THURSDAY, APRIL l2th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN ----- ---- Lovely Wedding Solemn ized at Trinity United Church, S aturday *SOCIAL AND PERSONAL____ Phone 663.. Mr. George Gray, Burlington, Mrs. Arthur Frank and Mrs. D. 1.î is guest of Sgm. Bill'Edger. Selby Grant. Mrs. Oscar Janmiloh*," Bobby Mrs. Harry Foster has returned and Allun, PeterËbod,'were Easter home after spending two weeks visitoý,s with Mrs. Herb Jamieson. with her sisters, Mrs. F. A. Haddy LICI. Jeliva Newman, C.W. and Mrs. W. N. Tilley, Toronto. A.C., North Bay, is home on leave Mrs. Aldon Wheeler entertain- ,J with hier parents. ed Mrs. Stella Anderson of New- j 'v- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Moyse, castie, Mrs. H. C. Higginbothamr, Toronto, spent the week-end in Whitby, and Mrs. John Hyde, To- towri with relatives and friends. ronto. Sgt. Gerald Beynon, R.C.A.F., Mrs. John Thompson, Oshawa, Parry Sound, is spending a brief Mrs. Orville Hooper and Mrs. leave with friends in town. Fred Lyle, town, spent the week- Mrs. F. Cator is home after end with relatives and friends in spending the winter with her son Toronto. and his family in Windsor. Tpr. H. W. Overy, son of Mr. ~MissGladys Jamieson, R.N. and Mrs. J. Overy, bas left Camp &indso, vstd e"oheMs Borden for Camp Shilo, Man., ,.4e Milton Jamieson. where he will take up training Mr. Charles Carter, Sr., was a with the Paratroopers. visitor at Winghamn on organiza- Mrs. Nora Paterson, Oshawa, tional business for the Independ- was a visitor with hier sister, Mrs.j ent Master Bakers' Association. Winton Bagneli, King St., and for Mrs. Arthur J. Frank was a the Easter holiday. LAC W. delegate from Bowmanville to the Bagneli was home on leave from O.E.A. Convention held in the London Depot, R.C.A.F. Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Misses Jean Crossman, Marion Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy Foley, Thelma Freeman, Alne and Doreen attended the funeral Northcutt, Doris Dudley and of teirunce, r. Jhn avionHelen Pritchard attended the an- a!thMeifr uce .Jh Dvsn nual convention of Oshawa Pres- at Meford.bytery Young People's Union beld Mrs. E. Ott and Sally have re- in Blackstock. < turned from two weeks' visit with Mrs. Milton Corson, formerly lier mother, Mrs. E. McNulty, Margaret Somerscales, has join- Montreal. ed the C.W.A.C. at Kingston. Her Sgm. Bill Edger, MvL 060, R.C.N. husband has been serving with V.R., Halifax, N.S., is enjoying 28 the Canadians in Italy. Mrs. days leave with his parents, Mr. Corson is spending a brie! leave and Mrs. W. A. Edger. at home with hier sister, Miss Rose Somerscales, Peterboro. ; Mrs. Maud Harris and Mrs. H. E. Tuck, Toronto, were guests o! Miss Anne Pingle, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pingle, was Miss Mary Ruth Jamnes, dauh-Man, R.C.N.V.R., son of Mr. and to iht are sbown: Don Jenner V.R., groom; Mary Ruth James, Liberty St. honored witb a miscellaneous ter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.W James Mrs. H. G. Hoffman, Kitchener, in'andFrd oleuhs;Jnbie;MgatStrymid! shower at the home of Mr. and o! Bowmanville was married to a pretty wedding in the United Rumpel, groomsman; Lieut. (E) bhonor; Louise Skutezky an d Mrs. Floyd Beckett, Ennis- Mrs. B. Pingle, Hampton, April Lieut. (E) Ward Roderick Hoff- Church on Saturday. From left Ward Roderick Hoffman, R.C.N. 1 Peggy Couithard, bridesmaids. killen, received word Wednesday 4. About 30 relatives and friends marning that bier busband has were present to express their orrveseasCfordtwo fyer s brfod ideto h voed hr ap- WeFred Homer, Burlington, and Don BRIDE ELECT GIVEN MANY one o! congratulatary happiness ovrsasfo to ers bid-t-b hovoce lera- vwý%.d in sJenner, Gaît. SHOWERS BEFORE WEDDING and good will. Representing Bowmanville at preciation for the useful gifts re- ____ At the reception at the Bal- Miss Louise Skutezky, Toronto,1 ahnvchoe Aoition fOtroHomeldat Ate mrig evcei HOFFMAN-JAMES moral Hotel, the bride's mother During the