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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1945, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY. APRIL l2fh. 1945 Tyrone . Mr. and Mrs. I.W.Lar~- BIRTHS ENGAGEMENT l n MemoriamMpeGoe with Mr. and Mrs. Gussie Rose- MOYSE-In loving memory of a Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Elnier vear. COLE - Walter and Doris Cole Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Cook of dear wife, Alice Myra Ward, Mr. A. F. Spencer who had an Farrell, New Toronto, Mr. and We welcome Mrs. Mina Hugh-1 wish to announce the birth of Burketon wish to announce the beloved wife of Herbert Moyse, accident a month ago at the Good- son back to the village, having their son, Merle Baderi, at Osh- engagement of their daughter, who passed away April 12, 1944. year plant is now able to leave Mrs. Charlie Johnson, Dorothy, spent the winter with her daugh- awa Hospital, Friday, April 6, Dorothy Lila, t0 George William Oh, what would 1 give t0 clasp the hospital and is resting comn- Wîlma and Drage, Oshawa, Mr. ter in Toronto. 1945. 15-1 Mutton, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. your hand; fortably at. his home in Maple and Mrs. Henry Miller, Lindsay, Mrs. H. Philp and Mr. H. Cam-_______________ Garnet M u t t o n, Bowmanville. Your dear, kind face f0 see; Grove. with Mrs. W. Miller. . . Mr. and eron have both returned home, The wedding will take place inl Your loving smile, your wel- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin, Mrs. Joe Smith, Buffalo, N.Y., from the hospital. __________________ April. 15-1'* come voice, Misses Louie King, Peggy Mc- ,Mr. and Mrs.. Talbert Findley, Syrapathy of this commnfity is _______________ That meant so much to me. Intyre, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Thornhill, with r.LuaVru xed tM.an Mrs. Ralph McLEOD -Died in Newtonville CO MIN G EVENTS No one knows the sifent heart- Walter Symes and son Blle, Port ..Shirley Moffat, Bowmanville, Glaspel in the passing of his on Saturday, April 7th, 1945, _______________ ache, Perry, at Mr. and Mis. R. L. Wor- wifh her aunt, Mrs. Leon *Moore father, Mr. Burton Glaspel. Mary Ann McLeod, aged 97 Th lais0 St nd Only those who have such can den's. ...Mr. and Mis. Russel Virtue Mr. Percy Hayward, Ajax, with years. The funeral was held Chrhe avi g ant.Annir- 0f thegrefhtissore s fLndn Mr. H.nR.AFdrey'sal and Master John Moore with Mr. Mis. Hayward. from the M o r r i s Funeral Cuc r aiga nie- O h re hti on n o odn tM.H .Flys and Mrs. Theo. Down, Lakefield, Chapel, Bowmanville, on Tues- sary Hostess Tea in the Sunday silence Mr. and Mrs. Morley Flintoff, Billy Down returned to his home Mrs. George Rose, Toronto, ]s day, April 1th, at 2 p.m. In- School Room on Thursday, May For the one I loved so well. Jean, Marilyn, Barbara, Grant, at ..Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tennant, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mis. terment Bond Head Cemnetery, 3 Full partîculars later. Reserve - Ever remembered by her Mr. Wes. Cameron's, Zion. Leskard, with Mr. and Mrs. F. L.. Howard Challis. Newcastle. d5atHe.n.1-~ r n Ms .H Cae n son, Danny, Brantford, Mr. and COLE-In Bowmanville, on Wed- Corne f0 the dance at Ennis- BRADLEY-In loving rnemory of Mis. Joe Jagger, David and nesday, April 11, 1945, William killen Community Hall1, Sat., Herbert Earl Bradley, w ho Michael, Misses Jean and Patty Charles Cole, beloved husband A p ri 14, sponsored by the passed away April 13, 1940. Brown, Toronto, at Mis. L. C. of the late Dorothy Grace Oke, Orangemen for the boys overseas. Remembrance is a golden chain Snowden's. agd7 yas Resting at his AI Fletcher's orchestra. Admis- Death tries to break, but ail in Miss Joan