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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1945, p. 5

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THUERSDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO honor, who wore a long gown of brown accessories. The honey- late 1920's. Always a man withPAEFV Wt-ddùigpeach Fassina, net halo of tur- moon is being spent in Detroit strong opinions and with a back- MALOL....COK quoise blue and carried pink and other points in the States and ground of deep reading, the roses and white carnations. Miss Blackstock. victions of one who had made his E-h ~ .~- _ High standards of pink, blue Jean Malcolm, sister of the groom The bride has been one of own way successfully under many CC- and white spring flowers made a was bridesmaid and wore a gown Brookljn's most papular girls and handicaps. During the last war -FoY.) irE beautiful setting in Brook 1 n 01 turquoise blue Fassina with the best wishes af aIl go with her hie jained the Crossfield Regiment Fsio aoi e '4 United Church, March 10, for the peach halo and carried pink roses and hier husband ta their home. and served abroad as a mechani- and white carnations. The groom Telegrams af congratulations cal engineer until invalided home. marriage of Mary Noreen Cook, was attended by his brother, Mr. were ieceived from many points The deceased was identified only daughter af Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence Malcolmn. as well as a cable from the with the United Church and a J. Cook, ta Neil Taylor Malcolm, Following the ceremony a re- bride's brother, Gardon, on activej member of the Order of Forest- son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Malcolmi of ception was held and wedding service overseas. Flowers were ers. Remaining ta mourn hisSm r ~i Nestleton. The ceremony was luncheon was served at the also cabled from Scotland for the passing is his widow, with noSm r performed by Rev. P. L. JuIl with bride's home. The table was ar- gift raom. children since an only daughter the wedding music played by Mrs. ranged with banquet cloth set died some years aga. Also sur- ' ~Clarence Pengelly and the solo, with silver candlesticks, pînk viving are two brothers and two j "Because," during the s~ining of candies, pinka snapdragons and Obituaries sisters, Arthur and Charles Fur- Sr n the eitrsn yMs Jean centred witha storied wedding____ ber af Wolverhampton, England, Malcolm, sister of the groom, cake. The bride's mother wore a Emily of Tettenhail, England, and The ushers were Willard Cook two-piece gown of navy crepe MRS. BENJAMIN F. GARDINER Gertrude af Tipton, Eng. f Oshawa, cousin af the bride, trimmed with shocking pink an uvvn irhsand The funeral was held from the u t Sand Howard Malcolm af Janet- a corsage af white carnations. Sriighe ubn just Morris Funeral Chapel, March 13,Su s ville, cousin ai the groomn. Mrs. Malcolm, mother oftetread afyas therede with Rev. J. E. Griffith officiat- Guests were in attendance from groom, wore rose sheer and a cor- at the home ai hier daughter, ing in the services and paying Toronto, Oshawa, Whitby, Black- sage ai pink carnations. The Miss Florence Gardiner, Church touching tribute ta the memary $ 6 9 stock and ather points. Among grandmnothers, for the reception, ofamnile r.Bejmna a man ai integrity, vision and the guests were three grand- wore, Mrs. Elins, black crepe; F adnr ody ac 2 extreme fortitude. The palîbear- Sis0 ieqaiywo ~'I * ~ t h e r M rs C oa and M rs. rs. ook, shee fuc sia, an d H er w id e circle af frien d s ex ten d - ers w ho b ore h im t a h is ast rest-fa r s in ac - ov'Elins, the grandmathers of th Mr.Tyobakceewt ed sympathy when she met with ing place in Bawmanville Cerne- fbisi very smartco-e bride, and Mrs. Taylor, grand- white trimming. Mr. Lawrence an accident last November that tery were, A. J. Lyle, Charles Iarless style, with breast and moth r a th gr om.M alcolm acted as tastmaster and c u e a br k n hp C ni ed t ikel, N rmari Rickard, Robert t o sd The bride, who was given in the toast ta the bride was pro- bed since that time she gradually Stevens, George Crombie and tosiepackets, carefully marriage by hier father, wore a pased by Mr. Humphray ai To- weakened and passed peacefully Jack Wilson. tailored for perfect fit. beautiful floar-îength gown of ranto, and respanded ta most ably ta rest in Bowmanville Hospital Floral tributes came from the white chenille brocaded satin by the groom. Toasts were also at the age ai 73. Mrs. Gardiner Town Council and emplayees, In bright Spring shades iashioned with long torsa, full praposed by Rev. P. L. Jull, Rev. was the former Ida Hodgson, The Canadian Legion, and many skirt and sweetheart neck line. Harrison af Blackstock, Mr. Mal- daughter ai the late Mr. and Mrs. more including beautiful wreaths OH~ UT T$09 Her iinger-tip veil hung from a colm and Mr. A. J. Cook. John Hodgson, Tyrone, and lived from relatives, neighbors and T RSISAT$09 satin sweetheart cap set with seed The graom's gift ta the bride hier entire ie in this district. friends and from ald camrades. and $12,95 pearîs and she carried a shower was a double string af pearîs, ta Her lufe interest centred in her Friends and relatives fram a bouquet ai American Beauty the bride's attendants, compacts, home and community and she distance included Mrs. W. Perry Dainty Blouses ta wear with your SIZES 14 ta 18 rases and calla lilies with stream- ta the ushers, billfolds. was a valued and ernest member and Mrs. E. Torrant, Cobourg, ers ai white flawers. She was For travelling the bride wore a ai the United Church at Tyrone. Ephriam Fleming and Mrs. Fur- Easter Suit. Our assortment ini- attended by her cousin, Mrs. Cun- suit ai brown with white blouse To Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner were ber, and Bessie, Oshawa, Mrs. cludes a variety of fabrics and ningham, Toronto, as matran ai and chesterfield coat and aîî born six children al ai whoml Annie Cosgrey and son, Stuart, ec ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ __ survive ta mourn a m ther's pass- Toronto, and thers from varius colours in stripe, polka dots and N c w e a r ing save one. To them she de- points. _____digs voted a lie ai laving care. They____ printed deins lowers ana are Ernest af Englehart, Mrs. MRS. CATHERINE WADDELL Long .n .hort.l.e.e Thomas Barr (May) ai Tyrone, MCGILL Ln n hr lee The 1945 Cal! orPoltr Meat manville, Mrs. J. Hendrcs pMrs. Ctherie Wdell cilJ w le y' for uryma)s Florn adnersail- Ps Cd o er Wdd l esMGrclWe have a large assortnient A survey ai the domestic and export markets shows that there liam Phillips (Annie), Bawman- 7, 1945, ater a brief illness at her $2dit cesoista Canadac indm1945fThererydaughterGrEdsie.aandraMarch $ .98 and $3.98 o anyacsoista wîllbe deand or ver poud a Grde AandGrae B ville. She was predeceased by a home 33 Welland Ave., Moore adSrn rsns n poulty mea thatcan b prodcedTiwCasisters945alsorePark, Toronto. Her parents were wîll nat only be a demand for this product in its awn right srietagiv knl e- early Scattish pianeers ai Clarke aharm ta your Easter outfit but the shortage ai other meats wiîî accentuate it. ber ai the Hadgson family, Mrs. Township, Durham Caunty. Sheattfin cot__ The Executive ai the Poultry Industry Committee ai Gea. W. McLaughlin, Oshawa, was barn in 1852, near Orono, and triln co. Ontario instructed a sub-committee ta consult with represent- and Mrs. Margaret. Woodîey, was the last surviving member ai atives ai the produce trade in order ta ascertain what specific Santa Monica, California. a family ai 13. Her late husband, and definite information could be given ta poultry meat pro- Many friends from out ai town, Peter J. McGill, predeceased her ducers - especially as ta the prices they shauld be able ta ab- închuding Toronto, Orano and 33 years ago. tain for their birds when they are ready for market. Oshawa, gathered with relatives Aiter living for many years in The following points have been estabîished and they and friends from her home dist- Bowmanville she moved with hier are presented to producers so as ta acquaint them with the rict ta pay tribute ta her memory family ta Toronto. Those leit possibilities ai a shortage, ta impress upon them that the mar- a h uea hc a edt or e asn r r.W kets need, and wilh need, pautry meat, and as a guide in de- irom the home ai hier daughter, R. Hambley (Edna) ai London, termining the extent ai production. The points are: Church St., March 15, for inter- Ont.; Misses Eva M. and Kathleen G n i e L id 1.Arragemets hae ben caclude thrugh hich ment in Bethesda Cemetery. W., and Dr. George W. McGill, C nun e t e 1. rragemnt hae benconludd h rlus upi The funeral service was con- Toronto. Candaistosupply tthUnedSas ryler srlsu ducted by Dr. W. P. Fletcher, pas- Aiter a private service at the ta thirty million paunds ai Grades A and B pauhtry; Chicken tra t alsUie hrh oetefnrlsriewshl two lbs. and over; fowl 3 lbs. and aver. t r o t als U ie h rh h m h u e a e vc a edHnb 2. This hgblcofpout eie te xr assisted by Rev. E. H. Unstead, at the TrulI Chapel, Toronto, an hug blck i podutbesdesathr epots, pastar ai the United Church, Ty- March 10. Pali bearers were alh leaving the country, means that distributors will be hard pres- rane. Their wards accorded with members af the Durham County sed ta take care ai alI demands. the depth ai feeling ai thase who Club ai Toronto, ai which she ......$ .71 3. Na cackerel chcks-particularly heavy breeds - came ta pay last respects ta a was an active member, Dr: L. B. that can be raised for pautry meat shouîd be destroyed. They lavely Christian character. Many Williams, Dr. O. O. Worden, Mr. can be grawn and praiitably sold when finished. beautiful floral tributes came F. TrulI, Dr. D. D. MacDonald, Exciting new Styles - flattermgadtoioyu j4. The demand wiIl be principally for Grade A and from church and friends ta adorn Mr. J. H. Fair, Mr. D. W. Arm- GradeB* Grade C birds are an uncertain quantity at the best hier last resting place. strong. Entombment took place Srn nebe-i eun and sa must suifer a substantial price discount. A large per- The Pallbearers were Albert at the Forest Lawn Mausoleum. Decorative under-arm and top-hnl oesi centage ai C's couhd be turned into a higher grade through pro- Hawkey, William Hambly, Robert Rev. Dr. R. G. Stewart ai St. Fper care, feeding and finishing. This wil pay. Hodgsn Albert Hilîs, Simon Mc- John's Presbyterian Church,. black, navy, brown anid red. 5. The members ai the produce trade were asked ta Coy and'R. E. Osborne. Broadview Ave., conducted the state prices that producers couîd feel assured ai receiving for1 services. Orpie ag rm chicken during al ai 1945 in the light ai the present situation, BENJAMIN BANNER FURBER The numeraus floral tributes and farecasts. Here are the figures and producers can count Signify the high esteem in whichOrpicsanefo on these as what they should ask for - and get - on the The Union Jack was flown at the departed was held. basis af dressed weight and grade, f.o.b. country pracessing haîf mast at the Town Hall, Sat- Mrs. McGill had many and------$2 9 o , plants. urday, March 10, ta mark the varied interests. She was an ac- $ . 0t 9 3 CHICKEN passing ai an ohd saldier, a for- tive churc*i worker, arganist for Grade A Mlk-Fed -----------30e per lb. mer member af the Municipal many years, Sunday scbool teach- Grade A ------------------28e per lb. Council and a most highly re- er, and a lfe member ai the Grade B Milk-Fed -------- - 28c per lb. spected businessman, in the per- W.M.S. ai the Presbyterian Grade B ------- -- ---- ---- 26e per lb. son ai Benjamin Banner Furber. Church. She retained ta the very Grade C-------- _ b-._an__)--- 20e per lb. Aiter an illness ai many years end hier mental facuhty, lier (4 bs.andup)which was withstaadwith great strong resolute will, and hier Prices for the first four grades are for aIl birds weighing two fartiture, the hate Mr. Furber. uin- kîndly and sympathetic heart. lbs. and aver thus alhawing a iberal weight range. ally succumbed ta complications Her long unselfish lufe is an elo- Grade C paultry is not wanted and the market for which canfined him ta bed where quent testimany ta hier strang and smaller than 4 IL birds in this grade - as wehh as for cuils - for seven weeks hie endured an abiding religiaus faith. To knaw can nat be predicted; it neyer s good. Praducers shauhd strive agany anly ta be relieved by her was ta lave her. m for the higher grades. death. With him ta the last, ta l v s f r E s e Thisthe isdefnit inormaionfortheprouce as relieve and assuage his sufering ta his market for poultry meat for 1945. Cackerels should be was his faithiul wife, the former Tyrone grown, not destroyed, ca-aperRtion ta this end between the Minnie Passant.____ hatcherymen and their chick buyeis wauld help materially. Known ta a wide circle in Mrs. Byron Moore has return- $1.29 pf~ai Bawmanville simply as Banner e oehvn pn ota POU TRY IND STR C MMI TEE 0F NTA IOFurber, few were aware either ai the winter in B wmanville. She H. B. Donovan Jr., Sec.-Treas. his pralanged sufiering or ai the i5sasmewhat impraved. e ui ly fne c a os ud ab c wth us w e m n restless genius that impelled him r.Lm oknwt e eatffyfn hmi ud fbi ihotensasi This information is lnserted for the benefit ai chiek ralsers b tacntnu ctvîyinbsies arnsM. ndMs.Prean anratngsithig i flirng f izs liers nlue and inventions until bis strength Columbus. failed. His lifeJang hobby was the Mr. and Mrs. Caulter and black, white, navy, brown, chamois and beige tanes. Generous Giabson a s study ai mechanics and internal Diane, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. 3-bûtton length7 ~very smart and evcal. Bowmanville Phone Clarke 3811 cobutonenies TestryO L. Drage. his experiments witb the prin- Miss Grace Little, Toronto, with ciple af jet propulsion was tald in Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Annis. The Statesman two years aga and Pte. Walter Park, Kingston the model hie constructed, provedl Military Hospital, at home. through actual aperation ta be the Mr. Edgar Rasevear and grand- Dsolution ai the probîem. son, John Lyttle, Cburg, at Mr. lilyIn The plans hie submitted ta theGRaears goenetandidsraits M.Lte0oda a i RWL KRT OESLM IE 0 buta nsawa . .Mr. wîng ta price contrai post-war l' or tose Ca nia cians who have give n sa m uch of the mn- fl health d eclind and be sad out Ross Hallowell with M s. Sid c n ii n il n t Ik l mn Il eles orus le u se t i tht heyshh lot~vn 0 to ra eturn ta Ontario. He settled HalIowell, Cowanville.. Mrs. J.-* sudden changes. Price contrai sevsfru, e sset i htte hflntwn. L in Bowmanville and built the Clysdale in Osbawa. .. Mm. Wmn. been ai advantage if in future 0 orresponse ta the Ried Cross appeal be more gener- property and canducted the busi- Savery home irorm Oshawa. . . pcs cnb maintained at pro- - us than ever before.I ness wbicb was later sold by him Miss Minta, Oshawa, at ber pe.~irce can b 0 ~ now prtdb Dean Hdsn odFrona Pickering, at hssuprigteoe id 'l Active and esless as ever he Victor Farrow's...Victor Farrowofteqsin umtdthe next apened a wecking and sem- and Lavern Farrow in Port Hope. reasons. Price contrai alone is no lestflow aBeIt.....ldfty c..~ vcbuiesars th tet WlimSvr a odhsadvantage ta the farmer but witb of sIp-and avold thos. enm efu- wbicb be dispased ai ta William teaaiomoses. subsidies it is bearable. The con- thiu Sffort-.oughs due ta ccla nVirtue five ye rs aga and retired A number attended the party in sume benfittd mae thn th 1 nvery iii blt t is home on Sakil Schaol even tog h producer. Price cantrol came be- P oe2 6,B w avleQueen St. raads were bad. fr hr a pamity ai prices Taking an interest in civic ai- (Intended for last week) and cansequently prices ai fammi 0_________________________________ fairs, Mm. Furber served tbree Visitors: Mm. Minto in Toronto products were pegged tao low. s-s years on the Town Councul in the . .. Howard Farrow in Port Hope The control aver agricultural

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