week prior to her former student with Miss Jamesi and chol Asocitio hel at At he mrnig srvic inSt.receîved the guests in an em- marriage to Lieut. Ward Hoffman at Ontario Ladies College, was the Royal York, Toronto, April Andrew's Church on Sunday, Trinity United Church, Bow- broidered orchid crepe gawn, in Trinity United Cburcho also a bostess at a personal show- 3 and 4, were Mrs. Tom Buttery, April 8th, the service o! Baptism mnilwstecnr fa-wt osg fpn oe n ne nhraatetweegr was conducted by Rev. W. G. manville, wasTthe centre o! at- with a corsage o!tpinkmroses and e in er aaendwhresiral: Blake, when he baptized his little traction for a brilliant sca we es h ro' ohr pi ,Ms ubJmswsfinsi social admusca also receiving, wore a fuchsia bonored in a series o! showers circles !oregathered with many el. grandchild, Richard Andrew, son event o! the season on Saturday, crepe ensemble with a corsage o! arranged by girl friends and stu- beautiful gifts and expressions o! !Mran Mr.HS.Baeo! April 7, 194, he Miss Mary white carnations and sweet peas. dent asoites*n Toronto ad Iesteem nil a aiso THE Hamilton. Attending the service Ruth James, onîy daugbter of Mr. The wedding cake was cut by gilIndldiso Bowmanville maeny ladit heho e o! from out o! town were, Mr. and and Mrs. Geo. W. James, becamne the bride with a sword which was grsadlde !Bwavletetw aet h oeo b EVANGE ISTIC rs. Jon F. Genneyand Mis the ride o Lieu. (E) ard band district.oom Theseheasocialricather-esoMissesthEthelsss andhHelen Hl Morrisisto EVANGEISTIC rs. Jon F.HaGlennyo n M is s thE.oeride Ho Lieut. (E) Ward ruht h gomfrmteings were cîimaxed w i th a receive and bonor the bride-elect, TAB3ERNACLE FBlGkeney amt.Gon r.W E oeik ofa, .a scene o! action in wbich he took trousseau tea held at bier home on to a!!eî" congratulations and to Ontrl SretNothak ad ap. oronBlke, son o! Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hoff-~ part with the Canadian Navyin Wednesday, April 4th. express their esteemn with a OtroSreNrh Toronto, ail a! wbom were week- man o! Kitchener, Ontario. the invasion o! France on "D" I oot isJmswse-soe ito lgn pd SU D Y-end guests o! Rev. W. G. and Mrs. The churcb was filled with Day. .ITernatoa innJaer asoer- chin ow add t ofabegautifu dn SUNDAY- ~~Blake at the Manse, Queen St. friends o! tbe bride and family, For the wedding trip t.weriedtbeauresin ber ass at ner seat. d oabatfldn A few weeks aga bis former and grouped centrally before the S-we tenrsinlrcasa e e. 10 a.m. - Bible Sehool schoolmates were glad to wel- nuptial altar were the invited John, N.B., the bride chose a waol Toronto General Hospital gather- On Wednesday, April 4, Mrs. came Junior Neal back ta town, guests and relatives o! both bride dressmaker suit of Arctic sea ed, to wisb bier bappiness and to James gave a trousseau tea when il - Worship h was on bis embarkatian and groom, T b e artisticaîîy b lue, matching t6pcaat w i t h present a lovely parlar îamp. le agtrrcie irmn 7.30 p.m. - The pastor leave a!ter completing bis train- blended floral decorations in- platinum fox collar, black acces- At the home o! Mrs. Leslie M. girl friends and married ladies. will preach from the ing in Alabama. Junior bas been ciuded candelabra iîîuminating saries, and a corsage o! pink rase- Keitb, Toronto, cousin o! the__________ text a consistent reader a! The States- taîl standards o! white snap- buds. !amily, many friends came ta en- "WHEN THE SON 0F man since bie le!t tawn, in. fact dragons b a n k e d with pink After the haneymaan tbe bride jay a social evening in honor a! The cansciousness o! goad in- MWAN SHALL.COME IN all the Neai family are regular hydrangeas witb cut !lowers ar- returns ta Toronto General Hos- tbe bride-elect wbere a lovely tentions is the greatest salace in RIS GLORY" subscribers. For the benefit o! ranged in beautiful association. pital where she will graduate in crystal shower made the occasion mis!ortune.