking the men bers for Chrlstmas boxes. Mr Katherine Downey thanked th society for a pair of sheets give her ut Christmas to help replu, those lost in the fire. Treasurer report showed: receipts $213M2 expenses $142.51; balance $70.7' Archdeacon Simpson preside over the election of these officer. President - Miss Leona Deviti Vice Pres. - Miss Janet Watsoî Sec'Y - Miss Annie Fee; Treas.- Miss Vera Forder; Pianist - Mr Simpson; Auditors - Mrs. Wnr VanCamp,. Mrs. F. Crawford Social - Miss Irene Rahm; Frui and Flower - Mrs. F. Crawford Mrs. T. Hodge; Missionary - Archdeacon Simpson, Miss Edit] Peters; Hospitality - Mrs. Van Camp, Mr. Tom Hodge. Installa tion will take place duringî Church service in the near future An executive meeting followed t( draw up a schedule of programs After lunch a hearty vote oi thanks was tendered Mrs. Fordei and Vera for their kind hospital. ity. Next meeting ut the Rector on Feb. 8, with Miss Edith Peterý in charge, theme being "Valen. tine's Day." St. John's W.A. met Jan. il ut Mrs. Robt. Purr's with Pres, Mrs. Simpson in the chair. Mns Robt. Parr resigned us head of Dorcas Section, a position she has filled very fuithfully for several years. Miss Eva Parr will act until someone is appointed. Mrs. Simpson introduced the new study book by giving the firsi chapter. Readings were given by M'rs. F. Crawford, Mrs. Fred Hum- ilton and Mrs. Tom Smith. A social haîf-hour was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McMullen, Joyce, Lois and Gary, Janetville, .vith Mrs. Fred Bailey. Sympathy is extended to the family of Mr. John Larmer who Passed away very peacefully, Jan. 21st. Mr. 'and Mrs. krthur Bailey are visiting Mr. and-Mrs. Norton Van- Camp ut Listowel. Congratulations to Ronald Tre- win on his marriage in Oshawa on Jan. 13. Mr. -sday ['hey 27. Vor- Mrs. -ayer Bur- )nth- 1in- )ook, nes." -n of ent, her l0W- ton, .'S .s. lip ri, ho ýre M id an- .s. 2e en rs Lt. 'S. ni. d; lit d, Lh v fi p 2 v c m Ji Home & Scho;ol meeting was >ostponed on uccount of blocked roads. Most of the homes in this sec- ion are now wired, giving Clarke Union a villuge-like appearance. We must congratulute Everett Cain on doing most of his own wining for hydro. Visitons: Miss Mamie Archer, Oshawa, and Miss Eileen Souch, Hurmony, with Mr. andi Mrs. H. 1Souch. . . Harry Builey, R.C. 1,.F., Deseronto, ut home. . . Eci- xin Sandercock, Jim and Jack olville, Bowmunville, ut Mrs. uandercock's. . . Mrs. Ida Stark rîd John, Starkville, ut Gordon lowers'. Sunday visitons with Mrs. Delve *id Mrs. Curtis were Mn. John elve, London, Ont., Capt. Sam elve, fnom ovenseas, andi Mn. and Enrs. W. M. Buckley, Newcastle. Mrs. Delve andi Capt. Sam Delve vent to Wooler on Tuesday to sit Rev. W. T. Delve. Mn. Jus. Gilfîllun is visiting his inrents hene, his fathen being 'APT. REV. S. A. R. DELVE HOME FROM OVERSEAS Press reports of Jan. 9 tell of uny urriving home from over- uas in a necent convoy. Among em was Cupt. Rev. S. A. R. )eîve, son of Mns. R. A. Delve, )ono, and the late Rev. R. A. elve. The father was a former iinister