TH-CNA-N-TA-SA---W-N-L-ONA1T - - - - - - -V i,-* - - - The Newcastle Independent Phone. Clarke 3314 Mr. Jim Doyle la able to be out after his recent illness. Miss Pauline DeLine spent Monday in Toronto. Miss Aimèda Couch has been on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare spent Sunday in Brighton and Trenton. Mr. H. S. Britton has been iii with an attack of the f lu. Mr. Bob Purdy, Whjtby, spent Saturday in the village. Miss Doris Spencer was in Osh- awa for the week-end. Warrant Officer R. Anderson, Hagersville, was home. Miss Evelyn Aflin spent the week-end at Ajax. Mrs. H. A. Weatherjll is spend- ing the winter in Toronto. Mr. Laurence Morton, Toronto Conservatory of music, was home. Misses Minnie and Patricia Pearce, Toronto, were home. Miss Ruth Honey, Staff Fenelon Falls High School, was home. Miss Ruth Bonathan, who is attending business college in To- ronto, was home. Miss Jean Hoimes, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Holmes. Mrs. Mary Ash, Rouge Hill Pub- lic School, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. Alonzo Cowan is visiting his daughter, Mrs. C. Daniels, in Oshawa. Mrs. Douglas Wright entertain- ed her Bridge Club Thursday evé- ning. Mrs. O. Yarrow and son, Ken- neth, are spending a week in To- ronto. Mrs. Fred Couch, who has been suffering with a sprained wrist, STE WARTý'S Dependable Headquarters for High Quality Seeds ALFALFA RED CLOVER IALSIKE SWEET CLOVERS TIMOTHY GRASSES, Etc. HYBRID SEED CORN I'rotect your needs as hundreds of others have by ordermng NOW Note - Don't miss our special bargain in Hybrid Corn this year Stewart's Seed Store Phone 577 Bowmanville RELIABLE ONTARIO BREEDING STATION R.O.P. SIRED BARRED ROCK CHICKS Prom Blood-Tested, Bred- to-Lay parent stock. AUl chicks sired by R.O.P. coc- kerels insure high egg pro- duction and excellent meat type. We wouid appreciate early ordering. Mixed Chicks, Pullets, Coc- kerels, day-old or started. WRITE or PHONE__ Donald E. Gibson Bowmanvile, Ont. Phone Clarke 3811 4tf Lis able to be out again. Mr. Bill Rowland spent a week Lvisiting reatives in Kingston and Montreal. 1 Mms. H. B. Bonathan has been confined to hem home through ili- ness. Newcastle Hockey Team>piayed Newtonville on Satumday after- noon, the score 13-12, favor of Newcastle. The annual Vestry Meeting of St. George's Chumch will be held in the Pamish Hall on Wednesday evening, Feb. 8th. Capt. Jack Hame, Medical Off [c- cm attached to an artillemy unit fighting in northern Italy reports they are having vcry cold wea- ther. Mrs. Memkley Clarke, who has been visiting hem daughtem, Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson, has meturned to Belleville, accompanied by hem grand-daughter, Nancy. Mms. Michael Gogemty is now teaching the Sunday School class in St. George's Sunday School, formerly taught by Mrs. Tom Brown. .Members of Junior Sunday School classes of St. George's An- glican Chumch on Sunday were pmesented with Bibles for reguiar attendance during the past yeam. C.G.I.T. met at the home of Mrs. Howard Toms, Tuesday evening. After the business period a social evening was enjoyed and mefresh- ments served by the hostess. Mms. Mary Ash has moved into the house fommerly occupied by Mm. Thomas Enwmight and Mm. and Mrs. Clifford Flintoff (the former Reta Powell) have moved into Mms. Ash's home. Newcastle High School and two grades of the Public School have organized a Cadet Corps with T. A. Venner, B.A., principal of the High Schooi, as instructor, with the heip of Sergt. Major Kent of Millbmook. Twenty members of Y.P.U. of Newcastle United Chumch joined other Unions at a Presbyteriai skating party at Whitby Arena,( Thursday, Jan. 18. Archie Glen-1 ney, Albert Pearce, Maurice Ped- well and Caivemt Barchard kind-j ly dmove the members up.f United Sunday School Annualj Annual meeting of Newcastlec United Chumch Sunday Schoolf was held on Tuesday evening, ( Jan. 16. These officers were elect- 1 cd: Superintendent-A. E. Mel-E