-Cîcero. -Matt, 25:31 those who wish ta write Junior Rev. J. E. Griffith, pastor o! May with the nursing class with _______________________________ here is bis latest address: Pvt. Trinity United Cburcb, perform- which she bas been assaciated in Yau ar<e eordially invlted 1C, Munrae A. Neal, Jr., 40294771, ed the marriage ceremony and training for the past three years. Infantry Prcht. Ca. 1 C, 2nd Plat., Mrs. Reta Cale Dudley, L.T.C.M., After furlaugb, Lieut. Haffman hear this important message O.P.A. No. 15920, cia Postmaster, former music teacher a! the bride, will rejoin the personnel a! the 1New York, N.Y. played the wedding music. The Canadian Corvette, H. M. C. S. solaist was Miss Donalda Creasser "Fort William" which was in dis- _______________________________________________Prayer" while the united couple will continue on active duty pend- knelt an the satin cushion during ang ultimate decisians in the At- the soleminities o! the wedding lantic and Pacific spberes o! the I e prayer and "At Dawning"' durîng present conf lict. the signing a! the register. The bride is a graduate o! On- I e SP E C IA L SGiven in marriage by bier taria Ladies College, Wbitby, and fl-ed th ivory satin, fashion- servatary af Music, while the L W S Aylme Appe Juie 2 or 1 ed ing tight basque and sweep- groom is a graduate in Mechanical PRICES I Ai o îai Ayler ppl ounsetskrtEngineering EninerigUontverivesitty bodice was a deep aval yake o! Toronto. P IE D % I OWt iai Gold Medal Tomato Juice........................... 2 for 17c sh e e r marquisette, enicrusted _______________________________ witb a scallaped flair. Her full LEE-NORWICK OTHER TONICS lengtb veil o! tulle illusion was Banquet Puipkin ..................................................2 for 17o caught to a velvet petalled Juhiet Easter lilies and carnations0 Maitievol, Horner's cap studded with pearis, and she formed a pretty setting Tbursday j Ayhner Peas, 4's ...... ........... .................... for 25c carried a bouquet a! Rapture morning, April 5, in St. Jseph's Toneka, an herbai rei roses and white sweet peas. Church, Bowmanville, for the B rokBodBte She was attended by Miss Mar- marriage o! Stella Betty Norwick, Canned Tomatoes................................................. 2 for 23c garet Starey o! Toronta as maid daugbter a! Peter Norwick, To- li uk e a a. A Wampoils Extract _________________________________________ of hanor, and Misses Louise ronto, and the late Mrs. Norwick, beaLcyNewTet.rihermIs 6U Iaer- rn itm Skutezky and Peggy Coulthard a! ta Francis Joseph Lee, R.C.A.F., ccnret.rghesie4 è dfe rn&Vtm Heinz Tom.ato Boup ................................................3 for 27e Toronto, as bridesmaids. They Edmonton, Alta., son a! Mr. and ________________________________________ were gowned alike in flaar-length Mrs. G. W. Lee a! Bawmanville. Heinz Vegetable Boup ..................................... 2fr2o lwre htemruietstl $1.7.5.Cfeyofcitdan 17 similar ta the bride's gown, witb Miss Lillianne Naylor played the 11111 eua o taffeta slips in mauve, yellow and wedding music.VI -R Yeulr$ fo Maxwell Coffee, 1 lb . ......................................... 45C rase. Each wore a matching Given in marriage by ber bro- ____________________________________________ petalled Juliet cap witb shoulder- ther, Alex Norwick, Wbitby, the S E lengtb veil. They carried cascade bride wore a pwder blue suit, Rglr matcbing colors. and veiling, with corsage o! pînk Good Potatoes, per bag ......................................$.65 John Rumpel, Kitchener, was rases, and g o 1 d heart-shaped best man, and the ushers were bracelet, the gi!t o! the groam. AU Pre omeReneredLar (or on mae) 5c,2-2o Wttending the bride was er sis- AilPue om Rndre Lrd(ou on iae)15M -2r ter, Miss Anne Narwick o! Port.