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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1945, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURS., FEBRUARY 8th, 1945 gThe Newcastle Independent Phone: Clarke 3314 Mrs. Matthew Brown suffered a1 American Merchant Marine and is severe fail on the icy sidewalks. at present in San Francisco, Cal. 1 Mr. Irwin Colwill is attending Horticultural Council in Ottawa.1 Miss Leona Tebble, Oshawa,1 was home.1 LAC Gordon Garrod, R.C.A.F., Rockdliffe, was home. Miss Sara Moise, Oshawa, was home for the week-end. Bdr. Bryce Ward. Halifax, is home before leaving to take a course at Woodstock. Mrs. Selby Spencer is in To-1 ronto taking the "Motbercraft"1 course. Mrs. Stella Anderson was hos- tess at an afternoon tea on Tues- day in honor of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Eva Foley, Toronto. t Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watsont and Jack, Orono, and Mr. andE Mrs. Floyd Brown, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Toms and family accompanicd by Mrs. Har- old Toms spent Sunday in Belle- jille with relatives. Miss Audrey Venton, Bowman-r ville, and Miss Muriel Down, Eb- enezer, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Alun. Mrs. Michael Gogerty a n d daughter, Sheila, are visitmng rela- tives in Rochester, Mrs. Percy Brown accompanying her as far0 as Toronto.r Mrs. Glen Brooks is teachings Mrs. Michael Gogerty's class in1 St. George's Sunday School dur-1 ing Mrs. Gogerty's absence in1 Rochester.9 Mr. George Graham, who was1 home for a short visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gra- hamn, at Christmas time after spending 21/2 years in Australiar w i th the Australia Merchant1 Marine, has now joined the STE WARTJ'S Dependabie Headquarters for High Quaiity Seeds ALFALFA RED CLOVER ALSIKE SWEET CLOVERS TIMOTHY GRASSES, Etc. HYBRID SEED CORN Froteet your needs as hundreds of others have by ordering NOW Note - Don't miss our special bargamn in Hybrid Corn this year Stewart's Seed Store Phone 577 Bowmanviile RELIABLE ONTARIO BREEDING STATION R.O.P. SIRED BARRED ROCK CHICKS From Biood-Testeq, Bred- to-Lay parent stock. Ail chicks slred by R.O.P. coc- kereis insure higix egg pro- duction and excellent meat type. We wouid appreciate eariy ordering. Mixed Chicks, Puliets, Coc- kereis, day-oid or started. WRLITE or PHONE Donald E. Gibson Bowmanvilie, Ont. Phone Clarke 3811 Miss Catharine Minto, nurse la training, Oshawa General Hos- pital, spent the week-end with hier parents in Starkviilc, and spent Sunday with Mrs. Harold Couch and Miss Kay Toms ia Newcastle. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. French (former Isobel Lumsden) of Ellenvale, Ont., on the birth of their daughter, first grandcbild of Mr. and Mrs. George Lumsden, Ellenvale, formcrly of Newcastle. Pte. Wilbcrt Graham, C. O. C., now stationcd la Belgium, writes home that hee bas met a number of Belgians who have relatives in the Masonic Order and who wben thcy discovered hie was a Mason extended the hospitality of their homes to him. Mrs. Robert Gray was pleas- antly surpriscd on Fcb. 6, whcn Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hancock, Mrs. Marjerrison, Mrs. Pingle and Mrs. Snell called on bier to celebrate bier birthday with bier. The eve- ning was spent playing cards and games. A wedding of local interest was solemnized at Newcastle on Sat- urday, Feb. 3, when Lorene John- son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson, Oshawa, was united in marriage to WO R. V. Anderson, son of Mrs. Stella Anderson of Newcastle. The marriage took place at St. George's Cburcb, Rev. D. Dewdney officiating. The groom returncd to Canada recent- ly after