ut Courtice andi Bluck- ick. Cupt. Delve wus former heuvy- eight wrestling champion ut !een's University and has been verseas three years as a Chapluin )the fonces. He receiveci his pointment ut Montreul where ewas Chuplain, District Depot, lntreal South. Overseus, Cupt. Delve was haplain ut No. 10 Generul Hos- tah and ufter a buck injury was signed to No. 3 C.A.C. Rein- Scement unit. In un informed 1erview with the press, Cupt. elve gave interesting impres- ns of the effect of wur on the inds of soldiers, cluiming that ýy have ucquired a new respect NNUAL MEETING 0F ORONO BRANCH RED CROSS A well uttendeci andi interesting Hot Water Botties 69c, $1.19, $1.39 Electrie Baby Bottiesco S $4.40 COLD REMEDIES E M ULS ION Laxacold Tablets ----25ce Buekley's Capsules -- 3eA G r o v e 's C o ld - -- - e t e r W a Tablets ---- 24c, 44ce ui~Defe a Nyal Nose Drops 35c, 50e to ak Vieks Rub or Drops 43c Vleks Inhaler -------CC@d Liver Buekley's White Rub ------- --30c, 50e oit Thermogene Cotton -- 49e Thermogene Rub - --43e etan FOR COUGHS VAmne Creophos ----------- - $1.00A n D Buckley's Mixture 40, 75c White Fine & Tar ------------25, 50eca 9 0 8 Cherry Cough ~5~ & 8 Syrup ----------25c, 50e Pertassin ----- 59c, $1.39 Mason's "49" -- 40c, 75e Soft as a fleecy cloud! 12 pads 25jC in box NYAL ANTACID CAL BISMA BISODOL POWD. AMPHOJEL MeLEAN'S TABLETS McLEAPS POWD. ALCAROID Certified Malt and Cod PFUNDER'S STOMACH TABLETS ---e---------- $1.50, $4.00 PhoneINl~ l~ll f We Fit 695 COW VLING'S U UG STOREII..Trasses Cross . . -$1,390.60 Matenials bought ut head- quarters -------------- 464.45 Muterials bought locally- 26.64 Soldiers' boxes --------- 142.11 Fuel ndi Room expenses 37.40 Cash on hand ----------- 560.38 $2,62 1.58 Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Rich- ard Huwkey, Mr. Gurnet MCoy and Jck, Bowmunville, ut Ah- bert Huwkey's. . . Mn. and Mrs. Leona Bull, Milbrook, nd Mr. F. L. Byum ut Mn. Wm. Farnell's, New Toronto. .. Mrs. I. W. Lar- mer, 71n. Clifford Lurmer and Edigar Rosevear, Port Hope, ut G. Rosevean's. . . Leonard Philips, R.C.A.F., Trenton, with his grand- futher, Mn. John Colville. . . Mns. Gludys Cameron, Bowmanviîîe, with Mn. andi Mrs. Arthur Rich- ards. . . Wm. Macdonald, Osh- awa, ut home. . . Miss Yvonne Byam, Oshawa, ut home. .. Mrs. Harold Skinner and Dorothy with Mn. and Mrs. Alfred Brown and Mns. Lake, Newtonville. . . Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hodgson, Bowman- ville, ut George Alldreud's... Mn. andi Mrs. George Coulter, To- ronto, at L. Drage's. Pte. Walter Park has returneci STEAKS OR ROASTS PORTEROUSEWING and Lb.A1 DONELESS ROUND - Lb. 39e E A. & P. 24-oZ. ) % NARNALADE Orange Jar 26<e GGOD HUMOR CEREAL 24e QUAKER NUFFETS 2 Pkas 179 TONATO SOU Campbell's 2 Tins 17e SILVETS Sardin S 2 Tns259 GRAPE JUICE 16-oz 23 BtI.39 3,44 1wu Grapefruit, 96,s.......3-17c Head Lettuce, 48's.....2-25C Celery StaIks............... 2-25c Ta-a - . .............. 15 .