iow; Sec'y-Tmeas. - Miss Kaya Toms; Ass't Sec'y-Treas. - Glennè Aflin; Pianist - Mrs. Mamgaret t Hockin; Ass't Pianist - Miss Rae Venner; Primamy Teaches-Mrs.s W. E. Beman, Miss Irene Rinch,E Mrs. R. E. Morton; Jr. Class 1 Teacher (Boys) - Mms. Archie Glenney; Jr. Class Teacher (Girls) -Mms. Charlie Cowan; Intemmedi- ate Teacher (Boys) - Donald J o se; Intemmediate Teacher (Girls) - Miss E. Blackburn; Senior Ciass Teachem-Mrs. A.E. Meiiow; Bible Class Teacher - Rev. R. E. Morton; Lantern Siidc Com. - Supervisor, Mm. O.A. Parker, Ass'ts, Miss Kay Toms and Glenn Aluin. Omloff Joseph Yarrow Passes As his home in Newcastle, on t Jan. 13, occurred the death of Orioff Joseph Yarrow, formerly 0f Trenton, in his 39th yeam. Left to mourn his loss are his widow, thc former Giadys Mainprize; one son, Kenncth; his father and e mother, Mm. and Mms. Bemt Yar- d row, Trenton; and three sisters, F. Mrs. W. Johnson, Belleville, Mrs. fq Raiph Smith, Toronto, and Miss a Bertha Yarrow at home. r Funcral services weme conduct- C ed fmomn the G. H. Cobley mesi- dence, Trenton, on Jan. 16, by I: Rev. K. Blachford of St. George's L A.nglican Chumch, entombment 13 being made in Mt. Evcmgreen V Vault, Trenton.b Death Takes William Pamnal cq I The death of William Parnal, tl n Bowmanville Hospital, on Jan. b 19, aged 87 years, removed from j\/ ORDERS FOR Drooder COAL Musi Be Placed Now We have been advised by the Coal Control- 1er we can get priority on a car Ioad of Chestnut Coal (approximately 50 tons) - for Brooder purposes. ln order to get this coal local chick rai- sers must place a signed order with us which, in turn, we are required to forward to the Fuel Controller. Parties interested should contact our office at once and get full particulars re- garding -delivery, etc. We wiII do our part to see that you get the brooder coal required, if you do your part. We are at your service. Sheppard & Gil Lumber Co. Ltd. Phone 715 J. W. DeGeer, Manager 1 -th si fo ti LE ilý ve ye tu Il F tii an wi er aft lea w! suk tio( Pi wr, mi shc sui ali mes at.( cou led rfou ger wrote back advising she ould appiy thmough the local bE b-office at Bowmanville. He Iso wmote the Bowmanvilie mep- M~' sentative setting forth the situ- 15 ion. With usual business pc urtesy, this rcquimed acknow- QI igment of the officiai letter. Li So far it wili be observed that Dg )ur letters wcme written, con- J. our midst one of Newcastlc's old- est mesidents and a long familiar figure, whose kindly qualities were held in regard by ail who 1knew him. William Parnal was born n Bomanville, October 10, 1857, son of William Parnal and Elizabeth Baiiey. He came with his parents to Newcastle to live at the eamiy age of 4 yeams., When a young lad hie went to work for the late Squire Rinch on his farm east of the village. After living there a number of years he en- gaged to work with the late John J. Robson at his home in Bond Head, and stayed there for a con- siderable time. He then womked for the late Henry Sanford and spent about two years in Bridge- port, Conn., acting as generai util- ity man for Mm. Sanford at his home. One of his duties was looking after the electrical power plant on Mr. Sanford's estate which gave him a working know- ledge of electrical wiming, etc. Many of the older homes in New- castle were first wired for elcc- tmicity by the late Mr. Pamnai. Mr. Pamnal was sexton of the United Churcli in Newcastle for 13 years when ill-health caused his retire- ment. He is survived by his widow, the former Miss Mamtha Allum, whom hie married Dec. 17, 1904, and who has been his constant comn- panion. For the past five years, when he has been confined to a wheel chair, she has been his de- voted nurse. The funeral took place from the F. F. Morris Chapel, Bowvman- ville, with interment in Bond Head Cemetery. His pastor. Rev. R. E. Morton, officiated and Mr. Parnal's favorite hymns, "Asieep In Jesus," and "Rock of Ages," were sung. Pali bearers weme C. R. Carveth, H. Hancock, Wmn. Beman, F. Graham, H. Tebble and E. Cator. Sprays were meceived fmom Women's Association of Newcastle United Church, as well as many floral tributes fmom rela- tives and friends. Relatives fmom out of town at the funeral were: Mm. Ernest D. Lee, Kingston; Mr. Lloyd Lee, Mm. and Mms. L. Freuver and son, Mm. Nelson Pamnal, Toronto. Newcastle Y.P.U. played hosts to the Young People of Maple Grove, Monday evening. An ex- hiiarating two hours and a hall were spent skating at the ink. After skating the young people flocked back to the Chumch for games and hot lunch of soup and crackers and doughnuts and cof- fce. This lunch was semved by the Christian Culture committee, Mvargaret Ash, Pauline Bmanch, Shirley Brunt, Maurice Pedwel and Mm. Morton. The Wednes- day before, Y.P.U. took part in the Pmesbytemy skating pamty at Whitby Amena. Aftem sport of skating they retumned to the Unit- ed Chumch wheme aIl joined in a lively sing-song and warmi lunch. Newcastle Farmn Forum We met at the home of Mm. and vMrs. Harmy Jose for review night with 15 members present. We listehied to the broadcast after whîch a vemy intemesting and live- ly discussion took place. The me- mainder of the evening was spent in playing "500" and crokinole. Next meeting at Geo. Walton's. Mrs. Wm. N. Dean Passes Mrs. Wmn. Nelson Dean died at the home of hem daughtem, Mms. Ai. E. Meliow, Newcastle, on Jan- uary 17, aftcr a short i]lness, in her 82nd year. She was bomn near Napanee and was fommemly Theresa Cathern Rendeli, young- .st daughter of the late Job Ren- leli and Mary Elizabeth Syms. Foliowing hem marriage she livedt 'or a short timne at Strathcona, aftem which she and hiem husband resided in Napance until his Ieath. Whiie living in Napance, Mms. Dean was a member of Grace United Church. She was active- ly intemested in the W.M.S. and W.C.T.U., being a lîfe member ofr both societies. She was prede-1 eased by one son, Clair Irwint Dean, hiem husband and eight bro-i thers and sisters, and is survived by hem oniy daughter, Muriel,c tIrs. A. E. Mellow, and two( grandsons, Rodger and Keithc /Ieliow. Hem funemal service was held at the home of hem son- in-law in Newcastle, where she h as lived scc hem husband's death, fol-f lwed by interment at Riverside Cemetery, Napance. KELLEY AND CARVETH SHARED ONE DESKt ____________________1 More coincidences have been me-a BIRTHS.- DEVITT-At Grande Prairie, Ai- berta, on Jan. 24, 1945, to LICpl. and Mrs. Carl Devitt, a son, John Wayne. 51 HARTWIG-Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hartwig (nee Lîla Sayers) are happy to announce the birth of their son on January 31, 1945, at Oshawa General Hospital. Both doing fine. 5-1 EDWARDS-At the hospital, An- napolis Royal, on Tuesday, Jan- uary 30, 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. John F. 'Êdwards (nee Evelyn Rickard) a daughter, Elizabeth Alison. 5-1 DEATHS READER - At Toronto, on Jan. 24, 1945, Albert E. Reader, be- loved husband of Esther E. Reader, aged 75 yeams. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetemy. PALMER - At Niagara Falls, N.Y., on Tues., Jan. 30, 1945, John Palmer, beioved husband of Martha Page and dear father of Giadys (Mrs. Russell G. Wil- liams), Niagara Falis, N.Y. Resting at the Funeral Chapel of Northcutt & Smith on Fiday, Feb. 2, service at 1 p.m. Inter- ment Orono Cemetery. 5-1 IN MEMORIAM PAEDEN-In loving memory of John T. Paeden,- who died Feb. lst, 1942. I have lost MY soul's companion, A life linked with my own, And day by day I miss him more As I waik thmough life alone. --Sadly missed by his Wife and Family. 5-1* HENNING-In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Clar- ence Henning, w ho passed away Feb. 5th, 1944. God called him home, it was His wili, But in our heamts we love him stili; His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away. We often sit and think of him When we are ahl alone, For memory is the only thing That grief can cail its own. - Lovingly remembered by Father, Mother, Sisters and Brothers. 51 DAVI-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Charles Davie, Toronto, who passed away Feb. 6, 1944. "Gone, dear Father; gone for- ever, How we miss your smiling face, But you left us to remember None on eath can take your place. A happy home we once enjoyed- How sweet the memomy stili- But death has left a lonelincss The world can neyer fili."1 --Sadly missed by Wife, Daugh- ters Lorraine and Margaret, and Son, John. 5-i* Notice To Creditors Ail persons having c 1 a i mn s against the Estate of Melrosc G. V. Gould, late of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, Bamrister-at-Law, who died on or about the 12th day of September, 1944, are required to send to the undersigned full par- ticulars of the samne on or before the 22nd day of February, 1945, after which date the assets of the deceased will be distributed, hav- ing regard only to the dlaims of which the Executors shaîl then have *notice. DATED this lst day of Febru- ary, 1945. APHA I. HODGINS, Bowmanvilie, Ontario, Solicitor for LOTTA L. GOULD and MAITLAND G. GOULD, Executors. 5-3 Notice To Creditors In the Estate of SOPHIA Mc- CLELLAN, deceased. Al persons having cl1a i ms against the estate of Sophia Mc- Clellan, late of the Town of Bow- mhanville, deceased, who died on or about the l4th day of Novem- ber, 1944, are* hereby notified to send in to the undersigned ad- ministrator on or before the lOth day, of Fehmuary, 1945, full par- ticulars of their dlaimns. Immediateiy after the said lOth day of Fcbruary, 1945, the assets of the testatrix wiil be distributed amongst the parties entitied there- to, having regard only to ciaims of which the said administmator shall then have notice. Dated at Bowmanvilie, this 24th day of January, 1945. W. ROSS STRIKE. Administrator of Estate of Sophia McClelian, Bowmanvilie, Ontario. 4-2 Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F ELIZA- BETH ANN OSBORNE, deceased. ALL PERSONS having ciaims against the Estate of Elizabeth Anne Osborne, late of the Village of Newcastle, in the Township of DarlingCon, deceased, who dicd on or about the l7th day of Jan- uary, 1945, are hereby notified to send -in to the undcmsigricd Ex- ecutors of the Estate 0f the said Elizabeth Ann Osborne, deceased, on or before the l9th day of Feb- ruary, 1945, full particulars of their daims, IMMEDIATELY AFTER the said 19th day of Febmuamy, 1945, the assets of the Testatrix wiii be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to cdaims of which the said Executors shahl then have notice. DATED this 3Oth day of Janu- ary, 1945. NINA E. NEADS, Bowmanvillc, Ontario; GRETA LOLA BURD, Scarboro Bluffs, Executors. dlo Nina E. Neads, King Street, Bowmanville, On- tario, Administratrix. 5-3 Livstok or al Classified Ad Rates One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25e>. Charge of 25e extra is made when advertisement la not paid same week as inser- tion. Extra charte of 10e when replies are directed to a Statesman box number. Births, deaths and niàrriages 50c each. In Memoriams, 50o for notice plus 10e per lune for verse. Classified adver- tisements accepted up until Wednesday noon. Cards of Thanks Mms. Fred Lewis wishes to ex- press hem grateful appreciation to Mm. and Mms. Robt. Nicholson for the many thoughtful kindnesses shown hem. 5-f Mrs. A. E. Meilow and family, Newcastle, wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their many kind expressions of sym- pathy and condolence during their recent beeavement. 5-1* Mms. William Parnal wishes to express hem sinceme thanks to the fiends, especialiy the Doctors and Nurses, for their kindness during hem recent beeavement. AUCTION SALE The undersigned has received instructions from the executors of the Estate of the late Mrs. Archie Tait, to seli by public auction her entire household of firniture, in- cluding chesterfield suite, dining room suite, bedroom furniture, wicker furniture, china cabinet, piano, large mantie mirror, sew- ing machine, kitchen furniture, cook stove, electric stove, rugs, odd tables and chairs (many wal- nut), dishes, cooking utensils, and nuImerous other useful and valu- able articles. This is a large sale and furniture is in A- 1 condition. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp, at the spacious heated garage of Wm. J. Challs, King St., Bowmanville, on Saturday, Feb. 3, 1945. Terms cash. Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer; T. S. Mountjoy, clerk. 3-3 HeIp Wanted BOOKKEEPER, not over 24 hours a week or Public Steno- grapher may use office for some bookkeeping. Write Box 452, Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 2-4* Wanted To Buy GOOD, STRONG HALL TREE. Stanley Corden, King St. East. 5-1* QUANTITY 0F Rotted Manure. Wie163 Ritson Rd. S., or phone 2063 W, Oshawa. 5-1 5-6 ROOM HOUSE in North Sec- tion of town, with good sized garden. Write Box 461 stating particulars. 5-0 HIGHEST PRICES PAID for Hol- stein springer cows for export. Fritz Leob, R.R. 2, Port Perry. Phone 107r31. 4-4* SPOT CASH for ail makes and models of used cars. Apply G. A. Dodd, 278 Park Road, South, Oshawa. Phone 3344M. 50-8* SEED WANTED - We are now offering highest prices for timo- thy, clovers, etc. Mail us a sample. Stewart's Secd Store, phone 577, Bowmanville. 39-tf LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bcthany. Phone 7r13. (Busi- ness carried on by Mr. Flatt per- sonally, no agents employed.) 2-12* OLD POSTAGE STAMPS, before 1900, preferably on envelopes or original paper. Highest prices paid. Write Box 414, Statesman O f f i c e, Bowman- ville. 5-7-9 Wanted to Rent SMALL HOUSE IN TOWN. Write B ox 460, Statesman Office, Bowmanvilie. 5-1* SEWING MACHINE: Wanted to rent for some time, sewing ma- chine in good condition. Best of care. Write Box 456, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 4-1* BY APRIL 30, SMALL HOUSE, suitabie for 3 aduits, no chiid- ren. Rent sure. Or would con- sider buying. Please give al particulars to C. H. King, Liber- ty Street, Bowmanville, clo Post Office. 52 Vacuums for Sale VACUUMS REPAIRED "Good Vacuums for Goo d Housekeeping." Aiso guaranteed expert repaira, lubrication, re- placements, etc. Calf C.U.C. Ser- vice Branch, McGregor's Hard- ware Store. BowrnanviJ.le, 774. 5-tf Exchange FOR 9ALE OR EXCHANGE - SKATES-SOc a pair and up. WiUl also take skates for exchange. Victor Sports and Cycles, 34 King W., Oshawa, phone 918. 2-6 Loat LOST-DARK BLUE Waterman fountain pen with siiver band. Lost Wed. noon. Finder please Phone 2844. 5-1 Time past and time present, both, may pain us, but time im- proved is cloquent in God's praisc. -Mary Baker Eddy CUTTER, in good condition. Mrs. C. A. Wight, Bowmanvi 11i e. Phone 2222. 5-l* 2 KITCHEN STOVES; bed, 4'6", springs and mattress; smafl bookcase; several tables. Phone 461. 5-1 2 PAIR MEN'S NAVY BLUE serge breeches, medium s i ze. Appiy Mrs. Jollow, Wellington St. 5-1* 3 CALVES. Mrs. Gea. Wight, R.R. 4, Bowmanviile. 5-1 CALF FOR VEALIN7G. J. R. Or- miston, R. R. 1, Bowmanvilie, phone 2355. 5-1 10 YORKSHIRE PIGS, 7 weeks old; also small calf for vealing. Blake Short. Phone 2479. 5-1 CHICKS - We are now taking orders. for Tweedle Chicks, al breeds. Order eariy for special prices. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanviile. 3-tf 3 REGISTERED HEREFORD Bulls, 13 months old. Apply D. E. Whitney, Long Acres Farm, % mile East of Elliott's Garage on No. 2 Highway. 4-2 20 WORK HORSES, aged 5 to 12 years. weights 1250 to 1700 lbs. Sold with a guarantee, money refunded or horse exchanged. Norman W. Malcolm, R.R. 1, Burketon. Phone 191-3. 5-3* BABY CHICKS - MAKE SURE of your supply of Gainforth chicks this season. Book now. Phone us for prices and infor- mation. Barron's, Hampton. Phone 2420. 1-3-5-7-4* OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything ini medemn. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quaiity merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buymng visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. SeleCt yours frorn over 300 patterns actuafly in stock. You are invited to view these at BRAIDLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simece South, Osh- awa. 46-tf Fni., Sat., Feb. 2-3 ANDY HARDY'S BLONDE TROUBLE Starring Lewis Stone, Mickey Rooney, Fay Holden, Sara Haden, Bonita Granville, Jean Porter. Three blondes, triple trou- ble, triple fun. Latest Paramount News Colored Cartoon Three Days Mon., Tues., Wed., Feb. 5-6-7 BRIDE BY MISTAKE With Alan Marshai, Laraine Day, Marsha Hunt, Ailyn Josiyn Love lite of a million dollar mmnx with howis, howls. COMING Thursday Paramount's great laugh & musical show AND THE ANGELS SING Stamning Dorothy Lamour, Fred Mac- Murray, Betty Hutton, Diana Lynn. CLOTHING REPAIRS: Mending, alterations, etc., men's and wo- men's ciothing at reasonable pices. Appiy: Ground floor suite, Cowan Block, Temper- ance St. entrance.. 5-1* Bowmanviile Electricians 4 Doors West of Eaton's in Building Occupied by Navy League Ail kinds of eiectric wiring donc Motors epaimed and installcd Fourni FOUND - SPECTACLES left at A. L. Darch's. Owncr may have same by proving property and paying for advertisement. 5-1* REFRIGERATO R Rtepaiors Commercial - Domestio H. J. Bowyer PHONE OSHAWA 244 TRAILER, CONCRETE MIXER with engine attached, 2 new wheelbarrows, 2 new large hand sleighs. Apply T. H. Tabb, Tyrone P.O. 5-2* "FRIEND" OACHARD Sprayer, 200 gai, tank, in good working condition, complete with tower. Less tiucks. For quick sale. Donald* E. Gibson, phone 3811, Clarke. 5-2 GRAMAPHONE; SIL VER WARE, forks, spoons, and knives; odd cups and saucer&f, dishes, plates; chairs, sofas, etc. Robt. Col- ville, Liberty St. N. Phone 538, Bowmanville. 5-1 SPECIAL PRICE ON OYSTER shell: îst class oystèr shell in jute bags, $1.25 per cwt., at miii, or $1.30 per cwt. delivered. Offer good until Feb. lOth. F. C. Vanstone, phone 777. 5-1 APPLE TREES, Three and Four years old: Red Mcîntosh, Northern Spy, Gravenstein, Red Delicious, Melba, etc. Special price on quantities. Order now for spring planting. C. A. Gle- coff, 174 Ritson Rd. South, Osh- Just Arrived A wide selection of Waterman pens. These pens are noted for their fine workmanship and durabiiity. Corne early and choose a pen te suit your own requirements. Reasonably prlced from ---------- ---------------------------------- $3.57 to $10.11 MEN'S TATIONERY .- REigiSITES SHAVING CREAMS Colgate's Shaving Cream ----------29e, 43c Lifebuoy Shaving Cream 33e Paimolive Bmushiesa Shave ------------33c, 49e Bachelor Shaving Cream 40e Molle Brushiess Shave 55e Rexaîl Shave Cream --- 40c Gillette ------- Auto-Strop - Minora ---- ----- -S'a 25e 5's 25e 4's 10e Colgate's After Shave 39e Bachelor After Shave 60e Rexaîl Shaving Lotion 40e William's Aqua Veiva --49e Jury c& Loveli THE REXALL STORE Win W. Test EYes Ut la Do» Pr.p.rly PHONE 778 ---C.NARI TICKETS Lord Baltimore Linen -- 3,5e English Veiium -----y---15e Serenade, kid finish ---25c Air Mail Bond ----------35c Envelopes te match Boxed Papeteries 40c, 50c, $1 REVLON NAIL Nail Enamel, a harmonizing shade for every costume 50c Adheron, a base coat for longer wear -------------50e Seal-Fast, enta drying time in hait -------------------------5C Nail Creamn--------------50e Cuticie lition ----------50e PAGE EIGHT ROYAL BOWMANVI LLE Telephone 589 Thurs., Fmi., Feb. 1-2 THREE MEN UN WHITE With Lionel Barrymore, Van Johnson and Marilyn Max- well. The patient ia pretty! The doctor is handsome! The story is thrilling! Saturday Only, Feb. 3 GENE AUTRY lu THE OLD BARN DANCE With Smiley Burnette, Helen Vaikis, Walter Sehrum and his Colorado Hillbillies. Ro- mantie songs, dame devil riding, thriiling action. Added Attraction THE UNKNOWNJ GUEST With Victor Jory, Pamela Blake, Veda Ann Boeg. Ter- ror-gripping-suspense. Please corne early and avoid waiting Mon., Tues., Wed., Pcb. 5-6-7 JOHN WAYNE SUSAN HAYWARD lu THE FIGHTING SEABEES Wlth Dennis O'Keefe, Wil- liam Frawley, J. M. Ker- rigan and Grant Wlthers, lu a romance of the seven seas. Added SING NEIGHBOR SING Starring radio's popular en- tertainers, Roy Acuff and hlm Smoky Mountain Boys with Rachel, Lulubelle and Scotty, Harry "Pappy" Cheshire, the Milo Twins, Carolina Cotton and featur- ing Bmad Taylor and Ruth Terry. COMINGI Mr. Skeffington Broadway Rhythm Mm. Chas. Kerslake and famiiy wish to thank ahl their neighboms and friends who helped to save their home fmom f ire on Thursday. They especiaiiy wish to thank Mms. Ted Chant and Mrs. Milton Bryant for their great heip. 5-1* The family of the late Mms. Fred Mountjoy wish to expresa sincere thanks and appreciatioff to the relatives, fiends and neigh- hors for many kindnesses, gifts of flowems and messages of sympa- thy in the death of their mother. Mm. Frank N. Tomlinson and famiiy wish to express sincere and grateful thanks to their friends and neighbors for many kind- nesses, expression of sympathy and floral tributes in the passing of a ioving and devoted mother and wife. The faniiiy of the late John Larmer wish to sincerely thank their relatives and fiends for the many expressions of sympathy and kindness, and especially the neighbors who offered t h eir teams and helped to shovel snow at the time of the death 0f their father and grandfathcr. 5-lt .1, Ir- - 'q taining 4c stamps, a total of 16c. To complete the round-about pro- cess, aIl that was now necessary was, a letter from the lady to the Bowmanville office and its corresponding reply for final au- thority. This meant two more stamps, the final total adding up to 24e for stamps aione. Permission was now compicte to buy a pound of sugar costing 8c and everyonc was happy. Ail that now rcmained to fulfil the government's bureaucratic setup was for the waste paper control- ler to write Reeve Sid Little to gather up ail the expensive paper [nvolved as salvage for the war effort. The other item we found in a report from the political battie- front in the Grey North by-clec- ion whcre General MacNaughton is secking election, opposed by Air Vice Marshal Godfrey, CCF c.andidate and the Progressive Conservative candidate, Ex-May- or Garfield Case. The report states that Gen. MacNaughton receives a pension of $38.00 a day for the rest of his Life and Mr. Godfrey $18.00 a day for his life span, whiie 'Smokey' Smith, winner , of the Victoria Cross as a buck private, gets just 5 cents a day during his lifetime, ,ith prospect of going back into .he line again to risk life and imb whiie the candidates above are comfortably out of it to stay. Discussion of these interesting lisclosures over the tea cups dur- ing long evenings ought to add to the joy of life for those who in- lulge in the oddities of human xistence. Eniniskillen Visitors: Miss J. H. Werry, Ked- on, with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry. . . Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. W. Werry and Anne, Solina, with Mr. E. A. Werry. .. Mrs. V. Wood, Toronto, t Mr. S. R. Pethick's. .. Mr. and Xrs. D. Lewis and famiiy at Mrs. . Sweetman's, Port Perry. .. Mr. nd Mrs. Eaml Trewin at Mr. Roy * aylor's, Blackstock.î Scwing Circle met at Mrs. D. lewis' on Jan. 23 with a good at- ýendance. Delicious hot dogs and ea were served by Mrs. Lewis tnd her group, Mrs. H. Stevens,t Irs. M. H1-obbs and Miss N. Hooey. ext meeting at Mrs. J. A. Plant's ýn Feb. 6.8 Ronaid Ashton, Haydon, hast roken his arm.é Syrnpathy is extended to theE ailies of the iate Mrs. R. Ashton, ,easide, Mrs. F. Mountjoy, Union, rd Mrs. F. Paèe of Bowmanvilie. C.G.I.T. will meet at Miss Isa-a ýelle Rahm's on Feb. 17. Service Club met at the home of rs. Don Lewis on Jan. 23, with 5 present. It was dccided to post- one the dance tilI the roads are pen. Lunch was served by Mrs. ,ewis and hier group of Mrs. H. )egeer, Mms. M. Heard and Mrs. .Slemon. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO TT-TTIR.';-- PERRUARY lqt- 1945 t 1 Livestock For Sale 1 _Articles For Sale Notice