Longman, who has A P OI ,S T R . late residence, King St. West, sion35c.15- vain; been with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bowmanville, until noon Fni- An "MfternnTea" (seving a To have, to love, and then f0 Stevens for the past two years, EA Yday, then f0 Trinify United n .ri part, left with her two brothers, Thurs- HIHQUALITY Y TO FIN EST Church for service af 3:30 p.m. salad plate) will be held on n Is the greatest sorrow of one's day, f0 join their parents in Eng- Inferment Bowmanville Cerne day, Apol roi 3Oth, at T rinthun heait. land. They cawhe f0 Canada five INREDIENTS S LICE TEXTURE fery. dySho rm3pm ne h The years may wipe out many years ago. A, number o! their ______auspices o! group "10"' o! the fhings, friends journeyed f0 the station BARRIBLE-Died af the home o!' W.A. Admission 25c. 15-4* But this they wipe ouf neyer- to wish fhem bon voyage. Smith Bros., in Cartwright, o n The memory o! those happy Special W.M.S. service nexf Saturday, April 7th, 1945, Wil- Carda of Thanka days Sunday. liam John Barrible. aged 71 When we weîe ail together. A number o! the young people years. The funeral was held .Mi. Charles A. Johns exfends - Eveî remembered bSy wife, were af Blacksfock over the fromn the M o r r i s Funeral sincere fhanks f0 Dr. Siemon, Dr. son and daughters, sister and week-end attending the Young Chapel, Bowmanviiie, on Sun- Storey, the Superinfendent and brothers. 15-1* People's Convention. WHITE, WHOLE OR day, April 8th, at 4 p.M. In- Nurses of Bowmanviile Hospital0. The amount coilecfed for the CRACED WEATferment Bowmanviile Ceme- and the many fîiends who S0 KING - In loving memory of Red Cross was, Maple Grove tery.15-1 kindiy remembered hlm duîing Privafe A. F. King, No. 745409, $370.25; Base Line $106.00. _____his recent illness. 15-1* 2nd Batf., formerly of ll6th A number o! relatives o! Mi. McINTYRE - In Bowmanville Mr pyadfmlwiht Batt, C.E.F., killed in action at and Mis. Bert Wilkins met af Hospital on April 10, 1945, John MiSpyadfmywsho Vimy Ridge, April 12, 1917, their home to extend gîeetings Mclnfyre, beloved husband of express their sincere thanks to aged 21 years. and best wishes f0 Mi. and Mrs. the lae Margret Ie the many friends and neighbors In oui heaits zour memoîy OWilk Roinson heirma ria e a aged 87 years. F une rae for their kind expressions of sym- lnes ikn)o hi arae f r o mn h i s 1 a f e residence, pathy and floral tributes extend- welner, fn n re r n .Abr rw n Church St., Bowmanviile, on eddrng their recent sad be- TheisntadyeaFak son, Billy, Toronto, at Mr. C. H. Fîiday, April 13. Service at 2 raeeto oigwf n That we do nof fhink o! you. Snwes. M.Bon ad p.m. Interment Bowmanville mother. 151* N matter how heavy the Biliy îemained a few days with Cemefery. Officers and mem Iwudlk otaeti po- N her parents. L R E24Oz bers of Florence Ngtnae Iwudlk otk hsopr burden, Homemaklng Club LOAF Lodge, No. 66, I.O.O.F., kindly mfunity f0 epres to myfind Nomtehwgea the dsar Second meeting o! Maple Grove meet at the Lodge roomn at 1:30mysceeapciio o!he dsir Homemaking Club was held at p.m. f0, attend the funerai o! kindness shown f0 Joan, Ronald Doesn't Heaven seem nearerSevn'whBtyJa ad oui late brother. and John Longman during thei and dearer. Eleanor as hostesses. Roll cali - ~ Ifoui and a hal! yeaîs' stay in To know that oui dear one is was answered by each girl show- 2 for 15e Miss Ruth Lee, daughter o! Mi. Bowmanville. Especially Dr. and there? î ng f w o different vegetables. and Mis. G. W. Lee, Scugog Sft . SemnMiadMi.Rs Myfhwidohavnbw Mildred read material descrîbing has graduafed !rom Oshawa Bus- Stevens and Mi. and Mis. Mc- gently various ways of making vegetable OVEN FESH iess Coilege and has taken a po- Ilveen. Ada E. Darch. 15-1w' O'er thaf sweet and sacred spot, dishes attractive and appetizing. sitin wth he Godyar o.,Though sleeping in a far off I n the kitchen we fried onions, _________________________Dear Frank you are flot foîgot. sfeamed cabbage a nd baked - PROUT-In loving memory o! a - F o n dly îemembeîed by squash. To finish if off we made d e a r husband and father, Mother, Dad. Brothers and Sis- white sauce for the carrots and F000 STOR S Thomas Everson Prout, who fers. 15-1* paîsiey sauce for the potafoes. t j ~~~passed away Api l 3fh, 1943. ________________ The girls served a delicious lunch. B s es Directory "A page in the book o! memory Third meeting was eda OUR OWN Lb. 9 i uin sj is gently turned today." Audrey Gieenham's in form o! a DLACKC TEA% FLAVQURFUL -Too deariy ioved and sadly frwl at o onLnmn - Large Pkg Lga missed ever f0 be forgoffen by Audrey pîesented Joan with a Case _____FUMES___24________ his wife and famiiy. . 15-1* 11, gold locket from the girls. Re- TON. JIJICE Caks3 2.o.2< $2.00W.R SRIEPROUT - In loving memory o!fein a inn t gaveine s Adîe SolE2-o.leCaeBi tr iitorBaNk otreal rgrandpa who passed away " Milded's oe. lddh adai TONATOES TiOCE2naZ. CseB2.i6e4 SolicitrfrBnf onotrar April 3th, 1943. adpesn Fourth meeting was held at FRY'S OCOA - - 3j ~ o f Lani - Phnarone7C.Hs ae i' '~the girls for a lovely supper and FLOtG f ;t Edg. 7.«Lb. Dag 194 24..Lb. Bag 63eB~~~nfi, n~î Are a pleasure f0 recail; as a special guesf oui coach, Mis.' vu l"LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., He had a kindly word for each Walden. Meeting opened by elect- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Barriafer, Solicitor, Notary Public. A-Evde rmbeed by a nd- ..... ing Audrey president, f0 replace INKing Street W., Bowmanville -vrrmmee ygad Joan. Mis. Walden answered the 2ia>U Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 childien, Joyce, Donnie and roll caîl by suggesting the namne flfl!UWlflfl Shirley. 15-1* for oui club, "The Gab 'n Gobble PGLIH QW. F. WARD, B.A., Gais". Mis. Waiden discussed GATS P LISIIBarrister, Solicitor, Notary CORY-In ever loving memory ~ Achievement Day. In the kitchen 24<BlLkBrwn r anBleakleyBlock o! ilam Jf aeCory, beioe 'we stuffed baked pofatoes and 2-L. 9agTin 104. Bowmanville -Ontario husbad o! MttOaaud Crytho M onfons. We made a white sauce Poe:Office 825- House 409 Eastertide o! 1927, on April 14. , .;/ _______________________oui cooking. *mm m** *m Z M........2-t! His presence once my greatest Fi!th meeting was held af CASHMERE BOUQUET Cakes MS PAI OGN pleasure, AREI YOIU Doreen Jeffery's home. Roll cal s u2 119 ISAH 1<OGN His memoîy now my greatest 9wsasee yec ilsg SO P ODEX TOI LET - 2 Cakes lie< Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public freasure. WELL COVERffl? wsigaw ere by eah rg Sml Pg 4 agePg Successor f0 M. G. V. GOULD -Fondiy remembered by his vegetables. Doris, Lenore and toXYD L mI 9< LreP. 22# Temperance St. - Bowmanville Wife. 15-î"' In other words have you Betty were appoinfed a commit- CAMOTS AYLMER DICED 20,oz. Tin 109 Phone 351 34t HALL-In loving memory of a adequate auto insurance tee f0 compose a club song. We DANDE Large ak. erDdWila Hawh foevy emergency? u pre-schooi child and schooi child. Flower or Vegetable Dentist passed aw.ýyApril 15, 1944. We judged menus for schooi DR.J.C. EVNTOne year hhgîpassed, since thaf can obtain coniplete auto- lunches and the faim family. In DR. J C. DVITTsad day CLARK'S BUY REALLV FRESH Alistant: Dr. E. W. SLsson When one we loved was cailed mobile coverage before an the kitchen we made party sand- Graduafe o! Royal Dental Col awy accident, fire or theft, if the schooi lunch and packed the NU HE ONA &P.BO A Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilee God fook him home-if a collnh hnw t h 001q A. é P. BO ~~~~Bdg., Bowxnanville. Office houri His will, yucl srgtnw adihsWt oenslnh COFFEE ~~~9 a.. o .~m. daily, Within our hearts he liveth still Y ci o. snwcesWt oenslnh COFF E 9a.m to12 oonWedesdy, Everremmbeed y Hlda Dont divewithout auto Sour Closed Sunday and Clifford. y 5 * inurnc.Solina Lb. F Phone 790 - House phone 325 ___ *Tins Ira2P X-Ray Equipment in Office GRIFFIN -In memony o! Mrs. ..uljm.a Mi. and Mis. Roy Langmaid, 2____1_____ Melville Griffin lt 93 who died April Charles, Muriel and Helen, Mis. The eth s o!943.o R oyan- L m nIKly G. Stephens, at Foster Snowden's, ___________The___________of___________________Kedron. not tell (Successor to T. H. Kmight) Mn. and Mis. Charles Howsam, e * ~ ~ ! te los !onewe ive 5 Office open mornings 9 to 12 Mary and George, Port Penny; ,ýA &P COM uMERC I UALIT B E FAndwhiésesep e Poel56lBx,64 Mis. L. C. Snowden, Maple Grove, A ~ q And wle e sep ,eaeu hn 55Bx34at Thos. Baker's. TEDR, IC e ep, _______________________ Miss Evelyn Taylor, Bruce Tay- TENDER, ~~~ He emoywesa awy loi, Harold Clendennen, Harvey kn]O S SEer e ________________Hu__- Yellowlees, Ileen Baison affended Everîemebend byHusthe Oshawa Presbytery Y.P.U. band and littie daughfer. 15-1"'*'i Convention at Blackstock last P T RE U ELb. 39% PASCOE-In îoving memony o! "WV OUT"..week-end. SILOOR OUNE Luther Loran Pascoe who pass- 'MAffIPn We welcome Mn. and Mis. John SILONORWIGed away on Apnil 9, 1944. Wu m .. Knox and daughteîs fo the comn- "Oeyeîha ase inef A M 0 W uu..u mýunify. They have moved er Lb. When n tim n One e lov ased wsncled aytlet e.n lifr.Nyo'sf.1 WHEN WE TEST YOUR EYES YOU ASSURED PERFECTr SATISFACTIC FIT AND PRICE FOR SEED GRAIN a cakes Castîle Ceresan Pow#. $1.10, $3.50 2 cakes LlfebuoY Formalin, 1 l----------252caes--PZ FOR HEADACHES Bayer's Aspirin 18, 29, 79 Nycetal -- ---25c, 49e Frosst's ---35c, 75c, $1.50 Anacin - -- -. 22c, 43c, 98e Midol ------- - - -----39C Parladol ------------- 35c, $1 Alka-Seltzer .. 29c, 57e SPRING TONICS Wampoles Extract ---$1 Fellow's Syrup 1.39, 98c lion & Yeast Tabs - 69c Nyal Hypophosphites 98e Burdoek Blood Bitters 98c Nyal Biood Purifier - $1 CREOPHOS The Ideal Tonie Stops Bronchial Coughs $1.00 bottie Chase's Nerve Food - ----- 60c, $1.50 ~g ~ HEALTH SALTS .D.TK Certlfled, i1lb. -59a V E 0 "SEM Divah------------ 29c, 79o . 39 Andrew's Liver' off Salts -------- 44c, 77c Y f Wampole's Grape c a Salis --50 LOW PRICES 1 l b. Absorbent ----39e 3 Lactogen ---69e, $1.59 « 39e ~~~~Pinex -------- - ---------32e Pinkham's ------- 87c CàUG4 S RUP Roblnson's Bariey 32c -49e Hind's ____m -2 for 79e Wake up vour iveij" dogme. yevr aystem» hel flghtlns fit by tolng ENO'! "FRUIT SALT' Films Developed -FREE- 695 COWINGSDRGSTORETrse See Them Today! $6,95 and $8,95. -New cottons to star now and later , Y tuv any place! Pretty lady cottonu -. feminine as frili for date-time! Unruffled casuais for sporý time.. desk-time! And see their budget prices! CWAUoR STORES , MTEJ ARE )N IN lo 01 Now Showing 1945 Cott.ons a.- i e, a t. D PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 12th, 1945 NATIVE GROWN LEAF JMT]K But smuîngae, __ us@thca-hy ot or ou?10 I~W5UULarge a)for you ieff us f0 nemembeTui100% h~AUtx .Headal' 25IBte n none on earth can takte IIIIIIIII ive dlieryguaranteed. Jua lola BRITI8H COLUMBIA mButer ndyouî place. E 4 IiL ehe htTI at BRXTRASHACLUMRAD eggs delivered. A happy home we once enjoy- EXTRA FACY GRADEed, how sweef the memory E 3 ;AJACK HUDSON, ORONO ""plp6Btdeafh has leff a loneliness, PONTYPRCHDON ASARGS -Wneap9fo 2< Bowmanville Dairy' Btthe woîld can never PIL LF.1)L. BYAM, PO TYONE 2- ½ l.b n h s 2 cPhone 446 or 703 - Eveierenbered by.!_________________FL.__A , T RON

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