spcndiag thrce years over- seas with the R.C.A.F. Affernoon Auxiiiary W.M.S. At tbe meeting, Feb. 1, an- nounicement was made that Pres- byiterial would be beld in St. An- drew's Church, Oshawa, late in March, and Branch in Peterboro, la April. An invitation from St. George's W.A. to attend a presen- tation of hantera slides on the study book, "West of the Date Line" in the Parish Hall, was ac- ceptcd. It was dccided to take as subjects of special prayer Mrs. Rowe of th~e China Inland Mission, now a prisoner in Hong Kong, and Miss Cora Kilborn. The worship pcriod consisted of Scripture reading and comments by Miss A. Drummond, followed by a five-minutc discussion on prayer led by Mrs. Bemnan; a de- votional solo, "Just for To-day," by Mrs. Waite. Miss Warren, Sec- rctary of Christian Stcwardship, read an article on Possessions. The study was deait witb by Mrs. Be- man, assisted by Mrs. C. Fcrgug- son and Miss E. Blackburn. The discovery of the Philippine Is- lands by Magellan, colonization and beginning of Christian Mis- sions by the Spaniards, the many [nationalities representcd in the 17 million inhabitants, as wchl as the leaders in the Philippine Church now, wcrc preseated in a lucid manner by Mrs. Bemnan. Special .attention was given to the amaz- 1ing succcss of the work of Dr. 'Frank C. Laubach ia winaiag the people to Christianîty through his tactful methods of rclating it to thc study of their Koran; and of bis working out a writtcn lan- guage whicb was learncd by aduit Filipinos la an incredibly short time, and spread through the mcthod of "Eacb one teach one." The story was igbtencd by some amusing incidents connccted with the missioaary's work. The thought left with the listcnçys was the transformation of the people through love and the power of prayer. More Newcastle News wiil be found on page 6. The universal and absolute law is that natural justice which dan- not be writtcn down, but which appeals to the hcarts of all. -Victor Cousin. When the righteous are in au- thority ,the people rejoice: but whcn the wickyfi bearcth rule, the people mourn.-Provcrbs 29:2. Hurry l Hurryl WITH YOUR ORDER FOR Drooder CO-AL We again wish to eall attention to Chick Raisers in this district the importance and urgency of placing your orders immediately for Brooder Coal with Sheppard & GUI Co. As will be seen by their advt. in ano- ther column, they are rendering us Chick Breeders a real service in securing coal in such an emergency. So don't put off ano- ther day in placing a written order with this firmn today.' Today you are assured of a priority - tomorrow may be too late. So don't say we haven't warned you and corne around a month fromn now and bc complaining be- &èause you have no Brooder Coal. This information is inserted for the benefit of chick raisers HM. J. Broolks R. R. 3, Bowmanvilie Farm Forums IN MEMO0RIAM VICE-In loviag memoiýy of Wal- DAV ter Vice who passcd away Fcb.. pit NEWCASTLE FORUM 9, 1937. B. I His memory is as dear to-day De We met at Geo. Walton's witb As in the hour lie passed away. Di 19 present and discusscd do-oper- - Ever remembered by Wifc ation. Wc fiad with co-operative and Famnihy. 6-1 RICI sclling of milk one shipper does Ri, not try to dut prices on the other DONOGHUE-In loving memory Th and everyoae gets the one price. of a dear wife and mother, ari Co-operative marketing sbould Elizabeth Donoghue, who pass- of be extendcd to inchude other pro- cd away Feb. 5, 1942. at ducts in the viinity. Wc should We who loved you sadly miss Or get people interested la co-opera- you tive selling. We are quite en- As it dawns another year, thused to start a cold storage do- Ia our lonely hours of thinking,- operative here. Next meeting at Tboughts of you are ever near. MO] Irwin Collville's. -Sadly misscd by husband and ru family. 