- For compiete sales, pp#s and service, customers are as- bac wtîli cksVapoRub at bed- shower given in ber hanor at the tinie. Then... se.flow thia !a.m- home o! Mrs. Lee. sured of prompt, courteous and efficient service. ly tandby Soes to work instanUy -2wayatouc-to relleve cough- Ing spamu, ease muscular ore- nema or tightnes-brlng grand W. G. Smith, 110 Hillcraft St., relief from distresai Ita othlng O evenings phory eof the cald isUICq ppe rm Bowmanviile witb t AR ECR ADE Telehon 44 ornoo1sfi4 692gane.Tryittanight, VAPO un unbiased reports, thus ke4ingi _________________________________________________its readers Infôrmned... SUCCESSFUL RED CROSS PARTY Lawrence Brown, son o! Mr. and Mrs. David Brown conducted a very successful bazaar and party at his home. Carlisle Ave., on Wednesday afternoon, April 4, in behal! o! the Red Cross. The varied program o! entertaioment included a draw, bingo, refresh- ments and home-made cooking boaths and a pony ride for the kiddies with Reeve R. R. Stev- ens' famaus Shetland panies. The net proceeds for the Red Cross will be $50.00. Prize winners for draw were: Mrs. Lambert, came- ra; Jim Levitt, Miss Kathenine Stewart and Miss Mae Bottreil, each a flashlight. Miss Yvonne Hawley who posed as Miss Red Cross, the mystery lady, also was awarded a flashlight. Mrs. Brown and Lawrence wisb ta express their grateful thanks toalal who assisted in making this patniotic affair such an unquali!ied success. A special "thank you" goes ta the merchants wba cant ri b ute d pnizes, etc. Obituary JOHN NESBIITT A farmer at Cartwrigbt fan tmany years, John Nesbitt died at his home at Bethany, Apnil 8, in bis 96th yean. ]Born and educated at Cart- wright, he began farming at Val- encia. Some years later be sald bis Valencia propenty and bought another f a r m at Cartwright where he resided until he retired 23 years ago. He is survived by two sons and two daugbtens, six grandcbildren and four great grandchildren. His sunviving children are Lloyd o! Port Arthur, Reginald o! Nestle- ton, Mns. Robert Morton and Winnifred Nesbitt o! Betbany. Thnee others predeceased the father, sans Charles and George, and an infant daughter. The grandcbildren include H. Nesbitt, John, Maurice, Craig and Charles Morton. Grand-daugh- ters are Mabel, Mrs. Robent Doak, and Manjonie, Mrs. Blythe Marri- son. Great grandchildren are Danothy Doak, Nancy Mornison and Ross and Gary Nesbitt. Mn. Nesbitt was active and in- terested ta the last and attended church services Easter Sunday., He will be remembered as a staunch. Canservative and an An- glican in religion. He was twice marnied, first ta Miss Thamasina Willan and after ber deatb took as bis bride ber sister, Miss Grace Willan. At the funeral which was held fram the family home for inter- ment in Riverside Cemetery, Lindsay, a large. gatbening o! fniends and former neighbors came !rom the !arming communi- ties whene he had been so well known. .This is subscription time. b.w High lth UNG TONIC i -,16 oz.$10 .......$2.00 medy....$L.OO s.........98e .~$1.00 in B-i....$1.25 Wlllam's Pink Plls 50e Chase's Nerve Food ------- 60c, $1.50 SWampole's Phospho Lecithin - .$1.00 Ironlzed Yeast 98e BARGAINS.. Plnkham's Comp. 87c Metal Lunch Kits---63o A.S.A. Tablets 100's --------- ----- 19C $2.25 Lactogen ---$1.59 Lux Soap ----2 for lc 50e Pinex----------- 32d A.B.S. & C. Tablets ---------------9ge Llfebuoy Soap 2 for Ilc Corega ------- . -23c-39C Roblnson's Barley ---33c The 2nd Mldland Reg't. (Rom.)- ARE HOLDING A DANCE Jaek Galloway's orchestra Sat., April 14 Ail Proceeds for Local Red Cross - Dancing from 9 to 12 - Admission: 50e per person PLAN IT NOW LET US plan a complet. program of insurance which will protect ail your property and possessions against loss'from every in- surabie cause. A few mo- ments of your tume now niay save you hundreds of dollars some day! Don't neglect your insurance pro- tèction 1 Stuart R. lames. 'Insurance and Real .Istate Sucemmor To J. J. Mason & ion Phone 681 Ring St. Bowmanville -J TREAT SEED GRAIN FOR SMUT ... Ceresan ---------------- $1.10, $4.40 Formaldebyde -------- 16 oz. 25e Wake vp yvr Ii;; dean.. y..,.ys.. féet floihtlns fit by fakine "FRUIT SALT" SCRPTIONS A EALY~ DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER Il THURSDAY, APRIL 12th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN