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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1945, p. 2

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PAGE_____________________ THE CANADL&N STATESMAIN, BOWhMANIE, ONTARIO HRD 9WMmbiun *W AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER With which te lncorporated The Bowmanvmle News, The Newcastle ludependent, and The Orono News. 91 Year's Continuns Service To The Town et Dowmaninke and Durhamn County. Membera Audit Bureau et Circulations Cauada - S Weekiy Newspaperu Assoiatio,% SUBSCREPT014 RATES 38.0 a Vear, stfrictly ln advanoe. 13.50 a Vern uthe United States. GRO. W. JAMES, Editor. THE STATESmAN RONOR ROLL Major W. G. James (Wounded ln Action, Daek et the Front) Capt. John M. James W.O. Donald Cameron CSM. George Graham (JPL A. Living (Killed Su Action ln Italy> Blue Print for Oro-anizing A Local Board of Trade Since Bowmanville is about tlie only tawn among those in adjacent Counties witliout a Board of Trade, The Stetesman lias from time ta time souglit tîrougl i ews references anid editorials ta creete sufficielit enthusiasmn Iocally ta revive an arganization of this kind. The reasons have been steted fram several angles witli empliasis particularly on the need for e Board of Trade n 0w that flic Eu- ropean struggle is drawing toae close and its function would lie of great lelp in solving j probleins that assuredly wîll present thein- selves when aur soldiers corne home fromn abroad. To give furtlier impef us taw-ard me- * vival we quote a ecent report in the Port Hope Guide. If states: The Port Hope Board of Trade, feeling thaf only by e joint effort can anyfhing womfli îhile lie eccomplislicd in Town, lias dcided ta enlist the co-operation of all local organizations in furthering plans for pro- jeets of community betterment. In one pro- jeet alane, a Community Hall, if is found that four organizafions are separatelv con- f idering the idea. The saine is true of others. g o flic Board of Trade lias circulariz.cd the 80 separate organizafions ln Town, indus- * tries, service clubs, ethlefic clubs, churcli as- sociations, women's clubs and so forth, su- gesting a general get-together ta devise ca- ordinae d ways and means for creatiing what so many talk about but ini whicli action is. lacking. The movement is directlv i n hue wifh what is needed on the eve of victory abroad, and in anticipation of the retumu of local soldiers so long away. Bowmanville 18 faced with a similer complex. Various organize- * tions arm agreed on several projects but lit- tie is being donc. Witli e live Board of Trade the blueprint ebove is indicative of ,whaf cen and sliould lie donc. As sugg-ested befo re, we believe the Town Council is over- bur'àened et present wif h considerable work that propemly is the function of e Board of Trade. Finally the great cansideration is ta get coordinated effort in the manner a dopf cd in Port Hope. In this alone, autside of commercial and industriel activities, e i-I live Board of Trade completely justifies its existence. Bowmanvillecacn not mucli longer continue its course of inacfivity in this re- Off With His H-ead! Two members of flic Maniftoba Legislafure, B. R. Richards, of The Pas, and Dr. D. L. Johnson of Brandon, have beetu expclled from membership iunflic Provincial CCF party for daring fa criticise parfy leader- rnhp and party policy. Thus, tliey follow f wo Onftaria M.L.A.'s - Nelson Alles of Essex, and Leslie Hancock of Wellington Southi - into wliat flic CCF wauld like ta regard as e political wilder- ness. They fao, disagreed witli fli party line and li e liefmerify, or, from tfli CCF angle, flic impudence and audacifv fa t hink for fliemseles.