6-1' ris Soldiers' Letters MOOR-In loving memory of a W E dean husband, Byron Moore, Tv From Cpl. Lcw Wise mana, who passed away February 11, W: C-18655, C Coy, lst Can. Para 1941. lal Btn., Can. Army Overseas, C.A. Deep in the heart lies a pîcture Eri E.F., Jan. 16, 1945. 0f a loved one laid to rest, Dean Mi. James: Wiseman Ia memory's frame I shall kcep OSB back again! As you can sec by the it, H address at the top of this page I Because he was one of the bcst. 3v amn once again back la the North - Ever remembcrcd by his fa] Western European theatre of war. wife. 6-1' V. We have certainly been lucky ter compared to other Canadian units WERRY - In loving memory of as time speat in actual combat mother, Elizabeth Grace (Bray) with the Huas, for after tbree Wcrry, who died Februany 9, LITý months figbting la France we 1919. Fe wene witbdrawn to England and A Message to Mother ( did not appear on the continent Dear God, wilt tbou a message W until the day after Christmas. take M Consider that against the fare of To one who wahks Thy Golden Fr units whicb stormed the beaches Ways? H. in France and llave fought their She is my own, my bcst beloved, of way clear across Europe to their Without her ahl are empty days! as present locations "somewhcrc la Whisper that my heart is with Hollaad." Not only that but after ber BEC looking over the beaches of Nor- Ia the kingdomn up above: (S mandy shortly after D-Day I con- Tell ber that I miss hier always 50 sider our particular task much And I sead lber ail my love! S casier despite the risk of bcing Dear Lord, Thou wilt know my A: dut off if the beach landings had Mother b been a failure. By the beauty of ber smile, ar We anaed o hve wo am Wilt Thou say I'm coming home (I good Christmas dinners for 1944. In just htt L WieBihrt 3 Siace we were scbcdulcd to pull l-Wefriten biR.L. eat Ar short- 3 out from our barracks la Eng- lybfrbidatArl2, e land wc dccided to hold Christmas 1938. Insertcd by the remnain-- dinner before leaviag. This was ing members of the famnihy. 6-1 donc with full stomachs all- DEL round. Imagine the surprise of finding ourselves on Christmas scbeme. May be enjoyiag a spot ne Day stillinl a coastal town la of spring or sumnmer at home yet. Mi Southera England and because of Best of luck, LEW. QI this once again we gourged our- P.S.-Cpl. Wiseman again. Even -by selves. Many were sorry after- army life bas its ups and dowas, H wards for our sailing orders were but wby does it always happen to tei received that afteraoonanad maay me. 'Hi a Christmas dinner fed the fishes v la the Channel duriag our cross- MALR CNWEG iag. New Year's Eve fouad us SILRE CPT 0F DT BAS Dv very close to the front but not ______OF__ A AGS vi close enough to stop us from visit TeBomnileCoAtico iag a cafe and drinkiag good Th omnilCmiteof D bealh to preseat and absent the Navy League of Canada bas- frieads for the year 1945. a constant flow of letters of ap- preciation fromn men of Canada's- Now we arc at it again but stili forces serving on the bigh seas Fr a long way from our pals in the wbo have reccived parcels and St.: First Canadian Army. I thought comforts (ditty bags) from the at t] sure this time I'd be runniag into Committce. Extracts from a f ew prec my kid brother or some other of the letters are as folhows: thar local Joes out here, but up to date From J. Peters, H.M.C.S. Bow- E. IR have not sea bhide nor hair of any manviîîc: unit with the f amiiar "Canada'" hasfrteswh it a. M flashes on their shoulders. hnsfrtewl dtybg Sometimes I tbink this outfit We always look forward to these bis1 is n amy f frgotenmen îat Christmas aad there's always S1en eistnd witbf th Catndman.Arm a bunch of iaterested spectators fric: buite so farhe Cfaid trfigh looking on as each article is pull- theil ahoagside any part of it. M'Il admitcdotYupepeaedigafo la France in the early days of the swcll job and it is bard for us buri invasion wc werc prctty compact adequately to express our thanks.- la the bridgehead but at that time Sincercly, J. PETERS. social cails werc a breacb of eti- Prom P. E. Jacaicke, A.B., H.M. SEE quette, not to mention grounds C.S., Royalniount: Christmas at s for a court martial. ' sea and many tbanks for ditty bag. c1 Now at the present time we are Evcrytbing was just wbat was ci out of the line for breather 50 'mi needed. We bad Christmas dia- e catching up on my mail and also ner at sca aad even a Christmas P a few of the wiater sports I've tree. Again, thanks a million. G misscd since leaving Canada back P. JAENICKE.G la July, 1940. Have found a From H. T. Cowan, H.M.C.S. couple of local brats who will Port Coîborne: I was the lucky gladly give you a ride on their one to get your swcll ditty bag. sled for a cigarette. Well I can't Now I beieve la Santa Claus smokc the Eaglish issue aayhow again. Your kiadaess and gener- A' 50 I consider At a cheap afternoon's osity are most appreciated. It's agai fun. Aftcr compîeting numerous the best Christmas I've bad la V.( descents of the local slcighing years. Again thanks and a Happy Bow bill, I finally rc-mastered the art New Ycar, from, BERT COWAN. Dur] of staying on iastead of riding Prom Lloyd W. Edwards, M.S. died most of the way dowa on the seat Phihadeiphia: Arn writing at sea Scpl of my battle dress trousers. Thank to thank you for ditty bag wbicb senc God that the issue la our unit bas arrived at a most opportune time. theu two deep pockets for inserting The writer describes himself as te shell dnessings. I knew those 38 ycars old, 5'5" taîl and would dfeR dressings would be handy in case not bc averse to meeting a young .c of injuries, but I wasn't told tbey lady about 22 with specifications ing could preveat the sanie. The oaly of modern design. And hee bas whic person who took a dim vicw of some mates wbo are like minded. havE our escapades was the quarter- Again thaaks, L. W. EDWARDS. Di master. He wiaccd at every spili. From Norman Hastings, S.S. ary, Anyonc to sec hlm would think lie Glcnpark, London: Many thanks was paying for our uniforms. for ditty bag rcceivcd Jan. 29. 1 Also had the chance to visit a find words inadequate to express cinema takcAl over by the army la my gratitude for aIl the fine, use- the nearest town. With the terr- fui articles. I joincd Up a year perature here arouad 15 degrees ago at the age of 17 and have had of frost and a bole la the noof one trip to Canada. Everywhcre- about 15 fect la diamneter, I wc found Canadian people ex- couldn't hclp thiaking of tbat tremely kiad. Agaia thanks and familiar slogan hung outside best of luck, from, theatres at home which read, "Its1 NORMAN HASTINGS. IN.~ home. It's surprising how bnief that time (Apnil, 1943) beiag sup-- a time these pets of bis semr to plied to the Eighth Army on be around. direct orders from General Mont- mani Wcll, it's time I got some shut- gomery owing to transport diffi- tran. eye while the opportunity is bere. culties. 'We have not a front line tbouý Many thaaks to aIl my frieads for canteca service because bombs Geai their Christmas parcels. Kcepiag and bullets must corne first.' that, my fiagers crossed and hoping for "So we know aow that whca the beer, the end of the war soon. Due Allied forces wcre being drivea soon for home leave to Canada on back t111 they wcre over the To the five years overseas leave Ekyptian frontier and the Ger- unit' BIRTI-S VIES - At Bowmanville Hos- ,tai on January 31, 1945, to S.M. and Mrs. W. Davies (nee )ris Wright), a daughter, )ane Marie. 6-1 'KARD-Mr. and Mrs. S. J. W. ickard (nec Muriel Pedwell), lie Grove, Lakefield, Ontario, eé happy to announce the birth fBrian Stanley on Feb. 2, 1945, tNicholl's Hospital, Peterboro, )tario. Both doing well. 6-1' DEATHIS EIRIS-In Bowmanville, Feb- uary 4th, 1945, Frank F. Mor- s, in his 73rd year. 9S T L A K E - In Darlington 'wp., on Feb. 2, 1945, Charlotte Villlams, beloved wif e of the ate W. H. Westlake, R.R. 1, :riskillen, in her 84th year. BORNE-In the Bowmanville lspital on Saturday, February rd, James Barclay Osborne, in- ant son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett rOsborne, aged 7 weeks. In- ýrment Bowmanville Cemetery. 6-1 7TLE - At Campbellford, on 'b. 1, 1945, Christina Isabella Kitty) Ingram, beloved wife of Villiam W. Little and dear other of Harold, Lewis and 'ank of Campbellford, and larriet (Mrs. George Stephens) ifBowmanville, and Pte. Thom- ýStanley Little of Kingston. GLEY - Charles Alexander Sandy). Suddenly at his home, 00 Quebec Ave., Toronto, on îturday, Jan. 27, 1945, Charles Llexander Begley, beloved hus- iad of Verna Gimblett Begley nd. father of Mrs. M. Davad Dorothy) and Wilbur (Bill). .irial took place on Wed., Jan. 11945, in Park Lawn Cerne- ery, Toronto. 6-1* MARRIAGE LVE-HAWLEY - On Wed- Lsday, January 3lst, 1945, at dorgan M emo r ial1 Chapel, ýueen's University, Kin~gston, ,' the Rev. W. T. R. Delve, essie Marion Hawley, daugh- er of the late James Beech awley afd Mrs. Hawley, Mor- rn, Ontario, to HJCapt. the Zev. Samuel Alexander Richard elve, Canadian Chaplain 5cr- ce, sofl of the late Rcv. Robert ýrchibald Delve and of Mrs. elve, Orono, Ontario. 6-1 Cards of Thanks riends and Neighbors of Duke Your kindness and sympathy bhis time is more deeply ap- ciated than any words of ,ks can ever express. Mrs. A. Reader and Family. 6-1* :r. Fred Page wishcs to express heartfelt thanks to Dr. C. W. non and ail the neighbors #and ands who so kindly extended ir aid and friendship, gifts and wers during the last illncss and ial of Mrs. Page. 6-1 Seed Cleaning ED CLEANING - Have Your eed grain and small seeds I e a n cd at the Ncwtonville lcaning Plant. Up - to- date îuiiimcnt, moderate rates. For irticulars c a il Newtonville ýrist Mill, phone 8 Clarke. 6-7-9-10' N4otice To Creditors> ll persons having c 1 a i m s fnst the Estate of Meirose G. Gould, late of the Town of wmanvihlc, in the County of rham, Barristcr-at-Law, who ýon or about the l2th day of tember, 1944, are required to Id to the undcrsigned full par- ilars of the same on or before 22nd day of February, 1945, er which date the assets of the ýased will be distributed, hav- regard only to the dlaims of ih the Executors shaîl then ir notice. ATED this lst day of Febru- 1945. APHA I. HODGINS, Bowmanvillc, Ontario, Solicitor for LOTTA L. GOULD and MAITLAND G. GOULD, Executors. 5-3 Notice to Creditors NT THE -ESTATE 0OF ELIZA- s wcre in sight of Cairo, isport was being taken up by .sands of tons of beer. But iral Montgomery changed al tbecause he had no room for .get to first base in national ty, start from home base. 1Livestock For Sale , Articles For Sale 1 SMALL CALF FOR VEALING. AUTO ENGINE H E A T E R, in Blake Short. Phone 2479. 6-11 good condition. Phone 722. 6-1 ONE BOX STOVE, medium size, good condition; trailer, new; black horse, 12 yrs., real work- er. Apply Walter Rahm, En- niskiilen. 6-1' RUG, 9'x9, AND PAD, Sarukhan quaiity, like new. Aiso mantel chime dlock. Apply N. J. Scott, Duke St., Bowmanvilie. 16-1 DROPPED CALF, good for veai- ing. Apply Victor Szoid, Hamp- ton. Phone Bowmanviile 2173. 