PAGE EIGHT - - - - - - - - -- W gThe Newcastle Independent Phone: Clarke 3314 Mrs. Robt. Gibson, who is now Newcastle correspondent to The Statesman, requests that people telephone their visitors and other local news to her at No. 3314, Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bachelor; Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Brown. Mrs. Stella Anderson is spend- ing this week in Toronto. The very attractive posters dis- piayed in the stores advertising the Newcastle Skating Carnival are the work of Mrs. Morley Sai- lows. Mrs. Horace Ward is visiting in Kingston. Warden Cecil Carveth has had a telephone installed in bis home. During the past ten days four residents of Newcastle have pass- cd away, Mr. Orloff Yarrow, Mrs. Edgar Osborne, Mr. William Par- nail and Mrs. T. C. Dean. Sym- pathy of the community is ex- tended to the bereaved familles. LAC Gordon Garrod, Rock- cliffe, was home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. John Alldread are moving to the apartment above Ward's store. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton motored to Toronto to bring back Mrs. Britton's mother, Mrs. J. D. McKenzie, who will spend the winter here. Mrs. Walter DeLine is visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brereton were in Port Hope, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brereton. Newcastle Junior Hockey teamn played Newtonville on Saturdayj afternoon, score 13-13. Mrs. Walter Rickard is slowly recovering from ber recent seri- 005 illness. Miss Kay Toms spent the week- end in Bowmanville guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Patterson. Miss Isabel Robinson is under- going treatment at Toronto Gen- RELIABLE ONTARIO BREEDING STATION R.O.P. SIRED BARRED ROCK CHICKS From Biood-Tcsted, Bred- to-Lay parent stock. AU chicks slred by R.O.P. coc- kerels insure high egg pro- duction and excellent meat type. We would appreciate early ordering. Mixcd Chicks, Pullets, Coc- kercis, day-old or started. WRITE or PHONE Donald E.,Gison Bowmanville,nt. Phone Clarke 38à1 erai Hospital. C.G.I.T. met at the home of Mrs. Matt. Alldread. Tuesday ave- ning, Jan. 16. Affer the business of the meeting members found Albert Pearce with bis team and bob-sleighs raady f0 take thcm on a sleighing party. Affer a very enjoyable slaigh ride, they ra- turned f0 Mrs. Alldread's for a social evaning and rafreshimenfs. Miss Isabel AllUn and Miss Laura Aluin, Oshawa, visifed Mrs. Harold Allun on Saturday. Warrant Officer R. Anderson, Hagarsville, and Miss Lorane Johnson, Oshawa, were week-end guests of Mrs. Stella Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Enwright and family moved this week into their new home on King Sf. Easf. Mr. Enwrigbt is confined ta bis home through illness. Mr Fred McKellar and daugb- fers have moved ta Port Perry. Mrs. Harold Aluin and Ruth spent Sunday in Oshawa, guasts of Misses Isabelle and Laura Allin. Y.P.U. Eleet Officers Y.P.U. met Jan. 22nd. We read a lovely latter fromn Dick Polley. Affer an enlighfaning business period the devotional was con- ducfed by Pauline Deline, assist- ant Missions Convener. They con- sisted of a vocal duet by Mari orie Hockin and Evelyn Aluin; Scrip- fora and axpianation were given by Margaret Ash while Pauline Deline led in prayer; Marie Allin rendered a vocal solo. Recitations followed under John'* Gibson's guidance. Y.P.U. officers for 1945 are: Hon. Prasidenf-Rav. R. E. Mor- ton; Pras. - Evalyn Aluin; Vice Pres-Margaret Hockin; Sec'y- Kay Toms; Ass't Sec'y-Barbara Bonathan; Treas. - P au 1linae Branch; Christian Fellowsbip Convnr-Betty Aluin; Missions -Wyhna Farrow; Citizenship - Glenn Allin; Culture - Margaret Asb; Recreation - John Gibson; Pianist - Margaret Hockin; Press Sec'y-Margaret Àsb. St. John's Card Party A vary succassful card party undjer the auspices of members of St. Jobn's Church, Newcastle, was beid in the Parish Hall, St. George's Church, on Friday ave- ning. Bridge and Fiva Hundrad were played when $38.50 was ciearad. Tickets wara sold on a dalicious angel cake, also a pair of vary handsome hand-embroider- cd pillow cases, both items made and donated by Mrs. Armstrong of Orono. Mrs. W. Kenafick, Newcastle, won the angel cake and Mrs. Luxton, Orono, the pair of pillow cases. Winners at Bridge were: Mrs. Howard Toms, first prize, ladies; Edgar Kenefick, first prize, gents; Mrs. H .S. Britton, consolation, gants; Mrs. P. Houston, consola- tion, ladies. Winners of Five STE WART'S YOUR DEPENDABLE HEADQUARTERS FOR HIGH QUALITY SEEDS CLO VERS, TIMOTHY, GRASSES, HYBRID SEED CORN, ETC. ]By booking early you assure yourself of Stewart's Best j Quality and price. We have a large number of orders already on hand from far and near. .. Let us know your requirements NOW and they wiil receive special attention. (Note - We are offering a very high quality Hybrid Corn this year at an extremely low price-Don't miss it). STE WART'S SEED STORE BOWMANVILLE PHONE 577 Attention Chick Raisers! The 1945 Drooder Coal Supply In September the Coal Controller issued Order No. Coal 8A-1, which states that "Brooder Coal is no longer exclud- able tonnage." This means that wholesalers and dealers wil no longer receive additional coal over their quotas for use in brooding chicks. Furtbermore, their quotas are reduced from 90 per cent to 87 1-2 per cent of their basic period supplies. In consultations with the office of the Coal Controller we were informed that ail priorities on coal for brooding pur- poses have been removed. If a dealer has coal on hand when orders are received ha is to giva preference in delivery to brooder supplies; this is the only privilege such use will enjoy. The Coal Controllar advises .that this follows action taken in the United States and must of necessity prevail in Can- ada. Production of anthracite coal in the U.S. has dropped materially in racent montbs. It is absaluteiy necessary that those wbo intend brooding chicks in 1945, arrange for supplies immediateiy and endea- vour te, adapt t0 brooder use the class of coal they can secure. They should take delivery whenever coal is available to them, aven a bag at a time, to build up their supplies. It is important that this information be furnished flock owners immediateiy and it would ha, appreciated if everyone in the industry - including poultry producers, hatcherymen, registered egg grading station operators, produce dealers, feed manufacturers, farma press, farm and commercial radio broad- casts, etc. - would give publicity ta this message through every possible channel. POULTRY INDUSTRY COMMITTEE 0F ONTARIO H. B. Donovan, Jr., Secretary This information is lnserted for the benefit of chick raisers By -~~ ~5j. Broolks 1 F' R. R. 3, Bowmanvile NEW WAUDEN Reeve Cecil R. Carvcth 0f Newcastle, who was elected Warden of Northumberland and Durham Counties at the January session at Cobourg. He received his election by acclamation, the first time a warden has been elected by acclamation in these counties. Hundrad: Mrs. Tom Brown, ladies' first prize; Mr. Bridger, gants' first priza; Miss Elsie Rowa, ladies' consolation; P. Marfin, gants' consolation. Committee rasponsibla for this vary successful and anjoyable avening were Mr. and Mrs. K. Aiken and Miss Kenefick. Board of Management Board of Management, New- castle Community Hall, met Jan. 22. Mrs. Percy Hare wbo bas bean the vary efficient and indefatig- able Chairman for the past four years, was ra-appointed for 1945 with Harry Jase as Sec'y-Traas. The Board consists of fiva mam- bars: three, ana woman and two men, appointad by Council, and two, a woman and a man, chosen by tbe citizens. Members of the present Board ara: Mrs. Percy Hare, Chairman; Harry Jase, Sec'y-Traas.; Mrs. Howard Toms, Earl Walton, Fred Couch. Evening Auxiliary W.M.S. Evening Auxiliary of W.M.S. mat Jan. 17 with Mrs. Garnat Rickard, 2nd Vice Pres., in charge. Mrs. G. A. Walton presented this slata of officars whicb wera in- stalled by Rev. R. E. Morton: Hon. Pras.-Mrs. R. E. Morton; Pres.-Mrs. F. Butler; lst Vice Pres.-Mrs. G. Rickard; 2nd Vice Pres.-Mrs. J. Rickard; 3rd Vice Pras.-Mrs. G. Martin; Rac. Sec'y -Mrs. J. Hockin; Corres. Sec'y- Mrs. M. Sallows; Traas.-Mrs. R. Dickinson; Sac'y Christian Stew- ardship - Mrs. E. Fisher; Sec'y Community Friandship -Miss R. Hancock; Supply Sac'y - Mrs. Howard Toms; Associata Mam- bers Sac'y-Mrs. G. Walton; Sac'y Temperance and Cifizanship - Miss Marion 'Aluin; Mîssionary Monthly - Mrs. C. Allun; Litera- turc Sec'y- Mrs. N. Goheen; Press Sec'y- Mrs. A. Pearca; Pianist-Mrs. T. Enwright; Ass't Pianist - Mrs. C. Cowan; Mission Band Laadar-Mrs. T. A. Vanner; Flowar Committea - Miss H. Mason and Mrs. C. Cowan; Audi- tors-Mrs. H. Toms and Mrs. I. Colwiil. Annual reports were givan by various Secretarias. Treasurer raported having sent $175.40 to Prashyfarial Treasurer in 1944. It was decided to anfertain the bus- bands or friands at a pot luck sup- par in February. Mrs. J. T. Brown and Mrs. J. Rickard gave an interasting sum- mary of the study book, "West of the Date Lina," dealing with the problems of education, bealth, housing. etc., in the Phillipines. Mrs. G. Rickard conducted a con- test aftar wbich lunch was served. Nexf meeting at Mrs. John Rick- ard's. W.C.T.U. Plans Contest Women's Christian Temparance Union mat Jan. 18 whan plans were made for a medal contast among school children ta be beld in February or March. Cards of sympathy will ha sent ta any members who are ill or bereaved. Mrs. Vanner read the Bible les- son. A solo, "Can the World Sac Jasus In You?" was rendered by Mrs. Waite wîtb Mrs. L. Toms ac- companying. A questionnaire on "Why Not Gamble?" was con- ducted by Mrs. Carveth and ra- sponded to by several membars. The answars brought out con- vincingly the evils of gambling, showing bow the gain of one must ha offset by the loss of others. Prasidant Mrs. N. Rickard con- tinued information, bagun at a previous meeting, on scriptural uses of the word "wina" wbere if is used, sometimas with warn- ings, sometimes with commanda- tion. Haydon Several from bera atfendad the funeral of the late Mrs. Richard Ashton at Morris Chapal, Bow- manvilla, Safurday. Daapest sym- pathy is extanded f0 the family. Our minister bravad the snow- banks and we had service, Sun- day affarnoon, the firsf this yaar. We are glad f0 sea that our mail man is able fa gat around some of bis route now. Mrs. Tom Wagg, New Toronto, AC I Roy Graham, Trenton, af Mr. iLeslie Graham's. The officiais have bean inform- ad that $200 is ta ha donatad f0 our churcb according f0 tha w11 of the lata Francis Ernest AuLnger. The naws is somefimas late gatting in f0 the office as our mail man is not yet able to get around the route. TH CNAIN TAESA, OWANILE OTRI TUR. JNURY2th 14 ENGAGEM ENT The engagement is announced of Hessie Marion, eldest daughter of the late James Beech Hawley and Mrs. Hawley, Napanee, On- tario, to HICapt. the Rev. Samuel A. R. Delve, Canadian Chaplain Service, son of the late Rev. Ro- bert Archibald Delve, and of Mrs. Delve, Orono, Ontario. The mar- niage will take place quietly in the near future. 4-1* flEATI-S TOMLINSON - In Bowmanville, on Jan. 22, 1945, Mary J. E. Seymour, beloved wife of Frank N. Tomlinson, aged 58 years. ASHTON-At Leaside, on Janu- ary l8th, 1945, Elizabeth Ash- ton, widow of Richard Ashton, in her 82nd year. LARMER - In Blackstock, on Sunday, January 2lst, 1945, John Larmer, husband of the late Sarah Wright, in his 82nd year. 4-1 DEAN-In Newcastle, on Janu- ary 17, 1945, Theresa Catherine Dean, widow of William N. Dean and dear mother of Muriel, (Mrs. A. E. Mellow). PARNAL - In Bowmanville, on Jan. 19, 1945, William Parnal, of Newcastle, aged 87 years. In- terment Bona Head Cemetery, Newcastle. MOUNTJOY - In Darlington Township, January 23, 1 9 4 5, Martha Jane Farrell, widow of Frederick Mountjoy, in her 80th year. Resting at the Chapel of Northcutt and Smith for service on Friday, January 26, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Hampton Ceme- tery. Caerds of Thanka Mr. and Mrs. W. Brownlee, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Ashton and fam- ily wish to express sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors for their expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes, especial- ly thanking Mr. Workman and Mr. Morris for vdry kind help. 4-1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mutton and Family wîsh to express their thanks and appreciation to ail organizations, friends and neigh- bors for kindness and sympathy received on the death of their son and brother, LICpl. Frederick Charles Mutton, who died of wounds received in action. 4-1* The family of the late Mrs. E. A. Osborne wish to express sin- cere thanks and appreciation to the relatives a nd friends (especially neighbors), for many kindnesses, gifts of flowers, and messages of sympathy tendered, during the illness and death of the late Mrs. E. A. Osborne. 4-1 IN MEMORIAM PROSSER-In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Dennis Earl Prosser, age 5, who passed away Jan. 3lst, 1944. Two littie hands are resting, A loving heart is still, A little son we loved is waiting For us, just over the hilI. -Sadly missed by Mother, Dad, brothers and sisters. 4-1 BENNETT-In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Jack Bennett, who passed away Jan. 23, 1932. Loving and kind in ail his ways, Upright and just to the end of his days, Sincere and kind in heart and mind, What a beautiful memory he left behind. - Sadly missed by Mother, Father, Sisters and Brother. 4-l* BENNETT-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Benjamin Bennett, who passed away January 27, 1937. Peacefully sleeping, resting at last, His weary trials and troubles are past; In silence he suffered, in pa- tience he bore, Till God called him home to suffer no more. -Ever remembered by his wife, daughter Doris, and son Harold, 4-i* Coming Events THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO BIRTI-S ADAMS - At Bowmanville Hos- pital on Thursday, Jan. 11, 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. Z. AdamF, twin boys, Bryce and Blain. 4-l* DILLING - Mr. and Mrs. Rance Dilling are happy to arnounce the arrivai of a daughter, Sandra Jane, at the Bowman- ville..Hospital on Jan. 18, 1945. 4-1* MEGIT- At BownManv ile Hos- pital, on Thursday, Janiuary 18, 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Megit, (nee Orena Cowan), Newcastle, the gift of a son, Wayne Charles. Both doing nicely. 4-1 Wanted to Rent ONE OR TWO HEATED, UN- furnished rooms for business girl. Phone, 2463, Bowman- ville. 4-1 HEATED ROOM for light house- keeping, central location. Write Box 454, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 4-1* SEWING MACHINE: Wanted to rent for se-ne time, sewing ma- chine in good condition. Best of care. Write Box 456, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 4-1* Loat, Strayed or Stolen LOST - MAN'S GOLD WRIST watch, with gold link bracelet. Lost on King St., Bowmanville, Tues. Valued as keepsake from an airman friend. Reward for its return to Statesman Office. Wanted WORK WANTED - SINGLE MAN DESIRES WORK on farm. Write Box 457, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 4-1* The Woman's Auxiliary of St. John's Church wiil hold a shower for Europe's cbildren on Feb. 2nd, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Donations of new or good used articles for infants and children up to 5 yrs., diapers, 27x27, soap, safety pins, powder. Affernoon tea will ha served free. 4-1* The annual meeting of the Bow- manville Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society will ha held in the Council Room at the Town Hall in Bowmanville, on Monday, January 22nd, 1945, at 8 p.m. Ex- ecutive members and ail other interested citizens in Bowmanville and Darlington are requested f0 attend. 4-1 Cadmus Church service was held Sun- day. Bryce Philip is in Port Perry Hospital for an operation for ap- pendicifis. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Edgerton and Bessie and Grant at Mar- wood McKee's. Miss Thelma Sweet with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sweet. Cadmus Red Cross packed 42 boxes for our boys overseas on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Eria Capstick and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGill, Lind- say, spent Sunday with George Fowler. Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy in To- ronto. Articles For Sale MASSEY - HARRIS ll-hoe Seed drill. Morley Burgess, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. Phone 2386. 4-1 ODD PIECES 0F FURNITURE, dishes, silverware, phonograph. Robt. Colville, Liberty St. N. Phone 538. 4-1 1929 BUICK SEDAN, excellent rubber, needs some repairing. Priced reasonable. Ken Tub- man, Newcastle. 4-1 APPLE TREES, Three and Four years old: Red McIntosh, Northern Spy, Gravenstein, Red Delicious, Melba, etc. Special price on quantities. Order now for spring planting. C. A. Gle- coff, 174 Ritson Rd. South,' Osh- awa. 4-13* Found FOUND - MAN'S WRIST Watcb. Owner may have same by prov- ing property and paying for ad- vertisement. Phone 2238. 4-1 FOUND - TORTOISE SHELL Persian, cat, strayed to the home of Mrs. B. King. Phone 305. 4-1 FÔU ND 13BLACK AND White hound, believed to be a Blue Tick, found at Newcastle. Own- er may have same by paying for advertisemant. Phone Clarke 3722, for information. 2-3* Notice CLOTHING REPAIRS: Mending, alterations, etc., men's and wo- men's clothing at reasonable prices. Apply: Ground fluor suite, Cowan Block, Temper- ance St. entrance. A-1* Bowmanville Electrîclans 4 Doors West of Eaton's in Building Occupied by Navy League Ail kinds of electric wiring done Motors repaired and installad Phone 438 34-tf12* Real Estate For Sale 4-ROOMED HOUSE and garage, central location, in Bowman- ville. Write Box 453, States- man Office, Bowmanvilla. 3-2* JACK HUDSON, ORONO WILFRED RICHARDSON PONTYPOOL F. L. BYAM, TYRONE There' s A Difference There i.s a difference in nhillc - let your taste make the test! Bowman- ville Dairy Milk, the fresher flavored niilk con- tains ail the nutritive vitamins that children and grown-ups need. Try this better milk today, you will find it richer, more wholesome. Bowm anvîiIe Dairy MEora "a Notice To Creditora In the Estate of SOPHIA Mc- CLELLAN, deceased. Ail persons having clia i ms against the estate of Sophia Mc- Clellan, late of the Town of Bow- manville, deceased, who died on or about the l4th day of Novemn- ber, 1944, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned ad- ministrator on or before the lüth day of February, 1945, full par- ticulars of their dlaims. Immediately after the said lOth day of February, 1945, the assets of the testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to dlaims of which the said administrator shail then have notice. Dated at Bowmanville, this 24th day of January, 1945. W. ROSS STRIKE. Administrator of Estate of Sophia McClellan, Bowmanville, Ontario. 4-2 Vacuums for Sale VACUUMS REPAIRED OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in medern. chesterfield, bedroom, dinmng suites, and studios. Beddmng and floor covermngs a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before baying visit BradleiT's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. SeleC~ yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. Ypu are mnvited to view these at BRAIJLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf NEW EQUIPMENT: Corn culti- vafor, corn picker, combines, one rubber tire tractor, 13-disc fertilizer seed drill; used equip- ment: Massey-Harris grinder, cheap; 2 - furrow International plow, 3-furrow International plow, Massey-Harris hoe drill. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, phone 2610. 4-1 Livestock For Sale 2 HOLSTEIN CALVES for veal- ing. Phone 2866, Bowmanville. 4-1* 10 YORKSHIRE PIGS, 6 weeks. old. Blake Short. Phone 2479. 4-1 16 YORKSHIRE PIGS, 7 weeks old. , Harold Pascoe, Solina. Phone 2187. 4-1 HOLSTEIN BULL, 10 months, R.O.P. dam, 4%/ sire, accredited and listed. J. H. Jose & Sons, phone 1121, Newcastle. 4-1* CHICKS - We are now taking orders for Tweedle Chicks, ail breeds. Order early for special prices. Stewart's Seed ýStore, phone 577, Bowmanville. 3-tf 3 REGISTERED HEREFORD Bulîs, 13 months old. Apply D. E. Whitney, Long Acres Farm, ½mile East of Ellîott's Garage on No. 2 Highway. 4-2 ONE 8&YR.-OLD HOLS T E I N cow, purebred, registered, ac- credited and listed. A real one. Due Feb. 12. Apply to M.' C. Smith, Burketon, Ont. Phone 197-12, Port Perry. 4-1* AUCTION SALE The undersigned bas received instructions from the executors of the Estate of the late Mrs. Archie Tait, to seli by public auction her entire household of fu.rniture, in- cluding chesterfield suite, dining room. suite, bedrooma furniture, wicker furniture, china cabinet, piano, large mantle mirror, .sew- ing machine, kitchen furniture, cook stove, electric stove, rugs, odd tables and chairs (many wal- nut), dishes, cooking utensils, and numerous other useful and valu- able articles. This is a large sale and furniture is in A-i condition. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp, at the spaclous heated garage of Wm. J. Challis, King St., Bowmanviile, on Saturday, Feb. 3, 1945. Terms cash. Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer; T. S. Mountjoy, clerk. 3-3 Help Wanted HOUSEKEEPER, good home. Ap- ply J. D. Carscadden, Beech Ave. 4-1* HOUSEKEEPER FOR F AR M home. Wages $20 monthly. Ap- ply Wilbert Robertson, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. 4-1 EXPERIENCED MAN for Dairy farm, single or married, separ- ,pte house on farm, start work by March lst. Phone 2471. 4-1* BOOKKEEPER, not over 24 hours a week or Public Steno- grapher may use office for some bookkeeping. Write Box 452, Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 2-4* Wanted To Buy HIGHEST P RICES PAID for Hol- stein springer cows for export. Fritz Leob, R.R. 2, Port Perry. Phone 107r31. 44 SPOT CASH for aIl makes and models of used cars. Apply G. A. Dodd, 278 Park Road, South, Oshawa. Phone 3344M. 50-8* 25 ACRES LAND with good buildings and bydro, near town or village. Write Box 458, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 4-1 SEED WANTED - We are now offering bighest prices for f imo- thy, clovers, etc. Mail us a sample. Sfewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanville. 39-ff LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7r13. (Busi- ness carried on by Mr. Flatt par- sonally, no agents employed.) 2-12* ITCH CHECKED 1 Tc f -orMener Bak Fer qui*c r"idfrom i"IchmBd by eoeema. otima. S ou imortsand iquickly em IodaSS A" Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - SKATES-Soc a pair and up. Will also take skates for exchange. Victor Sports and Cycles, 34 'King W., Oshawa, phone 918. 2-6 Christlanity brings sanity. Isms bring scismis. Wanted FOR EXPORT Ail klnds grade and register- ed cows, Helfers, Springers and backwards. PLEASE PHONE or WRIITE Max IRelit R.R. 4, PORT PERRY PHONE 198 -R -21 39-13 "Good Vacuums f or G oo d Housekeeping." Also guarantecd expert repairs, lubrication, re- placements, etc. Caîl C.U.C. Ser- vice Branch, McGregor's Hard- ware Store. Bowmanville, 774. 5-tf REFRIGERATO R ]Repairs Commercial - Domestic ANY MAKE H. J. Bowyer PHONE OSHAWA 244 25th Anniversary Week Feature Presentation Thurs., Fr1,, Sat., Jan. 25-26-27 In Technicolor IRISH EYES ARE SMILING Starring Monty Woolley, June Haver, Dick Haymes. Sure, and it's smiles ahead of every musical you've ever seen. de March of Tirne, Cartoon, Latest Paramount News Mon., Tues., Jan. 29-30 Two Great Hits SONG 0F THE OPEN ROAD With Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, Bonita Granville, W. C. Fields, Samrny Kaye and his or- chestra. Also THE LAST RIDE Starring Richard Travis, Eleanor Parker. Wed., Thurs., Jan. 31st Feb. lst THE GREAT MOMENT Starring Joel McCrea and Betty Field. They laughed hlm into immortality. Added Feature DANGEROUS PASSAGE Starring Robert Lowery, Phyllis Brooks. ROYAL BOWMANVI LLE Telephone 589 Sat., doors open 6 o'clock Matinee at 2.00 p.m. Thurs., Fri., Jan. 25-26 WALLACE BEERY lux Metro-Goldwyn-Maycr's RATIONING With Marjorle Main, D)onald Meek and Dorothy Morris. You'Il save a ration coupon if you sec this - They've taken the ceiling off laugh- ter. Sat. Only, Jan. 27 Please corne early and see our big double attraction Jane Withers in MY EJEST GAL With Jimmny Lydon, Frank Craven and Franklin Pang- born. Get hep for hot music, high stepplng, beautj fui girls, romance, come Added Attraction ROY ROGERS (King of the Cowboys) ln MAN FROM MUSIC MOUNTAIN Wlth Trlggcr, the smartest horse in the movies - Bob Nolan and the Sons of the Pioneers and Ruth Tcrry - Romantic songs - Thrilnng action. Mon., Tues,, Weid., Jan. 29, 30, 31 THE CANTERVI LLE GHOST Starring Charles Laughton, Robert Young, Margaret O'Brien, with William Gar- gan, Reglnald Owen, "Rags"> Ragland and Una O'Connor. M.-G.-M's comedy - It puis YOu in the best of spirits! The- laugh pîcture of the ycar. Enlargements.. To introduce our suparior quality enlargements wc wlll en- large your favorite negatives to 4x6 inches, and mount same in attractive studio folders complete............--------2 for 29c VITAMIN PRODUCTS Purctest Multiple Vitamin Capsules, 50's -------$1.10 10D's --------------- $1.85 Plcnamin's (25 doses) 50's ---------------- $1.75 Puretest Vîtamln A B D & G Capsules. 25's ---75e Mcad's Oleum Per- cornorphum --,,------75e, $3 Purctest Vitamln Tonic 8 oz ----------------$1.00 Puretest Cod Liver 011 Compound Tablais 50's----------------------- 75c 100's ------ -------- $1.35 Puretcst Vitarnîn A B D Tablets, 100's -------$J.25 Purctcst Cod Lîver 011 Fortlflcd with 10 tirnes Vitamîns A & D Potecey ---------- $1,00 Ayerst 10D Cod Lîver 011 4 oz...................--------67c 16 oz.- ------ ----------- $1.69 CREAMS ... Pond's Crcams ---- 34c, 59c Noxzema Skia Cream -------- 17c, 39c, 59e Rex-Eme - ------ 29---eg, 85 Lady Esther Creams -- - --29c,.:SSc, >~ Pacquin's Hand Cream -----------29c, 57c Woodbury's Creams ---------- 25c, 49c Hind's Hand Cream ---43c LOTIONS ... Jergen's Lotion -------25c, 47c, 98c Cashmnere Bouquet Lotion ------------25c, 43c HInd's Honcy Almond Crearn ----- - - -----25c, 45e Itaian Balrn -------------35c Trushay Lotion --------- 49c Evenlng ln Paris Trio- Lotion.............------ -6(c Sîlque Lotion-----60e Rîker's Freach Balm ---- 2c 9 Gardeaia Skin . 2e9 Softeaer ----------------- 60e Jury (& Lovel THE REXALL STORE Wl,..W. Test EY« t la D«e, Properly PItON! 778 - - C.N.R. TICKETS 1 - 1 .