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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1945, p. 5

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THURSDAY, APRIL 5tb, 1945 THE ANADAN SATEMAN.BOWMNV1 %JI N 'PARTC .1 I 4 ~- .4 Si lies said, tbat the five-year plan would entail the installation of wasbers; 6,950 fiat-rate water Rura Extnsio s uu u~u eaters; 90,000 irons; 24,600 re- Rura Ex ensons utlnedfrigerators and 95,500 radios, in rural homes; and farmn equipment A program wbicb will make ing electrical service are now be- installations including 5,450 grainj Ontario one of thec most bigbly ing served, representing 61,486 grinders; 3,150 milking machines;j electrified farming areas in the farms out of a possible 112,000. 7,400 water pumps and 2,300 milk world, bring still greater bene- Upon completion of tbe vast ex- coolers. fits to both existing and new rural pansion schedule, it was esti- Mr. Challies next cited sta- consumers and open up a big mated that 81 per cent of the total tistics whicb, he said, showed that market for electricai appliances ultimate mileage ôf rural primarY relatively few rural Hydro con- and farm equipment bas been lines will have been constructed sumers were putting electricity outlined by Hon. George H. and that almost 85 per cent of to the greatest possible use. He Chailies, when lie announced an farms within the area tbat will pointed out that the average in- intensive five-year rural electri- eventually be served by the Com- vestments per farmn consumer in fication plan to be undertaken by mission will be enjoying the con- power equiprnent and -in ap- Hydro in the immediate post-war veniences and benefits of rural pliances were $92.67 and $257.13 period. Hydro service. respectiveiy. "It is evident," lie Invoiving an expenditure of "The application of electrical said, "tbat with the important sorne $22,000,000 by the Hydro power to agricuiturai require- exception of washing machines, Commission on labor and ma- ments is the key to farrning as a the only appliances in extensive terials with the Ontario govern- successfui business in the post- use are the smaller ones. Al Ornent providing a grant-mn-aid to war world," the Commissioner other appliances and equipment Icover fifty per cent of that cost, continued. 'Production and con- bave a relatively low saturation." the plan, it is estimated, wviîî re- servation of crops and live stock Mr. Chaliies said that tbe plan suit in the construction of over depend more and more on elec- would be launcbed as soon as 7,000 miles of additional rural trical aids; and the effective ap- labor and materials were avail- lines, which will bring Hydro ser- plication of electricity to many able. He also said tbat rural vice to approximateV~ 57,900 new bousehold uses bas been recogniz- Hydro superintendents wouid co- rural consumers, of wbom 32,000 cd as an essentiai to, the healtb operate to the fuliest extent witb wiii be farmers. and welfare of the farm family. the individual consumer in plan- Thegovrnmntwii reinvkeIn short, electricitY provides the ning the efficient electrification The Ruag o were D ist rit oans greatest aid to the farmer at the of farms and rural homes. Act to assist farmers finance the oecstbinrangisp- "The five-year plan is a cam- purhas ofnecssay euipentduction, saving hlm labor, and agMrChliscnud. and appliances and the înterest irproving bis standard o living." "Ilts object is to make Hydro rate on boans wili be reduced fromn Government Grant-In-Ajd avaiable to more rural residents 5 to 4 per cent. The fact tbat the government and to heip the farmer in making would provide a grant-mn-aid to the most of modemn electrical 5000 Men Required cover fifty per cent of the capital methods. The fuiness of its suc- From the standpoint f employ- cost of distribution fdcilities and cess wili depend upon the ful co- rnent, bie said that it had been meet any losses, should tbey oc- operation of ail parties concerned: estimated that the services of cur, fromn reduction of service the Commission, the farmer and 5,000 men would be required dur- charges and unification of rural the electricai supplier. Hydro wili ing eacb of the five years by the rates sbowed its intention of con- do its part by barnessing the Commission and the electricalinii- tinuing its policy of assisting the horsepower and delivering it to dustry to complete tbe plan, extension of rural electrification the farmer-and it wili help bim Empbasizing the magnitude of service. to obtain the fullest possible use the Commission's five-year plan The success of tbe plan was of this low-cost electrical ser- for rural Hydro development, Mr. based upon the closest co-opera- vice." Chailies pointed out that at the tion among the Commission, the Wben the present Government present time only 55 per cent of farmer and the electricai supplier. took office, Mr. Chailies said, the Ontario farms capable of receiv- It had been estimated, Mr. Chai- Government had given certain undertakings in confection with ______________Hydro. So far as rural operations were concerned, they bad under- taken to eliminate the farm ser- fa: vice charge, extend tbe benefits pu of Hydro to as many farmiers as fiE possible and adjust rural rates irj upon a just and equitable basis. A Fe . D r p ýlThese promises, Mr. Challies said, thi Up Each Nostril Quickly Relieve he could point with pride to their l Stufines ofCatr ein:: th bad gone beyond its original un- ai, dertaking in that it had not oniy th( Speiaize M diajin ork Fstcharge but bad cut the hamiet ai, r Speialied M dicaion orksFastservice charge by 50 per cent, cf- M Right*%Were, Trouble Jst fecting an annuai saving of $500,- 1 Se000. Continuing, bie told the H Soothing relief fron stuffy, painful distress of acute Gatar House that this year rural line reE cornes fast as Va-tro-nol spreads through the nose, reduces ext0 r eni ntwii shonanrincroaseim swollen rmembranes--soothes irritation, relievesiof500percennov19cnstucton i congestion, helps flush out cold-clogged nasal of S 43~b passages. Makes breathing VA-Tr T stand on your own feet it is Hu Itry itl Follow directions in package. LWIUWh-N not necessary to step on anybody tbE ceise's tocs. L Sueeessor To J. J. Mason & Son Phone 681 Ring st. Bowmanville IN TH DM ND Mr. and r. Arthur Bailey and f Mrs. Fred Bailey motored to t DISTANT PAST Windsor to visit her daugbter. g Mr. and Mrs. Norton VanCamp h. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO and family, Listowell, with rela- ti April 8, 1920 tives here. h JonDarch has rented his a Jam o Ed. Weatherilt and has Haydon t ýurchased the fine "Beacons- eld" property, corner of Well- EatrVsos:M.nd rswt ngton and Liberty Sts. DogaseFontaine, Tro ndo Mrsw ie brick residence, corner of Mr. A. McNeil's. .. Mr. and Mrs. ai oncession and Manvers, occu- Stan Woolings, Mr. and Mrs. Ken I Led by Alpha Pinch, for his bro- Anstic, Toronto, at Mr. H. Ash- w her, Wm. Davidson. ton's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cow- ul C. J. Haliman, proprietor Glove ling and son, Blackstock, at Mr. bE Ld Mitt Co., has purchased from A McNeil's. .. Mr. Fred Castle,- le Quick estate the vacant store iss Grace Trewin, Toronto, Mr. ixt east of the Statesman office Fred Martyn, Miss C. Trewin, md store occupied by Markus Bowmanville, Miss Verna Trewin, , layer on King St. Miss Gladys Kersey, Oshawa, Mr.O M. J. Huttchinson, son of Win. H. Ashton, Enniskiilen, Mr. W. utchinson, north of town, bas Stainton, Toronto, Rev. H. Stain- I signed bis position as business ton, Mimico, at Mr. Wm. Tre- I nanager of the Edmonton Bulle- win's. . . Mr. and Mrs. George I in and will bead an urganization King, Oshawa, at Mr. Bertrim's I nng formed to estabiish a chain.. . Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormiston, u ýf confectionery stores. M r. Enniskiiien, at Mr. Lloyd Ash' 0 futchinson previously worked.on ton's. .. Mrs. John Ross, Mr. and I Le Peterboro Examiner, Regina Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, To-O ,ader and with the MacLean ronto, at Mr. E. Bradiey's. Mrs. f >blishing Co., Toronto. Ashton and children remaîned I H. H. Todgham, Walkervilie, at- for the holidays. . . Mr. and Mrs. I nded the funeral of his niece, Earl Tbompson and Larry, Mr. I Lta Clemens. and Mrs. W. Bridgett and family,U Miss Agnes K. Haddy, for over Mrs. George Osmond, Mrs. Edith /2 years on The Statesmnan staff, Luesby, Bowmanville, Mr. and 0~ as gone to Toronto tà attend Mrs. Roy Thompson and family, 0 liott Business College. Leskard, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O Roy H. Rickard, B.A., has been Thompson and family, Mr. and f alied to the position of general Mrs. Roy Chater, Mr. Glen I zretary of the University Y.M. Thompson, Toronto, Mrs. Roland I .A., Toronto.so Thompson and Karen, Enniskill- I Enniskiilen: W. J. Ferguson en, at Mrs. W. Thompson's. .. Mr. s bought the farm, of Benjamin Ross Asbton witb Mr. and Mrs.0 oweli, Enfield. . . Harvey Mc- W. Brownlee, Leaside. .. Stoker I il bas gone West. . . Mr. and Donald Thompson returned to :rs R. McNeil have moved to Halifax after embarkation leave O arlnon:Lwsuibs. Cpi. A. C. Ashton, Holland, Darlngto: Lwis rullhassent flowers to bis mother and d his farm on the lake shore to wife for Easter, whicb were taken n. Bennett. with others to the churcb for Solina: C. E. Shortridge, Sam Easter Sunday. sh and A. J. Balson have in- Our pastor, Rev. E. H. Unstead, 0 illed telephones. gave a fine Easter message Sun-0 ~OTER ARDN'Sday afternoon. 0 ý;OTHR WAREN'SThose on the sick list in the OCLAMATION COMIES village are improving. LIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Carson Childer- tbedisusson on-hose and family, Bowmanville, Apropos ofthdicsono- Mrs. Margaret Wright, Mr. and rning acclamations accorded Mrs. Ross WrightadbbOk rdens of the United Counties w. ht r.An baby, Oak- mes a memo to the editor from eh ultn o0a wr ilf ,rge Miller, Bethesda, wbichB eid h is we tMr.A veals that bis father, tbe late Bebs .n Miller, Reeve of Haldimand f vnsbip, was acclaimed to the et to irden's chNrstni1904 From the official minutes of 0 itime cornes the following: Visitors: Miss Marjorie Mc-0 [oed by Mr. Spence, seconded Claren, Cedardale Scbool, witb O Mr. Ferguson: That John Miii- ber parents at Orono . . . Miss f of No. 5 County of Northum- Katharin Simpson, Caesarea I .and Division be Warden for Schooi, witb ber parents at Cow- I Syear 1904." anville. .. Miss Jean Malcolm, I rbhere being no other nommia- Providence Scbool, witb ber par- I rthe Clerk deciared Mr. Miil- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Malcolm. . . 1 ilected Warden for 1904. After Mr. Frank Emerson, Toronto, O SWarden made the declaration with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs.0 office, bis mover and soconder M. Emerson. . Mr. Henry Tbomp- 0 ieyed bim. to tbe Chair wben son, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Job- f tbanked tbe Councii for tbe lin witb ber brotber, Mr. Norman I ior conferred upon him. Ex- Malcolm, Blackstock . . . Mrs. t from. minutes, January ses- Panke and Mvarilyn, Green River, 11904." with Mrs. Alex Mairs. .. Miss I 'e late Neil McNaugbton was Mary McCosline, Kincardîne,M rk at that time and one of the witb Miss Jean Malcolm. ' * Miss 0 remaining, living members Margaret Steele, R.N., London, f the Counties Councii in tbose with bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0 ,is Ex-Reeve Thomas Baker, Wmn. Stece.. Mr. and Mrs. Har- f ina, wbo no doubt will recali old Nesbitt, Garry and Ross, I event and the occasion. Bowrnanviile, witb bier parents, I Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Porteous. . . I ~ Mrs. Hector Taylor, Uxbridge,D ion, D~arlingtonA and Pte. Bruce Taylor, Toronto, hursday evening neighbors witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs O 'ered at the borne of Frank J. J. Bruce. .. Miss Myra David- I )re and presented tbemn with son, Lindsay, Miss Jean Fowier 0 .nd table and a cushion, before and Miss Jean Lucas, Toronto, f ing to Tyrone. The evening wîth Mrs. Wesley Campbell. . .l spent in dancing and playing Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thompson, I Is.Oshawa, and Mr. Merle Tbomp- I rand Mrs. Alymer Herring, son, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs.U awa, Miss Lorraine McGregor, Wm. Tbompson, . . Mr. Jas. Mar- le Grove, at Williamn Wot- shall, Isabel andi Norreli, Janet- O S. ~ville, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Emer- 0D rand Mrs. Leslie Wotten and son, Toronto, at Mr. Malcolm 0 [y, Miss Clara Griffin, Osh- Emerson's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Nor- f at Mr. Richard Griffin's. man McNaily and Miss Verna, f rand Mrs. Cecil Rabm and Coîborne, witb Mr. and Mrs. I .Bill Stevens, Bowmanville, Stanley Malcolm. .. Bill Mollard, I r. Frank Moore's. R.C.A.F., Moncton, N.B., witb Mr.U rand Mrs. James McLaugb- Laurence Malcolmi.1 3urketon, at Mr. Russel Me- Sorry to hear Mrs. Fred Craw-0 ghiin's. ford, in Toronto, is very sick. 1% ~en on leave to Engiand but is fear 0f reproach, opposition or the kind people who are doing 50 conternpt.-S. G. Goodrich. Alex. Gilbert General Merchant Blackstock, Ont. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Norman McNally and Verna, Coîborne, wîth Mrs. Jos. Forder. .. Mrs. Fred Bailey with Mrs. Geo. Mc- Laugblin in Toronto. . . Miss Gwynetb Marlow, Toronto, witb ber parents. .. Misses Helen and Mabel VanCamp witb their par- ents. .. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gra- ham and Verena, Toronto, with Mr. an-d Mrs. Russell Mountjoy ...Misses Pearl and Kathleen Wright with their parents. .. Mrs. R. Bruce and Miss King with Mr. and Mrs. G. Strong. Relatives and neighbors met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Moiîntjoy on Thursday evening, to enjoy a social time before they move to their new borne in Peter- horo. A presentation of an elec- tric table lamp and an iron was made. Best wisbes for their bap- piness is extended by the com- munity. Russell Mountjoy's sale of farm imPlements an-d stock was March 27, and everything sold well. The United Cburcb W.A. bad a booth and cleared a nice sumn of money for their society. Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Sanderson, Ray, Harry and Betb, Toronto, witb relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Carley and April Keane of Cavan, at Mr. Clarence Mariow's. Mrs. Jim Douglas with Mrs. W.t A. VanCamp.E Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hoimes,1 Ottawa, witb relatives here. Mrs. Frank Carter and children, Bowmanviile, with ber sister,t Mrs. Louis Henry.V Mrs. Jack Marlow witb berf daugbters in Toronto. ý Botb the Good Friday anid the0 Easter Sunday services were wellJ attended [n the Anglican and 1 Blackstock fi A ol Ji si Cadmus Special Easter service at Caè mus Cburcb sbowed a good ai tendance. A quartette, Mis B1irdie Fallis and Mr. Frank Wal ters of Oshawa, Mr. and Mr. Clare Fallis of Torontp, providei the music. Easter Visitors: Miss Leah Mc Quade, Oshawa, at 0. McQuade' ...Miss Helen Fowler, Mrs. G Blair and Diane, Osbawa, at Geo Fowler's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ciari Fallis and Joan at their cottage. . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown, To. ronto, at their cottage. . . Mis. Marjorie Galbraith, Peterboro ai H. A. Galbraitb's. . . Mrs. Bihl Robinson, Toronîtu, at E. GibsonV, ....M isses June and Thelm a Sweet, Toronto, at W. Sweet's.., Miss Birdie Fallis and Mr. Frank Waiters at C. H. Fallis'. .. Misses Muriel and Zetta McKee, Osbawa, at S. McKee's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gibson and son at Charles Gibson's. . . Misses Lucile, Ilecm and Muriel Hyland with their parents. MIRS. J. CARTER, BURKETON, SURE WAR SOON OVER In a letter to the editor written Vlarch 27, Mrs. J. Carter, Burke- ton, who is working at the D.IL. plant at Ajax, tells ber belief bhat the war will soon be over and encloses a letter froni ber son Robert, now fighting iii Germany. Ehree sons of Mr. and Mrs. Carter joined up in this war. Roy is believed killed in action last June vhile George and Robert are now ighting w it b Montgomery's Army in Germany. The latter observed bis 2Otb birtbday on January 27. Robert's letter contains con- siderable mention of personai and îmily affairs but among other tings be says: I amn stiil on tbe ,o, feeling fine and in the best of 'ealth. Sorry n ot to have bad me to do much writing for we 'ave been pretty busy. Receiv- id your parcel with the grey sox ind At was lovely. Also got Ethel's )arcel witb the honey in it s0 he boys and I bad a real good ceat. We share aIl parcels for ve bave no room to carry tbem. Please give my tbanks to the everal ladies who bave sent gifts id tell tbem I wiii write when get t1me. Had a letter fromn Ross vho is close by and will look him [as soon as I can. George bas Wbo, then, is the invincible man? He whom nothing that is outside the sphere of bis moral purpose can dismay.-Epictetus. Moral courage is a virtue of bîgber cast and niobier origin than physical. It springs from a consciousness of virtue and ren- ders a mari, in the pursuit or de- fenise of rigbt, superior to the Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co., Lt. Announce 2 NEW Features' le We eau Roof your Housse 2. We eau Insulate yrour Housse Before we only delivered the goods. Now we do; a complote and satisfactory job from start to finish. WE HAVE THE AGENCY __ FOR THE FAMOUS oA0ffAI T Dflà PRODUCTS We have a good assortment to fi your requirements. There 's no better roofing made than the Toronto Asphait Products. WE HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL IN SECURING THE AGENCY FOR Airseal Rockwool Kasulation By actual test and wear this has proven to lie one of the best insulation products manu- factured. We now have the agency for the BEALTITE ROCKWOOL INSULATION, which Company lia been doing mucli splendid work in Bowmanville the past wnter. Drop li and see us today about having your home insulated properly. Saves fuel ini the wxnter and keeps you cool in the summer. LU M BER ldy ie Wtot biato - s i m t s Gl d y Gi e W t o t b i at o Sheppard & Gi Lumnber Co., Ltd. King St. East Phone 715 iO g o. e 'i i g -DO i N g o O i g aO g aO g aO or NEFAD A NEW DIET? WREN THE DOCTOR 'iputs you on a diet" it may lie because your pre- vious regular diet was un- balanced. Insurance is something like this I Too often a person regularly renews the same amownt of insurance each time without figuring that a change in values cails for revision of insurance. How about you? 'i Stuart R. lames i un ter 2%, hw Ell cal' sec C..P has Poc Gil Mn Ha3 sold Wrr Bus stal. ANI AC( TO Another Hydro Rate Reduction For Ail Rural Consumers A further Rural rate reduction from 4c to 3½/c per kilowatt hour on the first block of energy used in any one month by Ilydro Rural consumers, will go into effeet on ail bis rendered on or after May lst, 1945. This Rural rate reduction will mean a saving of appro- ximately $300,000 a year to Flydro Rural consumers. The New Uniform Rate Structure IWrnlIBe: 3 1-2e per kilowatt hour for first block of energy. (formerly 4c) 1 6_10c per kilowatt hour for second block of energy. 3-4e per kilowatt hour for ail additional energy. No service charge on Farm Service . .. a service charge of 56c gross per month on Hamlet service. The more Hydro you use the less it costs on the av- erage per kilowatt hour. Increased use therefore brings lower costs. The important revisions in Ru- ral rates, made effective in January 1944, have re- sulted in a greater use of energy, enabling the Com- mission to further reduce the cost of electricity to Hydro Rural consumers in Ontario. TUE HYDRO»ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO ceri Wai of1 con Ge< rev( Job: Tom~ war Fi that "~Me by:1 erc berl the tion, er e the of c be1 honc tract sion, Th Cicr] few of tl days Solin the( Ur Th- gathE Moon an er Movi wasi cards Mr Osha, Map], ten's. Mr famil awa, Mr Mrs. at Mi Mr. lin, E Laugi m MR HOUSE CLEANING SPECIAL ... 1 COME IN AND SEE OUR QUALITY WORK BOOTS E xtra Speclal at - ------- ----------------- - ------------- $3.98 PAINT BRUSHES - Loads of them - Some Pure Bristle Choice Quality MACARONI ----- -------------- 2 lbs. lOc ROLL ROOFING - 35 lb. roll!------------------------------------------ ------- -----$1.50 45 lb. roi!----------------------------------------- 1.98 5-- b.-oi--- - - - - - ----$-5 Red & White TOMATO UICE 2 % size tin ------- -------------------------- - 2 for 25c SPECIAL VALUE - 5 Bars Lelys Hand Soap --------- 23c Choice quality Hand Packed TOMATOES Large Tins ------------------------------ ------------------ 2for 23e Limit-4 tins to a ustomer Rapid-FIo FILTER DISCS--------------------------------- 35e box Why flot use the best Insurance and Real .Estate THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO 9 1 back again. He was visiting at much to make a serviceman's life jTorquay, Devon, after 9 montbs' more picasant. It is truly grati-, steady fighting. Was quite pleased fying to know wherever we sal to ear George Wolfe got the we are not forgotten. M.M. but bave not heard what for 1 arn 19 and my home is in the yet. north of England. There is a lot I guess it wili soon be spring I must leave unsaid or the censor again witb work starting in the would bave to use bis scissors. garden. Well this is a poor place Again many thanks and lots of for writing s0 will close for now good luck in the grand work you with love for ail. God bless and are doing. keep you, ROBERT.,- N. STRAKER, O.H.M.S. 33e each a Soldier's Letter From N. Straker, O.H.M.S., England: Writing to Mrs. C. H. Ma s on, Division St., Seaman Straker expresses bis tbanks for' ditty bag received. "Today 1 arn the very grateful recipient of on e of your very useful gift bags, the contents are everything a sailor desires. May I express in some small way my tbanks to you and General Merchant Blackstock, Ont.

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