6-l* 2 YOUNG HOLSTEIN SprinÉer cows, due right away. Phone Ralph Davis, 2413 Bowmanville. 6-1' CHICKS - We are now taking orders for Tweedle Chicks, al breeds. Order early for special prices. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanvilie. 3-tf APPLE TREES, Three and Four y ea rs old: Red Mclntosh, Northera Spy, Gravenstein, Red Delidlous, Melba, etc. Special pnice on quantities. Onder now for spring planting. C. A. Gle- coff, 174 Ritson Rd. South, Osh- awa. 4-13' OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything lu medern. chesterfieid, bedroom, dinmng suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before baying visit Bradley's New Furaiture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Se1eC~ yours frorn over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these ai BRAIDLEY'S New Furaiture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON TENDERS FOR GRAVELLING Tenders will be received up to Monday, Feb. 12, folr crushing and hauling, also in the bin, 9000 or 10,000 cubic yards of gravel to be laid on the Township roads under the Superintendent's supervision. There will be 5 or 6 gravel pits to set ia, Township to pay for gravel. Tenders must be sealed and markeçl "Gravel Tenders." Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. THOS. H. RICHARDS, Road Superintendent, R.R. 5, Bowmanville, Ontario. 6-1 Wanted To Buy HiIGHEST PRICES PAID for Hol- stein springer cows for export. Fritz Leob, R.R. 2, Port Perry. ~Phone 107r31. 4-4' SEED WANTED - We are now offering highest prices for timo- thy, clovers, etc. Mail us a sampie. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanville. 39-tf LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7r13. (Busi- ness carried on by Mr. Flatt per- sonally, no agents employed.) 2-12* Vacuums for Sale VACUUMS REPAIEED "Good Vacuums f or G oo d H-ousekeeping." Also guarant expert repairs, lubrication, U placements, etc. CalR C.U.C. SIN vice Branch, McGregor's Hard- ware Store. Bowmanville, 774. 5-tf Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - SKATES-50c a pair and up. Wil also take skates for exchange. Victor Sports and Cycles, 34 King W., Oshawa, phone 918. 2-6 REFRIGERATO R Retpaiirs Commercial - Domestic ANY MAKE Hi J. Bowyer PHONE OSHAWA 244 THREE ROOMS OR HOUSE, suitable for one adult and one child. Write P.O. Box 327, Bowmanville. 6-tf-1' 3 OR 4 ROOMED Apartment, heated, unfurnished. Wanted by April lst by mother and aduit son. Please phone 733. COUPLE WITH ONE CHILD desperately need three unfur- nished rooms or apartment in Bowmanville. Phone Oshawa 2941J. 6-3* FOR COMING SEASON, good ranch, 50-60 acres, with water and good fences. Price does flot matter. Write Box 462, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 6-1 BY APRIL 30, SMALL HOUSE, suitable fer 3 adults, no child- ren. Rent sure. Or would con- sider buying. Please give all fparticulars to C. H. King, Liber- ty Street, Bowmanville, dlo Post' Of fice. 5-2* Real Estate For Sale TWO HOUSES, one situated on Second Street, and one on King Street East. For further infor- mation apply to W. F. Quick, Elgin Street. 6-2 Lost, Strayed or Stolen LOST - TRUCK CHAIN, in the vicinity of Elgin St. and Town Hall. Please advise or return to owner, John Mohun, Town. 6-1 Wanted HOUSE WITH ELECTRICITY, Hampton or Bowmanville vicin- ity. Write Box 463, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 6-1* Fourni FOUND-BLACK LEATHER Ski mîtt, for right hand, found on George St., Bowmanvilie. Own- er may dlaimn same at Statesman Office by paying for this advt. 6-1 Notice Bowma.nviile Electricians 4 Doors West of Eaton's in Building Occupied by Navy League Ail kinds of electric wiring done Motors repaired and installed Phone 438 34-tf 12' TRAILER, CONCRETE MIXER with engine attached, 2 new wheelbarrows, 2 new large hand sleighs. Apply T. H. Tabb, Tyrone P.O. 5-2* "FRIEND" OACHARD Sprayer, 200 gai, tank, in good working condition, complete with tower. Less trucks. For quick sale. Donald E. Gibson, phone 3811, Clarke. 5-2 20 WORK HORSES, aged 5 to 12 years, weights 1250 to 1700 lbs. Sold with a guarantee, money refunded or horse exchanged. Norman W. Malcolm, R.R. 1, Burketon. Phone 191-3. 5-3' Wanted to Rent JACK HUDSON, ORONO WILFRED RICHARDSON PONTYPOOL F. L. BYAM, TYRONE REXALL 35th Anniversary Sale This is "REXALL'S" Thirty-fifth Blrthday. An event to celebrate thirty-five years of PRO- GRESS, GROWTH AND SUCCESS lu serving the people of Canada. Behind the name "REXALL"' lies thxe traditions and integrity of the big, modern, well established REXALL LABORATORIES, substantiai financiai resources, competent and pro- gressive management, and a loyal and skiiful staff. BABY NEEDS ... Baby Pants ---------------- ------------------ 49e Fire King Nurser Botties, 8 oz. Reg. 20c, 2-35e Bottie Brush--------------------------------------- . 10e Binky Funnel------------------------------------- 25c Stork Borated Baby Soap, reg. 10c 3 for ------------ -------------------------- 25e Soap Box -----------------------------------25e Stork Baby Powder, reg. 27ce-------2 for 45c Rexali Baby Laxative ---------------------25e Rexali, Teethlug Powder - ------------------- 25e Puretest Boracie Acld reg. 20oe ------------------------ 2 for 33c FOR CARE 0F THE HAIR.. Silque Shampoo, reg. 60e -----------------49e Riker's Emulsifled Cocoanut Oil Shampoo------------------------ ------------------29e Rexaîl "93" Hait Tonte, reg. 60ce-------- 49e Rexali "93" Hait Tonte, reg. $1.10-------S89e Klenzo Cocoanut 011 Shampoo reg. 60e ------- ------------ --- - -------- 49e Silque Hair Tonte, reg. 60e ---------------49c Jasmine Brilliantine, reg. 40e--------- - 33e Jiffy Curi Comb ---------------------- 15e Pocket Comb, black---------------------------- 5e .Tffy Dressing Comb, 7 1-2 luches-------15e STATIONERY VALUES ... Ciaremont Foidover Pad, linen laid finish and pkg. Envelopes, ail for -----------25e Vellum Finish Note Pads and pkg. of Envelopes, ail for ----------------------------- c5 Old Tudor Wrltlng .Pad, letter size, vellum finish, and pkg. of Oid Tudor Envelopes, ail for -----------------------1914' DENTAL NEEDS ... Bniten Toofix Paste or Powder, each ---29o Mi 31 Tootix Faste, reg. 25e --------------23e reg. 45ec-----------------------------------------43e Klenzo Tootix Brusix, nylon bristies- - --- 25c Kienzo Tooth Brush, nylon bristies, convex shape or tufted end, each----------------- 33e Kienzo Tootix Brush, real bristies, black tuf ted end - - - ------------------ ----- ------ 35C Pearl Tootix Powder -----------------2 for 43e Kienzo Tootix Brush, reai bristies - ----- - 29o A.B.S. & C. Tablets, Riker's, 100's ------19e Kicazo Razor Biades, 5's ----------------19c Epsom Salt, Puretest, 16 oz.-------- ----19c S19c-33e -------- lle Jury YLoveli The Rexail Store Bowmanvlle, Ont. C. N. R. Tickets Phone 778 When We Test Eyes It I. Don. Properly Farmers Attention. DAIRY SUPPLIES Havlng taken over thxe DeLavai agency for this district, I arn now iu a position to suppiy ail new machines availabie, In- ciuding separators, -milkers and miik coolers. A complete Uine of repair parts on lxand at the present time. Your patronage solieited for prompt and efficient service. W. H. Brown Bowmanviiie CASE DEALER Phone 2610 Orchiand Farm HatcherY Dental Fix, Rexali ----- - --------- Powder Puff, 3 ineh, velour ----- 1 .01K 1 L THURS., FEBRUARY 8th, 1945 PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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