£~ Sluallots........2 Ibs. 19c i j, e ri BUTTER THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BCjWMANVILLE- ONTARM THURS., JANUARY 25th, 1945 anna etn fOooRdt hiteSre optl o OCross was held in the Orange Hall ronto. Son Jan. 18, ut which Rev. S. Mrs. Wm. Wright, who under- )f Littlewood presided. Splendid went a serious operation Thurs- rreports were given of last year's day in Bowmanville Hospital, is work, which includes the work of doing as well as can be expectec. y' the unts around Orono, s well Tom Barr lost a gooci horse us s that of the women in Orono. last week. 1- The following articles were shipped to Ontario Heudquunters 8 in Toronto; Knitting for Men: 51 To Instruet Canada's Scouts 3turtle neck sweaters, 19 sleeveless Announcement hus been made 3sweaters, 72 hielmets, 21 pr. gloves, by W. J. Bennett, Director of Am- ,f 42 pr. mitts, 22 tuck-ins, 52 pr. bulance for the St. John's Ambu- ssocks, 3 pr. seamen's socks, 5 aero lance Association, that the Asso- I caps; Knitting for Women: 10 ciation will in future provide in- ýt sleeveless sweaters, 33 pr. sockees, structors, books, bandages and -10 pr. knickers, 22 toques; Sewing: centificates without 'charge for v65 quilts, 51 men's bed jackets, 50 Boy Scout Troops in Canada, tnightingales, 120 face masks, 40 where a St. John's instructor is ypr. pyjamas, 300 personal pro- availuble. perty bags, 912 hancikerchiefs, 3 layettes, 3 girls' dresses, 1 giml's slip, 1 sweater and cap, 1 pr. baby *mitts, 2 baby blankets. Anothen important part of our yeur's work was sending 37 Chnistmas boxes to our boys over- seas, five of which have been ck- S a p d Goods nowledged: Wmn. Muir, Ross Wood, Norman Allin, L e n o y Brown andi Sid Hughes. The Christmas bzar is alwys a- highlight in oun uctivities andi 1944's buzan wus very successful with proceecis to date of $346. These officers were electeci for 1945; Pust President - C. B. Tyrreil; Pnesident - Mrs. W. E. Armstrong; lst Vice Pres. - Mrs. F. W. Tumblyn; 2nd Vice Pres.E B OIE -Mrs. J. J. Mellor; Treas.-Mrs. Herb Murray; Work Room Co.- PLEASANT OCCUPATION Mrs. Beebe, Mrs. W. Couch, Mrs. FOR LONG WINTER J. Moffatt, Mrs. F. W. Tamblyn, EVENINGS Mns. D. Myles; Convenor of Wo- men's War Work - Mrs. Hesper Makes Ideal Gifts Dean; Packing Committee - Mrs. Ads at cien s to y r N. Porter andi Mrs. Murray; Liai- -dsatatvns oyu son Officer-Mrs. N. Porter- Fi- home when Spring cleaning nance- Messrs. . W. Rolph, C. oms. B. Tyrell, W. J. Riddell, C. S.N McLaren, J. C. Gamey; Purchas- NEW SHIPMENTS ing - Mns. Beèbe, Mrs. H. Dean; DRESSER SCARFS Refreshment - Mrs. Jas. Tumb- VANITY SETS lyn; Auditors - J. J. Mellor, L.C. McGinnis.. BUFFET SETS The finncial sttement shown LUNCHEON SETS herewith is very creditable, show- TOWELS îng the generosity and faithful CENTRE FIECES work of the whole community: o peer n eo h d si Receipts Coete adran oss u Balance from 1943 -------- $ 327.94 c tt n a d r on f ss N ational Cam paig ------1,64 1.00 Bnunch Fund Raising Events --------------------- 372.70 Sp'1 donations (Soldiers IniiulDonations -----136.00 5 EW L "BIG 20"1 Expenditures $2,62 1.58 PHONE 556 ?iano 1.1 Clarke Union Orono News Tyrone