- These are natthflicouly exemples of ezarisin by flic CCP. In British Coluimbie, in fthc Provincial riding of Rossland-Treil, H. W. Herridge, e CCP member of tlic Legis- lature, wes namineted as e candidate for flic Hanose of Commons iunflic Fedemal consti. tuency of West Koateney. Thie CCF central organizetion refuscd fa permit Mm. Hcrridge ta enfer flic Federel field and ordered hlm ta renain in flic Legislature, fhcreby dis- regarding thceiihcrent liberty of a public man and flaufing flic ancient riglif of ec- tors fa cloose flicir owîi candidates. The CCF poses as flic great democratic party of Canada. naittined liv flicnickels and dimes of littie people, reflecting flicir collective wisdomn and espausing their poli- tical aspirations. Actually iiothing cauld be farfîer from flic trufli. The COF taday is eontrolcd rigidly by e regular junte et flic top, men like David Lewis and Prof. Frank Scott, w~ha vill brook lia inferfemence wifli their poicies and pronouncements. This hierarchy will folerate nao dissenting or cri- tical voice- If is dctermined ta itmpose a rigid, cenfralized party discipline ontheli rank anîd file of fleic nembcrship, and par- ticularly ati electcd epre.'ietiatives. This is sonthing iiew iii('anadietu poli- tics. Thc hisfory of political. parties int fis country lias been anc of iindividuelis and groups w'orking in egreeentf on broad ba- sic principles, b)ut offen lolditîg verying opinions on saine aspects of policies ao' ne- thods of inpasitîg flueni , There lies been give and take withiiîîtflecpartyfv tanwork. Mfinorities have beemi wel-oxned and praper attention given ta flicir vicws - iîof sun- marily cjccted and harred. Thcre is onie oflier aspect ta tItis question. lEvciw finie flic ('('F lierarchy lies expelled The HeD)-Red Axis Seems Bent People on the street wliom we meet daily express tlieir growing conccmn about tlie an- tics displayed in tlie Ontario Legisieture by wliat tliey cali "The Hep-Red Axis." Tli term was îiew to- us until if vas explained tliat it meant the Hepbumn-Communist hook- up in tlie House, whicli according ta news reports appeared to be concemned with ob- structioni and confusion ratlIer tlian witli supporting and promating gaod governinent. The general feeling among, voters is that the dignty of tlie Legisiature is being lowered by the tactics of this unlioly and undigni- fied partnersliip. People generally feel that tlie recent squabbles in the House will ]cad ta its dissolution and enotiier Provincial elec- t ion. Thet tliis appeers ta be a probabilif v is underwritten by a laf e press release we re- ceived from a 00F member, w-li statcs: "I do nat expecf there ivili bc any debate on the budget ivhen fIe vote is taken on the Speech fram tlie Tlirone, the Gavernment will be defeafed and mosf likely dissolution ivill followi. If this happens the budget ivili lie left up in the air." The member con- eludes that this would be an "interesting situation"' and warns* "watcl vaur news- papers for letest developments." The ('CF eppear ta lie sittîng back watdhing flie Axis anties yef prepared ta take its part in creaf- in- fIe '"interesfiing situation'" b\ a record- cd vote. Tliese parties, factions and polificel op- porfunisfs, apparcntly bent an again plung- ing fthe Province into a bill of expense for anoflier wartimîe election will find, wie lie- lieve, this intcresfing situation turn evenfu- ally inta an inferesting experience, for the electors of Ontario ivili have fhe final sey in the matter. With fhe Axis banking on flic CIO-CCIF split, tliey no doulit hope for mucli increased support but ftle collusion of opposition groups in forcing an election is something tlic electors will remember et the polîs. Few cen dispute that we have lied good govemument in Ontario under Premier Drew. Any election forced at this time ivili returu him ta power with increased backing in the House. This is the consensus wve find in this communify. General McNaughton Nominated To Contest OuADDelIe Geucral McNeuglton, Miniister of National I)efeîîce, letely defeeted lu tIc Grey Nortli by-clection lias ag-ain beeni ninaf cd as can- didate in the general election for the con- stitucucy of QuAppelle, Sask. The district in whicli lie wvas bomu. Again the Liberel nomlince resigned toi make w'ay for the Gen- eral. And ag-ain, as in Grey North, the Genl- eral hes-mede same palitically iniept pro- nounicemients. It Ives the opinion of many, following van ous publie statements lie lias made thet lie miglit le dropped from thle political erena prior ta tIc election but ap- parenfly Mr. King plans ta stick wiljî lim, camle what mey. At lis nomination thc Generel admifted lis fatler lied been e Con- servative but bis personal loyalty was now complete devotion ta lis present leader. His statement at flic nomination included referenee ta lus removal from command of flic amy aversees. He said if ivas due ta differeiices witl "certain people'"wliosc naincs lie cauld nat give. He lied carricd ouf arders ycf conisidered them inot riglit for Canada and esked ta be relieved. Wlien flie finie camnes flic whole storx- cati be told. Ta slow fleic iconsisfeiîcy or confusion under wliiclitfli General is epparently laboriîîg lus former' statements may be quoted iin litefa- fer of ]lis efirement. Letters read in the House of Commons over a yeer egoaend lis subsequent statement ta thc press t-eveal a confusion tlief does uuof square witli lis nom- inat ion address. His letter ta flic setnior officer, Canadien Military Headquarfcrs sfefed: "I have nat flic strctîgth lcffta look effer flic amny pro- perly; pleese tell Mr. Raîston thc general interest requires sameami elcsc ta take charge." And senior medical afficers called ta examinie hlm, recammendcd lie bc relieved of aIl military respansibilities as soati as pos- sible. Affer refurîî ta Canada, fIe Generel told the press: 'Tliere is notlîitg wrong %vifli ne; 1 have lia idea wlat easons wcrc given for ny. resig-iietion." Now in flic speech et QuAppelle, wc have enoflier ver-e sion. Tîcre secîns fa be lu ell this a measure of irrcsponsibility fliat people cen lierdly condouie ii enyauîc lholdinîg higlipublic of- fice. If seems alnîost likelv fIat flic Grcy Northi-verdict will lbe repeated lu QuAppelle.f Whcn yaur boy camles back froin victary abroad will lie find victory et lbonle?t Thc "isins" en aîîy ride into power on i the breakdowii of aur moral standard s. P Otnce yau have lickcd your awn tempta- tioîts you cen ick aiuyfhing. a Party worker, lie lias been branded asE secret Commuilist, sing ty-pical Communi tactics. In other words, ilie usuel smeai technique lias been adopted. Is the publiceîîot justified in concluding, froni the action of the central bosses of thE partx-. that the smi as ini challenging,(, pub. nicly the views of thie party leaders and tliat no question of Coxnmunist views would have entered the picture if silence and part: obedience lied be-en miaintained? The anc. maly of the present situation is tliat wliul thle CCF leadershiip remains severely anti- Communist, tlie party as a wliole lias become ('ommunist in form and substance. There is tlie saine rigid contrai of policv by tlie cen- tral executive, tlie same intrausigent intoler- ance of dissenting minorities, tlie saine mea- sureof party discipline and the saine censor- slip of publications wliicli refuses ta allo* dissenting views ta be eired in party news- papers. - More Ice Cream, Please Lest year enough ice-cream was Produced in Canada ta give every man, women and child. lu the country a gallon and a hall! The 1944 total of 17,667,000 gal- lons was 424,000) gallons more than was produced lu 1943. Planning to Move? Just about haîf of alI Canada's families have lived in their pres- cnt homes less than five years, and anc-quarter of Cenada's fan- ilies plan ta nmove efter the war, eccording ta a survey made by the Maclean Publishifg Coin- pany. Of those who plan f0 buy or build their own homes, bal of fhem plan ta live in town, and anc in five wants a home in the country. Where arc tbey going ta find the money? They have that al settled too: 40 per cent infend ta pay cash, 17 per cent ta use their war bonds, 28 per cent propose ta fake ouf goverument housing boans, and 15 per cent plan ta ar- range mortgages. Posfwar prospects look good for the construction indust-yl Canada and ter Countries Ta continue witb aur story-o the goverumeut departinents et Ottawa: there are two depart- mnus concemucd wifh Canada's place among other nations. They ire the Departinuts af External A ffairs and of Trede and Com- merce. Exterual Affairs is the policy- making body, and tbrough if Can- ada carnies on officiel and diplo- matic relations with other coun- tries. Thraugh if international agreements and treaties are egreed upan, and its members represent Canada et internation- al canferences. It bas representa- tives in 20 different countries, fine of them af the rank of am- bassador. This depertinent alsa arranges all international negatiations me- garding prisoners of war and civilians lu enemny and efemy- accupied territory, and another of its functions is the issuin g of passports. Lest year if issued 24,- 000 new passports, and renewed 15,250 old ones. Trade and Commerce The Departinent of Trade and Commerce is concerned witb Canada's business dealings with other countries, and maintains 60 frade cammissioners lu variaus countries - an increase from 40 before the war. It bas a research division which is conducting sur- veys on post-war trade, and ex- port and import branches. This departinent issues permits for ex- ports and is encouraging imports. In addition, marketing of Cana- dien wheat 15 directed by the Departmnent of Trade and Com- merce. Church service was held on Sunday et the usuel boum. Misses Lucille and Eileen and Muriel Hyland, Oshawa, wifh their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rager Oke and son, Wayne, wifh Mi. and Mrs. 0. McQuade. Mis. Mounfjay and Mrs. Fowler and Strong helped fa do a quilt for the Red Cross et Mrs. Nom- man Edgerton's. Mi. and Mrs. Wall with their daughter, Mm. and Mrs. Hamnil- ton and family. Mm. and Mrs. Lewis Sfiusaîî et Mm. L. Hylefd's. Miss Audrey Hanua is home wifh the meusles. TIc first step towards more unity is ta stop our own pride.I This Adverisem.nt a Ast Soldier's Letter e et-A S li ee iMtLOb ID Mr. M. H.* Goslett, vtrno D' the lest war and employed et Mc- te aL loe hpt Gregor's Hardware, town, has just received e letter from his son, Monty, No. 84 Coy, R.C.A. 44~ NATIONS OR 33 MEN? Britain or for every 13 supplied S.C., Holland. Billeted with e by the United States for dealing Holland family, one of its mem- ýd The Three Main Features of the with enyV threat in e certain 5I)eC1- bers writes to Mr. Goslett as fol- Y peace organizetion which the 44 fied area. Naval and air force lows. The letter is done Ïvith United Nations will consider et cquotas would also be supplied. pen and ink in an emezingly ex- le SnFrancisco are: But this obligation would not be cellent printed script, elmost i- 1.Tea seml-wt an nebulous and vague, as it wes in equel that of typewriting or lino- Le meeti s embly-with eannel the first League. It would be ct>n- type work. It is reproduced here- e meetingsaopenat. nedleaecrete and bînding.wihnful tion - big or Nations would flot be celled ihnful Oss, Feb. 21, 1945. smell upon to pledge contingents for the Deer Mr. Goslett: 2. Te Seur-protection of areas s0 fer away It was a great pleasure for us 1 t oni rmtemselves thet they feit t eev orlte fJn 4 would be t h le no ecute interest in levents there. 1945 and wour etek ou very24 chv organ inBu. i areas where they feit they much- for thet proof of living the new body. It . hed vital interests their forces with us. would have il would (theoretically) be as much Yet 1 think thet you've not e members. T h e a t the command of the Interna- good idea of our being together Big 3, plus tional General Staff as they now with your son and his friend, France a n d are et the command of their own Collin Campbell, on Xmas day China, would be goverrnents. and the eve of new year. We p e m* * ,_-' made your son's ecquaintence in members. The I l This Provision That Is the first days 0f December and remainder 0 fl bound to ceuse a last.ditch fight immediately we saw in hlm a t h le mme in the United States Senate. That very pretty fellow and ail over would c h o o se is why Canada's main interest in a gentlemen. It has elweys been Lfrom among themselves six other the outcome of the San Francisco the custom of the house to sey members of the cotincil. The lat- conference is not to get this-or- welcome ta such persons. After ter would hold office for two- that minor change in the draft that Monty is one of those sol- e yeer terms. plan of the proposed organizetion. diers who gîve ehl their forces 3. The International General It is, rather, ta contribute ta the and risk their lives for the liber- Steff-composed of the profes- discussions there, sa that the out- ation of our poor country. So it sianal military people appointed corne will be an international is only e trifle, presenting ta him S by the members of the Security treaty which will be îetified by some socialness and asking hlm -Council. Upon Council's orders the United States Senate-which ta partake of our supper. .. in a i to go into action, this staff would no 33 isolationists cen veto. country where the hostess cen get .direct the actuel military moves The real problem that looms hardly anything that is present- >of the national contingents sup- ahead of humanity is not lbow ta able to a friend. Then, that the plied by the various member ne- get the representetives of the 44 little meels became e success, was tions. United Nations to agree et Sen due ta the help of Monty himself! * *Francisco. Rather it is how to After ell it is a metter of There Are Three Big Differ- prevent 33 of the ex-isolationists course that e young gentleman ences between the League now in the U.S. Senate from putting as Monty, who was obliged ta proposed and the Geneva body. the whole thing on the skids once leeve his bouse, his dear young The first League Assembly had egain. wife, his country, even his part theoretical power to order eny** of the world, bas great spirituel action on unanimous vote by alI The Real Cholce et San Fran- difficulties, perticulerly on such its members. The new body will cisco is not between wbat is of- day as Xm as and new year's have power only ta recommend fered and whet would be perfect. eve. Forfmyý wife, for our child- to the Security Council that such- It is between somethîng that is rn ed or me it has been an and-such action be teken. The admittedly imperfect and nothing honour and a greet pleasure ta final power of decision and action et alI. cheer your son in those moments,- will be in the Council. If the 44 United Nations cean- driving awey the clouds from his- The Security Council would nat agree ta something which the generelly so cheerful face. have power ta take collective po- 33 United States Senators are un- Deer Mr. Goslett, I hope you'll lice action - not just after an able ta block, under their veto soon have beck your son. When aggression had been made, but pawers, the world will simply he'll be there, perhaps he will when any threet to the peece was break down inta three big blocs- think et the too rare hours he cansidered ta be real. with certain arees in between passed with us; but I assure you, Ail nations wauld agree, under them as the no man's land in that my wife and I will neyer treaty, ta put et the disposal of which the future wars will surely fforget that your son and his the Security Council of the new breed. frend were here on those deys, League e stipulated amount of Canada's respansibility is, while Our own children (except armed force. therefore, clear. It is not ta start th, 3 yaungest) were et a greet Canada, for instance, might a major wrangle about any minor distance and in quite unknown agree ta supply one army divi- point. It is rather, ta make sure circumstances: aur eldest son in sion for every four supphied by that the general job gets done. the allied armies (perhaps in West India), aur eldest daughter _________________________________________________in e Japenese encempment in the .M=M M~M M*** ***..**-** **~ East Indies, ber husband prison- P lecm of war in a camp in Thailand, aam~ wo sans and twa daughters in IN THEL DIM AND DISTANT rASi the Hague and Amsterdam, de- Hlivered ta famine, and ane son as Prom The Stateuma Files a slave in that damined Germany, perheps in Hemburg or on the And so, my deer Mr. Goslett, TWENTY-FIVE VEARS AGO by Rd. and Herb. Moyse and G. you understend that we'll elweys March 25, 1920 A. Corden.. remember in very true friendship Editor and Mrs. M. A. James youi pretty son, and alsa bis Wesley G. Werry, Salem, bas received an invitation ta the new hanourable fether. been appointed agent for Stone Parleament Building et Ottawa Yours sincerely, & Wellington Nurserymen. and ta the opening ceremonies of Dr. C. W. Slemon, Enniskillen, the Senate and House of Comn- HARRY L. LEENDERS. bas purcbased the Dr. Alex Beith mans of Canada. residence on Church St. and will Darlington: Thas. Penfound move ta Bowmanville. bas sold bis faim ta John Metcalf. W. F. Ward, B.A., of London, Zion: The newly-weds, Mr. bas leased offices in the Bleekley and Mrs. Charles Vivian, (nee Block, over Rickard's Jewelry Beulah Chant) were presented store, and will open a law office. with an eight-dey mentel dlock on behaîf 0f the church, et the Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Isreel (nee home of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chant. Minnie Hoaper) celebrated their Orono: Annie Winter is assist: 3th wedding anniversary et ant et the Post Office. . .. George 1 1 their home, 26 Cedy St., Roches- Dawson, teller, Standard Bank, 1 1 ter. bas been promoted to Brussells. lE Jerry Westaway bas purchesed Editor's Note-We regret ta re- the double brick residence on port thet the file copies of 50 Queen St., owned by Mis. Fred yeers ega are missing for several Robinson, Toronto, and occupied weeks. 3,11 %jon Guaranteed U4/O Trust Certif icates ISSUED for any amont .... for a term of five years .... guaranteed bth as to principal and interst ... . Interest cheques rnailed to reach holders on due date, or, at holder's option, may be allowed to eccumaulate at compound interest. An idtel investment for individuels, com- panies; authorized by Iaw for cemetery boards, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRU STS CORPORATION Sterling Towr, Iroronto 33 yeaii in Busines 4 jel by millions! YOU'Ve Often watched the teller stamnp you.r cheque. Fvery day, in every branch of every bank in Canada, cheques are being scrutinized, stamped and recorded. During the war years, this daily flow of cheques through your bank bas swollen to a torrent. Deposit accounts are more numerous and active than ever before. This increase re. flects the tremendous activity of Canadian life and business. Production, purchases and payrolls have ail reeched record levels. In addition, three-querters of a million men and women in the armed services must get their pay, and their dependents receive allowances regularly. 1h. handling of this wartime volume of cheques is quite apart from numerous special* services which the banks have undertaken-the delivery of millions of Victory Bonds and the sale of countless War Savings Certificates; ration coupon banking; subsidy payments to producers; foreign exchange operations. Y.t ail this extra work bas been carried out at a time when new help bas hiad to be trained to take the place of more than 8,500 bank workers now in uniform. is Sponsored by your Banlc -' <w ~ -* Who feels injustice; who shrir] before a slight; who has a setý of wrong Sa acute, and so glov ing a gratitude for kindness, es generous boy? - Thackeray. OSHAWA Free Parking Pbone 1011 Thurs., Fr, Set., March 22-23-24 John Wayne, Elle Raines In TALL IN THE SADDLE With Ward Bond, George Gebby Hayes. A Western edventure with a new ro- mantic accent. Added Shorts Paramount's latest News, Cartoon, March of Time, Post War Farms Mon., Tues., March 26-27 Two Sensetionel Features YOUTH RUNS WTLD' Sterring Bonite Granville, Kent Smith. A picture of modemn youth thet will leave you gaspig. And Simone Simon, John Emery In MADEMOISELLE FI FOUR DAYS Wed. Till Set., Merch 28-31 Peremount Presents Rey Milland, Barbera Britton, In TILL WE MEET AGAIN An electrifying story behind the thrilling news thet France is free.1 Lks nse bw- tea coilege with Andy. I ROYAL BOWMAN VILLE Telephone 589 Thurs., Fr1., Mar. Z2-23 Ray Milland, Paulette God- dard In THE CRYSTAL BALL Wlth William Bendix and Gladys George. Comedy runs riot, romance rues rampant Seturday, March 24 TIMIBER STAMPEDE Starring George O'Brien Iu a story of plunder and betrayal lu the Oid West. Added THE FALCON STRIKES BACK Sta*ling Tom Conway with Herriet Hilleard, Ciiff Ed- wards. Murder menaces every move as the falcon stalks a silent kîller who leaves no dlues. Mou., Tues., Weil., March 26-27-28 Mickey Rooney lu ANDY HARDYS BLONDE TROUBLE With Lewis Stone, Fay Bol- den, Bonite Granville and Herbert Marshall. Cllmb eboarfi and let's ail go to a is Sponscred bY your Bank

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